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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
If THE 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER V PEARY GETS 1UEAR NORTH POLE ..American Reaches Pjqjint .farther North Than Any " Hitherto . , Reached by Explorer, HAS NARROW ESCAPE tM . ICE FROM STARVATION Ests Eight Dojs to Save Himself , Letter Received From Explorer In ' dicates That He Is on His Way Back to United States. V J'"' IJesrasti Special Servlre.)' , '.' New Tork, . The following ," meant wu received lut night from '; Commander R. 'E. Peary' by, H. I . Brldgemaa, secretary of the Peary Aro ; tie " club, showing that the American ' explorer bad reached the farthest point .-north of any explorer: i letter From Sxplorer. '. " "Hopednle, Labrador, via TwUHngate, . K F, Nov. 1. Herbert Brldgemaa: ftooeevelt . wintered north coaet Grant land, somewhat north . Alert winter Robert E. Peary. quarters. -Went worth--' with sledges February, "tta- Heefcla and Columbia! Delayed by open . water between' 84 ' and 85 degrees. Beyond 8( six. days. : "Gals dlarupted Ice, deatroyed cache, ' ' eat oft communication with supporting ! bodies and drifted due east Reached . IT degrees minutes north latitude ever ice, drifting- ateadlly : eastward. Returning ate eight dogs. Drifted esst 1 ward, delayed-by open water. ""' .''.'' Bssaped Btervatio, .." :'' - "Reached .north ' coast Orantland In straitened conditions. Killed muak oxen - snd. returned along Greenland coast to. ship. .Two supporting parties driven on north coast Greenland. One rescued by ; . me in starving ... condition.- After one - week recuperation n Roosevelt, sledged west, completing; north coast Orantland ' and reached other land near 100th me- ; ' rid lan. I . "-' "Homeward voyage Jncesssnt battle with ice, storms and head wlnda-Roose ,- velt magnificent ice fighter and sea ' boat. Mo deaths of Ulneas expedition. "(Signed.) PEART." -Peary Is thought to be on his way home. H lef t New Tork in fete special '. ly constructed steamer, the Roosevelt ' la search of the north pole, July J, 'llOf. ' UMATILLA COUNTY IS ' - XEADJWIJNDIANS fBneelll DWoatch to Tbs Isaraal k 'Pendleton, Or., Nov. 8. Umatilla county leajls all other, counties In the stats In the point of Indian population., This county boasts of sn Indian popu lation of 1.00S, while the entire state has but t.tZS. The Indlag population euvthe state by counties is as follows: Benton, 1; Clackamas, 2; Clatsop, 11; Coos, 68; Curry. 88: Douglas, 188; Grant s;. jacKson, Josephine, ; Klamath, 7;' Lake. 85: -Land, hi: Lincoln. 418: MaUheur, 20: Marlon, 3C; Multnomah. 18; Polltv 149; Sherman. 1;: Tillamook, 144; Umatilla.' 1.008; Wasco, 80; Wash ington, t; Yamhill, MB; total, 2,826. WHITM AM TO DEBATE mi-u jL-t-.,.x.a i, n -: . i ' , ' JW1TU-CAI CIXDaTnDen'1''-BS-Jrif "V" wna.ini viiniwiu - (Special Pisseteb te Tb Joeraal.t ' Whitman.-. College, Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. I. At a meeting of the debate council It was decided ' Co ac cept the proposition of Willamette unl- ; verslty for a series of Intercollegiate debates . between the Balem Institution and Whitman. The debate with WU. .lamette will give her. three this year, the other two being with W. 8. C. of Fullman andPaciflo University of For- ' set Grove. ' - , 'The Faclflo debate will probably take place in January and the Willamette " one In" February or March. ' 1 . ' V Burton's case 4s se commonplace that there la no use in his trying, to write book while In Jail. - IF YOU VALUE Si.'--' YOUR HEALTH TouH see that the digestive organs are kept strong and active by the Bitters. Nature requires the assistance that can only be' obtained in this way. . Hosteller's Stomach Bitters C351 ST0M1CU when tbe appetite Is . poor, bowels clogged, liver or kidneys - Inactive or. sleep restless. Thus It eurss ' , ozm Bzsxireti, 1 BIOS UAOAOn 1 ursxassTiov, JPTbVBPSXA, . . 