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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
12 TYPEWRITERS- llr MhjI ARM-lta foe m and retmlrt ' friti: niece .of au makes; so oar window,1,.. If you ara going lo b it new -typewriter m ua, Wfuie buying. .We ran save om money. - Wet beye jaru for repairing all machines. Stats! tu for tu Visible I'll.' l.ny ill of tynewruae. '10 . Typerwrlter Kxrnange, 'luc... Si. J. a.iiison, juans&rr, e-, intra si. VI eU Rsmlnatoss. ' Smlth-rTemhtre, IXiim bum. stc, tow than any other company; - tnrllst. I' adcrwood Typewrit Co lh. Bl.K'KKNNDKKFRK t 'writers. 40 end $50: supplies, rep trlng. 'haw at Ifreie. anKV Stark. STREET PAVING. WARREN ConsUnceVra Co., street pivtng. side walks snd erusalug. . 814' Lumber Kxchsug. XJIB Barber A'fhitt Paving. Oov of Portland. . dill M. WwwitM blk. " - -, THB BRKYMAN LBATHER CO., jobbers of saddlery. Hardware, Horse good, resteer, DM lugs auia alio srors supplies, erne uu mi, M. A. OtNrlT CO. - MsiwurTous of ftnf. cigabs, PORTLAND. OBEUO.N. ,,OJBi!ON Fiirrdtttre-Manafeetarlng Company Portland, Oregon. - .! ' 1 '. ' : B1IKKK, G MR ft flUAUAM lsc.) commission . merth.ata. jotters M rrui's, proauec. etc conslgnaisats solicited. 125.-Frout at. - FtKNITCKB msnufsrttirlng anil special orders, ' L. Eavensky's furniture factory , ai'T Front sL WADHAMa CO.. wholesale grocers. n ferturers Aid obmnUalua nwrchsuls..,, Vow to and Oak suu - '"- ... Fvrnma ft rARREI.1V produce And mm T' mission merchants. 10 Front, at.', Portland. Mr.. . 1'oeoe Mam . -.l ALLBN A LEWIS, coir, ml .Man and prodnee nw- rhants. rrout spa ltsvat sis... uortisita, ur, WHOUS8AI.B ewkery. and (lataart. Praal, HrtTla aV Ca luu to 104 a'Kik, cor. Stark at. WINDOW SHADES. . CALK WINDOW SHADE CO.. SOT Salmon at.. plain and fancy shadea mad to ardcr at kiweat prlras. CBona mm ...WINES" AND LICHJORS, X)LI M Bt'S, . Oalrfornta artna -dapoti all klnda , of arlna. Be a raaa. . woaa- a aft uaoaa- nsip- ara tiaaaqnarTara. 19 j ourut au ruona r, i ct(l 2183. PJ Lotatl-i. - - DAUGHTER SEEKS 11 Declares Her FatherMade It : Under. Persuasion .nd Urging 1 of Another Woman. ASKS THAT SHE BE- " . NAMED ADMJNIST RATRIX Declares in Petition Filed in County . Court That Making of Will. Was Not Voluntary Act on the Part of ' . Her Father,' '''v'- . AlWlnB that the "wTh flrawn by C.. P. . Erlckaoa was not mad by hi voiuii-. 'tary act, but. was xecuted unctr pr : suasion and undue Influence ' of Hanna C, Larao, . a petition .wa, filed ' In - the county court ytfst.efday afternoon., by K. B. Erfi kHon, a daughter of. the da .. ceasedVaskIng ttfat she be appointed ad ministrattix of the estate. .r The will has not as yet been offered for probate In the county oourt.'and Its .contents are not known. Mma Erlckaon forestalled the probating of the will by " aaking tbar she"beHppntnted--tnanas tbe property of the estate. , ; ' . ' 1. Erlokaon died In this city on Svptam- ber It, leaving- property aald to Wworth, , S 7,000, conalsting of real estate valued --st-tS.S00TUrpersoBiir property" othe amount of $2,00p. The. petition allrpes that Erlckson was not of sound and dis posing mind when he made the will, but that his mind was in a weak, enfeebled condition aa the result, of sickness.. It . also charges that the will would not " hars been executed but for tbe urging and persuasions of Uanna Larse. , , The heirs of tbe. deceased are said to be Miss' E. B.. Erlckson, daughter, aged 24 years, residing in Portland, and Eva , B. -Dunharrrr?ughter,' living in Mlnno ' apolls, . Minnesota. ' Attorneys Cole St J Cole "appear for the petitioner. .SEVERAL' BIG REAL ESTATE . DEALS ARE RECORDED ' Important - Transfers Made In North Portland, the East Side , i and Portland Heights. Several big deeds were filed yester day completing rm heavy transao tions carried over from last week. Tbe northwest corner of Sixth and Burn aide, including lots in the old Couch r sddUigrwjiTerarer -10 STOP-WILL- 3lilythe by 1 1L Lewis for the nominal i sum of $100,000. . ' - i Another sale in the came locality in volved 110,000. . The deal was made "by J.' W. Caruthers to James T. Bor- 'ron. A big transfer ori the- east side 'in which the valuation was $39,000 was - rcorfed. Property in Kavenswood to ,t he amount of $25,000 owned by Thorn 's x Connell was bought Jby J. O. Elrod. ''Ths eerner of Thirteenth and.AVash ington. streets sold for somewhere be : tween : I0,0rt0 and $100,000 recently. Onorge V. Rogers "was the purchaser, the original Owner being Morton Conn. . Jordan SV Uarbade made two smith sales in suburban residence property tills, week. Including a qtiarter of a block st Morrla atreet and Bodney. -ZS''ib' turns, ' . enue, the tV being $2,000.