Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
,,m.t nnortiun SATTTPTI AY EVENING. ." NOVEMBER 1 3,, 1500,-7 i MCi ' UtSCUUfe UIU X . JUURltftU , w.. t ft 1 HIGH SCHOOL IS VICT Captain Lewis team T09 Fast and.iStrong (or. , Boys V." - r? , . IIVIH INtERESTINQ CONTEST . " ' P0ft THE SPECTATORS Portland Wayers Score a Touchdown Wid Kick Col in the Firit Half Game JsFrW From Rough Work ' - and Better Team WoiC ''. ' '. ' . Captain Lewis anl' bis team of Hista school players defeated the second Wt. lamaUe slevert yesterday afternoon on Multnomah .field, by the. score at. to ."'.' batter tam won. . The came was interesting te the few humlred isptfctatore. nat "becauee it was eurh a food contest, but on account of 14;' srat- many punts and - forward imasea that were made, ' thus keeping lbs interna keen, until the final whlaUe was blown. . " " The Portland boys were little heav ier than their opponents, --showed JaeUer training In the handling of the ball and tie ro able to pounce upon fumbles in surer fashion than the Ealem lads. The visitors were as rame an atrgre- vg-ntlon of players as. ever appeared on the Multnomah Held, and accepiea ineir defeat like Rood losers. . They ran up agulnat a better team and suffered the Inevitable, ' 1 - The High school has rood football material. Conoh Henderson haa done a jrreat deal with the young men In the manner of drilling- them in the Intrica cies of foot bail, but aa yet they hare much -Is -mamer before "they can afford to ) take cbnnces with teams Of equal strength. The m 05 .Important fault is inconsistent playing. One play yester day would go oft with a snap and the r.rxt one would come. 13 a aeaq nan .without an inch gain. Deliberate plan- nlng of attacks was absent, though at 'times when Captain Lewis got Ms men ""In! 0 ' cuncrleld action U11 results ub talned were more consistent and frult- . ful of better gains. , Hlph school proved splendid gainers outside of tackle, Hastings and Baldwin making numerous pretty runs. , - The first half was full . of pretty punts, fumbles and-short quick runs, the High schoolers taking advantage of every ,' rolscue made by - the visitors. - One. tttna High school rushed the ball ' to within a half inch of Willamette's goal, 'but was held. . The ball could have keen declared a touchdown under tfae rules, but Referee Boyd wanted the ball planted on or over the line so that there could be no dispute, and ac cordlnclv save the ball to Willamette. I . T lie' visitors puntod from behind the goal line and High school' began rush irK it ulong at a lively clip, until Bald win shot aeross for a well-earned touch down. Lewis kicked. a pretty. goaL - .The- leoond Half. ' The second half resulted in no scores being, made, both side resorting to punting, ' on side kicks and forward .. passea, The- ball would - go to High school on a kick and High, school would punt - on . the, first down. ' ' The - High school boys worked a very, pretty for- ' ward pass thatf netted M yards. The game eaded with the ball in Wil lamette's possession in the center, of ' the field. , ' ' There were few penalties exacted, the principal ones being given sgalnst High r-horrt for holding. : Willamette lost ev- fiai m.s' fur being off side. Tking-r the game as a wfcolo it was a creditable performance,-and J the young men de , 'ported - thomselves very well. - The lineup: P. 1L S.; i ' V Willamette. . ..... v ..'. f . ( .-. . .... Keys . dersbach . g. .,. V ander wort itoss . . HIcksoh . Smith ... C. Uwla. ,...L g. ...... McDowell . . t.r. t. r..'.