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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
THE-OftEGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,- SATURDAY,. EVENING. NOVEMBER - 3, 103. -FORMER GOVERNOR'S AND WEDS SOUTHERN BEAUTY 5; v-.i .., ' ;'?-.', '"i sir. :;- iwv V-,i I "i ' .- -.. ,f " - . Tn the!XeffITEx-Governor Brown Nw Tork, Nov. I. Frank , Bnoden Brown, wealthy aon of the tormer.qv rnor of Maryland.. loped 'with and married lant week MtB -MlCTlaH, a. 19-year-oia aoutttern Deany. ' It wu a runaway match. ythere nov-ing-. been family oppoaltlon.- - M1b Wlchal -cm' nrr yesterday With her later, Mrs. Mary Oemner,, and mt Mr. Brown at the Waldorf-Aatorlv Mr. Bfown had B. J. Mall with him aa beat man. r ' - The weddlnr party had luncheon at the Waldorf -Astoria and. left, on the 7 THIEF PURSUED BY Sir Mortimer Duran'df Repre M sentativa of King Edward, ' Chases BurglarV i'('t-f'.-. (Jiriiii"tlpeolal!lrTlre.) ' : '' . . . . A t) -14 nttniieia, jnaen., " ambaclor; In phase o a burglar.was . ,ll.t V. V VM.MTltlV. AO m 1HIIH wiiiirww. - rompanylng the representative of the kihr. wa. Mtss Constanoe Baopn. fiancee Sir Mortimer Durand. of John C. OVeenleaf, whose house waa - robbed, and ar- score of ; aoclety. people. v - operate ta Anto. . . Operating" from a large, awlft, auto- 'mobile, two burglar have conduoted a serlea of daring; raida on the homes of '. wealthy residents living In the Lenox - Vottage colony: 'Within a week three cottages have been entered, and the authorities ar convinced the burglars are the same ones who recently terror- Ued Long Island and New Jeraey.- The theory 1 advanced that the bur- glare are 'Chauffeur -employed - by wealthy men and that they are taking advantage of the Information they gain -by taking; tholr cmployora around. This . - 1 . - 1 i' - DISEASES " Two years go ertTt nnable ta work and scarcely able alter Using one bottle I went back PRICE 50c "X .. . sA v . ' ' "b"J1" C! S!n- " '- '' AMBASSADOR - -v St. T r , 'T IV I V -v..' T-.r : : V -. --'r.W-, .. . . sail si ...... --s JT y ., , t LLjisiaaiiaiis VT 1 ' " " "-e- jsaMiasiajj J THE HEM ' j-of (isffilE . : S Riiiisg83gBiLi U - . - si " ht .,. u of MarylahdTHia SoiTFrank Ii on o'clock-train for Baltimore,' telegraphing their parenta the newa of their marriage from the etatlon. . The brldegreow today and found the ex-governcn. cor dial. - . .-. t .... . " "I shad no Idea Frank waa itoing to be married," aald the elder Brown, ""or I would have mad an effort to pre vent It ' .: "No, I have not met hie wife, but may do ao In a day or two. I hare Been her photograph, or, at leaat, one 1 take to be of her, but he. has ao many I eory la. borne out by the fact that In all of , the automobile-, burglaries the robbers have displayed a perfect knowl edge -of the Interior -of - the -houses en tered and have always known Just where to look for valuables. ; Ooesta Chase Bobber. ' . The ' latest burglary was ' committed when ' the cottage of ' Dr. Richard C Greenleaf of Boston was robbed. The burglars drove their automobile to a secluded spot near the house and climbed onto the- porch to reach a window. They took jewelry. IS In cash. Indorsed checks and -orders for furs In storage In New York. : -.'-.;.. ; The news of the robbery ws tele phoned to the Lenox club, where the annual club dinner was In progress, by Mrs. .Greenleaf, and Dr.. Greenloaf was notified. All of the to guests at the dinner hurried la to their overcoats,' snd. headed by Dr. Greenleaf" and Sir Morti mer Durand,' the British ambassador., ran 4o the Gree'nleaf residence) a hnlf mile away, where they surrounded the bouse, but-were Aop late to capture the second story worker.. . WILD GOOSE-HUNTERS--,- FIND GREAT, SPORT . r. (fltwlnl n'.tixtrb to The Jnernat.) . Rock Creek, Nov. S. Durlng.the psst weak the wild gaesa have almost taken possession, of . the fields east . of Rock Creek station and can be found ' In flocks of thousands feeding on the stub ble.' There seem to be very few hunt ers to bother them as yet, consequent ly the few parties that . ha vetone to the fields from here have returned with, splendid results. v Messrs. Head " and France brought In a load of 40 the first of the week, while A. A. Carothers of Locust Grove ..and, B. K.. Bcarcy of Condon did equally as-well., yesterday. Plenty of gdod hunting with decoys and more geese arriving dally. . ' bakr city man is . . : : - : thrown from train (gprdil Dtratch to The Joemal.) The Dalles, Or.. Nov. I. Ii. W. Wolf, formerly of Baker City, but more re cently of Portland, called on the city recorder today, and gave him an ac count of an accident, near Rooster Rock last night He states thst he and a young man named F. H. Covlness had been working on ' the steamer Modo4 for the past, three months, he aa fire man and Cevlness'at deckhand. .Last ' " 'I V-. :T '?:; Jf.' DR. KING'S AND cold, settlsd .on my lungs and mi completely prostrated me that I tti . to und. . I then wee adTised to try Dr.Kln1r,e Hew Diecorery, nd to work, well ae X erer w " . - " ;v v e W. J. ATKBTS, Banner Springs, Tenn. 1 60LD AND GUARANTEED HY RED CROSS PHARMACY. SON ELOPES v r""-- . V: . ? thaTKightrarid 13aughterin Center." photographs I o not remember the name. Well," the provernbr continued.