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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 3, 1803. DISAPPEARS OFF HIE Phantom Bark Has Not Been Seen- Since Yesterday by .' " ' Lookout at North Head." , STORM WARNINGS ARE . ' CONTINUED ON COAST Winds Attain Great VeloelHr and ; Tatoosh and Eureka ptations Art C ' Qut Off From Local Weather r ; -Bureau Tramp Steamer Outside. . The phantom bark off the Columbia river has disappeared - again . and bar whereabouts ara aa muck of mystery aa ever. ' The tug Wallula. returned to Astoria last night after bavins hunted (or her' for aeveral hoursvyssterday la response 9 m ihhhii irum m iuu' 'out at North Head, who sighted the wrs iv 111 uim iu 'mwinj. : '- ' inert is hius.uuudi dui vdii ins vessel Is the British bark Iveraa, which la now nearly, three weeks overdue. As stated before, aha was spoken off the Columbia river - October 1 by the French bark Bully, when she atood out for open water after . having hung around the entrance to the river a cou ple of days waiting for a tusv A'Veport from Astoria last -night stated that the bark outside had been seen flying eig ne la of distress, but little faith is placed In tbo rumor, since the lookout who reported am not mass mention or any such signal a. One reason for the bark's failure 'to come closer, to the river yesterday-is believed- to be found In the fact that the wind veered around from the south east exactly contrary to the courae of the vessel. The wind attained a veloc ity of from tl to 61 miles an hour and It would have been difficult. It le ar gued, for her to beat in against It. Storm signals are up today again and DietrtcT- Forecaster Edward A. Seals believes that the blow along the eoaat may last another 14 hours. No reports have been received from Tatoosh and Eureka, which goes to show that the effect of the wind was felt pretty ee- m1 tHa'rA althnnvh AnmmnnlMtlAn with North Head remained Intact The bar is rough today and tha only vessel reported outside , Is a tramp steamer, believed to be the Hariiman freighter Altec, - which left San Fran cisco Thursday noon fo this port. -The Asteo is a slow steamer out n wouia be possible for her to make the run from the Bay City to the Columbia river In the time stated above, with a strong blow behind ber. - ,r - r tAii i dc uroc crtrtM Bteaxaey Kaneaestey Von to Carry Lum ber aad Wheat to XSnrope. ' The British steamer Manchester Fort will be In Portland about the 17th of this month to load wheat and lumber for porta on the Elbe, In' Germany. " She will take 1,400.000 feet of lumber and 1.400 tons of wheat. The. lumber was bought about six months sgo from tha North Pnclfto Lumhne com Den V. Tha Uinnhwur Port waa nlaced on 1 th en route list some time sgo, but j nnrnnii In DAtnln har was not (finitely settled until thief morning. when Taylor, Young A Co., her . local agents, received a letter from the owu ers stating that the oraft would be hero on November IX. . , ' . Balfour, Guthrie A Co, have not fully decided whether to lead the Norwegian ateamer Hercules here or on Puget I AH- 111 M m HAS NEW ASSISTANT """ U. 9. ohwerla- Appoiats Tormsr Pri vate Secretary to Important Position. A circular letter received hers today announces that A.. J. Frey has bees ap pointed assistant to R. P. Schwarln, vlce-prealdent and general manager of the Portland A Aslatlo Steamship com pany and the 3en Franclaco A Port land Steamship company, with head quarters in San Francisco, vice Edwin Orrett, resigned. The appointment be came i effective on the first . of ths month, ''.',.'