The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 06, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Criticises National Adrpinistra
- tlort and Deolares Entire Sys
-,: tern Is Wrong.
Says Timberand Stone Acts Are Pro
lific Source for Fraud Compare
Land Policy , to Old Feudal Sys
tem. . ' .
- In a speech before People's forum
' Sunday night C. E.t 8. Wood' severely
criticised the national administration
' for Its public land policy. The system
itself Is wrong, he alf, and evil has
' naturally followed. The address has
-' caused' a great deal of discussion, and
, isiheraf ore adeemed,, worthy ot -J-epror
ductlon In substance.
J. He said that the system - of' land
ownership, by which one holding; a deed
for land can hold It. ha and his heirs,
forever, vacant and unoccupied, against
all comer, has Ita origin In the absurd
theory of the feudal system, that the
king was the owner ojr. sjl tfae-tland,
and In exchange , for -military service,"
or some other . compensation, he.g.tve
vast tracts of the country to' his vas
Li als. dukea and barons, and . they. In
turn, for services . or other compensa
, tlon, subdivided these lands to ihelr
. vassals and tenants, so. that the title
to land, Instead of depending upon'pos
. session and use, ..aa does the title to
every other species : of proper. - de
pended merely on a strip of parchment,
signed by the over lord, who was sup
posed to have the right to give the land
to - whomsoever he pleased. Thts led
: to the absurdity that the kings of Eng
land gave, to their court favorites, or
, upon some mere whim, whole states
and territory In this country, and the
men who was actually occupying and
using tha land was ejected from it by
the Individual who held title from the
king's gift, though the king never saw
. the land and neither did those to .whom
he gave It.
j Similar ysttm la Vie.
gn nation on Its own account," Mr-Wood expressed a oertaln, amount
"It arrogated to Itself the own- " ym'V,' ,w,ttn mow th". u"a
r au the publle domain, juat as rrabbera .injhla s He said the
"When tha United States set up for
a aoverlegn
he said,
rship of
kings had owned It, and 1 Instead of a
king signing strips el parchment; glr-
- In g away land. It waa now congress and
a president who did It- This did -not
seem so offensive,- because Congress
and the president were supposed to be
- merely the agenta of tha whole people,
but her another falsity crept Into tha
system, for not only la It a falsity to
allow even the whole people to give
away land to be hejd vacant and unoc
cupied, but. In fact, congresa never, has
represented the whole people. '
"Congress, Ilka every other depositary
of power since tha beginning of his
tory hss represented those few who. I
out 'Of their superior ability or superior
greed, have been Interested to make use
of that power. In the early days, whan
we had much land that waa free and
open and were really, an agricultural
and thinly scattered people, the evil
of the power with which congresa waa
clothed was not so apparent, but as
population end wealth Increased, mak
ing the exploitation of the people and
- those lands and t ranchlses rendered
valuable by reason of masses of popu
lation,' then the avll of the power be-
cam clearer, and congress became more
visibly what In fact It has always been,
and what all power has always been,
the predatory tool for a few against the
' rights of the many.- .-
"80, any-historical reasoner-could
The Most Patient Portland Cltl
. sea Mutt Shew Annoy
: :, r. anca at Times --
. Nothing spoilt a good disposition- .
, Nothing taxes a man's patience, '
Like any itchiness of the skin.
Itching Piles almost drive you crasy.
- AU day it make you miserable.
All night It keeps you .awake.
. Itch! Itch) Iichl with1 no relief-
Just the same with Ecaema.
Can hardly keep from scratching it
You would do so, but you know it
makes It worse. .
Buch miseries are dally decreasing.
People are learning they can be cured.
Learning tha merit of Dean's Oint
ment. Plenty of proof that Doan's Ointment
will cure Piles, Ecsema or any Itchiness
of the skin., 1
Read the testimony of a Portland citl
aen. ,
- airs. B. Stanley of 11(9 tvon street,
Portland, Oregon, says: "Doan's Oint
ment Is a splendid remedy for all Itch
ing akin troubles, xl was annoyed some
years ago with salt rheum or tetter on
my hands. The skin was sore and ten-der-and
Itched terribly at times. Dif
ferent home remedies lulled to ' have
any effect on 'it and I was wondering
what might be best to do when Doan's
Ointment was brought to my notice. I
got a box and from using it found quick
relief from the Itching. On continuing
the treatment I was completely cured
and the skin was left perfectly natural,
just as If there had been no trouble of
the kind. ""1 am glad to recommend so
reliable a preparation aa Doan'a Oint
ment." For sale by all dealers. -Price 10 cents.
