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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
' the Oregon: daily journal: Portland. Saturday evening, novemseh s," tarn closes ;i un STATES Exciting Scne; "Witnessed In New York" With Both Par- ) i ties Claiming Victory,': i ' ' " " ' ' - " ' ' ' '- REFORM FORCES LIKELY TO WIN IN PENNSYLVANIA " Johnson Sure of Reelection In 'Mini - nesota Moran Making Clot Fight In MasMchusotta Picturesque Con " tet far-Colorado, ".. ' (Jaarasl Special Service.) . New Torlc. Nov; I. The. : political campaign tn New York ia having an ear citing ftnlatf with many meetings an both aldea and prediction of aucoaaa by both the Hearet and Hugbea mana ger. At beat tha reault la purely a matter of guaeework, Supportera- of Mr. Hughea, tha Republican candidate, are confidently claiming hla election. - The aaroe confidence la ehown by the followera of VlUUm R. Haarat. Bet tint atlll favor Bushes, but not much reliance la to be placed In thta specula tive feature of the campaign. Briefly put. the reault of neat Tuaaday'a eleo tton in thla atata may be aald to d. . pend upon ' the following questional How will the farmer rote What will Tammany do In New Tork "county? fc' , Will the MoOarren forcaa bolt Hearst Haa Hcarat -got the"71aber-TOt -aa thoroughly "cinched" aa hla reception tn the manufacturing towns seem to In dtcate? "., ; - ' -' How many Republican labor rotea -will Hearst get up the atata? V Haa -Haarat loat tha support of tha municipal ownerahipCTOwd? : Haa hiaxdeal with Tammany hall loat him tha support of hla Indepeod, ence league followers? V . :. ; IN MASSACHUSETTS ; Koran Making Ylg-oroaa Campaign With oe ITospecta of Beta Tlctortoma, llxrail Burial Sm lia.l Boston. Nov. a. Unbiased onlookers believe the outcome -of the present oaro- palga in Massachusetts to ba mora in doubt than haa been the case in this atata ia many years. The Republican governor. Curtla M. Guild, ia opposed for reelection by the plctureaqua dla--.-trlct attorney;-John-B. Moran, who Is - ' running on the triple nomination of - the Democrats, Independence league and rrohtbitlontata. The platform of Horaa -4r a radical one. aimed chiefly agalnat . the corporations. Governor' Guild, a tariff reformer. Is running on a atand- - pat platform. In Governor Guild'a favor are the state's normal large Republi vaa ' majority and hla own creditable record aa governor. Moran'a strength lies chiefly in his personality and hla popularity with the labor element. Hie . weakness la tha opposition with which be la met by the conservatives of tha Democratlo party, who regard him aa ' more of a product of Hcarstisra than of .Democracy. National questions have ' played no part In tha contest It may " fairly be aald that tha predominating Issues are tha two . candidates them- ' .: aclvea. . , . .. - : IN SOUTH DAKOTA ."" ' " ' i-. - t Ptmocrats Advooattag Oovaaaaaaa Owa-1 arshlp of BaUaoaAa mat Telegrapha, (Jsoreal Sneelat 8ervtee. ' , - - 8km Falls, U. D.. Nov. t. flouth Da kota electa a full atata ticket next .. Tuesday and a. legislature that will . choose a United 8tatea aenator. The Renubllcaa . candidate for - governor - la Coe I. Crawford, and tha. Democratlo candidate J.' A. Btransky. Tha Demo cratic platform comes out squarely for government ownership of the railroads. telegraphs and telephonea. Tha Repub - llcan platform declares agalnat tha po litical activity of corporations, tha pro- hlrlon of railroad passes and the elec tion of United States aenatora by the ' people. Both aldea have, conducted - Vlgoroua campaign, r KEYSTONE SCANDALS JTaaion Oaadldata la rannsylvaala Ap , parentiy Xaa Best of Sltaatloa. Unernal Special Srrlre. --Philadelphia. Nov. ."