The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 06, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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Four Cart Arrive From California
LToday and Various Prices,
. ' . Are Ruling. V
Hops Are More Active at the Lower
- Price of Yesterday PoUtoet Fe-
main Slow, at the Slump of Last
Friday Veal Will Not Bring Top.
Principal market features todsyi' '
t New wslnsta maks appearance.
Eggs art arm but poultry drop.
Largs vesl 4a not bring top.
' . Potato remain rather slow.
Cranberry mark is advancing.
,'" . Hop market ebowa food trad. -
1 -.- Walaate Maao-Appsersao,
, New California walnuts mad their appear
ane In tti Portland . market ft the present
sssaoa today.' Ia all about four car sirlysd
ao supplies ara quit lair. Howevsr, but a
fractional amount f these will be oa sal bs
eaua of tbe large orders received la adrauo
' at the low price quoted early In 'the seaeoo.
Just what . price will nil la walnut thla sea
"'' son-Is eery bard to predict at ttal time.
Ia the wboleeale market today the " jobber
are at ea a to wbat I a proper quotation.
Horn of tboM Jobber wbo boughtewhen price
. were Brat named by the asaoetattoa, and there.
, tor secured their stocks severs! cent Under
what they would be forced to pay bow, are
.' ottering sate aomewbat under wbat other deal
er caa afford to. On dealer reports that h
. beUtTea that th price ahould be at tec per
pound, bat other lntareata lay that th nut
if bonf ht at tbl Uia would coat th Jobber
- himself -Ite per pound.' tad aolee ba Be
rn red lSVtc or loe ke would not be making- a
- S Ufltlmat profit on bit Investment. .
Eggs Firm Wrta poultry Lower,,
The etc market remain with a firm ton
. and all stocks moving off at tb price quoted.
Receipts of local ranch smslL Poultry,- how.
,J evsr, ha beea weak for aom time and today
th price is folly 1 a pound lower. Receipt.
, while not treat, are mora than sufficient to
aapply the want sf tb email retailer. There
la much controversy aa to wbat turkeya will
sell at th prseaet eeoa. It ta bsUsvsd by
' . th general trad that tby will ram eome
wbers around last year' figures. Some stocks
bav already beea purchased la, th eaat by th
' toaal Uad.
Hf Masks Mora Aetrv. " "
A nambar of sales at bona bar Wea r
. 1. ported daring the past 24 hours at prion quoted
yesterday by Th Journal. A few order con
tinue to com for etport foods from London.
' bat It Is not bellered that aver ISfce being
: paid. Buyr of tbla grad ar keeping their
' parches prta secret. Mediums bare sold dur
' log th past M hoara a low a 10b a pound,
wall price ranges around 1214c.
Fetstoes Esenala Yery Slaw.
' Sines th break In the potato market which
waa reported exclusively by Tb Journal isst
Friday there kaa beea little doing a retard
. prtre. California market remain with a
rather (low and weak ton for both Oregon
- and Salinas. Borne small purchase are rs
' parted at taaatry ablpptng point during the
' psst 24 hour around 16c tor fancy goods.
. '. Nothing of Interest regarding anions.
Cranberry Market Is Advaaelag, .
Velnee In ersnberrlee are- abowtng a steady
.advance and today the. best -I iwaeo- stock s
2" noted aa- high aa $10 a barrel, with a few
ealers at 111 willing to U at 80s per barrel
under thi amount. It la said that saatern
cranberry price hare beea practically -with-'
draws aa account of a abort crop than, was
' anticipated.
Briaf th Trad.
Knr California ( la box are arrirlng
Bore freely.
- Large-sited real has been coming considerably
mors freely and for tbla grade top srtcea ara
'not obtainable. Small alses wanted. Sam
ta dressed hoes. -
Apple market shows good trading, but prices
remain Inactive. .....
i Tokay grapes ara as high ss 1.TS today for
(aarlea. while Verdels . are ranging from 11.60
to SI.S5 per ert.
8wvp potatoes In sacks' tra showing better
.." quality. Market holding ateady at former
-Uemons oontlnua to arm .up. -bat price ara
. ' anebsngrd. Demand better. '
- Flab receipts wars not ao treat from tbs
, Columbia yesterday and shippers could not fill
' all their orders today.
' Wheat and tour continue to show .qulst
i but steady ton. . '
. TH trad pay tb following price ta Front
street Prices paid ahlppera ara leas regular
commissions! '
ra la. Flour and Fas.
GRAIN BAOS Calcutta. Stt buying prices
4 )lln. SRe. ' i
WHKAT New crab. 4cj red Ruarlaa. dla;
hlueetem. SSci vallsy. STe.
BARLCV Now reed. 31.00; rolled. (13.00;
COBN VVholi , $27.00; cracked. 3) N per
- toa. - - - - - " .
BTR tl.BS per rwt.
- OATS Sew lroducsrs price If. 1 whtta,
123.00; tray. $22.00.
FLOl'B Eaetera Oregon patents, ISaO;
atralghts, $3."i sxport. $a.(j ralley, 3.o;
KhLti, U. $L "bole wheat, t$.j rye,
, $.1.00: bales, $4.T.
MILLaTtirra Bran, 1S.B0 per ton: mid.
dllncs. $24.00; shorn, country, $1TJ0; tlty,
ai.b0; chop, ie.oo4t2i.oo. .
HAY Producers' prleo Timothy. Willamette
alley, fancy, $11 OtitJU 00: ordinary, $u .Ou
10.00; Saatern Oregon. $l5.otild.u0; ailied.
fl0.o6eiu.M; elorar, $7.00; grata, aT.S0at.Mi
- j-
BPTTKR FAT F. .' b. rortlaal weet
eream. 2N"4c; sour, SVe. '
BL'TTBB Tlty crsamery, 80cj oatilde fsaer,
I7u,(1lc: ordinary. 27 He; .tore. 14Vtcloe.