-. . Savage . A.L t. . . . . ARdrnlck ...r. e. . ..... . Booth Dnbney-Wang , ...te..,.. . ... ROSS LatouretU . . . j. .q. . . .jf M Holman HiUawln-Sherer , .r. h, b .-.' Leach lat(ngs-Cole. . . .L h, b. . Richardson Mlr, ....'.. t. b.' Cummlngs Referee Mr. 'Boyd of High School. . Umpire rJ. A..Horan - -Multnomah. Linesman Mr. Henderson. Length of halves 21 and 30 minutes. '. , - RACING RESULTS AT . - THE JAMAICA TRACK .. fjMxrtfii Special Berrlee.) New Tork; Nov. 8. The 'Jamaica race meeting came to a close yesterday. To day the racing shifts to Aqueduct. Re sult; y Mile and a sixteenth Fortunate won, "A. Muskoday second, Mocy jr. third; tme, 1:49. -. - Six furlongs Mlntia won. Variety ONLY ONE "BEST" y . n.i.-. .. Portland 1 People Clvc jCrcdlQ'hcre Credit Is Due. -V- . People of Portland who suffer with Sink kidneys and bad backs want a kidney remedy that can be depended upon. The bent trDoan'a Kidney Pills, a medicine for the kidneys, only; made from pure roots and herbs,, and the only one that is backed by cures In Portland. Here's Portland testimony! - H. K. McCarvei, Inspector- for the Transcontinental 'eomnanv. and llvin at Oregon, says: "Dosifs Kidney Pills did rne so much good about three years ago that I publlirlf testified to my experi ence, I had ben eufferlng-with kidney complaint and backache arid It was very painful and distressing. ' ! think It started from a cold, which settled in my back, t had always been more or less skeptical about proprietary medi cines, but somehow the' recommenda tions of Doao'a Kidney pills' influenced me to begin using them, . The results were so sntl'fjiciory that, as stated r.;ove. I , B,ve the remedy my -recom-nendu.t!on. I am' pleased te state that ' the time that has elapaVd since has only vd '0 increase my confidence In IKmn'a Kidney 'PI1U." , ; -. T'. For ele by all dealers. Price 80 cents. r-oatef-Mithum Co., Boffajo. New York, sole eccnta for the United flutes. Uemettiber the noma DOAN'S and w;-'T'! OHIO US ""y.," .I. ,.""" v I I'Tli """"'Y'' " (i u i c "J -I '' i i X , u ft . 1Ur i I : if yftmw-'', i"v'-: I fa " . . -fr- .y''.' ' Dr. R, A. seoond, Azellna third; tlme 1:141-5. r. ,. Mile and a sixteenth Ivercta woti, Columbia GlrLJ9Cond-Xlmore third; time, 1:48 1-6. x Six furloags, the Ravenawood handi cap Lotus" won, Jacobite second, Ben Ban third: time, 1:1. - Mile and a alxteenth Temmy Wad delt wor-Tileln aeoondi Master f Craft third; time, i:ti BONDS M HAPPY DALES WIH AT 601' Spectators WereTreated to TvVo V Interesting Matches on the ; Oregon Alteys. There were two games played on the Oregon alleys last night The' elass A teams were Government Bonds vs. the Bc'htllers and the class B Ha py Dales vs. Lyrics. The Bonds tok two of the three games from their opponents, which ties them with the Oregons for second place In the' percentage column. Bar- bour rolled the highest Single game. 218, also securing the high average, of 100 for the, series. I The seoses: ' GOVERNMENT BONDS. 1 - 1 I Ave; Barbour ...........111 ll ,213 ZOO Davles .......... ..10 14S 147 ltt Rows ............. .ii 16 ia- 16 Gillespie ...,....L .US 1 47 14 KXUSe -,rrCTr.vl 84 -1 -1 1 1 Total I8f-.-; . I Ave. ltt 10 14T 161 17 111 114 1ft SClilLLEttS. ' 1 14 ISO I ' 1 m 201 Swarfs ... Head . . . . Christian ; Newberger Luhney . . ..15f ,.11 14 14 -m t . . 1 Total r..768r mz Happy Pales' Zaay Tlcterr. ' The Happy Dales had a walkaway with the Lyrics taking three straight game, although their rolling wasn't very high, every man was steady-- This ties ths Dales for. first place with-the WITlamattes. The highest single game, 200. wtts made by Hergert. Voislnet bad high average 1T6. The scores: -HAPPY DALES. . . ' 1 1 8 Ave. Voislnet ...,..