1BC3. IX . ; " THE , OREGON" DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY 'EVENING, xrEMBER' 2. TODAY'S MARKETS TRADE- (S BUMPED clJne of Thirty and Forty Centa: Yesterday" Was Not" ' .'kipecte'dby "Dealers. . """ ' ' .. 7 ; - . vrf V JOURNAL PREDICTED i ' IT FOUR DAYS AGO Potatoes Are Dull Slow With' 90c the Top for Buyer in. the Country for 'Ftncy--Smller Volume of Hop . Order -Reported.- v..--,.' I Principe! nttH features today! , Local sugar on pur with , Pout J market skw Just eteady, " Eggs fine with sroall recetpta. ' - tttffareace k opinion oa poultry, roar nntnuu o today. Scarcity bolde Tool price op. Small arrlvale dressed nogs. ' ' Mare flnnneee noted In rakrms. Very gulet la wheat ud floor- , osbois Sort f ro. 1 Porkapo sot for mour jrf bore local Jon kora bora so badly ownorollood by a rhasyo Jto ark-ee ae woe ooloooa-o- too eonllno.oi Ot la ran oeinr and ta boot fasmr yootereoy ' by both nflaorloa. Thlo oetloei w ellToly told Is Tbo Journal yooterday. Throe day ao this report exclusively predicted that the sugar market price would rocolro a terrible bump on . KMMit of (lie fajct that tba former boary ad "r Vancoo sad beoi made on "ahtlrtpattoa and nt beeaaae there wot any real ooi-aaton for It. Tko troable la faba was then take aa a text by raw anfor boldera as a Jnit raooe for boary odTance la tba priced bat thlo was all anticipa tion of, what waa expected to happen .to-the world's arailobU aoppllee If the Cabana abookl bora sll the plantations. Thlo proved aatlctpa ttoa pore aad oltnple. The facta la the caoe did aot- warroat aay arrkmia boort la prices at ssy time. vVaea quotatlone la tba'eaot began to make aocb great apward atrMoo tba trade - the Pacltle tomtf became ' alarmed left It -ehoM ae-be-able e stand on the gtoond dtooavl ' aad the malt woo that Jobbers aaa retailer. honeht heaele, onpplloo than orar Tba roanlt. Oil SUGAR : . ' ' '' waa that the demand tor sugar neraine m nnr '."' that It waa a ample aiattor for the rennerieo : ta adTaare prtcew all along the line. - With each additional rise the buying became beaTler. De , liver tee were about four woeka everjliie moot ef the Maw, awTct' v.rtoua perkKla the loeal " Jobbing trade waa entirely ont of anger. Now all tlieoe daltrerlea bare been aaade aad- the trade r wants w 111 be supplied or eome thne with -high-priced angar. Thla allowed the re :' fineries to eat price, back where tbey really beloaaed. One of the prhiclpal oreaolona for tae aevere decline la eager prices yesterday wae the monster crop ef . beet rhla year, all fmner record a la this regard being 'broken. With yeaterday'a new prices the old baola be tween beet and cane will again rale. Foe some ' time the differential between cane and beet " eager amounted to lOe per 100 pounds, bat " the drop of eoe In beet yesterday aad 80e la - cane aulas this differential again SOe. . .. i Difference ef Opinion Vealtry. There an ma a wide difference ef ootnloa " aawng Front atreet merchants regardlag the future ef the poultry market end prlcee. So mo reeenl the allaatlow with alarm. . aa tbev ae .. that storks do not dots eft quite aa well sal they might, oeopite me xect tnex receipra are - net hooey. . On the etaea nan. ether eelaate aay tbey are easily able- to dispose of their holdlnsa- at' raUng flgurea. - The egg market la holding firm with receipts .' ef local panes small. Former , price maintained. Butter le juot holding, ita own. bet ebeeea Is Tory much firmer. Dome easing more. ,,'' .-Hoy laarkat la Hewer. . -Duriar the past J hoars there has Somewhat of S full In the buying of hope. While .a few orders for cream of Quality eaatuinjt .to eome from Lohdon the eoiunie la gradually do r creasing aad It takes aonMtblng oat ef the asaal v Mf-quality to Bring lee today. A rew eroera x are sgala .reported la from the east, bat Horet seems to be ehont tbe auly kayar for this ae- ceunt at tba asoaaent. r - Brief Metes of the Trade. O. Poar cars of bsasnaa were dae oa the street -"during the day.- " r ' T Potatoes are rather stow with best enallty just holding Its own at, Me. Thlo la baying price. - '. " ' - - Ureses meets show great strength, end .both reel and bogs of - fancy . quality would find demand at He.