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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND', SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 3. 1909.' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. . :.' Beats-.' Ecbd ; KItct. ' For epplee, cur 6 and ,10'acr tracts oa 'car- lint, lor, beside being able to produce applee r of the finest rotor end .junUtjr. fou eaa rslee from 30o la turn busbtla u uuloos to tka aero on oar Uud. , Our West :5I'le Acreage I. positively tli freelest buy to the market; land all eleered, abundance of ruauing water, rloe to school, adjoining carllut within 20- r wan or to city. Us aura to . e at ones. $150 Per Acre - Soma land aa low aa $40 to $ par aers; , terms, or long tttn at 1 pre nt. - Sclrayleman &To.-' ooms. M- aoHT. fit Waehlngtiai at ' FOB SALE 640 acrea land, 12 mllea from Pilnevtlle, 100 arraa with B.OOO.OoO feet fir Umber, on KeKuia rlvr. la Wasblnftoo. bruber, oil Cuoimerclal bik. Sena One Dollar ' And wa will Hat yoa propefty arltfc 1.600 real aatata dealer who ara aa anxleoa to eara . a eommtsaloa aa Jo ara to aell; oar plan "seldom falla; send deeerlptloa; we ara hslplnf . many otbara, why Dot yout Address Ttw lu-vestor-B Oulda, $11 Marquan blttg., Portland, Oregon. ... Till beet eereage property la tbla ooaaty aa a money-maker,, either to plat Into lota or i aaU la a era tractai close to car, cloaa In and boat of aoll; for a blc money. ruaker tbla can t ba ban; It takv 14,000 cask to handle tbla. Steteetz & Co.' :. - Ts Homdaellora, 1U Morrlaoa at. READ. AND CONSIDER WELL. Wa uaa aril you wild - lands In eaatern ar waatarn Oregon front .44 to $10 pr arra. Ttit land la second to none when put la cultiva tion. It will paf the Inraator r bomaaaakar to Inrr-atlyats thla propoaltton. Wa alao bara ' food Imprurad turuia. clix proparla and arra- ak, avwmua ana umuw lanoa. vo and aea ua. . , TURNKR A WAtKRR. . ;: Rooma 4 6. SoH Warbloftoa at- 1'ortland. Oracoa. 7 ton SAI.B New tuodara a-roan konaa'. 1009 T.. HUtli at. M. luaulta owner. ait door. Ko . aaxata. . . . . - FOR SA(,! New modern bonaa- f rooma. Mock from carltua; baat art of Hiinojlrli Inunli Mm. J. S, NVUuOow. H E. 18th: coinar Wm.h. - l"f. ... J. . . -. BAT-B-oronn , httnaa, tM7ftil00, frnrrrkalane locf tlme,T per ceut, ireea. mivni,viu, only 7?0, V. J. Order, a mil. ureuq in, , FOR BALK ). lot on 224 and Cltoloa sta. . . i'hon Eart 5442. utra, roovcu 19 ainaaae, ei most aell mw , r uwp,Bti, Mi uu mi y, near tsaimont; ii, i u,h-.wW,.ni, rino lawn, ceiaanl aaj i if B m '1 ai - In. rl a. vi aaslil .. j 1 v - e v ay fiwvW vv w fCPII I f ' aaaJt I Tla"" I tura choap. Adurcaa It 80, car Journal I the fmuM ax.ziMi o-Kuu.M nvflern cottar; W.&On. one o-rooin mooi-rn cotiaKe, at zum aud Clinton; . tbeaa ar naw and up to data; aothlug aJoer lu Laet I'ortlend: caay tcrma. " . HEVea 4k UILkSR,. ' ,4 . ':, 4X- kat Alder, 4'3 Acres ,. , Mostly cleared. - hi - . . ' k ... r Tiialatlii Valley u w:l?h ruualiif water, 2 county roads; best J-ujf In iIm. cunt, y; 2.a00.i Hosts. 84. 221V, Waabinfioa at. - FOR MAI.K by owaer, near Mt. Tabpr, flraf- t riwaa i-ruin mooein nouaa with three or mora .' Iota; auiall fruit and oulbuildlnaa,. private " 1 " nwiaa; u,om oi'caa irvm cr:mc, 4-nitn-. , at aertlca; oa easy terms. H 2i. Journal. ..-..- . . . VA0ANT WrTS. ' -4 full lots near Hawthorne ara., 11,000. . 7(lxlou feet near North Alblna f or baraa. chrap. ' . . . , l.'bolca lot en East Rrikeny at., fl.OOOV Lot oa t'lay St.. wet side, tS.OOO. . HESKLR IIAUHISOK, . ' ' SIT Ablufton bid. 2..ViO MICK lot, ttoaHO - fa. - and kwdora ft room eottafe. With every ronvectance, eloa In on K. Main at, -j- $0.000 ix)0 feet,- on Chapman at. orar Taylor, ywlih 0 -room sonae, taxfe yard and -Tana-, f od Inestlon fur flats: assy Itjh, , k SOxlui'-(wt corner lot, S. Klfhtk, Bellwaod, only J0O; half rash. r. jr. towusiuiv, Rooan 17 Conuncrclal Ulk. fhona Main 8ST. BARGAINS We have them, small and larfe houaea, lota, farma, timber clalma, roomlof ' houaea; any price, any terma. Ji9 park at. FOR SALE FARMS. ; Choice Buys - fS.SCO 9 ""rea, 10 miles from rortland, B aillra fmm electric car; 45 acraa-in -fine state of cultivation, - soma frees tlniber, balance awry-eaarly- -cleared; ama II creek, fiaxl .- well at tloor; & acrea bearlna; orchard, mostly apples; food J -room bouse, fair barn: on coun ty road. Vt mtle to acixtol and church, RaV I).; brat of aoll; terms, half caah, .balainv goad lerina; would take belt In city property. . I2.30OO3 acres 1U ullea from Portland, . SO air.a In eultlratloo, IS anva timber, but , anca easily cleared. If-room frame house, fair barn. acres bearing orchard, variety; all . fenced, level land, on eounry road, food Well . at door, It. F. II. and telephone. , mile to .school; pert of the cmp gone allb place; part oh. balance food ternaaj will taka part tlty rror-'rty. ' " 2.1w lu Ti-rea 12 mltea from Portland, 4 . miles uvrm Keavcrton, iy, uillea from rail road atallon, 20 acrea In cnltlvarloa, acres : pasture, 14 m-rea freen timber. 2H acrea . hearliif orchird. new avroom boiiae, coat f3""i fair tiaru, mile ta achool. H. F. I. and telephone, on eouifty road, fine location, beat of aoll; half caah. balance fid terma. S4,.4ft id.-, acres. M miles from Portland, I'j nilh-s from railroad station, nillo to '", i acres in cultivation, T acrea In (i-een timber, 26 screa can ba cleared for fid . i-r -rr-. oawnce jure aan and vine ma.'le -H-r- siing iiicliai il : xporcl n.n I door, creek near .house and bnm: innrl all level; good JH-st.y frirtie bouse, good fra-ue t bar bOxloO.. rnnthouae, rblrken-hnuee. Imple- r-wn.wiorwiae; on nism county ror.d: In teewi borai-a worth no, ona heavy eu,, jne aprlnf wagon, one hnrry; 10 head csTilo. 7 row. 8 sbecp, 12 bom; mower and rake, plowa, barrows. -n It Ire tor. other amellfoo.s; ie vi oay, iuu CUHUcia oats, loo buah- - o,, . acres spuia. aou chicken. om fceje; term $2,iiu0 caah, balance S ye.ra . 