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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. "'I WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 7. 190. IS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 11,400 lOOxloo FEET. Mar Bueeell at. ; with 1 room bona: ( mlnutee' wslh fraia ferry) nip, too at it. ' 22.000 80x1(0 feet. 4 room bonae and baee- jiieut, Tbartnan at.t fowl tnveatmeat. -v (2.2(0 IMitM feet", a-room bonae. alee leers. Improved street; good home; walking r - 1 dlataiicajB Boat, JClblh ' .. $3.000 Sightly quarter Mnak . m Portland :.' 13,000 Nlo modern homes so last Taj lor THB WASHINGTON ft OREGON REALTY COMPANY, r . ' f. , WW SECOND STRUCT. - ' v PHONB MAIN S404. --.' WW 4-rocsi hoaa, concrete and . cement -et - besemeat. .lot 4osl(0, 1 hlorke to garlloa, . at piedmont. $1,000; $1,000 down. Lot aoxlOO. Ulgblsod, Mnei V1IU1H -v-.nd L'ntoa ere., $46t; eesy terms. A good (-robot bouse pantry and closet, . . cement . sidewalks, tut IB i loo. M Vaacoavnr ' If., doss In; pries $2,000; tcrma. Modern 6-room house, cement walks, 10 v,. minutes' vllk U Chamber at Oommeree; $2,000. ' ' . A tna modem (-room bonae la Irvtngtoni awell koma. blocks of S carllne; easy tstau. ,(":.:... W. Espcy - SIB COMMERCIAL BLDG. TIIEHKf ARB SNAPS. (.1,300 Corner kt. atodara 4-room cottage, ' turner, aaa. electric llxtltel Ma of tha Blttat ' fashionable place In tha swelleet part of . IrTlngton, what tha swell paopla sr locating. . $W60 full. lot, nlca bow 4-room cottage. ea Tentno are.. Sellwuod. . (Too urn iota, lira corners, wirh rooex " nouno. Tenlno are. Remember, tbla la not " modern "or In tha beat part of Bllwrd,ftwt '.It'e all right for tha money and a comfortable boma. - . , For further particulars and hsrgalns aaa rZ-- TUB DUNN-LA WRKNCB COMPANY, 149 1 flrat at. BBAND-NEW booae. select aalithborliood, Bssr rarj prtcaa advancing all around ) tar ma; any rant to yourself: ara tbla. . TUB CONTINENTAL CO US Stark at. 1.000 4-ROOM cottar and I lota, ta Vernoa. . RBUUTEft CO., 107 Third at. 10 ACBES'eAotc1 farm laad, rood aaw 0-room boaaa, bar a. S elataraa, fruit,, barrlaa; aarr daalrabla for boma; H mil north Grajr't croaalnc. Moant Scott carllna. Omih Clark. EXTRA BAROA1N FOB SHORT TIMS. ' 91 arraa baaTardara. IB la enl tlra tloo : Joha aoo craak runa throogh It; axtra aoll, ao grarali oa rtoa road, oaa rntia from ianta; worth t300 par aera for gardaalai; prloa oal IZftO, aa ana. O. R. ADDITON, Laata, Or. Taka Mt. Scott car. (e. r ' ' BT OWN BR WaTlng- alty. BMdara e-room cot tag, coroar lot. aa.t front; a bargala tor caab. or will aall oa oaa - farm. laqalr 1021 Half ht ara. Pboa Baat 0033. Send One Dollar And w wlU Hat roa pro part? wtfh 1.000 rail aatata daalara who ara aa aazlooa to aara a eommlaaloa aa Ton ar ta aall; aar plaa arldoai falla; bond daaerlpttoa; ar haloing aiaar othara, why act 7 Mil Addraaa Tha lu - aaator'a Ouida.- Ul Maruaa) biuf Portland. Oragoa, - . WALKINO DISTANCE ta ann g-rooia kooaa. abada hmhiMrv wnAmA atraata. caaaaat walkat aat oral fir flnlab, donbl floor, rarr Urea eloa ta. larg ncaptloa-ball. front and bark alalr war, OTorathlng Diodara.i window ahada. awn- In fa, llnolaam oa kitchaa and bathrooni floora, flna aaw carpal la raocptloahall. front and back parlor., atalrwa and bedroom, art aqnar la dlntng-room; all go with boom; right aa earlia; kit cheap at IS.000. do. SHAY, . Mla IMS. .. .. mtt-IOt AbUgtoa bldg. FOR SAI.B. . 190x100 oa railroad track, aa.t alrta ax - caaattoa tor balldlog aompletad; I2S.0U0; 11b "oral tarma. . 130x100, ItaproTcd. oa railroad track. aa.t : alda. warobooaa dlatrtct, hU.000; liberal tarma. . 0 lna la Point Thnr addlrloa, ilTB aach. WIUanatM Ualghta ratldraca, alght room, giodrrn la awry raapact,- ta.M0, , uoartar block aa u.coud at., tecma anoo " par moata, caa ba haoraaaad to 0Oi prlc - (ao.OMk, . - - -. M. O..NBASB. TU Mala tSd. to La at bar Bxchang aide. BEAD. AND- CONRIPBR W ILL. -W H ra'""d land la aaatara ar waatara Oroa from M to 110 par a era. Tfcla . land tot aacond ta poo wbaa pot la clt I ra tio. It will par tha ta-mtoc or boxaaaaakar to tnraatlgata- till propoaltloa. W alao bar good laproaad farm, city proparty and cre ate. -aawBllla aad timber land. Cod at and aa aa. TfJRNFR WALKBR. - BooaM 4 5, 108 Waahlogtoa at, . Fortlaad. Oragoa. B2.SBA C-BOOM aaodora ooHag; ' (S.S00, oa T 0-rooai awdera rottac, at 6ta aad Clinton; ' theaa ar aaw and op to data; aothlas Blear ' la Baat Portland; aaay terma. . . BKVBR M1LLEB, . : , ... 404 But Alder. FOR SALB I acre, anall boa, near in carllna, oa county road: hoe b'aca for rhlckena: l,tO0. 1. t. Order. 1 North Grand areau. t WILLAMRTTB HRIOHT8. " td.OOO Reantlfnl aaw S-rooat boa, for aro, flreplaco, full cement eaiot, laundry, three aorrhea; Tlew of city and all tha eaoan talna. Tbla la on of the beat borne oa the Height. I altualed oa carllna and the ar rnundtnr ar the beet; 44 oaa. balance mmM' T-tt SHAY. Mam 1041. ' 904 SOS Ablngtoa bldg. 10 ACRES right oa Johneoa croak, t atllea from city; electric lis acroes on corner: On anil; ' 1 amall bowere; chrrkea koaae and aara; alee root boaaa; all fenced; S acrea aecoad growth . limber on on end, ba la ace baa bora alaaned and partly cleared; laya nice. It la tha mak " big of a in plae. l.ftflO; fnOO caah, balaac b thr yaara. Addraaa N 40. Journal. ";:For Sale A family home oa aa.t lde rloa la r . kouee and grounda, alao (table, ererytbln rat claaa. aVft Baat Clay at. Pboaa Baat land. BVST BUT IN ORBOON acre traeta aa Oregna City . eerllae; Id aoJL good water, oaay terma. W. A. LAIDLAW, ' -. . sir Commercial bldg., M and Waablagtoa at. Pboa Mala Olio. BAVB good acreag oa carllna. woold trail for grocory tore or other bo.lnea. (IT Cam martial blk. . Phone Mala U-tO. ', INVESTMENT. ta.SOO lareated In' bo.lnee prnpertF wlU . bring ymt 10 per coot) 00x100 corner, guar , anteed leeae, - C. Ci.onAt. Mala 1041 004-300 Ablngtoa bldg- THRRB'S a bargala la a e-room rottago, -1111 Kaat .Taylor at.; aartle leering Iowa; Boat . aall. Owner. Phon Tabor 141. . MI ST FIR SOLD A new 0-ronra honao with all the evxteni conrrntancea, enole IcM-atloo, Beat F7lh t on block to Bait Aakeny carllna; ll.ono caah, balance on tlm. . T. Scbmld, . 