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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
TltE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 3. 1808. OFFENDS KING BUT; 7 KEEPS Duchess Refuses to Receive Man Sent by Monarch Coolness ... .Arises but pis Majesty Will Be First to -Jy and Make- - . ' Up Has Great Respect for Consuelo. . "f f I '-' J - J -i Duchess of - -KU-Mefl'P' pjr) -' . Condon, Nov. , !. Comuelo, Duchess of Manchester, la back at her house In 'Groavenor Square. Although in the heart of the amartest part of London, aa far aa decorations ' are concerned, this la a commonplace residence. The hall door ''with ita trumpery - brasaea preparea the guest for the vsry ordinary trie within. The duchess, of course, - ha aerae- lovely- bite of -furniture,. -but they are mixed un with quantltlea of Indifferent modern articles which ruin the effect from an artlstlo standpoint For the last few months there haa been a distinct "coolness" between the kins and Consuelo. which was the rea son why ah did not go north this au tumn to help entertain hlra at various house "parties "during the shootlnr sea son. - Little contretemps of the kind occur from time ,to time between these - two greet friends,- but Edward, always -Edward, makes up the breaches prompt ly, for he finds Jt Impossible to set on Without the companionship and sym pathy of this remarkable woman "who possesses an overwhelming; personality . and magnetism which, carrlea all-bef ore It. She is the type of woman who makee history. ' But fortunately her influence with the king- has always been for rood. of Coolness. J' The f "coblneaa" mentioned '.haa been occasioned by . the fact: that ..the. kins wished Consuelo to receive a certain person she objected - to. She refused. Tbla aha haa done before In regard to others. Tomorrow or neat day the klag will Invito himself to dine with the duchess In Oroavenor Square; will prob- . ably ask to be "forgiven" and all will go well until ha again asks aome favor ha feels bound to re funs. Refuse It .aha will, be the consequences what they ay. ... TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ASKED - " F0R. L0SS 0FrHIS LITTLETTOE! Ten thousand dollars Is the' value of little toe as estimated by Philip Dan iels. This valuation is named in a suit . . filed In - the state . circuit court this morning by Daniels for 110.000 damages xrom the Pacific Hardware and Steel ' company for an Injury alleged to have been sustained by- him while In the emplbyof the company. . .. Daniels alleges that on September 1? ha waa engaged with aoma fallow em ployes In pushing a truck on a track between two buildings occupied by the ?; defendant company.- It ' was dark be tween the buildings, say the complaint, and' the foreman of the gang, who hsd - aTSVaVaXaiA rAOTS. . Rheumatism, tumbego and sciatic paints yield to the pnt rating Influence ' . DMiaiu m dqiiw tinimviiu 11 pene trates to the nerves 'and bones and, be ing absorbed Into the blood,. Its healing properties are conveyed to every part i i "n army,- una eneci some wonderful cures. zto, eoc and l.op, Sold by vvooaara, lame e VJO. , . THE POLICY-HOLDERS' COMPANY Before, srgning an applicati5n for life'insurarice, glve'us an op-' , portunhy to show jrou the merits of your home cpmpanjr Annual Dividends All inye8tmems7n,safe Oregon securities. Active, Reliable Men VVajited to Keprcicnt Ofeion , V . Life In All Parts of Qreg on v Home office Commonwealth BuildmgTTbrfTand Oregon ' A. L. MILLS. L. SAMUEL, ' CLARENCE S. SAMUEL, " ., . . , 'President. General Manager.: AssisUnt Manager. FRIENDSHIP Marlborough. - Everyone- marvels how ft Is she holds a man who haa the world at bla feet. The reason Is not really far to seek. She la one of the few women tie respects thoroughly. The vaat majority ha can twlit around his little finger. Consuelo Is the on of a hundred who would, dare refus him a favor. This In Itself la exciting. Manlike, In hla heart of hearts. he respecta dignity and spirit In woman kind." Both he geta with a vengeance from the American duchosa. i ' Admire' Braoe'a muck. Whatever the world may think of the wisdom of a peer a son in marrying girl who haa risen from being a genera slavey te a favorite In the theatrical world, the majority cannotfall to ad' mire the pluck and determination shown by the Hon. Henry Lyndhurst Bruoa rn striving to make up the Income cut off by hla father the day-hla engagement to Camilla Clifford was announced. - Ou,t or wnat