. Mr. Frey waa formerly private sec retary' to Manager Schwerln. and con sequently la closely In touch with 4 he buaineaa of the two companies. Mr. Orrett has realgned to- engage in buai neaa for himself somewhere In the Pa cific Northwest. He will be iu Portland- Monday on his wsy north. ,1 ; HOPES FOR HIS RECOVERY Daniel Kara Vadergoes Operation at Ooo Samaritan XospitaL ' Daniel Kern,' the well-known contra o- tor and shipowner, was operated on at Oood Samaritan hospital this morning for sn sbscess In the side, snd, accord ing to late reports, stands a good chance to recover. He wss removed from his borne st East Fifteenth and Taylor to the hospital Isst night for ths purpose of having the operation performed. MrrKertt hai been "very low for sev eral weeks with tyhpold fever that he contracted -while on a trip of inspection in the timbered country up the Colum bia river. More than once his life has been despaired of, but each time be has rallied, and It la now believed that he will, recover, although It may take sev ere months, . , ALONG THE WATERFRONT asjasasBsssatsnsss , The French bark Genevieve Mollnos la preparing to sail for Europe tomorrow t , u m awn nf wheat " Tfei m la Get bsck- your strenfth. energy, ambition,- by J using BASSETTS ) NATIVE HEIBS. 'J- I Costs only tl far three J months' treatment money hack if doesa'l euro. Also 2Sc tiss. At Drugnsts' (in black boxes); if not. Ml koa riEC kr ne oassrll'tNaUvs BerWCs, EiffiVfiBWTBiu' rin-rHrs-Tfu's r.nauna. tke M4Mor BiisNn pn.i, fct sa rmtt' frrte1 M R-V. H.SHt, AIMrt pit.hto. s-M r DrH.r1 -i.whtie t !! v r im ra BAR II II 1 1 I L! P ths Diisens ssina v iMhtrt Pin. is M(A umI li4 Malik (Mao, ..HV .na ahMSIIa. T Irurr'M n-i for CJUMsMMsf FULTON FAVORS BUT OPPOSES CUT-OFF CANAL Before leaving for Washington this mornlng, Senator C. W. Fulton said that ha was oppoaed to the out-off canal from Astoria to Tillamook Head , pro poaed by Engineer Sample aa a Substi tute for the Jettywork at the mouth of the Columbia river, but stated that be waa In favor of building the break wafer, out from Tillamook Head as pro- 1 poaeth.-'ur.'fatn yBneexe.Hev. cated the breakwater oecauae 01 m temporary harbor It would give vessels tn time of storm. In discussing ; the scheme. Senator Pultqn Said: v v "It the' breakwater were to be pro jected into the ocean as proposed by Engineer Semple It would, form an ex cellent harbor. Into which vessels could run In storms. There Is a formation of land just back of the bead that could very easily be turned Into an excellent harbor by building the breakwater.-Thla would be a good thing at present, but I believe that with the completion of the Jetty' any vessel would be able to . run Into the river whatever the weather con ditions might be- . . "1b - regard to Engineer. Sample's being signed today. Soma of her men have been held in Jail' to prevent -their - ficap xronv uxm entp. The steam ' schooner Northland will clear this ' afternoon for-San' Francisco with (00.000 feet of lumber. She is loading, at the mills of Inman, Poulssn Co. - i ' The French bark Marechael Castrlea will be tn the harbor tomorrow to load wheat for Europe. She comes from Port Townsenc in ballast.' , The British ship Owe'enee commenced discharging cement at Alberg dock this morning. . Assistant United States Engineer D. B. Ogden has gone to Corvallls to in spect the work done on the upper river by the anagboat Mathloma. . . , The British ahlp Stronsa will join the fleet in the. harbor tomorrow. She left up this .morning. j j- . -- MEASURE OF SAFETY Agent of XOBgfcoremen's . Union . Plains Adoption of STew Sales. - "' D. P. Hall, business agent for Long shoremen's union ' No. 245, says that the method of handling only three barrels'-of cement in one sling, as Is now being done here, is not new, but the old standard system in vogue nearly all over the world.- ' He says that only three ' barrels are handled at the time in Puget sound and California ports. . "The idea of hoisting five barrels, st the time waa sprung here about a year ago," said-the agent this morning, "but we have found it unsatisfactory for many reasons. - In the first place,- it sndangers tha Uvea of the-longshoremen to a high degree, and in the second place, it gives them a lot of extra bard lifting without gaining much time. "Any one who does not believe that the five-barrel . ayatem is - dangerous should spend a day on one of the ce ment vesaels and sea' for himself. Uook up the hospital records of the past year and aee how, many men have been in jured in handling cement.? MARINE NOTES Astoria, Nov. I. Arrived down at t a. m.. bark C. B. Kenney. Arrived down at a. m.. German ship Kerelde. Left up at 10:11 a. m, British ship, Stronsa. San Francisco." Nov. (.Arrived Tee iterday, steamer Coats Rica, from Fort- Astoria. Nor, 1 Arrived at 1M0 p. m., schooner Alpha, from San Francisco. Arrived down at 4:10 p. m., acnooner w, H. Smith;' " - Vlotorla, Nov. 1. Arrived. British Steamer Hasel Dollar. Astoria. Nov. I. Condition of the bar at i' a. ra, tough; wind southeast; weather .