- Kecelpls .In both lines aadar the demand. . While Front atreet asllers kre mostly asking tl .Ta for fence grapes, the trade le slow st ' that amount and most sales are reported around ' tl.W per crate. ' '.. Flak supplies eoutlnae good aad an. prices are anrhasged. ,- .. Chlttlta berg la rather slow. , Its new devel- eomeate la the eestera sltuatlou. - ' ' The trade peye toe following prices to Fruit street. Prlcee psM shippers era leas regular ,, . . CnJs,, Fleas aad Food. . OIaIM BAGS Calcutta. boylag price; ailing. g.4c, WrJgAT New clab, ari red ksaalsa, le; btnest.-m. uHc; ealley, CTe. BAKLfT Mew feed, 21.00; relied, (23.50; brewing. 122.00. COUM-r-H soie. 2T40i cracked, : $2 00 per BYR (l.eT per ewt. OAT New I'rodmcors" prlos Wo. 1 white, - iwuo; .ray. 2t.W. . . . - FUrk Esstora Oregon pateata, ' l0; straights. $8-J; export, (3otM valley aj.40; ' graham. . $3. to; whole wheat, 3.1; rye, (us. g.1.00; bales, ff.Tk. UII.LKTI Kfg Braa. III.M etr ton: mid. ' dlltigs, $24.00; shorts, coaatry, , 117.60; city, l.T; cbop, gl.0utt 21.00. HAlf--Frodocrs' price Tlmorhr, Willamette valley, fancy, ll.outtiz.no; ordinary, au.ooej M.ut); eaatera Oregon. glS.00Alg.u0; inlxed, llO.OotJlO 60; clover. fT.ou;. grsla, 7.S0io.M; cbeat, (7 00. '. Butter, Zgga aad Poaltry.. '' ; Bt'TTElt FAT F. e. b. IMrtistd gwoet Unas, axwc-sonr. 2SWC Bl'TTKB t'lly crestnery, 80c; outside' fancy. 2?mtM; ordinary, nfic; store, U(,15c. tdOU Extra fancy candled, tie; ordinary readied,. UtkC; local and eaatera storage, ,J( aac. ' '. . i 'HlEKSe New Full cream, fists. iarl " KWe; Young America. lnttlSHc POU1.TBV Mixed chickens, 12Hle per tbi . fancy kens, l3!g;l3Vc per lb; reoatera, old, log lb: frvers. ize ear re: srotlera. las nee eld duck. Izfte per lb; spring ducks. l!V4e W4jloe per lb; tarkers. loAlTe lb for eld; dreeoed, 20e lb: squabs, S2.Ma2.oa or sos; yiaeoos, z.uu nee ooa. ., . Hops, West aad Hides. noPt lug crop, choice, lofctxlfle; prime to Choice, l&c; medium te prime. T,l4sj WOOle lOOC ellp ViUey, S0tJ2Sc - ematera uregon, . '.,,; , . MtiHAIR Sew, nominal. ... IIICEI'MKINS Bhearnig, IS(S30e each; abort wool. 3&c; medium wool, e0Q7fte eech; long wool, tficQgl.Ov each. - , TALLOW Prime, per lb. gH4; He. t aad grrase, 2tt2Hp. , . CHITTlS BARK , . ' ' IIIUFS Dry, No. I, l lbs aad up. IdUS If V,e er lb; dry kla. Ko, 1. so lb rha. 14c; dry calf. No. 1, doner ( Ike. 13c; salted bMea, . steers, onaad, a lbs snd ver;iotlie; eowa, ISW'.t: stage and bulla, sound. dQTc; kip, IS to CO lbs. fcc; calf, eoand, aader IS Iho, lie; ' ereea, ansslted. Ic lees; rutin, le per lb lees; .' bores bldcesarteiL.each-i).r.af.;B; dry, each, . fl.tmei l.6u: cult hides, iildbut. eoet oklns. semroes, each, IVOlke; Asgers, each, gbca) ' Fralta aad Tegeubles. PnAT0r.n Baying price, eaatera Mnltne aS and Clackamas. wtc; ordinary, 0!7or; johblng price, ucwl.oo . per. ewt;. , gweeta. e4.ert A-ao. (- OMOMt Jobbing price New OragoV 0;ti woriTiB WTivwtvm tori Tiriil,. Bnaf I,. ,'BRKH t HI' ITS Annies. Jfte'ali.Ai -rmnmim tiilenrls. g.7ntto00: hanaaas. ftc lb: leaMea, ch4e. gn.iK)nis f'whoi:' raocy. gT.ou per .a; tiaie, Mexicra; m w per i; pieata. Styine ir- crsfe; caaisieeoea, ei.sn; grspee, peers, f l.tsMr 26; hark leberrlea, lie: gronsd Merries. ttii3e per box I pineapples, (&.U0 rr.i.KTAni.r Tnratfs. new. 1 1 04 per seek eerriHe. (I nee seek; beta, fl.M per aaexi Oregon ri(1B.s. t"c pet -vVg; cabbage. Ore- g.e. igrti.r: bell' peers. Be per ft.; to- a'Si.iee, Munttt per boil paronlpa, aoctlll.UO: - etrlrg besna. Oret-ue, ec pet Ibi can II fh-wer, ac !. 00 per doe; peas, dtfJc; RHODE ISLAND MILL f . - TAKES OREGON WOOL d .rfgpeelsl Dispatch to The -rfcnrsal.) 0 V I Boston. Nov. I. Wall over 4 1.000,009 . " pounda of i- Oregon 4 Uplo wools have changed hands 1 in the Boston market this week. - a prominent Rhode Island mill taking- the bulk of the lots. a) Medium fleecea three eights and 4 half blood, have been in demand. e Moat of the- business was con- e eluded at 11 to - tl H-cento, but : 4 one clip brought a higher figure; e The scoured basis la fA t 71 't e e cents.;.. . -.'. , ' ; e : ' ,' - - . " - K.e horoeradlah. birtlne nee lb: ' aetlcbokee. TBc per doa; agoaah. 7Sctill.OO per box: eggplsat, I1.6U per due benches; celery, 70,tH0e per doe; ;reen com, 1 .ou per aaca; . summer 1 squaw. pampklns, lc: crsnberrlea, local, t& W. Cape Cod, 9.MU.oO per bhL iRISO FRUIT Apples, evaporated, Htl"c per Hh apricots,' lsSQlOe per lb; peach re, I20UV, per lb; sacks. Vie per lb leoa; prunes. 80 to 40, 64 6c; He drop oa each 1 II email" also; gga, California black. 