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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. . SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER - 3. 1S03. NEW TODAY. Real Estate : ' The Title Guarantee . ; Tru.t Co. flt rnfl worth On th cr Una. 4- v plumbing; lot 80100 - feet; $500 ' ' mmut vauw . a m - - t 91400 North '-irvtngton Lot - 80x108 feet and cottage. . rooms; terms - MMwrttr caafi . esy -' payment. ; . .. : swarm Moiiwmvt New: house. 7 room. . ... bath, full baeemeut, fruit." nice --f ; lawn, street graded and sidewalk 1 laid: lot sOglOO feet; terms half r.."--rash. - . . . B83O0 North Irrlngtor T-roora housa, : lot 0108 feat; terma ono-fluarter . cash, balance eaay payment. M400 Sunnyslde Naw t-room cottage, bath, concrete baaement, corner lot 88 1-Js.J.ue ,ieet: woia nia v . T balance on mortgage for 1 yeara 9Bn&Mlrtlnn are. and Blantfeng at. . i -roora house, brick baaement. , ', modern plumbing-; lot JjOxlOO feet; terma half caah. ;. R2TSO East 0th and East Washington st. Ground 78118 feet and 4- , room house; easy terms, . ..- B3500 Commercial at; corner Beach- On car line; lot 60x100 feet, houaa , " T room, bath, full basement, a-aa, . sewer, streets Improved; very eaay terma. ' :.,''' 94000- -Ferndale Fine large, plot ZOO . 100 feet, with 'bouse 8 rooms, and .. - a aooa Dam ana guicmd street graded, city water. 94000 Corbett at tot 80100 feet and two stores, with living rooms, hall on second floor: income 139.80 : month. .' . . : 9800 Corner East 30th and East Burn- . . Bioe-ais. iuwxjmw reel tna i-ruum . MMtam kMiu tnH- Km v window. . ' ' porchee, full concrete basement, -r- xSirnace,1 as.-ieerlclty, poultry .- houses and yards, .fruit and now- era; only 12,000 caah, balance In "' monthly payments. - . - 98800 Holladay Park 100x100 feet and new ooiomas noun, nortn, i " rooms, bath, pantry, basement, at tic modern lit all resoects; no ',. ' ' ahantiea in neighborhood. , 95800 Corner East 10th and East Madi . aon ata 100100 feet with house, -1 room. 1 halls, bath, basement. . ... gaa, electricity, Iruit ana riowers,. .-r streets improveo; line new. Titles Insured Abstracts Furnished.' . . r -. The Title Guarantee ' & Trust Co. 1 : 940-944 WABXTJTOTOaT BTBJEXT 0 (Ooraer geooad) OKTAJTD, OaUEQO. , Y; Jr. - Hood River Bargains B4ffl acrss miles from Hood River: 80 acres In cultivation; 10 acrea bearing ' orchard; 1,7 00 house, team and tools. ' ' Biggest . Bargain - o siasaa S10.0OO, aavay tarma. 100 acres' 7 mflea from town; S0 ap- pi treea; 11.600 dwelling, good Darn. ' A anap $8,600, terms. 43 er as I miles out; -12 acrea apple orchard, 1,100 boxes this year; good buildings gis,ooa, uur aaan. -40 seres H miles from town; 558 sp. ' pie trees, $1,000 crop this ysar; house uia Dajn, worm si.uuv; im, cow ana ' tools. , Tery cheap- 04,800, terma. -40 acres Improved apple land, 10 mile : oi Mount- rtood road 83,000, third ' an aores ' .'t miles out. pest east side" sof! " 11 acrea 8 and 4-year-old Bpltsenberg - and Newtown orchard, nne condition; .10 acres ready to set: good house and bRrn. Xzrallent buy, hajrd to soatob giaOO -Urma eaay. . ... 'a acrea tit miles, best apple soil:' 10 acres 8-year-old Newtown and Bplts enberg orchard, fine condition; house ; - and rmrn -worth 1 1,000. A Bice borne . 48300; terma. : 4 acres Unimproved ' apple land. . T miles oat, under irrigation, on two county roads two miles from raflroad " station. A snap, be nlok l,6O0, ' half oash. 94 acres At Willow Flat 1H miles ... - from railroad; IS acrea apple orchard, Newtowns and Bpltsenberg, 4 yeara " old; 4 acrea strawberries; good bullil - infrs.- A ftne - plaoa . flO&W; . easy At Willow Flat; .10 acres'j IS acres 1 and ' t-vear-old ', Bpltsenberg and Newtowna; acres v. ciovr, new iittun tnu iwrn,- wurio $1.000 97,800, half oasb. f0 amiss East Side, In heart of apple belt, 4 miles; It acrea I and t-year-, old Spttxenberg and Newtown apples; new barn, cost MOO; small Jiouaa A. TTarww w.&oo; easy terma. 90 acres miles out; 4 acres f-year-old Newtown and Bpltsenberg applea. A snap, be o.ulel glOO, third oaah, Geo. D.Cnlbertsoh &Co. . , UABZHO SVAVB OBaTTB. a . "': '. ; XOOD SITZB, OBIOOV. MEN-OR JUDQHENT - ' Wrrr ailndfal of . th aeorwlty of ee eurltr r their fund, will riad tb ' "OLDEST . TTT OOlfPAltX I '-' 0SX00M" . ' Full ap te rwirrmatii, weere yont shimj will be Mfrgiiard! by re--. . suarcee ot mrr ... 1,7M,000.04 -r- . , - - . aad wilt be Id the hand of meft f ctiirx-'T, fxprrlnre and.. jndm..t, ... A illxtral j-t onrtl policy. . lour drpoalta tarnatly anllritml. . ' ' ... Calt or write for free bo let of : .' ' XLHTBTaUTIOJIB." ' Portland Trust ''' - v Company of Oregon' ',' 8. t. Cnraar Third tnd f.k fMar , - ' VWbth F.achaac 72. iHEVJ. 1. rHKN ....PrMldnt . ; H.L. FITTOt K. ...... .Vlrv-PrMUrat i B. .LCH tA!HT ..ttoerrtary , J. O. COL,TKA..,.AltaW Swrctary IRVINQTON $5800 9 Rooms and Attic Vafural fir flntfcU. flrepUoe, faninee. ' '' large closets nd' Tialla. large 'toilet, tFathroom, foMIng doors between par . .. lara, also between back parlor and din . . Inn-room, larga taint pnntry. maslvr rranlU pillars, ' JArse shade trees, fine rase electrlo and gas-fixtures, window .k.(,i .ml wrKit: fine blork from car. ' Hulit two years ago for a home. Others are asking tf.000 for same- styls of house. Don't fall to sea this. C. C. SHAY 804-SO8 Ablngteav Baildlaf. raeae SUfore atoeaw Vkoa M 1KI. NEW TODAY. TOWNSEND & De LASHMUTT . ,' so Aiozav -SOOM ' A. . C Edst Side Prepertles 500 East Tth north. 100x114. . fTSO Francis addition, ( Iota. fl,0OOaley street. 10x100. ' . f 1,250 Clackamaa street, 80x100. f 1,500 Harelock add., 180x100. . - f2,10O Morris et., f-room house. S2.70Or-Best Holladay Park quarter $3,650 Holladay addition, 1 rooma, 100x100. r ''' ' amd many other hougea, lots and acre tracts, .