-Witlr party , lines rent aaunder In every county, tha ' political situation in Pennsylvania oa - the eve of the election la tn.tho moat muddled condition acen here alnce elvll , war daya. Scandals appear to ba tha chief Issue of the campaign. The Dem- orrats - and - the - Lincoln- Republlcana, which last-named party waa given birth by the political reform movement that J mJ mmy CHocolate Bonbonsl I I Alwaya Delicious Pure 1 1 I '- Wholesome Dlltstible II I Oat Box will make II I A flippy Horn I :-J U I Vmr- Packare ruarantaai I I Fresh and Full Woyrht r I I cr Sojres mm4 Usstsrs to txclmnh I I i - : I I H WALTKK M. IX) WW IT CO. I I Makers ef Case as Cheeelatee I I ' BOSTON, MASS.. , jM upaet Philadelphia a year ago, have fused tn an effort to lid the atata J tha so-celled Republican machine, The fusion" candidate' la Lewie Emery Jr. The ticket of the regular Republlcana la headed bv Edwin 8. Btuart. Chargee and counter charges of graft and cor ruption have been tha chief feature of th xmniirii .Chara-ea of colossal graft to connection w h tha building of the new etate capltol have oaea sprung the Republlcana. On the other hand. fusion candidate, baa been Umbarraased by bla eonnectlon with the Pure Oil company; which haa been shown to have a cloae corporation agreement with tha Standard Oil com pany. Tha fualonlata have made a bard fight and the- victory of thelt forces at tha polla neat Tueaday would not greatly aurprlae thoaa beat ac quainted with the altuatron. COLORADO'S STRUGGLE s riotureaqoa Three-Coraered Campaign Being Waged Wome May Peolde." ' ' ' (Journal Special Service.) ".. ' Denver, CoU Nov. The preaent Campaign la Colorado la one of tha most picturesque waged anywhere in tha country thla year. , Corporation domination and other Issues are to the fore. The Democratlo Veandldate for governor la Alva Adama, who haa held the seat . before. The Republican .can didate Is Henry A. Buchtel, chancellor of th4 University of Denver. In addi tion to theae two there Is a third can didate In tha field In tha peraon of Judge Ben B. Ldndsey, famoua aa the Judge of tha Juvenile court. . Judge Lindsay haa puraued a, vigorous cam paign and ha la undoubtedly a factor to be reckoned with 4n figuring on the re ault of Tuaaday'a election. The women of Colorado will poll larger vote than ever before, and It ia within tha range of possibilities that their votea will de termine the reault of the conteaV-tJJhlef Justice Gabbert. Republican, la a can didate for reelection. He haa been charged with being under corporation influence, and hla Dreaence on tha ticket la beHfved to, weaken tha chancea of Republican success. ' ; " f CUMMINS CONFIDENT Iowaa Ooveraos Zzpeeta Beelectloa by - Aid of Beaaoarata oa Taaaday. ', ITimiiiI SnMlal BMTlce.1 Dea Molnea. Ia., Nov. . Governor Cummin a. candidate for reelection, ex- aressea himself aa well aatlanea wun tha campaign how cloaed and predlcta Republican success at Tuesday s elec tion by a large majority. The conteat haa been one of unusual laterest Gov ernor Cummtna. waa renominated after a moat Litter conteat In tha Kepuuu ean ranka. Hla candidacy haa met with considerable ill-conoealed opposi tion among tha stand-patters. It la predicted that Claude R. Porter, tha Democratlo candidate, will have tha aupport -of all tha radical stand-patters and of the eorporatlona and railroad Influence- On the other hand. Cum mine ia expected to receive tha votaa of many Democrats because he haa, -'con-alatent record of "opposition to railroad domination of Iowa political affairs. IN GOLDEN STATE Tfcree-Ooroered Contact oa Betweea Bell, OUlett aadlABgdoa Beamlt la Boabt. (Jearaal iprtl