-W-8 JSI j8 178 Tensing .."J...:.... 1M .188 1 1J "Hergert . 1 18T 167 ' 200 168 Dale 4. 174 166 148 1(1 Hlir 12 188 123 .161 Total ...... ...... 835 821 80r- -J '-' '.' : LYRICS. ' . . ' ' 1 2 8 Ave. Stratum ,-,.,.184 148 -18 158 Beylend 131 137 14 Kalk ..,..177 148 172 138 165 168 148 Ogden .....173 187 174 Flood ............ .135 J74 114 ...... 80J 788 770 T OF DOWNING . WASKiNGTON eMeaaessjBaMaHaMeMB.ia WaUa Walta Ladsr Despite Hard , GamesJLast.Week Are,Pre pared for Seattle Team.; . ' (Speetal Dlpt to Tbe loernal.) Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. 8. The Whitman college Tootball team, accom panied by manager and coach and quite a number of ' professors, students snd alumni, left Thursday evening over the W. C. R. for Seattle, where they will play agattrat University of Washington this afternoon. In spite of their two hard gimes last week in Oregon they are in very good- condition, if anything even better than -on the Oregon trip. They have been training faithfully this are in the beat of condition and highest of spirits fcr the coming annual conflict with the fleattle university boys. They are not at all over-confident but they feel that they have a first-clues, well trained team and that they will be able to give u good account of themselves on the gridiron agulnst the Washington eleven. Last year the gsme between the two corteges was a tie, to 8, and the Whit man boys are anxious to wipe out old scores snd the memory of the defeat the preriojuS year to the tune of 86 to 0. Aberdeen Candidate Busy. . 8lrUI te Tbt Joorn.l.) Aberdeen, Wssh.. Nov." 2. The few daya left. until election day are days of feverish activity, all the candidates do ing their best to draw votes to them selves'. The county seat removal com mittee Is also doing strenunfli work In the cause; and Is leaving nothing undone that will help to Influence votes In favor of the plan; while the papers and par tisans of its retention at Monteenno sre enually busy. There Is little-douht but that the vote will be very close, snd tin rhsnoes will be taken on either Sldd of losing a alngls vote. Thompson in HU New 40-Horge-Power FRESNO IS BEATEN Pitcher Hoag Becomes Too Lib- eral With Passes and Port- land Benefits Thereby. CUM PITCHED ONE OF HIS STEADY GAMES TIgef JPitcher Wu In Fine Form for Six Innings, but Hit Control Left Him and It jWu All Off With the Wary, FWiersnetCj'Jir'- r .- ... wv . - ' (Joe rail Speelat lerrtee.) ' Fresn. Nov. 8. Mr, . Hoag was the entire ehowaeVlVe--innlngs yesterday. In the sixth Inning b'lsllerltty" fiegan and before he was able to curb It he gave seven passes and allowed five hits. which gave the Giants six stately runs and the victory. Gum was In the box for Portland and nllehed a falrtv wnnA GIANTS ami M regards Mtv ut-wM.jwlld-ad0 a ??t!? times. He was free with passes, giving five Tigers life in that, fashion. , The score: ., ' . PORTLAND. - ' AB, R. H. PO. A. flweeney, as. I 10 1 2 McHale, 2b .6 8 16 2 Mitchell, It 8 11,000 Gum. p I 0 t 4 2 Smith, 3b. 4 0 1 2 2 2 Warner, cf. ......... 4 0 0 1 0 0 Lsteructa.;;'";;i 1 iiiTi 2 Bchlrapf. rf. 4, j. 0 1 i 01 Totals "Vr: .82, 6 6 17 It t FRESNO. X - AB. R, H. PO. A, B. ........... 4-1.0 , 0 11L0 Caney, 2b. T0V1. Cf. 8 0 14 0 TV WIICI g-1. , , 4 McLaughlin, If. 4 2 Kastan. so. Helmas. ss. ....... 4 Danhwood, cf. ... i Cnrtwrlght, lb. . Hoag.