106 uraad ar., aat alii. QUARTER block with 4-roota bouae, ' oa good carllne. prlco 7N); 100 down, balaac axmth 1 ly payaieata. S4H 8Ur at. DO NOT PAT RENT. ft.fton, on very eaay rernw, put a yo mt - paaarpatoa of a neat d-ronni cottage, U tm pmrementa paid, eaay walking dlataac; I2O0 ' ' caah, oalaaca May. , Do Dot fall to Inreatl gat thla. F. ITCH 9, zaiH Morrtaoa at. 94.700 Bf. BO ANT 10-room bona, corner lot, too good to rent) apleodtd T1ew full beea- aientt- aooth- Portland. Tel. Sellwood 114. MALI, HOt SB. barn, poultry corral and bonae. and 6 fine lot. ftOifw ea (l ara eornara), ' abort blocka of atreeiclr: Hch aoll, fir ireee; wi root atreeia; Willi amnio rn Tame yoa caa bar all or part: .11 for 11.4V)) laoo 1 dowa. Horn LOM uo 140 Flrat ft. 1.1.0004 ACRRS at lennlnga' Lodge, faring the Willamette rtreri aa Ideal uTar for a ' country borne, or can ba dl Tided Inle 4 or I ' beaollfnl tract., all opening oa tbeeiT ' and county road, Bearer Realty Co., phone - Mala BiOl." 2 Lnmher Kichaage. . KB THIS - v Jtt acrea. Ilea well, few Mora ro .ear, worth fMM; only 4fto thla week. , Walling, 24 Stark at. . NAVB kiored.. to-ripokane, ao aiaat aell my - 0-room kcxiMi aad lot oa loth, pear Belmaot: modem, full bawment. fin lawn, .cement walka: I4.0U0, part ea.h; will .all tbo rural tare cheap. Addraaa M SO, care Journal. Ii.oon GOOD ft-room cottage, IS mlnntra' pear t eu Uaa a ana p. Addraaa T M, . eWnai, , . . , ride, tOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOI 8A. . t-room new awdera heoa, la. Lower Al pine; 2.0. -.- T-rooui new modern finely flnlahed booae, lot Mi iao feet; beat part of L'oepr Alblua; I4.&00. t-ruoni houao, barbr pantry, baaemeat, bare; Bear Ullllnuia aroue' I1.7W. -eronm eottoge, good cotidlUon, eoraar lot; Bear Wllllaina are; it (MO. - . T-room neat Dvdcrtr nouae, dtcd TawB.'CboIr' laeatloa; near Willi. ma arcnue; fa.OoO. i .rom houae. double paxlora. hall, pantry, bathr hoxliKl gTod: lawn, flower., fruit a, brrrlra. chlckea park, bare; la. Brooklyn Hrlghta. , , T-nmu houae, corner lot,. Bear Brooklyn achool; ).r terau; 2,0no. B room cottage, "near BrookIySrifhotf""BXF tcrma) ll.aiiu. - B-room cottage, near Brooklya achool; aaay tertnar l.ei. -' O-ruom cottage, on Powell at.; 11.000. fi room houae. oa Caruthera at., weat aid; ,J2.6CW. - b-room cottage, oa erreraoa ai.; e.i.ow. ; (-room houao. rery large corner lot, fruit and abrubhery) car Una; oa E. 30th: fl.BO0, O-rooiu houae. oa Northrup dt.; W.BoO. . -room houae, tali lot, clee Jaj oa Baat Pari.; $2,100. V , , 0-room booae, hall, pantry, rloeeta, bathr houae btillt of flrat-ciaae material: eonoreta walka around houae, nice lawn, choice fruit, atreeta Improved, walka laid, nice Tlew. con eenleot to car In Wood lawn; only 11.000. Fine larae houae. fine carpet, aud furni ture. 'loftx 100 (round; choice location, la North Portland. 0-room bonne, well conatrnctrd, baaement, coarret- walka, barn, lot .beautifully kv rated; a anap at (2.SO0. Splendid honae of T room, ( fir place, -flue gnmoda, 100x100; (4,000. ':u Henklc &. Harrison : til Ablngtoa bldg. . s ' : (KAO FOR a ( room booae with lota, cloee to car; part caah. balance oa time. . (I.S.-10 Oood e-room houae, bath, etc.; rery ea.r terma. :t-i 1 .WO hTryeTftfyjrMw?;thr-allotr' large elneeta, cement baaenteut, fruit tree, . all klnda of ahrubbery. nice yard, chicken houae; Id-foot alley) the hone la new and perfect; the home la worth much more money. (2,700 take a modern T-roora borne; aewer and atreet Improvement. all In and paid for; tbla boma la. worth $3.000 1 terma If de el red) can't begin to buy a lot In thla Tlcln ity and plae the Improrementa tbereoa fur leaa than $3.200. Other bargaine la homee. , . For good, cheap lot. aee aa. . t . Stelnaeti & Co. MT. JOHNS INVESTMENTS -. For aa InTeataient, we bar aoma at tk beat ea the markets- We hare 1 lu block.. 200x200, 1 block of the O. R. A N. R. R.. Another block, 100x200. 1 'Mock from -th O. R. N. B. R. - Thee ar . (no factory altea and caa ba bought . at a bargain. . u We alao h.ra a anap la a e-room cottage, W 00x100: a too lot lOOxlOO at a bargain. Wa alao hare aareral tract from one acre up. Tble I all Sne property and la the beat, of location, and will not atand long at the price they are being offered for. OREOO BROS., (4 Sixth at. . Boom (17-14 Fentoo bldg. (1.S0O S ACRES, email booae. .fenced for chick. na. on good road and aaar oarllne. BKJKTEH. CO., Third at. FOR SALE Modern room hawaa,' jaat com pleted, fin lot, well Improved, a heaatlful home. 1000 B. Sixth hi. Inquire ewaer, atxt- door aouth. 100x104. 1 BLOCK W W car, Beat diet at., worth ISOOi $450 thla week. Walling, S4( Stark. BXTRA BARGAIN T lota 40x100, cleared, all together la ea .tract, for $300; eloa to 10-room achool at .LenUi Una location: Water free; Be fare a any part of Portland; term. 0. B. Addlton, ewaer, Laata, Oragoa. WERT RIDH. ' $1.000 4 room cottage, Booth Portland, fir. alace; eoxiqv comer lot: nau caah. . 0. 0. SHAT. Mara 141. ' (04 (00 Ablngtoa bldg. ACRR tract, dandy, near ear, worth $1,000) $1,200 thla week. WalUng, MS Stark. THI.'RMAN ST., near tSth Lot 60x100,. for $2,100. Call 002 Commercial blk. rrrrrFOR:SALE FARMS. $3.200 HO ACRES. IS mile from Portland, ta Waahlagtoa county; SO acre cleared. aoToral acre green timber, " karance eaaliy Cleared, all level, all fence : goad 0-room frame houae. good barn; mil to achool. V mile to church, oa mala county road. K. F. 1, and telephone: fin location; heat of eotlj will S"e tarma. ; , rr M.000 ISO acre. IS mile from Portland: 00 acre la fin etate of cultivation, 60 acrea good aaw timber, balaac eaallr cleared: level land, all fenced oa- mala county road. R. F. P.i near achool, IH mllee from railroad etatloa: 20 bead of cattle, moatly cow.: team, wag'oa, haraeaa. boggy, alngle narneaa; enme no ana ctucxena; new mower ana rake. iiow, barrow, cularetor, other email tour.) 0 too bar. eome araht. Thla la one of the beat dairy farm In the country: T( acre beaTerdam aw. le, a-room bouae. fair barn, family orchard! level road to Portland: H caah, balance good terne. Tbla la a anap. $9 TOO 0 acre, IS mile from Portland, la Waahlngtoa county, 2Vk mllee from rail, road atatlon; SO acre cleared, S acrea pea tur. 14 acre greea timber, tH-aere bearing orchard, all fenced; on county road, t4 mile to achool, R. F. D. and Ulepbone; half caah, balaac good term. $J S00 J acree. 