' lft(i Kitra fancy candled. SSc; ordinary
candied,. k2Vie locsl nd eaetern storags,
" ahc.
CHKESB Nw Full creern. fUta, l$VO
IHc; Voting America, 1bH5'4c
ruuLim Miieo cmcsena, uteris per 1!
fancy bona, latlleH par lb; roosters.
Consultation and Exami
nation Free 'j
1 ron't wait until your whol aystem
become polluted with dlnmae, or until
your nervous system t tottering under
th atraln, and you ar a physical and
mental wreck, unfit for work," biralnos
or study. Uncertain or improper treat-
enn omy oo narm. i ner I onir jr w jJ itL-J
perfect, aaf and Inatlnr euro for - 1? , I
, which you will find at the Nortotv' vHn Tir ' .
I Medical Co. Start rlg-ht. and " ) - f .
t at once, Uelayg are dangerou. ETcl J i '
wi TBJBAT yam onx Am oni
ry man anffrlng with dlaaaae, vaiiooeala, hydrocel. kidney eg
ladder dlseav, blood polswa, nrv dablUty oansed by sieeteat, aie
or with any of their numerou and distressing; symptoms, ewe It to hlm
helf, hi family and especially to tb future gensratlone, to get cured
promptly, safely and thoroughly, , , , ,
We hare such cortfldence In our methods that w will treat you with
out askltvg for a dollar until eurd. - .
Over ,50 Per Cent of Our Cases Have Been Cured
at a-Cost of $10.00 and Many Oniy $5.00 '
If you it n not rail, writ and descrlb your 1 trouble and w will ad
Visa you If you can b cured at horn.
.. orncw hours t a. m. to p. m.; Sunday aad holidays, 10 to 11. ,
. sVMdla aTpeotaOl U tb aToHhwant. Zatablashsd lae.-
. taw mot atonx iiH raru i, oobhst) ran, rounun, om.
l 44s4h4b '
.Today, la ejection day In moat..
4 atato. Th Nsw York tock
a and cotton market, th Chicago ?
d grain and provlalon market, th
4b Boston copper and th Baa
Francisco mining, exchang ar
cloned a a result. All sxchantfea 4
will ' b opened tomorrow morn
. lna -, ; ' - ' '.
e) . Ina -, ' , ; '
per lb; fryers, 12e per lb; broilers, lie per
I . . .1 ...... Hlia IKt M.i... rfn.k. eiX
(V, w.v uuv... - I" V ... . -I . n -
lb; a, value per lb: turkeys, iwaua per
lb for old; dreeeed, 20e lb; xiuabs. $2.Mtfa.0
ser oos; piteous, s.uv per oua.
' . - Heps. Waal aad Bid.
HOPS rOue crop, choice. ISQlAKc; prima to
choice, 1c; USUlum to prline, lojl2Vo; D
'dlum, ltto. ' f. , .
- WOUlc-'iaoe lln ValUy, WtJ2Sei saaters
Oregoif, toe. .
MuHAlH New, nominal
BHKKI'HKINg Sbeanog, 15020c eacb short
wool, 2DtlUet medium wool. gvOTSo .sachl
long Wool. 7VC$1.00 eseh.
TAU.OW PrTius, par lb. H4i Ho. t aad
fteaas. S62M. r-'- " - . , -
. CH1TTIM BARK de. ''(
UllE Dry. Ho. 1, It lbs snd op. IdHQ
lTVte per lb; dry kip. No. 1. 6 to 16 lbs. 1 4c;
dry salt. No. 1, under S lbe, ISc: sslted bides,
tera, sound, 00 lbe and ever, lOOllr; sow,
mtft'.tt; Mil and bulls, sound, tTc; kip.
lb to SO lbs, 0c; calf, souud. under .15 lbs, lie;
trees, nnaalted, 'le lees; .rulls, le per lb lesi;
toree hldreL salted, e.chfl ffl).75; drye each,
$1.00ai.50; colt TUlcar 2i4li0c; goat aktua.
common, each, lucLbe; Aatora. . each. Xctj
$1.00. . -
' FrulU and Tegetalle.
POTATOES Buying price, eaalsra Multno
mah and Clackamaa, atic; ordinary, aouTBc;
Jobbing floa, wuckj$l.0. per . ewt; a wee La.
ONIONa Jobbing (price New Oretoa. ' 0r
$1.00; buylnt price, To75c; tarlle, HQOc Jb.
FRE8U rHl'lTS Applra. TScU$1.8S; oranfes.
Valencia. 4.75ii5.00; bananas, oo lb; leuaons,
choice. s4.so4ta.7S per box; fancy. $T.0u per
box; llmea, Wei Inn. $1.20 per 100; plums,
('U 50c crate; piueupplea. Uni lkKl trapes.
ll.oodil.TS: peaches, $1.26; pears, $1.00iul 2A;
buckelberrlea, lie; . grouud cherries, . ui7S
psr box; pineapples. $3.00 per dos.
EUKTABLKS Turulpa. new, $1.00 per sack;
carrots, $1 per sack; beets, $1.60 per sack;
Oregon 2e per dost cabbage. Ore.
ton, ltfl,c; bell peppsrs, 6c pur lb; to
matoes, TSiSSdc per crate; parsnips, POcQtl.OO;
string beans. Orefoa. 4c per lb; cauli
flower. sbc$1.00 par dot; pea. 4f.V;
horaeradlsb. P10c per lb; artichoke. T6c
?r do: qnaah. TBcetl.oO per box; egf plant,
I SO per do bunches; celery, 707Bc per dos;
?ien corn, $1.50 per aok," suinmer sqnaab.