064e per lb; Csilfbrala white, fe'4c per lb; dates. goMeujk f Vis per id; rxrea, gi.euaji.ou per - ereeertea, atpw," IW ' . ." r '. BHOaR All refiner We Cube. IS 40: pow dered. 5.2f: fruit, granulated; IS.SnT dry cranalated. tn.lt: conf. A., (a15: extra C. M-uo; golden O. 4.W; D, -yellow. 4 i; beet, granulated, f4.Sft; bhkt. 10c; H bbla, Ibc; boxea, toe adranca on aack basis. (Above prlcee are to daya Bet cask quota tion.. ) HOXET gs.60 per crate. T COFFER Psckaae brands. tU.tKOlft TB. SALT Coarse Half srouad. 10U. gO.oo net ton. &ua. UO: t.ble. delre, SOa. tlS.uni- lOOa, 112.75; bales, ll go; Imported Liverpool, 50a, l.0r; jotie, 117.00: 224e. lld.OO; extra fine, bbla, 2a. o, oa, g4.(t5 50; Liverpool lump rock, (19.60 per too; Ou-lb rock, (W.ooi luue, (11.00. ... , ' " (Abovd prlcee apply te ssles of lees thas car lotn. Car loU al special prices subjavt ta ductus lions. ) , i . KICK Imperial Japaa.. N& t, c; No, I, 5V,c.w Octoana, bead, ,7c; Ajsx, be; Creole. tt. , . . ' FKANH SmaTI white. large white. ta.-4&: pink. i.0; Uyoej, (3.73; Uutss, (4.75: alexlcaa rede,, e. KI TS Peenuts, Jnmbo, ge per lb; lrglala. fitVlf per lb: roasted. 4e per lb: J a pa- aese, SQSHc; roasted. Tb7ViC per lb: cocos ante,' ajgvue per doa; walnuts, 17e per lb, plnennts. loJ12He per lb: . hickory Uuta, lOe per lb; cbeatnuta. eastera. J5lc per lb; Braill nute, 15c per lb: filberts. 14CT15C per lb ; fancy ' peca ue "Ufc"; aluxjndaTns Vi St 19c " " : .Meata. Tlak aai Prevlsltma. f FRESH MEATS-Froat Street Hoea. faacv. Sc oer lb: veeL extra. 8c oer lb: ordinary. g7 per lb; poor, 4oe per lb; mutton, fancy. per in; laom. o.tifc. ' ' HAMS. BAUON. BTG, lortlanSr park (local) ha ma. 10 to 14 lbs. ItiUc per Jo: 1 to 18 In, loc par lb; breakfaat bacon, Idtjjiac . per - lh; plcnlco, 10V,e per lb; cottage, lilc ' per lb; rex a la r short clesrs, ansmoked. 12e per lb: smoked, ISO per lb; clear backar unsatoked. 12c per lb; smoked. 13c per lb: Union butts, 10 to It lbs. ausmoked. Se per lb; sneked, B per 1b; clew bellies, ansmoked, 14e r lb; emoked, 1A per lb: ehouldrs, 12Vhe per -lb; pickled faagueo. $ (K naarter bM. lwal Linu n..iiiv war. tue ia.e per r lb; 12S4C per te; rompouna, itej, oc. CAnNEU bauuo uoiumDia nver, I IP talis. tl.SO; Mb tails, (2.7b; fancy. 1-lb gats, (l.o; -lh faacy Bats, l.ir;-raacy l ib evels. (2.75: Alaska telle, pink. goAOuei red. (1JM): aomlnal la tall. (2.0a : ' FISH Hock cod. Te per lb; flounders. Be per lb; halibut, 7e per- 1b; era be. tl.orxai.SO per dos; striped baas, I2SiC per lb; catfish. 10c per lb;' aalmoa, Columbia river eblaook, 7cl silver aide, Be; steelhesd, Te per lb; herring, ec per lb; antes. Be per lb; shrlmpa, 10c per lb; perch. Be -nee lb: black rod. 7c per lb: tomeod. 7c in; suver emeu, ae per in; mooters, loc per lb;, freak markeral. Be per lb; erawflsb. auc, par id. , . , OV8TFK8 Khoslwater bay. per gal. (2.20 per lK-lb sack, (4.261 Olympla. par galioa. (2.sn; per iia-ia sacs, fo.w ro f5.nn. CLAMS Hardshell, per bos,. (2.00; , raaor rums, (z.00 per box. j -Talat. final On, Ftn. ' ROrt Pure ManlU. 14c; auodard, 13; sisal. He. .... COAL OIL Pearl or Astral CaarS 19 c per gal; water white. Iron bbla 14c per gal, woodea 17c per gal; headlight. '170-deg, cases 2T)ge per '"oASOUNB M-dcgv eases 24 He per gal. Iron bbls lBc per gal. BENZINE ea-deg. cases 2Sc per gat, braa bbls lge per gsL ' TURPENTINE la casra Sv3c pw gal, woodea bbls. 3c per gsl. , - WHITE LEAD Tea lots. Tit e peg !!;- lots. Be per lb; lose lota. SHt per lb. 1 T ... WIRE NAILS PresoBt basis st (2.(8.- " LlkHKED OIL Pure raw, In B-bhl lota. BOc; l-bbl lot. 65c; cases, age per gal; genuine kettle-boiled, rases, eoe per gsl; -bbl lots. B4ei l-bbl art, 66e peg gelt around cake, car Iota, (20.00 per too; leas thsa ear lota. (30.00 per toa. f. , 1 ' ' . ADDED STRjiGTH SHOWN IN M PRICE Values ' Fluctuating ' Badly and High Figures Are. - Reported Paid in Sweatbox at Fresno. Every day the ' rslsln market shows added strength ' and prlcesv are new fluctuating so wildly that It at next to Impossible fur the various handlers to quota close te each other's vslues. 