-1 p. ".vi, Totals 28- 4 3 27 10 2 SCORE. BY INNINGS. Portland . r.. .....0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 16 Hits j ,,. . , .0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 24 Frexno ...... -"vv0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 4 Hits .......... .0 0 1 0 0 1 10 02 SUMMARY. . Sacrifice hits Kagan, -Pashwood 2, Cartwright Three-baae hits Mitchell (1). Bases on balls off Gum, (; off noag, i. niruca out My num. i; by Hoar. 2. - Left on bases Portland. 6; Fresno, 7. LiotiMe play Qum, unas sisted, wild pitches uum. 2. Hit by pitcher Delmas. Time of game Two hours. . Lmplre-Maliaffey, . PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE 'Won. ,...11 . ....100 Lost nt , 78 82. 91 108 : 120 P.C. Portland Beattle ....... Ban Francisco Ix Angelas w Oakland ...... Fresno ........ ,'.472 .6S8 .685 ... 90 . 81 . ' .600 -.411 .330 Scattls's Errors Costly. (Journal fpertal gervlre.) Los Angeles. Nov. 8. Errors by the Blwawhes aided tha locals In winning yesteraay. ecore: R. K E. Los Angeles ....00010190 8 8 0 Seattle .........000 1 060 0 01 .2- 6 Batteries Randolph : and BucHey; Hart man and Blankenshlp. . OC00,00!&C,lO,0e,(fi,CC5!0 linked together. , -;--' The girl who takes Scoffs Emu t-V ston hat plenty of rich, red blood; she is r Iump, active and energetic : - )The reason is that at a period when a' girFs digestion is -weak, Scoffs Emulsion' provides her with powerful nourishment in easily digested form. It is a food that builds and keeps up a girl's strength. . - ' ' ' ' , f . . ' '; ' " ' ' ' - ' . ALL DRUGOIST3I COo. ANCT $1 .OO. v 1 . -yt!i V 7 ;V.t 1 Pope-Toledo. 'MM MISSIONARIES ARE SENT 10 ENGLAND South Baker Men Starr""out Without Funds to Work for Their Church. (Special IMipitoh to Til Jeorhal.) Baker Clty.Df.. Nov. 2. Wlllard Stod Sard laMkaTVJu4JilJ3mtJLt. will . leave In the next England on a mission for tha Mormon churoh. - ,...:-.. . . w c - These young men when aent out on missions go without a cent. and. a, re ex pected to work their way through ' in their work after they land Jn tne mis sionary field. A number, have gone oat from- Union and Bauer counties oi late, where there ia-julte a colony of Mor mons. '... ' - ,',The Trend of the Trade." Tjttie god taste and Judgment of the Shopping' community Is dally demon strated by Ua multitudes of customers that throng into the new, magnificent and spacious store of the Eastern Out fitting company. Both the 'main and lower floors are so situated 'and laid out as to enjoy the brightest daylight! In every corner and aisle. The fixtures and trimmings are so tastefully ar ranged aa to make It pleasant te" linger after the other.-"The- stocks - are -o beautiful and complete that It makes It easy to choose no matte's: how fastidious one may be. The entire sphere seems to carry an air of .welcome and hospi tality and maxea one '.feel at home whether they'lntehd to buy or only' look around and compare. The force of sales peopleyare competent and painstaking and ever ready Intelligently to suggest and' advise as to what style, shape or Color may- be more becoming to- the apectlve buyer. . The newest and most authoritative NeW Ybrfc styleg predom inate in every section throughout the house. From the ladles' cloak and suit emporium, men's clothing parlor, hat and shoe sections - to -the lower- floor art-goods exhibit every article Is mark ed In plain figures and on comparison as moderately as any reliable cash store charges . for merchandise of similar quality. Another advantage enjoyed by the patronage of this store Is the modi