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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBERS 7, - 190. . J5 fife "i4-v ill- h v la. i vVjv -if Photograph of Mriv Josef Hofraann, rthej Ntw , fYork society woirisn whose stable at Newport was de , stroyed by an incendiary fir last night, She is the wife of the noted pianist.- r " ? 7TrTT CHIMNEY PRISON Thrilling Experience of - Builders in Face of Death. at the toe." was a sentence which every old-time schoolboy learned well, for it . appeared In the school readers of a -. feneration ago. ' It was. the aolutlon found by a quick-witted wife for the problem of rescuing her husband front - the top of - tall chimney. "W hen he had" let down an end of a ravelins; she tied a piece of string to it and event ually sent him up a rope. Something i of the same sort happened' not long agt to. two chimney builders on fitaton la- land; says a writer in the New York Bun. .. " They were up on the top of av bis new. concrete chimney, over 1(0 feet . tall., and started to complete their Job , by tearing; away the scaffolding on the inside as they went down. There was a ladder running all the way down. The men stood on soma planks about 10 feet down from the top. : They ripped up the planks one by tine, and shot them down . insde the shaft. The next to the last H one. however, went a little crooked, glanced from 'the wall,-hit the ladder,: 1. and in a twinkling tore several sections out and left the men standing on a sin gle plank, sis feet long and two feat wide with no means of going up or down, .- v., ; . It was then noon, and foi more than four hours they alternately whistled and shouted in a rain attempt to attract - attention. It was nearly s o clock when another workman happened ta coma into the chimney at the bottom and heard thler erlea. A crowd quickly gathered, -.and. began to wonder what they could do to help. - Meanwhile the priaonera had not been idle; they had torn their , shirts in narrow-strips and made a cops of them, and this they sent down the chimney slowly. " Firemen were soon at hand, and at '.. tached a light lino to the cloth rope, ' and sent It up. The chiefs Idea "Waa .that if they threw It over tha top of tha chimney and let it down to the ' ground,- ha could anchor it there, and they oouM safely allda down tha Inside. ' They threw it over tha top, but there it stuck, fastened in tha "soft" con crate, and soon they could neither pull It toward them nor pay It out; yet they ... dared not trust their weight on It. Fori soma time tha. rescue waa halted, but ' at last another rope waa secured, and MR8.XQAB. : SHE WEARS: TH 1 I '7HlLLarWKT's " ' , ' ' fi!?? I 0W5AY.: GAB.OlDSoX Arte . n A feWosoEap ' hW ' . KlS W 60 THIS li'NT f?J fVSSorl :- 1 ' - ! . I-.' .: "...':.,. I HtLLarWWWS GAB! HOW M YOU, OLD MAM ZHTAA YOVft wire's flf" 'with the line already in hand this was hauled up and thrown over tha chimney rim. It went without sticking, and waa secured on tha outside. The scaffolding that had held in plane was only about 60 feet below the men, but they had uaed ao much of their clothing In making ropes that they were both badly burned in alldlng that dis tance. However, they reached the ground in aafety, and in a few days were back at work again none the woraa for their adventure. - SEA-B1B0S-GAVE-WARNING Their Frightened Cries First Storm Signals to People of Mobile. . From the Memphis Commercial-Appeal. Bea blrda soaring in from Mobile bay