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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1906)
t . J. ' . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 7. ' 1906. r . II NEW TODAY. '-- REMEMBER THE NAME j The best plaCB to Invest or buy-1 home. Because prices are right and rr -tOQditioiM are, right. ; - - . : REMEMBER. THE PLACE OAt.HIJRST It U bounded on the north by Alns- worth avenue, on the south by Kill. ' ingsworth avenue and on the west by ltb street. ;REMBMBER THAT OAKHURST Is a hizh. siihtly' addition that Is now offered for sale at prices that should cause you to. investigate be- ora buying elsewnere. , -1 REMEMBER OAKHURST- Is for sale by J. F.'O'Donnell Co, 207- Mohawk bldg. V Our agent, M. L Walling, is on the ground, and will show you over the addition at any time. - . The Willow Brook Farm m j . ... r 1 In the Tualatin ValleyNoted for its fertile soil and . . BIG RED APPLES - ' and where the .- ENGLISH WALNUTS prow to perfection, has been laid OUl , into crage j: x racis. me : County Road now being opened up through the -center of.' this large farm and 2 Miles of 10 Bar Keystone Woven Wire Fence is now being built These tracts are selling rapidly. . Come and go out with us, . we will show you these beautiful tracts. About 10 .Tiiles from the court house, near Portland-Salem Electric- Line. ' $5Q to ? 150 Per Acre ; iNVESTIViENTCO. - 244 STARK ST. ' , E. Quackenbush, President : HONEST -f EFFORT , Miaaas wnremittlngTy aloaa mnaei in - tire baalDaaa Baaa tor aaarly SO yaan . , baa pUoed tba "OLDKST THTfflT COatrajrX HI oasaov" ta the fore aa a SANKIMO IltBTrnj ,; TION where year aioney will evet be '-. aafegaarded by capable awa aad aa a ajaeetloned reaonrcea. . !. Sapoaita aoHellad aa iaToranla tatar-. ' aat plana. Toa era hiTlted to call aad talk over ;.' Btanwat mattera with aa. ' ' - Write for rrea Booklet at ... aumtATion." , ? Portland Trust Company of Oregon -' ,) BoBtaeaat Corner Third aad Oak eta. Phone axebanaw 72. : BKICJ. I. COHKN.............Ireeideot . H. L. PITTCX-K Tloa-Preeldent B. LXB PAttKT ..Secretary - a. 6. OOLXEA......aaalataa Bearatary FINE LOTS $170 EACH nL Inside i Property ' Lota 10x100 feet each with traded streets, aidewalka and city watar piped ta every lot. Thla tract is known as "Alton Park" and situated about ona mile and a half aoutheaat of Mad! eon ' street brldgw on the Bellwood oar line. The lots are aU cleared. In traas plot and oommaad a Una view of the river; lt-mlnute ear servloe, and tha price of theae lots la 10 per cent cheaper than adjoining; lots sold for, which are now 1 built upon . with comfortable-- homes, Limned number for $50 DOWN AND $10 FEB MONTH Title paf-ao) frea abrtrat fanlabad wltk every lot. Take Bellwood car and .wet off on Harold street, and you are at ' the property. For particulars oaJl on H. J. CLOHESSY ; ; Ml MoUT BUXUtOrO. . . Wafer-Front ' t Waterfront and trackare, I50xt40 feet, worth 17,600. See this today.' ' WALLfNO, tit BUrk Bt j A SNAP ' Quarter Mtfrk, Pbrtland Hclirhta, full view of city; small house, in good con- 'dltion. Only Il.tOO. ... BUTXnEXJrOKD m CO, ' 117 Commercial Block. Phone M, f 12. If You Want i oo& buy la Inalde business propert Sphinx Agency stH staxk mm. vVantad Appllratlons for inortsaaw ' loan a. direct from owner, from &00 to ll.aOS, for term of 'years, low ratea, moderate charsaa. w. k. WAJU. At-eroor-at-Lew,. Ailaky bldf. ACREAGE NEW TODAY. XT TOW WAV A UMAX. IHitl A THAT WHO. X A x a TOW kovbt M JO- HOT TOB TOW! F. DUBOIS WMklartoa Bid, Boom S. 4250 $600 $650 $700 $750 Extra Ana lota. East Ollaan; easy terms. 10xl00 on car line. East Port land Heights., Extra. nti lot. Eaat J 8 th street; Mr terms. : Beautiful lota. East Flanders; easy terms. - Klne lot, East Burnalde; worth f00. , Quarter block, all Improvement! paid, Eaat Couch; snap. . 100x105. Williams are., terma; worth J,000 now. Lares quarter bloc, magnificent view. Portland Helghta;. snap. . Very fine modern cottaae, oen tral; Albina; terms. .. Beautiful 7-room house, corner lot. fruit; Eaat Main; terms; -wtjr-bothjTtww- 8-room eottarei; west side; cash; snap. $1600 $1800 $2750 $1700 $1900 42100 $2100 $2500 Store, butcher shop, barn, etc; Union avenue. ' : '- I neat, all rented, near Union ave.; terms. Fine (-room modern house; East Davis; terms. - 70x100 " corner" cottaga, store. $2600 $3100 $3200 $3700 $6500 rent ill. 60 month. Two other stores, rent $38 month. eaat side. - block, t-room house, Williams avenue; terme. - - t lots and two lt-room houses; Lincoln su, terms, - F. DUBOIS . Wsahlactoa Bldf, Boom B, '. HOLLYWOOD ACRE TRACTS PER ACRE : ON EASY TERMS ?10 PER MONTH Fine soQ, no grave4J?5 minutes' ride; 5icent fare; only a few left You can double your money in ' . ' '- one year. " TOWNE 420 COMMERCIAL BLOCK - :-t 243 Washingtoh St . , PHONE PACIFIC 2514 Hartmaa & Thompson - BANKERS MONEY TO LOAN WE BUY AND SELL ' ' MORTGAGES 4 Per Cent Interest paid on Time -Certificates. . ' : Don't : wait to accumulate a large ' amount Bring : in your small savings. We will pay you interest on , the accumulating amount, then aid you in its safe investment , , Open irom" 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. weefc days . rn.