- "lt'i e married IBe young; lady, and I didn't. If he (loves the young- lady. It's all right with me. If he Is pleased, so am I, and that ends It, I suppose. He's a man. and it was his duty to loo out tor his own af fairs. I would not lt any ' one Inter fere with me when I got married." Ex-Oovernor Brswn's daughter Jilted a German' baron to marry Gordon T. Hughes, a New Tork lawyer. evening- they started for Rfparla to work 1 for a man named Johnson, and attempted to beat their was on passen ger train No. 11, They were both on the walking board of a passenger coach, lying down and when near Rooster Rock Covlness rolled off the coach and fell info 'the .. river . or against -the rocks. The train was 'running at a-high rate of speed and in turning ,a curve Cov lness, who was either asleep or drunk, was thrown off. Wolf- stopped at Cas cade Locks, thinking Covlness might ar rive on No. I. Not arelng At to- on that train he came on to The D "lies andrln terested the authorities in the case. Co vines s is about 11 years of age and about five feet five or alz Inches tall. He fears that he waa killed or drowned by the fall and Is very ;much worried over his--fate. Wolf told his atory -to the trainmen, but the paid no attention w iKy iiimmr im am. 4iaaimi ine re corder to-have the" accident -published in the Portland papers, so that the fate of young Covlness could be ascertained. Though following th rtamps' mode, of travel. Wolf appears to-be industrious and honest, and Is yery fearful that his companion-was killed by the fall Any Information - about the fat of jroung Covlness should be sent to Mrs. J. N. Sumter, Baker City, Oregon. - TELEPHONE LINE IS BUILT TO ROCK CREEK . (Special DtaaatelTTo Xhe' Journal. ) " Arlington. Or., Nov.r 3. A neW 1 ex tension taft he-Jong distance line Is now In course of construction .between the home of James Engberg. seven miles southwest of here, and Rock Creek sta tion, on the O. R. j 7 N. line. ;Th project Is in the hand of William Head and W. K. France, both of tha latter mentioned place. They ar engaged In stringing seven miles of wire and when connection Is made the. ranchers of thst section will be in direct communication with the outside world, thus saving long drive and many car farea. C0SM0P0LIS GIRL HAS ' . VANISHED FROM HOME (Special Dispatch ta The Joarnal.) Cosmopolls. , Wash- Nov. I. Lillian Bteadman, aged .14 years, the daugHter Of Mr. and Mr. A. M. Bteadman of this place, has been missing sine last Sat urday. She left her home as, the re sult of a reprimand by her mother. The police of this place have been look ing for the girl, but unsuccessfully. MY PREVENTS iir.iHi0 i AND $1.00 CHURCH SERVICES BAPTIST. rirat Tba TVhlta Vrmvlr Twlfth and Taf- lor atraera: Ri.w 1 U'hli, th It..tu... ti. II. At a. m.. uibu arbuH at Mrir ir.wt tirauvh;H -" mi., vii -.-. ..., u,. . rr ajmriiiiK, -" - mi., vi i---. . (i urairr aiiMrintK. " u.. luiiir. u That' i 12.10 p. m.. 1rmv Hlbl. uebotA; U:l p. ...!. Y. IV T. airettuc; : P. ts.. Uopulut prvavblnir, ' Tb Hd'T Kbur( aud tb CvW-rlnic 'iwu NarrftW." K(iw'liil Dinah-.. HMund Kevutl and Enat Ank-ny trt; Bav. etantoa C. . LapUaw. ikrtwa n li l a. in., with arriuoa, "A KTlral In Chtiroh": arnn at T:W p. m.. "ibo Uraa( Vuk lu uia "Aorld-j Ki4-rhDii at moo. One M'HtiaTilla; Hot. liUmio Pnrkr. PrHikur at 11 a. n:, "Td VU- and Vlnion of Uie (i'orlfled ChrUt"; arrmnu; T:iM tt. ai., by K. K. A. I.iirl. twii ainsl;. imiDannel ervnd 4Ud Meade atrvat! Hv. I W f ' .1 f 4 . 1A - m . Ik V p! U.. :4& is.; preaeUtsg. w' a. m. and T ir0i?;ny p,a.- j.b. B,nii7 Bunli vw, burden imtK)-d tiuoo It hj day achuoi, 10 a. m ; nrrat-hiuc. -a a. B. audi ItH aofectlon Of Other Orff&n. ' ritrVJiTfin, snWis,"!:; if"' bad I ta. in the mon,. WV Tjord-aa. - Pn-erBin.. 10:. . m.. "Tha ' Ins. Pr or(Crlblo PPtlte. coated tongi.e, ; HiuiUajr srhuol, .j:'rVviiM at I:) t-.'T5:. "I!- ".. V 'rtl" S?X:.?Z D. m 10 a. m.: nraachlav. . u . m.. liuiuiu- b, .in'i. 