sounded tha ttrat not of alarm and In true faul Revere atyla warned the peo ple of that etricken city af the approach of the coast atormv that later brought such ' havoo to life ' and property. Through eoma lnexplalnable atmos pheric condition these sea birds have advance .knowledge of coming storms, and. they invariably seek the shelter of the Inland country. . Not only do they look to their own safety, but they shriek loudly as they aoar to cover and herald their note of warning to man and beaeu - . , , . - . . .. . ... As early as Sunday night tha people of Mobile had given recognition to the first flights of "Mother Carys ohlckens," a rather timorous sea bird, which were coming In droves from the coast and passing Mobile in their early naate for shelter. Monday morning the more eourageouS-guUa-began -to fallow. Jn the i Af the timid "Mother Carve chickens," and later in the day whole! flocka of sellcana brought ud the rear of tha proeeaalon that waa beaded tolr givtt Tha ihi-lir notea or these rngntenea blrda could be plainly heard above the din and noise of tha busy city, and In tha outaklrts their presence bad been widely commented upon and accepted aa a aura forerunner of tha disaster that followed soon after. The people had no further knowledge of tha coming, atorm than that supplied by these aquatic blrde, -but that waa aasursnca enough to satisfy all that a atorm waa invad ing the coast section and that It might take Its course up tha bay.- - . Throughout Monday tha presence oz the frightened birds from the eoaat waa tha feature of conversation.' By Monday night there bad been such a general atorm discussion that the peo ple of Mobile no longer doubted tha storm's coming but only speculated on the time of lta arrival. The day and 'wrgnf'nf "Monday bad been. a period of warning and early Tuesday morning tbs first signs of tha storm were visible. By Ttteaday night Mobil waa a stricken city, tha axteut of life and property loaa still being a matter of muoaUoubt, but aufflclent to have it recorded aa among the notable disasters Of the year. EMIGRANTS' BURIED GOLD How the Treasure Was Turned Up by a Nebraska Fanner. " From the flabetha Herald. We have beard of burled .treasures. but did you over know ' of a case in where one waa found? Well. Jos Pren tice of Hebron, Nebraska, formerly of Babetha, aoma time ago round a burled treasure. ....-.'"' Prentice formerly operated .a. hard ware store In Babetha. Prentice traded the ator to John M. Bvana, now i real dent of Ohio, and got among other things a farm near Hebron,, Nebraska. People laughed at Prentice a good deal because of the farm. -That country waa not considered much of a farming coun try then. When Prentlo got hold' of the farm Evans told him the following atory. "A party of emigrants ware traveling ovar the country in tha early daya to seek .their fortuaaa in the far west. One night near the present site of Heb ron tha party waa attacked by Indiana. A man named Wlloox or Wilson was wounded. Tha Indiana were routed. Tha wounded man waa taken to Fort Kearny, and hla brother was sent for. Wben tha brother arrived the wounded man told ' him as nearly as possible where ha had buried mora than 12,000 during tha night of tha Indian attack. The wounded man died, but tha brother could not unearth the gold. - Later the land where tha money was supposed to be burled passed Into the hands of Evana. - Evan a tried but oould not locate the gold. Prentice paid no attention to tha atory. Soma time ago while ha was grading down tha road near hla house he uncovered on a eteep Incline a rusty can such aa tomatoes and applea are put up In. Opening tha can Prentice counted CONSULTATION fDCC ABSOLUTE O U A RANTB B NO PAY UNLBMS CURBD oaAacowaTwcnoir.