fied credit system, which Is of Yltal Im portance to all. .Thereby every well meanlng person Is privileged to select whatever they may wish, take posses sion of them at once and pay for them later on in small weekly or monthly payments, thus hardly feeling the bur den of the expenditure andv-nJoying the ability of having everything in tbe proper time and season. . - - . r Preferred took Canned Ooods. , Allen Lewis' Best Brand. - - CAR SHORTAGE TIES UP EASTERN OREGON (Dednl DiMiitcB te Tbt loarail.t Milton, Or., Nov. 2. Business In this section of 'the country Is suffering on account of the inability of the railroad company to furnish cars to move the products awaiting shipment The ware houses of the Peacock and Eagle mills are filled with flour and ml 11 feed await Ing ears for shipment. Between 2,000 and 8,000 barrels sold to points' In the ortent ere now ory hand and unless ths situtalon is relieved considerable loss will likely result - 7-Tho-Mllto-urseries have -been wait ing a carload -of trees from 'southern Oregon which have been held for weeks and the company, uwl!H, Jpse, several, thQMr sand dollars unless they are shipped In. st once. " ' . . ; ; o GOAL THIEVES TO FACE TRIAL Government to Begin Wholesale . Prosecutions of Union Pa- . r Officials.;". T-T-7' FRAUDS LIKE THOSE - PRACTICED IN OREGON Indictments to Be Sought for' Per- ' jury and Subornation of Perjury in Several Places Step to Recover Stolen .Land. '. . . -t--''. i-. -".; . : f" .. -'- iJoaraal fineelal Bervlee.l Washington, Nov. 8. Wholesale orim- Jnal prosecutions will be'begua-by the department of Juastce against nign oni olals of the Union Pacific railroad and of ths Union Paclflo Coal oompany, and others who ate alleged to be mixed pp in the .fraudulent acquisition of vast coal lands In Utah and Wyoming. V President RoosevcU haa Interested himself personally In the - land fraud eaaea, and after a careful examination of the report of the Interstate Com merce commission, which was made di rect to him, he turned over the papers to the department of Justice with In structions to act and act vigorously against all who were shown to have been concerned In the fraudulent entry and the fraudulent acquisition of lands by ths coal company and -the railroad company. ' Attorney J. T. Uarchend cf commis sionand Former Judge . Klmar J2. Thomas Of Omaha are engaged In ar ranging the evidence for presentation to- the federal grand Jury In at least two places. .Indictments will be sought for perlury. subornation 'of perjury and rvimattons of"tbe land-acta-nnder-whloh- coal land valued at many millions' of dollars. It Is claimed, .have been stolen from the government by trie railroad company for the use of. the coal com- It also understood that, the govern ment la Ao- make a determined effort, not only to punish a number of people who occupy high positions even to land- 57foe'hnr'tliem In the penitentiary, if possible, lew aays lor i . , , .- k.i n.uii but also is going te begin proceedings for recover of all .tha ooal lands Ille gally taken.;. Tbe eases against Union Paclflo and its - officials resemble the land - fraud eaaea in Oregon, in - connection with which the late Senator Mltche found guilty and sentenced to the penl- tentlary. -'..": . t - K AT I2LI HATI RES. -Gans Fight Pictures, it pertormaBoe '!' re Helaoa-Oina Birtum will be ftvra at the H.J1I theatre, Foartarata aad W.aUnstoa etreM, 1 tonlsht at t:(0 o'clock. ThMe pletores nn hoira to a crowded boote l.t avwuif, and judging from the adTance sale, toalrht's adl- eaee will Be eqn.llj as larse. tMotrraa mi are aow selling at the box otfiet ot the BUI( theatre. . -"' -: - . .. . ... "The Devil's Auction., Tornorrow,. Charles H. Tnk-'a everlaathif nrnu, The ' Pefll't A.ctloa." will Be the attraction at the Hlllg theatre t-"rrow. Monday sad ToMday 1 nUI'ia. Tbl. .iM-taenlar eitravaganaa -kaa! played aa annual engagement la this .Ity tor j the past 33 Mar, and this aeeeoa we are pram-1 BMd he beat the ap-ts-date aianater-kas ever .Itm naL.