-rainy. . .. ; . ' IMITATION STONE FRONTS A Recent Addition to Increasing Use of Concrete for Buildings. .. N An example of the growing tendency to replace Iron, brick, clay, tile and other materials in every line of building snd engineering construction Is shown in the accompanying Illustration. - This Is the most recent method of making Imitation stone fronts. Up to the present time little attempt baa been made to change the exterior finish of the concrete other than the perfectly smooth surface formed by the planking which is generally need ss a mold.- By this patent of a St. Louis man a method is designed whereby an extremely beautiful effect can be given to ." IN IMITATION OF STONE. . ' .... .. the face of the Imitation. Instead of using the face of boards as a mold for the concrete other molds in. imitation of stone are placed between. the planking, which is used' as supports, and the liquid concrete, the later assuming the form of stone. In connection with the in creasing use of concrete it may be In teresting to note that the Syracuse uni versity contemplates establishing a com plete course upon cement. and concrete construction, for which a new building Is now being erected to be devoted ex clusively to this brsoch of Instruction. A Oood Ones. -' , ! From Ally Sloper. '"." " . . Lady I want 'eoms collars for -my husband, but I am afraid I've forgotten the else. Shopman Thirteen and a half, mum? Lady That's it. How did you guessT , Shopman Gentlemen T who let their wlvea buy their collars for them are always about that slse, mum, ) m 1 i 1 Boofers aad Kst&l Workers. . It Is not Improbable that .the Inter national Slate and TI14 Roofers' union will unite with the Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers' International alliance, aS the officers Of both organisations are said to be considering the question. BREAKWATER scheme, I believe that it Would" be im practical. Of courae I 'am not able to but I have talked to aeveral engineers conoemlng . the scheme and they have told me that It waa not feasible. think that the best thing we can do is to proceed with the government work and accomplish that aa rapidly as pos siiile. The, -government would surely not adopt Mr. Sample's plan, and the only way-that it could be. accomplished would be by popular subscription. I do not think that private, enterprise would be able to build the canal. The eatl mated coat Is over 11.000.080. as I un derstand It. -and that would be prohibi tive so far as private subscriptions would be concerned. . .. "Anyway, .the Jetty will give us 40 feet of water, and that will suffioe for all the vessels coming into our porta. When the work is completed the diffi culties of the bar will be removed for all -time and vessels will have an ap proach Into' the river ' that will be 1 Vi miles wide and 40 feet deep. That will Insure us good harbor. ''. IS ' LEADER'S CRY Redmond Makes a Significant Speech at Ulster on National Unity in Ireland.' ;. BEET SUGAR FACTORY , PROJECTED BY EVERARD Religious Woman Leaves , Twenty : Five Thousand Dollars to PriesU to Pay Them for Praying for Her Salvation. (Jeans! Sjpeelsl SerHee.1 . Dublin, Nov. I. There are many significant algna of the growth of the spirit of -national unity- ln-Ireland and the triumph of the policy of concili ation. Nothing more strikingly illus trates tms man the character of the monster meeting which John F. Red mond addressed at Coallaland. Ulster, the other day, and ths tone of the speech delivered by the Irish leader. Every county ln the province was represented, which naturally elicited from Mr. Redmond a vigorous repudi ation of the calumny that Ulster is opposed