'lis Sea Francisco Commercial News gtveo this: The sale ef tbe 'Kearney ralalna baa bees the most Interest lug feature of the year, aa tar so the dried fruit aaarket is concerned, and Is aa Incident ta all - probability' not likely le kappea again In many years to come. The result la one that would have deiiehted tbe heart of tba deceased rahrln magnate, bad be bees Ilvlnc. and reflects the utnioot credit ca the judgment eXlbo executors who managed the mm in . ovmw naja. Bajv. in. vien-eiii lie 1 1 ram 1 , wblrh bad the management of the estate la charge, sent out a circular invitation to dealers, packers and brokers for bids for tbe whole crop. sggregstlug BOO tons, or about 12ty per cent Of the total crop of ralalna proiiaeea In tbe state, aad received la response sever el offers, which, aa advertised, were opened yeittrrday In this city. A stipulation was exacted thst sll bids should be withheld from public knowledge aa well aa- the aainee of partlee who offered to parcaaae, 1 no oner ox me goceessrui oiader. therefore, lemalne as Impenetrable secret, te be revealed onlr by tbe barer, aa be es elects'. The only chance tbe market baa of fladtne ont who tbe actual pwrehaeer la will be In the event of aa advance In prices. If raisins de cline, at which there are no Indies tines whatever. the Identity ef the bare le likely to rentals bidden until the end of time, . "Tbe price paid, -It la believed, rrma close to tic In tbe sweatbos, f. e. p. at Fresno, a fries which raisins hsvs not reached for owe 0 years. It la aald that a prominent bidder offered mt, aad the commercial News Is cer tain of thlo feet. Other bidders are believed to have extended, thla offer, therefore a price of ec, or witiub a sraexwa. waa prooaoiy tue soc eessful bid. "The present eoadittea of the rslsln market aoea box 1 usury ine oc ta tne aweetnoa rate, the re tors the parrhaae must be speculative, or, it is sarcwniy susperwa. , ine rsisins were sc ire te rui araera loc. asm re delivery hv eome party who was caught short gad compelled te ocuver. tSpeclsl Dlspstck to The JouraaH Im oraade, Or, Nov. f The epple-plckrng season le now ea ta tbe Orand Rondo valley, and the growers are bating trouble te get the crop jff st labor Is very scarce. Acres end acres oc orcnaros are aangioa heavy with apples. but there are no pickers A good yield Is exected ta f Ofsnd Ronde this season, and good prlcee are being offered, sa ,the crop Is very shot in sovsojjcuewo ox xaa Bortaweet. Hew Terk Bead Market. . New York, Nov. (.Official prlcee: ' ' X ' - i B'd rnriingtoa Joint aa.,.....,. au . a N enlfted 4a.,... .'......'inn n. a w. coa. 4s Atlantle Coast CoL as fa) O. R. a-N. es .....101 " Ask. 4 tw 4 4 lot Z (mat $ n 101 w UHUSUAL QUIET IF. LOCAL WHEAT Trade Shows Very Small Volume - Expott Flour Sales Are' Rather Slow. - ; '. CHICAGO' MARKET IS ; ,.' NOT SO BRISK TODAY Prices Lose an fcighth to .a Quarter - Cent bat Buying- Has Better Chsr-.acter-uLiVerpool TJp, During the Day. ' RELATWB WHEAT -VALDES. Nov. 1. Nov. 1. ' Leoa. 10B. December .UA t ,74 A I .00 -MK Mar ...73 A ,7 .00 5 S July ...7lnJH4 JK44.boi Conttnoed uaiet to shown hi tbe local wheat aaa iioar markets. . jne absence oi sny son i bnsineos with Japes during the past week bss caused some spprehensloa smong tbe trade, rhlcaro wheat trading waa rather dull today and valuea eloeed fee to let lower then oa Thursday. -... . .. Cebloo were fliaam snd somewhat mere active. I Liverpool closing fad up au lhelecembcl and txo on tue aiarca. . :r official Chicago prices : by Overbeck, Starr Cooke company; ' s'. -t 41 ' - u 14 n . , Ooen. i Hick. Low,. 74 ' T7V." Close. 74V.A December i4'i ' 75 Msy J7'7. July", Tl 714 COBN. December' ...... 48 4?, l et 4S14B 4-1 B 44 V . tAH,B B3h. May .44 4 S ' July 44 440b OATS. May..., , t li' ;SB July 8.1 s tnia ssk . - klESS PORK. Jaaoary ;.... .1412 ;V1411 1B7 1S97A 1407 : J way ....1-123 . Ma ' 44ur LABD. necemba 87T : gTT Jannary ....... (Ho - MAO . May .......... His - boo ... SHORT RIBS. January ' . . T7t -7 lit May 7 Kg 7U- LrVXRPOOt 0RADT XARXXX. t Uvarpaot. Nov. J, Official prices: . : 1 . WHEAT. ' i .'' -''-it Open. Close. Nov. I. Gain. December ... ns Bd 8s e 4d Ad aiarca ...... aa 0 5k a es O'ea H 9h4 . . CORN. ' . December ... 4s SHd 4 d - 4s BHd Jsnaeey .... 4e l,d 4e ld 4S l4d Hd Vsd AXZXICAV WHIAT PRICES. Dee. ' 1 May. e.64 ' S..6S .73tA Portland .. St. Louis ... Chtcsgo '. , .T4HA .7S4A Kansas City .04 new 1 ore ew York .88. ...... Ilwaakoe ................. . .74V4 .T8T Inneapnlls 75U ...... Iverpool .mto,.!! t-"9t B4d mi; Mil Liverpool iealielub. e.Binestom. '' Marcs,' NOT ENOUGH HOBS TO FILL THE DEMAND Supplies Inadequate for Wants of ' the Trade Prices at Top :"; Cattle Dull; Sheep Firm. PortlandT!'nlon r Stoekyarda, " Nov. 1-Live- wci reosipta; ---Tr. ... ... Hoea. . Cattle.' Sheen Today .