10 mile from Portland, m Clarke county, Waahlngtoa: 00 acree cleared, la acree timber, S acree bearing orchard, bal ance pa.torei all level, all fenced: good room houae, fair barn; R. F. D. and tele Dhone: hi mile to achool,. 4 U mile to boat- landlBC and railroad; 0 tone bay, 100 boxe appiea, nai onaneia grain; pair caen. Balance good tarma; wlU take part la city property. WasMngtcn and Oregon ; Realty Co. IOS Second at Portland, Or., ' And (00 Mela at-, Taacoaver, Waah. YOU CANNOT BRAT THEHB BARGAINS . . ANYWHBRB. $2.T00 t acre of th beat laad, B0 ta Cultivation, Bear 0. W. P. care) eaay terma. (3,000 IB acrea of the beet garde lane, half of It genuine bra Tarda at land; fine tm- provementa:. 14 mllee from Portland. A man anderatandlng gardening can make a fortuae out of It. " (.V) per acre for well lmproTed fare -of 251 acrea of th beet land fonnd to Oreron. oa Willamette river aad boatlandtng: $4,000 caah. I.nce $300 a year, per cent mtere.t. -A great chance for man willing to work; t per day and exjMmaee paid to anyone who doe not find It aa renreeenred. F. FVCHS, 221 H Morrlaoa at. FARM FOR RENT. STOCK FOB SALB. - A GOOD BAKU ATM. Farm oon.lata of Dearly 100 acre of th beet farming land la the Willamette valley, on railroad, and good Improvement.; rent for farm, $10 per year, wMe. option for a term of . yeara; atork ef T milch row, '12 bead S-year-olda freah In iprmg,. young bull, apaa of horaea. 2 alngle hameaaee, 1 biutgy, 1 milk wagon, cream aeparator, 4 boaa. S doxea chicken., aoma houaehoki far nlture, etc.: price $u.y. 'OTTO, CB0CKKTT A HARKS0N BBALTT " COMPANY. , Waahlngtoa at. - S-ACRB tracta. S mllea from center of city. ' 1 mile to railroad etattoei , fine aoll. no rock or gravel, water pile w wrn tract unuer eO-feot preaanre: water free; (100 to (2no per m, m tin eaae terma. Iteeee A. Ltlll. . f..t A 1.1 ee at ' FOR SALB Oood proaperoua wheat farm ta Morrow county, on railroad, $20 per acre: might take aoma trade. W. A. LaMlew. (IT Commercial bldg., k.coad aad Waahlagtoa. Phone Mala 0120. DAIRT FARM. - ' t33 acree. cheap) fin water. Improved. TH0MFHON A QGIlRN. Phone Woodlawa 22. (40 Mlaalaelppl Ave. . FOR SAI.B Choice sno-aera farm at Dlller, . Waalilngton coantyi Ht arraa bottom Und. goM hulldlnga, rnae to town. aad rail. T. 11. Llttletialee, Foreat Grove, Or. . FARM FOR SALB. 11 mllee weet of Portland. Waahlngtoa county, foe caah n! v: 3 , acre. 25 clear, well cnttlvatedi aa creek: vd well, enrln', fin fruit, new ertr . fence, good aVroom bona, barn, bonaehold good., chicken, beoa, tnola, ele.i IW mllea from railroad, achool and church. Telephone line, milk route. R. 1 P. D. $4.(00.' Mr. A. B. Laetacber, Beaver. " ton, Oragoa. FINB FARM Rleheet part Yamhill county. . acceaalble to college, achool.. county . eeaL cheap; eaay terma. 1 IT Ahlngtna bldg. SO ACRES within mil of the thriving (rail way center! city or Vancouver. vvah.,a ta the Onlnmbla: hound to Increaee In value: w will aell It today fog $S.e00. iloaae Laad Co., 14 a rirat au . , FOR SALE FARMS. 120 AC RICH. 15 acrea of nmw land, anod build. Inaa: the land la aeeded In rloerr and tlmotlirl It la rood alfalfa land; there la aa better water uiply la the atate of Oregoa) the place can be waiered from a very large unmix : we haro water at tha door: alao a tin M of cedar and about 10 acrea alaah ready to ouru ana aeea uown in me aurmg) tula win make a fine dairy ranch; there le a good Clattered houae, large ronnia and a ehed , ttrbea and porch; good fireplace between the la rice room.; chicken-kouae. barn and all aereaaary bulldlno; hti of herrtea; a good ruad, K. F. I), mall and a milk route la front . of the door: Iota of ce.l.r tlahei which la .fine fur lurubor: price (J.O00; term; oa tbe Sr?rp!tL-FARMS "Tr FXCrTANOB " FOR CITY ' PROI'EBTX. FVRKIaUEP AND tN- a t. nninttbu 20 ACRES I.BVEL LAND. - (H MILKS AU. A I.J I v CI.KAH. . SMALL- HOI MK, A 1.1 -FK VCKD. $1,100; S Mll.r.M rilOU MICA.VKRTON; (S.V) DOWN, BAiwanvai a ICO IL.M, O XEAHtk 120 acre eaatera Multaomab eonntrt an . acrra under cultlvatloa. balance na.tura and titnoce pi.ture; fnlr bulldluge, Sn ruanlog water. S boreea. IB milk eowa. aoma vnune etork, 1 binder, mower end rake. S alow. ana otner farming impirmenu, amall orcbarft, food roada. it. F. D. mall, telephone. Bear creamer I re. ((.Boot terma, . ' 120 ACRES. OF WHICH TO ACRES IN it l.TIV ATION: fA Mil. KB FROM CITY ; - n V D BClIt . . . j ,dTb ...l.n... n...v. .'... , . - e ir.i. e 1 . nr.. di I iii ' JSiia, riht WATBB, OBCHABI)ivCAN BE 40 acrea 28 acrea under cultivation. 10 acre, in an timber, balance la bruab: email houae and large bar, good wall of water, amall orchard, good team of horaea , and harneaa, S good cow., 1 heifer. 1 calf, . good, new wagon, new plow, new cultivator, new barrow, mowing machine and rake, other amall too la, 10 tone of hay, abool , aille. on a good .county road, mile from rail- .road and town, HO mllea from Portland: e. r.. u. mail, xtic a.ow; parr ran atana- 10 acrea. all In hlrh atate Of enltlvatlon: . good- bnlldlnga. 7-room hrtuae, concrete baae ment) ft neat otf berry land: eome berried" and other, fruit; barn and chlckea-houae. good water, well rrncea; pnone in the houae) a una to ecuooi, umiumga worta aa.ouu. '20 acrea raw land: S acre' beevardam, 10 mllea from city. (1.000; cwa to carllne bow . Building. , . (1 acre, mile out; S or 10 acrea beaver dam, 14 clear j good bulldlngej prlc (120 -per acre. "p ' ' . , SO acre, half clear: fab- building, fond orchard, black mam, garden land, ( mllea out. , Price $2,2X1. , , . 40 acre 28 clear, larg orchard, eld build in ga, good kophouee, - oa good oouaty road, 4 mile aoutk of Bearutoa. acme beaverdam. $2,000; terma. so acre: 48 la enltlvatlon: good booae. a . fin large barn; good orchard; T mile weet f St. John; line water; $3,000) your own tcrma. , f - : f . 