- B. InghertTiT aen bought the plee from W. t'pprecht. Anotber quarter block was' sold bv this firm to fJ. Bliss for $1,500 at. Shaver street and Clarfleld avenue. Both-buy jra (intend to inilld'-ind improve the-j proterty at ones. The nothweat corner f Reventeenth and TaanMU wss.Sold to ord Bengafake bv B. fiaken for $1.00. Thhr place will be improved St once. Trunk t. Ball paid $7,000 for a plnce-lOAilOO at Tifun-ty-flrst and KlandKra and will build a handsome home' soon. .Uncle Josh oa statrtmony. "t'TS seen folks get married for money ," S,ld Vm'lf Josh " this morn lnjt, 'Isti' then I've seen "em spend Snm aiv1 it .' get ntled sg'ln en's t' git tied ter higher" reasons, b' Jinks!". " - 'I " imtTOOt SBAIH KAKXIT, t. iJtwponi. Nov, 4rrMa! prlcaai WHEAT.. " I Ko. . Xmmht L,.'..,.... .......... m td Mai ...................... ! S'id Hot.' s. a ftV.-l v:,...,,vii 5k --THE TODAY'S Better Buying Reported as a Re- suit of the Recent lash - ;: o in Quotations, v ,' ; CHICKEN MARKET IS GETTING BURDENSOME tack of Turkey Supplies Is All That -; , Keeps the Market ; From Moving 1 Downwarfl -Eggs Are .Firm; for v Local, Ranch and Eastern; ; Prlncitwl tnarket f-atrea Mxjl , . Potato bnycrit out of market. ... ' :;: All la ulrt In hnp market. , Banaaaa arrlva In food aliapa. , tin ara holdlnit firm. " j I'nultry la v'ttiur bnrdonaoma. lch toraatuwa ara higher. - ' Onnd buying of aiiKr at decline. Wheat and Iluur cvetlnue alow. ' Goes' Buying of Sugar at Decline, Prtiapa not for many a day or alnce tha markrt ahowed tanoVBcy to eiaka heavy ad- vajirea in tlie orieebat .there bea auck bearj buying of wgur hy the tnil trade aa at the moment. K el a tiers, eaweeiaair tne larger rajea. are- now makinc auear a eerialt. and th reault la that roniuiuers are tnklug advantnite of tha kw fignraa and ara purcbaalng maro lib erally ttiatt tiaua.-- At toe new ngurea irw market la Holding its own in raci toe man la .better than' before the drop. Tha deellna -ef 4-and SWe wt a rooae aewa utln. valuei than baa. been ahnwa here In yeara. : aaa handlera air that there ought to be some re- acnoa rrom toia. .. "- - , " relate Bayer Out ef Market. - ' ." ' Praet trail all the largar buyera of pota. tnea for outalde marketa ara laying low at tbla time ao bava .withdrawn aU blda. Tha 1. 11, ullfurnla. la nut In the beat ahape, owing to the mueh target STrtvaja,; .Quite a jood lot ef tor k- bad a I ready been purfhavd br IScai HUrppe l" the aouth wba the dullneaa and derllne in values oeenrrad in San r'ranflaoo, and theae bnyrra .are generally holding their atocka,. be- if tier ehlDoed ther woaifl not receive a sufficient, price to net them a profit. , ,- - All I Quiet ia Hop Karkat. rhare is annaual (inlet la tbe hop market. neabtra aar that their eonneetione da sot re spond to off era from here, . aa they believe atocka can be obtalaed for lees money. On the other hand, gnawers do not aeera to be worry ing much ever tha future, ana are box, wiuing to sell vnder toe uwa ngurea. ,- - . . . - 'Bananas Arrive ia Oood Shape. rou cara of banaaaa arrived on . the street lau laat nlcht. and were found to be la tbe beat condition of anjr recant arrive 1. nran eeeelDta were mewhat belter today. and prices are not quite, ae firm. Home quoting lower.. - ' Tomatoee are firmer today, owing to tne light recelnta of ripe stock.. Prices generally Mgtwr. v- Irooaa are firmer, but nacbanged la value, larger demand tor beat, -r - " Paaitre la- Oettlag- BursenaooM, Recelnta ef Booltrr were nnnauallr. heavy for a Saturday, and -the markst la somewhat weaker. . Large buyers have neglected tha poultry market for over a week, aqd sraaU re tailers ara hardly at to take all the arrlTul. Had it ant been for the very short auppHea of noeltxT during tbe pent few days the ehln kea market - TMwl.l ee . ahewUur lower prlrea today. . This is tbe general opinion of the trade. ' ' Eggs ' are firmer, with beat randlrd local ranch atork at 35c. Heeelpt In till" line era very small. A a a result emtern stork la aell. Ing better. Prices la the latter firmer," toe. . " "Woest and Flour Continue Quiet. Continued quiet Is snows today is .both the wheat and floor markets. Rut a Small eskmnt-of burliur 1 reported In whfSt. sad this m only tor small milling areouut. No export flour neatness reportrd during the z-t boura. MlllMuff firmer, but anrhansed. Barley and oata la ..better, poaltlon. Hay firmer forbet. Brief Wotea sf the Trade, m.- AU dressed Bleats contlnne to show a' very firm tone, but prices ere atstlor.ary. Hotbouae lettuce remalna with lurk of de mand, and all aorta of prices sre ruling. Onlos prices remain alow, . but market is showing a tendency to firm. Prlcea same. Cranberry market is reported firmer with Improved demand. No change In values. ' Ueneral trade along Front street waa quite food -during tb day despite the rainy weather. Creamerr butter la juat holding lta own to day at . 9ic. Prac.tlrally ae osbtlde demasd oa account' of tha lower' prices both oa tbe north sod south. The' trade paya the' (Vdlowlng prices to Front tract. - Prices paid shippers ara lass regular commissions: - ,-i. ;r Grain,. Hour and Feaa, - . fiRAIX BA1S CalcatU, CV,e buying price; selling. HHe. WHKAT New dab, Me; red Bussiss. tc: blnritrm, 68c ; vlly, S7e. BARLEY New toed, $21.00; rolled, $22.00; brewing. $22.00. ..--. . COH.N Whole, $27.00; cracked. $28.00 par ton. aiEuiopetewi. OATS New Producere -price -No. 1 .white. $2.iO; gray. $22.00. 