- . Surgical . procedure In eases of this chtr . arter waa taught' by my old college . pro fessors a quarter of a century ago, but such a harsh and aavage method Is now re sorted jto generally only by thoae who have not kept pace with . advanced specialty" practice. We abandoned it mors than a ' decade ago, after having discovered and de veloped a aystem of our own. Which gives all the benefits of surgery without Impart ing, the pain and peril that surgery in volves; a bloodless, painless system Of eurlng Stricture, which does not disturb the sound-mucous membrane, but acts only upon tha affected parte. It at tack a and thoroughly dissolves all abnormal growths, dislodging every particle of diseased, hardened or-scarred tissue, whioh oomes away hi strips of shred-like fiber. All unnatural dlacharges are stopped and all Irritation along the. walla of the Urethra and In tha region of the Pros ;tte Glafia, Bladder and Kidneys Is allayed. Every obstruction and inflammatory condition being removed, the whole Urinary tract is left In a state oi perfect health and as free and open as when Nature formed it : St. louisililcdiea! and SurflicaLBispensarjL . OOBBBB SBOOBB ABB TAXZZXT. STBSSTfJ, POBTXABD, OBBOOBT. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Little Liver Pills. Must Bear 8lgnaturo of 5ee Psc-Slatlle Wrapper Below. Tear Hull aad as rOI IEA0ACIL roi oizzixus. rai nuouuut. FOX TCSPIB LIVU. rot CDNSTIPATIDI. roi SALLOW til. rOtTNECOMPLUIOI CURg StCK HCADACHE.' out $1,11.B0 in gold and silver. ' In ad' dltlon to this, - the farm whioh . people Joked Prentice ao morn about la now a very valuable property, e" ,;,., ' What uooess Does. ; There is nothing Ilka a good invest ment . to improve a man a disposition. There Is a farmer near Newport who ia today, thanks to a good investment, a perfect well of bubbling good humor, and yet this man, a year or. two ago. would answer you, when yon spoke to him, like this: . " Tina weather. James,' . V ' " For them aa ain't got to work, air.' "Tour potato field looks well "To them aa ain't got to dig In it' " " 'Well, James, I'm glad your wife's better.' "Them ae don't have to live with her may be,' M . . ff yon have net answered The Jour aal Want Ada lately yon have gotten ant of tones, with tbinga. E TROUSERS r. tetakaaasai CARTERS IB MEN FOR We'll ment Bstablisasd SS Yeare to Fostlaad. , . - " If you are 4 victim of Nervo-Vital -Debility, with all lta dlatressing symptoms, you certainly do not Intend to remain so. Yon have but one life to live. Why not live, it in the full enjoyment of abundant vitality and perfect health t This can be and ia treated and cured by our methods without detaining you from your work. Call end hnve a talk with us about your condition. BOMB TBBATMBBT t To those, who find it Impos sible to visit us, if you will take the lime to write ua explaining your case. In your own words, we will cure you at home, as our home treatment baa cured, bun-', dreda. t :. to p. m.i Evenings, t to tr Sundays, THE DOCTORS WHO CUIlE WB TBBAT ABB OTTBB - .Catarrh and stomach. troubles, nervous dlseaaes, kidney diseases, bladder trou- . bles, heart . disease, diseases of tha stomach and