1 riuu XXI-eV , (f:i v3 cnLLt, coxa Til Cn'i 11 1 y - J A trial eoavineee. ROOT LAWYER TO BOSS TWEED '- eaaHeaMeBMaw Hearst .States That Secretary of State Is Attorney of Many T7,- "-"of the Trusts FOUR-MEN TESTIFIED v ROOT BRIBED THEM Incurred Croker's Enmity! by Driving Ice Trust Mayor Out of Office- Publisher Proud of the Enemies He Has Made.' . '.: -;r--rr-r r ..; t -'. . 'Jeareal Special Service.! .-. New York. Nov. I. Brooklyn enthu Slasro reached the top notch in the cam paign yesterday and welcomed William Randolph Hearst in a series of the greatest and moat demonstrative meet lngs hs has aver addressed there. la every hall he visited greet crowds rose en maaee to greet .him." Hearty words of encouragement were shouted from all sides. At closing nights of the cam paign the snthuslasm seems to have been redoubled in force. It was remarked too' that - Hearst promptly caught Mie-Yolrit of the audi ence. His voice had Improved over night and fresh vigor was Infused Into his manner.. Spirit and dash-characterised his dell vera nee a Hs plunged Into the final meetings with a fighting spirit that sent bis audiences Into trans ports of enthusiasm. So far as the- counties up state are l.ronr.empa . the . campaign,, for, gevermoe is practically closed. Mr. Hearst ended bis tour t we-days ago and Mr. Hughes Is now. closing his fight here. From now 'until election day both nominees will devote their entire attention , to greater-New York. : Whirlwind Finish," V ) - , ' After sevea monster meetings In Manhattan,- Mr. Hearst last night Invaded Brooklyn and Queens.. He wss whirled from meeting to-meeting as fast as a powerful motor car could carry him, -attending It great gatherings and every where was met with the wildest kind of enthusiasm. Huge crowds gathered to see and hear him, and thousands of voters fslrly cheered themselves hosrse. - - Mr.- Hesrst Is eery hoarse and tired, but is bearing np- wonderfully -considering the terrible strain which has been upon blra for several weeks. He seems more confident thsn ever and told his audiences he was sure he would be swept Into by - not less , than 800.000 plurality. His supporters say his estlmste Is -extremely conservative; One of the chief topics yesterday was Root's speech In tUlea Thursday night. The general impression Is that it has dona Hughes more harm than rood. The same opinion was expressed as to Croker's cablegram N-McCarren. TMs view was voiced by Charles F. Murphy,, leader of Tammany ball. - - Attacks Croksr and 'atoo.--'-. In his speeches Mr, Hearst said: "I -was attacked last nlxht hv Mr. Croker, who claimed to repreaant Dem ocracy, and Mr. Root, who claimed to represent Republics nlam. I know noth ing that has tended . to show more clearly the troth of ny statement 'that In this campaign- corporation Democrats and corporation Republicans were united in support of the corporation- lawyer at the head of the corporation ticket. . "Mr. Croker. . whose Ice trust mayor i arove out or orrice. indorses McCarren as a noble example of corporation Demo crat Mr. Root corporation attorney for the Metropolitan Traction company In- the Jake Sharp bribery eases, and! f-fer-tne whiskey trust, the tobseco trusty ths steel trust, ths sugar trust ths gas trust, the watch trust and the lnaurancs trust Indorses Mr. Hughes, corporation attorney-for-the lighting trust the shipbuilding trust, ths New Tork. West Chester and Boston franchise grab and the sugar trust . " --rTKr. Root, -today public offictalrwltiv occupies a high place In-the. United States government and who should rep. resent the whole people of these United States, regardleas of party, has dragged his high position Into a partisan cam paign. and into a personal at task In local situation In order to serve his corporate maaters. Boot