- ...,..- . . 3d .817 week ago. 1S8 , Month ago............... 65 -27 . 224 Year ago.-. .......'.. 4TB -150 250 "It's do ass 01 offering mors money tor boas," says a livestock buyer, "because the supplies ere not to be bed. Hog men seem wlllug to sell all rlgbt, and. la fact, are sen lug. The supplies are Inadequate to fill the demand." -- Cattle remain slow and dull with price aa rnsngeo. oneep xirm. uoaaiuoao a year age Hoes and cattle weak; sheep firm. Official livestock ortces: e - Hoes Beat eastern Oregon. e8.B5ft8.73; Mock ers ana vnios , eo.3-M 0.00. . ' Cattle Beet eastern Orem ateeea At (.50; beat rows aad helfera, (2.25W2 .V); stock- era una xeeoera, f z.wa 2. ID; OUUS, 31. IW. Sheep Mlaed. 4frtg4c; lsmhs. 6,1,50. PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Two Thousand ebandard aroagoUdatad "- at J0V casts. ; - v Sales en the Portland -stock eaehange today wnv o.iapu snnreo iscoma Bteei at.lIVkC sad " niRniiira Loueouaatru at ruled. -OrOclal prices: . , . BANK STOCKS. ' .,Td.! - Ask Bsnk ef California ......... . sha " Merchants' National 1AO ' ... Oregoa Trust a Savings 110 ' Portland Trust Co . 120 Bankers' a Lumbermen's ........ , 10B i E.jiilt.hle ftavinxa a Lnaa.A..... ' : UT L'aitrd Btatee National , 0d ' BONDS, 0. R. t N. Ry. da ,..... vis V 1MH Portland Rr. Se I112 ' Cttr a Pubnrban 4a ............ ... " 87 ' Aas'wlstfd Oil Be -88 0. W. P. A Ry. 6e ............. los 104 MISCELLANE01S STOCKS. Campbell's Qm. Burner IJnha Oil ..,...'........;... Associated Oil , Alaske Psckera 1.1... I'sctBc States Teltpbone ... . Hid1 68 J 101 64 . 1.2 50 M , IWiO 80 120 10 . w Mom. Teiepn.im- .......;...,.., Tueet hound Telephone Oregoa Lire Insurance ......... Cement Products J. C, Lea Co Yaqnlna Bay ' Telephone Oregoa City Mill a Lumber .... MISINq STOCKS. " ., , Nicola Coal .. .. ................ . 04 ,- 05 British ColutnMa Anisl ......... 04 .. OB internanonai. ...,... 00 AUska I'strol. uin- r, . hv, . . . Alaska Pioneer .'. ,1. 80 Standard Cnnanlldsted .........10 60 17 BA 10 01 (40 08 Of It A6 ' 3t t uresoai necuntave ...... , Snowstorm ....... ... ..,.. (fg '. Boowshoe ............ 82 . ' Leeereek Oold 01 Tacoma Steel ........ ...-r...... It Osllstier OS . Bullfrog Terrible ... Oolconda 01 North Falrvlew ... Csaradla IB Iarky Boy. , 08 Meets avt Sao Ramblerarlboe 81 ... Dixie Meadows ,...,t..r r . OS ... Mouatala View f ... . 10 Blue River Oold SB0 10"0 Oarvls Cyanide-, , I11O Ruth Consolidated 10 Star OoBaHldgted ...... .....J. 1 1 TTsTTTED STATXS OTtRRstlVT BOsTDS. New Terk, Dev. t- Government bonds; . . I. Date. Bid. Twee, registered opt.- joe do goupen. .. .v. ...... Opt. 104 Threes, reslsteted Opt. m do eonpoo. ...... ......... Opt. 102 Smstl botxla . 102 roar, registered. ........... lonf 111.1 do cohihw IfMrT Jftt F'ra, rerlstered.. iW I Kl oo coapei. ,4. .k iku j.hi rstutms im. 1"4 ins 111 109 7J STJ -aaa f 8.12 SM ; 862 J. TftO - TSB 778 vm Ask. I'M, 104 '" 1C l"2lT 11014 l.aiS 1'i.Mi los Sharp : Declino JrLSugM.Yesterday.Was E$.' clusively Predicted and Told by The Journal on Account ' of Former Heavy Boosting. LEADERS GET DIG BOOST TODAY .,'- W...f-eex .'"" ' ' ''"'.'' ' ft---- u''' 1 ' eBsuagaewgamsBaansB NefYprk Stock Market Is More Active and the General List "v " Has'Cood i Risei. 71 MONEY RATES AS HIGH ? ; ; "AS SEVEN PER CENT Northern Pacific Five and a , Half " Points Up While Beading ' Goes ' Three and Five Eighths ;PoinU Higher. Aaaeonda . ... Amalgamated Atihlsoa ... .HIErle ! .... Louisville V. SlKaty. aid WI ... WiMlsaoarl Pacific .. is ... i N.Y.. Central ..ti.g ... HlPcoi'le'a Uaa. ...4. H ... t S Reading ..ft...... Si. ... 14 1 Republic Steel ... H ... VRoch Island ...... ... ii Houthern Pacific... ... 1 Texas a PsclBC... S4 Sugar Smelter Car Foundry itrooxiyn Baltimore . ... Colorado Fuel Tjoeomotlve . . National Lead Nurthera . faclflc.. 