Vfttgl.OO per box: eggplant. 1.7 per crate;
tsmpklns, lc; crsnberries, .local. t.(l0UM);
ape CVxL $9.0na9.M Der bbl.
fRIEU FRt'lTS Apples, evaporated. 47e
Pr id, apncoia, lstetniue per in; peackea.
I2313HC per lb; sack a, He per lb Irea; prunes.
SO to 40, 6e; Ve drop on each 1-1 amalMr
llac: Baa... I.'allfarsla black, liqa'ae per Jbr
ailforqla white, USc per lb; dates, golden.
TMe P. lb; fuds. $1.4031.60 per 16-lb bos.
- . . On ear lea. Huts, Zta,
BTJ0AR All refineries lube, $fl 40; pow
dered, $6.26: fruit, granulated. $S.SS; dry
ranulated, $5.10: conf. A. (5.16; extra C,
4.M5: golden C, $4.65: D, yellow, $4.65; beet.
Kinulated. $4 05; bbla, l!w: bbla. 25c;
xea, 60S adrance en sack basis.
(A dots prices are, -0 day set esah (nota
tion.. ) . )...-. - a
HON ET $S. go per erst. .
COrrEK Packsvs brands. $lB.fsen 78.
SALT Coaras Half ground, loos. $9.00 per
toa: 60a. $8.60; table, daUy, 60s, $1S.U0; ions.
$12.70; bales. $I.KS; Imported Liverpool, 60s.
$l.0O; 100s, $17.00: 21'4., $l.0O; sitrs fine,
bbls, 2. 6s, 10s, $4.6ot5.60; Liverpool lump
rack. $12.60 psr ton; 60-lb rock, $0.00; luua,
(Above prices spply to sales of Ires than
car lot. Car lots at special prices subject to
fluctuations.) '
RICK Imperial Japan. No. 1, c; No. 2.
tr.; New Orleana, head, Tc; - AJax, tc;
Creole, 4c.
BBANS Bmall white. $... targe - wblt.
1 25; pink, $2.00; baytio, $2.76; Umu, 6Wc;
lexlcan reds. 4. , .
. M'Tb eonete.-Jirmbo, Wr-ptr lb;- Vlrgrntar
tdc per lb; roaated, 8Hs per lb; Japa
sese, 635Hr; roaated. 7tl7Sc per lb; cocoa-
nuts, KiU0e per dos; walnuts, 17c p-r
id; pinenuta. Kiiaiztko per id; nicxory nota,
lie per lb; chestnuts, esatern. 16 Wine per lb f
Braall suts, 15c per lb; filberts. 14315c per
lb; fancy pecans, lbet almonds, isittaipc
' Kesta. Fish and Frevlstaas.
FRESH MSATB Frost Street Hogs, fancy,
Sc per lb; reel, eitra, be per lb; ordinary,
eif 7e per lb; poor, 45c per lb; mutioa, fancy,
BftHHc per lb; (ambe, Btjoc.
IlAiiS. BACOS. ETC. Portlaad pack (local)
bams, 10 to 14 lbs. lefte per In: 14 to 16 lbs,
loo par lb; ores k fast bacon, 16022s; . per lb;
picnics, 10Hc per lb; eoltsgs, lAc per Ih;
reaulsr short clears. Bnamokcd. '2 ne n.
'smoked, lto per lb; clesr backs, ansnmked.
ixe per : smoiea. isc per lb: union butts,
10 to IS lbs, nnsmoked. Sc pee lb; emted, c
per lb: clesr bellies.' usemoked. 14s e lhi
a mokd, 16 per lb; shoolders. 12Ve per lb;
pickled tongore. $8 00 quarter bbl.
uih AU I.AK-U Kettle lear. ios ISUe per
Ih, 6a, 13s per lb; 60 lb tins. 12Vc aer lh:
stesm rendered, 10c, I2we nor lb; Ss, 12k
per lb; compound, lOs, t.
CANNED SALMON Columbia river, l ib (alls.
S.SO; 21b telle. $2.76; fancy, l ib fiats. $1 PO;
-lb fancy flats. $1.15; fancy l ib ovsls. S2.76;
aaka talla, pink, BoQOOcj red, $140: nominal
2s, tall; $200.
FIMH Hork cod. Tc per Ih; Bounders, Be per
lb; hsllbut. 7s per lb; crabs, l.OO)i.60 per
dos; striped bsas, 12He per lb; catfish, loe per
lb: salmon. Columbls river cblnnok. 7c: etlvee.
side. Oc; steelhead, Te per lb; herrlsg, e psr
lb; soles, 6c per lb: shrimp, lOe per lb: perch.
So per lb; black cod. 7 per lb; tomeod. 7e
r lb: silver smelt. 6c per lb: lobsters. ie
per id; rreas marserei. B per u: crawnsB,
low per dos; sturgeon, 10c psr lb; black bass.
20C per lb.
OYSTERS rThoalwstec bay. nor gal, $2 2:
(sr 115 1b sack, $4.26: Olympls. par gallon.
2 25; per 116-lb aark, $6.00 to $6.60.
CLAMS Hardshell, par box. S2.00I raaor
(lama. $2.00 per bog.
Faint, Oaal Oil, Eta.
ROPE Pure Manila. 14c: ataadard. llUe:
sleel. 11c.
COAL OIL Peart or Astral Cases ltHe per
gal; water white, ire. a bMs 14e per gal, woodea
17c per tal: headllgbC 170-deg. cases 2144a Der
jiawiu k (wj-ocg, cases sifte per gsl, lros
bbls lc per gal.
I1ENEINE e.1 dec. ease 26 net asL ' Iroa
bbls IHue per xaL , . -
TL'RPKNTINC la cases Sd nor gal. wooden
bbls. O.V per gal.