'nr.. - jmui pruuiru. puti'ioT w - LtMlaat": t 5 u. u.. i-rmoif. ii. ur Mount OU Harcntb aiul tWI atrseta. Prractatr at 11 a. u. and 8 p. -m. "St. John's Ht, B. A. Leonard. . Sunday sebout. 10 a. B. pnaeblns. l a. m.; T::,u p.' m.. prt-iieblus- s Tbiitl Vnn.ouTer arrous and Knott !-; Aer. B. U. Bll'a. At Ki a. n).. Sunjur achil-. 11 a. m. praavblnft aeruwn, T:SU p. with, baptlam. ' w.1h.bHojt f and Plflenlh n-at: Bar. Erie Mvbaritroia. i'rrnctiliif. 10:4 a. a. aud t:.'X) p. as.; Hundar aebool. 12 m. 1 Hlg bland Allwrls and 8inb airreta. Praarh inc, 2 So p. m b Ke. K. M. lillaa; Sun dar arbool. t 'M p. m. Mount Cairoirl Foiirtiwntb and1 Hondrrt atravta; Ro. A. J. bbeiilitrd. Sunday arbooi, 12 tu. ; preaching. 11 a. s. and p. m. 8rllioad cUtTL-ntb and I'matlllu alrvta; BT. Oenrsa A..' Learn, gurdny arbaol. .0 a. . . m prearbtne. 11 a. aa. and 1:4. p. riralrnMUi tiU(t- Mill trrtta:-Ci-. arait. i'r-as4na at id i.i a. tu. nini i:. . m.; B. Y. r.. U.. 7:4J D. Sunday erbooj. i. a. id Sacc-ud Qwanan Rodrar avonnr and Morrla atrt; Kav. V. Bnei'inian. Preai-hlnf. 11 a. m, and T HO . si.; Sunilajr acbool, HAi a. .; Si - .-rlr- - m: : ! " CalwrrItt-;ilitU-, and Grant JtwtnjOTOpOlt,:o !r til! non-S3Cres HtDICiX Rav. A. LawKiwa mark. Ulbla athool. in ao. l mmoo, 11 a. ni.; e'HVKii, m,, Vounf feo pla a BiMtiuf; J:S0 p. an. avruHui. JBZSBTTEaiXsV Mlapab Mar and I'nwall atrapta; Rtv. Je- roue . Mctilada, P. I) - At 10:SO a. to., srr uao, "Pure and Vsdefllari Religion": 7:30 p. tn., aarmoa. Uowritttut 1tiug Wblch Jeaua Calrarr tl-pnth and JTlnr atreata; Ban-Kara Btllra Kir Jr.. I. l Srrrlcra. 10:. 10 a. m. with aarmon. ''The Will C (Jod tb Christiana Encnuracrmrnt"; Bundajr arhwil. 1Z ta.i avrnwa at ;:B0 p. m., on Kevpv Khavftd." ""."vv Third Eaat Thirteenth and Tina atraeta; Rt. Audraw i. Montgonierr. rrearblua; at 10:1)0 a. m.," "KallKiaa at lint Ilaod"; 1.4Z p. m., '"Tba Ufa of Cfarlat la tba Ltxht vt tba World." - Ifourtb Tlrat and Clbba atraeta; Bav. Jobu R. Welch.- Praacblng at 10:30 a. m.; Sun day acboottS ta.i V. P. 8. C. S.. S:30 p. m.i at T:30 p. m., Krmon. . Hawthorn Park Twntith and Kat Taylor atrewta; tUr. E. Nrlaon Allen. Sunday, li a. m.; praacbliif, 103o a. n.; 7:110 p. bi., sbtidob; Y. P. S. C. E., 8:30 p. n. Piadmont Clayelasd aienua - and Jarrett street ; Re. L. llyroa Booaer-... Preacblns at 11 a. m : Sunday acbool, 13:15 p. m.; praacb Ina. 7:80 p. at. ' Wattmlnater Eaat Tenth and Waldlor breeta; Bt. Henry U Marcott. Mornlns aermon, 11 e'rloHc; eyenln ae'njon. 7:0 'cfcx'k; Sunday acbooi." 12:30 p. BUi Y. - P. 8. C, .. : PK1rat--Twclfth and' Alder striate. At 10:80 a. a., aerrleea; 7:44 p. m., prea-bln. Sellwood SoTanteentb atreet and ttpukana are nua; Bee. p. A. Thompson. Sunday school, 10 . aa.; sermon .at 11 a. m.. ."A True Conran tloo of Uirlat'V Christian Endeavor. 7 p. m.; sermon at 7:80 p. m, "Tba Mora Abundant Ufa. rulton Rev. . A- B. Bnrkbolder. Sermon, at T-.45 p. ra. . Marshall-Street Marshall and 5ortb fw-ren- tenth streeta; Bey. 1". W. Hays, Sunday school, W a, sa.! preahtn(t.--ll a. m.1 seriaun,IV- K, J4Vleke.- Suneay-aihool, Hi av-a.i 1-xn n. m.: Y. P. 8. V. K.. :4S p. m. : Mouut Tabosw-Belinoat anal rrettrman streeta; Bee.- Edward M, bbsrv. , tk-ruwn at 11 a..iu.i" amn ai i -Y a7- . ; -v : V . .MtTBOstra.". ;'v MoptaTllla Be. naiold Obi'ig.J - Prwachtng and communion, 11 a. m. ; Sunday sefioul. to a, m.; Eparortb agu, :S0 p. m. ; aermon, 7:80 p. ra. - - Central BnaseW- and-Keebyt atreetaf-Bay-J- T. A ooeTt. Clssa melllis;.-l:aa a, ss, I aersnau. 10:80 a. St.; Sunday srhuol. 12 m.i League. p. m.i sernioo. l:no p. m. - Trinity Xaat Tants and Grant streets: Bey; L. Smith. Suiidny acbool. 10 a. m.; nreaeft In. 11 a. m.,TPerhct StlfH-tion''; Epwortb Leagne, 4:80 p. m.; sermoa at 7:0 p. m., "A Sinner's Ssylor." ' Tsrlor-Strett Pr. : Francis Biirgetta Short. Claaaes. B:80 a. m.i sermon, 10: SO a. ra.; Sun day arbool. 13:10 p. Bvr Bpawrta-Xeasua, M p. tn. ; aermon. 7 r;30 p. m., .by ttcr. J. I. Abbett. Grace Twelfth and Taylor atreefa; Clarenee True Wilson. D. I., p.ab.r. Sermon, 10:00 a. m.i Sunday school. 12:16 p. m ; Rpwortb Ieagiie, :80 p. ,; sermon, 7:80 p. m. Spe clal Binslc. - Pattoo Mlebtgas ao4 rrpantea Mf"K; Re, Moinila T. Wire. Sermon. 11 a. n and at 7:80 p. m.i Sunday arbool, .10 a. m.i Ki worth Lratiie. :30 p. m. - . Sellwood Fifteenth and Ts coins streets; Re. A.. D. Wagner. Sunday echool, 0 a. m.; aer mon. 11 a. m.i ms-a meeting. 