waa lert or ms latnera allow ance In the bank he bought two second hand motor-cars. These be lends out on hire. If occasion demands ha drlvea hla " clients himself. - The gentleman chnuffeurhrcommonenough in theae daya and people with any Idea of the fltnesa of things treat him with court esy. -i ,. ' But there are others. A few daya ago It fell to the lot of Mr. Bruoa to drive a rich-Hebrew , and -bla -daughters to Brighton. They were, of course. Ignor ant or me not that ha was Lord Aber- dare'a jeon. - The party Intended to atay at the Metropole hotel. When they ar rived the tadier- father aald: '1 nay, driver cnaurreur, i . mean you better put up at the nearest pub"; for the young ladies may want another little outing this . afternoon. Tou had also better wash up that car lively. Here'a a shining for yourself." a lantern, went ahead of the truck to open a door. Without . waiting for the foreman to return with hla lantern, the other employes pushed the truck for. ward, and It crushed Daniels' foot, mangling It so badly that the amputa tion of the., fifth too waa necessary. Daniels doea not gtata waa the left or right foot. The damage Incident te the Injury Is fixed at f 10.000, and In addition, to this Daniels wanta 1 1 7k he says ha paid for surgical attendance, ana his coats of suit. Attorney H.- Tanckwlcn- appeara for Daniel ' " : f '! , ; v- ' . BOSTON UNITARIAN - . v " V CHURCH IS BURNED i, sasaaaaaasaaaaaaeiaaBaBjBi t " "(Jenraal Ipeclal Utttf.i -y ' Boaton, No. l.-rrTha . church , and pariah house of the First UhlUrlana burned thla morning, fusing a loss of $100,000. , ' ' - . ASHES OF UlilDOO .- . i ... . , . -. TOSSED RemainsoT Rouma. Singh Were Burned on Funeral Pyre Yes- terday by Companions. THROWN TO WINDS FROM BOAT ON THE COLUMBIA Durinf Last Days of Life Frjenda of . Stricken Man Failed to Come Near : Hlra but Insisted on Giving Him Native Rites. "-';' .'.'v:,. " ;,'--'; . ;(;.:..;. . r , ', Journal's "Astoria Bureau, Nov. I. A funeral pyre yesterday marked the final obsequies of Rouma Singh, . a Hindoo, and sent a captive aoul to est In ac cordance - with the'' rellgteua precepts by which ha lived and the custom of hla race, hla remains were burned to ashes. In order that the body might no longer possess the soul, and today the ashes will be tossed to the winda from a boat on the river. The man died of intes tinal consumption in St Mary's hospital a few daya ago and his countrymen in sisted that the burial services be In keeping with tha life he had' led. As far aa known the cremation and the at tendant aarvlcea are tha first to ba held In this country, - Singh had been a resident of Astoria for the paat few. weeks. . In company with three of hla countrymen ho came from. Pu get aound and. sought andob-i talnad employment In a local lumber mllL When Blngh bacama'lll hla coun tryman wore unablo to give him ' tha necessary care and attention and the authorities placed the' man In a local hospital; for- treatment. j : Deserted by mead . ' Tha last days of Singh were aa pa thetlo aa hla , obsequies were queer. From the day ha took to hia bed until ha breathed hia laat ha never uttered a aound. Hia countrymen who eagerly ar ranged and executed tha atrange cere mony after death were apparently lit tle Interested In their companion in Ufa and failed to call on. him during, his final hour' . ' Am aoon aa Slngh'a death waa an nouned hia frlenda Immediately claimed hla body, which Coroner Pohl refused to surrender when he learned of the fate that awalCed it. The Hindoos promptly appealed to P. I Cherry, tha English consul, who secured an ' order from Judge McBrlde directing tha customary Hindoo burlaL". A 'crowd watched tha burning of tha body in a secluded spot In the timber yesterday. Early in the morning .the, remains were taken to tha acena by Deputy Coroner Pohl and proceedings were at once begun by the Hindoos. A huge pyre, three feet wide, five, feet' long and four or five feet high, had been prepared. On thla tha corpse waa laid, encased In a winding sheet and sewed in a woolen blanket. Aa the fire' waa started, melted butter waa sprinkled over the corpse with a small dipper by -one of .the Hindoos, all three during the strange process, singing strange chants and prayera." SUSPECT TAKEN AFTER CHASE Bad Man . Tries to Run Away - From- Detective Hef but Is Too Slow. -tJame Vooeer- allaa- McCarthy. aua pentad of . being a member of- gang of : dangerous criminal waa ' arrested laat night by Detective