WHITS! LKAIW Ton lots, TXe per th; SOO-lb
lots, Sc per lb: less lots, 8w per In.
WIHB ?i A 11 rreaeae naais at (2. as.
I.INHKEP OIL-r-Pare raw. la S-bbl lota. SOc:
1 bbl lot, SSc; rases, SSc per gsl; genuine ket-
tie-boiled, caaes. sue per gai; a-nni lots, oc;
1-bhl lot. fine ner aal: around eaka. car lots.
$20.00 psr ton; leas than csr lots, $30.00 per
bun. .- : -
a eaaSKCewatslvDeisaj
Whll More Interest Is Shown in
the Mines No Sales Are '
.. ' Shown Todays
During: the Day 2,000 British Colum
bia Amalgamated lVfining AreSold
at 5c and 3,000 Callaher Mining at
, Sy4c a Share. V
There is considerable more Interest i shown
In the Coenr d'Alene mining Uat sa ths
Portland stock axchangs, but no sales were
recorded today. TrSn. actions dnrine tndav's
session were 2,000 British Columbls Mining
a., oc sou o.vov uaiisner mining st sae. :
OfflcU' prices: , . ..
, ..BANK TpCK8."-'
Bsni "of California;.. Soft . S70
Merchants' National ...., lvi - ...
Oregon Trust a Savings 110
Portland Trust Co V- 120
Bsnkers ft Lumbermea's
KiuitaDie Bsviugs at Loan
lulled State Rational
SuO .
BONDS. ,.r
O.'R. ft K. Ry. 4a 100
Portland HySi 102
City ft Suburban 4a ,., ,.,
Assoeiatrd Oil 6s v....'. ST '
0. W. P. ft By. 6s 102 '
CaarpbeH'e Ose Bui aar v. ri .".7.vv. T"
Associated Oil 64 tt
I'nlon Oil 200
Alaaka Packers' M
Pacific States Telephone 101
Home Telephone .
Puiret - Bound Teleobon ........ ...
lot H
10ti0 -
,-. SO
Oregoa Life Insurance ,.... ....
Cement Producta
J. C. Le Co ,
Yaoulna Bay Telephone ,
Oregon City Mill ft Lumber .....
Independent Qss
Nicola CVal 04" V8
British ColumMs A ma
lnternstlonsl Coal ....
Alaaka Petroleum ....
Alaaka Pioneer ......
Standard Consolidated
... .4
Oregon Securities
irmre, ......... ..j..iaj t , VJ
oold 01 H , 02
tl 11 13
Tacoms Steel
(ia labor
06 06V.
Bullfrog Terrible ...
e Oft
, os
s -a S . SO - e
i- osvi
...... ... 10
SoO ' lono-
North Fairnear .....
Lucky Boy .........
Ittxl Meadows . .. ..
Mountain view
Blue stiver Oold ....
Oarvln Cyanide .....
Star Consolidated
Snowstorm 20
Snewsho 00
Heels SW
KamMer-Carlbeo 20
hnth ConsoltOaUd ..." '.. ...
Ha dot Day
os ,
08 Vk
Bullion ..,
Copper King
Park Copper
Patter Demand Is Shown in All
Lines Today Even Cattle
" Are Improved.
Portland Union Stockyard. Not. fl. I. tree tock
Hogs. Cattls. Sheep.
Today ldo 2 ...
We-'k sco ... 22S
Month .(to S44 ... 264
Yesr sgo S3S 1 " ... " ...
. Tbs bog market shows a 'err. Bra tone today
and Teluos are 10c np from the low point,
thus making tbs Hat price oa beat eaat sit ths
mountain stun fo.70.
The esttle market bas a decidedly better
feeling and ssles are being mors easily msde.
Prlcea. however, hare made no response to the
aew .conditions.
- Sheep values are very Arm with price rat
ing st ths top. Today 62 horses arrived la
ths yards.
Conditions a year ago: Hogs week; cattle
weak, 2be lower; abeep Arm.
Official livestock prices:
Hue Beat eastern Oregon. M.TB: block-
era snd Chins fats, SS S5&0 60.
Cattle Best eastern Or eon steers. 63 SB 41
2.60: beat cows snd heifers, f2.26Q2.bO; stock
ers and feders. 22 60tt2.76; bulls, ll. 60.
Bhaep-Allied. 4Qs.e; lambs. 6a3tt-
' Hlllshnm. Or., for. a Tw ale of bop
were reported yesterday, one at Oreenrlll
sf 1T.0UO pounds snd rVltllsm Baglay 60,000
poanda st 14c snd 16c, reepectlTsly. Th lat
ter price Is tbs highest paid this year in this
county, escept on cm tracts. Plncns A Son of
Taooma wars ths purchase ra. A large amount
of contract bops are moving, bnt new ssles are
slow. Th beat pries paid for hops this ses
soa la Sue. -this mount being paid to John
SalscalHf by llncus a Son, under a contract
oa which 64.000 was sdvaaced.
Residents of District Ask That
Northern Pacific Be Blocked
in Mineral Grabbing.
Galem. Nov. I. Jovrnor Chamber
lain, yesterday received a petition ask
ing him to restrain th Northern Pacltie
railroad from atUrnptlng to our
large holdings, of -public land In th
Pentium mining district. Th petition
is signed by 14. person and la accom
panied by a communication stating that
they had not time to socura any more
signatures, a the matter was particu
larly urgent, but that with a littl Mm
hundred. In fct tveryone in th terri
tory, would sign th petition. The peti
tioners state that mining la Oregon's
greatest source of wealth and if th
railroad gets it Iron grip on th land
it will forver pravent Its further de
velopment by th miner and pros
pectors. The land la' valuable only for
Its mineral,
Th railroad company ha had its
Own surysyor survey th land and la
xpectad to apply at an early day for
patent A Hat of 7 mine and owner
Is appended aa only a partial on of
tha properle affected. 7 '.