Defended Tweed. "Last year Mr. Ryan, issued, throush Mayor MoClellan, postal earda bearing libelous and indecent attacks unon ma. i niuvii uv uuiivq-- rieies sovernmenc 1 stopped in the malls. This, year Mr. 7 Ryan puts forth these same Indecent and slanderous attacks through his cor poration attorney, through a man who la still bis faithful servitor, though In public oflTNTarid paid by the oeoole. t "It Is natural that Mr. Root who ee. poliU clan of his day, should ioln hands witn - boss croker, the most corrupt politician of the. present day. In sup port of Mr. Hughes. It is natural that Mr. Root whs appeared for the Metro politan Traction company in the Jake Sharp cases snd who was himself ac cused of bribery by four men who tes tified under oath that he had given them money for their votes., should unl.ts with McCarren. professional briber of the Standard Oil company, the gas trust and the Brooklyn .wapld Tranalt to support. Mr. Hughes. and to oppose me. '7 have said I was proud or the ene mies I -have made, snd -frmr prouder "of none thsn I am of Ellhu Root, Boss Croker and Pat McCarren" TAMMANY SPLIT Situation Ohaiured by Boot's Speech aad Croker's BepUlatton. (Joumil Speeial Service. I New Tork, Nov. 2. A material change In the political situation was brought about by the speech of Secretary Root at Utlca and by Richard Croker's repu diation of Hearat Tammany is' badly spilt : " The Interview with Croker, In' which be repudiated Hearst and the oable mes sage from him congratulating McCarren, the Brooklyn leader, has thrown Tam many hall Into a.panlo, and It IS claimed by many leaders that the Incident will spoil the chances of a big plurality for Hearst in New -Tork county. Murphy will not sdmtt this. Murphy la Inclined' to 'blame Mayor McCleilan for the troubles that have beset Tammany Hall since the Indorse, ment of Hearst at Buffalo. It is knows that the mayor la violently oppqaed to Hearst and that he wen to Buffalo to peraonally oppose the ambition of the editor. It is said hs has left no stone naturned since- thsn to undermine the Hearst movement ' As to erfeottof the speech of Beore taey Root, on the ehaneea of Hearst there ean ba no doubt except In a de gree. If Root had said what he did on his ewn responsibility the matter would be considered serious enough, for no one has greater political Influence 1n the section In which be spoke than the secretary of state, but when It is considered that lis acted as spokesman for the president himself n a terrific da Bwnoiatloa of . Hearst 11 Is bard, te ee- .;:--, -W ..!' . APsoIm A wholesome cream of tartar baking powder. : Makes the finest, lightest, best flavored feisciiit. hot breads, cake and pastry. Alum and : alum-phosphate : . ;.v , powdersafe injurious. Do not . :; . ' . fi$e ihemT - Examine the labeL ';.- J . ' SOVAL SAKIN9 POWDia CO HEW VOSK. tlmate how widespread the effect of his words will be. . , k : At daybreak this morning there were received in every city of the state tnou sands of printed extracts from Root's speech. - By tomorrow morning .the stats will be literally placarded with poaters and handbills containing the president's denunciation of Hearst, as delivered through the aeeretary of state. Three mllllon ;QpsoJ&Qol will be distributed. The new aspect given to the political situation by Root and Croksr was re flected in betting markets when the odds went to four to one against Hearst. There Is JUtls Ilsare money In eight . REPUBLICANS SCARED Bryma Says President's .aatttng; la , Zndloatlos of Fania. -- (Journal BpecUf'Serrlce.) ; : Omaha, Nv. -8. William J. Bryan, when shown the extract from hla letter Indorsing the candidacy of- William R. Hearat for. the governorship of New Tork. made publlo In New Tork today by Bird 8. Coler. said: . "That letter Is authentic. I have bees writing letters and giving' out Inter