to home rule. : The'' people of the other three provinces are practic ally unanimous. Ia Ulster alone is there any division on ths subject- But the substantial majority, even in Ul ster, is in accord with the demand for national self government. . , There appears a algntflcant declara tion in ths London Tribune, which claims to be a reliable government or gan that the battle for home nils is virtually won:"" ; ' "Mr. Redmond struck -a genrous and statesmanlike note yesterday when ha preachea a policy of tolerance anoV con ciliation towarda the province' which he described ss 'gallant Ulster. Mo long as the majority in Ireland waa bualed in fighting a long and uphill Dattie. orten againat an human hope, for the Ideal of aelf government, they were compelled to carry, on the feud with the minority which had the sym pathies of. the ' governing classes in England. --Today Ireland haa In effect wort her battle, and shs can pauae to remind ths minority that It, too, will profit by self government.' ' Beet I agar Industry. According to many experienced busi ness men ths time haa arrived when a beet- sugar factory might be estab lished in Ireland with prospects of suo cess. Ths - troubles In Cuba and the prospects of a sugar oomblne in the United States, is viewed with . some alarm in Ireland, as It is felt that the price of sugar would enormously in crease. If cane sugar goes up, beet sugar Is bound to follow.- ' Colonel Kverard, who was ths first to see the possibilities of tobacco cul ture In Ireland- and demonstrate Its practicability, IS -equally as enthusias tic, with regard to the growth of beet In Ireland. He points out that Ire land imports as much aa 1SS.000 tons of sugar annually, most of which he believes might, bs produced at borne. The oolonel maintains that ths beet grown in Ireland is quite as good aa, If net superior, te that raised in Oer- many, which has 400 beet factor-tee pro ducing two mllllona tons of sugar an nually. When his attention waa called to the fact that Germany haa protec tion, he replied: "True.' Germany haa protection and France feeds her beet sugar Industry, but a patrlotio preference might be aa efflcaoloua in Ireland, especially if the price of Imported augar. rises apprecl- Ths colonel is endeavoring -to get some of ths wealthy men interested in tha .industrial- development- movement to examine his beet growing scheme. Marked Development. Some indication of ths growth and development; of native industries In Ireland may be gathered from a gov ernment return Just Issued. It is re corded tbst there are 14 coal mlnea em ploying on an average 760 hands, 14 Iron mines employing ISO, and tl other mines employing about 400. There are (37 quarries giving employment to about 1.090. . What la considered aa most remarkable la that only five fa talities have occurred during the last 11 months In connection with these in dustries. John P. Boland, M. P. for' iCerry,' who is an enthusiast in ths promotion of native industries, says: ' "If It ware not for extortionate rail way rates we could double ths output of coal, marble and granite in the next It months. Great thlnga are expected from the commission of Inquiry on Irish railways which Is now sitting- In Dublin, but I personally havs very lit tle hops of anything ' practical arising out of it. Until ws have an Irish par liament, the preaent railway ayatem tn Ireland will never undergo any sub stantial alteration." One of the strangest wills of modern . A Teat of Bloo4. ' The year 1901 will looff be remem bvM In the home of F. N. Tacket of Alliance. Ky., aa a year of blood, which flowed so copiously from Mr. Ticket's lunnn that death seemed very near. He writes: "Severe ' bleedlnf from the lunrs 'and a .frishtfnl eouah had bmusht me at deRth'e door, when f be-H van taklns lr. Klna'e New Discovery for Consumption, with the aatonlshinf result that after taking four bottles I was completely restored, and as time has proven permanently cured." Guar anteed 'for Bore Lungs, Coufhs and Colds, at Red Cross Pharmacy. Price I0e and I1.00 Trial bottle (res. . CONCILIATION How to