-to 3 p. m. on Saturdays. , , ' 1 Room 3, Chamber of Comrrerce Northwestern Guarantee and Trust Company bulbar Zxchaare Bids'. (Baoond Tloor) B. m. Cor. Beooad and Stark ana. - SUBURBAN. HOME A neat -roora modem CQttaare, with lot (0x100, near car Jlne. Our terma within- the- Teaett- of people -with limited tncomea. - if w wast banrala veply imme- For Sale! $7500Mortgagc per cent tntereat. Mr grade aecnrlty, center af bnalneaa aertkm. 4(0 ntnrtraga at S per rent aeenred tiy raat A nee aeeperty wa-Kearney at.,- worrh S2,M0. , Hartman Q Thompson I CHAMBER Or COMMERCE. " BARGAINS Hotel, it rooms furnished, city, to leaae. 240 sores timber and orchard land. White Salmon valley. Trout Iaka, and hntneatead relinquishment, for" sale cheap C. H. FIOQOTT and J. A. FINCH, Attorneys-at-Law, Room 4, Mulkey building. - tnr nut 20 acree. lays well, near car; worth f&SO. OgdXliyLJM week. v WAXTXmi, 141 BUrk BU $275 to $375 WEATHER REPORT. A port loo at the dlaturbaac yeettrrday Bear Tatooah UUod baa eroaeed tUc Bock mountain ad M central tale norulug north of Montana. A part of thla dleturbance, however, ram. In. central off tb Waahlugtoa eoaat. The atoria yeeterdey wae tb wore! of tb eeaeoo akwif tba Oregoa eoaat. A meilroum wind velocity of M mllee from tb aoutheaat occurred at North HH1 Iiiitb wluda ale occurrad laat night at cetera naaiuugtoa aa follow: walla walla, 8a mllee auuihaaat aod Bookao 28 mllee aoutb weat. -Moderately hif ralaa bar fallaa se- rrally la tba aorta Pacific atataa. and llnlit rala or anow ia ivporttd (t arattarad BlafiaaJu Uic aliaauurt and uppar Mlaaualppl vallvra. Tha aaalara hbrh Draaaura araa baa eunlractad la aroa aad mnalaad nearly atatlonary orar tba www i. ft. ra;ioB ina Din praaaura araa erar Ilia Draat Salt I-aka taala baa raaraU aoutb ui aprrad raatward. Tba ludlcatlona are for rala ta tbla dletrlet lonitnt anu Tburaoa. UbacnaUona ufcaa at S'a. at., Paclfla tlma lamp. U.I. Mtn. Pnclp. Rakar Cltr."OnoB. ....... 4 Hoptoo, Maaaachuaatte M Cbk-aco, IlllBula...., M llvnTar, Onlnraao. ........... M ' Kauaaa City, M laaoort . . . . . ." TO Loa Angalea, Caufurnla..,. M" ; New Orlaaoa, Loulalana.... T - Naw York, N'aw lock...... IM Portlaad. Oregon M Roaeborf, llregoa. .M Mt. Loola, Mlaaoorl ,70..' Bait Laka, li'tah 60 Ban rraarlaco, Callforala.. 3 Bpokana, Waahlngton.,,..,,' (Ml T.rouia. Waahlngton 12 Walla WalU. WaaUlogtoa.. AO ' Wasblngton, D. O. ......... 60 . 4U .io S M SO M' b m ss 40 M M sa ei .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .22 50 M .la .0 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Norrla M. Bloan, 1; Rachel M. Nealay, . Henry J. Clint, 28; A. May rarrell. It I. Bter Aahar of fit. Jobaa, 23; Catbertoe Saniuu, 25. x ' ' - . Kortnaa I. Bradley W Oragoa City, S Qtaan aa. mtiiew, 1. Harry f. Ned row, 2S; Ida Mary Boaeaa, 21. - J.- a. Barber, - tlriat flowering. - deeata tlva pianta, artwtie norai aeaigna; expert tnm mlng and planting of beabea and treaa. Alt eaacoaeer a .a. tnooa -aat sviu. Weddtng CardV. W. O. Bmltb Co.. Walk ing toa .bldg.. oor. roartb and Washington at. Wedding and ealllnc earda engraved er pnntea. m.- X. Buantua, Kati Waaaiugtoa at. mil dreaa aulta for rent, ill eleea. JJnJnu xiiwnul war aiarn .1. DEATHS. WILBOK November 4, Jadane W. WUeon. M rears. Two tferoett. rmHaenarv tnbereuleela. iONUENHEN November o, Haby Jooganaen. 1 aaya, 870 Oaatabbaka aveaaa, eerebrai aara- rrnaga. FUNERAL NOTICES. SIMON The fuaaral of Oeorge W. Simon, a member af Oreaoa aad Waahlnatoa dlvlalaa. T. f. A. of A., will be bald from Holman'g andertaklna parlora tomorrow (Tbnraday) morning at 10:110 e'ekxrk. tfembere of the eraar la toe elty are reoueated to attend. 2 J, W. CL'RIAN. Secretary UNDERTAKERS. Dunning. Mc En tee A Otlbaofh, andertakera and embalmera; gaodera la every detail. SaveoU aad Pine. Main. UU. bao aaalataat. A. B. Bematoek, andertakar and embalmer, Baat Thlrteeatb aad UmatUla are. Pnoaa SeU- wood .""-' Brlekaoa Undertaking Co.. aad embalming, 40S Aider at. Pbona atala S18S. Lady aaalaUnt. J. F. rinley a Bona, Third and aladlaoa ata. Of See of WHWty coroner. Pbona Mala S. Clarke Broa.. riorlata line Baral deelgaa. JB Morrlaoa at. Kdward Bolmaa, aadertaker, aao Third at. . . aUTXBTIXV CJJfXTXAT, . - " Single sravaa, 10, Family lota $76 to 11,000. The only cemetery la Portland which per petually malatalua and earea tor iota, tat fall lnforntatloa apil7to W. B.' Mackenxle. Woe eeeter Dkx-a. city. W. If. Ladd. preeldent. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 4 Mercantile Troat A Inveatmeat compear to B. O. llagbea, lot a, block S, Maa- lng'a addlttoa $ 450 Title Onarantee A .Tnut eompaoy to , Kata ai. Adama, lot a, block a. lrrlng-. toa Belghte 128 Ktnnia 11. Meeker et al. to Frederick Vlereck. lou , a. T and S, block 28. Holladay'a addlttoa to Eaat Portland.. (.TOO William THann and wife to Jamaa W. Black, lot a. Arleta Park 130 Byroa F. Bonaa and wile to Robert 8. ' JUrr, I acrea beginning 888 feet north . of a point 83 chalna weet and 21.70 ebalna north of 4 aeetloa, corner of eectkma S aad Sy towaahlp 1 aootb, ' rangal eaat 1,000 William Morrow to Claudia B. Lawrence, eoath 7.6 feet of lot S, and aU of -lot , block 0, . Break's addltloa te ' Eaat Portland t 1,700 John a. Bramley te Amelia Bramley, acrea ia aeetloa S, tow nan lp 1 aorta, range 1 eaat..... 2,000 Tboiuaa McNamea te Jfamea Perry Mof fett; lot 11. block 14. Uoldamlta'a ad dltloa ,. (,260 Io ii. xarpiey and wire to Benjamin P. , Ton ma a at al parcel of land begin. Blng at a point In aoutb Una of Cutb blrth Btnmp'a donation land claim, ia aeetloa a, towaablp 1 north, raaga 1 eaat a "., B. F. Doty and wlfa to Maria H. Chit. ' wood, lot 10, block 7, Flrland 1,000 uoicineQ uroaa to Auguei King, mta S and 6, block 11, Lincoln Park Franceo Howe to Benhart Beleraoa, Iota S and a, block 20, Haaaoa'a Baeoad addltloa 4,001 Walter B. Bardy to H. B. Noble, lota 11 aad 12. block 4, Lanrelwood 1,000 vyrane a. ana . a. nira to amaiina A, Galbraltb, lot I, aad fractional lot 22. block a, Cloverdale tract , BOO rotnt view tieai uetata eompany to Ida B. KaaL lota 12 and 12. block S. Point View , 1 200 Benry C. Hod gee and wife to O. W. - T Prleet, lot 16, block IS, Central Albina ' BOO VKtor iena company to Jnna B. Bnten acboea, lot 83, blork 87, Penlneular 1 - addltloa Ne. 8 to Emit Portland Auguatua Wenta and wlfa to Jobs B. Bntenachoen and wife, lota 18 and 14. ' block 87, Penlnaular addltloa No. $.... 000 oen a. neaiy to r. i. ueaiy, eaei H of lota 1 and 2, Mock 100, Btepbana addi tion to Eaat Portland , 1 varvim jinra et ai. to unariea M . Hollo- Keter. aouth 87 feet of lot T, block 1, . unnilda addltloa ' 1 A lore Harold to Llnle Mheek, lot 2, blork S, Mealoe Park; aubdlvlaloa of ' lata 1 to 84 a W, . n . . ............ .ntmnrv r. renier to rvrerMeagner, -bier 24 m. Patton'f Second addltloa to Albina 1. B. Holllater to David P. Wllllame, north 40 feet of lot 8. block 110, Stenbena' addltloa to Baat Portland... Joel W. Crocker and wife to Fred Wllbnr , Crocker, lot 4, block 10, Boatbara Port lead John W. and Abble Angaa to T. A. Rey nolda, lot 1.1. block B, Portamoatk 2.1S0 TOO 250 i 1.400 2.800 400 10 Patrick Skell to BamnVl' Frederick.' 'lot 22, block ft. 8t. Inborn Park addltloa to Bt. Johna , Arthur O. Spencer and wife to Frederick O. Krkee. parte of Vita 2 and 2, block 11, Doracher'a Second addltloa Bert B. Botce and wife to W. C. and B. C. Cooper, lot 12, block 0. Piedmont.. I RuaeiM Ackley- and wlfa to O. B. ' Woodworth. truatee. eaat 82 feet of aonth 20 tet af lot 8, block 11, Doa- cher'a Second addition , , C. II. Woodworth. truetee. et ai., ' to Frederick (1. Srkee. aa mml . ma exienaioa . 1 tot 2, and eeaf M feet of north 20 feet ot mt s, mora ii. i marker a aecoad addition ; Chrletopher D. Brnnn and wife to Tlllle Holm, part of block 87, Salllvaa'a addition to F.aaf Portland Fred Hmtte aad wife to . B. Toepelmaa. aontbeaat "a t nnrtheaat 14 of aectlon 4. townablp 1 aoutb, range 4 eaat, containing 40 acrea...: F. W. and M. K. rhnrchhonra to O. P; M. J. ml eon. 7243 feet bertnntng at eouthweet corner of aonthweat u of blork 8. In A. N. Klng'a addition.?.... 1 1.500 1,000 8,700 100 100 600 -, y j mer niairr to renny n. amlaon, aame property aa above O.' P . M. Jamlaon and wife to r-.K Nlaley, aama . property , aa deacrllnd Biwrre ...4...,., , Claude Carmack to Cora M. Koonta. 1 acrea commencing at aoutheaat corner of eaat -14 of aoutheaat of aeetloa 17. townafitp 1 aooth. range 4 eaat Simon Wolf and wife to N. and A. Welnatetn. noil no feet of W. W. and M. F. Cbapman'a donation land claim in aeetloa 4, townablp 1 aonth, range 1 eaat . . : J. B. and fmiM Scott t Clara J. Rebe, lot , block 10. Park . addltloa to- ' Albina '. '. rr Jamea and Kata Flyna to P. J. flrnn, kt 14, block 15, auhdtvtalon of Proab atel'a eddltlon to Albina. .". ....... .. Oeorre W. Chamberlain and wlfa te Iotila Htobler, -a atrip containing ii acrea In nortbweet H of aoaiheaat "4 of eec Uoa 81, townablp 1 aarla, range 4 eaat , above 180 ' I Of REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Oeorge W. and Mary Chamberlain to Aa- , ton Btohlrr, a atrip of land containing . IB acrea. off tha weet aide of 4Ue:notUi,.... '. weat U. tit the aonthMat U of aectkm . 