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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
, s 13 . s . '.::v ..... ' '.''ii'.H:.:'-';' -.: ..'V.:- THE OREGON DAILY 'JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 8, 1SS3. ' " i ii . 1 ''.'' '.ft-'- ' '- - ' - ; ' ' ' . ' ' 1 "" .' iii m ," -FASfrtriN I " THE GIFTSHOP i : ... 1 - - ' J- ; ; -j ,"' ,. -1 - t , ' I - - " . ' : 4F TRIPED materials of nil kinds are V much to vldeuce. , Sheer . gooos. cWoo. voile and gsusea .of all description are to be worn right through the winter, ao that a handsome afternoon gown purcbased--rthis time . of year la aura to prove a, good.lnvesr- ment. '' -. -;.'.... v" ;. -. . .. - ' The handsomest, " that Is. the moat - elboarate. dresses now made . up are of ' striped chiffon.-black end whit being ' the moat popular, and the width of the stripe vary iiia- from en almost JndeXln able line to a full Inch nana natural 17 the .width of the atrlpe must depend to t imt extent upon the alee -of the Wearer to a woman of petite, build a narrow line Is generally becoming, while at atout figure, can carry off effectively a more eonspiouou design. 80 far black and white, or gray and white, are more popular, than the white and - colored stripes, but In pale blue and In red and white some charmingly pretty costumea have already been made up. 1. . , Th black and white striped material .should be made up over white silk or pale gray. Black would not be at all attractive In the colors, also, white is bast 811k, of aour ,-oaa be made up over any lining, although the gown can ' be lightened or rendered darker In tone "aoeordtng to the shade of the underallp. - Even In the heavy street suits striped - flannels and clotha prevail to no amall and. a factr tn ail textureg-tnat were of A check or plaid design stripes have appeared." tNaturally Only the rough suits for walking or golf would be made up of striped cloth, although many of the handsomest ' suits for the coming winter will be striped velvet, velveteen and all velvet textures. v. ., Striped tweeds bid fair-to be very popular for knockabout or school wraps of the ulster variety for high school girla and college students' wear. ' These coats are especially useful at this time of the year, wenweathercondttUy: raireaIBTliTr&cTrIn: the bouse, yet demand protection on the street. - Exceedingly smart Is an Imported Date Pudding. On half cup. of rlc ! soaked over night, pound of dates, 1 cup of sugar, 1 quart' of mllks little salt; aerve with whipped cream. Put rlc In baking dish, wash and stone the dates, add to lice; add sugar, salt and V- milk; bake t hours, stirring every 10 or IS minuses. -. . .. . Vim ml nran.a J11 V.Took VftTT slowly In water until tender' on and a quarter cupful of flga, reserving me water In which they wr stewed. Heat r, am. an. m nunvter- cunfula iOt fig Julca and three iuartera of a cupful of sugar. Pour over one and ia half. 1 taki.n.nnfui. a j1aHnit- nrevioualy .soaked in cold water, add th Julo of on lemon ana one ana one iwi cvv Tula or orange, juice. imq mirmuu - Whan hlnfiln tA St- Btlr In th fig cut in small pieces, mold, and serve ' 1 Roly Poly Pudding. Make a biscuit dough with one part of alfted flour, - 'two level teaspoonfuls of baking pew ' ' der. half a tea spoonful of butter, and a .. cupful of milk. Mix - and roll out on floured board to quarter-Inch thick Spread with any kind; of Jelly or Jam.. sprinkle with granulated sugar and roll It. Tip. Tl It In a cloth, leav- Ing room for expansion. Boll or ateam one hour. 8erve with a hard sauce. Chocolate Pudding Without Eggs. Two cupa dry bread crumbs soaked un til soft In two cup of hot sweet milk. .When cool add two thirds of a cup of sugar, two squares chocolate or two tablespoons of cocoa, one teaspoon of vanilla.. Bake abut an hour and serve - with hard aauc or whipped cream. . Orange Pudding. Peel and slice four large oranges, sprlnkl with one half cup of sugar and let them stand an -- hour. Heat on quart t milk; mix to gether on half-eup sugar and two ,'jlableapoonfuls cornstarch and add to ' th beaten yolka of four eggs; pour ' Into th hot milk and cook carefully until It coat th apoon.