fool a lazy Liver ,wjth Artificial Exercise . SMiBskweswasi . TJFVERY serious Sickness haa a LaA small beginning. Is" - i. i- .i.. ..... . J ten. that beginning la mads . tn ths Bowels. ' Constipation Is ths beginning of most- disease'' IVpaVea ths wsy (Or all others. T- ' vLack of exorcise, hasty eating, im- - proper food, are Its first causes. , Laziness, and postponement, permit It to grow into Chronic Constipation, which. means life-long Discomfort." V . t It Isn't necessary to bo ' know. In order to be mighty ujicomfart- ble. ' ";: V: , ",'''.' , Even a slight Indigestion affects the nerves, dulls the mind, and obscures the . merry sunshine of Life. -' ';..... ' o .. The time to adjust tha. Bowels is (ho very minute you suspect they need ad justment. '-' . -" ' ' . -H your tongue Is slightly coated, 1 If your breath Is under suspicion, ' ' If your bead feels a trifle heavy or dull.',. . v; : " v- V , If digestion seems even a little slow, ' If Heartburn, Belching, Collo or Restlessness begin to show themselves, - That's the time to eat a Casciret. ; It acts as pleasantly as It tastes. It la as congenial to your Bowels ss It la to your Palate. ( ; . , It stimulates the muscular lining of tha Bowels and Intestines, so that they mechanically extract nourishment from the food and drive out the waste. '; : " . The only wsy to have Cascarets ready. ' to usa precisely when you need them is to carry them constant hta your PocketvJ as you oo a watcn or a Lead pencil. The ten cent box of Cascarets Is mads thin, flat, round-edged, and small, for this (precise purpose. - - - n7a Be very careful to get the,genulno.: 'made only by lie Sterling Remedy Com pany and never sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." All druggists. - Portland's Widely Known and 'Successful Chlness ' .Medicinal. . Root and Herb Doctor - Bis Iismm reisnes, the tnsnetssts"" et which we Import direct frosi the Orieat Is large essatltlas ss4 srvpere sa4 pet tot ess la sis p-te-Sate UhetsfT. mwrmrf, Mxmx or ras et ur klad aeia, rarely fh Doctor troets seraMsrelly sad sssnetees t ran ill stmara troables. eaurra. sstswe. hras. throat. rhHMrla. miiaiiia, .Uear. klUMV ess lot maahoBd. rutaxa raotrstcs aim ui rarvaTS .. . SiBXASZa. ' - - - Ifs false er IsleadlBs- statesMsts te the sfSleted. A. safe sod lasUns car la the qolti. est soeilble tin snS et Ik fewest eget see, Slbl for boaeat trMtsieet. If roe eaaaot call, writ for eynetew) SlssS mm eirealar. tnrloe 4 wata I ataaip. eoimrtTATrov nzx. She C. Sm Vii Cttiaaes sUSioia Oe let) sins St., uar. atamsaa, raraaae, vi, taiaapas. 7oman IstatereMed and thonld ksew i aoooi s weBoernu MARVtl wblrHM Sorav iThe-aaw VatM Srrtm Ml te non au amnwn Man sat. st M oat ceoTaalant, If ha aannoi aapply toe aaaakw Ban aouapc BO ouwr. mit aans ttmp roe 1 11 uairatcd book waka. It fiTae fall particular, and llnwtiona ln valuablatoUdiaa. Siantai. ' as m. sea st- naw imk. woooaao, cLiaxK oo. astj tan-sAvu DRUO CO S STORES. Scott's Santal-Pepsm Capsules k-aVPosmvE cure For TnflaaiBjatloa erCatarrh of the Blal1ar and Dlaiwaad Aid. ra. seetrasaeraT. carae ja. Ri"' Pi qdlckir aad ftarmaaenlir lbs wont eaaaa el i eaai and Stoat, ae aiauer ot haw loss ataadlnf . Ahselataly harmlaaa. Sold k drasaiatav riioa Jl.eS. er by Siatt, fae. Bald. 11.00, 1 hozas, tXlK THE SANTAL-PEPSIII CO, BelMeatatae, Okie. kr Weedaiw. Claike Oat. For Kldnei Bladder TroubUs RELEE YES IN 24 Hours ALL URINARY DISCHARGES Saeh OaD- ."""N. faole bearalMIDYl ttmmn tf nmmieifMU Fnyaala rail dranlsts. times has Just been proved In the Pro bsts courts In Dublin and discloses, re ligious enthuelasm of a singular order. An Irish Cathollo wofrian connected with one of the oldest families In the weat of Ireland haa just died, leaving a substantial fortune. She bequeathed no. less a aum than $21,000 to varloua Roman Cathollo priests In Dublin and other parts of Ireland for the" purpose of Jiaving rraaaes said for ' the repose of her soul. , From Inquiries made In official Roman Cathollo quarters this is the largest sum that has ever been left In this or In any other country for a