Th governor wrote tha aortary of
th Interior requesting Mm to. Investi
gate and if th information ia correct
to grant th relief asked for In tha peti
tion. - ,
it 4 .... - ... a
Rheumatism, lumbago' and BMatl
palntsield to th penetrating influence
of Hal lard Snow Mnlmsnt. It pn
tratea to th nerve and bones and, be
Ing absorbed Into the blood, It healing
properties r conveyed to vry part
of th body, tud effect soma wonderful
cures, l&o, too and 11.00. Hold by
Woodard. Clarka M Ca. . , ; ,
Surgical procedure In. case of this char
acter waa taught by my. - old college pro-
' feasors' a quarter of a century ago, btft
such a harsh and savage method Is now ra
aorted to generally only by thoae who hav
not kept pace with advanced apeclalty
practice. We abandoned It more than a
decade ago, after bavins discovered and de-
- veloped a system- our own, which gives
all tha rnef its. of aurgery without Impart-.:
Ins; the pain and peril .that, surgery In
volve; blood lessy painless aystem of curing Stricture,
which does not dlaturb-th aOund mucous membraiM,
but acta only upon the affected parts. 'It attacks and
thoroughly -dissolve all abnormal growths, dislodging
every particle of diseased, hardened or scarred tissue.
- which comes away In strips of shred-like fiber. All
unnatural discharges ar stopped and all Irritation along
th walls of th Urethra, and in th region of th Pros
tats Gland, Bladder and . Kidneys is allayed. Every
obstruction and inflammatory condition being removed,
the whole Urinary Tract is left In i state ol perfect
health and aa free and. open aa when Nature formed it.
Hours t a. 'm.
St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary
Prominent Interests Agree That
- Volume of Business Will .
' Show Increase. . ,
President of Fresno Hom Packing
, Company Says That Rumors of a
Larger Crop Caused Prices to Open
Too Low and Oversold as Result, f
By Le U Gray, President FVesno Bom Pack
ing Company. -I
Srmly believe, snd I hsvs for son tlm.
thst this wonld be a record-breaking year In
Uk ratals business, snd bare been willing tn
baok ap my Judgment by porchsatng any stork
offered st resaonabts. price. stumors of s
big crop were current early la the sesson snd
this information wss so widely dlsssmlnated
that both packers sad Jobbers had aa ' lava
they would be sbls to sirvply their season's
rsqnlremeats st sa nnu.oally low flgtire, iand
a Sc price was confidently predicted by many
of tb packers on the eosat, . snd this Informs
tlon wss probably conveyed to arospectlvs boy
srs eaat.
With this Idea of a lg crop snd low prices
firmly entrenched, prices of seeded were opened
eiceedlnclr low bAe to e ner pound for fancy
seeded In sao-ponnd cartons; loose, -HV 4V
snd 4e, respectively, rir two, thre and
four crown, packed In 50-pound boxes.- At tbess
prices the tra a bought - rreely for future mo
ment, and then cold "faster than they were
sbl to get confirmations of their orders st this
end, with the result tnst we naa tns urgent
volume of futor bualoeas arver booked. Then
earns the dsmags to tbs foreign crop, which la
a single dsy wiped out 00 per cent of the est!
uaivu vuiiiuv ws , it' ii i uu meuiaa runua.
aad eaaaed aa Incresss In- prre that turned
prsctlcally all of ths Csnsds trsd to Cali
fornia. . ,
Tbl de trend, eodpled with tb Increased
business f.-om the Atlsntle seaboard from
bars who have slwsrs handled more or
ef the foreign crop, compelled an advance 1s
selling and oaytng prices st rnis ena. wnirn
rapidly increased ths cost of th raw product,
s thst prices sdvaaeed from 8"c to 4Hc
within two weeks, snd tbs only lot. of any
consequence remslnlng unsold. v1i.t the Krnv
lot. has jast been disposed of at g phenomenal
price. .
I do not believe thst when th retain d.
11 reiies srs sil mad w ran figure on a crop
of more thaa 46,000 to 60.000 tone; possibly
less, snd 1 Just ss Srmly bellev that ths en
tire crop bss beea oversold. Ia other ' words,
I sm of tbs opinion that there Is a large short
Interest today, which 1 being sqneesed, end
sjnieesed herd, snd if I were In tbat position
I know I would run to rover and settle just sa
anlrkly ss possible, ss I believe higher prices
itsn those now prevailing must rnle, and wonld
mat be surnrlsed to see a lOe niios for fancy
seeded prior to January 1. .
Is view or tne rarr mat use rreeno nnene
Packlns company has handled a boat one onarter
of the entire output of tbs state this season
Mr. Gray's opinions are entitled to great
weight, and strengthen ths views of th gen.
oral trade that present prices are wsrrsuted
by conditions now existing.
Th Outlet Clothing- oompaay Xa to Xn-
tertain Portland Zadia aad ttaatla-
- aaa Totnorrow ZTsains.
Tha Outlet Clothing company, north
at corner First and Morrison streets,
is to give a grand reception to Portland
ladles and gentlemen tomorrow evening.
Th management ha provided some ex
ceedingly pretty and valuable, souvenir
preaent to be given away, each gentle
man and lady to receive ona, and In
addition a band of music will entertain
th visitors. i
Th Outlet la. .located In the new
building at th northeast corner of First
and Morrison street. Its efficient offi
cial staff ar , men of large egperlenca
In th clothing business, and to thor
oughly equip the establishment th mar
kets and factories of all. th big cloth
ing center hav been drawn Opon. The
ator begins business on th absolutely
n-prlc principle, so that on cus
tomer buys precisely as advantageously
as any other patron.. Tomorrow even
ing ita splendid array of clothing will
be on "dress parade." and those who
witness th event are aura to hav an
svening's enjoyment that they will a.
member for many months.