bowels, bronchial or lung troubles, blood diseases, special dlseaaes, . dleeases of the prostate gland, scrofula and all. forma of nervous and chronlo dlseaaes (that are curable). CONSUL TATION FREE. CALL, OR WRITE. , , BOMB CUBXS BT KUL. ' " Do not despair because you live at a distance from the city. Our new system ol HOMB TREATMENT makes It easy to get expert advloo and treatment at home. Their new aystem blank cov ers every symptom of disease, which enables them to diagnose your caae and tell what your trouble la, what can be dona for you' and what the coet of a cure will be. WRITE for their new symptom list and take advantage of the OTTB MOTTO , FREE EXAMINATION. Whether you A tow Fas, Quick Care, Mild -f take treatment or not, th advice coats aad Fsialsse Treatment. .you nothing. . . - Call or Write. WSAZ MSB - W ' If yon suffer from any of the weaknesses or disease caused by Ir W ANt''TO T ALK fUt,0,,-Y0U ARB THE VERT PERSON WE ' bat winr OTjmiD. - We cure you first and then aak a REASONABLE FEE whan you are cured. Tou can depend upon our word; thousands of patients have in dorsed ua NOW WE WANT TO CURE YOU. with t he distinct undir standing that we will not demand a FEE until we cure you. This ap- ' - pllea to lost vigor, organlo weakness, spermatorrhoea, varicocele,, die-' eases of the prostate gland, contracted disorders, strictures, etc.. con- tagloua blood poison and ALL WEAKNESSES OF MEN. .?-.. .' Over BO Fee Cent of Our Cases Save Bssa Cured at a Cost" of glO aad Many Onlj So. ' "utatlon and advice FREE by letter or In person. CALL OR Offlc Hour few a. m. to I p. m, S under nd Holltluya, 10 ft. m. to St. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS &. CO. THE LEADING SPECIALISTS IN THE NORTHWEST. - OSaee U Tan aoy Xetel. aavi Third IW Comer FlnaForUand, Or. : r Don't Believe All You Hear But by persons! Investigation decide for VAtiMAlf that I hi. H,M.M ,lwb rftm tempting Inducements in prices and euallty for shelf, - heavy or builders' hardware and an assortment to choose from that's favorable to satisfactory buying. Inspection and Inquiry Invited any oay Avery XQ, Co. 48 TXZBB ST. A Turkish Millionaire. ' Mouammer Bey. son of the richest man In all Turkey, who will be heir to more millions than any other per son in tha Ottoman empire aave tha heir of the eultan, la in Boston on business. and before he leaves the business men will have something like a cool half million of his money, while " he , will have tone of Boaton'a moat Improved ahoa and button machinery. There ia nothing about tbla aleek-ap- pearlng man of it years, with hla ro tund figure, to indicate that he la to be at aome time in the ruture the richest man In hla native land: He la Juat aa democratic.'- .as any of this ' country's wealthy men, and one wouldn't have to make a very big stretch af imsglnatlon to pick him out aa an American. . Mouammer Bey, unlike most of his fellow countrymen, is highly educated. and. Instead of wasting his father's vaat wealth by rlotoua living, be baa mas tered the many great industries that hla father controls, and la adding to the fortune. Those who have come In eon tact with htm aay that he le aa keen as the. proverbial Yankee business man. on a Famous XUake. "At the famous St Andrews links," said Andrew Carnegie. "tha Sabbsth Is respected. Indeed, alt ovar Scotland the Sabbath irn-eepected in a remarkable way. - ' "Golfing one day in tha autumn on the St. Andrews links, I said to my caddie: - v 'Anarua man. the leaves are falllne. The green la turning red and brown. Winter will soon be upon us. And do you get much caddylng te do In the winter, Angusr t "Angus frowned gloomily. 