Hellyer. - After being taken Into euatody and on tha way to headquarters McOee ' broke from tha grasp ef hla captor and made a aenaatlonal dash for freedom. After running from Third and Ankeny to Fifth and Pine street he became winded and waa aaaily recaptured by the fleet-footed detective. Hellyer, whlla pursuing hla prisoner, fired shot after him, but thla only aerved to accelerate" "McQee's speed. Roguea' gallery , photos of tha man under arrest and eeverel other orooka were sent to tha local police by Chief Waller of Spokane ' with Instructions to keep a close watch for them. Mo- Gee, when arrested on Burnslde street. waa - dreesed In - exactly ' tha - same clothea and hat aa ha wore at tha tlma hla likeness waa taken - by the Bpcxane-BTrthorttlr by Judge Cameron" Monday morning. NON-UNION SAILORS ' i LOSE THEIR BERTHS .' CJanreal Bseetat Berries.) Baa Francisco, Nov. I. It ' la an nounced today that In the settlement of the Bailors' strike tha union wins recog nition, but no Increase In wages. Tha non-union craw of tha steamer Topeka waa discharged this morning and union men employed. . Similar action will ba taken on other vaasels aa aoon aa full union crews can ba employed. The' ship owners consider tha aettlement a victory for their aide, Inasmuch aa they can employ expert anced men at tha aame wage paid Inex perienced men. - (SANS AND HERMAN TO . ..FIGHT AT T0N0PAH : - . ' 1 " 1 " ' - Jt-jssrnal Sneelat Stmlf.t - ' Cincinnati, 'Nov.- I. Cans and Her man' today In thla city algned articles te Tight 10 rounds' or to a finish, aa tha'olub maf deslr on New Year's day 'before tha Tonopah, Nevada, Ath letic club for a purse of f:o,000, tha winner to get SO and- the 'loser 40 pet1 cent. Their weight la . to be ISt pounds . two hours before the gong. The purse will be given to the Tono pah'bank. Oans will end hla theatrl-, eal engagement and go weat to train., NDIANS WILL ASK ' - FOR HUNTING GROUNDS iJoeriial SrferUl SerW.) Sheridan, WTO., Hov. I The Utea have agreed to accompairy-Colonel Rog era and the sixth cavalry to Fort Meade, South Dakot. where the government will support them until their chiefs go to Waahlngton to acquaint the president with their aide of the eontroveray and ask him for hunting grounda. Tha In diana will not be dlaarmed. . Tha troop have no fear of treachery. ' The efcretdatMB ef The gearaal ta rottlaad aad la Ore: on eaeeeds that at say ethet Oregea 'AIM SOUTHERN TO BUY JIING ROAD : BBBBmBBJSSanasaSBSBnBBaenBBSm Reported. That Harriman Is to Purchase the Oregon and Southeastern Holdings. ' WILL TAP THE BOHEMIA . , DISTRICT WITH RAILWAY Rumor States That Schema is on Foot to Cross Country With Num erous Electrics to Connect With Steam Line. ; ' .." , (SoKlal Dlwitca te The loorail.) ' . Eugene, Or., Nov. J.--It Is reliably and persistently reported In Eugene that' the Southern . Paciflo company will within a abort time purchase the. Oregon Southeastern railway, a Una 20 miles long, extending from Cottage Orove east toward tha Bohemia mines. A Southern Pacific official about a month ago. went over the Una, examined It thoroughly and spent considerable ttma In the mining district and In tha timber adjacent to tha Una, gathering data aa to the amount of tonnage of ore and lumber available. He gave out tha Information, that the company waa contemplating Cue pur chase of. the road and if the deal waa made It waa planned to extend It on into tha mining district and to build a network of electrlo roads extending front all the principal mines to the ter minus of the steam road. " It haa been rumored that if the South ern Paciflo company aeourea thla piece of road It will abandon tha project to extend the Woodburn-Natron road eaat to the summit of the mountains,: buti. that tha O. A 8. E. will be utilised In the construction of the propoaed trans Oregon line, aa the distance -from prea ent eastern terminus of the Bohemia line to the mountain pasa at Odell lake la only one-third that from Natron to the pass. This Is not likely, however, a thousands of dollar have been apent on ' the aurveys from Natron eaat and a good portion of- the- right of way-hae been purchased. 