'i;?KVT8,, ,J B,l,- from Portlsna, In VVaahlugtoa county; &i srrrs ta cultlvs tlna aeveral acrea free tlmoer. hslsm-e easily cirured: fund 0-room houee. good barn, Yamlly erebsrd,- all fenced, on main county R. . II, and telephone; beat cf aoH. ' "Jl!" ""'' "7 eSffi acres in oniure, ino acres One trca timber. 2.QPfi.ono feet at least level land-aiiiall bouao and atahle, tmTly orchard. ." ''"!. connty roed on I slrlea of rlace, ' .. 'epnooe. One location, brat of aoll;. tbla la one of the beat burn oo tb market; Investigate tat before biiylnt; guar anlcol aa adverflved. . fl.noo120 acres lit Washington otintv. 40 mllea from Portlsnd, TTnllea froS railroad station, on mala rounty road; IS acrea cleared. It acres bearing orchard, fur acrea almost lsvl, beat of aoll, no rock or f ravel; B room bouse, B barn, 2 good vee-lie and aprlnf. as sill '.to achool, enm. food timber, 2 mllea free eTt lisle. " "ap lav Tiii Was'tlntca' & Of etron " - ' Realty Co. ; -.r 2o3'-Waahlngtoii at., rooms 11 and 13, port an . '" .Oregon, and oo Main at.. Vancouver. Waehlnrtos... .- , FARMS. -k ' "' 1rt0 cres, In -Clsrkamsa eortmr. '' J clecred.Mt bm, omf.mV Int, balance In timber, good for ih.Ic. iiZ LC - tHfl la ... . -ilt, - -' aurriMLndlna' nrar acbml; aoata term csa be bad. , fi.-pai :,ao kaflr -k mile to. .k,." . em: -, mile . e.a,t,t ..v - , cett.-lnly a liarg'aTit! Icrma, ftiuo caah, bal-sn'-e -ll years. A per cent. jOtta, Crocltttt & Harden ; ': . Ralty Co. ' . '.' ItRAf.TT CO.. ' ' "' 246 l, VVaahlbfUm. FINS! Dathv rim BOO acre blah and low land, well ea-nlprved em folumbli louh, rail and rher Uauapor- U-KNKI.I? it HARRISON, ,.' . , ,31T AbJivjtoB bidg. Sere. 0 anile fmar, A mill from Colombia river boat landing: ftp acre nniier ciiltlvll.-i; er.-hard, old f-room 52. -?L. f J?1"- ro,1",i om timber fiu cor.dwood: ( mile m ...,i,. FOR SALE-t-FARMS. FARM FOR SALf. ' ' 13 BitlM weat of Portland, Waab,lngrna county, for cesll only;. 63 ', 26 clear, well cultivated, oa creek: good! well. apclng. fiaa fruit, m wlra feni-ita, good 0-rooiu boo., tarn, household good., ehi' kens, bee, tools, ale; 1', ail Ira from rollrwad, school and chun-h. Telephone Hue, milk louta. K. . b. $4,500. Wii. A. E. LalK.'Uc Iwavw. toa, Oregi-n. Great Bartain 16) arraa; oaa ba rut up Into 10 and cr trait.; tliubar will par for tba land; 23 iHt n rail -aa. rlaar: aprtnt and, crek; rbiaa to carfluej 1 tb uer arr bait caul), llcoia 34, 227 'i Waahluailoa at. , FOR SAIJC 200-arra ranch, Tamblll aonntri )')& acrra In cultivation,- 40 aillaa Irom 1'orl. laud; "Ideal bop laud. Clear etore. lot BUth . at., cltj. MALL FARM FOB IAI.K 78 arraa, oo la eultlratlon, 11 arraa' "old hopa pud lo new. all wall polled and wired, food bopbouea, all fcucad, fair nouaa and - barn, fainll orcbard, 1H nillaa ti food town, eonie paatur and tiipbur. all ' aoad land, wall located! kara I a bararalm 3 cropa or kopa at tba praaent prtra will kay for tba placa; thla la a bargain at fO.WW. In. ... " WARRIK 8TATF.R. ,. r 1 . VlcMlunrlUa, Orafon. - v- - ' FARM. " - ' 1R0 aerea of food land, oo acraa csltlrataJ; food kouae,- all wall (lulabad; bami food or chard, hoohouae: 14 acraa In hooar cood watar; flno nalfhborhond, 10 4nllaa aoutb of Hlllaboro, Oragoai nilKut taka a antaU farnt aa (art pav; a 4araaln at H.M0. . ,, r . UKntvuni at uAiwtiau, ' t Ablnftun bWf. - , FARM BARGAIN. 100 acraa. nearly level. 70 acraa eoltl rated. TO arroa In timber: runntnf atraam of water: coanty road: faajlly- orchard;, food fl-roorn kimaa, Jiewly paparad; 2 -barna and ontbullil lua; aehoolbouaa and cburetihouaa at corner of Mad.- r I. ' . Henkle 8c Harriscn . ;. A illT ABINUTON BUM). r- FAUH9. : ;,$lI.0Vjrt-l00 aerea near Tnalstln, about 68 acres under cultivation, t boueea,' It larfa ' barna. orcbard, all antler fence, soma food timber, d cows, 8 bora,-., a lot of chickens; this farm would bo proritalgle to cut ap In small places on account of Jta' location, near tha propoaed streetcar T.V00 cash, bslam -In f yeaa. . ., - - . - - - - - " J,50Q-W jtrrea, 0I under (KltlTatton..bal anco aa-(;liire..' all or title rear a croo coca wl a r ' , imod -0-room tinuae, new brnHtriiN, lend aa Lewla river, boat landing and rail war etatton. 1 mile to achool. ch'irrh. chceae factory, cannlnf fartorytcrniSjjiaiiO raali, . Otto, - Crockett &- Earksn . Realty Co.-; i- tll&Uj Washlnfton. . 6MAI.L fralt faria, 4ft acrea, in la rnltlTathio, aultablo for all kinds of fruit and bvrrlea. Artdrtwi Ualacada.-or Kwtc 1. Box 43.- -t-- HOW la thla for a bnrfalnr 44 acrea at aa flTW land as yoa ever saw) SM aeres In high ' alata of cultivation; rluht on tba O. W. . . elvtrlc line, between tule creek and F.ata carta; $75 per acre. AdUrecaj V 13, Jouraal. C-ACRR tracts, B miles from cwnter c city, 1 mle to railroad slallon: fine aolt ao rock or gravel; water piped to each tract tinder 40-foot pre vt urc; waier free; $lu0 to $200 per acre, on very easy term. Barer Miller. 40 Faat Alder au - - FOR HAI.B )ood .prosperous wkeat farma l Morrow eounly. on railroad, $20 per acre: mli-lit take aout trade. W. A. Latdlivw, R17 - t'ommerctal bide:, Second and- Waeblaftua. 1'heoe Main 11120. , " . DAIRY FARM. B3S Berea, " cheap:---fine water. Improved. THOMPSON at O0DK.N. PBi Woodlawa 202. 4 Mlnaisatppf Ave. ". ... - A BPRCIAl, BAROAIN. 00 acrea, nearly all cleared, rich land, fine 2-atoiy nouae of 7 larfe rooma, yiMinf bearinf orchard of 850 tree, CO toua bay la barna, 8 bead food milk cows, food cream separator; .1 horse, new wsfon. bay rah, 2 bogs, food fence, plenty ,veood, so tdesl dairy farm )nst eutanie city limits. mile to either church, public or hlL'h scboofs: od road, on ' river of tide water, food flahlna aad1 pleaaant boat rldlnf to towa, the county aeat et iin- eola county: . prie. at.rajii, . .. CAI.OWKI.I, A CO., . " T..'