100 acre: U dear:' fine boaaa and 1 barn . orchard, aom oeaverdam: horaea. eowa. goat a. chicken, box.) all farming lmolemanta; Iota, of feed; B. F. D. mall, en the Tnalatla river bank, 14 mllea from'clty and 1 mllee from raiiroaq aratiua, au.zuu; term. FOB CITT PR0PERTT. ' 290-ACRR FARM. Al LAND, 1M ACRES IN CULTIVATION, LIES LEVEL: FINE LIV-; irttr un rtAK: -uiMJlf aluliHlt 'FARMHOVfEr FAIR RARN8: ON FINE COI NTY ROAB. a MILES FROM 'DEPOT ANIl riSB TOWN. 14 1TOLRH FROM PORTT.AND: OOOD ORCHARDS. WILL HKLL OK IK Aim FOB UOOI CITY PROPERTY IN rnuunai' riKT; fKKB (oO PER ACRR. OR $l!I.OOO. PLACE, CROP, STOCK AND IM- SIS Odmmerclal bldg.. Corner Second and Waahlngtoa. Bead tor llat of farm for aaU. Take a Smile at These, , Then Get Busy A 1. ISO-acre grain farm, la center of the beet wheat belt In eaatera Oregon: 18.000 ouineia Wheat uireahed on th plae laat year; u luiwr aoua. um.. a,Ataj acre euiitvatea good 10-room realdence. tenement-houa. 1 barne mmA Athee hiilMlna living ... choice variety bearing fruit. A anap, $2$ . per acre. , . . . 4 SO .ere grab aad atock ranch, 100 acrea In cultivation, 200 acrea good paature; place all f raced; comfortable building; 10 mile ' miwey etaiivn; ao per acre. A fine l.OilO-acre d.lrv ami atock reoeh Beer good towa no the valley; free mall rout 4 and telephone; beautiful new room real dence, tine etork barne: good ay. tarn ef water work.; place fully equipped with nearly 200 ebeed ef atock. for $10,000, or farm without atock. $7,000. Bemembar tbla la only (7 .00 000 acree.' rirht on tha fMnmhia vine railroad paaaaa through tb place; ta Clataop wvinr, win maae a apienaia etoca or Oalry ranch; only ti.HiO: SO per acre. A highly Improved lJO-acre place at Pioneer, Clarke county; one of the beat farma In the rountyi fine bnlldlnga. rich aoll, choice frnlt, living water: over SO acre of beaverdam J. place folly eqaipped: only (0.000. ' ,4-,'"re auhurhan plae oa Oreabam road, all fenced and la cultlvatloa, fine building; If the beet auburhan place yoa will ever aa .for the money t $7,000. S l-A-acr ,,i.c at Ruaaellvllla, Bear Monta TllU; very rich aoll. M gravel or rock; tine realdence.- good barn and tenement bonae; nearly ell la fruit and berrlea; baat place 1 the county; $4.7oO. Beautiful 2.V.rre auhurhan place, all fenced t and In cultivation; good 0 room bouae, nice barn, at railway atatlon, (He fare. Beau them alL The reaeon why we aell more farma than all the other dealer pot together la because we have the beet bargain aad sever add a cent ta net figure.-. The Dunn-Lawrence Company 1401, PIrat at. , FOR BALI 200-acre ranch, Yamhill county; Kid acaca la cultivation. 40 mile from Port laud; Ideal hop laad. Cigar autre, 101 Blxtb at., city. SMALL FARM FOR SALB 74 acrea, 00 la cultivation, 11 acree eld bona and 10 new, all well polled aud wired, good hnnhonae, all fenced, fair houae .end barn, family orchard, 1 mllea to good town, aom paatur aad timber, all good land, well located; here le a bargain) i crop of hope et the preaent price will nay . fortbe Place; thla I a bargala at $4,000, Ta- 9flU. WARRRN A STATER. McMlanvill. Oregon. (40 ACRES, well Improved, b optionee, barna. ee All v. II. w ImmA ,llm.J . 1 1 , $40 per ecre) thla la a aplendld opportnnlty. 240 ecree, 40 acre la hop, two bopbooeee, new bouae of S room; a fine property. - See S. S. OUloaple, 420 Commercial bldg. - HOW la thla for a bargalal 44 acree of aa tine lend aa yoa ever aaw; SS acree la high etate of cultivation: right ea the O. W. P. electric line, between Eagle creek xand Bala- eaaa; wia per acre. Aaurea u 13. Journal. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. TBS I. C. I BB COMPANY HI0II CLASS STOCKS AND BINDS. We are elwere la the market either to bay or aell ahy active mining or indoetrlal etecka, It will pay yoa to get our prloea, W. H. DONAHUE. Mgr. Iln.keraga Dept. 10-20 Lafayette Bldg. BUT BURST SWITCH STOCK Sncceeeful teat at halt Lake City prove that thla atock - will yield larger return, than any mining atock Hated- Portland efSce J. F. Buret A Co.. Sod McKay bldg. cobi:b D'alenb mining stock I am alwaya la the market either to buy or aell any active mining atock; roana mad ' on aay lilted eeourltlee. T. P. BH0WN. 401 McKay bldg. TIMBERT WR will pay caah for S hnmeetead rellnqulali r mente, end alao-hare-partre waiting fi either komeelead ar limber claim relioquiab raenia. 302 Lumber Bxcbange. , FKIHTINO THB WOOD TRCST Have around S.QOO cor da, Vk Bill (. W. P.. at 20n etamn ; Ar: yoa ran clear $2,700 oa thla. Detail ' with the Home Land Co., 14eVfc Flrat at. CERTIFIED eertp." any ale plecee; low eat price. W. G. Howell, (2) Chamber at Com- marc. . 1 WILL pay raah for timber rl.tma anywhere oa the Nehalem, Wileoa or Traak river, t 48, eara Journal. SAWMILL ef 20.000 rapacity aad (20 acre of timber. Bear Portland. for;, gale cheap. Sphinx Agency. (06 1 Stark et. (00 ACRES good timber land Bear logging arream emptriog Into Colombia river) ala 'eome. atumpage. Bphlox Ag.aot S06)a , stari av HORSES. VEHICLES. HARNESS UORSEnV and hugglee for rent by day,- week and month; eiirrlal ratea to hueln Sixth .and Hawthorn. But 12. FOR SALE rio d.nole ar.r team. 0 veers eld. weight ,aU0, sound aad gentle. Phone Soott Aloe. : Oool delivery hnrae, black, weight 1.200. Ad- urras ro. care jouruau TWO driving mares, one fa.t. eapedally adapted for breeding, lpnulre office, IS Flrat at., or . atanie. iweuia auo sveretu WB huy..-aell, rent, excrrange horaea. wagon, aaddlea, harneaa. Hubert A TIall.' 200 4th et. BARTER AND EXCHANOE. IMPROVED hemeateed reHnqalahment $100 to (2IM),. part trad or work.-- One claim.-100 acrea. gooa nouae. leacina aaa aarat a acrea elaehedT 10 cleared, on county road, free mall da livery, oehoolhouae U mile, enough . chlltlia on claim to pay for r it if aarketed: would make due dalrv farm. . Alao 00 ecree of rich deeded land $10 per acre; one tblrd caah, $100 per year. W. O. Purdtn, Ada, Lane County, Oregon. INITRD ' STATKS aad Canadian patenta on , alarm door knob juat laaued will fit any door car lock, exchange for real aatata. W ad, Journal. WANTED To bnlld bom for acreage er city lota; will furnieh plana, apectflrallone god all material. Box SOB, Oregon City. C0MPLETB reatanrlnt outfit: will exchange for launch or anything neefoJ of equal value) ' anap. What have yout W, A. Pratt, Kdlao, Waablngton. - FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. " FOR SAI.B S freih ailleh eowa. 41T corner tran. are. aua a-eamey at., atoaiaviiia. . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. I S -V( . ( '-(- -V-, $ After trying 01 here, go to Tb Dollar for . furniture and bouaebold gooda. Ilia gooda are new .lock, clean ana treao) Be eBop-woru good to aell. We are here to atay, W ' an and' will ear you oa almoat every article In the atore. Our atovee and range ar of the beat and we guarantee every net. W alao have an exchange department, where . we will buy old furniture or exchange for new. We want your trade. . The Hollar. 232 Fleet and 2U Maid at.. Tel. Main 6.174. $ $ $ $.. $ $ $ I Bargain Sale ef furniture still coatlnars Tare day, Thara day, Saturday. . . . 154 RUSSELL ST. . . - - I BOOKS bought, sold aad exchanged at the Old Book Store. 220 Yamhill at. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rant or tor aale on eaay payments. THB BBL'KBWICK-UALKB COLLBNDEB CO. 40 Third sL, Portland. WB print roar name oa B0 calling earde, proper else and atyle, 80ci 2-V bualnea earde, (1. A. W. (oh ma la Co- 220 Flrat, Portland, Or. (0 SLIGHTLY- damaged sewing machine at very low prices: Singer, Whi-rler A Wilson. Domeatic, Whllte, Houaekold. Davla and othera; to make room fur new atnek Wkeeler It Wllaoa and Singers. S. S. Slgel, SoB Mor rlaoa at., Marquam bldg. ARTISTS' matertala, picture and framing.. - H. Moorhoaae Co.. (12 Aider at. SHOWCASES, oountera, flxturea. boaght. sold or exchanged. Wratern Salvage Co., A2T Waahlugtoa at. Paclfle TVS. SHOWCASES and fixture, hew and aacond hand. Carlaoa A Kallatrom, 2HS Coach ai. , BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sure car for rhanmatlam. Sold by all druggletv X SECOND-HAND bar flxturea. pool Uble. safe.. tableau, chairs. Waatern Salvage C)n 421 Waahlngtoa at. , SEWING. MACHINES bo-jght. aold and. ex changed. (3 and up. Weatera Salvage Co., 027 Waablngton St. WRITS tor price of . J. M. Keoth Co.'s Ink; C'ataat Ink for erbools; try them. Otter ka, Michigan. : FOR SAl.B-rfox-rler pure, 434 Eby t . Monlavllla. . t'ttona ta.t is, a.k ror gvana. FOB SAl.B Extra -Urge French mirror, en tlque framee; equara piano, bedroom sets, hrlo-e-braoi bonaehold furniture, etc., et private aale at No. 21 North Sixth at., cor. Burnaide. Call between 2 aad ( oloch FOR SALB VERT REASON A RLE . A lot of very (Be eerand-haad olat. Sxll and TSxIS, on Third and Baat Stark. Pboae Scott 190S alter T p. m. SCHOLARSHIP tor sale la leading buatneaa col lege; good In any department) will sell et dlacoant. Phon Main (001. e FOR SALB at bargala, plnmber'a furnace and kit of tool. Addreaa F 62. car JournaL FOR SALE Oliver typewriter with tabulator, O. K. 1(1 Baat loth at. Phone Baat 2Tuw. PERSONAL. NOW IN PORTLAND. Th World'. Famous Face Expert. Founder of the School of Dermatology u New York City and Seattle. Weal). Isa Mora Cauffman, doctor of skin, acalp. Stomach, bowels end nervous troubles for women aad glrle from 10 to 00. 1 will tell yon yoar face value In everyday Dumeetlr. rlualneae aad Profeealonal Ufa, with a ean deneed eummary of wbat caa actually be done to Improve your Peraonal Appearance, which your countenenr llluatratee. I have ao nue trnma or ao-called akla food a for aale, bat I teach yoa by cbarte to deal, with youreelf and yourself only. In three lecturea I can deaiun atrate to yau that yoa are your owa keeper. Yen will aee aad realise that all the pofaal bllltlee of life, health and phyak-al perfection and beauty ara In your awn hand and aot of fhoae who ahameriilly and crudely Imitate those ao-called "experta la dermatology" who do aot know what the word (For those mta led. half-educated women, both la buelneee aad visiting makla. I will give a poai- freduete courae.) I lecture end teach aa I reat, treat aad teach sa I lecture, thus put ting yon 4nto yoar owa banc fur your future safety, comfort, health and perfection. I give the IMMEDIATE PROCEHS f all re fect, of th skin, from the tiny Utile crinkle, wrinkle, to pock pitting end superfloo k.lre. Keep year face value 00 to th limit. I offer to cure without charge the face of anyone Buffering from a err ere rae of acne, ecsemn er any .km dlaeaae or offensive look ing featurea, even though It baa been pro nounced Incurable, If the patient will allow me to core oaa aide of the far at a time and agree to- remain at my office or on exhi bit Ion at a certala drugatnr for two weeks during treatment. Thla offer le open to any-, one. I have aeenred the saeletance of Mme. Madetln Llnwoori, aa expert Phyalcal Cul turlat, and authority, on Hygiene, who will lecture to yoa on the phyelologv of woman, obeatty, form development and flaccid boat. I Invite yon to eome and see my charts and If In need have my peraonal attention la this wonderful work tor sil womea from 18 to' OO. Office hours from V a. m, to 0 p. m. Sunday from 10 to 12. Appointments made for treat ment at yoar home. - NOTIOJ. W era starting a trad school for womea and glrle and will teach Phyalcal Cults-e. Manicuring. Chiropody. Hatrdreaelng and all He breaches. We teach Tacule band vibra tion and all the latest pack treatments. Flrat rlaaaea to begin Wednesday. 10 a. m. Ta Introduce the work, all registering for thla ciaaa will ae entitled to all lectarrs gad leeanna for half th regular elaaa prices. I give diploma.. All- mformatlna given at rvt office, MB4 Alder at., corner Tenth. ''The Montgomery' Portland. Or, - Appolatueanta mad for teaching st yoar home. SEXINB PILLS cure all Jorme of nervosa ae muecalar weakness. ror men or , womea. Plica 1 a box. 0 boxes SB, with full guar antee. Addreaa or call J. 0. Clemenaon, drug glat. Second and YsmhIU at.; Portland. Or. A. REINER. PRACTICAL rrRRIKR, Expert fitter, furs remodeled, repaired sad redyed: (o years' experience 'neuron entire eeti.facilon, Phone Paclfle 24P7. Lewta bldg. BALM- OF FIGS for all female dleeaaea. . S2fl Baat Belmont. 1 acne a,aat ernje. . DR. 0. V. KETCUL'M cures promptly priests dlaeaaes, sinney, nervous. ana aperlal female tronble. Call or write; wfflr lT.iu Tblrd at . cor. Yamhill. Phon Peels 2220. ANY maa or woman caa be strong ssd happy by Being aexine rnw, tav grvev ronic; price $1 a tox, S boxes S. with full guarantee, Addiras or cell 3. A. Clemenaon. drujiglet, eor. Seroad and Yamhill au., Pcrtmed. or. IESr Palme Table ta make foe eleep perfectly! they cure aervouaneae and maae you etrnng; prlc (Oe a baa, 0 boiae (2.00; guaranteed. All oruggiata, w ' -iee te, ei North ihlrd at,. i'ortUad. Or. HOLD ON There Is one thing that will cure rneumatiam. Aaa your arusgiai ror aara ton I or addreaa er rail i. U. Clemeaeoa, druggtat, Portland, Or. MANLT vigor restored by Dr. Rnherta' Nerv O lob ilea. - One month's treatment, S2 S Ageata, Weedard, Clark SJ Co, ParUaad, Or, PERSONAL. ' HOUKN S RHKI MATIC CURB Sure cure lor rhtuMnatiem. Sold by all d.