Foeter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember tha name DOAN'S and
take no other. -
have been such4 a proildo source of
fraud, further exemplify this absurdity
oftTetry-Tptt In effect, they pro1
vide that every cltlien of tha United
States may take- up 1(0 acres of land,
valuable chiefly for timber. This, on
Its face, seems to be an equal right to
all men and woman eltisena of tha
United . i States, but It has tha same
falsity at4, bottom, - that- there - la no
power which rightfully can treat the
unoccupp 1 lands aa a great cake and
carve it W and band out a altce to each
man and womin, regardless of the fact
whether ha or she will make use of It
or not Had actual use of the land and
the timber been an element - of title,
grafting In timber would have been Im
possible, but as It was, people were Im
ported from the east by carload lots to
file their claims oa our Oregon timber,
lands, with the absolute certainty -that
these men and women had no use for
the land and intended to make no use
of It whatever, except to sell it to the
have foretold, we have land grants 40
miles wide clear across the continent,
given to railroads,- and other lesser
grants to wagon roads, and railroads
are authorised to exchange their worth
less landr Inside the forest reserve for
good lands, ! and swamp lands, really
the most valuable tracts In the arid
Eastern Oregon, are granted ostensibly
to tha atate. but this Is a mere cover,
for the atata hands these lands over
to tha grafters.
Against Interest of People..
"Now, the people as a whole, bad no
- Interest .In -having these laws passed;
" In fact It . waa against the Interest of
the whole people; but th special pre
datory people did have an Interest and
while th. people slept they meed the
power of congress ss their Instrument
for wholesal robbery f the most vital
element of any people', wealth the
land. This could not have happened,
no matter how corrupt congress may
have been, just at It could not have
.happened no matter how reckless and
corrupt a king might have been, If It
were not for the theory that congress
had a right to glva away th unoccupied
lands, to whomsoever It chose. If
very man's title depended upon his use
and possession of land, and not posses
sion ror.ziv years or. six . years,, but
h 1 tltlA avnlrlnv k. - K
possaasin; It woutd tap.bTl.flt Th.tXr.
anrone to araft through Mn... KaVtPr?flt. .ut ?f A1' Therefore; be
. cause ..congress . would not hava tha
power. Thla very form of tittle pre
valla la th law today as to water. No
man geta any greater amount of water
by hla appropriation than he actually
' puta to a beneficial use, and .when he
abandons the use of It, his title Is
gone. -
. "Tha timber and atona acta, which
r iioss
Without any question of
doubt we believe the Bit
ters will benefit arry-erson
suffering from . Poor Appe
tite, Insomnia, Belching,
Flatulency, Headache, Dys
pepsia, Indigestion, Costive
ness, ' Biliousness, Female
Ills, Colds or General Debil
ity, A- fair trial - will con-.
vinr vntt rt ita train.
government had deliberately encouraged
them - into fraud.
."In th first place It : had offered
these tempting ' speculative claims to
snyon who would take them," he said,
"and the supreme court of th United
Btates hsd decided, and It had become
a rule of th interior department, that
a person could borrow the money to pay
out on th claim, pledge the use of the
claim as security for the money and
after the final certificate waa secured
could sell the claim to the lender of
the money for the amount of the loan.
The only thing he could not do was to
promise In advance to make this sale.
Bu flimsy a' distinction as this simply
Invited fraud. Vary few human lives
could resist tha aubtla evasion that
they were not promising to sell land
when. In fact they, were, and to thla
evasion for years officers of th land
of rice, eager for fees, had let their
countenance, telling people It waa a
mere technicality, ao that It had been a
customary and unwritten law that the
prohibition sgalnst a sal In advance
of final certificate waa a dead letter,
and. Indeed, It waa too flimsy a distinc
tion for any. mind really to grasp, for
if a man la allowed Joborrowthe
money and eventually- to deliver the
land In exchange for that money, there
really la no reason why he ahouldn't
promise to do st In advance. The
whole train of grafting vHs-and frauds
really comes from the false Idea that
unoccupied soil Is in tha gift of anyone
to give away to anyone by mere paper
Bamedy la B arrested. '
Mr. Wood then said the remedy was
either to .make actual possession and
us tha element of title and tha aban
donment of possession and use a for
feiture of title, which waa tha an
archistic doctrine - and -the one 'he
favored. The other remedy waa by the
single tax method,' which put. no tax
whatever on Improvements, but taxed
unoccupied land at Its full rental value,
so that the person who did not usa and
Improve land, could not afford to hold
it against thla tax. He called atten
tion, alao, to th fact that under th
Influence of our enthusiasm for Presi
dent Roosevelt and our confidence In
him, and our excitement over the ques
tion of reclamation of our arid lands,
we were falling into an error which his
tory had made, clear -and which had be
come a settled principle of politics?