.' PhUoaiatUj Or,' . , " -- -- FARM, r .v". , B0 ocres land,- 15 acraa cultivated: be. nam. . orcbard, ,.eprlnf water and ranalnf urooa; near pripporev, wr.; e.f.oi.t, iiSNKLB MAURI SON, 217 Ablnfton bldf. FARMS. ' I2.TC0 BS acres, about 12 acre a rider eol flvatloa, aome food timber, old am) and barn, good water, food orchard, life mile east of Clseksmns, . mile to school and churrht terma half caab. (. .a W.anO 18 acre 2H mile aoutbeaat of . Ileaverton, 12 acre nndev cultivation, 'bal ance reserved for pasture, and noma timber for firewood; -ail fenced, 4 room nouaa, 2 harn, wafon. abed, ehtckea Trnlt.- 4 cows. 3 krlfera, 2 horaea. 2 wagons, all Implement; terma, $1,000 eaak, balance lopf time. ' k Otto, Crockett & Harksoa Realty Co. . 42BU, Washltutton. ' . rARMT-FARM FARMS - - Lota of 1 hem. - Be My. Advertisement , , , 5" I nder . . ..."For Bal-Fsrm la the ClaaalBeda ef. tb , Sunday Journal. . . -., . 7. W. Bfty-. f 210 Commercial bldf., Beci-fnd and Waahlnf ton. Bend for list of farms for aale. - 120 AOM S acrtTOlmral land. 0 mile west of ITIneviire, 2 miles from railroad eurvey, for sale ; exchanire, by, owner for modern hvue 1 In Portland. - V 48, car Journal. FOR 8A1.B 1 -re rich lend, all di-ar. with lrg barn. 1 mil from B. P. depot, 2 tutlr from- cs rline; f.WO down,, balance on terma to aim. with o per cent, aaoreas r no, journal. jl.BnOt-M ACItrS fin land, all In cnlttvatloo, 17 mile west of fovtland; house, barn, orchard end smsll frnlts, food water. It. F. I"., on milk route; aa Ideal dairy and chicken farm. Ad treae William Sunaon, 03 Blxt at., Portland, Oregon. COOB RAT. 100 acre of land. 1 Vj-nil lee from Cone bay and about 4 allies from Msrsbfleld; sell cheap far irauv. IIBNKI.R j HARRISOW, - ' - 217 Ailing ton bldf. ; farm at Dlllev, ea bottom land. r ?.,2i ,?t good building, rloee to town a fid rail, T. U. I.lltienaioseoreax urove, ur, MINESAND INVESTMENTS. THE J. C. 1KB COMPAKt ' . T 11I0H-CI.AS8 STOCKS AND BORD8. We ara always In .he market either to buy or aell any active mining or Industrial atneks. It will par yon tn get our prices, . W. H. DONAHUE, Mgr. Ilrokeragt Dept. 1B-20 Lafayette Bidg. COBl'R D AI.ENB MI.NIKO STOCK I am alwaya In tpe market eilber ta buy or Ben anf artlv. mlnlitf atock) loan made oil any lifted aecarltlea. , T. P. BHOW'N. . - 401 McKay bldf. BARTER AND EXCHANG2T IXCltANOB. ' 100 acre, all food land, In Clark eonnty. Waahlngton; bftat laud a oa th farm; 25 acres cultivated: food new hone of B rooms, barn, ' nrctard; flna neighborhood; pood water power on Uie farm, alao B aprlnf.; on account of etikneas will ac.U at a bargain now, or, will trJ' , nr.-'flCLK A IIARniHON, , 217 Abtngtoa bidg, . IMPROVED homestead rellnrgulahments $100 to $., port trade or work. One claim 100 acrea. fond bouae, fencing and barn; ii acwa ala. had, 10 cleared, on county mad, free mall delivery, achoofhonse mile, enough rblttlnt on claim to- pay fi It If aanrketed: would make tine dairy farm. Alao So em-a of rich deeded laud $10 per acre; on third,! caah, $! pee yesr. W. C Purdln, Ad7j l.ane xjoanty, urejron.i 10 AC R KB. '2 acres orchard, i aeH shrubbery. 7-mnm hi aud bath, water ptied to kjeuee anf mlikhmise, big tank, gasoline engine, .ware piped to Irrigate; rod barn, full ef bar; wal plgeona: lisl cnlrkeiw, korse. . 2 cowa. bgy. 1' Billca Irnm t anl.y. 2i frorli ' Portland; ll'd'V, wilt trade for house aad ' lot la Portland ef value, , r "' HKVKit a Mii.i.rR, - ' : - -404 Cast Alder BL BARTER AND EXCHANGE. r.XI'HANGB. ' ' 100 actra, all liaa na air fantlo aVipa: aixiall houae, bara.V orcliard, IS acraa fenced and cultivated, baianra lu fin bea tnalr of liu.lar: fruiua oa main coiui'r road, 1 ailiaa from ' Tlllamuok Cliy, 14, inllea to Naiarta bar, 1" Ttll.inuKik evenly, Oregon; aell cbaau, or will tra.le. . " - . UlvSKLR nARKISQw, . ' i'17 Alilnatou Bluf. KNAP TO THAI'S ON. 100 aerea. all lira nli-a to eiiltlrata. ti aarak cnmvateu; near jun.tlon tit, uaua county Urcson; rlieap at l.Ui. HKNKr.E IIABIHSON. , , . 1T xbhicton bldf. , ' Hot, K and two, nr mora lota to aarjtancv for koou roomiiK-iioiiae. l.-t oy, . 7 1 Morrlaoa. TIMBER. eaaaeaanj, akaatt.. ':: Eady 'Ccok ith Scnc To. taka charco of klteben and dlnlnf-mom, ' (irst-claaa boaidlni -bouao, at once. S6.V tb (. 11MRKR lands tn Crook, Lake and Klamath eountlea, from 13 to 24- simlh, have been - crulaed and the caah la ready aa. aoou aa deed ran be delivered: come and are or write us, stating exact location and price; larfe or eutall trrcts considered; wa alao handle timber -In lrouxlae and Jackson eountlea, I-Afayetie . Realty Co., slliVt Waabliutton at., room 15. Timter Atw ?oo,000 In mh on htad for lm-mMI.-it luvi-ntment In ttrt1 eUtm. or Urf body wijh jcckjhJ lofging fucllltlesi must . bt ctuvKti.- -. . . . .r. ..- . --Scfeuyleaan &" Co,-. ' Rooma $4-S.VJtrS7. 227 Vs Waaulnatoa at. TIM1IKR. y r.;-' 100 acre, all Ilea on ran! la alone, nearly all covered With, heavy body of tliiilwr: front". .uu mad, 3 miles ftum -TttUmooIr (.ItF i telle to Sctarta bay. A IIARR'RON, ' ., 217 Ablnrtcai blilf. , " " CFRTIFlKr scrip, any sis pieces; lowest price. W. U. Ilowsll, t'SH Cliambcr of Com. WANTEI Timber lands, trade of 6,000 acres n upwards: larfe tract" preferred. Don't lalWVr UtllM. Vi,ll can l1il tn,.,Va X.Jl i.l. ' HUZrZ. W Journal; HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS HOUSES and buggies -tor renf IT day, week and njontb; special rates to tmslneaa-bouaea, - Sixth and Hawthorne. Eaat 72. FOR SALE Fine dapple-arny resm, 0 year old, -weight 2,800, sound and featle. Pbeoe Scott ' 22N4. ' J'OR BALFI To-o R- ear-old borseo, l.aao aad . l,X0 pounds, reapectlrely. Inquire at Cleve land burn, fourth and Ankeny sts. J GOOD delivery horse, black, weight 1.280. Ad- oreea if k enre rfoarnai, fPI.KNnin frr horse, weighing 1.2rW to 1.B00 Cun'ia. i y-ura oin. tor aale cheap. Koeni . 