'Na na,' aaid be. There'a nae muekie eaddyln' In winter. If It'e no' anew It'e froat: If .It's no frost It's anew If It's neither front ndr eqaw It'a rain; ani it lie line lie aura to oe ins Sawbath.' " BBST UBTJCBBT OB BASTS. Henry D. Baldwin, Supt City Water Works. Shullaburg. Wis., writes: "I have tried many ktnda ef liniment, but I have never revived much benefit jn tn I need Ballard'e Bnow Liniment for rheumatism and peine. I think it .la the beet liniment en earth." lie, Sao and IL9. Sold ex Woodard, Clarke Co, 0.00 treat any single uncomplicated ail until December 1st for l.t0. - uosjtszb to FKAoricns xsaxcxxa IS - - tmm stats p omsaov, . - : ' Bheamatlsxa. tAeute and Chfoaio. Blood rolaoa. Ctoaorrhoea. , Tarlooeele. , If sure st heals. Bet-roes Dsellae. Faralysta. Sleet. Syphilis. Biles. . Kidney, Bladder and All Vrtaary Diseases. Bvsry oaaa rsoslvso personal attention aad.' examination. Bo iaouxable eases accepted. ' BXBTO-TTTAI. BSBZUTT. - ' a. m, to II noon, ----- r''' - DEVEIP ) Of SPICES, o COFFEE,TEAv DAI flNO F0VDER, FLr;on;;;GEXTnACTS rLbwIuhrhrihr. Finest flavor. CL0SSET 5 DEYER5 ' . v. ; PORTUaJ4OOrttQ0rL INJECTION V WILL CVB '. GONORRHOEA and GLEET WITHOUT OTHER TREATMENT Sold by all Druggl. s PehTOVOills uhI Mali MalDe bmaa. mUW - Slut Ibfcoa. TlktHMtn V Bi "if yif pfir-IM In4 tot V rM-ira.tFit'S r.xBLIan. eke niAMO.NB BBAXn PILLS, BO Fiftn rmgmttmi a. sC h.i t. Atin ! CW. rlillaMeaia, Ja SOOTHm SYRUP has base seed by ailnVme or VHIm for their euuuiwn wd lie TeetBins ror oror nrty Tears. H euoiaes Uie eblld. eurteas the gum, allari all iB. rare wind eoua, sad U Ua beat rmlr fiT duuThrra. . TWKNTY-riVK CFTS A peYTTLW, Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth h H f-1- h h h h Hr-1- h h H h Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth TeethJ 'leetn Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth' Teeth Teeth Tests Our . prices are 4he very lowest consist ent with first-class material and work manahlp. Call and get our prices. . bostow vanrusa BCBTTiaTB, . Op Meier rranh'a and Vestoffloe. tSlv MorrUonJt, Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth 1 1 1 .... , HlllUilHiHl WEAK HIADE STRONG DISEASED MEN CURED SS. TATX.OB, The IVaadua; Bpeolallaa. ?:?".ot-?lPLty'lly-t? tbe Bias seek- fea ae tlO (or the eere et aar aaeeaiDll' eate rase ef Male Utenraera, set I weal to reach all smb a object te partus tbe erortiltant fees Iwretofnre ebtrsvd br epe eltllar. My swtood hnere quirk renlts, or I roiM have te efcerse aiore for mj time. Tbe eutcome in everr ease aoaertekea Is eertala or I eould sot hold oet tbe prop. Itioa te effect ttte care before ssklag the fee. . . Every Promise Fulfilled I etoM aot eoatlnae hi bmiaees rear after year treaties thousands of ease aenaallv -win air eejinoas ntaariiy aoseiaTew aa iBpoaeha. bsIm I carried eat to the lotto everr sromlet Biede sur sotlonte. I an eare- fnl sever to andertake eaaaa that have (one nejooe noip, 1 ae aoi coarse vw lae nm eiaoilnatloa ef Mtlenta. aad alwaje dctee Bilno to my absolute sstlsartioB that health sad trenfth csa be restored la every case. Thea I brim every sdvantsse of aiy SS Teara etady asd sxpsrleare fate setloa te clsar that aa of alsssee. to aoee the Injur? of eiesssss or sbose. aad build sp the Is teat forces