BerTiee.! Ban Kranclaco, Nov. t. A three-eoxr tiered conteat for tha governorship of California ia on, with former Congress man Jamea N. GUlett, Republican, for mar Congressman Theodore A. Bell, Democrat, and W. H. Xangdon. district attornev of San Fraaclsco, and nominee of Hearst'a Independence league, aa tha candidates. Tha Socialists and Prohi bitionists also have candidates, but do not figure to any, great extant in tha conteat Aatl-truat legislation, Japa- i nese exclusion, . municipal ownership and ' many local Issues are involved. Tha'reault Of tha contest cannot ba pre dieted with any degree T5f aucuyacy. JN SUNFLOWER STATE overnor Booh Appareatly Xaa Beat of , ' . . tha Sltaatloa, r-:- tJooraal KpMlal aervlee.V-- " L Tpaka. Kao. Nov. I. The . Kansas campaign closed teoay witn too chances apparently favoring Republican success. Edward W. Hoch, tha present Repub lican governor, -is a oandldata for re election. , Hla .opponent on the Dfino eratlo ticket ia ex-Senator .William A. Harris. The" Damocrata have brought numerous charges . against Hoch, of sympathy with corporations and of be- frng under railroad Influence. The chief objection to Harris a pears to oe mat he la virtually ' a non-resident of the state,' his home and business Interests paving been in Chicago for some time. RAILROADS THE ISSUE Both Bemoorata and Bepabllcaaa la Vebraska Balae Corporation Qaestaon, JMtrnal Bpeetal Bclr.l Lincoln. Neb., Nov. - The railroads are almost tha sole Issue in Nebraska's runnilfa this rear. Both parties are i out for orohibltion of rebetea and of I discriminations. The tlcketa are headed ', Dr Oeorge L. Sheldon, A young Repub- i )lcan wn0 is making a vlgoroua fight 'against railroad oppreesion, . and A. C. ' Shallenberger, a former Democratlo .congressman, wnu biso nnui , I on tha anti-railroad platform of hla party. - On Mia whole. It la probable that party llnea will be more closely drawn than in many recent Nebraska, contests. UCONNECTlCUT-APATHETlC-4 nil i w iv il inlnjectln Belther Bartjr Saeoaaaful tajaottag' SCuch XOfa Xato Campaiga. Uoerl Bpeetar MiKM Hartford. Conn Nov. . Neither party in Connecticut this year haa auo ceeded in putting much ginger into the campaign. xThe Republican candidate for'govern6r la Rollln S. Woodruff and the Democratic candidate Charles F. Thayer. Party llnea will be closely i following In tha election, and as there Is , no enthusiasm In the campaign and no Igreat JsueinyolveLdlhe to lavor e xiepuunua viviory, formor yeara." APATHY. IN MICHIGAN A Uttla Zaterest la Campaign and Light Tota yrobablo With O. O. B. goooess. (Jnarnal Special tWfTlct.) - Detroit, Mich.. Nov. - 1. Extremety apathetic best describes the guberna torial campaign which enda tn Michigan today. Governor. Fred M. Warner, Re publican, seems assured of reelection, though- Charles H. Kimmerle, the Dam- 1 ocratlo candidate, haa made a valiant ' fight. The rank and file of the Demo- : crata, however, have taken but little In ! tereet In the contest The gubernatorial conteat la overshadowed by the fight i tot the aenatorshlp. . . . DAVIDSON LEADING Ooverao Will Probably Ba Bee4eated ta . Wlaoeaaia oa X.aoUette Blatforaa. Jiwnial Bseelal Serrlee t ' Milwaukee. Wis... Nov, I. Despite the. I strife which LaFollette stirred up In f the Republican ' ranks before the con- , ventlon, the, party la expected to ataaa i ANOTHER SUCCESS FOR MISS YAW A Large and Brilliant Audience ' Will Greet This Famoua Singer - Next .Wednesday Evening. - . ; That Iflaa Ellen Beach Taw wilt ba accorded a cordial reception at her ap pearance next Wednesday evening at the Helllg theatre seems assured, for there seems to be a very general' wish to hear her.7 " f Mualo