-.j , ; -i . -i. '-!' . v ' ' - ' ;, - " . "-,, ; West Side Property; 20,000-Alder street, 80x100.' f 30,000 Front street, brick-. FOR SALE . . . . . A hotel In middle wesVbullt of birch veneer, I lots, each 15xlJ0; ft rooms, halls, closets; near railroad depot ; Only hotel In town, doing good bualnea.' Call hera or write us for particulars, : Mr. N. Q, Nease T804Xinaibsr Exchange Bulldlag'.T- " , Thoao atala 734." Your Money Back Rooming-home of 81 rooms, on busy, corner; long leaae at reasonable rent. Pays Over $160 a month net Muat sell at once; 81,760. - a l. vAzmisjc 8t CO. 421 Lumber Exchange, i'hone Main J15. RARE OPPORTUNITY ! $4,000 FOTt "MODEHN 7-ROO5rH0MEr CLOSE CSlEOR PARTICULARS AD DRESS N 71. JOURNAL Bargai ns Hotel. 28 room furnished, city, to lease; , 240 acrea timber and orchard land. White Salmon valley. Trout Lake, and homestead relinquishment. . for sale cheap. C H. PIQOOTT and J, A. FINCH, Attorneya-at-Law, Room 4, Mulkey building. WEATHER REPORT. - gtana.soattieaat warntnc bar bees continued at all aeapnrta In this dlatrtct. Rf. porta from Tatooab Island and Kareaa are mtaabif . bnt at Sortli Head, Waablnrtoo, a nanl mam Telocity of U mllee fron tb eoatbeaat eccurred laat night. Tbe storm la now central aft -tbe Washington coast, and wbll no blab winds are reported Is tu interior or tuts dis trict, rata baa faDea geaerallr la the north fuel fie atatr and also ia norths ra California and aortbwestera Nerada. . Th two blab ereaaara areaa noted vaatardav bars united and formed a sbifle larae blan Kreamire area, wnicb is sow central over i.sks uneiior. and fair weather eoatlnoa In tbe eastern atatea. Tb diaturbsara yesterday over western Colorado naa aiaappearen, a tier cansuia moueraieiy aeasy aaow in easiers i oioraoo ana rain in Arkansss. Nebraska and Oklahoma. The tndirationa are lor rain in thin fltetrtcf tonight and Hunday, witb fresh southerly breesea in tb Interior and a atroos southerly fsl lon( om oisii.. . ... . . . ObaarTatlona take at 0 a. m., Fseine timet - "' .' , , Temp. ' . Max. , Mln. Preeln. Baker Clty, Orecns. ........ 48 ' 40 , .io Boston. Msnachuaatta 44 88 - . .01 t hk-sao. Illinois. ......... lit 46 .0 Itenrer, lokirsdo iix -an - .ea Kansas City, llor1. ..... 64 ' 1, 46 T. Im Anaeles, California. ... TO , . .0 New Orleana, Lcmlslana.... 64 . M i ' .0 Naw York. New York...... M .0 Portland, Orecon ........... BS 41 ' .04 Roaabura. Oreaon...u B 4S .0 fM. tools, fellsaunri.. ....... 60 ' M. .... r 0 Halt Lake. Utah 62 , 44 ' 0 Han rranrlace, Csllforala.. M i- U JW fpokane, Washtnaton AO - 8 .12 Tsrmna. Washlnrtnn..,..,. 64 - 46 , -T. walla walla, Washington., nz : .. 14 T. Washington. D. C... 60 I .0 J. Q, Baeber. . flnrlat: flowsrlna. sanoraMae Dlants. artistic - floral dealana: sxoert trlro- tnlng and planting of boshes and trees." 412 Vancouver ave. l Bona vast 0370. Wedding Can . W. O. Smith A Co.. Wssh- Ingtoa bUlg., ear. fMrth and Wasblngtoa ata. . Wedding and calling cards engraved ' er printed. B. T. Bosbtoa. l'J2V, Wsshlngtoa at. mil dress aalta for rest, all alas. . Unlan isiionng vo., mm BtarB sc BIRTHS. CA PLES Norember 1. to Mr. a ad Mrs. Jesa K. Cs pies. HUT Crosby, a boy. WALItCB October 2. to Mr. and Mr. 1. M. Wallsee. 1H7 gsst Tblrty-serantb, a girl. TIIOMIUOV October 81. to Mr. and Mr. Oeiwae Tbonpaon, ,2M) Crosby, a boy. . SCOTT October aft, te Mr. and Mrs. Barry W, Scott. 886 .Illlsmook, a boy. -PKOt'Dr'OOT October Hi. to Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Preaoiwot, roruana Mitarnity ooa- nltal a hov. LARHON October M, te Mr. sad. Mrs. John -fjiranii. naa fualim: i buy: KAWAMTJRA October 27. to Mr. and-. Mrs. Rlaabaro Kswsmnrs, 60 North Third, s boy. ORARr October , to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Orarf. Portland Maternity hospital, a glrL rARKEIX October 2S, to Mr. and Mrs. Rob-' art .S. rerreu, roruasa ataierniiy aoapiiai, s y T KRH: K.80N Octoher 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Jnlroa Krlcksnn, 41a rnnl, a gri. BIIAXI.BV October 30. to Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Bradley, rortiaoa Maternity soapiiai, a Irl Mf'BTON October 80. to Mr. and Mrs. Joba VnHMi vftfl Watar. a slrl. JCHTICB November ' 1. te Mr. . aad Mrs. Cbarle Justice. .13 iron, a gin. WKIOANT October 81. to Mr. and Mrs. Heary Welrant, fMt Fremont, a glrL' I BKWLKf November 1. to Mr. and Mrs. B. B. " " BewleTT"" rnlon avarraer a boy; -' ilMl'KU October 6, to Mr. aad Mrs. William P. Simper, T4 alinaanta aveana, a giru e DEATHS. BTKWART October 81, Bllaabeth B. Stewart, age 02 rrara, Wooa samentaa soapirai, ojs- htM melntiia. 8('HKUMEKifOR1 October 81. Alroen I. Bcber- hora, ar bH yeara, e.'U vonuaerciai, acuta hfilecestltls. ' r . . - 0ABITT Koramher 1, 'James A. Oabltt, age T-rear, arieta. pararysts. . BROWN November 8.- Adam Brows, age as yesrs, W lUsburg. cancer or atomacn. Al.KKB November 2. J'ibB Alder, 68 years, Bt Vincent noapitai. erysipeiss. FUNERAL NOTICES.- Wll.DON Is this elty, November 1, 1906. at tho family residence. Of nest join at., s.ynia WDdon, aged 21 yeara and 21 daya. Tbe fnnersl acrrlces- wl he held at Uie abore realdenca at 1:M p. m.. Sunday, November 4. Friend Invited. Interment Hirer lew reaw tery. UNDERTAKERS. .Denning, MrKntr A Ollbangh, sndertskers nA ambaJmerai' modern in every detail. keveetaV aad Pla. Mala 40. Ld ssslstsat. A. B. Ilematoeks ondertsker aed emhalmer. gsst Thirteenth aad Camilla are. Phone Hell- wood U. Ertrksos Undertaking Co.. and embalming. Alder St. Phone Mala 6138. Lady aeslatsit. J. p. rialey A Sob; Third and Madtsoa ata Of See of cuenty esrosar. Phone Mais S. (Hark ' Bros.. PloenrM rtn Sewers aad Boral oeaigns. tt Mprrlaos at. Bdward Bolnuin. saderuker. 820 Third at. I1THTIIW CEMITEBT. Single gravee, tlO. 'rsaitly nta 7I to ll.onO. The oaly cemetery Is Portlaad which per aet'isllf maloratna aad earea fur Iota, for full (aformatloa apply In W. B. Markeaal, War eastsr black, ctty. ,W. at, Ladd, president. " REAL ESTATE-TRANSFERS. l'ortlsad Truat Compaay of Oragoa to Cluisilan WsaUwtL luta S aad a block 4. Beauroir 8 . 800 Mary V. su-yeon to the Roma Cathollo arcbbk)h..p . of the .dloa of Oreguo. VtW a, SS SIMS a a, iikk , tJSM B , addlttos i..,. 