22IV Waablnftoo at. MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS. 0-OTAVB Kimball orf an, good aa-new, at a; nave no oaa lor. !(, M. a. ladonao, -) Hetsnth at. x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. t . f pr to Tba Dotlar for ' After trying ether, iw - forntt ww- aad -Iwmaehold -goode, H t are new stock, clean and freab: no sboo-worn -food to aell. ;We ara here to stsy; We aan and will ssve fou on- almost every article In the store.. Our etove and range are or cne Dear aaa we ruarantee every - one. We also have an exchange department, where we win cur our furniture or exchana-a for new. ytA's waot yonr trade. - The Dollar, .222 1 lrst ana w sinia at., let.. Main n-iis. $ " f - I I CARLOAD near Colonial wall radiator,, aay truantlty. . 1 - 0i,oiO feet galvanised and black, ptpo, all - lxe, up to S Itieh. In auy quantity. 10,000 feet 0-lnch ateel riveted mlntnf pip. , . . Carload trace chains. Big larfe dynamos, alt makes, aa food as . new. - - . Carload abceflron. Jllirk and fslv AU Kind seeona-nsau mscutuexy. - - i. R1MON A HHO., - Front St. .. Bargain Sale of furniture stul contlnae Taeaday, Thar day, Saturday. ISO KnSRKLL ST. K WK bay, aril or trade any eld thing. The Peo ple'a Furniture House, list Front St., comer Salmon. . Tel. Main 4210. , BOOKS bought, aold and exchanged at tb Old , Hook Store. 2i Vaa.lilll at.- BILLIARD AKIL-POOL table for rant for eslc on rsay puymenta. TUB IIHL'NS WICK-BALK 8 COI.L1NDBR CO. 4U Third at.. Port Uud. WB print yonr same en BO calling card, proper . sise and style, 55c; 250 bnaluea cards, $1. A. W. Boh male Co.. 2211- First. Portland, or. DO SLIGHTLY dymaged sewing machines at very low price: jtiugrr. w be-'lec or w neon. Pmaestisi . w ltls irmt - alhc-rr; to make room for new atock Wheeler A Wilson and Mtnger. a. B. Blgsl, ss MoT- . rlaosf at., Marquam bldf. ARTISTS' metarule, picture and framing. B. H.- Moorhonse A Co.. f!2 Alder at. . FKKKII oysters delivered to aay part of city. Iltng Lee. 2il Taylor et. .. 8HOWCASF3. counter, flxlnrea, bought, rM or exchaiifsd.- Western Salvaga Co.. B27 Waahlngtuu at. Pacific 702. - SHOWCASES and fixture, aew and second hnud. Csrlson A Kkllatrom. 2S9 Couch st. HOI.DK.VSj RHEI'MATIO CtRE Sure cur Tor tlV.. sbunnatlain. Sottt-tirTin- dfUggiatv. "IT $4 KKW Bpr'ght plsnn. 10O; used nprlght, $1.1; organ. t; cost $03. 41 H First, cotaer Main, upstslra.' tOH SAL!- A good conk atuve with reservoir and wi.rmtng cloaet. I'bona Woodlawn 014. SRCOND-MAND bar fl xt urea, pool table, aafea. 1 tables, chairs. Western Salvage Co,, 027 Waahlngton at. BKWINO MACHINES bonfht. Bold and -changed. $0 and up. Weatern Salvaga Cw ' 027 Waalflnfton at. FOR BALR---EIgaat aprlght plsno, tlrat-claaa make; bargsiu for cash. 212 Seventh, cor. - BalmoBr - - ' WltlTR for price of J. M. greatest Ink for acbooia; Lake, Michigan. KeetH Co.'a Ink; try alHHB, Otter row 8AI.K New tallor-tr-ad full dreae coat and vest, cheap; als 24. Phono Main TO today. . ' i FOR BALE Mont. .Ilia. Foxterrler p:'S, 4.14 Khy ., Phone .East 1.1. ask for Evsns, .personal: PRKSKHVK your hair; eclentlOc trestment; . dsRdrutf and ecacnis positively cured; frsy or faded nslr tcatored to uatural color with out the uae'of lead or Ore; French face treat ment, manicuring. London Sanitary Parlors, suite 2a-24 B-'lllng-lllra-b hl.lg.. 101k and Waahlngton: Phone Pacific 24i.V BFXINP) riLLS enre all forma of nervous or . muacular wen knee. For men - or Women. ' Prlco $1 a box. B bnxi-s $A, with .full guar - antee. AdfTroaa or call 3. ii. CJen-enaon, uruf- '' fist, fUeund and Ysmhlll sta., Portland, Or. A.'-ffHINfls, PrUCT!..!.-F:'tRle:i, ffxperv TIITfer-fnrn reoindeled, repaired end re.1 red : yeara' experjvnee Inaurea enilie ealiefaotlou. phone Pedflr 24B7. Lewis tihLi. BALM OF H! for all female fill esse. Ksat Belmcnt. then Fast 40.14. 2d r. 0. V. KETCJU'M enrea prorapt'y prlvnte-f niacaaes, Klirtiey, nerv.-ais. snd sectal tem-ile tronhlea. Call or write., (ifflre 17. n , Ihlrd sL. cur, isiubilL 1'avn I'atiukt XUU. PERSONAL. AKY Can or aronoan can ha at roof and kappr . br ua:nf Itealaa ftlla, tba fraat tonic; pri.'e l a tx. 0 boxoa $,",- with full fuaraota-v Addlfaa or Call J. A. Clamauaon, diUi,-f(at, or. Second and Yamhill ale.. I'urlUud. Or. VK.t, falaia Tableu auk a raw aleap narfeetlr; they cur nrvuuaneaa and insaa you atrona; price 6c a boa, bexea I2.AO; fuaraolttad All druiiclara, or addreaa Br-n.ka Druf Co.. at " Nurtli Third at... l-ortland. tr. '.' ,.,V' U0L ON-Tbare fa one thlrg that will mw rhenmattsm.' Ask your druggist fur bark , tonic or addreea or call J. - U. Clamciuon.. arugglat, Portland.- Or. Bttl.IUCN 8 RlhC' MAI'IC CL'UB Isure cure for r ihi-uina.tuim. ov.a by all iL-cgi.te. - TURKISH BATHS, Son Orrgonlsii bldf.; ladle days, geuttemi-a nlgbta. Mala HUd. , ... . DR. BINil t'HOONO. Importer Chluaee root BK-dlciaea; sells. Chinese ted, cnat .la cure for ail dlsrssea. 1U1 2d. te-t. Vamhill aud Taylor 8L'I1,V presaed while yon wait. 60c. " Ijidlcs . stlrU pressed. Our. Uilbert. IcO'v Blxth at., to Quelle, l'houe M.iln 2uH. P1IYSTCAL culture, all branches, and massage; - Individual amd- clave Ishitriictkio; private bouie . - crpatim-nt If ilrslred. 'the K!ulvr Schoul, - o0 Alder at. Phone Main 1051. . ; OUIt ahe aklned free of charge at. the Model BartxT-bbop; abavliig lie. . MANLY vigor restored by. Dr. Robert Serve (Jlobile. On asoatb a treatment; .S2; S avontbs, $!; sent securely sealed by mall. - Afeots. Woodard. Clarke 4k o Portland. Or. BBST mafaslna dub ever offered; a prlraa; agent wanteds Jonas' Book aead for tto.