namely r that a strong centralised gov
ernment, administered by bureaus,
eventually meant an over-rldlng of the
will of distant localities, a neglect of
their Interest and,, finally, a .control of
the bureau by ahrewd plutocratic power,
under the eame principle already given
that where power-exists It will eventu
ally be used by, those who will make
dieted that In tha final outcome of, the
matter"the- bureaus, now being estab
lished to regulate the cutting of timber
and the use of the graslng lands of the
public domsln would eventually fall
Into the hands of wealthy monopolists
who, through then bureaus, would gain
a- special privilege as to everything
controlled by th bureaus. -
, i, '
The "Different Store"
v Fifth. Sixth
land Washington Streets
-VJortman-liing Store News
Opens it S:C0 A. M. tr.d
Closes at 6:C0 P.M.
" '
tarn Sale9' of
;: in a ffDaa
Values to
$k.00 for
n (0)
A Unique and Original Method of. Satisfying Absolutely Everyone Coming to the Sale)
"Qne of the hardest hings the careful, honest store has' to. do is to satisfyevery one who comes to share In the special
values of a "Sale" and to disappoint no one. "Almost impossible," says the average merchant "Absolutely useless to
attempt such a thing in a Shoe Sale," comes in a chorus from men who conduct shoe stores. But our shoe man's a
genius I He's solved the problem "turned the trick" by the most novel and original idea we ever heard of. Whoever
comes to tomorrow's sale of shoes will go away fitted, pleased, satisfied and singing our praises if only they'll I take the
trouble to look closely at the accompanying diagram which tells the story of the -sizes. In buying shoes for such a great
stock of shoes as ours it is quite important to bear in mind the great army of folk who wear shoes below the average in
-size and .'tis a. harLthingto.dOL In variably the best buyers will become overstocked .withsmalLsizesEjcactlywhat
Inrs-happened to. us. We might advertise in the ordinary way," that "we've so many pairs of shoes values to $4 for $1.98,"
. and an army of people would come trooping to the store in response half or more would be disappointed., jSo- we show
you on the diagram exactly what to expect. Each dot represents a pair of shoes. At the left of the diagram you'll note
- the- widthsacross- thetopJSJhe range pt sizes. e ina your width, then trace to- the:nght for;
vnnr cirec and we've aa manv nairs in vour size as voulf find Hnt.a in'the anare vnur fincer
rests on. Then we've added TWO FULL LINES , so that a person wearing an average size may,!
be fitted, too if they get in early! Embraced in the salft is every popular, stylish Jast-an4-make-in
Women's Shoes. Patent welt and turrr soles all heights of heel, Blucher or regular cut, in lace'
styles, dull or bright tops, all splendid shoes, none worth-less than ?Z.50, others sell up to $4, fori
Find Your Size on This Diagram I Count the Dots As Many Kinds of Shoes to Fit You in the Sale
as There Are Dots Under Your Size
I Values
I $4.00
7 for
te 2&3 -a&-4fW&S-5& 6 6f 1 & I
00 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000' 0000 00 0
k i m A 0. 000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 0 000 0000 0000
AV 0 00 0000 000 0000 00 0 0
J - :::: ;nr - - :
H7T;;-i: :::: HT;;;:
; 0001
. 0000 10000 000 f 0
000 0000 ,0000 0000 0000 000
00 0000 0000
I , i 1 -1 I
0 0000 0 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0 000 0000. 00 0 0
Vf' 0000 Ittl 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 .
II 0000 ( 000 0000
.U 1. , 000 0 , 000 . 00 00
000 1 " , . -4 -
' " " ' ' "-- -'- --
0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0 000 0000 0000 00 0 ' 0000 000 000
W - ' 0000 0000 00 0000 000 0000 00 0000
I I) - 0 ' 00 . :': . -
E 000 000 0 0 00 00 . 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0
. 0000 0 000 00
Take time to be properly fitted. A plenty of courteous, attentive and painsUking salesfolk and expert fitters on duty at your service. : IN ADDITION - TO
' ABOVEeetaihnsale anaTgeinhberITiIgh'Yrade shoes in fact you-may choose from almost our entire stock of high class footwear $5 and $8 Shoes,
' in men's or women's, for $3.89. The $5 values for $3.19. Boys' and Girls' Shoes at Special Sal Prices.
- - - - -
Thanksgiving Sales of Purse-Interest
to Thrifty Housewives
Silverware '-Rogers; Carving
Sets, Cranberry Sets
Everything for the. Festal Boards at Less Than
Jfou'd Expect to Pay
. (Special Diipatrfe to Th Joernat.)