Eugene, Or., Nov, : Th regular
term of th Lan county circuit court
convened yeaterday with Jifrtge IA ,T.
Harris on th bench. A grand Jury to
Irftrulr into the numerous criminal
caaes on hand wss chosen.
Iaat evening tha Jury returned true
bill against Jo me Davis and Fred
Smith, both In th county jail charged
with forgery. '"'".,'
. Tba'flrst criminal ca to bo tried at
thi tsrm waa that of th State vs.
Osorg Sweet, charged with assault
with a dangerou weapon upon ths per
son of Fred Oos ser. Tha jury last
evening returned a verdict, oi , not
guilty..' Th trial of James dirid Dn
gwot on th am charge la belts held
today. '
Th court ytrday granted Mr.
Naln MoClarsn a dlvorc from William
F. McClaren and th cutodyof thlr
minor child to Mr. MoClaren'a father,
J. J. Butler. Th groundo wr deaer
tton and failure to aupport. MoClsren
reside In Eugene and hi wif at Juno-
Uoa City-
XrtabUshad 25 Tsars
la rcgtlaad.- .. .
It you are a vlcJJm of , NerVo-Vltal Debility, with all
its distressing symptoms, you certainly do not Intend.
j fcmaln r. Jfou have but one life to" live. Why not
live It in tha .full enjoyment of abundant vitality and
perfect-health ? Thl can be. and la treated md cured
by our methoda without detaining you from your work.:
Call and have a talk with tta about your condition.
OAta TI ATntlHT I To tnoee who find it Impos
slbls to rlslt us. If you will take the time to writ us
explaining your cae in your own words, we? will cur .
you at, homo, as our home . treatmemt -has cored hun
dreds. '' . '" .
to" I p mljEvixajtiiiymiagM
My Fee
In Any:
Is "
Tha X.adiaT sTveelallal.
I do not sppesl especially to the msa seek
ing ths chespest cure In ask log asrh a low
fos aa flO for the cars of any uncompli
cated ess of Mais Disorders, bet I wsnt
to resch all men who object to paying ths
eiorhltast fees heretofore ehsrged by spe
cialists. .My methods Insure quick results,
or I wonld have to charge mors for my
time. Tb outcome In every case andertaken
Is certain or I could not bold oat the prop
osition to effect tb care before asking tbs
... I .. I
Promise Fulfilled
I could aoF continue tn business yesr after
year treating thouaanda of esses snnnsllv
with my bpslnees Integrity sbeolutely an
Im peached, unless I carried oat to ths letter
every promise msds my pstienta. I am care
ful never to nndertake esses thst hsv gon
beyond kelp. I do not charge for the first
examination of patients, and slwsys deter
mine tn my sbsolnt ssttsfsrtlon that health
snd strength esn be restored In svery esse.
Then 1 bring every advsntsg of my U
years' study and experience Into action to
clear that msa of dlaease, to ando th rnjnry
of expenses or abuse, snd band up ths latent
forces which hsv ma down..
Men and Men Only
My practice ta limited to tb disorder of
th male, and Is further confined te
these special snd chronic affections of th
Klvlc tract. These include. Spermatorrhoea,
at Vitality. Varicocele. Stricture. Hydro
cele. Contracted Itleorders, Contsgtous lllond
Poison. Bis rtder snd Kidney Pisceses. I hsvs
takes up these allmenta eepeclally. heeases
tbouasnds of lives srs mined ss4 tboussnds
of men srs not whst they should be, because
they are held uown by chronic wesknsaa,
which the aversss prsctlclng physician docs
not nnderstsnd snd uauslly tries to. msk
light or by telling the patient that nalar
will soon repair ths wssts. Bnt tbs drslns
continue antil the vital force 1 sapped frsn
tb body snd both the mentsl and physical
structures sf tb body eollsps.
I find the causa of tb trouble' first, sad
direct treatment to that alwsrs. My aim Is
never to buls tbs symptoms, 4mt to enre the
sllment couiplstely snd tltnroiiclily. - My suc
cess Is based on these methods, which mast
sooner or later be applied to yoaricas.
lor a olala. rrlrat tslk. Is consulHng-sn .
yoa will be a.ked ao Inconeenneo or ember.
rssstns quest tone. All in form tlon given
you will hats s direct snd viral. besrlng. If
your symptom srs not aer loos, I will tell
yon ao. If tresttnent Is neeiled. I will ex
plain Its action snd tell yoa the prooaoie
time required for the' cure. I will not urge
my services apon yon.- If yoa ar lacking
In strength, no on knows whst ths cur
wonld mesa to yon better then yourself.
I hsv th finest aiiulpned effk-ea In li
west. Every nrmlrr of aiy staff Is a grad
es te. licensed Miysicsaa. it yoa cssmoi can.
write tns snd I will g re your case personal
attention and will respect your privacy by
using only plain ssaied enreiope.
' Car. Morrison snd Second Sts.
Frtvat Satrsacs. SMVl Morrlsoa St.
, rortuaa. Or. J .
"W'il treat any" single uncomplicated "all
. ' ment until December 1st for $10.00'.
txi mri or oboot.;4
Mhsamatism. A onto and Chronic -Blood
rolson. Oononboaa. Taxlooeal.
sTsnrasthsnla.. aTsrrons Sacllns. raxsUyala,
OUet, VypblUs. - PlUs.
Sidney, Bladdst aad All' TTlnaxy S la as a.