21, townablp 1 noi'tb, range 4 eaat.... 000 For abatracta, title Inaurance or awrtgage loana call on Pacific Title A Treat company, 204-6-4-T railing building.,. . , Oat yonr tnanranca and abatracta ta - real aetata from the Title Guarantee Tract com pany. 2t Waahlngton atreet. corner Second. NOTICE. a'OTICg Or DISSOLUTION OP PABTNBB Le-BHU'-JiuUca U barely -glraa -thai tba art nermnin uaretornre axi.iiuH neiween n. ri Hlracnberger and- J. W. 8weeney, under the : firm aame or iiiravbiwrcer at utreene;, aoing bualneaa at 293 llumtlTe t lMrtlaod. Ore gon, la heretty dlaaolred hj mutual conaent. ' All aeounia due Itie an Id firm are to be paid ' by the aald H. H: Ulrarnberger, who will ivmtlnn Ilka hn.lnM anil all dehta and Ha- bllltlea of the aald firm will be paid by the aald ii. ii. liiraciinerger. - bated at Portland, Oregoa, tbla S4 day . oc naeaaiuer, . H. H. HIRHTHREBOBR, J. W. BWEBN1CX. HKATEKS rermlred ear ahcrt aotlcv at Alr-ligbt : Stove Co., 271 Flrat.- Pbona ferine m. EXCAVATINd and trading. C. B. PotUge, H Commercial at, Pbona Eaat B108. MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBOR Something Bcla? TO-NIGHT I : BETTER COME WA8BIMOTON LOOOB NO. 40. A. F. A A. M. Stated communica tion thla (Wedneeday) evening, 7:80 o'clock, Borkhard building. Work In B. A. degree. Vlaltore W 91 Id-'O ms) . By vV." Jsf J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. M. W. A. BVEROREBN Camp. B.4M. meeta wedneaaay evening, Aiucy nuig., intra aaa Morrleoa ata PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Muala for ' an e ea alone; reaaonabla. Mala 40 Leeretla. it. W. A., Oregoa Grape Camp, No. S.07S, Moa aaya. jTtn ana marenau; viaitora welcome. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A place to hava hatr mattreaaea rane- vatea ana retarnea name aey. xz rrool at. Mala 474. Portland Curled-Hah? Factory. U. Wetigar, proprietor. LOOT Engllah ball terrier dog with black apot oa aoaa ana emau rouaa near on neaa; nad collar aa with name. Finder pleaae notiry A. Waaibold, F 4a, care Journal. Reward. LOOT Sunday night, tl)t umbrella, at Third ana Aiaer ata.; ivory ana goia nanaia and initiate "U C." oa handle. Phone Unioa 2101 for reward. FOUND Oa October 23, a black and White epotted bird dog. with name on collar. Call at 872 Albina ava, and Identify. LOST A black cocker apanlel, collar of braee buttona. Herura aame to Jamee Barrett, eeo Seventh et. and receive reward. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED At once, ataveholt-cattere; goad pay. ateaay work. . Apply w cetera cooperage Co., 8fl Staaraa bids.. Portlaad; or Uoaltoa, Orefoe. . . . . Uclcn Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH BT. Frea employment to our patrone, ' ; Weekly ratea: Room, tl.2S up: room aad board, 84.80 ap. Anderaoa, proprietor. WANTED Km lea men; many make $100 te $180 per month; aome even mora) etoek a lea a; grown oa reeervatlon, tar from old arenarde; aaah advanced weekly; choice ef territory. Addreaa Waahltgtoa Naraary eompaay. Top. penlab, Waablngtoa. MEN AND WOMEN te ieara barbar trade In eight weeka; graduate eara from $16 to $23 . weekly; eipert Inatructnra; catalogue free. Moler Sretem of Collegea, SB NorU Fourth at.. Portlaad. 7 . ENTEBPRIHR HOTEL, 822 SAVIEB, CORNER 1STH. We era in tba factory aad mllla diatrlct; coma la and hava a talk with na, good board and good room. $4.60 per weak. , WB get work for ear membera; aptetal mem bera, $2. X. M. C. A, Fourth aad yatehllL- WANTED Twe ar three firat-claae. all around macnlne men; permanent poaitloa. good wagee. Oregoa Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam road. DON'T work for a tmall aalary; aea or write , Pacixic aio aaaociatioa ror a gooa propuel tlon, 224 Lumber Exchange. AGENTS WANTED To cell anperlor, high-grade auraery atoca; complete ontnc rnrnianea tree; ceah weekly; write today for choice of terri tory. Capital City Naraary eompaoy, Salem, Or. -. WANTED Young men te prepare for railway telegraph eervlce; wagea $OS to $00 per month when qualified. Expert College of Telegraphy, fifth floor Commonwealth bldg. CLEBKS and earrlere for Portland poet office; another . epeelal examination; aeveral men wanted; file application today. Sea ma la regard to preparation for aama. E. E. How ard, 61$ McKay bldg. SIGN PA INTERS, wallmen; hlgbeet wagea. Tha Curraa Co., llcenaed advertleera. BOOFERS wanted, tlnnera wanted, aheetmetal wnrkera wanted. Apply Wynkoop, the Roofer, 248 Aab at. . WANTED Boy te Ieara prlnter'e trade. In- 3ulre C. 8. Ruaaell A Oo.,-(iualUy Prlntera,'' i4 Btark " at. , j i. FIR8T-CLA8S aollrltor wanted for family llquora. Apply 827 Waablngtoa at. WANTED Tonng maa aa clerk and general work in grocery etore. 13 Flret. WANTKIH-10 mora aollrltnrai beat poaltlon in Portland; men are meklng K dalle; call after book- 201 Stark at. WANTED Head waaher and wringer boy. Ap- tly Sunday . between 10 and 12. Oregna aandry Co.. $68 Eaat Oak. . Pbona Faat IS. TWO ea are mere; good line gooda, call 202 Third at. . FiBST-CLAM COOK waata work aa Srat-claaa cook of any kind; baa outfit. F 66. JournaL WANTED Tborengh (aa engine man; one familiar with jump aperk; etate If married er elngle. Addreea B 78, rare JournaL BOT wanted for manufacturing plant, to do the . chipping, collectiona and general of dee work. Addreaa F 68, care Journal. WANTED One cabinetmaker, one varnleher; work by piece or by day. Roee City Furniture Mfg. Co.. Flraf and Ulbbe. WANTCD A rellahla hoy ta printing offlci $S per week to atari; good opportunity to -learn trade. Alvln S. Hawk Co., 146 3d at. BOYS wanted with blcyrlee. 