18:15 p. m.; Chlldrsn's meeting, :jn P. m. ; rpwortb League, .30 p. m. ; aarmoa, 7 :80 p. m. t . . ' XKBOOPAX. -Or-j" ' St. Mark's nineteenth . and Qulraby streets; ; JK. Hlmpa.Ki. Holy commnnloa. H a-m.: ttnaday arbool. lo s. m.; morning prater and litany, 11 o'clocb; ayeoaong and sermon on 'What Is tha Meaning t tba Word 'Episco pal' 1" 7:80 o'ejM-k. Trinity Nlueieentb and Byerett streets; Key. Dr. A. A. Morrison"." "Tloie oorhtimnkra. a. m.i morning aerylee, 11 o'clock: eyrnlng aeryi. 7::tn o'clock; Sunday arbool, :80 a. m. St. Daeld'a Kast Twelfth and ; Belmont atraeta; .Boy.. 1. B. Van Waters, Sun-lay arbool, : a. m. ; morning prayer and aermon at 11 .o'clock evening prayor and aermoa at 7:S0 o'eloek; holy eommnaloa. 8 a. m. St. Andrew's UnlTeriHy park; See. W. R. Powell, resrylee and sermon. 11 a. m-j Sua day school, .10 a. m. - St. John's Mrmortsl Sellwood; Bey. W. B. Powell. Sunday arbool. 11 a. m.t aerylee and sermon. 7 :4ft p. m. Uood Shepherd Sellwood atreet anil Tan cnaeer aeenue; Ray. John Tswson, ' Holy com munion, 8 a. m. ; morning servlre. 11 o'rlork; Miindey arbool, :4S a. m. ; prayer and aermon 7'.30 p. m. ' St. Matthew's First and Carothers streets; Bey. W. A. M. Preik. Hily communion. 7:3" . m:: Sunday-itlMioT.H.O gTTn.: aefffloi a. mu by Blsbop Scsddlhg; at rrlra and aermon, 7:80 p. m. St. Paul's Woodmere; C. I. Parker, lay reader Is charge. Morning aerrlea and aermoa at U a. an. (, " . ' ' ixmzn.An, ' ; - St. James' Engllab Weat Park snd Jefferson stress? J. A. Leas. Sorrlres at a.m,; with aermoa, "Tba Kallrlos of Certsliryj:. Snn dsy school. 10 a. m.i aorrnod, 7.80 p. m.; Luther Leagne. : 30 p. m;-- . Hetania Danish -rnion avenne and ' Morrla street; Bey. HiKtmund -OrlU. Sunday eerrlcaa, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. . ' Norwaclsn Sysort Ksst. Tenth and Orant streeta: Key. O. Majors. Suuday arbool, :ilO "a.' m.V sernfe,-8 f. IK. St. Paul's German Kast Twelfth and Clinton treats; Her. A. Kranee. Serrlre, 1U::I0 a. m.; aeVrlea. 7:80 t. m.; Sunday acbool, tt 30 p. m.; bible stbooU ft p. ni. '. - Korweglan4l North rourteenth street: tier. i. M. tterelg. SerTkea at II a. m. aud 7:3V p. BS. - , ' - ' Swedish ' ImmAosel Nineteenth and Irving atreata; Key. C. J. Kenhard. ' Serricee at 11 a. as. and i p nv: Sunday school.. M:4S a. as. Swedish Uodney arenue and Htantoa atraat. Sunday acbool. 8 30 a. ni.;- serrUes, 1U.J0 a. m.i sersices, 7:45 e, m. . . Reformed Oerman Tenth and Stum streets; Be J. Hafuer. Preaehliig at 1:4,1 a. m..i aermoa, P. m.i !unda.r school, W.JO a. la.; V. . S. C. K-. T - m. ' ' CONOSEOATlOaTAL Unlyerslty Park Arthiana' temple; Iter. D. B. liray. At, 11 a. , as.,-, prsacnlug Sunday sohool, 10 a. m. , rirst Msdtaos and Park streeta; . tin. t I House. I. 0. Sermon. pi .Tn a. to., ."How fas 81b Be Remitted scrmos. Joaetib a Model for Voung Men." by Rey. lnle Slaver. 7:80 p. at. : Christian Rodessor swry 4ce. 7;1 f. m ; Sunday evbool. 12 m . Snnnyalde Kast laykr snd Kat Thirty, fourth streets: Rey. J. J. Stsub. Morning aery lee 11 o'eloek, with aernios, "Th Church al Illns-Water Mark": Sunday arboul, 10 a. tn ; Senl, cbrlsUan :ndiar..r. 7 p. m.i aermob St 7 ) p. m., "Una Building Tbat LvOea tbe Earthquake." ' ' Mlnslasliinl Aeenne Mlslslpp1 aeenue sod , rrsmont slrest; Rey. L. I pshaw. Sunday evbouiJK) a. ,J ssraioss 11 a. ai.t "our I . 4 Lasy liver ;' ilaj V nly. tirea liver, or t iUnred liver. It 'would be a stupid as well ai avao to bnat a weary or Marvs3 man brcalveo h Ugfei In his work. .g In tr5TfcM-4JJi? lafiging, torpid livy l is a great mistake to lash It. with strong drastic drug. A torpid llvr I bat an Indication or an ilJ-nouH.slwxl, enfeebh body.whoM organs are weary with ovir s m-i k, . L. j ,.t. organ of CJRffltlon and nutrition. Put them In working" order and .mo . how qulckl your liver will -becotne active. Dr. Tierce' Golden Medical Discovery mado ttiiny marvelor.i eiirra of "liver trouble by Ju wonderful control of the organs of ,dlc"Uon and nutrition.-,. It ro ttore the normal actlv ily of the storam-h. Increases the scemtions of the blood-maV ing glands, cleans the system from po! t sonou accumulation, trid so rcilove t:,c- 'foul breath. constipated or'lrrmular boweiri, ; feel weak. ea-.;,li tired. la-wndeut. frequent i headaches. Midor dlstMaln --mall of beC. . . , , . . l . . . . . , , ' neaaacoea, ptJa oruisiresyaii jaau oi oar giiawiny w utti.Ts.-ptr t-i.-iaj m .Hicia:.-u perhaps nauKa.VJPviV&?r "rllogs" Sn throat after eatlne, and kuio! aymDto.ii of weak stonisch aad Wn)!d.liJS4 ron-f-'!