-e. '2t Aiaet st., rortiana. ur. M0LKH, wrinkles, superBuous hale removed. Ko charg to talk It over. Mrs. M. I. Hill, .Room 1130 t'lleduer Bldf. Phone Pacloe 115. RKCENTI.Y opened mantcurtnf parlors: ladles nd gentlemen, IMVa. Morrison st., room 12. VI AVI ta. Lewis bids?, SMM Morrlaoa; hfUk talks to women. Tburadaya, 2:30 p. oi. WFRl'OOT Oil Illarkluf aavrs the lea tier; ak aolutoly watcrpreof. - EVERY mother should aaa Wehfoot OU Black. Ing eo per' boy' shoes; make them water proof aad they wear twice aa long.. UBFI.NED young lady, eaat, five niassafe 201ft Aldwc at. uat arrived fmm the treatmeats. bourn 0, MARRYxrOentlernen send 10c for parthrnlar K acaiea; on) ladies want weatera ausoanua; aisuy weaitny; leva, box iouu, Den ver. Colorailu; ' ( MANICCRINO, rblropodr and alcohol rubbing. Parlor a 21 and 22. idSVk BUrlt it . .. ipOI.L'8 HOSPITAL Hepairinf and ureaainf . ' 81 Yamhill Street. TUB. NATIONAL INTRODUCING BOOIRTY. We liavo member walk of lit, from : the government osftclaia to the farmer, ao . cletry laill.-s to working girls; matrimonial reg ister with photoa Ineat puhllabed; membera and ail 10c. 24 Rassel bldf. ( f DKTKt TI V4C AVKKC .e?. tiona: rt-tHrta furnleh"d on Indlvldn-iU. tb Ir character, responsibility,' ate; bad debts col lected; mleelitg relative located; charfe rieeonable; correspondence aoltclTed. Orvgon Ietectlve Service, efOcea 20H-2W4 Flledner bldit., loth aad- Waahlnftoo ata. 1'hjua Main '561 a. -. . DIKEA3KS OF WOMEN Private maternity hoa pttal, quiet location; epectal care. -Dr. At ' wood, 'room B. SoOta Morrison. TcL Pae. 17&S. MISS RAYMOND five roasaag 2s4j Morrison at., room 14.- - treatmenta. MANICI RINQ. halrdresetn. special SB courae, on week only; trade school for woman and girls. 8U4 Alder. Tb Montgomery. GRRMAN books, msfsxlnes, novel, etc. t Ger man. Eogllab, French, Siianlah, Swedlab and Itallao dictlonarlea; foreign hooka of all kinds. Bcbmale Co., 22 First St. MISS OIRSOW grewa hair. enre dandruff. Room B2. 208 V Morrlaoa at., corner Fourth. TWO young ladles five maasaga treatments. 110 V. Fourth, corn Wssblngtua. REF1KID lady gives maaaaga treatmenta, alao chiropody. 201 V Third at., corner Taylor. ASSAYERS. GARVlw - CTANIDt? SXTRACTIOII . fXK. Moauna Assay Office, 1KB Morrison ft. and i ..I .Traa ARCHITECTS. 8KB Johnson A Stores, architects and bolldeee. about your modem store front. 404 Baat MorrlooB at. Phou 4873. H. H. M KNOBS. Architect. 113 Beroad at. ART. Fit KB I.KKS0NS In embroidery every day; new atamped' eklrtwahtte. corset-oeers, ba ' lero Jackets, hats, amheellaa. etc. The Nnrdlecrnrt Shop, B2 Wsshlngtoa St., mhHwH'mI end Teotb, at. PROFESSOR R. MAX MRYFR, 84S Alder. Portrait and landscape artist and 'teacher, ATTORNEYS. J. S. WINCHKSTER, attorncy-at-lsw. aotory punnr. Daua.Jit waamnguui Bidg. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. UOWK. DAVIS A KILHAM. 100-111 Second et. Blsnk books snanufactured; agenta for Jonea irapnived iose-iapar Leocara , see too new eureka leaf, the beat OB toe market. BUTCHERS "SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES R. Blrkenwald Co.. Boa BOB Kverett at.; largest butcher supply bobs ob tijo coast, write tor cataiogua. BUTCHERS' 81'PCLIKS Adolph A. Dekam Al-l&l Klrat at., carrlea a full line and com. sssui tuteut at km est matket prar COAL AND WOOD. Telephone Mala- BOOS. fralthlrg Coal and :- Coal for Snipe ' apeclaMy. , - The STOREY A BROOKES FUEL CO, t Incorporated. ) e r.arinaive agenia ror , . .-,., KHUUKRKU I'OIL '; .! ' COAL, I.OKK, C11AUCOAL, THB PORTLAND FCKL CO, Suceaaors to C. B. DAVIS Fl'KL CO..' Phong, Eaat 20. 2X7 Kaae AI.BINA ri'KL CO. Desler In cord wood, coal end green and dry alabwood. H. it. and Alblna are., I bluck aaat of ferry. Eaat 074. STEEL BRIDUR FUEL CO. Dealer la coal, - eordwood and dry alabwood. Phone Eaat 424. OREOOM ' Wood. FUEL XO. XII kinds of coal aad 204 Altar St. Phone Mala 05. WESTERN FEED biacksinllb coals. A FliEL CO. Hons Phone Mala 1018. and STAR BOXWOOD CO. Phono Main 2143 for box. block and alabwood. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., lafgeet .plant on tba cussL -Luring and Harding ata.. te!e phmca F.sat T". Carpet cleaned, refitted, aewed aixl laid: hotb steam and la teat com pressed air prbceea: renovatlug mattresses and festbers a apeclotty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, suction and enm-pro-wed air combined: cerpete cleaned on Pour -allboirt removal. Mala UM. Main 8200. CHIROPODISTS. CHIHOPODY and PedlcorTng. Mr. M. D. 17111. ft com .'I0 Flledner Bidg... Phone Pae. 135. CARPENTERS AND BUILDER3. 1. A. MELTON, tb carpenter, n4 Fourth . Store and office work. Main 17S7. .. .1 l1 - T i' j.j..Mjuujv---r. CLEANING AND DYEINQ. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Works; prae. Ileal halter In connection. 211 4th. Pacific B07. CLOTH KM cleaned sad peeeaed $ PV Month. Inl.iue Tailoring Co, B" luarg -at. H. W. TURNER, profiwelonsl dyer and cleaner. BOS Jeffereoo (L, Phoa Mala. 201 J. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST 1 St. Gecrire -St. Gtcrje. CA51 TELL 101 It PVIL NAMR. AOS, 0C- i'liPATloN. tlO.OoO-Challenge for Ula , Fqnil $10,000 rnmmande be eduoatioa and ta endowed . with the myat'-rlou. power of thr K.ateru Maul to keet tile 111. wenk. Sick, aflllctad; cau aea the paat and future of your af faire cryatal cleaa;- crt-aies a dlvlas Inttu evereeme djoit-atic, ktv or bnal . nee (allurea; - makea plain to - yea all things - blddca, - ibiubtfui, deceptive: ' that annoy, perplex or prevvnt aucc.