5'rnlon Pacific ..... . WET LOSSES. . St Paul , MIKaty ............. H Ckaaapeske ...... H,' Norfolk ...r...... Canadian Pacttto. . A I Pennsylvania .....' H Southern Railway. ? HI U. S. Steel , M Money rates went sa blah aa T per cent on the New York market tnday.. The buying wae mutt active and the geaerel list cloaed higher. Tbe -market wae led by-Jr them rPaclBe end Reading. Tbe former rvae 6 points snd the Utter 3 points over yesterdsy. The rise In tbe letter wss due td s report tbst sa extra dividend would be declared the coming month. There waa 'continued disappointment over the Obesapeake a Ohio dividend and that Issue lost 114 points. London market wss mixed. Official quotations by Overbeck, tttsrr cooks company: f DESCRIPTION. mal. Copper Co k 110 112 110 ,11 1 Am. Oar a Foundry, com do preferred as 43 107 Am. Cotton Oil. com.... Am. Locomotive, com.,. 74 t 74W 74 am. rogar, com,,,..,.. Am. Buielf,1' com. ..a... do preferred... Anaconda Mining Co.... Am. Woolen, com 113 a; 164 14 1.13 14 iaasr4 1M sll55 .11174 aI!v 2T7 270 271 U tvt-j. Atchison, com ioi I B4 101 101 do preferred Baltimore a Ohio, com.. Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, com... Central Leather, eem. ... -do preferred.... Chi. a O. W., com ChL. Mil. St. Paul... Chesspesks a Ohio. . . I1U! 118 78 178 110a. 118 78 174 81 lh 111 rfi 178 1T1 64 61 com. rue 1 a iron, coa.. Colo. Southern, com..,,. 68 61' 00 zd preferred...... Erie, com do 2d preferred.. do 1st preferred...... Illinois Central Louisville a Nashville.. Manhattan Hallway .... Mexican Central Ky... M.. K. a I. eom..... -do praferred. ......... Missouri Pari Be.. 43 44 48 - a lad 144 143 rnu, MS ea! T6Z m 68 83 7B2 tam.iii bVIU...,...,. New York Central. , . , . 7T 12B 127 n. x.. unt. 4 Wast... Norfolk a Wratera, com. Northern' Pacific, com., Pacific Mall Steam, Co. Pennsrlvanla Rt... "4 'ii 2171 212 212 144 148 iii'i P. a.. U a C. Co bit 88 a-reaeea steel car, com. Readlnc. com lAU 147 11 Rep. Iron a Steel, com do preferred..,..... Rock lalsnd. com..... 86 St. L. a S. P.. 2d pfd. : 27 00 tsx prererreo...... , St. U a S. W com. do preferred Southern Psdfle, ' com, Boo there Ry., com...... do preferred......... Teanessee Coal a Iron.. T-, St. L. a W., com. do preferred.. Cnloo Pacific cam..,. U. S. Rubber, com-,. U. S. Steel Co., com.. 4e prefeVreaVr.rrW'rr Wabaab. com. ........ Wbvnnaln Central, cent - -do preferred . . . 1 (4 at 1 150 ISO IBS 1 Lbs 12 188 182 DO 47 if 108 l'1 IB is Total sales for dee. 1"li Hon . Call BKmey cloaed .at 4Q5 per cent. r PA7 rBAJtCasCQ JaTMIJia- ZXCnAMQX. Rsa FranckKO, Nov, X Official closing bid Belmont SB. B0 Ntelriway .4 -40 oae Boy .if Gvndea Anchor. . . .81 Home 24 Jim Roller 1.5A MacNamara .... .82 Ooa. Cal.-Ta.-.,A .eg Ophlr (.10 Mexican , Caledonia Exchequer Norcross . ... 1.0B ... .44 ... ' .66 - ... lOO : Midway ....... 1.17 Montana, .. a. Hi Oold Crown . v 20 70 24 North Mar .... .44, Ohm .28 Tononah.Eg ... TBA ureal jtena . . Rescne Black Butts Ex. .04 Montgomery-Mtr67 r cat f. uu . , , , " Adams .11 Atlanta ........ .40 BlaeiwU ....... .21 Booth 12S Columbia Mt ,,..74 Coa. yoarry ... -IS DIsmondAeld : .. .88 Dixie ".J! OoMAeld ...'. 1-06 Jnmbo d"2 Jnmbo Extra . . .78 Kendall ....... . J lgnns l.TO u.v rfeneen ... .40 sunset .JO Sceptre- .63 Msnhattan It Baylor Humpray. .14 Dexter n Granny - ........ .23 Oold Wedgs ...-.IB' Iine Star , .20 , Ot. Bend Fx .. .18 Ot. Bend Annex. ..14 Crescent . ...... .13 -.08 JT .04 .06 Cowboy , Denver Annex. Bulls 4V Bears. Black Rock . w N. - x. Oonsnt , Manhattan Cen. Little Joe ..... MsyBower .... Jumping Jack . Mohawk .?.v.ll Red Top e.w Sandstorm ..- -78 Silver Pick ... I "? .Ml .04 .84 . .62 .18 .! " .58 .2RA .78A St. Ivea S National Bank. -J Denver ...,r-"-T.70 Red lop wws Eclipse . 50 ftlnstana- ... Ball Frog hfln, Oold Bar 0. Bull , Frog. 1.40 .IS r Triangle ....... Starlight rORTLAlTD BAVX TATZatZBT. . - i Clearlnga todsy . Clearlnga year ago. . . Osta today.. ...... .Il.t0t.0n0.48 . S12.63t.B4 .....4 288.808.W Irverpool Cotton jUrke. e IJverpool. Nov. Z Cotton futurag Cloaed to B polnta down. .. - " PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE . , -;- 'Wori, lOogt, Portland '. . ....... '.J15 -S2 Seattle . . Y.v 1 ' ' SaoFmnolaco-.'..-9 ,,.5? . lxa Angeleg t Onklsnd . . ......... J?J , Fresno.. . P.C. .7t .8.0 .681 .491 .414 .til -J(, - , OaUs Hit Bard. . . r Journal ftnaetal Servtee.t Oakland. Cni.. Nov., 1-Th Boalg had aa easy tlma with Catea ygaAardny. The Onkland . 0 0 0 9 1 1 1 Ban FrandBco . 101011(6' T 1 0 Batterlea Cgtea and Haokatt; Brown and. Wilson. Umplre--i'arrinw. , . Togo Did tba Trlokr (Joaraal Special Bervlea.l Los Angelea, Nov. J. Toman's horns run in the gocoi)d Inning; yeaterday rave the Anfrelg a victory nargman pitched treat ball for tbe looala. Score: Loa' Angcleg ...6.