-Clne will rc!l-vB rro mere frpnrii;? r i r. t'ii lM.l-ir tw.fPt Cv1;li-.n ypV- rl -Perhau olf a puiul tba iXiv iaiituuui will bo present at one timo an-l jot point to torpid llTer cr billousnHa ai)U weak alnriiarb. - AVoltl a'i hot bread B&d "biaruir, Criildlo cal;r anl other IndlWiVitiWo food and take the "Golden Medlral IHrovcry rarularly and stitrk tolri use until you ro vleoroua'and atronf. - The "Discovery" Is non-secret, non-alco holic. Is a icl.Tceric extract of native medici nal roots with a hill list of Its lnercdlont printed on each bottlo-wranper-and attaatrU nnder oath. Its inewdirnta are endonet and extolled by the most, eminent mcdi.-al writers of the eco and are recommended to cure the diseases for wTlIrhllls advl-aMl. I)oi't-aceit fulmtiMite of imlcnowfi r k.tov, v. r-o!pos;Ta)Il. - i I'trs mul ' It.'aiviiillHllty"i Chrhtlan End T-p. ni.i vrn:r.nrT' ira7"nn pertt 01 s etron i rnu:i uursciar." HiirhIs'lKst Sixth and Prwieott streets. nnly schnnl. in s. n.; aermon. 11 a. m iibe sufflcieqtly strong te; result" Ih h'.s hrt.ilan Kndeavor. : p. sn.; aerrlea at 7:4.1 j overthrew at tha Mlnneannlls conven- R,1;..."'l.hT"',V '". rVV-'e'T :30 v. a.; Vermon at 7:aii p. 'm. ' ' ' ' ltHRMfllo..m-1-....t Katunlh ..A IT.m-Ia io::jo a. ni. iy kot. sir. lper; Hun- aay sino.1. noon; cnriatias xndeayor, p. m. ; cveulag aerylet, 7:48 p. ai. .... ; . , ' '... CHKISTIAM. rirst Park and Columbia atreeta; Rev. K. H. Pattiirann. At 10:!M) a. in., sermon; 7:80 n. m., aermon; Christian Endeavor, 4J p. m.i Bible srbuol, U ii p. m. -j leutral East Twelfth and" Eaat Salmne streeta; Bee. j; II. Ghoemley. D. I. At 10:45 a. m.. "Monumental ETldpnco"; Sunday arbool. 12:15 p. m. ; Suior Kmli-aror. S:43 p. m. ; aer Blon, 7:4A p. m. r-clal music. Uoduey-Aveniia lUMlney svruua and Rnott street; Jitr. F..E1hm llobiiwon. At 9:4t a. m. Bible acbool; 11 a. in., ctmmnnlitfi and aermon; :0 p. m.. Y. P. S. C. E. : 1:t p,.m eerniou, "Which t'bureh Shall 1 JoliiV! Wooillswa Sunday-aebnol. 10 ; aa.j preach ing. II a. m.; Christian Endeayor. 7 p. sa.; scrrlces S p. m.t with apeclul niuils. V KITES EVAXOELICAZ.. First Easl Tenth and Sberman ateeatai Bey. A. A. Winter. At 10 a. m.. Pmiday acbool; prearhluc. 11 a. m. by Roy. II. 1. Pratt.. -pra- awning euier; 7 :ot p. m.. a-rinon. Second Carco and kerby atrpets:' Bey. J. Boweraiix. At 11 a. m.. prearblng. A firudr ot St. James' Eilt1e"; 7:o . m., sermon "Fixed puriiosa KPcfssary"; Sunday school, 10 a. m ; K. U C. K.. 7 -p. m. St. John's Ivaiiboe add John streets; Bey. eirnvuina, a. , h... (. - v.. M.. . . V m.: J 8. K. L- C. E 7: Ml B. ni. - Ockley Orren Sunday acbool,. 1(1 s. m.i f reaching by nr. C. A. Moca, preanient of Dal, aa eolkjre; Vonng Peoole'a meeting, 7 p. m.; preaching, .7:00 p. in., by Itev. II.- IV Pratt. . :. , - rVANOXLICAIr SOOIETT. rb-st Enitllsb Kast SJtth snd Market streets; Jt ;y.S. A. ficwert, I'reaoiiing. it n -'A,,, '4K " ' Sunday 'Wbat-ShaU 1 Mu. to Re Hayed .-ho., I. 10 a. m. : 7:4ft p. arrmoB. '3 vial iig SianVThat Raowtlow I y, lOUHg- PeO- rpie-s Alllnnre, o:n p. m. ursrs Ijerts; Key. u. o. tienoersnn. prescs. Ing, 11 1. a., and 8 p. m. ; Vonng t'eople'a Al llsnre. T p. m.; Sunday school. 10 a. ra. Klrst Oermao Tenth aod Clay atreeia; Rey. Tbeo. Schauer. ' Sunday aehooi. S:4K a. m.; . Memorial Tlblietts snd- Klibteenth streets; Rev. I.. C. Hnoyrr, - Sunday ac-boof, o a. m.; pn-arhlnr. 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. ; V. P. A. devotional serrlrrs. 80 p. m. N,-th Portland Twenty-flrat and Pettysroye. strevts; Rey. E. O. II.rmoh;i. h. Sunday a. h,l. S.4i a-a.; preaeblag, fi--a.-aM-: V- A. program, 7:50 p. --CTTRISTIAlf sciekcc. First- Cbiirrh of Christ. Hcl'ntt't Scottish Rita catbrtirjL aliNrrlaos and Lowusd.-tle atneta. Krrytrea at 11 a. bi, and 8 p. ni.; rtunday s.-b.Kil at eloso' of morning earviee; Wesjtiesdsy 1 eroulng meeilng at 8 p. m. "f . Ken.nd t.hurrh of Christ. Srloettst Elks' tem ple. Stark snd Sryvntb stroets. Sunday aer r loos at 11 a. m. Jnd S p. m ; Sunday acbool, 11 TOTTED BRETHREN IX CHRIST. rirst Kast Fifteenth and Morrison streets; Rey. H. C. Shaffer. Bible school st 10 a. m.; sermon at 11 a. m.j sern-.oB at l.'M p. m.; T. P. 8. C. E . 1 p. m. Seeonil Slith and Meehanle streets;- Ree. C. P. Illsncbsnl. Sunday arbool, 10 a. m.) sermon, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ' 1 " . .' MISSIONS. ' .. " Beseoa IJitbt Mlssloa II Fonrlh street, e'irtb. rreacbisg erery nlgbt . aud Suuday at II p. m. ', Ollrc Bra neb MlasloB 98 Flrsf street oesr Colnnibls. Prracbttig eyery night at 7:30; Snndsrs. 8 p. m.t Sunday school. 1 :30 p. m. St. John's Holiness Mission X3 Sscond atresl nejr Muln; Hey. Jobn F. Ulssro. Serrleea every night and Sunday at S and 7:80 p. m. - Chines. Bsptist 248 Second street. - Serrtcea at 7:SO p. m. J BPIRmTALISTS. . rirst STMtnarito-TeT!r -TiiajU ThTrd IITee Serrlces at 11 a. ra. and 7:4ft p. ni,, lertnro by F. E. Oullor. on " Man, What Is Ue. Vbera Did lis Coma From 7' ' lycaum st U .H) p. m. ' TTNTTARIAW. ' ""."