- When cool pour It over th oranges. Make a aoeringu with, to, white of tho egg and four or ftv teaspoon fu Is powdered -"'soger, arrange on top of th custard 1 ,J r 1 p6ple of note .'.' '" '.' ' Brander-Matthews. f y DUciple of Simplified Spclllrif. - , ,' coat designed for a girl of II, In stripes 6f natural tones,;ut In- plain box lines and full length: The back Is perfectly plain, but in the front begins a atole effect , at the 'neck.- which gradually widens.' '.rounding off Just" below the waist line until It reaches,' the under arm eeanv where the .edges are taaen in with, the back. Tailor stitching deco rates the edges of this-stole, and at convenient, point rockets are ' eewn in, though there la not. the slightest evi dence, of theie.. the hands Just slipping through-the slits. The sleeves are a medium mandolin-shape, with a blaa strapping down., the upper part of the sleeve, or rather two strappings ar ranged close together, and in this way forming points . with . the stripes. An up-to-date hood' displays itself over th shoulder and a rolling, collar of the goods completes this stylish, practical coat, which, save for tailor stitching 1 absolutely untrlmmed. If you are to be In th fashion this winter, you are to be trimmed, much trimmed,, as to gowns,- hata and ven fur coats. No matter If your tastes are Quakerish and your income - on the wrong' eld of nothing.' ;trlmminga- you must have. Moreover, when you see these trimmings In all their beauty of coloring, texture and design your quiet proclivities will be no more. , Severe simplicity , may have It day again-bnt-lt wilt Tiot b''ihig'-wrntr. Braids. ' passementerie, tinsels. Jetted and Jeweled laces, hata and broadcloth and chiffon, alike are' beflowered and bef rutted: band embroidery everywhere; velvet and cloth,' velvet and taffeta, vel vet and braids In th most remarkable combinations; nets and chiffon; voile, with soutache-braided taffeta; - filmy, glittering sequins, beads. ' bugles and danglers; ornate button a big aa sil ver dollars;, wonderful buckles In dull bronse gilt and silver,-rhlnes tones and coloredJewel. eXfect such ar a few -of tRe gauds with which lovely woman la to beautify her person and deplete her pocketbook. '. . -, -' ' In little mound or any .pretty way and brown delicately In a quick oven. Thia 1. much prettier for the table If prepared In a glass dish. I always do. and never had a glass crack when I browned th frosting, though I usually stand the dish on an asbestos mat. . Pineapple coup la not difficult to prepare. Shred fresh pineapple and sprinkle . with sugar or cut canned sliced -pineapple n amall places. If one-does not object to the use of alco hol flavor with orange curacoa or any, cordial, cover ana let stand one noar. Put a small quantity of. the prepared Iroit in each glass, cover ..with vanilla Ice cream and garnish with candled rherrlea, handled pineapple and angelica. Bet on fancy plates covered with dollies. Fruit Gelatine. Dfssolv on en velop of - minute gelatine in a little boiling water, add th Julo f two lemons, the yellow rind of on grated, on cup of sugar and sufficient water to make on pint -of 'liquid. Strain lt and set away on to or in a cold place. (When It begin to net, put" a layer of It in a pretty glass dish, then a layer of orange allcea, freed from all atringy part and seeds, then more of the Jelly, a layer of banana sliced thin, mora Jelly on this and English walnut meat broken up for the .third fruit layer. Other ' combination of- fruit may be used. Th top layer of ell should. D of Jelly. May b served with whipped cream or a thin Custard, or plain with spenge cake An vry. nice. 1 . , . . ontb, fo th White. Governor Vardaman of Mississippi, who is working hard to be elected United States senator and expect to defeat John Sharp William, says that If be succeeds n shall make th . defeat .of th fifteenth amendment hla mission. Biff Job nalshsd. .