1 r U)1 K Kmtern Oregon patents. ST 00; tralghu, $S.aS: eiport, $.1.rj vslley. j.4k; graham, !a. whole .,wsest,.a.7i rys, 60. IV0O; bil-a, $2.75. MILLSTrKKr, Bran, $16 Wl per ton;" mid-' d line's HM.OO; aborta. country, $17.60;. city, fw.Su: ch..p, fiti.ousrai.oo. II A T Producers' price Timothy, Willnmette vall,y. fanry. fl1.ti0W12.O0; ordinary, flt.owj 10.00: eaatera Oregon. $16,000 hi. 00; mixed. $l0.ot'in.Mt; clover. $7.00; grain, fJ.&Oiad.oo; cheat, $7.M. ' , , , Batter, Zggs and Poultry. - t - BI'TTER ' FAT F, a. b. . Portia adSweet Cream. 2MC; sour, 26He. BLTTHK ;iry creamery, S0e;. eufaMe fancy. JfTR STTOroriTInaFyr 2 . 1"r. '"TC5rsn?5f. K"t;ati Brtra fanry candled. 3.1c; iwdlnary candied,. S2Vc; local and eaatera storage, Mijt 28c. , ' - , - I HKESB New Full ; cream, . flats, ', 1SQ 14HC young America. Inniie. . I'UULTUX Mixed ciiiikeiia, Vi't,J3c per lb; fancy hen. V-UiV6,c par lb; roonters, ali, 1U per lb; fryera, 12o per lb; roUera, 13c per lb; old durka. 12Mc per lb; aiirisg aliirks. 124e lb; geese, tKSlUe per lb; turkeya. Ki'iJlTc per Hi for old; dreeed.-20c Ih: aiuaba, 2.WiaJ.OO ear oos; ptgeons, S2.90 per dus. . . . -. . .. . Hops,' Wool sad Hides. "-- IldfS 1W crop, cliolce. lStl; prime te ClKiire,- 13c; auMllum to prime, liiWliWC; me dium. l.Te. WOOL 1(Kp clip Vslley, 20323c; esstera Or-S". !kc- ' 1 -- - . - MOHAIft New, nominal. BHKKI'HKINS Shearing, lBI20e eieb: short woul, 2.'''te; medium wool, M7&c each; , ciirniH UAKa ec, tllliKS Dry. No. 1,- IS lbs and up. li-, 17,!ie per Hi; dry kip. No. 1, 6 to ir, Ilia, lec; dry ealf. No. I, un.ler i IM. lr; salted htilea, teera. sound, 60 lbs and ever, lo&llc: cows, S'VflUV: ataga and bulla, aound,. sjtTt kip, 16- to S Il. "e; ealf. sound, unitrr 15 yje.'llc; freen. unaalled. ic leaa; rolls, lc per lb Mi; trae hte, salted, each, $1.2.'il.7B; dry, eebv ft.UNStl.6l.- colt blilea, l.'.'U.'rtie; goat skins.. mmnKiu. esrb, . llj(4 lie; Akgoca. sack, 't&vit $1.00. - -, Frvlts sad Vegetables. . FOTATOES liny Inn peloe. eaatera "ln!tH. rnali end t lackmnam IKjr; ordluany,- SOfci iiMrlng wive, yoesj $1.00 per ewt; 'sweets. I.'.i2.2s. OMONS JobMug price New Orngos'. SurQ $I.; buying prjee, 7(i,T6e garlic. tBe lh.- PKKfll f KCriS-Aprl.a. 7Act(fl.fA: oranges, Valrmis. "$4 i.'i'ij S.00; liannnan. ic II,: lemons, rhoiiv, SO MMv'b' 7&" per bn; fancy. $7.ui per oo; limes, Mexican, '$1.2.1 per lr); plums. 4"(ri.Vic tier era 1-. raniakiapes, $1 .2ft; grl"l. fl.Wti.7f.; watermelona. 7.V; peselies, $1.2-i; peari. $l.nOi 1.25; hark leherrlea. lie; ground cherries, B.Vu'.'C Per bin; ptnesiiples, Sn.IKi per da . . VRiiKTARLKS Tarnlpe. new, $1.00 per sack; carrots, $1 per sack; beet, $.BO per eark; Oregtst.. radlvties. 2oe -per dos; eablnige, (r av. I, I He; hell peppers, per hi: to matoes, TMjKie per Prate; parsnips, pucfifl.ra airing bepn. OreRon. ' 4c per lb; canll. Uewar, . $i$l.00 per dot; psss, IWic; OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND," SATURDAY MARKETS ! WHAT DEALERS SAY"; , OF LOCAL MARKETS - , e ; . By Everding V Farrell. WhUa poultry 1 receipts have; 4 not been at. all large this week, e e .business has bsea somewhat in- 4 active, and aotna buyera were ' e - rather- reluctant to. take -hoid. e- Most receivers, howevef, have e 4 . had little trouble in moving good, 4 4 -ft;ben and prima springs at prices. Geese are in ruiiuest it abuut 9c alive, and ducks sell very well at 14 & 160, Turkeys have t been taken promptly for- good, ' fat llvustock, with 20o for good dressed.. Wo are of tha opinion w Jhat good poultry will meet with a fair demand tha coming week. 4 , - 'i'hoaa who wlu be shippers of fancy 'dreascd turkeys and seese e , for the holidays will do well to : declare themselves in the near e future. This market will want an enormous amount of the same. . Small, fat veals ' ars still In ' very firm request,, us are also good, aolid hokfa. . Shippers will do well .to . make liberal ship- mcnts of those. - ' e e 4 borarrfdlab, -JltJIOe per. fb seilehokes, TSc per lioa; atiua.h. 7.V'ugl.0(l tier box: ak-rnlant. $i.60 per uos ounciiea; celery,. Ttiirf!oe per dor.; green corn. $l.t par. asAtk;--amimier - squaalt.- ...... ,..w 4, , aK:iiauv. I?' ' r,ir, iiu,iaina. jc; rranoert les, local. Sii.oooz,l.5U; 'spe'Cod,- $Mtt 9.00 per bbl. IjKIKI) FKliris Anwlea. evanorsted." H7c per ib; sprlcota, -lVnftloe per lh- peacnes, 12tn'tc per lb; sacks, Ifce per Ib leaa; prunes. 80 to 40, tftiic; e drop on eeehl-Hi email fixe: (lira r-Mlie,.i-l. i...w attaiz.. IK. CnilSirnla white, aiuW,c p4 fc: datoa.. golden, like per lb; fards, fl.40U1.60 per 13 1b box. Groceries, Muta. Ete, !. ' -,i SIIOATt All refineries t:ube, f 5 40;- aered, go as: fruit, granulated. . $5.8.1! dry granulated. $5.18; eon?. A, $S.U extra -0. rt.oa; goiuj-n U . .M; IU. yellow. f4.; Jieet, sranulaie.l, 4.p; . bbto, ll'c; bbla, 25c; wi: aoranca on sacs pssis. . (Above prices are SO days 'net eh quota- tloin.l , .. . HONRT $S.80 per crste. . COKKEB I'ackag brands, $i.i91T).71l. - SAX.T tViarae Half grouad. loos, ftt.00 per ton; 60a, SO. SO; table, dairy, 60s. $13,110: 100s, $12.76: bales. gl.A.: Imiwieteri,,rn.l. . AIM. H,uOl mar,-fif.tMyr-r.Ms. ftS.flO; erira fine; ooia, . rm, I'm, s4.oiJ5GO; Uverpool lump rrK'k. S19.60 ner tou! Aii.lh e,u-tr SU 1U1. iimhi. (Above prices spply to ssles ef lew than ear lota. Car lota at special prices subject te Suctuatlons.) ' , , K1CE imperial' Japan. No. ' 1. Set No,- S. !S '. e V W k..a v.. . , , . . Creole, Slae. " " Srhsl! whits, $.rsi; large " white, $3.: pink, $2.00; bayou, $3.76; Lluiaa. $4.75: jut-it-iiii n-ua, ac. NITS I'eanuta. Jnmha e nmr IK. Virginia SHStsc per Ib; roasted, suture per lb; Jspa. aese. fl5Hc; msated. 