(00000 t S 1 Seattle .. . . , , . .6 0 0 6 ( ( ( 6 ( 0 1 0 Batloiiea Bergman and Buckler; Jonea and Blankcnahlp. Umpire Der- -' v.: -t ..'. ' t ' r.lARKET BASKET - Prices' in. practically avery ln arg Solnf higher and higher gvery aayt The advanceg In the general market havg bean ao ooutlnued of lata that they 00 paalon no aurprlae whan- annouoced. Thar have boon a half dosen advancea in the ralaln tnarket of lata and atlll tba -trad is of tbd belief that mora are to follow, t la thla bistajioo -tba shortage of the Buropean crop la glvan aa ' tba cauaa. - .iivary . aort . of . nut - will coat . mora money - thla aoaaon. Walnuts. Wilch s tax ted very low - thla aeaaon, are now oommandlng; conaldorably higher prlcee than' a year- ago. - Tbe cauae here too 4av.aJuirt crop. . Juat about the time tbat atlaonds . were inroaguui waataiay condltlong 1 coptlirued to cut down the crop and bare again we ha- materially advanced prlcog to ghow. , '.:",. -'. "righting the Meat Truaj." la grettins to be one Of the everyday algna around the retail butcher ehopa. "FlghUng the Beef Tmat," la another ot the warlike daclaraUona - that. nuOtea you.- believe you .can buy meat for almost your' own price. Deaplte all thla the price of meats ia just about what it was before thla truat-buatlpg epldemlo - appeared. In many tnatancea the prlcee are higher. At the stoekyarda the prloa ' of sheep la advanced considerably and: thla puts the wboleaale aa well aa the retail fig ure UDward. T4ve bogs coat more money In the atockyards amt dreeeed cnee-ere of course booatod in value, it . coata mora monev todav for oorc chopa or bam or bacon than for eome time. Beet la cheap in aome Inatancea. Thla la not due to any decline la the wholesale prioe, but to tba fact that prioea on beef were - always too high In aome quartera. Tbe wholesale price of beat beef la in' fact a rrirht higher on ac count 01 a alight advance aome tlma ago in tbe quotatlona on live eteera. Beet -la . always . cheap but . M one a x Ad. is . A bW(W sbbV ahoaeal prlce,.'.v. , ;.. ', . '..;. , ) ' Some' relief la In sight for thoee that use a considerable amount of augrar. Some time ago aoma one who had raw sugar to sell told aojne wild atorlea of how war waa ruining the sugar crop of Cuba and that the Hawaiian lalanda would not.be able to take care of the additional demand. ' Thla proved all anticlDetlon. however, for la teat reporta Lfrom Cuba say ' that the augar crop there la an ordinary one, out ia a trine lata In being harveated owing ta the BcarcltV .of labor. ' The lramenad crop f beet sugar in tteri tea . Btatea mis year la proving a demorallalng Influ ence on the augar . gltuatlon and thoaa dealers who have bought very heavily In anticipation ef aomethlng worse ta happen are now trying to get from ' :-"V'f 'f t if il f'f ' ' VThe fruit aeason haa coma to an and. There are now but few apeclea la the market and these are mostly of the fall-winter .variety. There - are a few peachea remaining, but these have been held In cold storage and coat too much for the ordinary puree, 1 Pears are quite plentiful for the lata varletlea, but prlcee are holding rather high on ao count of the aearelty In other 'lines. Grapes era ao acarce -that It eoeta cen alderably more to eat them theee dayb. A few cratea are now oomlng from southern Oregon and northern Califor nia. Apples show tbe largest supplies of all and this fruit everyone can af ford to buy. Tou can eecure fair qual ity for about TSe and better quality for li s boa.-For tl.lt to 11.10 a box you can buy aomethlng that la really good. : While It wag an ill wind that .wrought onetderable dkmage to tba potato crop of Colorado, .the growers of that state were not tbe only sufferera. Of eourae Oregon produoera profited by thla, but the onea that really took their turn at Buffering were the consumer. Every thing that helps--everyone else - and .. aveiytblw to be felt in the pocketbook Of Mrs. Consumer. - In ' potatoea. for lnatanct, the ' price began to rise very gwlf tlf? when It became known that a large; part of .the Colorado atock waa ruined by COld. i. A few retail prlcee for yom Berries Huckleberries, Its . pound; atrawberrles, tic box. ' Fruits Bananaa JSa dosen; lemons. L25e dosen; limes, too dosea; epplee, T(o f9tl-S0 box; plums, SSo'-baaket; ptna- apples; IB940o each; grapes, 6O0 basket; eaaabar 460 each; peaches, $1.