( A great oanal which drain th two Italian province of Mantua and Reg gio and discharge Into th river Po has Just been opened. For flv yesrs .000 jnen have been employed in dig ging the big ditch. . j . 1 v Sr. -' . ' '''' 5 I a ?s7 m ' Urn Kl j f i Ml Mb mmm ,i p .OPCLARITr i hard work." said tn ,mni , popular , aui v acquaintance th other day, and thnnirh I 1M not . aaree . with her then I " have com to th conclu alon lnca that ah was right,, -popularity.' la hard work." . - .- Succeaa always means unremitting labor, venfth women who establish reputations-as beautlea must really work to keep them. Lillian , Russell tskes physical culture, exerolsea nd regards dieting essential ' to beauty. If she gains a pound In ' welghtt ahe cannot rest until she has "reduced" a pound or vft two for aaf ety. Every beautiful woman- oould; tell-the same story of never ending vigilance and care; fw of th-o-called homely women are willing to work half, ao hard to obtain good look and yet they envy their more beautiful sisters,', for getting that work hard work 1 .half th bnttl.: ' ' 4 , And so it I true of popularity, and If, th girl who spend . their, time mourning because they are not sought after and liked would observe what it a , 1 f I 1 I ' .'' f f t"" - 1 -. f v '' . .' ?. ; I ...... . ',,,. I'l?-V '. :'1 I I t f , i . ..- mm v mmm t; m m TO THE GIRL WHO WOULD BE POPULAR '" '" .' '' ' - ' ,11 :':''',.' ... - ., : ' ::) Porfirio . Diat : y f President bt Mexico, Who'Hai Juit Quelled Rebellion. . ' 1 '. 'ti:',iK.'i"'i"--i--;;'" I inn ' JvnLim m W: a 1 1 that makes' th popular girl popular they -might cense . spending so much time In envy and go to work' to become that 'desirable being a popular girl. V In'tb.flrst place did you over know a rerilfy dlsagreeabl selfish girl to be popular? . -NOr . she - la - Invariably un aelflsh and devoted to th Interest of others or at least' she pretends to be with great success. Sh 1 never 111 or if she . is she never -complains -and makes other feel uncomfortable; but she'-wIU listen and sympathise with your aches and pains and not make the mistake of asking how your head is when you are -suffering with a felon. . - Not only doe th popular girl sympa thize with u when we are 111. but sh 1 Interested In our' good .luck aa well, and she Is always. o delicately compli mentary; aha" makes. us appear at, our best and of course w lov her. -'- ' The girl who really deserves to be called popular 1 liked by both boy and girl, young and old, and sb has th faculty of , making each think.' that , h I th favored 6na. - Sh may not be beautiful. - ah may. not b brUliant or 1 1 1 "H 'J'r'-' :i?V:TV.V7,.v'(v'J - . ' :V si:- r V ---r. r:f. -l ' v: i 1 ! wf he,l. never: either at. th x- pens 01 her menaa out en is always good iJtatured 1 with- the : happy-go-1 ucky disposition that makes hr so beloved. It Is often urged ' that , th popular girl , Is artificial. , that sh timuUte interest and"' sympathy . whan, sh feci neither. . .Perhaps so, but I think that It war '. better to Imulate feelings that glv other people pleasure than to take no. pains, to conceal our-feeling when they, caua other, pain. , . . -' : ' There 1 no question1 about- popularity paying, as any girl very well knows, and when we aueceed in. getting a formula for popularity many girls will be found willing to very hard , Indee. to follow it 1 . , ' , - Ajnosg . Thos rreaent.' .- v From th London Tribune. . Bom pessimists ar inclined to think that Shakespeare is quit dead. 1 Good news, , however, com . from - Hungary. A correspondent has recently seen a theatrical , poster there which run as follows:". ' , -' :"7 'V. By divine perm I salon, in tho year 1 8 0 i on. th 2d cf i uly wlU be -represented for the first tlm ROMEO AND JULIET, A 'sensational tragedy, universally re nowned, in flv acta, with song, dances and " Bengal Fir, '.'',':' " . By William Shakcapear. Th author will be present at th per 1 ' ' formanc. ' , ' Skeptical. . ' ' From' th Philadelphia Bulletin. "Do you believe in ghosts?" h said, , With lov-lmplorlng glance. . v (An- heiress she,, he sought .to .wed.) With haughty manner, "No," sh said, '."Not. ven th ghost of a chance." 