7u7i,c per lb; cocoa suu, hiOc per dos;' wa Inula. 17c per lb; plnennts. - Jo9UMe per Ib; hickory aata, loo per lb; cheatnuta, extern. lSCtf lew per Ib; Hraill suu, ISC'per lb; Alberta, 144J15c per Ib; fancy pecans. 15c; almonds. 18 ViW 19c t - - Meats, Fish sn Pravuiens. FRRSI1 hi EATS front Street Ilo. r.n Sc per lb; vesl, extrs, fic per Ib; ordinary, eT,; par lb; poor, 45c per lb; mutioa, (ancj, ($e per Hi: lanbs. 8(&c. inns. BAIWK. 1. i t;. t'ortlinrt park (local) hams. 10 to 14 Ihs. liie per mi 14 to 18 lha, lc per Ib; breakfast bacon, lti(22, per lh; plrnlca, lOVje per lb; cottage, -iae per Ib; regular short clears, nnamoked, 12c per .lh; smoked, 13c per Ib; clear backs, nnauioked, lie per 11; amokl. 18e iier- Hi; Dnlnn borts, 10 U IS lbs. unamoked, 8c per Ib; am-ked, tic per Ib; clear bellies, unamoked, 14o r lb; smoked, le .per Ib: shonldcrs. 12 (ic par ib; Pickled tongue. $0.00 una iter bbl. , . lwai. i.ahu nettle lest, 10s 1S per Jb. 6s, 13c (ier lb; SO-lb Una, 12c per ih; steam rendered, 10c, 12V.S per lb; 5a, 12,c yrT 10; r.ini(Hunu. 10a. 00, , , CAWFIl SALMON Columbia river. 1-lb tails, $1.80; 2-U. taUs. S2.T5: fancy, t lb data, $l.0); H-lb fanry 0t. $1.15; fancy Mb ovals, S2.75: Alaska tails, piuk, bi(U'-"c; red, $160; oomlual 2, tall, 2.(tO. . F1MH Hock rod. ..7r ner lb: flonadera.. ft tire lb; ballhut, 7e pet lb; craba. f (srl..V) per d5 atrliied baaa, J2Hc per Ib; catfish, luc per 10; aaimou, tniumoia nver cninoos. 7c;'aiiver slde, 0c steelhesd. 7e per lb: herring. 6e per Ib; soles. c per lb;, shrimps. 10c per lbr perch, 6c -per Ib: blark cid, Te per lb; tnmcod, 7e pee-ib; - silver aiaell. 6c jper lh; lobsters, , lu per Ib; freah mackerel, 8e per lb; rrswflah, 2e por dos; sturgeon, 10c per lb; black bass. 20c per lh, , OYSTKItS fihonlwater bur. oer rsl. S2.25: per" 115-lb nscr $4 25:niyrhr!s.- per ' gallon. $X25 perOlJb ack.$5.oa to $160. CLAMH Hanlehell, per bos, $2.00; rssar clams, f2.00 per box. - Fslnt, Cosl OU. Ete.- ROPB Pare Manila. '14Mc: standard, lgtiei slasl, 11c. -COAL OIL Pes rl or Astral Oaaea 1DU,o per fnl; water white. Iron bbla 14c per gal. wooden 7c per gal; headlight, 170-deg, cases 21Vsc par gal. - MA80UNC 6-deg, eases 24MO per gal, iron Mils IKe per gal. . . .- BCNZINli OJ-deg. esaea 25 pet gaL iraa bbla ISVjC per al. TI HI-KNTIM-Wih cases 0c pas gai, wooden DDia.-ud- per gai UHITK I Fill T.m Iota Ik, nee th- lota. 8e per lh; leaa lota. 8V,c per lb. WIRE NAILS I'rraest basis st $2.S5. ' I.INSKLli OIL Pare raw, in 6-btil lots. 54c; J-bbi lot. 6.1c; esses, 68c per gal; genuine kettle-boiled, rases. 80c per gal; 6-M1I lota, 64o; 1-bbl lot, 85a per gal; ground cake, car lota, $20.00 per ton; toss than ear lots, $30.00 per toa. ., CATTLE-DEHASBIS-IIOT ENCOURAGING Slow Market Is Shown in Yards . -Hogs and Sheep Firm . .".' - ; at the Top. "':'''. ' Portland TJnloa Stockyards, Nov." (.Live- Hosra. ' Cattle. Sheen. Today. ; 72 OS ais Week ,sgo ,.2W ' , 81 ... Month sgo 60 65 B(X Cattle demand is not good, despite the re cettiU. Buyers d mt tuke hold of supplies, sncl the market -is dull snd siow; with former prices barely maintained. Aaelatant Manager le-ml,l .aya this line Is very quiet. Hogs snd Sheep firm. . 0(f!lal livestock prices: Hogs B"t eaatera Oroi-on,, 8.8513 76 ; block ers snd China fnta. $.ar.(3 6. 1 Cattle Beat eastern Oregon steers, $3.2341 $.50, beet cows snd helfcra, $2.2Tii(j 2 50; stock era snd feeders, $2.60(2.75; bulls, $1.60. Sheep Mixed, 4ViU4 l,e; . lambs, 6'a5o. EASTERN HOGS STEADY Chicago Market Also Oood lot Cattle Bheep Btror. Chicago, Nov. S.Uveatoek reeeipta: llojr". Cattle. Sheep Chicago .......... ....i.ll."0 6.011O . a.") Kimni City 4..VJ0 , l,i0 . 4(V) Omaha , ... 8..V10 tH'l 2K) Hogs were ateady at yesterday's close, with 4, Boil left over ..from yenterriay. Recelptn a year ago were lS.otsi: Prtcrwt Mixed. r..0oft4 .424; gymd. $'l )(.46; rough, W.srjMG.iU; Hbi;-r-$.U30.sO. T 1 I'stlje, . , ' ; .- '.. ' Shevp Stfift.g. , VKITEB STATES OOVE&sltTMT BONDS. New York, Nov. S. Ooverament hrnds: iiste. . nin. . Ask. Twos, regletered Opt. to couton ,..,., Opt. Thieesi registered.. '...t pt. do coufion.-.. . OpL Simill boniiii ......".......a .... Fours, reitlttered. ' HT do conpoa UNIT Fours, ri-glstered. ......... ti26 doc roui,n. ...... 1U2S Panama 2a...' do eooiKin, . . ... i,, PStrlrt f Columbia 8-6 8a,. .... M4VJ I4 1051-, l"-"k i'2!e i2 12 l.H) 14 4j 'Pi4'i 115 I'M 1H4 1i4H 1',4 luu '4 ioi4 I (12 14 IMlH ion 14 l!4 hlllppli ne Inland 4.,. XeWTsrk Leadon Silver. ' -.' New i'ork, Nov. , Bag sUfer, 7lj Loadoa, gi!