similar purpose.. Considering that a dollar er two Is tha usual offering to a clergyman for saying a mass for such a purpose? rt win be Interesting p know whether many of theae Roman 'Catho llo priests who are now mostly old men will &' accomplish the taak of exhausting the fund wtiluft this pious lady has committed - t . their charge. While she has acted In such a generous spirit In the Interests of her soul, she has only left $1,280 for the-poor of her native place." Probate of the will haa Just been taken oufr by her brother, Sir Charlee Orattan Bellew of Mount Bel lew, county Oalway. . . One of the best pieces of real estate news In The Bundsy Journal will be the Coos bejr nextj sd :' . (Si Tya-Evoiy :irzrr:r:xzssu:s:zssszni WE CURE ' MEW FOR , t ' - . , " If your system is impaired in any way, come and have a , talk with us. ''.."!-,";.:.."'':.'" - .' - ' ; - ".'.'.1 ' - We msy be able to set you. right again if we can cure' you we would like to undertake Vour case. For many yenfi vye have made a , - specialty of MEN'S DISEASES, and we know we can cure you, IF your case is curable. Experimenting and theories are things of the past Our treatment embraces the moat modern and scientific prih- . ciples, founded on years of successful practice. We cure bv the latest snd best methods known to medical' science VARICOSE or KNOTTED VEINS, BLOOD POISON, NERVO VITAL .DEBILITY, BLADDER AND "KIDNEY TROUBLES, snd all yassociate diseases snd weaknesses;' with their reflex com plications, Gonorrhoea,. Gleet, Stricture and Weakness. i We have cured thousands. If your physical condition is impaired. "If your vitality is Assailed from overwork and worry, if your System is tainted with disease in any form whatever, YOU OWE IT TO . YOURSELF to seek and obtain restorative power at once... ' . HOME TREATMENT. If you are in or near the city you should apply for treatment in person, but if you live too far away for this, write us a full and tin-. reserved history of your esse. You will receive ss careful, conscien tious snd painstaking attention as if you came to our office1 daily. -As men in different parts 'of Canada -andMexico,- as welt asatt over the Unfted States, are being cured by our system of Home Treat ment, we feel -fullyxjustified in claiming that it is' the most perfect and successful system devised. ; :.; . .!'' -U . . Hours S XoStJXo3 3L Daily iSundaya9 to 12. . St. Louis MEDICAL AM SIRGICAl I. COR. SECOND AND YAMHILL ncncxzszszxxxzzzzxxiuiiiiiiiiizzxiiKxiiiiHiaiiirn My Fee Only mm Which You Pay When Cured - I want to Impress It ujpon every weak man thst I can make him ' strong, vigorous, healthy, alert and free from every taint of dlssaae and weakneaa.: I have limited my -peelalty tn practice to only a .feWof the more Important disorders, so that I eould KNOW theae thoroughly. My experience ttlong this one path for twenty-five .yeare qualifiea me to aay positively thnt such trou bles as Spermatorrhoea, Xrfst Vlror, Tarteo oele, Hydrocele, Chwonhoea, Syphilis, Btrio tare aaA "Weakaese" can be cured perfectly so as to stay cured. Of course I use dif ferent methods than tha ordinary physician. Most of these are original' With me and were devised for just such cases as the ordinary oourses of treatment fall, to reach. - The Scientific Treatment of WeaknessLg t .v - - .- .-Dosing the system with powerful stimulants snd tonics In an effort B to restore tha functional vigor can have but one final results Ths con- J dltlon Is rendered worse than before.. "Weakness! Is merely so Indlca- H tlon of a low form of inflammation In ths prostata gland, and, this in-' & fiammatlon Is but sggravated by stlmufatlng remedies that excite iem-t, fa norarr activity. I ernDiov the only ment for 'weakness," which effects a permanent cur, by restoring the prostata gland to a sound and healthy state. I obtain complete results In every case I treat Interesting literature and a beautiful engraved chart free If you will call. ; EXAMINATION FREE . t offer not only FREE consultation' and advice, but of every ease thst comes to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis without Charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert opinion about his . trouble. ' If you cannot call write for Diagnosis Chart. My -offices are open all "ds"y from t A. M. to 4 P. M. and Sunday a from IS to 1 only. the DR. TAYLOR co: 234& Morrison Street, Corner Second, Portland, Ore. 234 Mormon dtreec, (jorner aecona, fortuna. ure. m j 11 myHiimumiiiKuiiHiimimMiiiMiiiinia j ii- 1 . 