. Kvry mm rolvs personal attention and
lamination. ITo locurabl oaas aocrptsd.
Widely Known
and Successful
Medicinal, -Root
and .
' Herb Doctor
Ubf famous remedies; ths Ingredients st
which -w -Import direct from ths Orient In
large euaatitlee snd prepare snd pat sp for
bee -4B le sp-to-dst Is be lory. No Ssercnry,
pot sod. sr drugs f aar king sned. . Psrsly
reretebnt. -
Tbe Doctor create saceessfatly and gsarseteee
to core all stomach troubles. csUrrh. asthsss.
lung, tbcnelt. rbennnHem.- airmasnsas liver,
ktdnev and Vwf manhood.
riMAts TaorBLEs aim iu yaiTin
' " fslss sr mlslesdlsg state ai.nta s ths
sfSletsd. A safs ssd lasting tars ra Ue eatek
est poeelbie time and st th lowest east pas
sible for honest treatment.
If yo "cannot call, writs for symptom hlsaB
sad etrenlsr. Inclose 4 cents In stamps,
Xa 0. was Vs Csiasss klsdwiae Ce., ISIVk
first St., Cer. Meniaea, Vsrtlaad, 0a
Plesae auniloa thla aapsr.
Evory Woman
ismimssisii soq snoniq snow M
anoui tns wonasrrnj
ITS nsw fasieal ).. aster-
saaa -nos, uses Bst.
gab vasr acasswl je S.
If be.csnnotsuiniy to
llaviL, aojest no
other, twit send stamn far
llluslrsted book eesle. Tt give
full psrsrenlsrs snd dlrectioee tn
vsiutiT4.:iea. i rival. -
sad irr.. saw i urk.
ijhuu vu I1USIS.
Scott's Santal-Pepsm Capsules
yorlnSsmmarloa orOttarrliof
ths Blander and Diseased Kld
ieys. as ocas mo rat", cares
sickly ssd permanently ths
worst esses ef JTrna
sd ealee. no waiter of bow
ing stsading. Absolslsiy
srmleas. Sold by druggist,
'rlos 1 1. tt). or bv snail. swaSi
aid, tlx, I Soxsa, 12. 7s.
BslloroaUtaa, Obi.
Weedard. Clark 0a.
Pure, Safe, ftifrc
.r. Sanderson's Compound
Sarin xnd Cotton Root Pills.
Th best and only reliable
remedy for DELATED PE
BIODS. Cur. tha most ob
stinate caaes In 3 to 10 days: Price tl
per box, mailed In plain wrapper. Ad
dress T. J. PIERCE. IX O., ill Flrat
aireet, Portland, Oregon.
NEW" r--
Handsomely fnrnlahed, elegantly equipped.
Sreprnot, five minutes' wslk from kvsrt of
shoppirg snd business district, sll Isrgs.
slrr. outside minis, steam heated, electric
lights, tnlenhone In each apartment, etc.
Large ofocce. lounging, smoking, writing,
ladlea reception parlors. . Rooms reserved
by mall or telephone.
Private esxaltaa meets trsla and stsamers.
Rooms $1.00 to $3.00 a Day
Special Rate t Csmmsrsial Xaa. .
.A. AAMSTROaO,. Proprietor,
North Pacific S. S7C6's
Steamship Roanoke
(2,500 Tons') .
Sails for San Francisco. Los Angeles
and . Eureka,
Saturday. Nov. 10. ....... .At 8 p. rru
From Martin's Dock, foot Seven
teenth street. Tske Sixteenth or S
street, cars. Ticket, office 132 Third,
near AWr. Phone Main 1314.
H. YOUNG, Agent.
S. S F. A. Kjlburn
far Cess Ray, Rurefcs aad Ssa fraatlma.
(text sailing from Psrtlasd rr'lday. October 11.
Next sailing from Baa rrsaciseo. Tkara wet, 4.
Oak Street Dock Phone Main 2960
San Francisco Q Portland
Steamthip Co.
Prom l-ortl.ttd tAlnewsrth I keck I st H a. nv
B. , "Ontt Rtas" Rsv. 1 til Do. B IS SS.
S. S. "Coiusibi. ' Dev. 11 S7 1 Os. inn.
Tbs Onir tnrect rsssenser steemers.
rhou Mala Mt. - s4 'Viashlngto sC
yjjyrsw est M oat rosTsDietit.
'Sj. Ji t ' " r-
new r;VAv
far Sale ay
iuw Union Pacific
3 Trains to the East Daily-i-J
Tutsagh Pullman stsndtr: sod soarlst slee.
jng-ear dally to bmah. Cblesrn. , Kprtaset
ton-ut , sleeplng-esrs u.(ly to Ksassa Uty.
,ilwth. '""nlng easUralrs (ssstsaaftl
tbe Kaat dally. . T - .
tnion Depot-. Uars. Arrtv. -
"lea go-Portland Spnlsl for -ths
East vis Ilastlngtos, dir. S SOam" 6.00 pes
lo-an, Tlrv ,r y,,,, ...
Washington. Wall Walla ' '
lwlston. rViear d'Alene aad ' ' V
."'..""i" "n'nts. dally. :IS pot S:0e m '
EPr for th East
vis Hnntlnstnn. dally S .TilSnai
Pnrt.and Klira lore:, for all .
bn;a between Biggs snd
Portland, dalle...... 18 am aSsai
Columbia aiTrn riTisio.
For Astoria .wl eM,.M.,fne . ssitn '
I pI,,,Mr nr "Jo snd North Beach. Steams.
: oor. leaves a n. os,,..
ItmS narnrosy, . to
Tt a Jt- m.. exeepf FirMlae.
i. "l - AMHIIX- BIV R B BOtmi.