-S- J Too a Break in - Turkeys STEISOy'TOllElf T PIT Nearby Options Just Hold Their Own Strength Shown Early . in the Day's Trading. DEFERRED OPTIONS , ' " GET MOST BUYING May and July Close. One Eighth Cent Higher Good Gains " of initial Business Is Lost Later In the Day . Liverpool Options Unchanged., f RELATIVE WHKAT TAtVES. Nov. 8. N ; 3. Oslo. 1005. $ .' December Way ..... .$ .74 ; $ .74VA$ ..ia a .784 .TO July ..... .77 .00 4k Chlcsro, Nov. fl.--At the close tndsy -the woast market was- eeady with thei Iieceniber price around 74ie and Hie ilav t-7uc- The action of the market was murk the same as yesterday, with a atrung tone, . The opening trades had some show of bull strength. The advance stopped at shmit Hie same level at lefore on soma profit-taking sud selling airalnut weekly privlleses. Later tha market Inal lis early advanoa. 8om of tl:e ek-rutor lines Hi the northwest--claim that nri, nil ,h vh.Nt on the tracks Is held for country mlllhig people. There wss no sctkiu In corn of snr lmpgr tsnce. This market will remsia stubborn, tie doubt, aantil the coinrtry offers new corn mure freely snd mull iheie la a more Imimrtant volume of holdlnga. If this 1oea not CAme soon the market will art In armnalhe wltlr wbeat.i f-v-There -wiis ilH by-sctrrtty hi the ots rrartf ror tus day; althonjrh thers wss profit ts king oo ths bnlye: the sdvanre wss well held. Official Chicago prices by Orcrbeck, Stsrr 1 - WHEAT. ,' - I ' Open. llltrh. low. Close, pecember 'U ,74 ,: T4V Mi. May .......... 7ft 701? to en. J"'r 77A4 -Wr,-' 71ll ;.. 77-4- COBN. in 44 - . 44 OATS. ' Pecember slay tH En 4i4'- " SS"i 4t4 s.iij :i5i4 sr S3V , S3Vk 339. POKK. .:.'.' 1410 imill 1400B' 1420 1407 1412 BD 870 - Sg .... SH7A WW 847 S4T 8.-.S ' " 850 M0 . ' KIB3. - " TH6 - 7 CO 70 780 772 . 77J ; July..;... January ., ....1400. ...141T 1 sto ..... S5S iV 8I101 ..... TSS ... 7 76 May Pecember Jannary , i ktsy,,... January . , May AMERICA WHEAT PRICES. Mar. . 8 Portland . ... St. Louis ... Chicago .... iV4 5314 744 istuas tjity Mllwsnkee .. (ISU A ... 74V. - 884 ,..Ss 644d ;7 New York .. Liverpool ... Oaeh club. Blneatem. PORTLAND STOCK ' MARKET International Coal Sails os Eiohange at - -r ef, 67 Cents. Sales on the Portland Stork exchange were 3.010 ha res International Coal at 67c and 2.0110 oiniiwr av oc. - -, orticlal prices: ' '? ' , BANK STOCKS. :.'.. . Bid. Ask. nana or laiirornia..,,,, Merchiuits' National ;. ., (regm Tmst A Savings ..w 85 .... 160 .... 110 rorriana xruat t. ...... 120 I'M ST Bankera' A Lumbermen's L'quitable Savings A Loan United Btstes National BONDS, O. B. ft K. Ry. 4s.., Portland Ry. Ssl City A Suburb! n 4a.T.7.... 200 , 100 10114 J2 .... Aseocuted oil oa. .. 0. W. P. A ny. 6s. 102 104 ; ' 8. MISCBLLANBOUS 8TOC:K8. usmpheii s t;as Burner.......... Aaaoclated Oil I'nlon Oil I'aclflc States Telephone....... Alaaka Packers' .-.....,,,..,,,,, Home Telephone , M, .,.,., Puget -Sonml Telephone.,-,,,.,... Oregoii Life Iimuraues......... Cement Products - V.,,.., J. C. Lee Co................., Va.rolna Bay Telephone ., Or, son city Mill St Lumber.,...; Independent Una , t - . MININU STOCKS. 44H 2i .101 -6aH J io2 'is 1000 r,o 120 10 10 80 Nicola Coal f4 04 63 04 Hrlil.h Columbia Amsl. . Intereathinal Coel AUieka I'eirolenia 110 AS Aiseks pioneer Htsndard Con. .....,....-...',, 10 Oregoa Securities ...,..., ogu ' lees Creek tiold. .......... .i)lL Tsroms Bteel ,.,.,.,;, ... "11 GsJIaher .,.....,,.,,,',,. 04 "A ' Bullfrog Terrible 11 44 H TO 124 05 V, tioiconon 1 . . . . . KorihTsSview. JUL 05 I sacndls . Lorky Boy ...,..,,, Plxle Meadows . 0 ,04 02H 33 00 10 Bine Itlver tiold... 60 '' (larvln Cysnlds ... Stir Con, COEUB D'ALENE DISTRICT.' 10,00 1.00 10 anowstorm , Hnowshoe .,. v.'. 3. 15 S.4n- Heels Ranibler-Carlboo Ruth i'on. Happy iy ..... Aax Alameda ....... Rullloa ....... 31 30 -.10J4 . IS 27 St VI 02 T4 . 11 20 ; 07 2 tier lie Conner Klne Kl'ark Copper SAK FKARCI6C0 IflVINO ZZCHAKBE. Ban Francisco." No. S. OfflciBi bid pricej ... a a ... r. ..... . . -ices: Belmont .....$ S.60 Cash Boy. . . ,. . ,14 $:.87" n.7l.i. . .- .B.IO ' 1.2.1 .45 .55 1.00 (iol.len Anchor . .nil Mexican Home .24 Caledonia ' KxchpQuer - ,,,, Norcrsiaa Jold Crowu... (ireat Bend.;. Keaeue niurk Butte Ex. Tramp lold. Belmont., Jim Butler., MarNamara , Midway .... Montana .', . North Stsr. . Ohio rr Tonopsh Ex. 1.671.4 .86 2 8l 4.30 .48 ' .2T T 2ft .23 .70 ..2T -.04 .80 . .55 .64 - .It .15 .611 .23 . ' .14 .1") .22 .14 .10 .OS .2 .114 ' .115 .25 .m .04 .70 . ..53 .18 .1 .61 .20 .83 ev-Kla . , SVet End. Adams ,. A tb. lit s . . BlueboU r 20 60 2.45 . ,18 ' .65 .20- Montgomery Mt. Sonnet Kceptre-"? Mniihsttnn . , , , Kiyha Hum.,, ilex tee - . Roo4b .01 Columbia Mt., .75 .20 .;w Con. Qnsrry,.. IHamoudflrld 111,1c , (loldfleld ..... Jumbo do Fxtensloa Kendsll ...... Iiguna - ...... May Vfivea.... Mohawk Hed Top.,,... Rimdsbrtrm Silver Pick... , St. Ives.,..-... National Bank pentex -Kcllnse ..'.'