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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1906)
THE QRBOON DAILY JOURNAL, FOKTLAWP. WEDNESDAY BVEKIWO, OCTOBER tl, IfOt, ing in Store Reduced for 3-Day Sale bavin? eoods and he is kecDine the wires hot with the news of the eood things that he is pickiner up for the Portland public that is wise Our Mr. Lowit is in New York buvine eoods and he is keepine the wires hot with the news of the good things that he is picking up for the Portland public that is wise enough to be Golden Eagle customers. He wires us to sell at any price the stock now on hand and make room for the goods soon to come, or we will have to pay rent for a warehouse. So, determined that well have the room for .all the goods that he can buy, well give you such generous bargains that you'll be glad to help us out on this, and in accordance with the order to "Stir things up," well call the sals A 'STIR IP SAIE" AT THE GOLDEN EAGLE We'll make this store a busy place and all bargain seekers will watch us now, for the values will be such that no one who'd save can AFFORD TO MISS IT. The stir rups that surround this ad have more than one meaning. They direct your attention to the "Stir Up Sale" and they also remind you (and some of our competitors) of the fact that we've gained a foothold in Portland. COMB SHARE IN THE MARVELOUS VALUES, AND HEAR TOOTS AND JULY SING. BARGAINS AND EN TERTAINMENT, TOO. SEE ANNOUNCEMENT. Linens for Thanksgiving Buy During the Stir Up Sale Come on NOW, you thrifty housewives. Replenish your store of linens, and by taking advantage of this sale have them this time for less than you ever bought them before. Note well the QUALITIES we tell you of when we mention these bargains, they're not those that you would be ashamed of, are they? SAVE, it's your best opportunity. Half Bleached Table Linen A regular 40c grade; 26c 75c Bleached Table Linen 60 inches wide, splendid quality; sells regularly for 39c the yard Special sale price, yard, only 64-inch Bleached Damask Fern design. An other extra special value at, the yard only. Bleached Table Damask Polka dot design; regu lar $1.10 value, and 64 inches wide, for, the ftSJ Table Linen Fine quality, rose pattern and full two yards wide; regular $175, J A Napkins to Match at, the dozen . . . . . . .SO All Linen Damask Clover leaf design, with AAr poppy border, full two yards wide. Special. Fine Napkins In assorted patterns; splendid qualities and neat designs. Special, the 19-inch Napkins In the pretty clover f r A pattern. Special, dote dI.OU 19-inch Nankins In assorted designs. tM AO Very special, dosen dJl.TO Linen Sets With cloth 2 yards square and 1 dosen 22 inch Napkins to match. Special Dresser Scarfs 16x50 inches, drawn work CAr patterns. Each .0lC Lunch Cloths 27 inches square, fringed, drawn work centers. Special sale price, (Ar each 30-inch 8is for . T4 36 Inches Square for, only Tde 75c 36c 19c good width. Selling while this sale on for, the yard, only ..... All Linen Table Damask 66 inches wide. A very special ssle value at, the yard Table Linen Fleur De Lis pattern: regu- "JCf, lar 89c goods for, yard IOC Red Table Linen Oil boiled, 60 inches wide and worth 49c the yard, for. Red Table Linen 56 inches wide; 30c val ue, the yard Linen Napkins Come in rose, clover leaf or polka dot pattern. Special sale price, ?Q docen 9Lly 24-inch Linen Napkins In assorted pat- S fT terns. Very special at, the dosen, only.. . vvaO Linen Sets With cloth 2x24 yards and 1 dosen 22-inch Napkins. Special value Linen Sets With table cloth 3x2 yards and one dosen 22-inch Napkins. Sale price. Table Cloths Of union damask, full bleached, si 14x2 yards. Sale price, 1 J (j Tray Cloths 18x27 inches. Very special st Doylies Large or small sises, fringed. 