wblcn have rua sows. : Men and Men Only Mr 'preetlee la limited to the dknrosrs of the aula, sn Is rartkor colso4 te tbeso special and chronic arfeetlooa of ttie Klrle trset. These Include. Bpermstarrriosa, ot Tttsllty, Vsrlenrele, Strictaro. llrdra- rsle, Oeatrsctse Uknrders, Uontssioae lllaoe PsisoB. Blsdoor sod Kldoey Dlsessss. I have tsksa sp.tltsso ailiasaU especially, because thousands of Uvea are ruined aaa tboassals ef Sksa are not what they should be, hsrsesa they sre held dowa - hr ehroale weeaaess, which tbe aversso practicing phraidas Ones aot aaderslsBd sad asaally tries to raake llsht of by telltnc tbe patient tbst nature will snoa repair tbe waste. Bet tbe drains continue entll the vital force le ss sped frves the body and both tbe mental aad physical structure ef tbe body oouape. I Have thetlelp You Need I find tbe cause ef tbe trouble first, aad direct treatsieat te that always. My sua Is never te bide the symptoms, bet te rare the ellnssnt completely aaa tboroasbly. My ene coss la based oa these methods, which must sooner or later be applied te year case. CALL ON ME TODAY Par s phi Is, private talk. IS consult Isur ass yoe will Be sake as) tneoaseqaent or embsr- rssslne noeatloB. All baforaistloa siren ym will hsve a direct and vital bssrtnr. If yoer symprosis are not ssrtnss, I will tell yoe es. If treatmoat la needed. I will si- plani Its setloa soa ten job ine preoanie time rsqak-ed for the care. I will sot arte my services upon, yoe. If you sre lecklnc hi strssurtn. Be esc knows what Che curs would mean to yon better thsn yourself. I have tte rinest eqnippoa erneae is -lie west. Every member of my staff Is a grad uate, licensed abyslclss, 1 1 yea, cannot call. write me end I will slve your ease personal attention and will respect roar privacy by Bstng only pista sealed envelops. ; "DR. TAYLOR c ' Cor. Morrtaoa aad Sewid Its. PtItsU Bstraaee, SS4H Msrrlsos St. Fort lead. Otr. '' TRANSPORT AllN. North Pacific S. ie COe's Steamship Roanoke (2,500 Tons) v Sails for Sen Francisco, Los Angeles and Eureka, , Saturday, Nov. 10... .At 1p.m. From Martin'e Dock, foot Seven ternth street: Take -Six terw h-r S street cars. Ticket office 13Z Third, near Alder. Fhone Main 1314. H. YOUNG. Agent. S. S. F. A. Kilburn i , a mr Cans Bap, Bun ha sad Sua rinnilssn. Next sstllnf from Portland rrtsay. Oeanner It Nest Mill as tress Sas nvsnetsee. fbum Set, 4. . CRAS. B. STEBLSMITH. Areat. Oak Street Dock, Phone Main 2950 San Francisco O Porthad ' Steazuhi Co. ' yASSXsTSE SIBT10E BXSTrMEO. rross fertiand (Atnsworth Pork) It I t a S. S. "Oeata Rlea" Ms v. It III Dsc. alias. a. a "Oeiiinism" u rti lW t n sr. Tbe Onlv Direct fa-sensar Stsansera J A sir M. DEfVsMI.V ItMt riwe V-is '. H V. -"i-oe e4. la Any K -a V Ailment fTlM TRANSPCnTATICII. .4 3 Traioa to the East Daily J Tkeaa railavaa staadaid aad esarlst sises TWa dally to Omshn. Cblesso, Speksosl 21?.. w"llnsare oally , u Kaaeaa Cits. Thrauah rerlinJn. taslrsslrs eeats free) te , Vn" Depot Leave. Arrive. Kvtr.r'.firi rr tm r:, fere..!a stlsnflc Eipress for the East . - s . OpM'slBM B1TBB D1TIMON. iT01. ""d way points, eoooestias wtta EIZSS 7 d Vortb Beach, Steassse ..,oi"t- Waves S p. ss. dslly. ZhZ? "BBdsy, Sstardny. IS B Sa. Arrives ssent ( p. m, esaept Bwnday. . ' TAMRILL KIVBB BOtJTB. Kror Daytoa. Orsrea- dry sad XnmhlB rtvee "a. stsemere Bntb ana Modoe. Ash -at. esek. rnitM.!! daily, evcept Suudsy (water per Je). Arrive tiSO,s. m. sally, essssu " aa butmji