(0 box; cantaloupes, ' 69 lOo; . cbaetnuta, too pound. ,.:';' Vegetables Eggplant llo pound; peppers, bell, lOtfltHO pound; peas, telephone. So pound; string beana, three pounda for I6c; cuoumbera, ISO doaen; aummer aquaab, lo pound; new Califor nia onlona, to pound; potatoea, 10 pound; green onions, J5o doten bunches; new carrots. "three bunches for Be; bead lettuce, Sc head; radlehee,-(o a bunch; cauliflower.: 10016c head; tomatoea, (0 C7Go box; muehrooma, 2540o pound; celery, three heads, tio; sweet potatoea, three pounds for 10c '. ' ---, . Fresh Fish Halibut lOtJUHo pound: salmon, 10012c; sturgeon, lto; striped 1 basg t02c: soles. 1J HO 18o; black! cod. Tzo; perch, 10c; flounders, 10c; shad, lltte; aea trout, 10c; eraba, lie each;' aalmon cheeks, Ste dosen; ahad roe, too pound. - Butter and Egga Beat creamery, (S OT60 per two-pound roll; cooking, 40a roll; fresh ranch eggs, 40o; eaatera, IBo dosen. .'..;'. .... - , . ,, ,. . . , Poultry Chickens, 11010a pound; ducks, 76c(l.l( each; squabs, T(o pair; spring cMckena, 100 lie pound. - -t RACING SUMMARY ATrr. A . . . JAMAICA TRACK ' ' mm New Tork, Nov. I. Jamaica race re sults: Six furlongs Voorhees won. Jack Do Ian second, Oambrlnua third; time. 1:15. Six furlonga Malacca won. Acrobat second, .Animus third; time, l:lt 1-6. . Mile and one sixteenth Oold Coin won. Tipping second, Glvonnl Balerlo third; time. 1:60 4-5, . - Packer atakea, five and one-half fay longs Lorlng won. Barbery Belle aeo ond. Dollle Dollara third; time, l:0t. Mile and one quarter Chimney Sweep won, Londale aecond. Pirate Polly third: time. 1:0. ,.',, ... , ,, --Mile and one sixteenth Irfimelander won, Markle Mayer aecond. Stole third: time, 1:52. . Do You Want 0n? A lady's coat at wholesals price T We have luat received two largo llnea of manufaoturera' sample .coata, which we will put on aale today at wholesale prlcee. Thla is sn opportunity you ahould not mlaa. let Palais Royal, 171 Waehlngton atreet CARNEGIE PLOW PLANT DESTROYED BY FIRE 1 ' 'y. (Joarnal Special Servfea.t ' Pittsburg, Nov. 1 The Carnegie plow manufacturing plant waa daatxoyed by Are thla morning, caualng a loaa of $260,000. ; Latest Fall Styles. ' la ladles' tailor-made suits on special sale today, every one a bargain. 2I suits go at $17.50. Le Palais Royal, 171 Washington street . ., . .:: . - '-' i '- ' ;rx-Klay It's worth ycur v.t.ile O I.ivcjti:: . e is is m price puy a i7.u..in. i cuay and Tomorrow. only. : :-.uL:l: , - ........... ; " These pictures- tny give something of an. Idea, of the activity prevailing in the Reed-French piano ware rooms, Sixth and Burnside, durjng the last few days. TwcT weeks ago we had two " carloads of these beautiful littlex' Bijou pianos and today we havtj only, -fourleft; Saturday will be the last of them. . '. - : - T t . e 1 r -. tr m 1 mm aa. ei- -a ... jvii r ga III wt ' TLAT . a "S v,'. yv--e-rr.v. . . ; . :. .-. ., - "electing' the piano," r "l- I r aA 1 JTWHrTTl - v Month . '., ' ; J lh- ': ' - . , t :ry ' ;;. and Own . V -jfjJLP'S-:''1' " "the pleasure It gives ; v-- t makes "the rumble v. , : ( .y 1 , y , ..1 ' Who-" wouldn't . pay $5 " a month to be an actor y In such " a scene? WW Ml ,. (A L.mlW "and the delight of the family in the evening-time." ' ' 1' ' '''. .. ''" A It Is the same story over and over again, select , Ing the piano the rumble of the wagon and " the delight of :the family in the evening time. , i It is a wonderful thing these blessings of modern livlng-the comforts and the pleasures we all enjoy I And even if .we may be poor in this world's goods It does flirt follbw that we are deprived of a great 'deal," because educational advantages are within the reach of us all. . ,:;'rv ', - ' ; V. SELECT XPIANO. TONIGHT. . ; ' -: : PAY : US ANY .TIME-INNOVEMBER. -; .WE WANT-YOUR Reed-French "From Maker to Player." SIXTH AND Aft-xuotC e P at. a -,. - 1 1 A T l; Reed- - TJ . . Frenca . ii ,BIjta iJJ PUno fl for us to pay for aomethlng that ctnera nappy." Es-5d-L French . . Bijou Piano la I the s , Greatest In the . World forth 1 Money." i' thn wagon." REFERENCE. , . ' ? Piano Mfg. Co. BURNSIDE STS. ' ' yaV - -4t f f f rasfsjalsl ' d-t conpovi ... . ........... m, .... District nf Cnrttmblg (-(f AS.. .... riiliipplna Inland s.. r.-.-vrr- -.. ' - , - ... " ," : I v.' v ".