views al! through the campaign to the same effect, I have indorssd Mr. Hearst and I want to see him elected. "I saw a statement given out yes- tsrday by tbs Bryan league of New Tork,. In which it. was announced that while' the' league was doing all It could for ths rest of ths. ticket, It waa oppos ing the election of Mr. Hesrst. I Im mediately wired Willis J. Abbott pro testing against the use of my name by any organisation in opposition - to Mr. Hearst" . . . When his. attention was called to the speech of Secretary Root at Utlca, In which the secretary denounced Mr. Hearat In unmeasured terms, declaring at the same time that ha was express ing the sentiments of President Roose velt by Mr. Roosevelt's authority, Mr. Bryan aald: . ' - ; .r" "It seems to me thkt the" Republican! In New Tork must be very-badly fright ened when they brjng the president Into the controversy : and especially In the way they have." .. . . . Mr. Bryan spoke here lsst night after a tour of the stste. He left for Lincoln this morning, where he speaks tonight HUGHES IN CITY Bepnblicaua' Candidate BetTurns "1 7T Speakiasr Yon ef the State.. . ' (Journal Special Servlee.1 New Tork. Nov. 8. Back last night from his third snd final up-state tour, Charles E. Hughes, Republican 'candi date for governor, plunged into the local fla-ht and between 8 o'clock and midnight addressed three meetings In Queens county and six In the borough of Brooklyn. While. Mr. Hughes had been away from home. Republican supporters here iiad kept the pwlltlcai pot -boiling, with ths result that this evening larger and more demonstrative crowds than be fore, turned out to hear the candidate. There was'' much enthusiasm, cheers, muslo and red fife. In hla speeches last night Mr. Hughes covered much of tho ground gone over In his previous addresses, not falling to attack the sincerity of bis opponent, W. R. Hearat, and urging hla auditors to vote for a safe, sane and. honest admin istration of atata affairs. ELUH-BEAGH YAW-1S-H0T SPOILED BY FAME . Singer Lives Simply and Is . Known to , Friends as Plain, Every-Day American. Perhsps there is not another singer of note In .the world who has been leas affected, by cosmopolitan trstnlng snd earth-wide experience than Ellen. Beach Taw, Her house Is simple and old-faahloned. A comfortable piano of by-gone style stands In ons corner of the parlor, and In-the other reposes a, fern which is sbsolutely a record breaker.. - Its droop ing branches, falling In a green catar act to the floor, spread across a spaoo fully alx feet in diameter. - . Miss Yaw speaks French like a Pay rlalan. 8h lived in Italy, studied with Caruso's teaches and talks Italian as thntirh ahe were a native, vet there are T BO Latin evidences ; In Tier noifse. in a word, when sn"is at home, ahe la aim ply a plain, old-faahloned American. The presant.tnur- 4s MMa Taw's first In eight yesrs, and ahe has been rm eelvlng ovations everywhere. - She comes to Portland from the north and appears St ths Helllg next Wednesday evening under thsxtlrecilon of Lois Steers-Wynn Coman. The sale of., seats, opens Mon day morning. , : Bala lit Vmatllla. . , Pendleton, Or., .- Nov. I. Umatilla county was visited by the firm rain In some weeks today, and' ths farmers are- Jubilant, as in many part of the eounty seeding had. been suspended on account of the extremely ,.dry ground. At various points on the line of the O. R. A N. the water tanks ran dry on ac count of the long dry spell. - i ' . BBS 1.IBT1CBWT OB BABTB. Henrv D. Bald rln. Bupt City Water Worka, Hhullsburi rg. Wis., 'writes: "I kinds of liniment but havo tried many kind I have never received much benefit un til I used Ballard's Know Liniment for rheumutlam rhd pains. I think; it Is the best liniment on earth." 