-a; the only Voghl - mediator ut . secret tnnueure - In America: inploauv in your Ufa and being a inn rvclotta force to gala our wish in tar rlage, lore, mining, money, buatncaa, wln ' nlnfi Im-k; renntvee evil, cures drluk hsb ' Its, all wcekiu-asea whU-h de!reaa you or -. cucrj-e the will, natures lost rliallty. fluda , tisa(.ures-, biIim-s, miskii, ; oues, 1 paicrs;. - Kgypilsn - astral 'eVed-traiwe iHediOm. pay cbii? palmlit. mystic healer. complete '.Oriental lifereadhoi clairvoyant; poatllveiy auatanteca tb Inat acjno you have evni . had aluiply by taking yonr band and look ing at v it; . ti-lle ever.vtbu'g with . names, datia, fiirts and Biuret; always rellubte; eldest. Bloat eaperleueed la all occult -4ld '' aiiclal' work; iurx.cttoua, siicccaa vibra tions, tueulsl tlcouthy; haatena -pinrrlHge, ' r'atoree lit Uve, -rr-upltes the aepsrstt-d, v cutwlts rivals, enerrilev,- Oten Bi!nd.iys, 6o0V WASHIX'VIO.H- Bf., COR.' i'AUlv ST. - . Oppvail Star Theatre. A SPECIAL Jo.i.O KKA1HNU FOB - $1.00. KOH A FKW PAYS ONLY. . - A SOCIAL $5 RKADIN FOR" $1. ''' i "AlivVAY CONSLLT TH Bt-SI. -I'liOK., E. KHH0- . ': ' ' Greatest' llrlug "astral dead-tranc4' elefr- , vova.t of the age: AUVI.1KU ON lirslM.Hit AND ALL Kt'AI83 . OF Lfl'l) whom yoa will msrrv. bow tor cuu,lnl the one you love. .even though mllea away; reunite the oep - , ifliiHi: Kvc ,f-rr m9t. coioivu 1 will du all ethera advrrtlae tn do. and a r freat deal -more. THK -KNURS WORLD HAS 1IKI:N HTARTI.KD WITH THR I'd. KltS OF THE L'NSKKN FOItCF.S I HAVE AT IIV COMMAND, and I prove It to yo with- ..out uric by giving you a . . .... FRLK Tf!T FPEB , Br-ISavltif your N AMI? TOLD (IX FTJIX), JCST WHAT VOL' CAMK KOIt, and five you advice-absolutely FKKK before you deride te bsve a rcadlnf. "WHO (AS Oit WILL DO WORE TO ttlNVlNCK THB SKII'TK't DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, AS IT WILL NOT BK OFs'EUKD TO YOU AGAIN. PUOF. R. SniMO, Permanetly" located In Ilia Own Rome. HOURS, 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SI NHAT. Ko. X5 Fifth at., corner Madison at. ALWAYS BETMRLP.- " r. " . M'lVtiK, TRAVIS, ' psydile Wceider. ' -' Clairvoyant, pulmlst aad dead tone me dium. Office, H.-.P,, Morrison at., . The-Ben- pett. Hours froia 8 a. m, to S p. includ ing Suudsys. -'r HJIK. EtJCOAr-Kvptl seer: healing through psychic force; rradlnga rtstly, Boc ' ttriward. Coemoa. 2oVv Morrison St. CAFES, 4-iTHK OFI'ICEJSS Washlnfton t.T pboeie Main I TTl . Slm,iAl Vlm,.m - Samuel Vlgneux. -Am. CARD WRITER. A. R. R. SI'RKADIlOROl'gif. rd writer. kJ4 Eaat ile business advertising orrlaoB, Puoue Last O.V. :. -- DRESSMAKING. TRY Angelea Ireasmak!af Parlors, 242 ffHfth and Main. Pacino.V2, DANCING. DA NCI Nil leeaon, 2nes classea or private: walts ' lug, two-step, three-step, etc.; stsge denclnf, buck and "wTBg, clog, reel, skirt. Kpaaleh, lllgiiT.n.l fliUK, etc. Prof. Wal Wlllvuu. old oat recognised leaoner, Allsky bldg Third and Morrison sts. WOODWARD DANCfNG SCHOOL Class Moo Tbursdsy and Saturday eve.; social, faaey and atap dancing taught; fearing taught; private lessons UtiUy. Weatera Academy ball, Becood and M.vrlaou. Pacific 10;io. PORTLAND Daliclnf Academy, leading achool; ballroom etiquette, -correct social ien-1 eUeelt I .. ! ..,, tf-. -I..I . airuction naiiy. .-- auier. aeu ax. mot,- 1'roc. umg ler. oanciug mavier. PROF. EATON Dsndnf sebool; class for ladles and gents Mondny und lenrsdaj evenlugs. Anna nail. t uoo ran aui. BROWN'S Dancing Aca-trmy, Burkbard hall. 87-4 Ka st Burnald. Phone Main 3718. Dance Tueedaya. , . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACirlO Et.BCTUIC CO. Knglaeera.. contrao tore, repalrere. electric 'wiring, supplies. B4 ' First, cor. Stsrk. Main Sfto. H. H. late. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, fl Sixth at. Contractor, electric suppllee. - motora and dynamoa; wa Inatult Ilfbt and power planla. EDUCATIONALT MARY DAVIS MAOINNIS. teacher et conren- tlenal. and naMirjDatlr rblna; water-color beetle t opcelalty. Studio 821 B. Bth at., N FURNACES. ; COVNTON farm sir fusnaeea aave fnel. J. C. Bayer Furnace Co., 2nd Second.' Main 401. -FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND W1RR A - IRON WORKS 2J Flauder St., cor. Third. I none ualn ziajv. HOTELS. TUB BKI.I.KVIE. Fourth and Salmon at. Hootn boc np: ratea by week or month; eut-or-town irsnc aunciiea. t-sciue gioo. GOLDEN WEST HOTEL Kuromisn rlen: rnna-s from 00 eeata- an meels MA eriits. 'Usiintinib end- Eeictt eta. noTEL Portland, Asaeclesn plaa;$2. fS per day, BELVEDEIIB; European plan; 4th aad Alder ata, HAT FACTORIES. KAI KMAS, THH HATTER, -"S Burnslde at., cleana and blocks sort and atirc a sts. rana mss a speclslty.- HARDWARE... 'OKTT a vrrHn1wiir Co. licit cpportnnUjT to INSURA'NCE. ISAAC L. WHITE. Br lusur.oc. B44 . Sber- wk bidg. , ',-... JAS. Mrl.' WOOD, emtitovrra' liability' and In dividual accident aecurlty bonda of -all kinds. Phone 47. ai2 .McKay bldf. MACHINERY. . TUKNKMAN A CO. Mining. wmlll, Wif- gltif machinery; hrdraullc pities, cssllng Linda repaired. 104 North Fourth. Al TOMOI11I.R tmsi'hlne werka. siaollne motors. traneinlaaiona and-atcer)ng gears. N. Al. Ben sun, 2.VI Grand ava. . , OA80LIN;B engines, .sIL slx-m, and styler, at loweei prices. Kelfraa MscPlnery Co.. 1M-4 0 Morrlaoa st. THE II. C, A MIKE CO Second-hand ma chinery, aawmllls, gtc. 24 urana are. A. 3. PAUL, 102 First st., engines, boilers, saw mill machinery; Wicks pros. gang. MUSICAL, T1IK WKltltER STUDIO Mandolin, benjo, gui tar Instruction; Ulbsoa.&ismietius. ato Alder, PIANO, Violin, plsma, tromhon, -clarinet. Pro feaenr E A. Smith. 204 12th. Main 4703. LESSONS Hoc Piano, guitar, bsnjo. msndollii. violin. Mrs. Mftrtln. a-il- rirat at. 20 KINDS Mic folk 40C. Levy's Mualc House, 171 Fourth et. OPTICIANS. I. CHAMBERS ' OP Hal KT u Ic r. ArtlOelal Kyns-Fitted. Vision S. lenlln.'i,lr-CiTected. 12S Scvenlh Street. pa. B I. MILIJI . - - Optometrist and BvretgM Speclsllat. Room 20-C7, J Washlnftoa Street. FINANCIAL LAUD A KITOW. AXEl-la, 1MB. I . -- Traasaata a Baaerol Baaktnf Buelnaae. Colleetlew sea do at art fwfwts loo) " . ahl torm. Letters ef credit isaaed svsllabl tn Eseop Sad sU .dnt la "'''''" State. Bight Exehamte sad Telegrsphl Trsn.fer. Sold en K.w Tor. w..BlacCbas St. Leals. Denver, Omehs, Ms Franriae aad Montana aad Rrltiak t olanihts. KsobaOfo s-a J0-,rt-'lln,Frsiikfuct. Ilungkuag. Vukohsms. --.--llo mm acHAKTS' BATIOHA BAXK. BORILAJf D. 0RE0OV. Al ' rnK atuH. President B. W, HOYI tshlae 1 Tmnaacu Oeaerol Banking Buahaese. Drsfta - - r - . , AU Parte et the World. U KITED STATE! BATI0HAX BABE OF ?0TLABD. 