1 1 . , ilin Honest Dealings WS make ao misleading etatementa, deoeptlve propositloas or- false promises. . We do surf promise to cure your ease la a short time, Kaowlaf It will take longer, but we guarantee a complete, aafe and laatlng oure in the quickest -Bossible time, -wttheut-leavlng lnlurttra after effects In the ayatem, and at the . lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and successful treatment. We havs ae free or aheap trial treatment, ao sohema to sell worthless belts, eto our educa--, tlon and reputation condemning all such 1 Jr Vi . Jll&!s J J methods. Ws care wham others fall. ' f A? ' & 'izZfS 1IEN WHO NEED SKILLFUL AID J) u- - Will nnd this Institute thoroughly re- iiV -wrsna Until, different from other so-called In- !?; mv"-'. ? stltutea. medical concerns, or special ists' companies. -Ton are Just as safe In dealing with thw Norton Us. vis Com n.nw . nrlfH inv Bhnta as xtatloaal iaak. It haa long been established for the purpose of curing diseases of men which baffle the skill of others. Go at once. Tou are safe In onr hands and' sure of a cure. . Men who are out of the city should write In confidence. Consultation and advice given free, you risk no cash. No secrete given away. ' Over 50 Per Cent of Our Cases Have Been Cured t a Cost of $ 1 0.00 and Many Only $5.00 -' ' Ws treat successfully sll nervous Snd chronic disease of men; also -blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney snd throat troublea. , ... . You Can Pay When Cured V Offleehours-ls.m.ts I p. m.; Sundays and hplldays, 19 a. m. to IS m. f 11 S!wwaMalshannnnnnwl DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offices In Van Noy Hotel. (2H Third 8t., Corner Plnei! Portland; Ot. m iaost a stb Kioamrr kxdioat, nrsTiTUTa ta ra . SOaTXWllT. stabllshs la Portland U 188S. . , Arvys.Ria ftiwear Ik FbH 1 Itromo Qci lOMlJayaCrka i5S I txauve CargtaCoMlsiOosDay, Ddryl :' ... , - '- Established 23 Years in Portland. ConsulUUoa Free No Pay Unless Cored : . ' : i"- . -, Many people do not rcalite that in this day and age methods and plans of treatment have been, so greatly improved that silments coniid: ersd incurable under the old farms' of treatment are now easily curable by the physician who bss kept abreast of tha times. Of all diseases pecu liar to the masculine gender, none requires more skill, intelligent, painstaking, conscientious treat ment than such as those who come under our obiervstion. . . "-. -' i 1 Dispensary STS., PORTLAND. OREGON EiuczxxxauszxxKxxsiisauiii mS xm 1 m. TA-rxom, Ths leading Vpeoialiet.' scientific snd fully effective treat- H ts H . M B M m a a Guaranteed Cures S. S. F. A. Kilburn res Osss Bay, Berets sad Saa rraMiaas. Meat sailing from Portland Friday. fXlvnea 11. Hast aslllog trow Sas Frenchx. Ttars., Oct. A CHAS. M. STEJELSM1TK, Asset. OaK Street Dock, Phone Main 2950 i 1 ii - r -a TRANSPOBTATICrJ. Siioiyldra asd uraorfPAuinc J Trains to the East Daily 3 Thioaah. Pallnaa -u4-J mfkA kMfal abM. Tf -ears daily to Osaka. Chleaso. Saohari wu. ampina-ears eaur le aaaaaa viif. ThroM,ttr.0H0In, ehalreairs (seats tisek te U j:t dally. . tlsios Dapot Uave. Arrive. nilo.o-PortUHj Sparta ret iSJ1" w Heatlnstos. dir. S: SO sat 14 mmy v.n "er for Baatara , ,. . , . -WaaJilDtoo, , Walla Walls.- ' lawl.ion, Coir d'Alaae aad lZ..t"'2hn ae'ets. iallr. sal Sef) aal Atlantl- K,pr,.a for the Bast HaattBsW Sallr.....?!. S:llsea tttS sst Knr.aadliill fee, for sn . , T i Pnlnta hatwrra Plfr aad PortUad. dally. .;".. SrlR sal S:0Ssi m. - coi.nuniA Rxvan Division. --. I !; t linn and Worth Draco. Steaoiae . i".ssda( Satardar. 10 f, a. Arrlaas boot S m. m.. sacapt Randar. . ' ' TAMHtLI, RIVRR ROtrrS. - ' Oayioo. 