- Santa a r. now aallhia at the box office ef the theatre for the encarenMBt; " Box office epea tomorrow at 10 o'clock. Work of Lillian Iwrence. With oat doabt, the work of Ulllaa Iwreace thU we-k ia the title role et "Tha Sorcereaa" t tbenUknr, la the greatest bit Of actio n aeea in stock Is Portland. Madame Bernhardt and Mrs. Patrick Campbell ara the only two ctreaaeswhe beTe-ptayi -"The Screw ia."-and Mlaa Lawrence, bealdea being the third actreaa in- tha- world to attampt It, la the flrat Amer ican actreaa to attempt the role. Sceaur la (orseooa. Last time tonight certain at S o'clock sharp. . ' "At Plney Ridge." -7- Beslnnlng with tomorrow matinee and eofl. tlnaing all week, the htll at the Baker will be "At rtuey Bldxe." Special attentloa haa tnea glvea this prodoetloa by Stag. Dlreefc John Salnpolla. The play la fall ef humor, pathos aad dramatic rraaly. The sceolc effwta will be ap te the Baker standard. All week. With siattneee tomorrow and Satarday, ' ' "Dora Thome"-Tonight, At the Empire "Dora Thorn." win be glvea tor the laat time ton t tit. . A strong eompany w pmentlng this, favorite eld play thla sea son, and Its popularity seems sever to be oa the wane. "Dora Thome',' la wlthoot doabt Bertha at. Clay's greatest work, and as a aea timcaUl dotcI, ranks high la the hearts of s large eieee ef people. . -f . ' "A Royal Slave Tomorrow, j "A Boyal Blare" will epea tomorrow after noon at the Empire, and . miiab latereet ia cen tered in this prodncMoa. ' It 1a 'ft dramatisa tion of tew Wallace's "A galr Ood," and the ecenea and characters are of Old Mexico. The scenery la new and beantlfal, and eome thln far eat of the ordinary le promised by the manager ot tbe prodoetloa, Moaara. ,Conin and Bennett, who recently seat aa "Ths Holy City." .. . ...... Humait -Hearts.'' There will t three perform tocea of "Hnrean Heart." at the Lyric today and tomorrow. There is one performance at night oa all other evenlnga ef .the week, bnt Saturday and Bun day two ahaws are given. "Human Hearty" la the blggeat prodnctlon and the heel play the Lyric poople have offered, and it baa mad. even a more important fucceea given in stock tbaa whea It packed tbe theatres aad was played by a road company, Meat week "The Dcturooa.' . , ; "The Princess of Patches." . " There will be three more performances of "The rrtncoa ot Patches" St the Star. Theae sre tonight, tomorrow afternoon and Innday evening. . "The Prlnceaa ef i'atchea" 1 a funtbera play, melodramatic la eonetroctlon, and at all times exciting and amualng. The comedy part of the play Is rapeclally Well ban died. eBglnnlns Monday eight tha Alien com pany will prwent "Brother Agalnat Brititr," aa KngUih melodrams - Nellie Andrews Coming. Nellie Andrews, the famoee prima donna eeprane, aaalatod by Henri Onnaoa and William Uorooa, will appear at tha Orand theatre next week as the vandRrille beadllner. . Charlc Haarb-lgg. ' the anted director, will awnme charge of the orchestra daring the rendition et selMtloBS from "Tbe Bohemlah OUU' At tha Grand. - Today -aad tomorrow will' tie the laat per-1 fnrmanree of the great vandevtlle entertain- J ment at the Orand. It le -the beat program the hnuae haa offered In a month. There are sev eral acta oe the bill which are tine features. Twjs of tbeee are strong aketehes, well played, aad there Is s funny man who can make every one bate a good time. Ueual Sunday abews to siorrew, ' , I - Cltr Xnslneer Sasins. Aberdeen, Wash Nov. I City Enl neer Osmer hss reslarned on accotlot of Ul health and after bis resignation was Nelsoti ...... The Mi vwtwlis Boss '.'