1 The O. R. AN. line la substantially built and well-equipped and la doing a big business. - Ita owners are aald to be making good money out of tha Una. BIRTHDAY OF JAPS (Continued from Page One.) . Japan. Under hla relgnv Japan haa made great - strides. We pray today that he may continue to live for many years that he "may perform many acta for the advancement of Japan." Viogiani Tonight, Tonight all of tha Portland eltlaena from the land of the. rising aun will gather at' the Y. M,. C A. to pay tribute to their emperor. Speeches and aonga will tell of the deeds and valor of their country, while 1L Fugatnl will go through tha weird evolutions of tha sword dance. All will be done In tha spirit , of loyalty and patriotism ' that makes the Japanese , one of the world's greatest nationalities and will also be done In the apjiit - of good will for America. 'which country they hold in the highest esteem: 8. 'Han will be the chairman of the meeting tonight at tire T. M. C A hall. He Is -one Of Portland's most prominent Japanese and la considered a man of great ability by hla country men. T. Alba, the Japanese consul, will lie liuuerlaradlct. Mayor Harry Lne will apeak, aa will H. B. Miller, United Statee consul-general at? Toko- ham James Laldla w, British consul at Portland, la also down for an ad dress: - ;.The oratton ' of ni ventag e wilt be made by: S- Tukfc whlle-lileutenant-J. Bhlgemura will make an address on -The Military of Japan." Others who will . participate are U. Hlratau. Miss Rlku Tamamur who will give a i tlve dano and Mra. H. Watanak so loist 1C Fukagaw a student at the Portland High schoot. will make an address In English aad K. Fugaml wJU execute the Japanese sword dance. BEN BIGLIN (Continued from Page One.) provide the harbormaster with a launch that he may have the entire harbor, both above and below th brldgea under bla eye at all houra of the day. Blglln repeatedly requested that he be given a launch, but the old cry of "no money" was raised and he did all hla navlgat a foot or wae appointed by ex-Mayor Williams ana aao neia we joo ior xour years. POWERS TO EXCHANGE WIRELESS MESSAGES (Jnarnal BpeMal IrrvlF.,) Berlin. Nov, I. All the powera In tereated In the International wireless telegraphy congress, except Montenegro, today signed an agreement for the regu lation of the exchange of wireless mea sagea ' Italy and 'England. algned with reservations necessitated by their con tracts with the Marconi company. , . SECTION MEN KILLED BY GAS IN TUNNEL ' ' (Special rHpitr to Tb. Jnarnal.) ' Seattle. Nov. I. Three station men were overcome , by. smoke and gaa In Caacado tunnel on the line rof tha Great Northern yeaterday. The ' dead are: Maurice Delaney, John Baker and John brldcott. Their deaths were caused by poor ventilation. i, " . Two Tears of fanama Kepnbllo. . T (Joaniar arecttil arrvlr..) Panama, Nov. Celebrations, were begun today In honor nf the second anniversary Of the republlo of Panama's Independence. President Amador -held a reception at the palace and special festivities were given In Panama, Colon and elsewhere. '', Buy Dr- Graves' Tooth Powder Avoid discomfort, danger and unpleasant after taste' by refus ing afl-rrther-powders or pastes,' washes and sqaps.- xour dentist will advise "you. - " .. la haatly metal eaaa or hoWlea, BOe. Dr. Graves' Toaih Powder Co. T furnaces to were Are YOU Satisfied? OPPOSES STREEP AND TELLS WHY Ladd Would Have Tract Retained Large Enough to Accomrno- date M anuf actorie's.T "I believe every other etreet In the city ahould be vacated, and the remain ing streets widened." , . Buoh waa the statement jf ' W. M. Ladd, made to the atreet committee of the council yeaterday afternoon. He appeared to remonstrate against the opening and Improvement of Clinton and I von through a- tract of ground owned by tha Ladd estate near the Stephens slough. - Eaat . Ninth waa acheduled to be Improved and made Into a . thoroughfare to - accommodate the Clackamas county - traffic. Ur. Ladd asked the committee to discontinue the proceedings. After a long discussion this was done, and . Cllntonvand 'IYon atreeta held up for further Investigation by the committee. "It la our Intention, to make thla land Into a large manufacturing and ware house center," aald Mr. Ladd. "If It la out up by too many atreeta It la Impos sible to Interest -manufacture In the location. -The- aame condition "would prevail there that the Willamette Iron works encountered on Ollian street, and they've had to move clear down Into North Portland to get more room. Se attle haa such tracts where a manufac turing plant will. have room to expand, and It la a tremenduoua advantage. I have taken up the matter of a apur track, through thte property and some time tnis will be done." Councilman Wills contended that Eaat Ninth affords a better grade for a