7 1,0M B. oaksn to Cord Oeaastska et alu luta 8 and a, bkx-k 821, city.. 16,000 saarenanta l.oaa a iruac eompany to Ruo.. Uemuead, kit IS. block 8s, Kunnyald saouad eddlttoa A. L. Maney ' and wile to Urac M. Bowes, lots 8 aad A block 11a. Orv- ar's addition r .... ... 1.800 Jaoale B. Aaatla to William Henry Aua tin, tract 6, fraas I'lace, ia aactioa A township 1 aoath, range 2 asst..,... Oraguo cmupany te M. W. HoUlater, lots aad lu, block 2. Stanley Josenli Kins to James el: ktdnand.' lot 3. block 17. Khiael Paik ' 880 Unas M. CUrk to . a Hurlbert, wt 14.. bldrk 8, ChlpmsB's addltiua to St. Jubna Joseph M. Tugs to J. II. and B. L. Bur- isca, lots J, a. so, xi, p. zu ana ju, block 11.. Wbaatuuid addition; also iota i. ii a a. a. a. 7. 2s aad au. .i.-b t&.RU.i.i ..i.i(.L.. v.. t . ann John B. Tanner and ariia to Ratwrt W.. i wen me sr. uieis :n u mai t iotb ana - 7. bkick 1. W. W. McUulrs's addition.. S.2S0 rrancla McKaon and wife ta lulph . reeney, Ji acres, besuinmg fet est ofaouihesat coruer of Jouu and hillaabeth ' Rankln'e donation land' fttsun Kl ML In aectluna 4. B and lu. townsblo 1 north, ranaa 1 seat 8.800 John Huas ana wire to icna Keiaiuiger.' In U. hloi.k 4 Williams A Venus adtll- twa -.. . 8,800 John .W. nin aiul wir to VTahk Kanere. kit 8. block 1. Kochaiia... ... sou William It. Inall.h and wife to Melvls ; -O. Metcalf. acres in aevtloB 11, toar- - ablp 1 emits, range 2 east, at inter- . sect loo of canter Hue of J-owell Valley ' road with waat Hue of Aloaao Oataa'. . ' dnaatlon land claim 750 William H. Ingllsh and wife to Me It In , u. jietcair. uurtn or souta i ai i RMMetw Miht ahm ... S00 fclnathan Sweat and wife to Louis J. H 1 hie, trustee, lot S, block l,-IMrig a . addliloa, and let 8, block 4, Mead a ad,litiai 10.000 Angua Oor and wife to K. B. Mergee, 6 acrea beglunlng ar a point at sou t ties it corner of ' northwest 14 of nortliasat H t aectloa 2a. township 1 aorta, ' ' " rsnxs 1 east 8.800 C. 1'. Hoilawsy and wife to Alberta W. Thompson, lot to, block 4. (VooOlawa ueiifaia ow M- C Ueorga'and- wlfa to Aan 1. Bell,. - parcel or lana begiunuig at s point in east aide of Vista avenoa, is lot. 2, ' block fi. Carter's addition 8.800 Tbe Land Company of Oregon to Elmer-, j - JU- Jaoklaev eX 4v Macs il, city v iew ... Park 878 Lone---Fir' Cemetery eompany to Harvey ' lieckwltn, lota it) ana 10, oioca , . au, v iv . cvioviery ........ ...... .v John Jarvia and wit tffJMsry A. Stark, .... kLk u , .. t ' aoa WSItam M Itid and wife to johaT'jf.- Jlswea,. lot 1, block 2, Strong' addi tion' 1 : 4.S00 William U. Ladd et aL te Joha J. . Hawaa, lot 8, block 2. Strong's add!- tlo 8.800 Richard Williams to T. . H. eraser, 854-1000 acre, beginning aTTIHteraectlon of center line of Gladstone avenue with center, of Tabor iaaue. In Richard ; Wllllsma' tract ; . .", 1 C. J, Joue and wife to L. A. Sharp, . i lot ii sad 12, hlock 26, North Irving- ton 1.000 D. C. Koger et aL te Delia Heath,' -00x84 feet, beginning at westerly cor- ner of lot 8, block 17,' Jamea John's addition to St. Jubna. 490 C. 11. Thaysw. tniatae, et al. to Mary - J. Bmltb, lot 2, block 5, P, T. Bmitrt.a . addition to St. Johns . 1 M. L. Holbronk and wife to Carl Jon son, ' all of Bailer, add tloa test. Johns.... T.000 S. R. Bond to J. H. Kttching. lot 7, , block Do, Htspbena addltiua to Est -Portland 1.600 M. L. Holbreok and wife to M. Nickels, - loea B and a. Cheater Place in Bt. , . AAA on us .......,................. ,vw A. O, Hail to' Jennie L. Morehead, lot 14. and waat 14 feet of lot 11, block i, Ktna's Second addition...... 4,650 Edward Byrnes to S. C. Brasswell. par- . . , eel or land beginning at a point its feet weat of northeast comer of lot 6, ' Byrllne ...-.....,.-.-,..,-,,. ........ f. 1 Charles J. Arnold and wife to Martha E. I'lummer. lot 8. block 61. Bell wood. 1.300 Seott-McClttre Land company to Victor Lana company, lot la, blocs ia. una- . bla Helrhta .'. '. 1 Burton O. Case and wife te M. A. Oar- : land, west 10 feet ox lota 0 ana o, bk-rk 23. city..... ; 1 i. L. Hsrtmsn et al. to John P, and - Mary A. Berach. lot lfl. nines , ana- " dlrtolon of Bt. Johns Heights.......... 1 Title tinarantee True company te ' Laatlrs C. and Ohrestln Mlckalaon, ; lot !al block A. UolUdav Park addi tion ..........w...... .... 800 Victor Iad eompany te Cbarle ,.Orf - flth. lot 13, block 18, Columbia Helgbta Robert Jonea et aL to P. D. Iang and wife, lota 8. 4 and 8. block 8. Montl- ' cells addition t TOO Charles P. and S. . riabar to Hsrrtoon Wonlrnrf. lots A. A S aad T. block 2d. Carson Heights i 800 P. O. Downing and wife to Anthony ' Rsrdy. lots 5 and 10, block Sfi, first addition to Llnaton y. V, Hanebnt snd wlfa to Prank Iv Ball, north Vt of lOOalOO feat, begin ning at a point at Interaectioa of south Una of risndsra with waat line of North Twenty-first 7,000 B. n. Brubaker to t. at. emits ana wire, lots T and S. block 8- Hanson's addl tlon te East Portland.. . 800 Multnomah Real Eatste- aaaociatton' to f'avnltna Roleees. lots 5 S. 4 and a block 10. Willamette Townalte. ....... . J. .800. tuchara wuiiama to susan a. i enesr et al.. SJi viks a, uiiauia suui - - tlon No. 2.... .: 190 Joseph H. Kash end wife to Prank Cnilkahank. lot T, block 86,. Treownt Place Hrnrv C. llodgea and wlfa te O. W. Prieat. lot 14, block 18, Central Alblna 800 O. P. Jordan et al. te Iiln Acheson. lot 7, block 17, King's Second addition.,. 10,000 1. A. ttarhad et al to Oeorae BUllnaa. kits 1 and 2, Mock 8. Oarbade 1,800 Lopoia l tiers et al. to Emma n. rnrna, lots 1. 2 and 8, block 1, Fetirer's addi- ' tloa te Beat Portland C. H. Pacha and wife to Ida M. Dundee. . let 1 and 2. block 1. rearer's addition - to F.sst Portland 1.800 For a ha tracts, title Insurance or mortrsge loans call on Pacific Title A Truat eompany; 204-8-6-7 Falling building. Get your insurance aed abstracts te real estsle worn the Tltls Oeseantee a Teaet earn pany. 240 Washington-street, err ner Second. NOTICE. ANYONE knowing the whereabout ef Mlsa Ida . Stnke will confer s kindness try exiling up Scott 2284. ...... BEAD THIS: Wanted Two small children te board; good home, motherly rare) eewlng furnished. Call at 757 East 18th St.,- N. BEATERS repaired oa abort notice at Alr-Tlght Stove Co.. 271 Fu-at. I'bon Pacific 1111. EXCAVATTNO and grading. C. E. Pottage, - 489 Commercial et. Pbooe Beat 8108. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON. CHAPTER, NO. IS K. A. M. Special eonTocatlon Sst ' nrday ereblng. November 8, 1W, st ' 7:80 o'clock. Masonic ball. ' liurkhard bldg. Royal- Arch de .' sree by team of past hfcrh priests. -Visitors welcome Memliera urged . te attend. By order 14. H. P. E. E. SHARON, Secretary. ALB1NA LODOB, NO. loi, A. F. A. M Ktated eommuulcation this (Ssturday) erenlng. s o'clock, hall of Oregon commsmlery. Third and Alder strerta. Work la F. (X - degree. Visiting brethren cor ' dtallr Invited. By order W. M. .A. J. HANDLAN, necretsry. M, W. A. EVERGREEN Camp, 8.468, meeti Wednesday erenlng. Allsky bldg., Third aad Morrison at. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Mnsle for all oe. caslons; reaao'Aable, Mala 6n)J.or 46 Lncretla. M. W. A.. Oregon Oratie Canrp. No. 6.878, Mob. daya. 17th and Marshsll; tlsltora welcome. LOST AND, FOUND. yUCND stray black bora, whit VaoV on head, White left 4iln4 foot, no shoe, st 426 Baers- mentn.s.t. fOI Nil A plar to hsVe hllr reno vated and relumed ssme day. 228 Front st, . Msla 474. Portland Curled iJtlr Factory. H. uetager, proprietor. FOCNl) On October 22, s black and white aiMted bird dog, with asmr1 oa collar.' Call at 672 Albfha ar. fad Identify. . . LOfT One Ritcllsh eetter, Nov, 1; name B. S. Jenkins, 66 t rederlik at., engraved on collar. - Telephone SeDwood 81. Reward, 82.80.' FOi ' N TV Pom far Ag: owner prove property and nay expenses. Call 688 Sevier at. LOST tiold watch fob, odd design, with Initials engraved O. A. A. Bet era to Journal off Ice ad reeeivs suitable reward, , V LOST AND FOUND; LOST A sold ludkst, "A. B. N." back; reward, a. . Neylo. ttl Russell. HELP WANTED MALE. WA1TTBD At eaee. atsTebolt-cuttera; goad say, ateady work. Apply Western Coopers ce Co., 8u6 Staarn .-hldg., Portlaad; eg Uiwltoa, Oragoa. '..... i t 8TR0N0 rOL'NO MEN Fee firemen - aad brakamea ea Oregon and other railroad I a perlvne snnsessssryr flrecnea Ituu aoonthly, ' tieeotne englneere and earn Jtx; brakamea ' 178, became conductors and earn 8180, same position preferred; aula age. height, wslgb ' I important). Mailway Association, eare Jour nal. . ; ' Union Hotel ; i 81 NORTH SIXTH BT. Free employment to our pal rone. '. j. - -Weekly rates: Room, 81.28 up; roes, aad board, 84.80 up. Anderson,' jiroprlstor. STRONG young. rs tee Bremen and brakemss VU UrrpiB BUU'OlOe rBIUtieUS; Krr secesaary: Bremen lluu moutbry, . become gloeera aad earn 82ut; brakemva 818. beoHU conductors sad ears 8100; name poaltloa "lte ferred: state ate. height and .weight (lm- Jnrtant). - ttallway . Asavctstlou, care Oregoa onrnal. . . . , WB have as agency propoaltlos, that will In- ureal any lactory- roremaa, or any iwuve. man who want to make little on the aide without much effort, and who mliea with men that uas tools. Write' eulck for details and eecure exclusive territory. Ore A Lorkett Hardware Co., Dept. "AX, Cblcegu, 11L.' WANTEDr-Salaaaens many make 8100 to 81B0 per monto; aome - even more; atoca cieae. grown on reservation, far fraa eld orchards, cash adranced weekly; choice ef territory. Aildreaa Wash! sgton tinrsery roaipsa, Tos nenlsh, Washington. . WANTEll Young people te prepare tbeiueelT' aa nooaaevpera aua eteoograpnera; aare nsu 643 calls sine September 11 placed 208 la posltloua. We will place yoe whes eosv pcteut. - Day er sight. Catalog oa. . Behnka Walker Buslnea college. . ' MEN AND WOMEN to learn barber trad ta eight waeka; graduates ears from 810 fu -. weesij. eapert inaimruvi, vaiaMfsue arvw. Molcr bratem of CoUegaa. 88 North Fourth at., tMruana. - A FIRST-CLASS 8PIELBR would like to Bare alrnatlon. T 71,- car Jooraal. - ENTERPRISE HOTEL. 822 SATIER, -CORNER 1STH. w We are Is the faeteey-end mill district : come In and have e talk ' with na; good board and good room, 84.80 per week. FIRST-TLAS lauadry washer wanted. Phosss WE aet work for oar members: special mem bers. 82. X. M. C. AM Courts and Yamhill. WANTED Tare er three flrat-claaa, all around msrnine men; permanent position, awn wiin, Oregoa Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam read. DON'T work far a email salary; see or write Paeiric Ala association tor a goes pro post tlon, 224 Lnmber Exchange. AGENTS WANTED To eell aupsrlor. high-grade nuraery atocs; eompieie outrii rumtaneo tree; cesh weekly; err It today for choice of terra, tory. Capital City Nursery .compaay,. Salem, Or. i WANTED Toung man to prepare for railway ceiegrapn service- wagea sno to w per moots when qualified. Expert College ef Telegraph, fifth floor Commonwealth bldg. CLERKS and caniergfor Portland post office; another apeelal examination; several- men wanted; file application today. See ana in regard to preparation for same. E. B. Uow ard. 813 McKay bldg. , , TWO aollcitore oa bouseholi goods; good re turn for few hours each day. 262 Third, -i LEARN to operate notion-picture macblnea If wsnt to earn goad aalary, eaay work, have abort boors. For particular end terms call at 145 H Sixth St., room 2. , WANTED Boys 16 yeara -or more, to wrap p, Apply at factory Lacksl, King A Ckt - Soap Co., 448 Hood St. SION PAINTERS, wall men; highest wagea The Curran Co., licensed advertlaer, - ROOFERS wanted, tinners wanted,- eheetmetal workers wanted. Apply Wynkaop, the Boufer, 246 Aah st. ,. . , . ... WANTED Boy to leant printer's trade. In j autre C. S. Uaeaell A Co, ."Quality Printera," 204 Stark at. ' - - BRIGHT hoys wanted to aell Held' Tourist Bulletin, erery week; make 810 to 828 a week, i Apply Held' Tourist Bureau, Raleigh bldg.. Sixth and Washington ata MEN te solicit clothes to be cleaned er dyed, with boras and wagon; good Inducements for Sood hustler, at the Baat Portland Cleaning i Dye Works. .148. brand its. A OOOD ' outside man -wasted for city,-not . sfrnld pf work, chance for advancement when ability la shown. Columbia Phonograph Co.; 871 Wsshlngtoa at. TWO good book-men; aalary 880 and commis sions ; esstern Oregoa ana Waebtngton; crew .. starta Monday morning. Phone Main 74 be tween 8 and 8 today. KNIGHT BH0B CO. want boy with wheel te work sil any. LADIES or gents' grand holiday offer; rustler overage 110 per day. Rembrandt Studio, 404 a amnion niug. WANTED Boy to work in store. Barette, tbe tailor. , ail si once at zos Aioer at. HELP WANTED FEMALE.