'Orsoa City and laahtn Mtt eomta ,- tfamara-Rata- and Modae, Asbst.- dork. s. tn. dallf, mrcmmt Suuday wataf ar uu? r Ar V- av daUr-- esc !! RrvKR Rorrra. For tewhtno. Iilabo, aad war points from Itlparla. Waah.. atyamara Spokane and, lwla. tna feava K:o a. ai.. or apoe srrlyai Trale No. . dally T-pt Satardar. Arrtye 4 a Ufy nrrnt mnv. Ticket filtr, .Third and WaahlBftoa sts. , Talnhom Main Tl. ' C. W. BTINGFR, city Tlrkrl rt ' Km. UcMCRRaX. Oenarsl PiiMuaf Afaai. EAST VIA SOUTH Untoa Da pot pvarland Bipraae -Trains Laara. . Arrive. for Bal'm, Riaabarf. A.fc- laad. Xa era mania. Osdea. -' faa rranclatw, Rtorktonv I-os Anayles. Rl Paso, .." New Orlaaoa sod the east. f:4S psi 7:14 klnrnlns train connects at Woxl burn dally sicypt , Sunday wttk-MoohT Angel ' ' and Sllyarton fecal. ....... S.-0S ss IM Cottase Oroya paaaangyr . . . " - eonnacts at Wosdburn and " " . . -,: Albany dally, iirypt Sun- '..'' day. with tralna for mints on Woodbara-SprlnsAeld and ' ' ' Albany-lbanon branches.. 41R pm 11-SOaia roryallla paawnrcr., 'I)ia t.Mmm Sbciidan paaaaow. ....... 4:10pm einioosni K-WMt Oroya paBer....Il:n0 am !T:S am Formt Oroyy paaaenavr.... IIS:20 pnt 111:60 pta uauy. HPally sweeny. JKrrERSONTRBRT STATIOH. ' For Dallas snd Intaraiadlata points dally, T;S s. my. and 1 p. nu Arrtve rortlaad 10:IS a. ib. and S:2S p. at. For tlaa aad card of Oawess aetmrnae tralna apply at City Ttckat Offlca, ar ststlos. Tlrkata to Baatara points and Fnrepet alas Japaa. China. Honnlula and Anatralla. City Ticket Office cornet Third and Wash. Instna atry. Faone Main Tlx. ... . C, W. STINORR. WOJ. McMTRRAT. . City. Ticket Acent. Oea. Paaa. Afynt TIME CARD OF' TRAINS Portland teste. ' Ar.'i'a, . VelloWatoae Par -Kansas City- .... St. Loata Special fat Cbehalls. -Cantralta, Olstpls. Cray's. ; Harbor, Son lb Band. Taemna. Seattle, Spokana. Lew'atoa. timtu. Rllllnsa. Deayer, Oma- -. as. Kaaaaa city. S(. LMlf aad Soothaaat, dally.;. S: SO pas 4:10 North laat i.imitao, eiectne Hrhtcd. for-Tacoina: Seattle. Fpokane. Butte. Minneapolis. Hi. Faal and tha Eaat, dally. I;00 paiT;0a i FafWt' Roand Mm Had, for . " Clarrowat. Cbaaslls, Oaw. ....... e : trails, Taeoma and Seattle enly. dally 4:10 pa S:8S I Twin City Eipreaa for Taeo- . sis. Seattle, Spokane. Helena, . . Bntte. St. Panl. Minneapolis. Lincoln. St. Joseph. Kanaae ' City, Omaha. St. Lonis. with. , oat chanre of earn. Direct , , eonnectlnna for sll polots Esat and Southeast, Sally 11:S ua 10:M I . TMl COMPOrnAIIX WAV. ' 9 Overland Trains Daily 7 'The Orieatat Limited, tha rant sua" Via, SSATTL ANB SPOKAN Portia sd time scsednle . , Dally. . , Dairy. Laara. Ante Te end frets Joehaae, St. Paol. -MlDDapolla. . . rmluth and all points ' ' .East vis Beattis StSS sst T:0O am 11. as mm 4 a0 mm To and from at Panl. . Minneapolis. Dnluth ard all points East ' Vis Spot ane S:IS pat SrOO mat Merthara ttaaauhrp Os, galling from Seattle fee Japaa and Xhlna porta and Manila, carrlag pas, senfers sad frelgbt, g. 1. Se.keta, MevemVae It. , T- S. g, MlnnMota. January S. VIPPOM TUSKS XAISHA. ' . (Japan Mall Hteasi.hlp . S. S. Tange Mara will eall frass Seattle snout Noyeaihef IS tor Japas and ports.- earaying paaseagars and fralsht. . ' For tli-hets. rates,- oeyth. I ass rye, ttooa. etc.. call ee ee sddress " C2L-?a"-s 2fwSl LViia Tse"eamt wtwfsws i - ' Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Dnioa Pepol ' Lseve, Arrive, foe Maysart, Rtlnter. CTats kanle, Weatport. Cuitoa. As. ; torla. Warrentoa. lar.U. ,....,' Jiammond. Port Steves, uaer- . art laih.. Sadktde.i :""? !SSS Aatorts sn seaanore. eapraan " 4jir T OO aal '" All trains dally. - fc - ....i.' a. . J. a MAYO. tl. r. tkd r. A.. Astnyts, C.A. 8TSWABT, Comnierelsl Aseal. SS Alder etreet. Pheae Mala Sue. Upper Columbia River STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer ten yes Oak Street dock evwry Mrtnlsv. snd VrUUJ st 7 s " VHa DALLIf SOU STATBJ Jr U "nectlng Oyea sUver t rertatloa Comiasy's . ' ' points ss fsr e.t m lOlt li" Ins srrlves Portland, I ueeusy, i dv and "iit'ird-iy at S p. n t orn i and esceiient service,. 1 iiuni . lata and tiUL. IQIoceeM snASMlfl . I - r