88 : Mlf jjlj Maglitsred V. K fs Establi5hedl780r- Dorchester, Mass. BsVHIS la Juat th tlm of year to tart the -novel and well-paying M business of eonductlng a gtftshop. . Lasi year on was atarted In New Tork by two young women and they war so successful that this -fall pay enlarged their store and., employed a number of girl for th holiday season. A glftshop may be run on a larg or small seal with equal success, but It Is naually better -to start with a small, choice stock and gradually enlarge It aa the number of your regular customers grow. Th' object of such a shop, la to supply appropriate glfts'for vry oc casion. Many mall order are received and great attention ' should b paid to these orders. Wedding gift, birthday and .Chriatmaa preaenta will be called for and th woman who would succeed should hav her stock as varied as possible. Hand mad article ahould occupy a prominent place In the stock and curio of all kinds should be found there- -2.- - A good Idea for a woman, who wishes to start a shop or this kind, but -has not sufficient money, Is to sell good on commission.- Make arrangement-with two or three women who do china paint ing, axqulalt embroideries and laces, of burnt leather work, td let you sell their goods on commission. As it Is difficult to find tnargev.for inese jnings in me usual way you wui nave no unuuunj m A HINT WORTH TAKING There is nothing simpler, easier, or more inexpensive to make at bom than on of th new "little dresses," in rich colored taffetas ornamented In vaL lac exactly matching Shade.- .This la put on blouse and princasa .dresses exactly as similar whit lac la 'used to ornament lingerie, and th . ease with which It can b dipped at bom by th "dry dyeing process make ; It the simplest thing In th world to . aav both the tsouble and expen of taking it to th dyor.' ;'. Choose simple German val. or other cotton laoea, a It la better to get cot ton even when showy patterns ar de sired that ar to be dlppedwtn evening colors. Mix the color in gasoline, using th amall package of dye if th color Is not a hard on. In many of th beau tiful silk shade It' will be necessary to us oil paints, mixing and lightening-or darkening until- th axact color la ob tained. Yellow ochre, for instance, in aa atrong a solution a you can mak gives the butter yellow perfectly, which I to be plentifully applied to whit again thl winter. Mak a plentiful supply of th dye. so that it will . not evaporate, and slip th lace' off th board, keeping it length wise . like a skein. Net or even- tulle may be handled beautifully WTtef th same plan, aa th drying 1 don In a mlnnt simply by waving it back and forth a few times in th air. - J - 'j..;. n .'. :J-J. Everyday Courtesies , and Their 'i-':':- . Translation "Don't bellvll that Is said to you." 'Take things for what thy ar worth." ar precept dinned Into our , ear ' by those who hav drunk deeply of this world's wisdom. . v Tea, that' aU very well, but it is too general. Aa an aid. therefore, to ,tha tenderfoot on society's intricate ' path way, some everyday "pretty apeechea" and their translation ar her appended. "What! - Going so soonf might often be translated, "W. feared yon meant to atay for a week." ' now -nnfortana,t that - yon illd not find m at home" may mean, "TBen I would not have to aea you now." ?om any tlm" may usually be In terpreted. "Then there' a ' chanc w may b out." ' -Let ma know whan t can find you all at home." "Not likely to happen for some time, ao I'm aaTe." . "I wHl fls a day when II can hav you all to myself for a good chat." '"I wouldn't'hav any on find you her fof world." - "Com early and bring your music." "Amuse th -children, help with th din- twrtablr-andr-pTOTld musle- to enter- taln our guest while we hav th credit of asking you to dinner." "Of course, . you must not go home alone. Certainly you can, but sine I m 't ai,,,.,F it vnii tnuet." "When ar you coming up to wee ner. "Without being forced to giv you a decent Invitation, thl puts th blam on your shoulders." . , - 't ''Write and let me know how th dearf Invalid progresses." "t- don't mind giv ing trouble and Ilk to be th first .with news." - - . - , ' 1 "Let me have your bill soon. I Ilk to get . .then ' little accounts - settled early." 