..,. Gebl Bar...,, Or. Bullfrog. . Stelnwsy !lra liny ....... ,t(old Welge.. i ine . ritar l i2V4'0reat"'Bend E. 8.06 I do ' Annci.... , .77 ICrrsrenf ' .71 i Cowtmy , 1.65 benver Annex., ..15 JllMll. ft Heenl. 14 75 Black Rxx'k... 3 is. Y. Cooeol.. .78 Manhattan Con. I r"i Little joe,,.,, .82 iMayOower .... .04 llnmpfng Jsek., 1.70 lied Top K... i.ihj aiiiwrang 1.4'lt H'llll Hillfrog Mining .is Triangle c4 ISturllgbt KXW T0KK BABX STATEMENT, New Yotk, N,ot. Bank ttatemsnt: ' .;..."' Jecrse Reaerve i.. S.tro.Min Heeerve, less U. 8 3,8u,075 l-"ai .., 0.IM.21S) fnecle s,ST.4a Legs Is ..........,.,,,.,,,...,.,,.. 45.(M pepislte ; 18,871. ('(i Circulation aoO.OOO laersaaa, . .7. ' " ". ' EVENInG.. NOVEMBER 3, ffeavy-Receipts of Chickens Wifl Causa Values During the Coming Week Are Wanted Badly by Trade. L. LIST.OP HT THE CLOSE New " York Market Is Boosted -During the Short Session and - Favorites Gain. - BAWK STATEMENT CALLED UNFAVORABLE Canadian Pacific, St, Paul and New York Central the Leaders Gain of Two,', Points -Is Shown In the St. Paul.. i : -v5 KET CAINS ! .; WMcxicao Central.. .,.T MiN; ,l".CVntrst... ... ' nt.' & Westera:. ... 1 j Norfolk' , i Northern E'acKic. , ll'enuNylvanls ..v.. Anacmila 1 - Iicoraotive Shelter ..- Anacouds 'tmlrn Krouklya ....... Canadian Ontral Leather. Bt. i'anl ....... 1 feitioi.tuern t'acino... 1 .Southern Hy, H It - H'ni m Pacific,,.-, , H Loulavills A. Kill, g, Kteel,, Sugar ...v.... ... i;pli)ttri 'PaclHc,, Atv-hlsou sj n i muni is a 2 1K.K-k Island....... - t;iTeuwsse Conl... ' ll ' j. ,.... . Great. Weatera. Colorado, tad., title .......... The New York stock market closed generally Wither today. The bnuk atsteoient was ton lilered somewhat .mifavortble, but this had Jlttl. effect niK prlecrnskiug. Causiilu Pu rifle, , t. Paul, Mexican Central RUd New York Central were the lead.- snl anowru good ' f ahisr "TherffT.'ar'Ttri'ssnrs cuv Aincru-sa Sucar Uefinery and Omit iWestfra. ' . officl.l quotations y "Orcrbeck, Starr Cooks Co. ! - .' " ' ' . a mi H En" - PBSCRIfTlOrl. Amsl. Copper Co........ Am; Oar e, wuad,, eB. do preterrefl,. Am. Clot ton oil, com.... Am, LocoMJolivs, com... Am. Sugar, coin An. Smelt. com...'.,... do prefiu-red ..,'...,.. Aiiscotuls MjnUig Co. .,. . A ifi, Wooleu. com..... .'. Atchison, com. . v. . . iki preferred. ,,, Baltimore A Ohio, com.. ' do Dreferreii. . , 1111,111-14 TMH4 -13. AA 101 35 ..IS 36 I 4, 4 TIVj. 74 I v 1 1 .1 IV : 1 1.1 1 1 1 Va 1 5.-. w. 1 5.1 ,t . 1 64 (t H W US I118IA 11 lllt'i 270 f 8754.12704 272H 8i I 35 , I 83 I11tilll'il"l4 l'tl I tot 1101 no; 111 llll'il HI i-j 80 vt, Ul 80 0114 7ik 01 i 8H! ' Brooklyu 'Tbil'ld Transit, Canadian Jfaclftc, com... Central leather, com..,. 175 S 178 1751. 17644 Mil 174 379, 174' do preterrea.. 102 Vi 1 Oil. A U. W., eoni..... Chi., Mil. ft St. Psul. .. Chi. 4k N. W com...:.. Chesapeake ft Ohio Colo. Fuel sV Iron. com.. Colo. Southern, com.,.. lit I17H4 172 i 20414' 68 62 4 88 Mi " 64 62 .37 X on , 82 38 "ST 44 82 381. 89 "' do 2,1 preferred, . , . . . do '1st preferred-..,., , Pelaware ft lluuena...,. Uenrer ft R. e) com... do preferred , .... Erie, rm do 2d preferred "dci laf oraferred (UUiJ 219 ' 2It4 218V4 218 - 40 30 14 88 T5 4 1724 144 143 4i 8i4 0814 iTiliiiola Central. 1T 173 172 Loalavllie ft Nashville.. Manhattan Railway Mexican Central Ry.,,.. M., K. ft T., com.....,, 10 preferred. Federal Smelter......... PHtlllers Missouri PaclHc ....... National Lead , Neirt York Central., v. .. N.T., Ont. ft tVestera., Norfolk ft West., com... do preferred..,. North American ,.1. 143 1444 143H 28 2:i 84 884 (Kl',t 80 IMU ' 7.". lj 12!li 454 04 88 4 804 21(1-4 3 -I OS 88 , 69,l 4 7H 128 "4 .46 V4 ll 'IIBH 43 "A I 45 V4J4 044 84 'in' BO' S84 Northern Psclfic, com. 211114 2184 1-1 Pacific Mall S. S. Co.. Pennaylvsnls Kellway.. P. O.. L. ft C. Co,.... I'resjed Steel Car,. Cora do preferred. Reading, .corn ,. do 2-1 preferred.,,,, tlo 4tt prefert-ed..... Rep. Iron ft Steel, com. Kock Island, com. .-...7 an -a 34 144 4 14 88 r, 5-4 oa .34(4 84 148 1474 144 14!ti H.f 01 8,'iM ?St 88- 091, 01 W 8514 28 ti 3544 281.4 2S , H , 1 " ' ' t . . ....... St. CT S. V.. 2d pfd. . - TO S2 404 70 02 14 44 t4 Ilk 00 isc preterrea. Southern srn Pacific, 01 do preferred... 1184 Southern Hallway, com,.! 84 34 4 03 do preferred, .W4 Tennesae Coal A Iroa.,.1 Texss ft Psclfic Sflii S3 159 38 V, 88 V n it, Tel., St.'L. ft W., com. 344 34 34 8414 w preierrea. no t no Union Psclfic. com.,... . 182T4I183 5414 18214 12H do preferred ....I I.!... U. S. Rubber, com I 4!il sou 824 401.. 10514 4TU 4014 do preferred.... ..,,.