ftVU l s Ticket Office. Third end Washlntnoi sts. lejAone Mara Tl. e ,JIi'U'0",l 01 r Twtwt Aeewt. - Wa. McMTJEBAl. eaerel r- mil Aaroat,1 EAST vu SOUTH Csfca Depot Leave. Overland Bx press Trains Afrtte, eao, HaeranMBla, Of dea. . sb rraactsoe. Stockton. fcee Anselee. Bl fsso, ' - New Orlsass aad the east! S:I sal afllfSa Momlns irala nnnntn at , Woodbors dslly siceot Bnndsy with Mount Aaiti and Sllvertoa lecnl ".. CotUse Orevs poasnne-er eonnects nt WeodburB snd S-eSaa''; T JSasf , aiosnr OSUV. sscen Rn,. dsy. with trains far petBts en Woodbara-Bprlncfleld aad SIDSBr-L IsCorvallu Vaerleaa pesssaser....t3.. M IA sas eie 0sni I rarest Orove passenfee... .1111:00 am IIT M in 111:00 si IIS :fl Bl rarest OroveMssen(er .aw pes vmiij. tiusiiv exeenr avmasv. e'sTrTBaaONTBKBT BTATIOW. Far Dulls and BitarsMdiate notnts dalir. T:"J llltlv a. a. and 4:1 a. as. Air Ire ferUaaA ISilB a. m. and S:2S p. as. For time and care ef Ovwvfe eaherbsa trsisa nly nt City Ticket Office, er sts tins, lekcte to Esstera poiata aad Bareaee alae Jspsa, Cblna. Honolulu and Australia. City Ticket Offlre enrner Third sad WasV laartoe etreers. Faaae Msia Tit. C W. STINCIRB, , Wat. McMTJBstAT. , City Ticks Acaat, . Sea. rasa. Asoae," timecard; TRAJNS Portland! - . Laava. . ' Arrtvs. ' Tellowstone rsrk "aasse City- .. St. Lea Is Speelsl for (ibehslla, ' . ' Cestralla, Olympsi,- Orey's : Haroor. South Bead. Tanmn. - Sesttie, Hpokaae. Lewlstoa. Butte. Bflllnss. Desvor, Oma ; ha. Kansas Cite. St. LeaM ,. - and evrntbeaat. dslly S:SS pea SiMae. siortb Coast Lnaiteo. eieeme , . llrhted. for Tacoma. Seattle. ' Mnekseo. sHrtte. UlmMsnln. - St. fsal nnd tbe Bast, daily. tiSSssi tieaea) Put , eouad Umlted, for Clsresseut. Caebslls, Cea- ' , rrslia, Tseenss aad Seattle ealy. dally iSS SSI SlSBsea Twls City Eipress for Tees--.. sis. Seattle, 8poksne. Helena. - ... " Butte. St Paul. Mlanespolls. Ltaeola. St. Joseph, Ksnses '- ' ' City. Onsana. St. LMln, with- eat chance of ears. Direct ewinei'ihuMi far sll petsts Eaef sad Southeast, dally .U: nts H:SSasl ' ST. f'.'iVnrit JLn-m i U TMl OOasPhWIAaUsl eMfs ' 2 Overland Trains Dally 2 'Tbs Oriental Ussrssd.tbe last Jtmm' VIA SBATTLB AND SPOKANB, Pwtisad time Dallev ' Dull. Lanes. . Antra. Te snd from Spokane, St. PsaL Minneapolis, j Pulutb aad all petals Cast vts seeme.... Braes tTeessi ll:Sess SAS sal T and from St. Paul, ... Mlnneapells. Dnhith , snd all points Bast vis Spoksae S IS pet SSbbj it Birth ere huonanSsns Osa Ssnias from Ssat'le Sat J spaa sad Chlnn ports and Manila, earrlaa ps seaa-era and fraafbt. ' a S. Vaketa, event Var SS. S.--S.- Mlnnsenta. fsawsry a. t , jmroa tvs a a xaiska . ., i Japan Mall Stsasmhls O.I , Taasm Kara will Sail frosa Seattle about November IS foe Jspsa aad Chinese seals. ssiryiBB SUiinaiis sad fretfbt Per tkksts, sates, aevta, wssrva Mono. stc.. eaD en er addrese B. BICXaOJT, C. P. T. A. 1SS St. rnrtlaad. Oeafee, Phone ksJa See, Astoria tSt-Columbia Rtver Railroad Co. . rtaloa Depot . ' ' Lasve. Arrrre. Pot Maysers. Balnlsv, data- v ; ksnle, Weetport. CUftoe. Ae- ' , , toru, " Wsrreatoa, risrel, Hsmmeed. Port stsvess. Wees. . hsrt Park, Seuskle 10 ssn IMS (at ally ........... All trstae dal I .w mm www wwm iu O. hUYO, 0. P. asd A.. .Aateeis, A. STS w AST, (lemmerehU AsaW Alder street. Phone Main Upper Columbia River " STEAMER (faLea)e fe S -..1'J tesvee O-v - 'ock every l'o,-, V . v r , , -.'''' ,n4 f.r e ... arrives I 1 . . . s I f 1 ",r"' ' 11 I k , - i ..Si tf Jl.Jl- J es