1 "Th Hems- ar freh 1ft my memory and I don't propose to be e It st iLrid Used RoundihG World. AX Hidhest Europ e aricf A handsomGli IUustratecfRGciDe Boofent free . , ' f "tbr Baker (P G.132. getting hold of beautlful'pleoe of hand- work- to salt, , but insist that th price asked - shall ' not be . exorbitant.' as tbla prevent quick aale and therefor quick returns. It Is a gbod idea to mak a specialty of ome n line of good and of course th line ohon will- depend on th amount of money you ar abl to put In your stock. ' . . Th , busy' tlm . will com during th Holiday season and for that reason', t hould carry. a large stock of toys, 'but more especially of th littl hand-mad doll garment that ar always In suoli demand' for ' Chriatmaa and birthday preaenta.' - .Dainty tabl linen and tiny bed outfits are also called -for at tola tlm and a many women ar willing to mak these small article at very reason able ratea it la not hard to mak larg profits in thia branch of the trade. "Mn spend larg sum of money on; gifts, and if you . succeed In obtaining their trad your receipt will be pro portionately big.. ... Display grows mora Important every year "Id as you will probably not feel like -expend! rrit'fllMch money on adver tlslng'hiost of "your trad will depend o the attractiveness of your aalearooma. In .rder-to.-Attract mall order trad advertise in th small country papere, aa th rata ar low, and la this way you will reach th country people and of course lhsy. are usually obliged to 4 their trading by mall. . , . cheated with preposterous additions six months hence. ' . . And so they go, these highly conven ient and easily translated courtesies of everyday Ufa. Let us hop that -those enumerated may b of rvlc to th beginner. ; . 1 - - A life was roin full of th clos eon- Of many-voiced affairs. Th world sped fast; - Behind me, vr rolled a pregnant . . paat A present cam equipped with ov to learn, - ... '. Art. science, letters, ta their turn Each on allured m with Its treaa- uras vaat;- ' .. And- I-ataked-aU for wls4onutUl. at t .:. , tast Thou cam'st and taught my soul anw to vearn. I' had not-dreamed that I oould turn awar - rrom all that men with brush and pen - had wrought: But aver alnoe that memorable day lore? iwayf When to my heart th- truth of 1' was brought. I hav been wholly yielded to Its w' And had no room for any other thoughtJ t ..' -Paul Laurence Dunbar, - Iascrlptlon in Cookery Book.' To cook or not to cook; that is th uH tionv - . . Whether -lis healthier within to. suffer Devoutly 1 to 'b wlshedV.Tonrinkv - td at: . To eat; perchanc to 11 awake; ayej ,;- there's th rub; For in that lnsomnolent " state . what fears may coma . Whan w have shuffled off this mortal , ,000k, -- " Must giv us -pause; there the respecti That makes calamity of so long lit For who. would bear th burns and) , scalds of fat, - Th kettle's steam, th -alow even watching. . -' v-- n . h 14 . ' ' Myrtle for German Bride. Orange blossom I generally worn bjf British biidea, but a German biid 14 crownqd with myrtle. The special bridal flowers of Italy ar whit roses. ani of Spain red rosea. In Bohemia brides wear oamary, ' and In Greece vine leav.. ' ., -"..-r i ' Ksss ers to Trains. ' i. 1 AnJngentQUS. devlc for dellverlns' massages to moving trains has been adopted by. th Baltimore Ohio rM road. , It consla,ts of a long forked stick,- with clips at the ends; a oot loop is hung on these Angers whltf" grasp It ao tightly that a gal of wine, cannot blow It off, . but the tralnmar may slip It oft with ease To thl ,oor6 ia attached th messages. 9h stick 1 heM-oot-toth-train "With th" forll pointing In th way th train la going) Th tn-inman almply holds out his arm and allows his hand to soma between th forks of th stick ..and the string The cord la loosened Immediately and he carries it with the message attached away with him or the speeding train. f or: Awards ir " America . ve'4el Jr V V" ' . . . . I 1