(107 IKI7H 107 47 108 'is' v. a. nteji tai., com.... 47 do preferred. .e.,,. ,1.1100 Wsbssh, com....,.,......,., do preferred 42 47V4 107 '421'i S8 . ; 1(8114 wBBTern i.'nion leiesrspni w Wlaconem Central, com..! 20 88 80 ' 62 87 28 J do prererred . . . Virginia Chemical ",' Total ssles day the 'dny3i(7.30d shares, ' ' BOSTQX COPPEB XASXET. Boatoa, Nov. 8 Official bid prioes: AilTentlire 8.12'4: Allouea.. Sll.23i. ArcaHlan m T; Atlantic, si. TWO; 4!lnniet. $855; I'.IW rennisi. v.,: 4 orpcr Hnnre. a to: Ial- West. $20; Franklin. $2.73: Orerne Consolidated 82.1: ttramby, $13 25; Mr as. $l8.o; Jlohawk, $i50;' rteTBiia , oneoiiuureo, 00: CortB llutte, $Iin.73..4)ld tonilnln. $2.30! fhtreola, 8127; Qninej', $1112.50: Rhodi Island, $460; Boysl, $28.60; Sant Fe. $3;' Fbannon, $18,874. Tarn orack. $ino; Trinity. $11,874: United Copper. $67.50; VlctoVIa, $8.26; Winona, f Kt.SOr-Wnb Terlne, $133; V. 8. Mining, $84.60; $13.75; Butte Coals," $-17,324; Black Monntsln, flu; Calumet ft ,Arlaona. $14; Superior ft Pitts, $78,874; Bostaa Consolidated. $32.60; Csnna nea. $.4.30; Arutooa Com.. -'!7i Nennlaalmr. f 30.76. ; t POBTtAKD BAMK STATEMEW,',' Clearings todny . ................... $l,044;o34.R7 Clearings year ago................. - 70y.2U8.30 -Gals today.......;...'. .$ 339,800.27 - - sTew York .Bond Markst. -L. New York, Nov. . Official prices: Bid. ' Aak. Burlington Joint 4s. 110111 w 44 N. ft N. unified 4s..,..., ..', 10S - N. ft W. Cons. 4a............ lial Atlantic Cnsat Call 4a . 90 H0X O. B, A N. 4s..., .............. .,..10114 - , ! ' JTEW" YORK C0TT0M MARKET. New York. Nov. t. Cotton futures closed 1 to 4 points lower. 1 Official Quotations , by . Overberk.' Start ' ft V'ooae company: Open. P88 , HlRh. tow. Nov.$.Nov.2." 0(16 S85 PH3 Halt ..(,;.-. 7 Hail 1010 IO.10 Kaffl 1014) 1013 1 lOOT I01J . 101.1 1021 lulO . . IrtiT lozn i... 12I ll21 1028 1020 10LH . lO'JO sl . P81 BS8 , (too U0 ;7 83 B87 January . r enrtiarf . March April ..... May , .... H'lb f 1013 iiiit " 081 so Jane ';'.'; July November December 'Sew OrlsaBS Cottoa..'"- New Orlcnns. . LS.. Nov. S Sno cotton. stesdy, V "fJ, -BlDt lower;, mlildllnga, 10c. Livsrpeol Cottoa Market.' ' sHvertwiol. ' Nov. 8. Cottoa futures closed S to 10 points lowef; spies, -10 points lower. ' SALEM HOB MABKET. (Special riapatcb to The Jcurnol.) Salem. Or., Nov. S.Iropbiirers here are re. liirtsnt to give ont purrbnwt.. Iuls Ijich nmiid ft Co., however, hsv" made twe buys entlr, one st Newherg, con.lrtln of 64 bales fram A. W, McCully. at 14 cents, shd the eeon of LoAS Sine .of Mission Bottom, aa. grrgatlng 113 bslss, st 16 cents. -- . -- ... . Chloage Cath Whset. .', .'' Clilrago.' Nov. 8 Cseh whest; . No. 3 red. T44ii7 .r; No. 3 red, 72fl744c: No, 2 hard, 1 A l. I., 7 ' , . Va S k n ,'.( 1 Tl.. V, , THWrile: No. S umthertt. 1S L 6iMic: Ko... i sarins, m&fiM, - 190&. COUNT SAYS HE HIS SON V1 m.,Mt Km Seevln.. V Nsw York. Nov. I. Tha end of tha long litigation for the - possession of 8-year-old Arthur De FeHtetlca, son of Count Gyultt Do ' Festotlca, - who-la sl- legetl- to h v kldnupcd the faoy on March 20 laat Is in sight The father, who retains tha titular designation of count, -although hu tiocdmo an AmeriaaB oitlxen '49 years ago, was arraigned re cently In the' VVeat Side court, S few hours after ha had been arrested in the lobbyyof tha Imperial hotel on"-av warrant j- xour montnn oiu. , ' . ' , j It ia declared by tbe wlfa, Elsie IL Da Festotloa of NoL-14 West Eighty second street, that her husband visited tha hontte on tha data named, and, say ing he wished to take his son to a don ttat's, ran off with tha tifiy and ' re muined in hiding until captured. Khe obtained a warrant for hia arrest im mediately - afterward. ' Detective Ser geants Kogarty and Carey learned of the count's preaonca in the hotel yea terday, and they lounged around the lobby until the man appeared. , Ha sutpv muted to arrest qulotly, r . " rait Cur Blamatl. ''" De Featetlca says faith 'ure caused all his marital trouble. Ha waa 'mar ried in 13". in Now Jersey. His wife waS an ardent faith curist, he testi fies. In September, 1900i they sepa rated. The supreme court in Kings county gave little Arthur to the mother. The . boy developed aymptoms of en hereditary disease, Pe Festetlrar- says, and the. mother snd Elsie De FeHtetlca, ft daughter, treated htm. v - , Tha count alleges that tha child gained onlly nine pounds in flva years, snd that he feared the treatment might result in death.' Declaring tha boy was being misused .jand was atarvlng. he brought action before Justice Mnddox In Queens county. The petition was granted, and tha child elven to the father. Because.- of -a- tecJinlcality -the decrea wss revoked, but Featctlcs never' theless took the child by abduction, hi, wlfa claims, The count says his boy has gained 10 pounds since, tinder tresf-ment-by Dr. J,- Bwlnbrn Hopkins -of No. 52 West Eighty-second street, snd Dr. W. CPlympton of tha Poat-Graii- uat hospital. Just wher tha child now probably will be learned When tha count Is examined further. The accused MAJOR WOOD. HONORED OS VISIT TO CAPITAL ' Shown Mueh Social Attention and Giverf Special Audience by President Roosevelt. 