26c, tOo and 81.00. Sold by Woods 4, Clarke Ce. tefcJrui& iTirr rri n in nn I ULI ILI I v1 : 1 1 1 A U 1 1 i ur i i n i s i 1 1 1 u n 1 1 I I III I '. ILLLU IUII1IU I IIMIII f IIAI" lllllfl III III I I L nu u vu President Sends Secretary of War to Instruct Populace Upon State' Issues. JRIAL.QF FEDERATION LEADERS IS THE ISSUE Roosevelt Out of Sympathy With Struggle Between Labor and Cap itai in CoIoradoBecaus. Each Side Resorted to Lawlessness. i '(Journal Special Berrlee.l - Pocatello,-Idaho,-Nov---Bef ore a large audience Secretary of War Taft spoke last night on ths Issues of the campaign. He said that he had been aeat to Idaho by . President. Roosevelt to talk ui6n law and order, the para mount local Issue." He ssld In part: ' . "The lssus In Idaho Is whether a gov ernor who has simply dons his duty In taking tho legal steps to bring to trial men charged wtth a hernous crime la to be marked by defeat when he stands for reelection, by the Injudicious and over-sealoua friends of ths men charged. - "The question Is whether notice Is to be served to the world that the people of Idaho do not welcome In their chelf executive officer the bringing to the bar or " justice men charged with' crime, If the men charged are thought to be able, by reason of connection 'with large as sociations, to summon to the polls many voters to visit defeat u'pon tbe courage ous snd active official. 1 am aware that it Is said that this Is not an Issue in this campaign, and that the Democ ratio -party has Jssued a platform upholding in general terms ths principle of law and order and the punishment of persona- responsible -for crime. It may be that Governor Good ing's opponent would enforce the law but It Is very certain that without the support of those who oppose-Governor Gooding because of his action In this ease- the - Democratic candidate would 1 a tend .ne chance of election-."- "Mr. Roosevelt has watched with the closest interest the . controversies be- tween labor and capital In your neigh boring state of Colorado, and has been utterly out of sympathy with both sides resorted to lawlessness to accomplish I Its -purpose, and he -feels, as a lover of law and order must feel, that state offi cers and Pleads of corporations by their violation of law have brought the fair name of Colorado as a law-abiding atate into disgrace. He is hoping and praying that no such - result will be reached tot Idaho." Seaside Sunday Excursions. $1.60 round trip $1.80. Until further notice the Astoria A Columbia River Railroad company will run an excursion to Seaalde and return each Sunday at me exceptional low rate or 11.60 for the round trip. This Is ths season of tne year wnen a visit to the ocean la a source of pleasure and a Joy never to be forgotten.. No smoke, dust or cin ders, and plenty of room for all, giving one .a delightful trip along the shores of the matchless Columbia river. Tnln leavee union depot at 8 a. m.. returning leaves Beaslde aC.s p. m., giving 4H hours at the beach. Tickets at US Alder street and at union depot ' Phone Main 808. - ' Coal Is Scarce. . (Special DUpatrh te The JornitT-Jt"" Pendleton, Of.. Nov. 8. In Pendleton. La Grande. Athena and most eastern Oregon points the coal situation Is still in a aerlous condition. Baker Cltv has Just received a few carloads and most of It has already been dlstrlhntmi around the city. La Grande Is entire ly out and all the available wood Jrt the country Is being bousht un. . At Athena yesterday $7 was paid for wood wnicn- was brought from a few miles from there In the mountain district. Last year this same wood ' sold at Athena for $4 and $5 a cord. I i ' "! BSskltokHUtS Being an Alkaline Liquid Dentrifrice, SOZODONT penetrates all the little crev ices of the teeth, neutralizes the dangerous mouth acids and purifies the whole tooth structure, making the teeth strong andvwell. ' ' ) . v Stand by SOZODONT, and your teeth will stand by you. - . - - , " I S i't -JSH IV 