lovers of Portland have heard of her' wonderful success, and there Is a-very enthusiastic feeling for this pop ular California girl, which la not con fined to ber -own atata, but la accorded her generally throughout the west. The North American of Philadelphia had to say recently of Mies Taw; that aha wta ainglng "better than any other soprano now before ' the public," pot making a single exception. Tha. preference of practically all tha great artiste' for the Chlckerlng piano ia shared, by. Miss Yaw, and thla Instru ment wilTpbe used, at her concert In Portlandr'Tha Kllera Piano House haa arranged to . aupply her, In accordance with her request. ; , together at the electtonT in which Case the reelection of. Governor Jamea O. Davidson seems assured. ' David son' a opponent on the Democratlo aide la John A. Aylward, a Madison lawyer. The Socialists and Prohibitionists also have tickets in the field. The platforms of tha two leading parties differ but little in the main. Both are for a -continuance of the reforms inaugurated by LaFollette. and especially for regula tion of eorporatlona by tha atata. . Both parties profess to be orlgl of these reforms, BOSSISM THE ISSUE - Boy Mayor of Tawtnekrt faxtag-Tlr" arong. Cempaigm for Beforac (Journal Special gerrlee.1 Providence, K. I-Nov. a. "Boaalsm" ia the. chief issue in tha lively state campaign which cloaed In Rhode Ialand today. The Demoo ratio ticket la headed by JameaH. Hlggina, who, though but 29 years of age, haa been lour times elected mayor of .Pawtucket. He haa axpoaed corruption in his own towna and aeeka to extend hla efforts in thla direction higher up. Governor George H. Utter la atandtng for another term on the Republican ticket. While much attention baa been paid as usual to local affaire, tha principal fight la for tha control of the next leglalature, which la to elect a United Statea aena tor. Three millionaire Republlcana are contesting for . tha aenatorshlp. , ONLY HOPE IN SOUTH Bawabuoaag Beading Bvery Bfforl to Bleot X. Clay Bvaaa ia . ' (toarnal gpedal BerviceJI Naahvllla, Tenn., Nov. 1. Of all tha aouthera states Tenneesea la tha 'only ona in which tha result, Of next Tuss-J day'a election appears to ot , at - an doubtful. The Republlcana have- united In their aupport of H. Clay Evans, for mer pension commissioner, who la can didate for governor, and are working hard for hla election.-Tha Democratlo nomine la Maloomb R. Patterson, whose friends are confident he will be elected. The conteat, baa been fought out on atrlctly party llnea. , . ' . JOHNSON IS LEADING Democratic Qovsrmor of Banasaotav Al- - meat Oertaiaof Bla Beeleottoa, tJoeraal Seedal Bervlee.r X Minneapolla. Minn-, Nov, Tha cam paign In Minnesota haa not aroused any vaat amount of enthusiasm. The Re publlcana appear to be unusually apa thetic. The contest Is almost without an Issue. Governor John A. Johnson, Democrat, It a candidate tot reelection. Vend is opposed by A. U Cole. Repub lican. Governor Johnson enjoys wiae personal popularity and hla reelection would cauaa no great amount of sur prise. The Republlcana probably will fill all the -minor atata effloea. IN NORTH DAKOTA Beaaoarata Making- Campal-a oa Oroud That Oorporattoaa Control State.