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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1906)
OlFTffiffi V journal Circulator-1 ; i 00D EVE1UNG .THS. WEATHER,- Rain tonight and Thursday; south , erly winds. ; '.'.','...: ., i: -V v f. VOL. V. NO, 811. . PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 7, 1906. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO .CENTS. bxm&ATZSZI n FT71 P AaaaaM - .--j-. .saBBSsav. ."'- bbbbbbl. ' BALANCE OF ICKEI-S uccEirai CWMLEE . ' BE OF 60,204 Hearst Carries butTwo Counties Outside of Greater : New York. Is iBadly Scratched ' (Journal Special Service,) Nw York, Nov. 7. Th latest cor rected returns show that C XL Hugh ' wna elected governor by a plurality of o.lst over W. R. Hearst yesterday. ' Hearst ran far behind hi ticket In Greater New .York and In many up-state counties. ' At noon today the ' Indies tlons were that Btuyvssant Chanler, the Democ ratio nomine for lieutenant governor, and the rest of th Demo cratic ticket may have' been elected, Chanler ha a plurality In Greater New . York of UI5.000. which, break ail reoord in this city for a lleutenant-gov- ernor. Other Democratic nominee fan ' ahead of Chanler In this city. Late incoming return from up state on the -j. remainder of the ticket show fluctue- . tlon. !.' '. f .' On the face of '. present ' returns I Hughe - cam down to Harlem river : with lead over Hearst of a little more . than 130,000. ' While this wa aufflclent , to give him a lead of considerably more , than 11,000 over Hearst, Hughe' assa il elates have to meet a far greater plu- rality rolled up in New York -City by , th remainder of the Democ ratio state , ticket. , ' ' - Contest Tery Close. Th closest contest will undoubtedly , be between H. Linn Bruce, Republican, -a (Continued on. Page Two.) LAND FRAUD CASES OPEN Judge Hunt and Attorney Heney to Drop San Francisco Work and Resume Prosecution of Oregon OffendenTEarly Next Month. "' ' - Frandl 3. Heney: will turn hi atten tion from th municipal graft case of pan Franolsoo to th federal land fraud - case of Oregon about December 1, and will Join Judge - Hunt of Montana In ' Portland for th resumption of th land fraud trials in th United State court. -Judge William B. Gilbert, who. bua Just returned from San Francisco, lias ' com to this conclusion after an ex; . tended conference with United State District Attorney Bristol held yester day afternoon. Until Judge Wolverton return on Saturday, however, and Join Judge Gilbert and Attorney Bristol in conference it will be Impossible to de eld definitely what will be don In th federal court, especially during th i present month. : - It 1 not likely that a federal grand ' Jury will be called at'thl time for the consideration of th charges now pend- , Ing In th district attorney's offloe, but such action may be taken If it I found that Judge- Wolverton will be able to remain In Portland for any extervled time. Thl matter will be settled -when Judg Wolverton return to Portland and- acquaint Judg OUbert with the condition of hi own -docket and that 'of Judge Morrow In Ban Francisco, when he ha been for th past month bearing Insurance and other litigation. . Walt Sot Wolvroa ' "Mr. Bristol and myself are li th air as regard what can be don and will b until after Judg Wolverton' .. return th last of th week," aald Judg tlllbert thl morning. "I had a long conference with Mr. Bristol yesterday afternoon and think that Mr, Heney and Judge Hoit will reopen the land case ', th Brst of December. Judg Hunt, contrary to reports, ha not been-in San Franeleco. but 1 and ha been In hi own dletrlct In Montana.. It will be possible for htm to oom to Port land In December ' and I think Mr, Heney will also be here. "It la now too early and conditions are too Indefinite for any rase, to be set for trial, but this, I think, can ,be (Continued on Page Two.) FOR HUGHES III DECEMBER WILL PROBABLY UEUTEmm - H. r! I J ' Charles E. Hughes. Labor Does Not Back Up Political Moves of Leader- Democratic Gains in' Election ' T)a Mnlnns. Win. TThi latoat atl. mat Indicate that Cummin la elected governor of Iowa by 6,000 plurality, ; (joornaJ Special Service.) ' Washington, Nov. 7. Administration circles are commenting upon the vari ous feature of th election and discuss ing the total failure of the Gomper movement. Every candidate fought by Gomper and th American Federation of Labor wa r-lected, except Wads- worth of New York and Babcock . of Wisconsin. In both these cases, local Issue were responsible for their de feat Senator La Follette ha been after Babcock' scalp for years. -, Gomper' fight on Lengwortn failed, and -the president's son-in-law returns to hi seat in congress. , s ; : Th fly In th - Republican ointment .