- WANTED Cook in priests family, no washing; wanted cook in private family at Seattle. 840. - aee lady here: 8 at 8:18, and aavral at 828 and 840; waitresses, 88 and 2o, and ether good jon. limit ladlee Agency, loo '4 Fourth at., - cor. Morrison, upstairs. Main 6826. CAPABLB WOMEN WANTED , If you work, why not ears more the a a living? Be independent; do good. The Viavt Co. already employe 12.0(a) women: the work eovera 22 eoontrlce of the world; we will estertsln a rp I lest lone from eansbl wetoen; not cs mussing, but Srliifnl, dlgnlfled work. . Address by mall only, Vlavt Co., Lewi bldg. HOME LADIES' AGENCY. 188H Fourth St., corner Morrises, Spats Ira. - ' Phone Main 6028. Alongside tbe V. M. C. A. bldg. , 01 ELS WANTED Operator te work ea shirts and overalls. Lesaoua gives th inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory Na. 2, Ursad a vs. ' snd Ksst ,Tsylur at. .... WANTtGtrtrTB taake "Boss ef AH", ever alla at 7 First st. ' HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY.-Baft) Wash Ington st., cor. Seventh, upstairs. Phone Main 2062. Female help wasted. FEW ladle wanted "4 or assist making ' eaay fancy work apare time at home; good etesdy pay; o eipetieec required. i 82d: Fleldnee bldg., 407' Washington at. . ' . GIHLg Chocolate dipper and packers. A I don , Candy Co., 10th and Ollssn. GIHi, tor light housework: 8 in family; good hume; - evenings off when wanted. Pbooe Main 3u. ' WANTKD Yonng girl for light housework: two In family.- Paose ' East : 8636. ' 764 lUlght ave. LADY, to cottrtact . furnished dining-room la hotel; rent ie board of --one. Snap. McCoy 271', Morrison at. OIRIJI to arrap chewing gnm. Apply 10 to 12 a. m., American Chicle Co.. 31 North Front at. WANTr.D Middle-aged woman for generil housework. Call at 808 . Depaow St., St. '- John cnrlin. " - ' SERVANT GIKI-Hlrnt wagea for goad tedy girl. 43B14th at. 8. SERVANT GIRL 828' per month; attar sis months' satisfactory ,exvlce 830 per smith. 4:3 14th at. 8. ' - - WANTED Olrl or middle-aged womsa for light uonwwork: help with children; ae washing sr ironing. I'hnn East 8S70. AS first else cook; go any Mad of outfit. F 08, care Jotu-ual. ' WAIST and eklrt help appreatlcea wasted. 814 The Dekum. , COOK wanted; good wages. 870 Hoyt at. Phone Moln 1 MALE; AND FEMALE HELP. BF.LP wanted and anpplled, male er female. R. s. Drake, !4 Wsshlngtoa st. Pselfis 1870. : fND FEMALE HELP. SOLICITOUS Mais and tain ate, oa salary) good pay to hustlers. Apply at Sherman' Iluuse, 12th and Washington, after 8 p. twm 1. WANTKD Flrat-elaaa lady and gentlemen eaa , vaaaera; salary aad evmmlaaloa. Call at Agency Bareau. 62 tour lb at., Portland. Or SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WB hare aras for all kind of positions nd all klnda-of work, such aa clerka. houkkeepera. eoachmea, drleara, caineat workers any. Inside er outside work. Mstropolltsa Employment n ares a. sos Aaoer at., roues is, . XOCNO mas, 10, want a position: would pre- ler etlive or biuks wim a. u a. we euwuaa. WANTED By competent bookkeeper, a email aet or oooaa to aeeg ereniuga ' aaoreae r aa, care Journal.. , r-.- PRINTER. allaronnd mas. capable ef taking . charge or as orricej no onjecuoa ta conntry, Aildreaa M Hd, care Journal. BOOKKEEPER wante position: accurate and . snderatanda commercial law; no ottisctloa to - cvuatry. Aaareaa X la, care journal. WANTED Poaltlen a helper with car pan tar; haaa had eunie eipertene. Addrssa X 78, car Journal. . '.,'. - XOUNO mas attending business ccllege wants place to work for hoard and room, r hh. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE ny young woman witu s cniiareo. e ana 1 yeara; gooa noma more or ODject man eaiary; give full particulars and wages first latter. Address X 08, ear Journal, . WANTED Two or three ehlMrea to take care , of; son younger than 1 year. Addreee 4 81, v eers Journal, or 100 East VOth at. - WANTED By mother and en of 18. positions aa cooaa. xei. racuie eoo. sin. 1. at. Cooper. . EXPF.KIE.VCED young wonjau. Catholic, deslrea position to uo nousewora. tel. cast oisv. WANTED AGENTS. MAN or woman to distribute sample and em ploy agents; f 18 a week; rpeuaee advanced; permanent. Zirglar Co., 221 Locust at., Phila delphia. - AOENTS. peddlers, csnvsasers and street work are, get your supplies from R. M. Plumawr, 200 Third St. 1 new good, bottom prices. WANTED Agente for a good article aad a money-maker. BT4 Flrat at., I'ortiand. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES.. BED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. ' . Logging camp and farm help a specialty. SO North Second et. Pbose Main 8286. - W pay all telegraph charge, HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE , FOR MEN. 18 North Second at. Phone Main 1828. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFF10B. - vH Morrlaoa st , Phone Pad 6c KW 27 North Second at.... Phone Paclne 13U0 ALPINB Employment Co., 2"S- Morrises st. Male and female help. Phone Mala 1817. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT House, cottages, fists, stores, offices, rooming-houses, eta Land lords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRL'ST COMPANY OF OREGON. Pbooe Ex. 72. S. B. Cor. Sd and Oak. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED.. . . Ws have eve to mere fur the following pepp .arttes: - -.-.i-.-.i ...1 . 