.l:-?.! FailtoDo In almost a royta narh. weather" aide, M.4lan. It niv ba II . . . m m bbbb' ter lo what part of tha house whether room of hallway it can soon ba made anng and cozy with a Oil Heater .: rcaolpped with TJnUka ordinary oQ heaters the alway. First and lorcmosx wlrlr toa hi a or too ' smoke or small because equippea wiui amoaucss aevicw. : Can ba eaaily carried , from room to room.. A "easy to operate aa a lamp. Ornamental as well "as aseful. - in two nniahes nickel and -- beautifnUy amboased. Hold 4 quarts of oil and burns 9 . hours. Thera'srealsatUfactlon iiwPerfectiOjiQilHeater. Every heater warranted.4jUot at your dealer"a write our , nearest agency lor aecnpuve wrcuiar. w lbs ExxTSTk. I .amn jg. JHA.W J " ' ' 'IT w , - r latprwred bwner. Made ef braes throngbont aad alckelpthud. Bvei? lame warraated. Sulubl. for library, dining rem. sarlerer k STAJVDAJtP TTTWM TonighHithast-Timeia Rced-- Frerich (Bijou Style) Piano May Be Had 'All the Bijou style pianos are gone but two. Is there any one in this big town who would like one of the sweetest toned little pianos in the world? - We are proud of this piano- we could not have a' more faithful representative for our business the fiano is worth more and we would like for you to see t even if you are not able to buy it. , . .v 910O is the price pay us $5 a month. '- . Store open until 11 o'clock tonight' ' 8 Reed-French Piarto Mfg. Co. "From Maker to Player?. V , . ' . - ' " V SIXTH AND BURNSIDE STREETS I TV 7T AKE your future certain by securing 4. 1V1 "money-earning education. LetTBTtrain you for success, and place you in a posi tion when competent. We haye the finest equipment, superior teachers, the most modern and progressive methods. DAY AND EVElNIiNCI . In sessidn all the yearj " Enter, any time.- Catalogue free BEHNKE WALKER Phon Main 590 TOE LEADING WATCH J.M.Acheson&Co. " " " i3i sihtH struct;. J. Wholesale and Retail. ' ' Between Washington and Alder Sta. aocepter left with his family for south ern Oregon. .',U the meetlns of the oltjr council last nif bt the mayor appoiated Other Si&es every house there ia that tha heat from tha ' other stoves or furnace falls to It niT ba a room on or ona having no beat a cold Hallway, wo mat Smokeless Device) . Perfection give satisfaction is aosoiuwiy saio yu uo low. Givea intense heat withoat japan, s Brass oil fount ' sasses tne omi engnc uihei.fMUidbtu.p' for aU-rod beaactaold tue. Olrese clear, leadjr llckt. Pitted with lte.t OIL tUMryit AT WOT. SI for $190 BUSINESS COLLEGE Blkt' Bullying Clarke,Woodward Drug Co. . . Wholesale. Manufacturing and "7" Importing Druggists ; i Ltrgtst Esubllthmtat lo the Northwest ' ' .''"'. - "- . " . ' , , Conveniently located near union passenger station, freight dt. , pots, docks ' and terminal v ' ... grounds, . Cor. 9th and Hoy t Sts; BBSS For ; the Greatest FUR p W TTh f SALE ever held in the r If V West Nov. 16 and, 17. I IJllJ FREE H. W. Troutman, wha haa been aetln aa assistant enslneer, to the position, w&icu was raUfleU fcy Uie oounoU. 'A s a r v