10 and ever; gvl wagea. Apply 108 erenth at. BOT apprentice for ladlea' tallortca. to learn tha trade thernurhly. Apply Saw Waahlng. lea aU Mra. ZelUuCha. itt mW 'tnliH -Help wanted male. WANTED Partner la food pajrlnff bum 90 wunui co xrTi; utaitj biixhiui or r.piul rttiulr4. Aitl rpon Cs liotl Ntw HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAFABLB WOMBN WANTED If you work., why,, aot earn mere than a - llvtngt Be independent; do good. The Vlavi : Co. already emuloya 12.000 wumen; tba work co .era 28 eouiitrlea 'of tk worlds we will entertain arpllcatlona from capable women: But eaUTaaalng. but brlnful. dlguloed work, - Addreaa by mall only. Vla.l Co., Lew la bldg. WANTKD Touiig people bo prenara tbeajaalwa aa bot)kkeapera and etenograpbera; have had -oe$ ealla alnca September 1; placed poeitloaa We will place yoa waea eompe . tenL Day or night. Catalogue. Bebnke ' Walker Bualneea cuilego. . WANTED 4 lady eooke. $80, $88, $40. $IM; 4 waltreaaea, 2i, ruom and board; 2ft glrla for houaewerk, 4iO to $W 1 houaekeeper at good wagea. Portland Ladlea A$eacy, 206 Mor rlaou at., room 4. ROMS LADIE8' AOENCT. -ISSti Fourth at., corner liorriaoa, apatah-a. . Phone Main 6MSM. Akwgalde the X. M. C A. bldg. 0IRL8 WANTED Operatora to work on ehlrta . ana overalia. Leeaona given to Ineiperieiicea. ' Apply nt Htandard factory No. 2, Grand ave. and Eaat Taylor at. , . , , WANTED Young ladlea to prepare themaelvea aa atenographera; puplla aa' auoa aa capable era permitted to do work In our public atenograpnie rooma; wagee ana practical ex nerleure. Call or write Oater'a Expert Col lege, nrtn ooor uomon wealth nuig. WANTED Olrla to make "Boea of AU" ever. . ana at to nrat av RANREN'8 LADIES' AGKNCT. 843(4 Waab lngtoa at., cor. Seventh., apetalra. Phone Mala 2M2. remale help wanUd. FEW ladlea wanted- to aaalat making aaey fancy work apare tlma at home; good eteadr . par; no experience required. 824 Fleldoer bldg.. o7 Waablngtoa at. QIRL8 Chocolate dlppera aad pack era. Aldoa -anay tjo., ivtn ana uuean. WANTED Tonng girl for tight houaework; two In faailliv- Phone Eaat 6680, 704 Height ave. i GIRLS to wrap chewing gum. Apply 10 to 13' a., m., American Chicle Co., $1 North Front at. , COOK wanted; food wagee. 670 Boyt aL Pbona aiaiB nOCHEKEKfkR ' WANTED Qeneral honee- work. Call at &2 Mllwaakle and Frederick at. L. O. Baxter. GIRL to aaalat in houaework. 14 Berth 17th, cor. Kearney. WOMAN Bright and capable, ea boalnrea man ager; goon eaiary, anon aoara..-- avaareaa 4 68, eara Journal. - 1 COMPETENT girt' for general boueeworh; muet know now to cook: gooa wagea; ramny ol two. . 804 North 24th at. WANTED A competent girl to do general noueework, gooa wagee, at eia. Beveata at., corner Hal.. WANTKD A chambermaid at- Baumana hotet 413 North IHth at. WANTED Small girl to a newer phone and at. xemi oinca. Apply sua) Columbia at. - WANTED Ladv teach ere for tlneae mtaalou. -VlJ ivur m-w y ssi. i wo bm lis m, MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTKD ri rat-clan lady and gentlemen aaa- aaeera; eaiary ana comm melon. HJl ml Agency Bareaa. 83 ourt at.. Portlaad, Or. HELP wanted and en pp lied, male or female. R. U. uraae. aosta Waablagtoa at. Pacific 1370. WANTED Young lady who reade af eight la a muaic etore; alno boy woo Baa aome know ledge of atringed lnatrumenta. Adrdeaa , B 40, eara Journal. sttxtationswanted-male; FIRT engineer, lice need, wanta Immediate am- pwymeni; naa oeen in ateamooat employment In tha eaat and remalne la good etandlng; eatiafactlon guaranteed. $02 Lumber Bxebauge ema. main iffari. . t - GOOD all-around carpenter wanta Job er day wvra wrou wwnera. aaoreea m ar, journal YOU NO maa. attending bualneea college wanta pice to work tor Doara aaa room, f sa, care Journal. WANTED By vary ambltloua young married men witn eoiiega eoueatiea, poaitloa with real aetata arm with chance for advaaca ment' T 7$, eara JournaL JOHN 8URIBVB,' good Germaa laadarape gar- - flii wmmrm .t,liu.. .411 , " ' " " . , . . . . ftw garaene. Addreaa 70 Eaat uth at. MAN aurae,' care ef alrk or invalid: ever t yea re axnenenre; atrlctly temperate; well recommended. B. B. W., eara Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE COMPETENT yoang woman, good rook and neat . houaekeeper. wlabea a poaltlon In widower a home, or will accept a poaltlon la a nice famllv where ehe can live aa m o Um ---. P 70, eara JournaL . ai-rtT , -rtne . . k i, . . " j juens woman wiin a en norm, a ana 1 yearn; gooa noma more er ohject than aalary: glre full particulara and wagaa flret latter. Addreea X Oa, care Journal. WANTED 2 or S children to take rare of; Bona younger than 1 year. Addreaa J 6h rare Journal, or )00 Eaat 20th et. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, peddlera. ranvaaaera and atreet work, era. ret roar euppllee from B. M. Plumose, 300 Third at.; new gooda, bottom pricea. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and 'farm help a eneetaltv. 20 North Second at. Phone Main B2W0. Via pay all telegraph enargea. HANSEN'! EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. ' M North Second at. . Pboaa Mala 1528. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 2A6U Morrleoa at Pbona Pacific 23 . 27 North Second et '..Phone Pacloe 1800 ALPINE Employment Co., 203H Morriaoa at. Mala and female help. Phone Mala 1017. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED .TO RENT Houaee, eottagee, flata, . atorea, offlcea, rooming-houaee. eta. Land lord, will do well to rall-oa PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREOOH. Phone Ex. T2. B. X. Cor. Sd and Oak. WANTED With nice private family, twe fnr- nlihed bonaekeeplng-rooma, wltb yard, weet aide; muat be reaaonabla. Aaechuta, 08 Sixth. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTHD Capital to eaeeMleb a factory for the Portland Waaher. Sea waaher at 10$ Be Tenth et. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED--T bay a flrat-elaea momlng-boaee; muat be in a good location; atare price and where It a In flraT letter. . Addreaa T 93, care Journal. PATTON A SIMPSON will take ap a few her- Jalne en Inelile property. See aa nt em. i)2 Lumber Exchange. PATTON SIMPSON are ta the market "or acreage hamlr to carllne. Improved and aa . improved. 8o2 Lember Eicbange I HAVE f3.0no or Isnm in eaah to Invent. Whet here you? Addreaa F 44. Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED. . . ' Fnrnltnte : I For- " i Furnltnra , I Spot v Fuinltire I Caeh. ' PORTLAND AUCTION ROfJMS. 211 Flret at.. Phone Mala BOAS. HIGHEST price peld for mea'a caat-off cloth ing. Pbona Pacific 40. L'ncle Joe, 62 Tbire. WE WILL BI'Y. 8KI.L OR .TRAM ANY OLD THING. WFSTKKN BAI.VAOF CO., $37 Jfll WASHINGTON. PACIFIC W2. . SPOT- raah paid for your furniture, etovea, , au. prompt attentloa. Phone Eaat 10ST. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. JIOHBST eaah price 'paid 'tor tU klnda eec hand gooda. Phone Mala 2111. 82 N. Third EXCAVATING nd grading. C. B. Pottage, eaV tviaaiereiat at. rnona aaei aie. ViPOl cabinet bath: atata maker'e name, con - ai (tea aaA piiee. AUdreea- at- Hi, care Jay tea I UAVB large male collie, pure blood ; eervleee moderate. V aa care journal. - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL PALMER, 8804. Alder at: Btrim keat, electric electric llihte. hot and cold water, free bathe, poreelalu tuba; a few houaekeep- itMj auitae wiin gae raiigee) mai er.Mii $ per weeg ap. . - . STB A at-HEATED (noma at reasonable rate. llotal Royal, lost fourth at., between hub ington and Stark ata. Pbuna Mala 234. THB RICHELIEU, $8Vi North Blxtb at Kla- gaauy ruruubed; turn seat aaa antae.- "THB BUR," 0 Eleventh at., corner Stark! roama with Meats heat aad bata. H RNI8HKD ronma and fnrnlahed bouaekeeplng rooma ror rent at ins vaaeoarar bto. THB GRAND, 4H North Third at. Rooma for gentlemen fi.xa par weeg ana ap. THB WOODLAND Elegant uolera fnrnlahed rooma in aeautirui prtrata reaioence,, ei" a , monui ana up. sub sixth at., corner Mauieoa. LINDA VISTA, 247H Fifth Hon aekeeplng roama with bay wlndowa, and aleeplng -roama NEATLT fnrnlahed room, bath, pboaa,. etc, SB Btonta. cau avenlnga Bio not. Fl'RNIBHED or aafurnUhed rooma to lady or gentleman; home eomforta. r 64, journal. BOB RENT Furnlahed room, neat and clean; la private family; everything new; gaa, hath, . Turnace. 640 Marahall, near Idtb at. . TUB. ICIva OOO . - - B : at It k every modern eonvenlenca, $3.28 and $3.80 per week; tree bat Be; new Bftiiuing, eentrai. NICKLZ furnlehed room in private fa mil; bath, (aa and furnace heat; centrally w- cated. 624 North 16tb at. NICE furnlahed rooma, $1.28 par week aad up. KtHi riret at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. $1.28 WEEX UP, eleaa. fnrnlebed beoeekeep. Ing rooma;. parlor, bath, laendry, Curuaee beat, yard. 208 Stanton. D ear. $1.50 WEEK up, targe, clean, fnrnlahed bouae keeplng rooma, laundry and bath. 1S4 Sber maa 'Booth, Portland. THB MITCHELL Bouaekeeplng' and transient noma, reaaonahle. Seventh and Flaadora. $ NICE bonxekewitng rooma. bath, ate. . a,at Morriaoa. rnou I'booe Eaet TOO. TWO .anfurnlahed hoaeekeeplng-raoma, ' $A2Vt wumm MwiiMii. k . ft uvu. r Ul mi, FURNISHED honeekeeplng rooma. 308 Vi Stark. FOR RENT HOUSES. r" - FOR KENT 8-room houBerB.Tdtn near CIlDtoa.....1 M 8 mom bouae. 783 Vancouver are. ...... .812. 00 . T-room botiae, 100 EeaL2Nth near Irving. $25.00 B-rooai cottage, Beat Aab near 24th. r. .