-aggDCa. DR. BINO CHOONG. Importer Chines root medicines; eel I. Chinee tea', certain cure for all dlaeaaes. lot 2d, bet, Yamhill and Taylor. SL'ITS preaeed while yoa wait. 60, Ladlee aklrta preaeed, (Oc. Ollbert, 100 Blxtb at.. - " wuu. A.,. Ma PHYSICAL culture, all branrkee, snd maaaagei Individual and elaaa Instruction; private borne treatment If desired. The Ring lac SchouL $00 Alder at. Phone Main 1S6L. J.X0l'B ahoea .hlned free of charge at the Model 7 Barber-8aop ; alia vliif 1BC. 7 T BEST-aaagasta aluba ever offered; send for price; agents wanted.' Book Store, l Alder at,, Portland.. Or. . MOLBS, wrinkles. superHooas hair removed. - No charge to talk it over, Mrs. M. l. Hill. Room iM Flledner Bldg. Phone Padde 13$. TI RK1HI1 BATHS, OOO Oregonlan hldg.l ladla I da ye, aenUeaWB algbta.- Mala I03S. - V1AVI CO., .Lew Is bldg.. (50H Morrtaoa) health talka to womea Tharedays, s20 p, m. WRBFOOT Oil Blacking uvea tb leather; ab aolutely waterproof. EVERY mother anonld as Webtoot Oil mark ing oa bee bore', aboee; makes them wstsr proof aad theyweer twice ss nng ; BEFINBD young lady, inat arrived from the raat, glvea maaaag treatment. - Boom S. 201 Alder et. MANICUKINO. halrdreaalng, apeclal $.1 courae, one week only; trade school for womea aad girls. (64 Alder, Tha Montgomery. MANICURING, chiropody and alcohol rubbing. Parlore 21 and 22.' 2M Stark at. DOLL'S HOSPITAL ' Repairing and dreealng. Ml Yamhill atreet. THB NATIONAL INTRODUCING SOCIETY W have meniben ta art walk nfHfev from the government official, to th farmer, ao- elety ladlea to worklna clrla: matrimonial ree later wun pnotoa nneac punu.bed; members and aU 10c. S4 Buaaal bld mg. DETECTIVE AGBNGY Confidential Inveettga. tlona; ivpert iurnlahed on Indlvldnila. thilr character, reapunalbillty. etc.; bad drbtd col lected ; mtaelng relatives located; cbargea rtaeonable; correapondence eollclteii Oregon Detective Servlru, ofdere 202-2O4 Flledner bldg., 10th and . Waahlngtoa at, fh-ina Main BS1B. DISEASES OF WOMBN PrlvaU matornlty hos pital, quiet location; apeclal care. Dr. At wood, room (. (MiV Morrlsoa. Tel. Pae. 1762. GERMAN books, msgsslnes, novels, etc.; Geo msn, Engll.h, Frrnch, Spanish, Swedlah ssd It.llsa ulctlonsrles; Airelgn hooka of all JllBda. - Scha.ale CO., 220 Flrat at. MISS' GIBSON grow hair, care dandruff. Boom 62, 2BH Moartaoa st..' corner Fourth. TWO young ladles give mssssge-treatmeats. HOVt Fourth, corner Waahlagtoa. BEFINBD lady gives mssssge treatments slee cairopoay. zoi laira St., earner Taylor. BURNT LEATHER WORK. poet. la burnt to er , der 10c. S for SSc. Addreaa all eommualrs tione to T SS, care Journal, x State what yoa wint in poet a la, and 1 11 mall them prepaid. MARRIAGE PAPER, hlgheat character, euperlor aervice; , BOO published deacrlptlone. many wealthy: paper 10c, eealed. L. Ia Lore, Box 1000, Denver, Colorado. MISS RAYMOND gives m.aaaga treatmeata. 20H MorrlaoB et., room 14; REFINED lady (Ives electrics! snd mssaage treatments ror rheumatism. Z34)a wa.ning :ou at., rooma 1 -A. .ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO., aad Montana Aaaay Office, 1M Morrlaoa at ATTORNEYS. J. 8. WINCHESTER, attorny-at-law. aotary puniic. oa an bu wa.nington Biog. "ARCHITECTS. SEE Johnaoa A Storre. archltecta aad builder., -alaiut yuui awwiera alire--trt40 - Morrlaoa au Phone 487S. ART. FREB LESSONS la embroidery every day) new etamped shlrtwslsts, enrset-eovera, ro- lero Jseaets, Beta, amnreuaa. etc. The Needlecraft Shop. (S2 Waahlagtoa at., be- xweeo vtaax rara aaa lentn eta. PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYER, S4S Aider. Portrait and laodacap artist and teacher. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM, 1O0-1I1 Second st. Blank books manufactured; agents for Jones Improved Loose Leaf ledgers; aee the new Burets leaf, the best oa the . market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES S. Blrkeawald Co., (04. Sod Everett at.; largest butcher aupply boaaa on th eoaat. Writ for catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dekum, 1X1-1U First at., carries a full Una snd com plete aaeurtment at lowest market prloae. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST St. Georre St. George CAN TELL TOUR FULL NAMB, AGB, 0C CCPAT10N. , $10.000 Challenge for HI Equal (rO.OOO Commande by education and- le endowed with the myatertoue powers of the Eaatera Magi to heal the 111, weak, a Irk, afflicted: caa aee the poet and future of yoar ef fairs eryetal clear; creel re a divine Influ ence to overcome domeatic, love or bual neaa failure) makea Dials to yoa all thing blddea. doubtful, deceptive: . that annoy, perplex or prevent eueceee; the enlr Yoghl mediator of secret Influence la America; Implaata la year life end being a marvelous lure to gain yoar wl.h la mar riage, love, mining, money, baelneee, win ning luck; removee evil, corea drink Ash IU, all weakneeaee which depreae yoa or coerce th will, reetoree mat vitality. Snda trraeureef , mine, mlealng one. pspera) Egyptian astral dead-trance medium, pay chic' palmist, "mystic heeler, comtilet Oriental lifereadlog . clarlrvoyant) pnaltlvely fuaranteea the beat era nee yon have ever ad simply by tsklng your bend aad look ing Bt yoa; telle everything with names, date, facts and Sgurea; always reliable; oldest, Boat experienced IB all occult snd special work) snggeatlona. success vibra tions, mental telepsthy; bssteae msrrlage, reetoree Inst love, reunite th ae par. ted, - ontwlte Tlvale, eneralee. Open-Suedaye. 