Albany, Or., Nov. . Albany's China
town la to be aold. Charlea Pfeiffer,
administrator of , tire atata of Harper
Cranor, deceased, wtllsell tha property
at public sale. 1
Th passing of Chinatown marks an!
vent In the history of the city. Forj
years this was the center of attraction!
for tha almond-eyed celestial -and here!
many of their atrange and peculiar cus
toms and religious ceremonies Aver
observed. .
Scarcely half a doten remain of what
wm one a large Chinese colony. With
It will go all. that remains of a very
Interesting period In Albany's history,
th last relic of the boom.aays.
" (SneeUI Pwtwtea t The Jmraat.t
Oervais, Or., Nov. . At the city elec
tion held here yesterday a light vote
waa Cast, five councllmen, a recorder,
treasuror and marshal being elected.
Councllmen elected were Ed DtiDtils. P.
A. Mangold, O. A. Mlckef, August Nlhler
and O. T. Molaan. P. II. Fltsgerald was!
chosen recorder without opposition. Jns-I
y npn ifamman acifat-d-orin weips Tnrj
j treasurer and H. I Koester was elected
. Special This Week:
If 547 Rogers Bros. ' Silverware
Tea Spoons, plain pattern, let of 6; spe
cial . . . , 95
Tea Spooni, fancy pattern, set of 6: spe
cial . . . . . . . . . ... ... ........... . . . 1.0S
Dessert Spojons, plain pattern, aet of 6; spe
cial ft.69
Desserf Spoons, fancy pattern, set of 6;
special . .- .i , .fl.BO
Table Spoons, plain pattern, act of 6; spe
cial . f 1.80
Table Spoons, fancy pattern, set of 6; spe
cial.. :..;...
Set of six Knives and Forks; special 3.50
Sugar Spoons; special, each ......... ,.35
Butter Knives; Special," each "
Cream Ladles; special, each . w. I... 35
Gravy Ladles; special, each ....'..... ".TO
Soup Ladles ; special each . 1.50
Nut Cracks; special, each ' 45
Nut Ticks, aet f 6- ....!....... ,....1.35
Fruit Kniveir set of d;. . '. ; i.-o
Guaranteed Steel Carving Sets
Stag handle, 3 pieces, regular value $2.25;
special . . . . , .,1.85
Stag handle, 3 pieces, regular value $2.50:.
special . . . ...i.W ..3-00
Ivory celluloid handle, 3 pieces, regular
value $2.75; special .......,..2.25
Ivory celluloid handle, 3 pieces, regular
value $3.50; special ,.;.2.05
Stag handle, 3 pieces, regular value $3.00;
special . . , -c-7 ....3.45
Stag handle 3 pieces, regujar value $-f.50;
special ...a. . ...3.60
Ivory antique handle, 3 pieces, regular value,
$675; special, 5.40
Ivory antique handle, 3 pieces, regubr value
3.00; special 6.45
Sta'g handle, 3 pieces, regular value $9.75 :
special . . . ,8.40
Choice assortment of Carvers at special
prices for this week. ,- V ' ' I
Double-Plated Silverware on Nickel
Silver ,
Tea Spoons, set of 6, regular value 75c;
special ,.,..60
Dessert Spoons, set of 6, regular value
$1.25; special. . . : .. .7.'. ... ... ...... '.. 05
Table Spoons, set of 6, regular value $1.50;
special . 1.15
-Forks,-et-f 6,' rrgular value $L50: ape-
cial .'. . .1.15
Knives, set of 6, regular value $1.50; spe
cial ... . ..1.15
New lines of Candle Shades and "Shade
Trimming for Thanksgiving. '
Libbey Cut Glass exclusive Portland
a'gents. Name on every piece.
Oil 'Heaters, every one eruaranteed,
at 3.00 and 4.50
Special Sale Cranberry
75c Seta for 58c Cranberry Sets of , 7
Jieceswithtinted border either blue or
freen spray flowers and gold line, value
5c; special sale price, the set ....;..58
80c Sets 62c Cranberry Set, with decora
tion of pansies and gold line, our 80c value;
special sale price, the set ...631
95c Seta for 70c Seven-piece Cranberry
Sets, -with decoration of small pink flowers,
gold embossed, very neat, our 95c value;
special sale price, the set ..TO
$1.05 Seta for 5c Seven-Tiece Cranberry
Sets of thin china, in neat shapes, with dec
oration of gold border and gold line, our
$1.05 value; special sale price, the set. 85
$1.15 Pets, for 90c Cranberry Sets of 7
pieces, with decoration- of pink flowers and '
heavy gold line, our $1.15 value; special sale
price, the set .1 .OO .