7 or A room new modern house in ar- near tpper Alblna. . ' . o-roeoi cottage at er near Sunnraide. Vacant lot west et Sunnyalde, central laca- IM ' ' v 8 or T-room houaa in er near Upper Alblna. Vacant lot er house and lot, central eaat side. Cottage or vacant lot, west side. North er souta rortiaaa. . 8 or Aruam cottage, la aome good location, suburban. . , . Business properties: have caab for large and small lnveetmertta. . Bring ns yonr good properties. UE.NKLE A HARR1SOX, 217 Abuigtuo bldg. . I WILL Invest few thousand la Portlaad Income-bearing property; muat be cheap. Scad full particular, price, location, nrat reply; ownera only. Address H 88, car Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ' ' .' WANTED. " Furniture I For . Furnltur v - - I Spot-"--. Fnrnltnee ' I t'.aah - PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. 211 First at : -Phone Mala 8448. HIGHEST pTicw- paid ' for -men vust-orf elorh ing. Phone Pacific 46.' Uncle Joe, 63 Thlra. WB Wlli, BUY. SELL OB-TBADB ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 827 S2B) WASHINGTON, PACIFIC 788. WANTED TO BUY Donkey engine: stst price ' snd condition is first letter. . 0. O. Benta 12U6 B. 40th at. SPOT cash paid for yonr furniture, atoves, etc.; prompt attention. Pbon Eaat 1067. HIGHFAT cash price psld for all kinds aee , hand good. Phone Mala till,., .82 N. Third. EXCAVATING and grading. C. B. Pottage, Mt Commercial at- Phone Baat A 108. HAVE long male collie, pure blood; services moderate. V 42. care JournaL '. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL PALMER, BnOL, Alder St. Bream heat. leelrle sisems iigaie, sea ene eois watsr, free hatha porcelain tube; s few housekeep ing eultee with gaa ranges; maid service; 82 60 per week np. STEAM-HEATED rooma at reasons bis rates. Hotel Royal, 108V Fourth at., between Waah lagtos and Stark ata. Phone Mats 623A TWO nicely fnratahed rooma, with or without board, at 161 W. Park at. City phone Pacific 1830. . . v THE RICHELIEU, SStf North ttxth at. Ele gantly furulsbed; ateam heat end hatha "THB. HUR," S3 Eleventh at., earner Stark 1 rooma with stesm hest sad bsth. - FURNISHED rooms and fnrntehed hoesekeeplng rooma for rent at 762 Vancouver ave. THE ORAND, 4344 North Third St. Booms for gentlemen 81.23 per week and ap THB WOODLAND Elegant modern furnished . rooms In bssatlfnl private realdenoe, in a mouth snd up. 2MB Sixth St., corner-Madison. LINDA , VISTA, 247H Fifth Housekeeping. rooms witn oay winuowa, ana sieepitig-roema. FOR RENT 8 fnrntahed housekeeping -rooms. 834 College- and Seventh. NICE clean furnished rooms at Paris Hotel; free bath; 81.80 per week. 8215 Water at., corner MJ' , , i,','.,,,,, ,,"' , FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. FOR BENT 8 . furnished housekeeping-rooms, ftW8 Petty grove, 812 .month. . . .. 11.28. WEEK CP, clean, furnished oossekee. Ing- teema; parlor batb, laundry, furnace beat, yard. 203Vs Stanton, D ear. 81.80 WEEK sp. large, clean, furnished house keeping rooms, Isnndrg and-bath. 484 t! her nia a aoath, Portland. , ' THB MITCHELL"-Housekeeping aed tranalent rooms, reasoDsble. Seventh and Flinders. PCRN18HED or snfurnlahed housekeeping, now and data; low rent. McCoy, 871 H Mor rison, room C. FOR RENT 8 housekeeping rooms, with wood and light. 400 Second at. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma 264. Stark. ONE unfurnished housekeeping room. Call si - UUI rillllBms B ... , u.v w.nn von. ROOMS AND BOARD. NICELY furnished rooms with board; also 1 room Urge enougn. tog or e people; pern, ss snd furnace heat:. rale reasonable. 8n7Va B-ourth st. I'bon Main 2HM1. FI'RNISIIED front rrsrm, 88 per month; reaeon abl board If preferred. Phone East 6HC2. .MALE BOOM and board for gentlemen is flrat-elaaa k.ssB. Pkoa Mala fsial, - Saa task ea. , '. " v ' ' u . .;.' :, FURNISHED HOUSES. ' g ROOM house for rent, 818 B. Davis at. be tween lltb and 12th, furnished eumpletsj gaa ; rang aad gaa heater fur hot water. tJ. In quire 68 B. 12th N., or phons Colon 44. FOR BENT Pleassnt snd nicely arranged fur nished bene, with plana, Muuut Tabor. Phone Matnl3. tuta n a .''.. rll1 FOR RENT FLATS. ' NEW 8 room lower flat, 810, ; ISO Market st. seer Frost. Mala 8064. FOR RENT HOUSES, FOB BBllvT - , . - Aroom hense Sad Bars, lot ec mil, si .per month.-'' a.. .ui.h. a. 1V OTTO. CBOCfcETT A HABK80M B SALTY ' , , COMPANY. . '.. S4BH Wasblngtoa at. FOB RENT 8 handanrse, modern T-room houses, eonveulentlv IfM-aled en Thlrd-St. earlln. 210, . 812 end 014-Corbett et.; rent reasonable te dcslrsble tenanta . David 8.. Stesrna, 848 FOR RENT A neatly furulshed 8 -room cottage for 812. 816 Marguerite ave.. Won ta villa. B ROOM houaa with oath, 10 per month. 167 Idaho at., en the Fultoa carune, .inquire 108 North 12th at. ''.'..- WB HAVE euatotnere for small Booaea er flats . on weat side, turalehed sad unfurnished.. 84 Para-at. . .-...'.-...,- 838 ELEGANT -6room house, furnace, Baat . 22d and Davis sts." Mala ao2S. . - AROOM cottage, Bast 11th. near Washington, modern conveniences, a nurses ro. sua s,. ion. FOB RKNT D-room furnished bOusei 8 lets, 78 E. Ninth St., N. . -.. - - - . FOR RENT Fine apartment aad rooming hone. mil Va . i , Ml,,, WJUivTra.., heater. . 8t7 XamhiU at. . ..- FOR RENT Modern houaa, 11 rooma 868 12th. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. Offices-Most .Central ' . Location In the elty, northwest corner Sixth and Waahlagtos ata.; new elevator hot and cold water, light, beat and janitor service. THE MORTOAUE GUARANTEB A TRUST COMPANY, - 80 Seventh st. FOR RENT Desk room in large office, at reasonable . rats. ,. Inquire 200 tsoednongh bldg. ... . ... 8TOKB at Stewart station. Me t Ve44r-eerew in .haM 1it AcennsneVt eonnters. shelving, etc. : leaae at reaeoaable rest Phone Pcl0c 8108. j . . . - . OFFICB-ROdMS, nnfurnlshed rooma and asm- pla-rooma tor ran,-. Aieoaoeugn oiog. apply i levator. '.' . - v DE8IBABLB office. Including "electric light. hot and cold water, janitor ana elevator eervlce, la the new, airy Commonwealth bldg., old poetofoce alt. Sixth and Burnstde sts. Agaot room 411. PART of shop to rent, suitable for painter er plumber. 