(.that th new constitution of Okla homa, will b. drafted by Democrat Senator Sear I sure of re-election, as are 'Senators Cujlom,1 Dryden,- Elklna, Alls. Crane and others less prominent. Th total vote of all states baaed on th return 'for . state' or eongreaaional elections shows a safe Republican plu rality, though greatly, decreased over that of two years ago,: when Roosevelt had a plurality of over 1,600,000. , Plurality la 190 Bleotloa. ' States. Alabama Republican. Democrat. ...... . .... 40,000 Arkansas ; ....... California ....... Colorado . Connecticut . ..... Delaware ......... Florida, ,'., .. Qorgla . Idaho (In doubt).. Illinois ........... Indiana . ...... .'. . 16,000 . . i . . . , 15,000 (0,000 - ''. 20000 20,000 . : ; .. 20.000 .' ' wo :s. 125.000' 45,000 ' Iowa tn doubt)..... r Kanaaa V.000 "' Kentucay . ...,.,. Louisiana ...... Main 'D.OOO Maryland . t.OOO Masaachusett . ,. .. . 87,000, Michigan . ... ..... .. .100.000 Minnesota . ......... Mlastsalppt .......... Missouri ...... ....... Montana-. ........... Nebraska . Nevada . New Hampshire , .... New Jersey . New York North Carolina N. Dakota (lo doubt). Ohio , ............... (0,000 20.000 25,000 lo.ooe 10,000 10,000 I5.000-' so'.ioo" 1.000 . 10,000 r MOO " V.000 20,000 to',060 160.000 Oregon ............. ..... Pennsylvania vlOO.400 Rhode Island ........ ..... Houtn Carolina South Dakota ....... 16,00$ ' Tennessee . .......... Texas Utah Vermont ........... Virginia . Washington Weat Virginia Wisconsin . ......... Wyoming ...... f s'o'ooo 20,000 ' 20000 ; 20.000 60,000 1,000 26.000 't Total i Plurality . ,;...SJ1.600 1X.00O (t,500 J ' ; PRESIDENT IS JOYFUL OVER HUGHES' VICTORY )''' lmrnal pHal vW1.) nawiingiun,- hut. i aiis prtMiqeni this morning wired congratulations to Uughee. . , - mm governor IEIIB IS 68 III CONGRESS Democratic Gain of 23 Members G. 0.; P. Leaders: Are Jubilant -OverResults J i ; (Joaraal SpeeUl Service.) v -Washington. Nov. 7. With a major-, lty in th hous of representatives of approximately 68 when they expected only B0, with legislature elected that assure control of the senate and with Republican ticket chosen In It atatea and ; opposition candidate - beaten In New . York and Massachusetts, tie "Grand Old Party" 1 Jubilant. Taken all around. It can be construed only a an emphatic Indorsement of President Roosevelt' policy, and the people have oomplled with hi wishes for a Repub lican- congress. Th Democrats bay reduced th Re publican majority in congress from 114 to approximately . This gain wa made In soatterlng district. The Denv ocrat have carried th - aolld south. nave elected a governor in Rhode is land, reelected governors in Minnesota and Nevada by Increased pluralities, and probably elected executive In Iowa and Idaho. In other atatea Republican plu ralities have been greatly-decreased. Hearst still claims the election of the Democratic state ticket in New York with th exception of himself. Califor nia Democrats are still hopeful that belated return will elect BelL Iowa 1 very close and It will be several day before the result is finally known. - Col orado I probably Republican though th Democrat still claim the state. - In Ohio th Democrat lost ground gained in the gubernatorial election last year, due largely to the apathy of the prohibition workers and to the activity of the liquor Interests who were openly aligned . with the . Republicans. -, V Wadswerth Defeated. -; James W. Wade worth of New York, a prominent Republican, chairman of the, house agricultural committee, spokes man for and defender of th beef trust during th lest