1 IIII1IJ3M TAX LIST SHALL Klamath County Finances In Ex- . cellent Shape Despite Numer ' i ous improvements. . " TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS IS 7 BUT HUNDRED THOUSAND Oregon Stat. Company Announces ' Foot "Wa rmers and O ther Improve ments to Overcome Inducements of Competition., 'j ' .. " ' -. ' " Spetrlal Diieatch to The learatl.) ' Klamath Falls, Or Nov. 8. Tbe de linquent tax list ef Klamath county Is only 14,600, or two-thirds of what Is was last year, and county warrants, la large amounts, -are taken at a premium of two- per cent The total Indebtedness of the county is leas than 1100,000.. Oyer 121,000 has been expended on roads and bridges during the past six montha. Under competition, even stage riding Is to ba a luxury, as the Oregon State company announoes that with the be ginning of eold weatber each stage will be supplied with rugs and foot-warmers. What competition . haa done for .this country. In transportation from the rail road, the coming of Hill or Oould or both will do for the state and tbe coun try, at large. 8tlg-k Seaeol Improved. Ths new- high ohoaUr auditorium. which Is 40 by 80 feet is being equipped with the best opera chairs, and a new grade is being made In front of the building which adds much to Its fine appearance. Every cltlsen or the oounty now fully realises ths wisdom shown In erecting such ; substantial and ; well equipped school buildings, oven at the great cost because of heavy transporta tion, charges on much of the material, and now Bonansa haa voted bonds for a 815.000 school building. Merrill last year built a substantial four-room sohool houae, and last Sunday a new Presby terian church was dedicated there free of debt "coating- over 2,DD0,"khff tyibm said to be ths finest church la . the county. -. ' . - i The ' Baptists of this city who- have been holding : services In ' Houston's opera house, are getting lumber on the ground for a $.1,(00 church to be erected as soon as possible. The Presbyterians here are only awaiting definite knowl edge about the old Ankeny ditch, which crosses their property, to enlarge and remodel their building, and the Method ists are -offering; their property for sale with a view to changing location and enlarging-- ., Oreamary Projected. , y 3. W. Maxwell and R. I. McLaughlin, representing the Hastings Creamery company of Chicago, have submitted a proposition to the chamber of oommerca for the starting 'of a creamery here early next summer, the scarcity and high pries ef feed, because of the great demand by the reclamation service, snd the railroads under construction, make It advisable ta attempt to' start earlier. With the Increased acreage-under irri gation and the great demand for butter, much now being shipped in from the Willamette and Rogue, river valleysv this. It Is believed, will be a paying an-- terprlse, though new settlers will ba re- j Quired to Ineurs Its success, as there is much truth In the saying that the average rancher here takes pleasure In nothing be cannot do on horseback. - ' TO Make Biver Bevignble.- Wood river is to be maagnav1gabl to Forf Klamath, and small boats will make regular trips next summer, so that .milk could be gathered around . both Upper -and -Lower- Klamath - lakes, and the former difficulty about a supply 4n excess of the local demand win be set tled by the new railroad; and many cities will be glad, for the superior but ter- produced by Klamath county alfalfa, Just as they are for its fine quality of beef. The postofflce will move Ints the new building In a few .days, when 4t IS hoped. for once', the demand for boxes will' be Supplied. ' Weather continues fair and hew build ings, as well as work on the irrigation project and .the new railroad are being rushed as fast as possible with the men svallable. BISHOP SCADDING REVISES ITIERARO)r-I0DIL- Will Preside at , Thanksgiving Service to Be Held at , - Trinity Church.. Blahop Soaddlng has revised the itin erary of his four weeks' tour through out the state, which begins tomorrow. The corrected itinerary is as follows: November 4 T,:S0 a. m. at St 8teph en's, 11 a. m. at flt Matthew's, 8 p.. m. at Seamen's Institute. November . 