Toe-Daytoa. Oregoa City and Tamklll rt
points, st. a mere Raih and glodoe, Asbet. 4oek.
; n,,,,, . V r V ..waj ,we
airne 'iisu s. m.. astiy.
- - " " ni, its m'u ..
For Lewtatoa. Ideas,, gnd wsy points free
nerta tv i. -. . m w ' . .
t "C apon srrlvsl Trsla
We 4. dally except Batnrday. Arrlv B. av
dallv exeeos FrKley. . .
k untc. Third and Waeblngtoa Sts.
Telephone Main Tl J. . .
- . o. nr. rTTNOm. City Ticket Agent.
Wsk McMURKAX. Oensral Psasengsr Agsai.
rjnton fWno. ' -.. - I
Overland Kvnresa ejeehie
for Sslem. Haeeborg, ass- --: -"- - - --' :
land. Haersnente, Ogden. ' i i
Ssa rraaclsea. Stockton, .,
Los Angeles. El Paso, ,
bew Orleana and tbe asst. Mfm till S ,
Momlnc train enoneeta at
Wood burn dally except ' ,v ' '
Sunday with Mount Angel "' '
Snd ailveeton Ineel . . SSB I4S SJS
Cottage Grove penger - i
eonoects st Wood burn and -- "'
Albsnr dailr. nmt tun. ' ' "
day. with trains for points ...... r-. . -
on Woodhncn-anrlngSeld and 1 . ' -A
Ibanr-LobasM hranrhaa.. 4:1S in I1 :0 as
Camilla pssswsger tKlin :).
Sheridan passenger........ 4:!0pm 10 10 sm
Forest Grovs psasengsr... .tl1:O0 sm T:M sm
rarest Grove paseenaer.... IIS:S0 pas 1S;M pm
-ually. HDally ejmnt Bansv.
JErrcRsoN-dTREirr station. - '
ror Dolus snd intermsdlere points dally, T:S
a. a. snd l p. as. - Arrive rortlaad 10:J
a. m. and 0 ar m. '
roe time snd ssrd ef Oswego snrmrba trsbsS
spply st City Ticket Office, or elation.
Ticket to Bastern points sad Rnroaaf ahM
Jspsn, Chins. Honolula and Anatralls.
Cltv Ticket Offlcs corner Third au Waa.
rngtnb streets. Phone Main til
City Ticket Agent. Gen. Pass, A gen. .
' Ism Arris,
Tel lows tone Park tl a ass City-. ,
St. Uwls Spsclsl for (Jbeheils. -
Centralis. Olympla, Orsy'a . , . -
Harbor, Sooth Brad. Tsconia.
Sesttle, Snokane, Lewlston.
Dotte. ft II lings. Denver, Oma- ' .
ha. Kansss City. St. l-csi .-.-..-
ssd aouthesst, dally...; S:S0 pm :Saaa
North Coast Limited, elsctrl -
llehted. for Tscasns. Seettle. '- ' . '
Spokane. Butts, Mine polls,
St. faal sad the Bast, dally. 1:0 psa TM s
Pnset Sound Limited, for.
Clsreawnt. Cbstaslis. Cen
tra Ua, Taeoma and Sestthy '
only, dally :SS am S:M wm
Twin city Express for I sco.
ma. Seattle,' Spokan. Helens. 1
Bntts. St. Paul, Minneapolis. -- ...
Lincoln, St. Joseph. Ksnsss -
City, Omaha. St. Loots, with- i
oat change of car. Direct
connections for all points Cast
aad Southeast, dally... 11:4B ana M:SSg.
2 O v erland Trains Dally 2
" The Orisatsl Limited, the Fast Mafl
Fsrtlaad tlm arhsdnle
Datly. tslly.
J Leers. - Arrive,
T snd from Spokane, ,
Rt. Paul, Minneapolis, -IXlutk
and all polnu ..
last, via Seattle S:snj TOO sm
11:4ft pm S M pas
To snd from St. rHnl.
Mlnnse polls. Duluth
end sll petals Beat
vis Bpohsao S:IB psa 00 am
A rest Hsrthsrn Btsaasshfp Oa,
Sailing from Sesttle for Jspss snd
Chins ports snd Manila, esrrylsg pas
enger snd freight.
B. S. Dakota, KoveniVer SS.
B. S. Minnesota, J senary .
(Japan Mall Steamahlp Co.)-
B S. Tang Mara will sail from
Sesttle about November IS for Japes
snd Chinese ports, carrying nsngrs
ssd freight.
rot ticker, rate, berth, leaarra.
tlona etc.. call en or address
H. DICKS0H, 0. F. t. A.. It Third
SU, rsrCaad. Orsgsa. Fkemo Mala SSO.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Ca
fnton Depot ' Laev. Arrive.
Tor Maygere, Ralnte. Clara. '
ksale.t Vestport. Cllftoa. As- . f
. , u.r-Mtrm S'ie.eL
'Msmmond, fort Stsveaa, Ur. '
hart Park, oeaaio., e:w sss s..e
AatorU aad Sasahsr. expraea - . .
4at)y I 00 sm S:S0 S
All trains dslly. . .
S. 0. MAYO. H. t. snd 9. A.. ,Ar.
C. A. STS WART, fomoicrelsl Agsat,
aider street. Phoe Mats
Upper Columbia River
Chas. R. Snccr
F"i arrives Portland Tue..i, . 1 1
rtt'li frwJil t m l ow r
and excellent ssrtica. luons i
2..0 and tiuU
lall aoilTSS. stj
Leave. Artsss
Tesvsa Oa trt 1ok every lond.
mmm niUI I afil "As 5 .
?,noc.lng wi'h the t yoa l iver ..
r.o. nasi n . mmrw i r