0ES00M. .' Ncrtbwit Comer Ttjlrd snd .Oek Street. 1 Traasaeta a. Bensrsl Banking Beslneao. DRMTS IHSCFB AeatlaMo tn BR tae tTntted Ataiea . im Enropo, Hongkong aad Manila. Cullactluaa Mad ea favevaMe Tersss, lr5!l'.V. C. AIN8WORTB Cashlee...... .....,... W. BCBVTfB lce-1 reaUlent ....,.... IrA BARN1CB I Aastatant jCa.M-e r. . ,.v....... WT A. MOLt ' ' Aaalatant Psshlsr .A. M. WBIOOT - - BAKXERS', A LUMBERMEN'S BARK Par tlaoA. Oragea. Cane gaeeaf and- atark atraeta. Commerelal aad aavlnga depevtmeat. Interest paid ea caving aopetaata, prafta ss4 : - lettera of er .11 1 Uui 1 1 . l. in .11 PELTON..-. Pewldeafr FPPD II. noTHrmt.n -ri,.. ei-.i.,.-, I "i- .Beronfl vlce-Prealdent TUt BASTR or CAIIFOEMIA EctaolMhed tS4, Ssod OfCea, la Franc tare, Ca-lfornt. jCapltop paid Bp.'..,.'..; B4.onn.60h Snrphia and undivided nmtlts. $ 10. OBS. 412 32. CWimal Brrnklng and Exchange llu.lneee Transacted. IHeToet On i Time Dvpnelt. . 8AVIN0S PKPARTMENT Aeeonnra may be ef $10 end apward. '. Pert la ad Braach Chamber of Commerce Ralldtng. ' WW. ' A. MArrtyt B. , j . ; .Manager -1 T. - BtTRTCHABLL. ... ..Asstetsnt Msnagse r'Rsx MATI0MAL BAlfK BF P0RTLABD, I- Dealfnated Depoeftory and a. r. uir t Preatdent. Aaalatant Caahlsr. ......w. v. iliusu " Lettrr ef Credit . Avaflable I Fnrep and tkw Baetera Btate ... ' ' R'ckang and Telegraphic Tranafera aold ea New York, Roams. Cbteafe, Bt. teals. BL.Pa.l, Omaha. Men Frsnclsc aad the prlnelpel polnta In li ' Korthwaet. Right aad time bllla drawa la ai)t ea Loodno. Paiia, Berlin. Frank fort-ew-tbe Vsta. Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. CbrUtlsnla. Stockholm. Bt. Petersburg. Moeeeve. B-srk-h. Ajsy vTRUST COMPANIES. fVRTLAHTl TRUST COMPANY OF ORtOOW Th Oldeat Trnet Compaay la f RRSUURCRS OVFR 21.7TO.OOO Ueneral banking, t per cent Inteeeet on cheek aeooonte (eyeji hundreds) on tuily balances of IVM) or over. letters of credit and exchange all parte ef the world. - ivtnre sccounts. Time eeetlfleetee, S to 4 pee cent: short-call epecUl rertlflcatee. 00 nt over, 2A tn 4 per cent. Call for Book of 'I LLP ST RATIONS" , , Fontheaat Corner Third and Oofe.- re-ta. Ptimw. Private Exchange 72. RRNT. I. COUSIN Preetdent I H. L. PITTOCK, Ttco-PresMent gJ.fB PACBT.. ... Secretary I J. O. COI.TRA Aaaletsnt Seererary SECWRITT. SAVTItOS TRUST COMPAKT Transvet a Gsnevnl Banking Basmse. ea Time aad Savtnga Accounts.' Acta as Credit Available la e. r. TMxts A. U. MILLS. PreeMent I .. Second Vic-President GEO, F. RUSSELL........ Assistant Secratary T M0ETOAOE 0UAEABTS8 A TRUST Tren-arts a Ceneral Banking Bnslnes. xiepanmaoi) per rent intereat allowed, compnanded qnsrveriy. . CAPITAL.. , ,...$100,000.08 ' OX W. WATPaBtJRT Pr-ealdeat 1 0. W. MILLKR . Tlco-Prsaloeerl . ' . a tOOAW HAYS... slstgnt BeeretnlT . " Rika' Temple. Seven tS and Stark Streets. Phone Main 1H4. Open Sstwrdsy Bventng 8 Ba B. ItTOKTBrWESTZXIf SUARANTEI A TRUST I Mmber CxchgBgt. R.-B.Comee Becwnir and- St-srlr Sueela " FISCAL AGENT FOB CORPORATIONS. Btote, Coanty, Manlclnal and Corporatloa Bomlo Boaght aad Bold. New ester prises erg sal as I , . and financed. ' Stocks and botida gusrsnteed. ' TITLE OUABANTFE A TRUST COMPAKT B40 WABETlfOTOW BTBIE - - MORTGAGE LOANS aa I'ortlsod Baal Batata at Leweot Rate. i - Title loanred. Abstracts Furshed. i J 1 TnORBUR ROS8. Preeldeht I CKOBOE B. RILL . . Vice-President j B?NDS AND M 0EEII BEOTKXEJ. Chamber el Commeree Bidg. . . . - ' Manlctrel. rellroed end -pnMIc eerrlce en is ex flow bowdrf'. - - DOWXIKO.HpPXmB COMPAKT XstaUlshed IBMBEOEBRB. ' . - -- . tTOCKB. BONDS. GRAIN-Booght sad Bold tor Cash aad aa kfargla. Prlvsts Wh-ee. ,B0CM 4 CHAMBBB et COMMBRCm, ' ' ' PboaB Mara FT. TEE t, C. IZt COMPANY IB-JO Lafa-ratt Bidg.. Pert lead. Oragea. Brokerege 'Department H. W. Donahue. Manager. Bee rs. Befors Buying Belling Stock 0UI8 3. WILDE HOME TELEPHOyi Member Portland Stock Exchange. ' Corner Sixth and Washington 8 1 recta, Portland. Oregon. Overbeds, Starr & Cooke Co. ' " 6EAT74 , PROVISIONS. COT TOKj STOCKS AlfB B0XD8. 1 : .. .- WE DO A 8TRICT1X COMaflgSIOM BUSIVES8. - v CoatlBOOOB Markets by Private Wlra. Qnlek Service. REFERENCES Ladd A TUtoa. Bask, ri. .d United Bute N.tlonal Bank f Portland. MONEY -TOXO AN. MONET TO LOAN On Improved city property -or for-building - porpoeee, for from S to 10 year" time.-with privilege to repay aU part of loan after two yeara. Leans approved front plana and money advanced a building progresses; ' nortgsrea tnken tip and replaced FRED ii. STKONil, Financial Agent. .- 242 Stark at. THE STAR LOAN CO. Atiy-aslsrlcd employ. wsgs-Mrner. eeu get OB bt Bote, -WIIUUUX menxu. , T M,mth.- U, Montk Week Mo no Repay to as B 1.1.82 or $0M or B3.8S J2S no Repay lo os I 0 6H r $ or at 16.00 Repay to os $ 4. or $2.00 or $1 210 McKsy bidg. CONFIDKNTIAL-OANB aalarlea. laaaraac Bottcies, -prano. -riirni-., ,.-. Jelpts. etc.; ani deserving peravn may eeeure a liberal advance, repaying by easy weekly oe monthly Installments. NEW ERA U1AN A TRrT COMPAXT. . 200 Abtngtoa bldf. HONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPL1 T,-, ,nn, nva nsme no. etuer ancuriu don't borrow nntll fou aee me; my aystem la the best for railroad men, clerk a. bookkeeper, sti eetcar men and all other employee; busi ness strictly cobBdcntlsL , F. A. Kswtoa, 424 Ablnfton bldf. flcrttrajes n.Hne a and T tier cent, on fans 4 city property, at fac valns; ao bonua. Room 84, -. 51 wasnurgiv vi-. unvfY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE Aud otbera upou ineir own nanr wimnoi aeenrlty; cheapeat ratca. easiest paymeat; fdcee lo 0" principal cities: save yoarseU a.,,, he eettfne our terms first. TOLMAN, 222 Ablnftoa bUlg., 1O0H Third St. WANTED Notes, mortgagee or eon tracts ea anv kind off real eeinie in ircgon a no wesoma- ion; aecond mortgages purchased I? well se cured. U. K. r.ouie. am Loruujerciai di. DON'T borrow money on salary nntll yog aee -hattoaTfetlfTdr 012 Deknnt bMf. MOKEY loaned a fnraltore, planoa and other eerorltlea. w. A. uainaway, room xu, Waahlngton Bidg. rnone t-acinc utia. PRIVATE money to kisa on real eatate; rate reasonable; mortgages poiigoi snu noia. u A. Johnson. 