- (Joeroal Special Servlca.) i Farao. N. D-, Nov. J The preaent campaign In North Dakota haa not been without Interest. Governor Banes is standing for reelection on the Republi can, ticket, and la opposed ny jonn puras aa the Democratlo candidate. The bo clallata have a ticket In tha field, headed by L. F. Dow of Grand Forka. . The Democrats have made thejr Tight chiefly on the ground that the Republloan party leaders are under corporation influences. HIRE. CERTAIN Bepub: did ate Floyd Sara of Sleotloa, (Jouraal Special Servles.r noord, N. H., Nov. I. Charles M. oyd. Republican, la assured of election to the governorship of New .Hampshire next Tueaday. The only question re lates to the aisa of the Republican, ma jority, The Democratlo candidate, la Nathan C. Jameaon'Of Antrim. Tha con test haa been conducted wholly on atata iasues. For the second time alnca tha prohibitory law waa replaced by a li cense system the cities of the atata will vote on the question of granting licenaea for the aale of Intoxicating liquor. . MORMON ISSUE IN IDAHO Test sad Bnrlsna Political Battle Betaf Waged With Basalt la Doubt. (Journal Special arrtee.) k last .ana furloua political battlt will culminate In Idaho'a atate election next. Tueaday. Governor Gooding Is the candidate of tha Republlcana for reelection. One of the chief points' in his ravor is the firm stsnd he haa taken for the pun lahment cf those believed to be guilty of the asaasalnatton of former Govern nor Steunenberg. flood In a-s opponent on the Democratic ticket la Charles ' O. Stockslnger, who la personally popular throughout the, state. The governor ship conteat appears to ba very close. In addition there fa tha contest for a lerleletnre which will cbooae a suc- 'OVBBD COXrMwnOsT. . Mra'B. W. Evsns, Clearwater, Kn., writes: "My huanano iy aica Tor three months. The doctors seld that he had quick consumption. We procured ,a bot tie of Ballard's Horehound Syrup; -and It c.irH him. That was six years aso. Blnce then we have alwsys kept a bottle In the house, we cannot ao witnout it. For coughs and colds It has no equal." 5Sc." Boo snd 11.00. Bold by Woodard, rfSfke A -Co. .i NEW HAMPS Uoaar'Caa 'si'.- " II , i mm mm g To our own building, 130 First Street, between Washington and; Alder, and OUR STORE IS-N reaching clear through the block to 129 Front Street We are retail hardware dealers in Portland; and, we believe, the only one owning Jts-own buildingWe carryatrcmendous stockbf HE ATING; STQVES, COOKIN& STOVES AND RANGES, and:$65 SEWING-MACHINES SUJp VOO t So frequently settle on the lun js end result In Pneumonia away or take something that only half cures it, tearing s eessor to Senator Dubola, who seeks reelectton. The Mormon question haa been Injected Into the senatorial oem palgn. .. ' '" - ' - CLOSE IN WYOMINQ ' Botk mevobUeaaa aaa 9aaaoaratg Olalia - - - Advantage.. . .', ' (Joerml Special anrlre.) Cheyenne, -Wyo., Nor. a. Ooyernor B. B. Brooks, Republican, la 'Standing for reelection In Wyoming. Hla opponent on the Democratlo ticket fs 8. A. D. Kelser" of Fremont county. The flo clallsta have a ticket headed by W. U O Nrlll of Laramie. - The - Democratic platform attacks tha Republican admin istration, declares for an sight-hour day, asks for tha prohibition; of rallroa4 : : . ' ' -'' y' ' : ' ' ' ' '' 1 ..; . t.' '. ; . j . rT. I have weighed carefully your sound reasoning dirt values in Portland. ; ; ... ,""v.' '"f Yftii arr riiyht: I should not have waited so lone. a ' A I r'scall the oast, with its lost ooDortunities. . m r minyl-to act row upon your souna juugmcnt um arai wwisuw -1 ; ' . Oh, that it might have been, or that I could have seen things as others saw them I. ;'.. ;., .:,Svr: I-;- f " "" ;7.-V-v I have nothing to worry about. I have made my Invest- rrients in Portland realty, and will novf rest comfortably. ; r : 4 - ' I am more contented with returns from, my investmeVits . made by you tfea those of jny bank accounts. ? : I feel "weary when I consider the opportunities of investors : in Portland, and how slow some folks are tq grasp them. r. Laugh! Laugh I ; I must, when I consider thetapld increase in value of my properties while the pessimist said "you had better wait a" while." ;.