2)jg $6.24 Notions and Small Wares Fkncy Hair Pine Cabinets regular 8c value. Ssle Ap price, esch IV Standard Spool Thread Regu larly 5c the spool. Ssle price, SIX for WV Whisk Brooms Full regular size; worth 20c esch. Ssle Qr price Cabinet Fins Assorted sises and colors; 8c value. Ssle Ay, price " 'Hand Bags Imitation seal leather, silk lined and have ex tra coin purse, bar handles; good values at ovc eacn. Sale price rv... 48c Women's Collars A surplus lot thst have been selling for 25c to 50c each: come in white, black and colors, and there are about five hundred of C them. Bach .OL Laces In all widths and qualities, edges, insertions, etc.: worth from 3c to 20c ysrd. Ssle ..IV Women's Belts In silk or lesther, plain or plaited effects; colors, black, white, tan, brown, etc; all sizes; A 39c snd 50c values Satin Ribbon In such colors as black, brown, blue, pink, red, laven der, green, purple sad white; sll per fect' goods snd warranted; regular price 25c bolt. Sale Candy the pound 18c Yes. It Cents the Pound But if s a regular 30c grade of csndy. Fine assorted creams or chocolates, selling Thursday in the Arcade Candy Department for, the 10- pound lOv MIXED CANDY for, the lb..T BRAZIL NUTS for, the Ib. lSf Hear July and Toots Sing A Treat for the Clients o( Hie Golden Eagle At a great expense we have engaged the services of July and Toots, the famous Hawaiian singers, and they will ting at our store Thursday, Friday and, Saturday of this week Come and hear them sing the native Hawaiian songs and the latest popular airs. Free to All Who Come Whether You Buy or Not Walk Back to the Suit and Cloak Department on Second Street and Listen to Them Fret Thursday and Friday from 10 a. m. to 12 m. and from 2:30 to 5 p. m. Saturday from 10 a. m. to 12 m. and from 2:30 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. m. Women's and Children's Coats at Amazing Reductions for the Sale and white or gray and white. A special ralue at $7.50 each. Sale price.. Children's Coats Of heavy fancy materials, collar less styles, trimmed with solid colors and braids; regular price $5.39. Sale price, very J J A special 0.4V Children s coats Of tsncy astracnan, in green, very sC Aft Children s coats l rimmed witn emblems on sleeves; regular $6.00. Sale price, each Children's Costs Made of fsncy gray mixtures, loose fitting style; splendid value st $6.89. Sale price, very special at Women's Long Coats In checks or plaids, with velvet-collars and cuffs, all shades that AO fashion favors. Sale price , syfJeTO Misses' Coats Of hesvy beaver, trimmed with vel vet and braid, hall fitting style; regular $11.98. Sale price.... $4.48 mivtiiri $4.95 $9.25 Women's Coats In the very latest embroidered effects, front and back handsomely embroidered, collarless style snd lined with gray sstin, sises from 36 to 42. Ssle price, each, $ 5 00 Women's Suits In light colored materials, semi fitting coats, with full skirts; s regular 0 CA $12 value. Sale price $ .dU Women's Suits Semi-fitting coats, made of grsy fancy wool materials trimmed with blsck velvet and buttons and plaits; regular $20 d y value for, sale price $lvU Women's Short Coats Of fine covert cloth, trim med with buttons; just in; handsome, AO stylish garments, worth $10.00, for $f .7(3 Women's Suits Mannish effects, in the stylish shadow plaids, loose fitting jacket snd plaited style skirt, trimmed with velvet; worth l AA $30.00, for -T ...941.UU Hosiery 3 pairs for 25c Women's Hons Full seamless, cotton, in fancy effects; colors, tan, red, blue and black; a regular 15c hose. Sale price, THREE pair LDC Women's Lisle Hose In fancy lace effects; 25c ones. C A S PAIR OlfC Extra Values in Groceries Specials from the Grocery Section that will make the saving take note of the new department. No. 1 Mocha and Java Coffee A regular 35c grade. Sale 25C Gold Dost Regulsr 25c pkg., selling for, only..... Corn, 2 cans for only lSe) Or SSd die dosen. Oysters, 3 cans for S5 Sardines, extra special. can.... Set Cream, 2 cans for only 1S Oranulated Sugar Special ssle price, iv pounds tor sri nil fltVV .25c only. Or we will sell you TWENTY POUNDS for $1.00 with your or der for $3.00 of groceries. Teas An A-l grade selling spe cial at, the pound, only dvt Rolled Oats- Special. 8 lbs. OCa for only XtTv Ground Spices, the lb SO Peres, the package, only IS? Mt. Hood Powder, the keg . . . S Naptha Soap, 7 bars for SSe) Big Value Soap, 8 bars for... SB Fairy Soap, 6 bars for 28 Sapolio. 