1 Commercial block. MONEY to loss oa sll klpds of security, a Holt, mom U. Washington bidg. Willis LOW rate on furniture, etc. ; -conflilentlaL Flledner bldf., 10th aud Wash. Psrido Si SSii TO LOAN Snma lo suit on, etisttel eocortty. K. A. sralne, l,is ine e.niu.w, M0NEV to (osn: lsrge loans specialty: alao building -loons; low-tx rati. lire insurance. William 0. Beck. 312 Falling bidg. Or U.K. loans on all aecarltlea. S. W. King, 46 Washington bidg. I'bone Msln OlflO. WILL loan or les, real eetate security. 0 per ccat. tarringtun. reniop omg. Clt-rSCENT LOAN CO., 42a Mohawk Hldg. Money to lenn on eeay-pavmeni plan . to wsgc-carisTg; strictly confldeatlsL f . IStal TO $ TO LOAJf oa -real aatata ae eurliy by pvlvsto party at to B per cent. ItooBi 017 xomiurrciai ui. A LOAN for the akliig---PIary or chatteL. The Loan Co.. 41 wins uiug. MONUMENTS. " " XEir"A KIXOSI.EY. gin Tint et., Portland's IcaTrlnf marble ana gianue woras. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY, fi'sdnata' ef tb Osteopathic colli se t MD.nic, Misanurl. who H a spectallat mi rheuniail.m, stomach and all female. dle-ee. 'Illtlce 410 Falling bidg., corner of Iblril .and Washington ata. DBS API X A NORTHItUP. 413-10 IT I-hnm bbtg.;- Ihlrd and naaningtoa at. t'hone Main elb. Faamlnatlon fr.-e. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. fTTI. BEACH A CO The Pioneer , paint o.i , inwiw tmrm lu, .. ow .- J a,. Phone l:l. ' W PLUMBERS. FOX A CO, military rdumr,crs. ft I See.m.1. b-t. Muiti.nnd i.nna wregou rnone Main tf. r - -- PONKFHIIKKH k n a. at A. U L R, rtajeVtd 11 A'a. i Barusida su. BANKS. R. L, DURHAf.. Wtee-rveAel QCOIloa W. HOTT .,.AoaUUBt Csaoiao and Lettera OredU- laaoeA AvalUole aa Collections a Bnecisltr - ' " , -' . Mo B. 0. MRAltS., n n .mir Cssbtse .Aaalatant Ca.hler .Weneeal Cnal PLATT A PI PLATT... 0RK00B. . , Financial Agent of the Potted Btateo. ' ' ' l ci.,1,1., . f m- wwwwtww aecoad Assutsat csshtac...,.B, r. iinae. BOO MorHaea Seraet." PortlasA Orogoa. SAVINGS BRPARTMBNT. Inteeeet A I leered Traatee Tar Eat n tee. Draft and Let tare of AU Parte ef the World. V. A. LFW1S ........First Tie. Pi-eel ile I B. O. J U BITS .........B.cestory COMPANY BARE. - - Interest Paid . ea Tim Pep uetto. , COMPART Portland. Oragea.' JNO. R. AITCflTSOM T.T. BITRKHART, INVESTMENTS. c-Bond. ; Can Always Bavo Tea Vooey. r" BONDS BANK STOCKS. ' (Member Cblesgo Board ef TrodO I0B Third SC. McKay Bidg., Portland. Oregoa. PRINTING. THE MODER PRINTERY Artistic printing. 20 Russel bldf Fourth and Morrlaoa. Phone - PsdOc 1826. RUBBER STAMPS. ' ; P. C. STAMP WORKS. 240 Aids .. phono Main 710; robber stamp, seals, eteoclls; bag. gsge. trace el-ieeke; braaa stgus aad plates. REAL ESTATE. rARRISH. WATKIN'B A Ca, Beat aetata. Insurance, rant si aad loan . - s gents. 200 Aider bC , A. BJCMARDSOK A - REAL ErtTATK AND MORTGAGE LOANS. Phone Msln O:t00. 622 Cbsmbec of Commerce. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, mtterlnf, repstrlnf aad feneral J-bblng. JL. Ixi.1 1, 212 Jefferson at.. Pa 144. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER A KI.E1SER SIGNS. W kav ballt ap the largest sign kaetneea - la the eliy by flrst-clssa work and keeping onr pmmlsea. Onr price ar rlgltt. . Fifth aud Everett ata. Pboo Kg. BS. W. P. lir-KIER A SON. 24 YsmhlU at. at all kinds. Pboa PaclBo 22SA Sign SIONS THAT ATTRACT" A. H. 2S7 Stark at. Phone PactOo 1500. Boat Cos.. SEWING MACHINES. PHONB Pacific 278 aad I peraonatly wtTI cell and repair yonr ae Wing-machine i work guaranteed. S. 8am. adjuster, Bdl Third at. SAFES. PORTLAND 8AFR CO., sole agents for Herring. Ilall-Msrvin sarre snd alsngsneee steel Bare Co.'g bank ssfes. llie' largeat assortment of blgli-grade fir and barxlar-proot ssfes In the northwest. 112 Seventh St. " ' PIFHOLD msnganee and fire -proof safeet lock .. ouis opened metet aatnrvei -vaotc aad let . work; Jack v J. E. Davis. 00. Sd. Mala lOoO, EIUIIT aecond band fire-proof aafea and tw scond band bunk safaa fog ssl cheap, at 70 Sixth St., lortl-ind. Or. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. HUOWCJUSFJJ . and atone fixture made to order. Mannfa.-tH'Ing Co.. Poet Is od. The LlU It. K. BIRDSAIX. deelrner: event M winter Lnmber' CQ..-7- 17sB(ilton bidg. M In IWv.u, TRANSFER AND HAULIN0. THK BAUD AUK A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., ror. Sixth and Oak ata.; baggage cheeked from hotel r residence direct to destination; pasaengem tlieretore avoid rush and anrciy aace at depute. Private exchange OA. SAFES pUinoe and fnmltnre moved. ' parked re.idy for shipping snd shipped; sll work ' fnsranreed; large. Kttort brlcfc. Brs-rrm- " wnrehnnse for storsge. OfTle SOS Oak at. ' Olaen A Roe. - Phone Mala 647. C. O. PICK, office 8' First at., between Stark and Onk sts.. phono BOO: planoa and fnrnlrnre nioVed and packed -tot shipping : eoouiMKitoas . brick wsrehouee wltk Separata Irua rooma, I rent snd Clay ata. . . CUT ratea on hmtsehold gxjla to alt polnta eaat; we make nu eatksiia; speoisi i-moo foe trunks while wslllng. Oregon Aule-DesmU'lt, 1.1 First at. Phnas Mali 71. PENINSU LAR cxpre-ia; dnllr tripe betweo city ami prninauir;tmnks ff-iiverefl si env rates. 217 Al.ler. ITione Msia 2171;, Uhlort Hod. OIlK'iON. THANNFFR CO.. 14 N-wth Slxlh. FboiM klnln Oil. Ilesvy ssuilug ens ai-rae. iNm:PKNiiKVr'R.tii!oAti a tm a nsfku to. Storage. ,UI Stark at. Main O'T. " POST SPKCIAL liri.ivpuir. No, 2W14 Wajk- Ingtoii al. -I', M'lla r in i. iiaeiaii. i .ar-i-i- '- TOWEL SUPPLY. CI.KAN TOWKf.B DA II, V , heoab. t Hi-pee 111 ait b Portland l.'mrv Slot I , ...I Supply Co., Ninth a.el I . b. Itl -ee 4-1 TELrrifONF.S. TH"; only l lectn pau, yt I aU w