thor oughfare than Eaat Eighth, which Mr. Ladd waa willing to have ' Improved, but the other members of the committee overruled him. ' , OUT FOR HUGHES (Continued from Page. One.) Attorney-General Moody to rally parti sans to sustain the notorious Quay, ring in power, and prevent a Knockout plow by reformera. Should Pennsylvania, New Tork or Idaho go Demoeretio. after excotlvtn terferenoe, the result would be looked upon as rebuke to- the president. TAFT IN IDAHO Urges SOectloa ef Ooodlnf as aadoiss meat for Vederatlom TrUla, (lesrul Special Servlee.t Boise, Idaho, Nov. t Secretary Taft la .making a tour of southern Idaho to day oa a special train. He left Poca tello at 7 o'clock thla morning and spoke from the train at Shoshone, Glenns Ferry, Mountain Home and Nampa. At each place large crowds - were present. The speeches were mainly on national Issues and the neceaslty of supporting the hands of the administration In Ita war upon trusts, combinations, railroad rebates and unjust discriminations by gross. - Taft urged the re-election of Goodlna aa governor or Idaho aa an endorsement of the action taken In bringing to Jus tice the parties assassinating former Governor Steunenberg. Taft arrives In Boise at I o'clock. The program in cludes addresses this afternoon. ' mepudlatas) BepubUoaaa, . (Jneraal Sperl.l Brvlee. Denver, Nov. . Edwin V. Brake, Re publican atate labor commissioner, re pudiates hla party and appeals to. the workers to vote for' the Democrat to day. ''.'. MORE LIGHT (Continued from Page One.) Ing the conversation with Major Eu wards I said to'hhn that If Mr. Thomp son denied making thla proposition to me the. way. to .prove- It waa to call for Mr. Thompson 'and me to come before him together and I would convince htm that Thompson had mude auch a propo sition. MaJor"Edwarda haver "requesfedT I nompeon ina ma i tnwv mm iu gether, and neither of them have ever mentioned the- matter to me. or I to them, etnee that time. ! A complete investigation or the af fairs-on the t'matllla reservation la to ba asked of. the government, according to the BTCTments or tnone- wno nave been active In disclosing .the methoda is4 by Agent Edwards and W. L. Thompson. Jhat what form the charges will take and when they are to be made la not disclosed. It la known, however. that tha matter- will be taken up Im mediately with the department by Sen ator Fulton and that he will be given valuable assistance by Senator Ankeny nf Washington and by Senator Dubois of Idhho. ' " . ' " - The matter will be handled by these senators to Insure a real and thorough Inquiry by the department of - the in terior. . i . , The Mikado's Birthday. Toklo, Nov. . All Jafrn was en fete today in celebration of the birthday of the mtksdo, who waa born November I, 18tJ. The emperor, acoompanled by a brilliant. suite, attended a mammoth re view of tronpa and waa enthusiastically acolalmed by the populace. HE SECRET of the success which wo have in the heating business is" keep ting people satisfied : it's easy to sell friends of our former patrons. satisfied with their ; furnaces. McPhcrson Co. Heating Engineers First St, Bet AS&fftabk Preparolinnf of As similating Hie Food andBeg ula ling (tie Stomachs anCLDovrels of Promotes DigestionJCteerful ness and Restontains neither Opiiim.Morphine nor Mineral, lsox Nine otio. A perfect Hemedy fo r OonsUps non. Sour Stomach,DianlKea Worms jConvulsions Jeverish nrss and Loss or Sleep. - Facsimile Signnrure ef SEW YORK. ML txiai mcrwKiejsa. Open a Box for the Chadren Leave it where; they can reach it Watch them gain in weight -Watch their cheeks grow ruddy with health and life. - Uneeda Biscuit are" the only Soda Crackers the most nutritious food made 7 from wheat, therefore the most wholesome food forChildrcn. r$ In a KATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY - ljt;. gin: ggJ: .-SS-- FISHER, THORSEN & :C0. FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS. Ash and Pine BBS ft JUuilL 7 For Infanta atnd CMldrr ' - Tho Kind You llavo Always Doughl Bears the Signature of J dust tight. 4?fv In J For Ovor Thirty Years . tW SSaTCRMI "fc IVM Mfflb - moisturt proof package yd There's Magic I; In Point Mixing If you don't know every UtUe trlok honeat methoda, of eouree you're doomed to failure. Now ear people know their business and the finished product aa we hand It out Is worth your, serious consideration.. Tou ' really save money, tod. eur wsy. Want to know our way IV Ask . The Bid TAVrt IWM. ' ' V V