$1.60 Set $1.25 Cranberry Sets of 7 pieces,
with decoration of bright : roses, green
leaves and heavy gold border, our $1.60
value; special price, the set ........1.35
$2.10 Seta for $1.70 Cranberry Sets of 7
pieces, with decoration of American Beauty
roses and heavy gold border, fancy shape,
our $2.10 val.; special sale price, set l.TO
These Specials Are Timely fithe
or Hosiery to Buy v
Special Wednesday in the Knitwear Shops
Women's Underwear-
' Women'i- $1.25 Vests 98o Swiss-Ribbed
Mercerized Long-Sleeve Vests, medium
weight, in white, pink and blue, regular
value $125; special 08
Women's $3.00 Union Suits $Z39 White
- Merino - Swiss-Ribbed - Union - Suits, long
sleeves, ankle lengths, half-open front, reg
ular value $3.00; special .'.,........3.39
Women's $2.50 Union Suits $1.98 The
"Mer0deVhite-Merino- Union Suits for c
large women, sizes 40, 42 and 44, long
sleeves, ankle length, extra silk-trimmed,
regular value $2.-50; special ....... .1.08
Women's 50c Knit Corset Covers 38c
"Merode" Knit Cotton Corset Covers, long
and short sleeves, regular value 50c; spe
cial . . . . ..........v... 38,
Women's Cotton Vests or Pants 50c-Pure"
White Cotton Fleece-Lined Vesta or Pants,
neatly, trimmed; special at, each. ......501
ed in this news.
We -Invite-you ;
fellows to come
And saunter thru the "Men's Store" a sec
tion set apart by itself, where men may
find the small belongings they need quick
ly and without getting into the hurly-burly
' of other shoppers. Few specials tomorrow.
Men's $6.00 Lounging Robes $4.59 Wool
'Lounging Robes in Oxford and Blue and
Oxford and Red just the thing for, these
chilly mornings; regular value $6.00; spe
cial .... v.;.. 4.58
Men's $1.25 Underwear 97c Worsted-
Ribbed Underwear, in tan, blue, flesh and
natural gray, best $1.25 value; special at,
garment . . . . ............ ... ;...9T
Men's 23c Hosiery 19c Men's Hosiery in
plain Oxford gray cashmere, also cotton in
-plain tan, wine, black and silk-clocked, reg
ular value 25c; special, pair ,,.,,.19
Men's $1.50 Silk Mufflers 98cC-Si)k Muf
flers for cool nights and morning, in plain
gry,rvy and cardinal, value $1.50; spe-cialTT-.,,..,
Women's 33c HoV2Sc Winter-Weight
Cotton Hose, ribbed, fleece-lined, regular
35c; special, pair ..........,.., ......35
Women's 35c Hoae 25c Extra-Siae Black
Cotton Fleece-Lined Hose, very . elastic,
regular value35e; special, pair .......35
Women's $3.50 Silk Hoaa $2.29 A line of-
oeautitui Biacn Miv riose, wita elegantly-.,
embroidered boots, regular value $3,50; spe-
ciatTpair . . . ......................39
Children 35c School Hose 25c Children's
Black Cotton School Hose, .-fine-ribbed,
food winter weight, all sizes, regular value
5c; special, pair .......35
Children's Cashmere Hose Children's 2x1
Ribbed. Black Cashmere Hose, full fash
ioned -.-.
Sizea 7 snd 7)4, regular value 40c; special,
pair ........80
Sizes 8 and 85. regular value 45c; spe-la
Sizes 9( 9yi and 10, regular value 50c; spe
cial, pair 40
Women's Chic lleckdress
Special Values Tomorrow
First Floor.
50c and 60c Windsor Ties 25c A fine as
sortment of Ladies' Windsor Tics in peatr
de soie, some are navy bin with white
polka dota, some are red with black 'polka
-dote, also some in pretty Persian pattern,
regular 50c and 60 values; special sal
pnes . . . r ; ." r. ...... ,r;85
Ladies Silk Turnover Collars for 25c La
dies All-Silk Turnover Collars, in white,
handsomely, embroidered in navy, brown,
pink, red or black, -also some in all bli' V;
special sale price -
Ladies' $2 Lace Yokes anJ T n' i .'
Lace Yokea with st.Kk ettai-r- ', i
suitable for making the r : -
lace waists, also some hsn '
thas in cream 6lor, our ;
cial sale price '
riy msrsnaii over n. n, Bianco anil
Victor Cam bras.