-' ' ' ninrcB of "BiiF Tstber Seyenth and Tamhlll streeta: tl-y. W. tl. Kllit Jr., minister; Her. T. 1.. Eliot, D. !.. mliihiter smerltna. Serylca st 11 a. m.. siibjert of sernuin. "WorldiiDeas. Other WTldllnea sod rnworldllnrsa'.'; Sun. day .school, :4i a. m.; elsjwi. 11 a. ra,' and 12.30 p. tu. - METHODIST. S0TTTH. - . First 171 Second street. Foresters' hall: Bey. B. H. Slowre. At 10 a. ra . Smidnr school; T3o p. ai., . prest-blbg. " 1 C. AND M. A. '-' ' Christian and Mlailonrry Alliance Sixth snd Unln streeta: Key. C. It. Ssatells. Prearhlui:. in 30 a. m : Sunday seb.iol, 12:15 p. Bt. ; Vimng l'eeple'a mestlns. 3u p. m.j ayaogcllat aeritrea. 7:30 p. m. r. m. c.-A. ' . . ' Aesorlstlon Anvlltorlnm, 117 Fourth otret. ybindsy arhoot, n mi p. m.. address he "Jim" Thompson of New Tis-k City;- aiieelsl maslc. AU men welcome. - , . - -CHRISTIAN ABTINT. " -n --'.." Christian Advent- Second str e .irtween llall and l.iurnln: Iter, t bsrles lleffriidi n, Sundsy arbool, l itst"'BTr; preaeliln. II 40 a. m. prats aerslce, 7 p. n,. ; sermoa, S p. m. , , . .'' ' ' ' ZION.' Christian CathiHr ihurelt ln SloaT-AMakf hall, secotd Third swd ' Morslsns streeu: Hey. Charles A. Hoy, eMer In rharge. A I p. m., Bible stud) I 8 P at., artylces.. . fJNIVEBSALIIT; ... First East' F.'gbtb ao.1 (V'h streeta. At II s. m.. sermon, "What Sliall We Iu to He Ssaedl";. Sumliy hi. 10 a. m. tmrtnir saints. . Churrb of JVsve ChrHf ol lit s-Pny Salsta Hall 4K Alisky building. Tblr.l and Morrl sua sltans. Servlwa at i , s. sua p. ai., ' . ' . .'.-'.,.' J ' ELECTIOtl , DECIDES GOfilPER'S PLAGE American Faderation of Labor to . Hold. Annual Convention. . in MlnneaDolisuir- FIND FAULT WITH r ...... POLITICAL' PROGRAM J i ii ' i " Radical EletnntvPleaed With Action but Conservatives Apathetic De feat Next Tuesday Will Affect Present Leader's Power. , . ' (Journal BnwUl SmwU.) ' ' Chlcngo, Nov. S. Orgun'.red ; labor throughout the United States ls.lookiha forward with k-encat Interest to ttoe annual convention at the American Fed eration of Labor, which is. to aaHemble In lUnnoapolla wevk aftdr next There la ho coiict-allng the fact that the rank and file of tho organ! wtUqn look Upon the approaching gutticrliitr as the most Important In tho history of the federa tion, which extends over a quarter of a century. There is a feeling, which ha I smrroly.yet been glven expression, that TTliu "organization la approaching a crisis In, . i Polltloal rrogram. To put the situation In plain words,. the political program of J.'reawnt uom pers and his advisers has cuubod oppo' sltlon. Borne of the prominent loader do .noJL hesitate to eoademn.'-'--If . the eloctlons next Tuevday are dlsiistrous toho-ptans of tha American -"e .! tlon of Uabor, or In ollmr worda If the congressional ' candidates thut the fed eration has marked for 'defeat are re elected by normal majorities. It la safe Ik9" say Jhat JMr.. Oomperri reputat ion as ii ...,. vi i..j.'v:,i. u.m i a. inucr . maii .unci isii&v-ii st . a not cumstances. He baa successfully guided ! the organization for years and hls-per- 1 sorinV r.ftrtii I n rt t V tmnm tha'' panic n nil r P' Tile Is believed" 15' be" su fTieiaTnt 10 HeTR" him In power. . But It Is- itt probable that he will be forced to entirely abandon his polltlfl achernea'- or put them upon a wholly new basis. While the radical element of organ tied labor enthusiastically embraced the scheme of going Into politics. It Is t the same time tme that the more con servative of the organisations, such as the railway brotherhoods, the painters, and others,- have been only lukewarm In support of the political propaganda. The sentiment of thoee opposed to Pres ident Oompirs Is well set forth In Sn editorial appearing In the official organ this week of one -of the strongest and most Influential labor organizations in America. .The writer says. In part: Apathy X BegTetted. "W regret, but are not surprised at the apathy of the unorganised and the, absence of enthusiasm, on the part i:f tnusiasm. on tne part i:r wnrlf nr. In ths nolltlej 1 the organised e executive council of the campaign. The executive council of thai Am.rlr.e. T-Mlarallnn of f jhn. ,..r e..l discouraged at the coolness with which their plans were received and disappoint-, 4 -at- the- lack -of - Intureat shown by those active In th movement It Is not difficult to account for this unfortunate situation. ThoH responsible cannot plead Ignorance 'of the methods of trade unions or of ,tlie . sontimonts of their membertrhrpr No one know better than PreMldent Oompers that trade un Innlsts Oie world over are staunch be- llayers in self-government, that they j have-onf Idence In thelrabll!tfg ride for themselves what policy la beit ior inem to aaopt. now ana- oy wnom It jshalH be-carried out, -aad -rrow 7he funds necessary for Its. carrying out shall be provided. . They refuse to e committed to any program in the adop tion of hlh tha. MOfr ... I . .l of dictation by their, leaders. -Yet, know ing the aggressive democracy "of tra-le unlonlrm. President Oompers and . the exccntlve council without consulting the 3.000.000 members" of the American Fed eration of thoT. decided,-" to- commit the trade unionists of the United States to a platform In which they bad no -hand In framing, to a policy which 'many ininit ill-advised and JmprattlcaL" to campaign, for wblch no adequate plans rave been roads or funds provided. VTorklngman Organiaa. (Special IMnosti'h to The J'tirnsl ) . 'Aberdeen, "Wash.. -Nov. I. The Work. Ingmen' league. Which was organised for mutual protection and-' civic pro tection, ba unanimously endorsed the proposal to remove the county seat from )Ionteano to the harbor. ' ' . r - wttb sermons by Arostle O. F. Blebsrds ef Salt Lakrr Sunday scbont at 10 s. m. tTNITED f BESBTTEHIAN. - Church of the Strsngers atreet Bed Grand arenne; Itry. S. Ksrl Iinfvds. Mornlns srtrrlee. 10:4.1 o'rlork. with sermon, "I'ltrhlna Your Tent Nearer llesven'; Sundny sehout. 1J m.;. ai-rmoa at 7:30 p. m., "A Blbbos of Blue." First Sixth and Montgomery afreets; . Key. A. ' W. Wilson. Mornlns- sermon. 10:30 a. n,. "A Core for Bolls"; Sundsy sehool, 12 m. ; aermon, 7:30 p. m., "A liulned llerltafs." MIX'S BES01T. PrwMeTli and Hnrnslde streets. HUTeopUnai Bible study boar. Bp. m. : men's moftins with raddress, 4 p. tu.; people's gepel serrlre Ira--.sneeiai Biuwc, 7:4 p. m. ... - ' 1 - EE0HO AK12TD lalNTS. . 7 Reorsanlted Church of Jesus Christ of Itter Pst Ksluts Broad atreet ami llotladsy. areaue; Her. W. A. loolwlB, prelillnr"el(lr 1a-hrae. lYeariung at 11 a. oi. and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school, trio p. au .'-'"' ADVIMTISTS. Seyeatb-Dny Adyenttsts Simu Third street. betwe.a Taylor and Salmon; Key. t.e-a-f e A. Snyder: prcai-btng, at 7:3) p. m., "The Erll n'ropbacy.T ' . - ; ' .' tmiiNDS. : j. 1 n-aM ijviwm ,. - .....-. 1 ., -,, ...m,. ' o-te I - - I - I ' ll-jlte. I'n-a -, - - m.Hvu0.. -rt.l.riefl. vi . I li a. in. and 7:30 p. ta.; Hunilny arboul, lu a. m.i Endeavor, S:30 p. m. - . 9WEDENB0B0IAN. ' ' . New Vbnreh Sorlety Klerentb and Alder streets; Key. tiirsm rooiosn, .At, lla.Jsa.. aerrW DITINE TStlTH CINTE1. ' Trwlh - t hspel. - ajllskf - iirlSlltlg. "Tbh-d Morrlsoa .streets; Key. Thad-leua M Mln Herylces at 11 a. tn. ; Suuday ikhool, 12 m. 0HU1CK or 000. Chiurb of od Chspel. 4 Hawthorns svenne; Hey. G.' T. Nsl. Serslrea at 1 ) p. sa. and 7:00 p. m.j Sunday eCboul, 1 p. at. : , NAZANINE. " Cbur'-n "f the Nraarere 4i tturnslde street: Rey. II. O. Henrleka., Sermons at 10.30 a. mn 4 p. ns. and I 30 p. m. . FREE METHODIST. ' gree Methodist East Moib and Mill streeta rrest-hirg. 11 a. u.; Sundsy a jool. 10 s. at. s ' MILLENNIAL DAWN. Millennial Imwie-ti. A. K. hsll, Seeoud and MoirlsoB atruvts. Serricra at 2 io p. as. 1 CE That Would Do Away With the aiaus, uiegiapny ana vrug jw04 Ie but Littlo More Startlini I the Marvelous Thingn pone" . by People Who Have Tried This Wonderful .Sys. - ' V. tern. , jf ,;. .". . Ho Prominent . Mn and Women' Use It to Influence the Mind .of -Othr-. Heal Themselves and""" Others of Chronic Diseases, Ner--. vous Disorders and Habits aa. If -: by Magic Ary One Can Do It? Distance. No Barrier One Person's ! Control ... r Over Another Now - ' ,"' , Fully E-r :"" ;";';;:'. - - plained. ; " " How Every' Man. Woman and Child in the World Can Have "The Se crets rtI Mrgnetic Force, . Health arid Power" Ab a' ' Professor r. T. Melntyre. a- well-to-do srleiitlst of this city, bus created a arnaatlon iu tha hypnotic world. Through delrliig down In the realms of nature's mysteries be baa dlacorerrd a dellcata but powerful system that' seems destined tn reyolutlfmrte the theories of the moat noted authorities on Mind .Force. Snaiie people look noon him as a man pnes'S Ing a strange power, tor ."he has told them ' bow to Influence people far and near-and to heal tbemaelrra and others of their ilia aa u by mss-tr. Ho tells them how to pmjeet their thouabts, deyelop a powerful mentality aud tnouants, aeeeiop s powerrm arauuif mun 1 build us the merbsnlsm of lbs twdy and brain. Motors and mgi.ttos- bsee