$20.00 2 atorea, luloa are. and Belmont $10.00 and $17.60 HARTMAN A THOMl'KON, . Room SV Chamber of Commerce. - FOR RENT A neatly fnrnlahed S-rooa cottage xor put. aio margnenta ave., aioaiaviiia. $38 ELEGANT S-room houee. faraace. Eaat 33d and lavia ata Mala aam . 0 ROOM cottage. Eaat llth. near Waablncton. modern cxiavenlrncea. Addreea No. 102 B. llth. FOB RENT S-rnom forniabed houee, 2 lota, TOO B. Ninth at., N. FOR BENT Houee No. 288 N. ISth et., rooma, tba place for a laboring men a rooming bouae; rent $30 to permanent tenant. For partlcalara are J. Kraemer, 84 Fourth at. LOOK $12-$10. S and 8-room modern newly renovated Bata. weet aide, walking d lata oca. See Hynaoa, 270 Waahlngton at. Mala 7030. FOB BENT Nice furnlahed B-room cottage, pretty yard, to adutte. Call HIT Hawthorne are., bet. 87th and Nth ata. . .. FOB RENT 4-room bonaa,' Weodatock carltna, $7. TeL Main 88. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. : Offlccs-lost Central Loeatioa la the city, north weet earner Blxtb and Waahlngton ata.; new elevator; hot aad cold water, light, heat and Janitor eervlce. THB MORTOAOH OtJARANTKB A TRUST ... .... COMPANY, SO Seveath at. - STORE at Stewart at at loa, Mount Scott; awry thing la .ahape for occupancy j roantere, ehelrlng, etc.: leaaa at reaaonabla rent. Phone Paclne 2106. - OFFICE-BOOMS, anfurnUhed rooma and aam-ple-rooma tor rent. Goodnougb bldg. Apply elevator. - - - DESIRABLE ofBcea,- Including electric llghta, hot aad cold water. Janitor and elevator' eervlce, la tha new. airy Commonwealth bldg., old poetofflco cite. Blxth and Bacaaide ata. Ageat rooia 411. FART of anop to rent, aul table tar painter ar plumber. , 208 Fourth at. DE8IRABI.B etore near Thh-d aad Stark; tare year' leaae. Pbona Main 77. FOR RENT Deck room at reaaonabla rate. Inquire 200 Uoodnoagh bl4$-, ever Journal FOR RENT Bakery la aret-cleae condition: no op poaltlon; beet auburn of the city.- Call 107H Jtlrd at. FOB BENT Sbeeehop, SSB- Johneoa at. I srat elaea loratloo. -' HOUSES TORRENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOB BALE Furniture of S-rooin ntodern koaee, nearly all new; rent reaaonahle; two blocke - from poatofⅇ good trenelent koaae; will cell at a bargain If takes J the Brat of Novtmber, 20S Fifth at. FLAT for rent, furniture for aale Complete and up-to-date forniabed Bet, cloee in. One location, for rant reaeoneble. Inquire C eve II .Farnltur Co., 184-180 Flrat at. FURNITURB of II -room houee; Bo location; houee full of roomer. Phone Mala 4840. FOR RENT FARMS. TO RENT Small farm, B arree- heatinf or chard, good bouae, plenty f wood, II mile from Portland, $10 per month. lueuire l4 Flrat at. . FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and ballroom, ee pa rate or together; new and with all eonveuieneea. Phone Mala Sea. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOURS of 12 rooma aad beaemeot, living apartmenta of S rooma. Blearing rj0 per month, nnd nice expree born and wagon - making $S per day) owner compelled to leave en tonight' train, and baa left thla In our ' banda to give away for $700. Portlaad Boet aece Chance Agency, 14614 Flrat at. WISH to meet three or four women who bar a few dollar to put la legitimate mining pm poaltlon neer Portland; a little money will eecure equal partnerehlp mteyeet la eplendtd property. V 87, care JournaL ONE-CHAIR barber ebon at Lenta for aale; $20 taaee it. ai, euni atu v . Scott 22H4. ROOMINtl-IIDUSB ef ISlarge all outatde rooma, beautiful corner hoaee, rent only $16; fine location; will Clear $66 month: price $r2l. , Aleo lO-room tranilt honee. very central, price $fl00, and $ other about earn a flrat one,' near Portland hotel. ,.' . H. W. GARLAND A CO.. . IMi Fourth at., corner Taylor. . HAVE party who wlabea te buy lute bualneea of vain about $10.0)10 or leaa. - BIT Commer cial blk. Phone Mel 6120. . FOR SALE Reetanrantl good trade) price $200) rent $30. Addreaa N oh, car journal. 8AWMII.L for el. 20.000 capacity 1 good loca tion and fine timber) a anap. Addreaa R 80, " care JourneU FOR SALE Sawmill and timber en railroad) ww eneretlng; good propnelffon; price right. . Addreea 11. U M.heu, fcugeue, Oregoa. BUSINESS CHANCES. BOOMINO-HOUKB on one of the elty'a baeleet roraera; 81 furalahed rootne. .rented nightly; cleara $160 per month. Price $1,TM Urtua on' half. f . Hardwood nurfafactiirlog' plant, eloae la oa aeat 'aide; electric awtor' power, flrat-olaaa V', J 7 a gooa traiie; a money-maaeri ..c wnrro-or orrrera oa Hapa; Vf maew. pahd; IWW.UW ivnt; aa,umy. C. L. Parrisli & Co 428 Lamber Ki change. l one Mala 0815. WlNTROanm. . . money 'Into developing promt. nig claim; not a etoek - Inn; atrlctlyT" legltlmaur would-be partaerahlp deaL U id. Journal. STOCK eempaalea mcorporated; if yoa have i Jtocka or hpnda for Bale, let ma try ta aeU -them for foa. George M. Kellogg, broker. 