1 i Major James Mcintosh Wood, who rs cently returned from, sn esatern trip, was highly honored st tha national cap- Hal. The Washington Herald had tha following to say of his visit; '".' ' "Major snd Mrs. James Mcintosh Wood of Portland, Oregtin, have been In Washington the greator part of the week, revisiting old frlenda and scenes. Major Wood, Who is the rfn of tha lata Burgeon General Wood, United States navy, was In-charge' of all - tha social functlona In connection with the recent Lewis and Clark exposition, snd It Is to Mm that the succew or artcceea or sncn occaaions was largely due. Having re sided many"ysrs in Washington before moving to the racinc coast, stajor Wood's intereat in me growin ana u en velopment of tho city was intensified. Hs and his "wlfs wera tha reclpiants of many social attentions - during their visit here, and were given, s special audience with President ' Roosevelt on Thursday morning. Wsshlngtonlsns who were in Portland for tha exposition gratefully, recall tha many .courtesies of Major Wood snd hi charming wlf.T. ATTACHMENT IN EQUITY SUIT IS NOT ALLOWED , Judge Sears In tha circuit court this mrirnfh held thst property -cannot bs attached by ft sheriff on A suit tn equity, snd denied tha motion made by Attorney II H. Northrup to authorise the attachment by ths sheriff of prop erty in this county owned by Ousts vs Keller, who . is now in Urea dorr; Ger many. Attorney Northrup represent Amalls Keller in S suit brought by. her to secure a -divorce from her huaband. Service of the rummona-end complaint was hsd by publication snd,. mailing a copy to Keller'a ddrass in uresclen. Judge Sears Stated that mere is no ruie In chancery thst suthorlses attachments of . property., snd such revolution In chancery procedur would not bs war ranted.. ' ' ' ."';' ' . risao Bows -Burns. - Uonrnsl Snectsi Service., -' New Tork, Nov. $. The Jacob-Brothers Plsno company st West Thirty-ninth street was burned this morning, causing a loss of $250,000. Bursting bsr rets of paints and oils forced the fire- men to fits - -. , .... y. HI -JwWl' KIDNAPED TO SAVE HIS LIFE " . ' ' ' JI V -vev ir . It: t . V.i f ' On the .eft is Countess Elsie 11. te f Featetlcs. On the right is Court Gyula De Fectetics. Below is their son Arthur De Festetics. aays he has been at a town near tli!s city Since the Issuing of tha warrant, f lUrriags .warning. TnJ i01 the count, aftor mur'n. litis t--t.lon, .In which the posaesslon of his b'i ' was concerned, was charged with ItsvlnsT kidnaped htm. The wife acted ns her own detective snd found her huN'oand in New "Jersey. "The matter Was xettlel. amicably."'1 -.-V ' . '- - Ths 'coUrU arid'HH wife !ep8r-.Uea bv agreement.' Then De.--Kent! fee sa'il Miles W. Beemer for fiO.OCO,. allesliisf that Mrs. Do Festcllca' affections tuul been alienated. NothlPg hns yet oon: : of the case. '. 1 - Tn Suns, 1901. In n slftped nrtlcle, Mi's. FeatetlcS said about per liu.himd: "H Is a man tvhft hi no faith In God or rnSn, Ths first thinsf he -tjlit my child was . to lisp ; -maledtutlo.iS against lta mother." ' - . . -; - Breaking of her mnrrtago she said: . Let my sorrow be s warning to girls w ho wnv 11 mscy -a- ttt)v K- 4i uan -derod my fortune. He hns beuten and abused ,me cruelly. He tnnk8ll ' r isrfjewela nd my - allvcr. H '"Ok my iTsughter'a Jewela snd plsno snd turned ...a A v. . 1. - ' . ASERIGA KILL CIU-JAPA'I DOIrVH FOR HAVIKG SPY 'V;- '' ': t"..'--' -' ' No Results Expocted -Mikado ' Will Disavow Responsibility ; ; yi'; ''; and Apologize. . (Journal Sorclal Ber, Ice.) ( , Washington, Nov. J.---H Is stattd mon high authority today thnt tha government - will undoubtedly makw resaresentatlons to .Tnpan nh account of tha arrest of an officer sketching tho fortlflcstlons In Manila. No results are expected. Japan Is certain to dis avow the responsibility.,. and apologUe that an "officer should bo so Indis creet,": ' . '.'- ,'-"' i " ': An army officer snys 'that ' the gov ernment doesn't "care if the foreigners do manage- to sketch ths forts,' as It will ..only Show therrLtJie;.fji.Ulityof.. trying to capture them. r .. , Rumors lately; have come to tho at tention of the .. military Information' division of the army that ths Jnpanesa srs busying themselves Obtaining In formation not only In the- Philippines, but in this country. , Army officer be lieve the Japanese ars following tha same plans to acquire Information re garding American military matters which wars, employed against Russia prior to the war In tha far enst snd think thtaMs ths outcome of tha pref- . ent controversy between this, nation snd Japan over ths antl-Japaneas feel ing on ths Psolfle coast, ;V '.' . WOULD PROTECT LAND' 7 . FROM INVADING TEAMS ' -1 ' V' ' , 1 : ' . ' Theodore Bernhelm 1 Sag - begun suit in the atate circuit ootlrt for sn In junction restraining . workman em ployed bjr Ells Tslbot from driving teams across his property In Council Crest Park. Dernhclm alleges also . that preparations to move s dwelling houss scroas - the -psoparty srs being ' mode, which will nsoeawltata ths cut ting of trees lhat srs growing on" th property. It. is asked that ths injunction-forbid such proceedings.--. Attor ney L. It. Langley appears for Born helm. ; - , , . .-. IS DECAPITATED BY ' 1 ; ; ; LOOKING OUT-PORT (fonrnal Special Service. 1 ' Chicago, Nov. , . Charles Thysv. sn oiler sbosrd ths steamer Mnok, while entering the Cslumet river today, thrust his head out of a ports as tha boat was passing ft draw, and was docspltated. .