800 WASHINGTON BT.COU. PARK ST. Opposite Star Theatre. A SPECIAL (5.00 READING FOB $1.00. lead! Read! Read! THIS IS FOR YOU! READ CAREFULLY . THB FOLLOWING WOBDSi 1 Madam Barth f a permanently locatrd to her owa Boma, 42S ' STARK ST. This Woaderful worn. a, ac knowledged by the world te be the greeteet clairvoyant alive, without yoa writing e ques tion or ottering en word, aha telle yoa luet what yoa came for. how many la your fam ily snd sll sbout them. Telia asmes. dstee and facts. Telia yoa ef men, marrtagee, ' deetbe. bualneaa epecalatlone, Inveatmeat. ate.) locate, oil, gas snd minerals of ell kind, removes svfl InSueacee and teeehee yoa how to control the- on, yon lore. Bailee the separated aad eaaaee a peed r and con genial marriage. No matter wbat yoar con. dltlon may be. MADAM BAHTH WILL HELP YOO. 420 STARK. COR. 12TH. , ALL WORK GUARANTEED, FEB WITHIN REACH Or ALL. HOUHS 10 A. M. TILL - S VM, ENGLISH AND GERMAN SPOKEN. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. -A SPECIAL, $0 READING FOR $L , r . ALWAYS CONSULT TUB BAST. PROF. B. KH1MO. Ore. teat living aerral dead trance enysBt of the sga: ADVISER ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE) whom yoa will marry." how to control the one yoa love, eve though mllea away; reunite the aep arated: glvea secret powers to control. I will do ell others adverrlae to do, and a real, deal more. - THB ENTIRE WORLD a flKEN STARTLED WITH THR POW. RKS OF THB UN8CEN FORCRS I HAVE AT MY COMMAND, snd. I prove It to yen with ea, p,,., fffj Br having your NAME TOLD !N FVIX1. JUST WHAT T0U CAMB FOR, and glvs yoa advice aoaolntely FSKR before you d-Me to have reading. WHO CAN OH V Ml, DO MORB TO CONTINCR THR SKEFIKt 1K1 NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, I IT WILL NOT RE OFFERED TO YOU luAlN. .PROF. B. KHIMO, Permanelly Located tn Ills Owa P . OURS. 10 TO S. DAILY AND SI c Ai. tie. B( rifth St.. ear aar Madleoa FINANCIAL I ABB TTXTOB.BABKBRS-KXataalftsd l- TruiMli a Seanral Baahtag B1 Stataa. Blah. sa.. .... a. , , mmm iiivp.A jree Bt. .Lenla. beaver. Omaha. Sa FiaaaIapa aad -?lJrH?iJyrlL'S. Praakfurt, Hongkong, Yokohama, --j'-f t ,, MMXRCHABTS- BATI0BA7. BANK. PORTLAND, 0REOOB. v 1 'RANKJcrAIStlN Prealdenl I R. L DURH M. w. aioxx Cashier I UBORGS W. HOTT.,.....Aeeeian. Tnata a Baaaral Banking Bustaeee, ' Drafts sad Letter of Credit Issued Available ta AH Parte at the World. Co Meet lone a Bnoclattr , - . , - ' I J1 "AtMATlOBAli BABX OP PORTLAND. 01AOOB. " . ewiawiet twuer i.ira int ut. nrreev. . - .TraaiActa a Saneral Bankiag Buslnaaa. DR4TS lt'PD Av.ttabte tn An nJ7 ea. lfoHe S t eteo-ei But one -4torA-oe aan"Man1Ia. CIWiIaa. u..Ia aa Taeorele. Ta.ajfc alSt", J. C AINS WORTH I vice-rre.fdaatt.M,t.M R. t.KA RARNBS i Aaal.tant Caah lev. . B CoaBaMvcval aad savings department. - lettere ef credit D. C. PRI.TON available a all pari, fBl n i.l!eiiAU:. i;"---r't I Orfi? 5" nrwTSrS"1-1'"' Vles-Pweldenl I ."jN A. KEATINGJ;;Seey.dVlce- f rveelfleBl 1 THI 0 CALIFORNIA fcusllshed I. DI."L P?' ap.... (4. rmow Jrh"n" Bu.tneaa Trarnacted, lutereat 6s Time !epoAt, " (A VINOS DEPARTMENT Acconnta may he opened of (10 sod upward. u 4 . . Port la ad Breach Chamber of Cemmere Building. , , - ' "'C'dB.............. 1 J. T. B U RTCH A FT.L. '..'. . Aaatstaat Msnaeee PIBST NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. .a a An a. p ron.XI.AJID. oagaoBT. Brelgnsted Depoaltney and Flnanet.l Agent of th United State. a M1LIA- I Caabler W. "rtler..-,; W. C. ALVOKB Second Aaal.tant Caahter B P. Aeetateat ntevit smi, .rwn a 1 1. m- a. "1 ---- .mi iriewraonie TTanarera ante on new Tor,, rwoa. 1 nirage, nr aeaia. . aTJi,'. 0m.J."' "T". acW and- the orl net na I point In he Nortbweat. Boagkoag. V"T "m orawn m euma to anit an loaroaama. Copenhagea. Cbrlattanla. TRUST- COMPANIES PVm,HVnJ COhrPANT OF OREOON The Oldest Treat Compear la Oroeea. R"SOURCFS OVER (1.T00.000. Genera! h.nklne. S per cent Mtereet on cheek aceoonra leven knnilreel.V aa A.ll v. -a ut , .. '. . . ... . J . . tl ""TT..'. 'as vvorld. Ssvlnra aeenante. Time "iVpaoB?" " ' ... . . Pr-ldeat I " I EB PAGET Secretary I reorneaM r-nMA. o.i , n w a. SlCWRrTT SATTN08 A TRtST tMMPAITT Trsnaaets a Oeneral Banking Buafness. T1" nd na vine. Account a. Acta aa , ' . - Credit Available la All v- r. .ntira..'.:...- b-i... t a -a i'n inrj, A. tar MILLS.. Second Tlce-Preeloeat I ' GEO. F. RUSSEIX T "OBTSAOI TABANTEB ft TRUST B 1 u a ml Banking Baslneaa. . r-., m eni iiurotjiktei anuanwi anarterly .. . v, - -.'-, CAPITA I, (100.000.00 W. wATBRBCBT, Prerldeat C, W. MILI.FR , . . TVe-Prealdeat -,v- . 9. LOGAN RAYS.,1.: etatsnt Secretary ... - ' Elkr TBle. Seventh and Stark Streets. Prime M-ln IH4. One Saturday Rveata S to A ' VTRTarWxSTIBIt OVARANTEI ft TBtrST 1 N . Lsmber Birhingr -s B. Corner Second and Stark Streera laeennd Seorl. aST":'Z - PIBCALr-AORNT FOR CORPORATIONS. 1 State. fonnty, V said pa I and CorcoraHoa Honda Boocbt and Sold. New rater prtaae arsaarssl anai nnanceq. aroces TTtS OTfARANTEE ft TBTTST COMPANY 240 WASXTNOTOH STRIZT. MoRTGAUS LOANS aa Portland Real E.t.te at Ixrweet Rate. ' Title Inenred. A be tract a Faroaahed. i'rR',,,B'R,' BOM.....,, Preeldent I JNO. Xf. AtTCHISON OEOnOB H. HILL .....Vlce-Presldeat I T. T. Brit K HART I BONDS AND M 0BB1B BB0TnaS.-CMuahsg at Oemiaeree Bldg. V -, . ;' ' . . . ( Menlctnal. railroad end pnblle aervtee eorporatloB honda. D0WYTBB.HOPKIBB COhTPANT KstahlUked ... STOCKS, BONDS: GRAIN Boaght Private Wire. BOOM 4 CHAMBER BX . 0. LXS CPMPANT IS-SS Lafsyetts Brokerage Deoartmeat See Pa Before Baying or Selling Stocks OtnS t. W1LDX HOMX TELXPH0BX BONDS BANK STOCKS. . .'Member Portland Stock Exchange. - Corner Sixth and Waahlngtoa Streets. Portland.' Oregon. Overbeclc Starr & Cooke Co. r wBATaT, PB0TTSI0N8. COTTON. STOCKS AND ROKDS. WB SO A STXIOTLT COMMISSION BUSINESS, , ' Msrkata by Private Wire. Qnleh Service. BEFBRENCES Ladd ft Ttttoa. Baka- ar. aad Uaited Stataa Netloaat Bask ef Pert la ad. . . . . , Caatlsa CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST ALWAYS' RELIABLE M IVOR TRAVIS, Pavctitr Wonder. a. ' Ctatrroysnt, palmlat and dead trance me dium. Office. SMS Morrlaoa at,. The Ben nett. Houra from ( a. xs. to p. m., inciuo- Ing Sundaya. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODT snd Pettlcorlng. Room (30 Flledner Bldg. Mrs. M. b. Bin. Panne , Pae. 130. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Clesnlng Co.. largest plsnt on the coast, loring ana taroiug eta., me phone Ksst 2N0. Carpets desned. refitted, sewed snd laid; both ateam and latest com pressed sir process; renovating mattresaed sad fssthers a specialty. SANITART carpet cleaning, suction, sad com pressed sir combined; carpet a cieanea on noor wltnaut removal. Main 50S4. Main (200. .. CARD WRITER. A. R. SPRP.ADBOROUGII. bsslness sdvertlalng card writer, 04 sa.l aiorriaoei. rnone asi 2H14. COAL AND WOOD. Telephone Malar SoSS. Smithing Cost aad . Cos I for Bhlpa a suecislty. The - T0BBT A BROOKES FUEL CO. Incorporated. ) ' Kxclnelve agents for " KKMMKREH COAL. COAL. COKE. CHARCOAL. OfSee and lard Frost and Kearney at. "THB PORTLAND FUEL CO.. Succeasors to R. DAVkS FriL CO., Phon Bsst 2d. 2MT Edst Morrlaoa St. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers In cordweod. coal end green and dry slabwood. K. K. and Alblns see.; 2 blocks ea.t of ferry. Baat B74. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealers la eosl. cordwoeo ana ary eisoweoa. rnone asi sa. OREGON 'FUEL CO. All kinds of coal and wood. 234 Alder ei. rnone Main en. WESTERN FRED ft FUEL CO. Hone and bla.k.mlrh coal.. Phone Mala 10! STAR BOXWOOD CO. Pboae Mala S14S tor box, block snd sianwooa. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. t. A. MELTON, the carpenter, P04 Fourth st store saa erne were, sisib iisi. CLEANINO AND DYEINQ. Portland Steam Cleaning ft Dyeing Work.: prac tical hatter In connection, ill ta. r a cine aui. CUOTHKS olaanad. and-Pireaed $1 Pr 1 H1,U. ,,IWIW A.aiA H. W. TURNER, profeasloasl dyer and cleaner. and t mm Blk. ti.l. ! 3 tPtsra efriiwrafagj m. ST'UW anin in hiw. CAFES. THB 0PPICB SNA Ws.hlngloa st.. pboa Mala T71. Samael Vlguenx. . DANCING. DA.NCJNG leeaon, 23c; claaaee or private: walts- Ing. two-stsp. Tureo-BTep, etc.) etag uancing, buck snd wing, clog, reel, skirt, Suaalah, Highland fling, ate. Prof. Wal WIHeoa, eld eat recognised teacher, Allaky bldg.. Third knd Morrlaoa ale. . WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Class Mon- Thuraoay an paturoay eve.; eociai, rancy and step' dancing taught; fencing taught; priests lessons dally. cetera Academy hall. Second sad Morrlsoa. TscISc ldM. PORTLAND Dancing Academy, leading achool; ballroom tlqnett. correct aocial and elaesit daaclng; both saxea: young folk., sdoLU: tn eimctfon dally. , -ono Aider, Tel. M. loot, rrofv Rrngler, 4 ane lag maatsr. PROF. EATON Dancing school-, few levies sad gent. Monday and svenita, A Hon ball. Phone Eaat 2.4. rMt fcUlU l a. 1 I .1 L . BANKS. la IIM.I Bttainaea. Atolle.tbee made n "1. ',4 d available In Europe and all pol la 1 Traaefere aold an New York. W.ahlar'a"- - ,er wa mi i-ew lA MiHitana aad Rrltl.h Ceteionla. Kachsngs ex Cart lev Aa.tet.nt Ca.hler CHMFSR A- MOI.S .A. M. WRIGHT Istereat n.i,i aa aavIaaa uamma rjearta aed of the world. . g. c. MRAKM. .Caeriie E. C. MSA II H D. STOR PLATT A PI itr:T . .......... ...Aaaiaaamr rMnier 1 L.A n ............. .mvnerai l4. Used Offes. Saa Prsaeiseg. Cailfeeakk,. I Sornlo. and nndtvlded orodta. S10.nas.4dl.SS. ORfOOB. BJrTW1ttI BTCVans in r nrtrpe ane. me Kaevem BTavee Ixmdon Pari.. Berlin, rr.nkrort-eo-rse-wnia. Stockholm. gt.Peter.ber. Moscow. Sirfc-b. recti flea tee to A ner renfr .borte.ll eaocUl hT L. J. . Phone Private Bxchence T2. PITTOCK.. Flce-Preeldeat OOLTRA ,. . . . Aaetefant ecretarr - tOO Morrtson StreeS, Portland. Oregon, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. larerest Allowed Trnate for Betatee. Draft aad Utter ef Parte of the World. v . ......Flrat Vlee-rreeteett B. 0. JUB1TB... Aaetstant Secretary COMPANY BANK. latereet Paid oa. Tims Depoetta. Savtagt COMPANY Portland. Crreeee, sua bona, en. r. a tee a. " .Seererarp .Treaaarer INVESTMENTS. 1SSS.BB0XXBB, . aad Bold for feea aad ea Mantra. ef COMMERCE. Pboa Mela ST. Bldg.. Portlaad. Orates, II. W. Don. boa. Maeager. ' ar Bonds. Csn Alwsrs Bsee Tea Money. IMembere Chicago Board ef Trad,) 102 Tbfrd St.. McKay Bldg... Portlaad. Oregon. DRESSMAKINO. TRT Angelee Dreaemaklne; Parlara. S4S Fifth , rami. voa. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES.1 j, ...a PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, coatrsc tors, repslrers, electric wiring, sspplles, 04 First, eor. Stark. Mala S&M. K. H. Tate, axgr. WE8TERN ELECTRIC WORKS. SI Sixth St, Contractors, electric auppUee. avaters and dynamos; we Inaull Mgbi end power pleats. EDUCATIONAL. PRIVATE TUTORING Tee eher with anlvorslty experiemce; college preparatory work a ape rlaltr. studio ad North lith et. Pbooe Pacific TB4. : . , MART DAVIS MAGINN1S. teacher ef eosveo. tloo.l sad natursllatle china; water -co lor heads a specialty, studio (21 B. Bta st, N. FURNACES. BOYNTON fsrm-str furnaces save tael. . Beyer Furnace Co., 2Ad Baonnd. Mala 4 FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIBB ft IBON WORKS 20S ri.nnere st., eor. Tblrfl. Phon Msln Suuu. . GASOLINE ENGINES. GASOL1NB engines, aU staas and etyava, et avei price. sMiraua asenjaery ua, ixa s a Morrlaoa at. HOTELS. THB BELLEVUB. Fourth and Salmon st. Rooms ao npi rates by week er month! eet-of-towa trade aollclted. Pa cine lluo. GOLDEN WEST HOTEL Europesa plaa; rooma from SO route apt me. is 23 cent. . Sevententh ahd Everett ate. HOTEL Portlaad, American plaa; (3. $S sec day. BELVEDERE; European plaa; 4th sad Alder eta. HARDWARE. PORTLAND nardwsre Co. solicits emiertnnitp to quote prices. 14 pixta st. rector saa. INSURANCE. ISA AO L. WHITE, Or Inxurane.'. 44 Sher. " lock bldg. - - ., JAS. Mcl. WOOD, tmployen' liability and tn. oivuiusi. aaoMient ocurtTy oonaa or an (Uto. I'boue 47. So2 McKay bldg. MACHINERY. B. TRBNKMAN ft CO. Mining-. aawmllL lg- Cing anacDinery; nrurauuc pipe, sasting; XU Inds repaired. I04 North Fourth. AUTOMOBILE machine works, gssolla motors. transmissions snd steeriag gears. N. M. Bea eon, 2oS Grand ar. THE IL C, ALBKB- chlnery aanmllla. etc. 24( Uraad 'are. A. J. PAUL. 103 First er;, englee. bollsrs, 1 mm marnmery: wiras nroa.' geng. MONUMENTS. NEU ft K1NUSLBY. SOS First st, Portlaad remng evDIV WW vtwhi. wwie- MUSICAL. THB WKRBRR RTU IIIO Masdnlla. banjo, gat- tsr Instmvtlon; Ulneon Bianikniua. sio Aioxr, PIANO, vIoHu, Piano, tromhea. rlartaet Pre. feasor B A. Smith. 204 12th. Mala 4T0S. 20 KINTiS 00c rolloa 40c, Levy'e alee la Hoove. 171 Fourth . MANDOLIN leaanoa. Sin tel. a tee. her, Ale, I'hoee Pa'nc liT. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. IHH AIMT H' d 1 II ! 1 ? I"nn J, '.. 1 ,ii J 1 vv mtili ir-STT'TiB vPtSJe It OW . f t '" I- :.-aV cmcur.- I . eJ -l .