640 Elllcott square, buff ale. -TT LZ. 8AVB MONEY Anything In printing aee Mad- dea. Odd Feliowa' Temple. Ilrat aad Alder ata. ; apetalra. . FLOUR MILL FOR 8 ALB Capacity 28 barrela per day. $.100 (about H of actaal worth). ' Will aaalat loading aama oa car or ateamboaU Write Trangott Warth, Newbarg, Or. FOR BENT Store, 842 Front at.; eplendtd ylaoa fur grocery and produce. Mala 6864. FOR 8 AX B Apartment .benaa of IB roome; nil . newly Turnlehed; eaay terma if neceaaaryi la coin. $100; rent $60: located on Morrleoa at. Apply Coha Broa.' Furnltara Co., UO Flrat. FOR BALB Millinery bualneea) only etore la mining town I will Bali lot and building) a anap If taken at once. Addreaa Mra. a. R. Baumann, Gold Bill. Or. 4 . FOR SALE The Nlrhelodlon; half Inter eat er outright; diaeolutlon of partnarahlp, ' See or addreaa H. W. Jonea.t maiiagar, 130 Sixth at. "Nuf Cad." ' MRS. TODD, Pleaae fall phone Eaat lind. FOR SALE-n-REAL ESTATE. IAIE IIE IN- YESIMENI TBI COAST CITT OF OR COOS ' . '. lota In ' - - BCHAEFEBS ADDITION ? . $100 AND UPWARD $100 AND CPWARA NOT! TBI LOCATION CENTRAL PLACB "Geo.-Sclaefer- OWNER AND REAL ESTATE AGENT SIT CHAMBER OF COMMKRCK , . - PORTLAND, - OREGON r INVESTORS, TOURISTS, HOMRSBEKEOS, STRANGER, GO THERE. WHERB. WHEN THB TIDB IS OCT TUB TABLB IS SET, AND THAT'S AT . ' ( COOS' BAY HOOD RIVER APPLR LAND. For aale, 37 acrea, t In fruit treea. T bear ing. 1 acre berrlee, aU fenced. T-room boo, large barn, bot and cold water; will take part trade.--- ......-.-... . - . . 22 acrea. S acrea bearing appleev 4 acres 2-year-old treaa, balance beat apple land; will trada- ' . .- . .. .,' 28 acrea, 800 boxee apphre thla year; a anap. IB acrea. all cleared and ready to eefta tlWali CalSip. I - - , r t. ADRIAN EPPINO.-- - - -. llalkey B!k., Second and Morriaoa. - IftriXOTAN. X3.BVV 0 loom, and attic, natural fir fin. lab,, furnace, large cbawte and ha lie, large tiled bathroom, large pane pantry, mae wtre granite plllara. larr-e ehade treea. fine braaa electric aad gaa fixture, window ahadea and eoreena; eoe block from- car; built two eera ago for a home; other ar aeklng 7.000 for tame atyla bouae. Don't fall to aaa thla. . , C. C. SHAY. . ' . Mala 1042. 3O4-300 Ablngton bklg. . $1,800 B ACRES, good 4-room houee. bern. cnicren-nouee, yeung irait ireea,. an gooa road and neer carllne. REGI8TKK A CO., 1074 Third at. NEW Bioriern 8 room bouae, $4,000; . B-room bene. 3.4un; I -room Bona.'W. Smell Piyment down, balanc mauthly, Owner, ban Eaat 07S. BY OWNER A B-room well-built modern, houae. Call Bl Rueaell. or 820 Delay at. TWO tota corner ITth and Jaekeoa ata., port land Iletgbta, cheap. Apply T. Ilodeon, 434 Chapman at. . tH ACRES ea St. Johna Una, heart of Penln aula, oyer looking both rlrera. level, clear, cheap. Inquire of owner, 23 Waablngtoa balldlns. ' - FtehUns "the Wood Trust' Hv around 2.nooeord. U mile o. w. p.. t 20c etumpage; yoa can clear 13. TOO oa thla; $000 rertnlred; detalla with tba . Home Land Co.', 146tt rirat at. $noo--ROOM houae. full lot; $328 down, balance $10 per month. 000 Teniae av Bellwood. .-' COEY little home, Al condition, near ear; alga, ome fruit; a bargain I aea It today. THB CONTINENTAL CO.. 24$ Stark et. 500 Homes For Sale Farma and City Property. ,' ' THB INVESTORS OU1DB CO, ' Sll Haruuam bldg., Portlaad, Or age. Sellwcod Morehoaee A French, 1ST0 B. lata. Phone Bellwood TA - Clly View Park lot, $8TB aad apt Roee Addltloa iota, $100 and ap; $6 dowa and $8 a month. Homea from $600 to $6,000. Lota $300 and ap. In all parte of Setlwood. Llat year property with oa; we -will aall It, WiUamette Tract 6a Willamette boulevard, overlooking elty and river, 6-cent fare, krta 80x100 feet selce J260 aad ap; $28 eaah, $8 per month. See , A. BjBoweki, Willamette aUtioa, St. Johsa ear. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. "" $3,600 Bungalow, 100x100 earner, large chad tree, good urroundlnga, ealy pea block from ear; furnace, flreplao, gaa aad eleetrie . llghta; - aa ideal bomei t . a 0. SHAY. Mala 1042. 804-800 Ahtngtoa bids. 18 FULL lata, with T-room bonaa aad baa amen t, 800-foot waterfront, at Mllwankla, right la front of rlubbouae, for aale cheap. Call at one on thle. REGISTER A CO., lOTVt Third at, " i. I i, o v. - -. .iu. .-.iiBui. ni .l I I ...I- .lk.t-. . I -. . .1 1. - er. wiun. wiuiif ui.i ui., iiu. ppot. King ap; pricea from $600 te $860; term If aired. ' -. .. -. . If. B. THOMPSON, $48 Mlaalaalppl ave. Phone Wodlawa 202. OLOSB IH. ' ; $8,TB0 S room cotteg. near two earltnee. ' very large rooma, fireplace, hardwood flnleb mga. full cement baaement: IS fruit tree, grape, currant and blackberry via, , aaad treea and roaee; eaay terror. . . 0. C. SHAY, Main 1042. 804-80S Ahlngtoa bldg. $ ACRES all In -high atata et cultivation en the Dee Line road, about $ mlnutee' walk from new branch 0. W. P. to Trontdale. $160 per acre; ea.y term. Addreea J 06, tar Journal, 14 ACRES 1. mil weat of riackamaa railroad atatlea; price $3.3iit building oa place; come and eee, J. Mekr, Mllwaakle, Oreawa. R, f, D. Be.