session of oongress, went .down to defeat at the hands of Peter ' A. Porter, Independent Republi can, Indorsed by Democrats and Inde pendence league parties. Congressman J. W, Batcock ot Wisconsin also met defeat. Tb Democrat gained flv congress men In Pennsylvania, two In Illinois, fiv In Missouri, on In Indiana, on in Ohio, on in New York, on In New Jersey, one In North Carolina, on in Nebraska, on In Iowa, and lost on in .Johnson, iJpemooratJ. ws . reelected governor in jainnesow oy ou,vvv , plu rality. , The balance of the, Republican ticket , was elected. The state 1 nor mally ,40,000 Republican. ; , : . Th 2fB Oongress. Bute. , '. ! r Rep. Dem. Alabama . .. Arkansas : 1 California . S ... Colorado .................. I Connecticut, jjmn ...... 1. Delswar . .......i.i...... I .. Florida . t., ... 8 Georgia . Idaho . .. Illlnola . Indiana . Iowa . .. Kansas . Kentucky Louisiana Maine . . Maryland . 20';. 10 II 11 11 ',....... ; .,,..,.., . ............ .. Masaachusett . Michigan . ..... Minnesota . ... Mlseiaslppl v. Missouri .,..... .... . J - Montana . 1 Nebraska . ............... , 5 Nevada . .................. ..' New Hampshire t New Jersey -lj a -g- New York J5 . I ,i 1 'Nortn t.aroiina 10 North Dakota V Ohio . Oregon Pennsylvania . Rhode Island .............. South Carolina II SonHi Dakota Tenneaeee . .. UUh . ........ Vermont .... Virginia . .... Wsshlngton . West Virginia Wisconsin . .. Wyoming . .. . Totals i' i ,,'. .... ttl Majority . . 4........ . SI" 151 PROSECUTION FOR ... .SUBTREASURY STEAL -f SjSBBSBVjSSBBBSSSSS ' Unaraal gperiat flervtre.) V Washington, Nov. - 7. It U stated authoritatively that th special district attorney of pi. Louis has been ordered to Institute embeaslement 'proceedings In connection with th portage , ub treasury. Th persvn te be prosecuted la aot aaaed, - doth cm ' . FV , : f ' . . , ;' .. . Result in Doubt and May Take "Official Count to Decide Returns Come-in Slowly . Legislature Probably Republican but Dubois Has Enough Mem bers to Insure a Contest f , 1 , , .. ' Mormon Counties Co Repub lican. ;T7 V'-t- ---rr-' " (Special Dispatch te Tke JeuraaL) Boise, . Idaho, Nov. , 7. No returns have been received at' headquarter of either party since midnight. Chairman Brady plalm that the atat ha gone for Goodlng-by 4,600, but give out no figures. Chairman Lockhart estimates that Qtockalager, Democrat, carried th tat by 3,800. Ada county gave Stock slager 700, Canyon 460, Washington 1,000, Owyhee 460. Emor 150. Partial return show that fitockslager gains everywhere with light Republican vote in th strongest countlea It will probably take the official count lb decide IK election. Thar legislature .Is . probably Republican, - Including the Mormon counties,, but -Dubois ha enough member sure to Justify a con 'teet.' : : .-. ' - - t f- '' Republicans claim the " election of Governor Gcodtng. Burton French, tb Republican candidate for. congressman. Is probably elected ever Hattsbaugh, Democrat, but by a considerably nar rower margin- than two year, ago. Th returns ar vnr slow, but baa ing estimates on these Judge, Stock- alager. the Democratic gubernatorial candidate, and Hattsbaugh, the Demo. cratlo candidate for congress, will carry northern Idaho by a small -majority, ., (Continued on Page Fourteen.) FDRAKER AFTER THE NOMINATION FOR PRESIDENCY Ohio Senator Regards Result of Election as a Vindication of His Course and Decides to Be come Candidate for Roose- velt's Place. " ' -' (Joaraal Speelal Servles.) . Columbus, O., Nov, 7. It 1 authori tatively stated that Senator J. B. For aker, after the election which ha as sured him and Senator Dick of reelec- ki-'? -y Senator J.' B. Fqraker. tlon and control of th state, has de cided In his own mind to be a candidate for president In l?0f and 00 to th con vention with solid Ohio delegation be hind him. Flguree are yet Incomplete, but such returns as have thus far been received Indicate a- ReuhH-an -plurality of not lens ' 1 than that ' secured y Pattlson (Democrat) last )rear. whn he Won by 40,000. ;.. -v . ',- ELECTED GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA. ' . . ' i ' ' ." ! '. '. ' ! J' "' ' ' - X. ,---V V I