208 roorta at. DESIRABLB store near Third sad Stark; three year' lease, fhose Mam 71. - - ( FIRST-CLASS -modern storerooms close In; a la" good Barber anon in asms nuiiamg. inquire of owner, W. C Keen, ea premise. 1048 1080 Hawthorne ave. TWO desirable storerooms for rent ea Colon ave. Hartmaa A Thompson, cnamoer er com. meres.' -. . - - FOB BENT Desk roam af reasonable rata. Inquire 200 Ooodnough bldg., ever - jooraal HOUSES FOR -RENT FURNI. TURE FOR SALE. FOB SALE Furniture of S-room aaodern keoae. needy all sew; rent reaeoaable; tw blocaa from poetofflce; good traaatent houaa; will aell at a bargain If taken by the 8rat of November. 2w8 FUth at. - , FLAT for rant. furnltur for aale Complete . and np-to-date furnished Sst, eleee in. Sne location, for rent reasonable. Inquire Covell . Furniture oe., los-ino t irst st. Fl'BNITURB and 6 -room booae. g2M. East 841A FI7RNITURB of modern 8 room houaa; all sew, situated near th Good Samaritan hospital; good roomlng-honee; room full; rent reaaon- able. Phone . facine 7 ix rURNITT'RB of 11 -room booae; fln location; bene full of roomers. Phone Main 4S4A FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HAI.L and ballroom, separate or together! new , and with all conveniences. Phone Msls SSA BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE sak snd. ooor factory and plas Ing mill, doing lots of work, la beat tewa In Idaho, . A arat-clsas lumber yard doing business et $.V),0oo per year. In splendid tows, 8s eoun . try; owner brokaa dows In health. A nice little general merchandise store, (ond tows, low rant, ' good business; shoot 2.0W). ' ... . - A well-built house of 8 rooms with A room annex; eultabl for boarding-house; many ap pllcanta for hoard; location ideal. Idaho fruit and melon lands: very superior. Manhattan Mining etocke; Home compaay; T One claim; sure winner. "HONESTY PAYS." . ..' . J. B. FOREMAN, Pbon Bast 821. 808 East Morrlaoa St. FOR SALE Variety etore In s oearhr to Pnrr laud progressive city; thla la one of the beet - stands la sny town of the state;. baa a good trail an cutlery, esinreiias. jeweiry. pnoao- les and .tobaccos; this la a snsp; pick It ap quick. Address 4 eat cars Journal-- WISH tu llieef three s few dollars to put1 in legitimate an m Big . proposition near rortiana; a utile money win secure equal partnerenip interest in epienaia property, V 87, care Journal. HAVB party who wishes to buy Into business or value about sin.uuu er leaa. oil manner rial blk. Pbone Main 6120. WANTED Mas -or woman to Invest Awo or II.OiiO Is established business, . 424 Lumber xebange. HlRrlT Switch stork; for Information re gar d , Ing price and result of factory negotiations. Inquire J. F. Hurst A Co, 808 McKay bldg. THE Invincible Ball Joint Co. baa Increased its stock 8 ner -cent: abarea offered now at 28 cents will be advanced again soon. Addrees 2324" First at. Phone" Pacific 1600. FOB BENT Famished restaurant, close In, cbeap. Pbone PsclDo 2476 FOB SALE Restaurant; good trade; price-6200; rent 820. Addreee" N AS, care JournaL FOR - s A f.B Timber claim rellnanlshmentl f crulsa over 4,600,000, Inqnlr room A 206Vi FOR SALE Sawmill and timber oa railroad; . now operating; good proposition; price right. Addreee H. 0, Ma boo, Eagsne, Oregon.. WANTED Psftlee with 8200 to g600 to take -half interest Is branch grocery; good op- portuntty te make awney. Address X 74. care Junrnal. WANTED Some one to put email smenst oi money Into developing promising Vlslm; sot a stock pmposltlon; strictly legitimate! Woald be partnership deaL U 10. Journal. - FOR SALE Apsrtment-honae of IB room; all newly ft.rnlsbed; essy terms If necessary; fa. come I0I); rent 830; located en Morrison st. Apply Coo Bros.' Furniture Co., 180 Flrat. SAVE MONEY Anythfng In printing see Ms. - den. Odd Fellows'. Temple, Firat and Alder sts.; upstair; . . ' . ' , TWO BABGAINS-t- ,; HOME BAKERY snd fnrslrnr ef 8 living rooms. Including. office; rent only .61"; eversg ttualness 4100 per raoalk; must srll; lfl take II. CT0 AR - AND CONFECTIONERY store os Crowded Aiwh-town street; valuable long lesso; yonr cbsnee to get rich; only 8700.. PORTLAND BI SINE.XS CHANCE AGENCY, 146M Flrat at. FOB SALE High-toned boothlsck stssd en . Morrlaoa at.; furnished; leaae for 8 gear; cbeap, Beswlck. 260 Oak at. FOR RENT New building Is tbe hnelnesa dla trlct of St. Johns; good locntlon f. any bmlseaa- Morss A Co., 110 Jersey st. East 4.1WK . 84aV- HOTEL and boardlng-honss, 21 bed rooma, all full: dining mom will seat 88: kitchen, -mee'e waltlas-eoovHi all furnished! doing good boslnesai cheep far eash; mnst he sold. Call wt Bnaeeil si. PhesM Baat 181. ' . .BUSINESS CHANCES.' BAKSHV SikjO month caah trade; tools, horse, wsgua, everythlug fur runnlug flrat-elaaa bakery bualness. ,ft0. Inquire eg Park. OKtH KKV etore, 81.86, oa invoice; clears 8148 every monthi best Iocs t Ion on aat side; rent, en 4 haadsom livlttg ruouia. store and stsbls - , only 8i6; aluck up to data. Call 10344 4th at. V 11.000 WILL buy well paylng restaurant; owner ; a'v. TnT!i,y! "oat sou at esc. Tapfer Co, ' Washington at. . I riNB hotel sad awell her for sale; a bergs In I V good reasons foe selling; clerlng large profits. Be , owner. Bud Dekuu bla. . '. FOB BENT Store, 842 Front St.; aplsndlg plaoe for grocery and produce. Mela 8M64. " t . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Flrat-claaa restsursnt, one of the beet Iocs- . ttnna in Portland, furnishing and futures b soltitejy new, coet tJ.7bO; will seU f, Bl.BoO . oasb; beat, of resaona fu selling, will ei plain - - to purchaser; muat be sold by November A , . McQUIHB BBALTY CO.. Phone Pacific 1463. 