6 Monday, at meeting Of school bosrd. . ' November Tuesday, :$0 p. m lay men's dinner at Arlington club. November 7 Wednesday. 4 p. m.t ad dress Consumers' league; 8:10 p. m., re ception at the Good Shepherd, i November 1-11 at Pendleton. November 18 At La Grande. - ,r ;' November 18 At Baker City. November 187:80 a, m. ef St Steph en's, 11 a. m. at t. David's, 4 p. m. st Toung Women's Christian association, 7:80 prmrnt-Str Stephen's.'"-: ' T November 18 Meeting of the board ot missions. . " ' November 85 7:80 a. m. at St. Staph. en's. '11 a. m, at St Stephen's, 7:80 p. m. at St. Paul's, Oregon city. November 1 8 Confirmation at Wood stock. November 89 Thanksgiving service at Trinity church. ( - November 80 St Andrew's day; Brotherhood of St Andrew service si St Mark's church. ' . LARRY SHOWN IN FIGHT PICTURES ' r esSsasaBSBSsMSBBSBBsSBaBBSBKSSBxe Sullivan Actor In Nelson-Cans Drama as Depicted by Mo tion Pictures at Heilig. - The pictures of ths Nelson-Gens fight t Gold field, which were shown at the Helllg last night were Interesting snd Indeed were realistic despite , the fsct that a glaring Nevada sun with clouds -Gira Contest lor Men, Women. Coys cnil Girls . f ib jjf m- Below Is a Correct Heading ol (he Sparks of Trotli Rang Frnm ih Invll nf FTtwrlnf . i : .Walnut Park Is the" choicest resident property In Portland with, cement aldawalks and curbs. Building reattictlona. No shacks or stores ean be built for a period of 80 years. Good homes or none. Best car city. Only-It Tnlnutes $20 g front fopt , : .' : t . : '- 'A large number-of gnawers have been received from eity snd state, TThe committee found only two. correot Miss Julia, Maxwell of Lenta; Miss-Lee Gruntnger, 1001 Missouri -Ave. Checks have been forwarded. If the contestants bad read my display ad "New York City future Port land" they would have bad no trouble In giving a correct answsr. I I have made many bold, truthful statements; fone most prominent that "Walnut Park, between the rivers, was only 18 minutes now from Portland's business center." Each day that center Is growing closer; hence the word "now" would have been more easily (disposed of. I desire to stats that In the future it- will pay you to take notice of W. M. Kllllngsworth's advertisements, for you will ever find food In them tor reflection,' ; . ,- - , , Following are a few samples of letters received! - - Tor a Portland resident, the best business period In 80 years Is now. The price of property In Walnut Park, the center, with cement sidewalks and cur be, only $20 a front foot; car service IS minutes from city. Building restrictions. Choicest homes or none, and good stores no shacks, can be built", , . : : ', ff ; y. ."',,?, v ' "Walnut Park Is the choicest resident building property In Portland. ' -Best 20-mlnutes ear service from the slty-now. Price, 110 a front- foot Restriction for a period of IS years. No shacks or stores ean be built In ths -business center, Only good homes or none, wftu cement sidewalks and curbs." : , r. .