2 bars for but IS Or 85 for a dosen bars. Wheat Food, the package .... t Dr. Price's Food, pkg. lO Shredded Wheet Biscuit, pkg. IS Dress Goods and Silks SALE PRICES Cray Mixtures and Plaids Regu lar 60c value, and they are AJt 36 inches wide. Special . i . . "TaW AH Wool Serges In blsck, green, navy and red; regular $1.25 QQr quality. Sale price, yard TOW Cloaking Good heavy stuffs, 60 inches wide and in plain colors or fancies; these are worth f Q to $2 the yard. Sale Fancy Silks 39c Yard Beautiful Shimmering Silks la solid colors and handsome figured patterns; perfectly grsnd qualities that always sell for 50c to 85c the yard. Sale 39c Men's Wool Underwear 57c Something Unusual lor the Price Dollar Underwear for Fifty-Seven Cents But there ere only shirts of this grade. We know, though, that you saving men don't care if you can't get the drawers to match when you have our word for it thst this is dollar goods. Fine cashmere shirts that sell regularly for C 7 - tf v one dollar each. Sale price, to close.. Men's Blue Flannel Shirts Good ones that should and do sell Aft for $1.50 each. Sale price.. OC Boys' Wool Sweaters Honey comb knit; splendid $1.50 Aftv value. Sale price, each, only. VOL Root's Tivola Underwear for Men Root's Tivoli Underwear for Men One of the best known snd best liked makes there is. Every one knows thst its s regular $2.00 make of men's underwear. And the sale price, garment, is.... $1.39 LACE CURTAINS A ssle on these no house csn match, for these srs bought for less than the regular price: in fact, we saved et least a third on them. So the bargain goes right to you, and we offer you handsome patterns in Nottingham Lace Curtains. 3 to 3)4 yards long snd quite f 1 wide, for, the pair efaJ Curtain Scrim A regulsr I2yic grade. Sale price, the 01 WV Window Shades Mounted on good patent rollers. Sele 4C price, esch wv yard. Shoes at Low Prices A slaughter in the Shoe Section thst will be remembered for months to corns and help all who attend to buy their winter footwear for less than they ever have before. Women's Shoes Blucher style, with light or heavy soles; regular $2.50 value. Sale price, J A Men's' ' Serin Calf ' Shoes-With plain toe, in lace or congress styles; regular $2.50vsl- J gA Women's Rubber Heels A regu lsr 40c grade. Selling for, Qr pair Iiy Baby Shoes All colors; worth 40c and 50c the pair. Sele price Lb Women's Shoes In all styles, with French or Cuban heels; some the lot worth to three fifty the Your choice for this the pair in pair sale, fty the 89c Men's Shoes In vici kid and box calf; lace, blucher or congress styles; superb $2.50 val- OA viu ues. Sale price, the pair. Boys' Solid School Shoee A shoe thst will give more wear than any $2.00 shoe on the mar- A ket Sale price, pair'.... .dlOy Underwear 2 Women's Pants and Vests Of combed Egyptian yarn, winter weights, all sises, silk finished and trimmed with pearl buttons; a superb 50c value. Sate aVJ r price "ifaC Women's Union or Combination Suits Samples and surplus lots, in cotton, merino, lisle and wool; come in white or gray, and worth from 69c to 13.50 each. And the sale price is Bl.SS to , Umbrellas for 8c Women's 26-inch Frame CMoria Silk Umbrellas Paragon frame. natural wood or oxydiscd han dles; worth $1.50 each. QO. Special TOC 35c Nob's Vetting Waists $2.49 Each And they are the best three fifty value ever made, too. Four hundred of them for this sale. No woman should miss this chance, for these waists will set a new mark for bargains in Portland. Have lace yokes snd collar and coma in white, cream, lavender, pink and light or dark blue; they are our regulsr three fifty waists. The sale price S J A will be but, each 4.49 Four Slashing Domestic Bargains Muslin Cambric In short lengths; esch piece has from two to ten yards; regular 1254c quality. O Special ssle price, ysrd Ov Heavy White Blankets Extra sise; s greet special at, g 'J A the pair, only 7aV Feather Pillows 3-pound sise, made with fancy ticking. D Very special, each, only....OOC Flannelette Five thousand yards of it in this sale; superb qualities and patterns; regular !2Wc Ot quality, for Ojv 6