Congreasman GILLEH Demoatsof California Claim Bell Is Victor :Tbus by Not Tess Than N i he Thousand Plurality in the State. (Joaraal Buedil Serrlfe.) San- Francisco, Nov. 7. Although full returns from th atat will not be In for a week, aufflclent figures are at hand to confirm last . night's estimate that Gillett and other candidate on the Re publican stat ticket, will be elected by majorities ranging from 1,000 to 15,000. Th vote In 8an , Francisco 'county will not be re tabu la ted until thl afternoon. But' when that task' is finished' there wla .be little - change ' in the ' figures. Gillett has th city carried by 500, but ran slightly behind the ticket. - 1 Practically complete figures on - th vote for congressmen ar In this morn ing and ahow th election of eight Re publican candidate. - v.' .Two of Ruer ', judiciary candidates HEARST'S DEFEAT PLEASES Hints That New - Leader for Tammany Is Needed ahd , . Suggests McCarren. ' '. (Joaraal Special Service.) . ." . London, Nov. -7. Richard Croker-to day expressed satisfaction over the. de feat of W. R. Hearst, and hinted that he believe that th Democratic party need a new leader. He think that P. H. McCarren la. th proper man, but any that such a suggestion from him would be resented. ; : Croker wa surprised at th big vote for Hearst In New York city and ex plained It as follows: T suppose It Is due to the fact that most Tammany men wanted to be "regular." Th fault is not theirs, for the mischief was done when Hearst was nominated. "I dont- car to indicate what "New Tork Democrats should do. I'm only, a privet Individual. . Nothing, under heaven could Induce me to reaum th Tammany leadership. . - Croker said that he hoped that Bryan will be nominated In 1901.. - NEGRO ELECTED TO WISCONSIN ASSEMBLY (Joaraal Seeetal Service.). Milwaukee, Nov. 7. One of the sur prises of the Wisconsin election Is the victory of jucIb W.-Palmer, a negro, over Thomaa Ramsey, for assemblyman. In the richest district In the city. Pal mer le a caterer. It Is believed he I th first negro to hold office In the tat. v, -.. . -: ANOTHER EMPTY GUN- BAGS TWO VICTIMS (Jonrsel Special Service.) , Stockton. Cel., Nov. 7. Louis Raggle and John.Ragglo, aged 14 and II. were ehot by - Robert Benson, aged It. yes terday. Lout died thl morning and John will probably live but a few hours. Th Ragglo boy l , taunted Benson about hi marksrnanahlpt . Benson reached for -a cartridge, slipped It Into a shotgun and fired point blank at them. Both bovs dropped. Benson was ar rested and mad th statement that he thought the oartrtdg was blank. J. N. Gillett. mm pulled through by. a- narrow margin. Judg Carroll Cook,- for the district court of appeal, and Judg Mogan, for the superior court. . i '" Deraocratlo ' manager ' are still in clined thl morning to claim Bell' elec tion but the figure ar against them. Th Democratic manager thl morning Issued a statement in which they claim Bell' election, by, not ' less than 1,000. They detar.-that Gillett '.carried 15 counties with a total plurality of 1.700, and gave Bell 4 4 counties with a total plurality of 1J.526. Bell figures In a number of counties ar undoubtedly s aggerated,. particularly., in Sacramento county where the Democrats claim 1,500 plurality, but which, really amounts to aooui X.DUV. , ..-f w POOR MAN GETS! WORST OF DEAL, SAYS THE MAYOR Executive ; Declares Policy ; of , Water Department Is Actually Placing Premium on Unim proved Property and Suggests Radical Change in Methods. Wo place a premium upon, unim proved property the owner escape hi ahar of improving th water ays tarn. Th poor man who build a hous I 'fined for helping to build up th city.-'" ' Mayor Lane mad thl declaration thl morning. It 1 hi opinion on th proposed plan for payment of water sate through general taxation Instead of a levy upon each faucet, or by meter, which Is being advocated by th Port land Water Users' association, of which IL D.