815 Oregon las bldg. ' BUNGALOW 82d and F;saf Msls sts.! eemsnt eldewslks. . paved atreVU. watar and gaa, fireplace la -reception hall, gaa and electric flxturea. Urge ' . rooma, 84UO worth of brand-new ear pats, r";' ..7,n,ow nadei. ate.; present owner ' la building a larger Booae, don't need tbe money and will aell bungalow with carpets, .. fliture, etc., requiring Only s small payment . down, .balance easy monthly payments; ge look at tola property, then come and ae me - a la regard to prfc and terma.: . v . , - C. 0. SHAY. - i , 804-808 Ablngton bldg. : Msla 1848. PHNVIIiB-a room house. In perfect order. ' nv si. xamatii, l Dior a rrom ear line; electric light; price, 83.000. Be FOR SALE-Lots, 8S0O; glO down, 810 per . month; 2 block south ef Hawthorn a vs. ta 44th st.; atreeta graded and water; owner oa ground. J 8, car Journal. , COZY Bttl boms, Al conditio, near car: sigh, some fruit: s bargain; aee It today. , THB CONTINENTAL 0O 248 Stark St. 500 Homes For Sale Farms and City Property. THB 1NVEST0H8 OC1DB CO, Sll Harquam bldg., Portland. Oregon, Morehouse a French, 1670' af. JStk. , , Phone Sellwood 74. .. City View Park lota, 878 aad up; Roe Addition lota, 8100 and op; 88 dowa and 83 a -mouth. Home front So0 to 83,000. Lota 83O0 and up. in all parts of Sellwood. List soar . property with ua; wo wlU sail It. . -Willamette Tract i On Wlllsmelts honlevsrd, overlooking city and river, 6-ceut fare, lots 60x100 feet; pries 8250 and, op; caah. 88 per month, bee C. A, Xygowekt, Willamette station, St. John '. ear.-, . , . FOB - SALE 40 acres, boose; 8 sere cleared. running water; near newnerg; only 81,000. -JW. Oeder. X North Orand ave- ,.. - BY OWNER A ft-room well-built modern well, or 820 Delay et. caU 81 Bu BUY a lot ea tbe eaet aide: 6-mlnnte ear ere. wiinia weiainn uistsaca: - Tine nouses going up desired. oing np; prices irvax swai u awtf; tarsis u VT B. THOMPSON. 848 Mississippi ave. phone vVodlawa 901. FOR SALE Lots la block A Abend's Addition,. between Morris and Htanton sis., oa the Bua " sell Shaver carllne, two blorka from the buel - nee center of Upper Alblna; aevrer and gsa roalna; cement sidewalks.. Price guoO t 81,200 each. A Colli, 140ft Russell ex. 8 ACBE9 all In high stste of Cultivation ea the , Base Line road, about 8 minutes' wslk from new branch O. W. P. te Trouldsl. 8160 per sere; easy terma Address J 66. car Journal. TO ACRES fin fruit land. Hood BJvsa tary. 03 W illiams nv PortlaaA PORTSMOUTH. I Lens 88 1-8x100 feet AlO caah and 14 per month. Td" close out. -V Only aafew left. ' - Telephone Main S0S1. BEAVER REALTY. CO., 424 Lnmber Exchange. 14 ACRES. 1 mile weat of Clackamas rsllraad ' statieot pries 88,2"0: buildings ea' piece; com and ae. J. Mohr. Mllwaukl. .Oregoa,' B. r. D. 84. BBAND-NEW bosee, select aelgbborhood, aeer . -cer; prices advancing all around; terms; pay " . rent to yourself: aee thla, j TUB CONTINENTAL CO.. 248 Stark st. 10 ACBES choice farm land, good new 6 mora - bouse, barn. 2 euterns. fruit, herrleai very desirable for home; H mile north Orsy's crossing. Mount Scott csrllne. Gearg Clark. WB HAVB Juet completed two sew modern res idences at Archer Place; . one e seven-room . houaa (l2,lSO, and the other a elx-room house (fl,u.v). One-third caab and belaae -oa easy . monthly pay men ta, both bargalna. B. F. CANNON A CO., -"808 McXy bldg. Third snd Stark eta. BEST BUT IN OREGON e 3 -acre tracts en Oregon City ear Una; floe soiL good water, eaay terma . . W. A LAIDLAW, BIT Commercial bldg.. 2d and Washington sta. Phone Main 6120. EXTBA BARGAIN FOR SHORT TIME. '. ' 21 acree beaverdam, 18 In cultivation; Jobs- son creek rune through It: extra eoil. u gravel; on fine road, one mile from Lenta; ; worth 2300 per sere- for gardaulug; price only 8260 an acre. . ... O. B. ADDITOK. Lent. Or. - - '. Tike Mt. Scotj ear. Sc. xgati ', lota, right en tbe carllne, oa eaay terma; also - acreage from 1 te 176 acrea. Largest list of property ana beet bargains In the eesnty. Mt. Scott Baal Ketat Co.. Lenta, Or. , Tel. Scott 2284. ' HAVB good acreage os carllne, would trada tor grocery etore or other business. 61T Com mercial bla. Phone Main 6120. 80xt0OCORNF-R, 4-root boas, cement base ment; 20 mlantee' rlda, good car service; '. must be sold this week; price Souo, r F 42, Journal. . ' FOR -SALE 14- block oa .Portland Heights; sight llest place on heights, with g room house; -..' "Inqulrs on premleea, V'h Snd College. tnoOS-ROOM - house. fnll lot: ' balance 810 per month. , 6V8 Tesioo ave., SeUwood. CORNER lot. 10th and Eaat Stark, 81,700; , inside lot, 18th and Eaat Stark, 11,800. Pbon . Beet '2408. SNAP Full Int. 1 block north Htwtborae v.; price 8460. Phone Main 281A QUARTER block, Portland Heights, lot lOThA '. ' 110, small house, full View of ett, only 88.600 if -sold st onoe. ' , . .. ,, . - : ..- ( ' A sew 6 -room house oa east stdtf sit nles large rooms, one block to carllne, only 2,8O0ir ttraaa , . ,.' . ,. . , '' ; Beet 10-scr trsct ta Portland, . with fin . view of city, river and axrantalna, only 81,000 . . per sere) away below price of property ad ' joining and will stand Investlgstloat- terms. BUTHBRKOBD CO Mais 6180.' ' BIT Oemmareial hlk. FOR SALE 82.600 will buy a nice little borne, : 40 acres of fin land. 88 acrea In cultivation, - all level: -fine opting water, two. email housee. . good barn knd outbuildings: stock and imple ments isemded; T acre' winter wheat. F. T. , "Berry, 4 North Sixth St. Phone Pactfl 12S0. FOR SALB Chicks raoeh ef 8 seres, close 4 .carllne; enesp ana en terms.. UeJl rooa '4. SuCH 14 or risen St. . - ' .. A SNAP-i ' - 80xloo-a wase St.: aa elegant location .for a home; streets parked and pavsensat isl 8X00; tsTms. Pbone Mais 8020. SWELLEST .'sew cottars la town for aaiesf .6 rooms. porcelain bath, toilet and, sink, ... 'f good plumblngi beantlfnl .BOiloO graded and 'grassed lot: 44 bloch ef Amble-tracked ear-' . Ilusi heated, easy cars. 16. mlnutae ride: owuef leaving) 61.800. bays it. . Horns Lead Co.. 148H Flrat at. . , , FOB SALB Modern 4-ronm bona,, ynat com-. . Cleted, fin lot. Well, improved, a besutlfnl orne, lOuO B. Sixth N. Inqnlr owner, . next door . south. '. -, . . EXTRA BARGAIN1 ' T lota 4otoo, cleared, all together la ene, tract, for tft': cloaa to 10-rnom srbool st Lents; 8 loratloa; watsr free; 8c fsre te anv part of Portland; terma 0. Bv Addi ton, - ewaer, lasts, Oragoa. - . . ., -r : i ,1 .' .. ';V