MM tba WoraingS OI 01. sarw Ol-rorrry. o.m.v .n.. ;v t surpasses anytbUtg Is tbe history of payrbte power. ' In explaining tba method Professor Meln tyrer says; ."I a-eyeed -ba-Terybmy can eeeomnHab 'the ttiinga I - usee ooae lley understood th. system.' It would be a , grand thing if erery man, woman - end' child In Ibis country leermd 'the nse of this wonder ful sratem. There ahmild be so more disease., lmmoaalety, id ik.saeas, despondeney. soars tlona; poyerty or fsilurea In life. 1 bare sent " frea lllnstrsted pamphlets to veonl In many aarts-of tba wisrM. which ei plain tha prlnelplvs of roe new dlarorery, end 1 And tbey can do rh ' tha same wonderful thlncs I Bars . none, ana - si ise-TieTsoiBi-" rtmrk t po."'a a power. 1 here sent these priin.-u. .irhont any charge wh.feyrr. . I am anxtona to bays . eeery one trr" trii' wonders of tills new dlseoyery. The setters reeelved from persona who tried II are. th aema. Many are loud tn tbelrrelitmatbina of siirnrlse snd thanks, and iy ' tbey nerer I r-rei.r waii foe yhe Bl- liftin of msnkiad and aelence-. Tba kliin , letters reeelyed from grstefid heerrs more than pay for the interest t -rae. I will send eonr of my free bit to every ne-rsoe who writes me wltbont any rharce whateyer. Professor Irlntyre bsa a bssketfnl of let- tws.frora people la many parts of tba world. , They are. Indeed, startling. Mr. Japtea Kuhal. a prtmitnent baslness mas of Chicago, writes tbe fallowing: , . "I never dreamed sorb things possible. . If I bad only known of. this sooner. Tbla sys, , tem bsa made a Jlfferent msn of me. I shad glee up business and make more money thrru-s-h tha aae of thla aystem fhsn I esa In my business. It baa brought bark my sight. 1 rsa at without glasses, and work without them, ton. It has overcome my bsekwnrdness, snd t ran now handle my customers la Bne shape. I dl" sot know 1 waa so full of tlw msanetlsut. . I tblnk yonr systsm wonderful." Mr. F.niteee fteyeneon, Batne linage. Louisi ana, wrltea: "Haying tried yoov aystem, I unhesitatingly rrotwunca It to be and to do all yon elslm for It." . Rev E. 0. King, .oastoe Chrlstlsn Cburrb. fpner Lake. Callfanda, writes: "I cannot reoummend your system too highly, and I am willing to answer any tnonlrtee In regard to H.", ; Dr. H. A. Lounsnnrg. Whestly.-. Ontario.. Csna.Is writes: "I bare tboeonghlF IpSeati. gated the methods and Inventions of Professor Mrlntvre and can say tost bis ayseam ta selenllBo and anrnaasv Snrtbtng In th line of theraoetitlra that has eome to sir noiire." Fred S. Itrett. Aosrtedo Jan. Cnadslslsrs, Mejleo. " wrlteet ' "T" here dona w.derfol things things In Indwnelng people with Ibis . arstem. Have had over fat persons?. no oe mv en'n trol. en1 eom?elled them to da startling tbliurs. .1 advise everyb-ely to try It. This system 1 truly msryrloua." , 1 . TbU Bank la , fit H. or winuiii roimwu",-. . u ..I-....- tw.wtna thst any one can master. In s short time, the power to control sd sway the mlmls of rubers. It describee the srrsnge phenomena of Psycble and Hypnotic Influence. Mystic Heeling. I'syebo and Stltf- . . gestlre Tberanentlea, Personal rfsanotlsm and a tomblned. almoin aysrem of reading the rbsractera of ' others. - though thisatMla of -miles away. It gives yoa the key to-the develonment of the Inner or dormant forr-a of roneentrstloa. forea of cbsrseter, will por. memory, aotermlnstl m, smblrton. sathnslasnt. InsplratloB. contlnuiiv of th-eigbt snd tbe shllty to throw eft tha evil effei ts of dlnesss and despondency. , It Is. Indeed, oiwi ef the svist smsilnirir lit Jereatlng books ef the se. beaming, wllti In. terest from cover to rotfr. si'o en -" free copies run be thankful. It points out ths'roWW to flftanclsl snd sorUl siiroeast it ; reveals aaronlidilng farts fht hsve been overv looked by the pnMte for iBsev,vers. ' ' If you wish a Tree f.W IMS vwe.dwfot nook wrJte a postal or l-ney to Pr-ifeseiirF. T, Melntrre. Dspt 1S4D. No. IW West Thirty fourth ateaet, Kew Twk. New York. All h write will receive lit . till w Jl" , pointed. It Is arret by wall, psatsg sld, sb s.ilntely free. ' ' ' MAYOR REFUSES TO - - ; PAY POLICE CHIEF (Speclsl Plmsteh to The Jmiresl.l Aberdeen. Wash., !.v. rirtef or Police- 8chne!dei la sln-rt on his silsrr and mav hsvs t. go without it ntlrl, firrless the cotlncrl make an AppmpriM tlon for' the purpose. . Tbe re-.ti fm this is thHt 'M tyor, l.l'i.l-tro.n. In ; with his policy of t1etiirlnr 01" a of chief f police vaont. r. f u".I tcrdnv tr :fii !' "r'"'' ,' r " chief saJnry. Prafarrad Ft Allen Lew.s- Cs - 1 si 1't.i 1 1. I. PGlVERr 0 -FOR 5. , ' " ' .- a 1 :.v ' 1 ' 3 -': A