- Wagnon I - preaident. Especially at the time of the water famine last summer the methods of th water department were severely criti cised. Even thee who thought th de partment wa being competently man aged dtd not defend the water ratea. More than one member of the water board haa also felt that -the systsna should be mad more equitable. The great trouble with th system as It exlata today I that what th Urge consumers pay for water l only a tithe In proportion to what la required of th owner of a small hous and lot. Not only this, but th owner of un improved property1 pay nothing what ever to Improve the system yet he la Inevitably sharing in th benefits which Bull - Run water ar - bringing . te hi property, vacant for the present though it may b. ' . ) . , aanonaoe Kla Position. Mayor Lan thl morning announced hi position after reeding on of the circular being .distributed tiy th Water Users' association. He said: ; "Yea there la reason for much criti cism. There Is no doubt that our waiter rates sre not equitably sdjueted. The poorer household pay the larger por- (Contlnuei on Tag Fourteen) WHO II! FIGHT WITH THUG BAUD Robbers' Victim Opens Revolver," Duel" With" Enemies After Being Felled With Sandbag J. W. Sigsbee Injures One High wayman - and - Is Shot "ThreV Times by Some Newly-Made Friends During Bloody Battle) Near Hood River. . (Special Dispatch to Tae JeanaL) ' Hood River. - Or- Nov.. 7 A ytt highway robbery was committed Bare yeaiaroay arternoon -when three men Who had tndUOOd 3. W. Slsmhea a Am. let. Oregon, to take a walk up the rocs 01 in aiount Hood railroad, god deal aet upon him , and - shot him through the arm three times and tkim took his watch and money. -ne story a told by Blgsbc la fJ tb effect that be met the men la a saloon and that they Induced him te go up fne railroad to aee Mount Hood, which they-eaJd wa only-a short dl. -tano away. - Sigsbee, being a stranger. r did not suspect that anything wa wrong and wa not aware that the mountain la IS miles away from Hood, River. He joined tbem and after walk tng about a mil and a half from town one of the men euddenly drew a slung- -hot and knocked him down. Regain- " lng his feet he drew a gun and a bat tl took plaoe between him and the men. on of whom also was armed, and during the fusillade Sigsbee wa ehot through the left arm. Sigsbee say that h 1 sure that one of the shots flred Tnv him it as on of the men threw up his hands) ' and Btaaarerad tviw nn th. - i- a bank. After shooting six shot at hint ' omer iwo men aio disappeared in th timber, but not until they bad taken his watch and 120. whl.h m,m.u r , - wwuwi when he was knocked down. - Although wounded and bleeding badly Sigsbee managed to make hie, way to th naarast farmhouse uul w- hMM.ri., to this city last night, wher he we pwcea unaer an- anaeatnetlo and th wound nrohed tnr th. Kniiat- tr - of th missile were found, but' the . third 1 embedded in the bone and the wounded man wa taken to Portland" : last nfarht on a .f. trln w, -.n have hi arm nunln K. tha vw 4. order te locata the- bullet. Sigsbee arrived In this cltv en the late train last night and at an early hour thl mornlnr presented himself ' ' at polios headquarter for medical atten- tlon. He was found to be suffering from a gunshot wound In the left arm. Dr. Spencer wa summoned and. after spplylng a temporary dressing ordered uigsDee removal to th Good Bamari tan hospital. The wound la not regarded as serious unless septicaemia should d- velop e the result of Sigsbee failur to Immediately secure the servloes of a surgeon . after . the shooting. TEXAS IS TRYING TO ' 7 OUST OIL COMPANY, (Joornal Speclat SerrW-Vi St. Lout. Nov. 1. Th attomeygen eral of Texas today began taking depo sitions here in th state's ouster suit ajrinst the Waters-Pierce Oil company. DO YOU WAXT a otm tok km . raxv ixaa tkxss ads dahx. foil KgNT Iftee mrafatiad t-rnmn ent tas. pmty yani. to a-tnlts. fait xuT UaartiMrae eve., bet. 17th sag Uti ata. 'OH KBKT A aeatly fnrelahwl t-tmn enttasa frar 1X Slg Hargoarlte ate.. MoauvtUa. .. tit VLROANT roots asam, fnnaea, Bast m aad Davis eta Mala i3. aSOOIK eettate. Bast tits, sear Ween tnctoa, axxirra enaTaiaaae. Adilraaa Mo. 103 Cat Uta. ... rOK BW?rp I mm tmtoh4 beea, f lota. 7tW But Miilh M., N. w tava to k alasaifM pases a4 watoh taea tt Sail. DOOU waat to teat tow F-v fift ajaoa a larie aT H- - - - - - ' JCZ ? f ' ,k i t . ... 7TT.