- y':; ; : What a thrill of joy takes possession of me when you inform me of -the sale of my property at an advance far beyond my expectations! . . Yr.v - ''-iV:v ' - ".;;? Read carelullv meditate uoon what vour friends' have said. and see if there is anything you want or want to dispose of. . , : ' We have elegant propositions in all sections of the city. - X WHYTE EVANS and HARRY; L SALE, 7 chamber of Commerce we sell ' jjpp rLm U TcLMalal.81 mm Y J Stops the Cough and-heals the lungs and PinieiisinnioiniDa Qcndl (SoiniGiioinniratOoin. CorwuraDtlen Threatertesl C Ungef, 2 1 1 Maple St., Champaign, in., Writes! "I was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and ... . . t- . -I . f - m-.m I inouini I Dsn csnsunipuuii. l remedlea and I was under tha several months. - I used one HONEY AND TAR: It cored beea troubled alnce." . - Taree itm-tto, BOe, 11.00. . sue and tha $1.00 SCLD WD RECOU-EIiDED DY ' ALL DRUGGISTS ' passes and demands a primary election law. Both tha Republlcana and Derao' orata are claiming success. parks Xedlag Baea. tJonraal Sseclal aree.) Reno, Ner Nor. I.Ooirernor John B parks, supported by tha Democrats and theSUver party, appears to have a good show of reelection next Tuesdsy. Hla opponent on tha Republican ticket ' la John r. Mitchell. k . .' ji Taanma txlkebreakera. . , Tha moat famoua, strikebreakers tn the land are Vr. Klnge New Life Pllla, When liver and bowels go on strike they ?ulrkly aettle the trouble, and the purl vlna work aoea right on. Beat cur for eenatloatlon. headache and aissinesa. 1 16a at Red Cmaa fbarmaajf, 1 1 j a t... l?ldg., City. -' Main 4006. 4 .- at 325 m&wm mm or Consumption: Do not take chances on a cold wearing the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble. Cured Hontorrhago of the Lungs A. M. Ake, Vood, Ind., wrlteat "Sereral jeara alnce my lungs were so badly affected that I bad . many hemorrhages. I took treatment with several physicians without any benefit. I then started to take 7 FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, and my lungs are now aa Bound aa a bullet. -1 recommend it in ad- ' vanced stages of lung trouble." . , . . t rUA uicu a groat many care of physician for Dottle or rULxi s me, and I have not The SO-cenV size eeatsfss twe and bottle alaieet sU limes u aiaca. . REFUSE FIVE-STAMP MILL iS ERECTED AT HOWARD ' (Special Dlapatek te The Joarsal.) ' Madraa, Or.. .Nor. S.-Tne Crat golfl stamp mill aver erected In eentral Oregon-haa started operations at Hrward. Crook county. It containa a battery of five stamps." weighing 750 pounds, and It Is run by a 12 horaepower water wheel. Each atamp drop a Si tlmea a minute. Three tone of concentrates are produced every-24 hCura of tha value of I2B0 per ton. The talltnaa will pay all expenses of tha mill, thtia making 17(0 a day above txpensea. Enough ore' Is now In the blna to keep-tha mill run ning night and day for a year. If ex pectations are realised and tka mill la relative to ' ' . I I am deter- r :tu . Brokers Bet Washington & Altfer prevents , ""J " tt""n SUBSTITUTES. kept running It will make a profit of 12(0,000 a year. -t - . ITALIAN SECTI0NMAN v STABS TRACKWALKER (Special rinpetHi' to Tbe Jooro.l.) ' ' Pendleton. Or., Nov. I. An O. R. N.' track walker' was murderously as saulted at Bamhart station.' a few miles from thls-elty, yesterday by an Ital ian paction hand, who atabbed tha track walker in tha abdomen with a stiletto,' according to tha Report brought to thla city. Tha aecrtmv crew at Bamhart la composed of Italiana under an Ameri can foreman. Tha track walker (a an Asaerieaa. ' - y -S .... . 7,-;f ;. . .