-, : y:y : -; " ' -: :y "w park, the eenter.XBest resident site In Portland for a period of years. . Ths prlemf "the ehoicest business property. ttt only $20 s, front . foot Oood stores or homes, with cement sidewalks and curbs, 18-20-mtn- - utee ear service from the elty. Building shacks none can be built No restrlctionA" "'' , i- i ' :''.,. '': ,- - Vwalnut Park la the best, tbe . strletlona In Portland. The price -la. minutes from center of oltyL1 rbevNo business buildings or stores or shacks none ean be built la a J 10-year period. .; i.' ''-. ;". : J ; pna choicest property or best business center in) Portland for stores .T -T or- homes Is in Walnut Park. tO-minutes car service from the c1tyv Oood X cement sidewalks with curbs-The tonly building restrictions. No shacks, e 'and none ean be built Resident a period of II years. Price now $20 ; front foot" a' f, '"-. - . . r. '" ' By all means visit now Walnut Park. Ton will find a number of . T fine homes under course of construction, two cement contractors at work, x , , gas mains being laid also Bull Kun water pipe netng laid dlreot Xrom- resenrerfr' This Is no Idle talk or boast, but Walnut Park is now and 'wlll forever remain the choioest resldenoe property In the city of Port- land; and will command the highest price aluee of any property la the elty.- Send for Walnut Park map and folder f-REB, ,i ; ; r-, W; M. KriLINGSWdRTH !'.-.-'-";""' 323 Chamber of Commerce Building .;..... ': :. Phone Main 4557 . Lv-' -'.r , , '--...,,. - .- ... y . . - " P. S. I have In Central Alblna 10 1ots,80x10a ft, with alleys. ' Price, $850 each. Also 10 lots In North "Alblna, at t:,50 each. Will lease ' for a term of20 years these lots..; A fine- new 4-roem house a snap. at $4,100. . ; ' . eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee4eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee of alkali ,Just bad marred their . dis tinctness. - - --. And they were Interesting desplts the fact, that Larry Sullivan did his best to monopolise the camera and Pete Grant, who understood' Larry's maneuv ers better thsn the rest, mads a. big 'four-flush' In front of .the lens. Larry Is the whole show for a time, and Pete wait for a quiet 'moment before draw ing the attention of the crowd to him self. The eho w probably - would - lose none of Its Interest If ths too apparent efforts of doughty ex-Portlsnders- to divert attention to themselves were eliminated. - , . ' But the pictures of the fight are good. It shows ths . lively mlxups of the two same lads during ths first part of the hlstorlo struggle, end shows tbe monotonous rounds of butting and clinching that followed. It also shows what was told In the pepere that Nel son forced the fighting from' the first and did soma very dubious work towards the last , --.'-" The crowd. Is distinctly seen. and it Is Indeed crowd. Tier on tier of anx ious faces stretching far back from the or Cylinders Largest Staanfaoinrers la tbe World and Owner of the Funoaaientai Fasenta. 4 70,000 Records to Se lect From y EASY TERMS IF DESIRED Columbia Phonograph Columbia Building 371 IVasulnalob SL PorUand, fey- ' r K from tne $tvt basiness center. Frice, ehoicest residence -property with re- i inow for, homes oaly $20 a front-foott - Good: ear service, i; Cement walks and e ' o ? tin"!!! '''' '.uufc' TNf ,. arena are seen, snd even the moments of dejection Or bops are depicted en their " countenances. There wss a fairly good' -percentage of women In the big audi ence that witnessed ths Labor Day eon test and there were a few at tbe Helllg last night Before the fight began, plcturee 'of " scenes about Goldfleld. Including gone of the famous .mines, were shown. The plcturee are well worth seeing. The house was crowded last' night They '. will be ehown again tonight at 8:80. . - . - 11 . L ' ,' ''Krs. Waldo at X-e Oraada. ' (Special Dtretch te Tat loeraaLI -La Qrande, or, Nov. $. Mrs. Clarsj -H. Waldo, lecturer for tbe Oregon State grange, arrived .hero today from Uma tllla county to leoture before the Blue Mountain grange at Grange halt Mrs. , Waldo sxpeots te visit all the towne In Union county. n the - interest of tbe . grange and an -effort -will be made to ? - organise new grangee in the several J' towns. A special effort will be made to organise one at tbe Cove, tbe great fruit district . ' .,. : . . . S ALWAYS f t, " rr- rr- - Co. Or. J ..:v