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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENINO, OCTOBER SI, 1909, BEZDEK PRAISES NEW RULES Oregon's Coach Crows Enthus iastic Ovsr Nts Players and the Regulations. , BACKFIELD CHANCE HAS IMPROVED THE WORK Chandler and Moores in the Back Field Have Given New Speed to Squad Eugene Sports Are on the Watch for the Willamette Eleven. (facial Dtmtah to The Iwill) University of Oregon. Eugene. Or.. Oct. 11. Coach Besdek of the university elrvsn waa In a happy state of mind test night because the team waa work lac together so splendidly. In --e training and amea up to this time the men have been working any way but as a unit. Last night, however, tha work with the man In the new positions waa marvelous. Besdek said: "I am tickled all ovsr; the wort of the team has Improved 100 par cant, wall not quite that, but CO per cent anyway." So Joyful was he that Incidentally the new rules cams In .for a bit of praise. Tha coach said that from every standpoint, that of a coach, of a team and of the spectators, the new rules were ahead of tha old. It now takes more skill, mora organisa tion, to put out a football team and leaa beef. More than that a man must have good thinking head upon him, and that of course makes tha team consist ing of men who can Just play football worth.' much leaa. Besdek is encouraged concerning the game with Willamette, though It ts ru mored here that Willamette sports want to bet even money on the Salem aggre gation. If this Is tha case, Willamette had a purpose when she waa beaten by Whitman, and Oregon Is , certainly on the watch. The Methodists, Oregon students think, will not be able to make yardage against Oregon, whether the state school does or not. Never .before here did such a line exist MeKlnnay, tha ex-JtO-pound full, IS at end and breaks Interference tnta so many chips that It is a .certainty that there will not be many end plunaes his way. Moullen en tha other and Is looking after the details In a similar manner. The rest of tha line la an enforced concrete wall. The team. Is feeling In fine spirits now, and tha reason seems to be be cause of a mascot that haa bean given to them by Mrs. K. R. ' Sparks of Eu gene. Tha mascot is a fine brindled bulldog with the finest lines. The very Bight of him Invigorates -the squad. PACIFIC STUDENT BODY APPOINTS COMMITTEE - (Sprclil Dispatch to Th Journal.) j Forest Orove, Or., Oct. II. The first meeting of the student body under the Mew regime met yesterday afternoon ta elect two members ef the athletic com mlttee. According to an amendment to khe constitution the faculty now has the privilege of naming four men for the committee, from which the student body selects -two. The men nominated were James Ward, Harry Humphreys, Virgil Waterrbann and Albert Kirkwood. President Mason of the student body appointed Miss Holmes, Miss Silverman and Messrs. Allan. Aller, Witham and Clapp to act as tellers for the election. The vote elected Ward and Humphreys as members of the athletic committee for toe coming year. EUGENE AND SALEM HIGH SCHOOLS TO PLAY (tpedal. Dtapatra ta The Journal.! Eugene, Or., Oct. tl. The Eugene High school football team la preparing to play the Salem High school team at iBalem Saturday afternoon of this week. The local lads are practicing hard and xpect to defeat the Capital City team. International 8 porta. (Jearaal special lervlee.) Paris, Oct. 1. International ath letics will be given quite a fillip tomor row when Cambridge university ath letes -will meet the Racing club of France In an International match. It ta tha flrst visit of English university athletes to the continent, and the event has created- quite a stir In athletic eirdea. The events to be oon tested are 10, 400, 800 and 4.627 meters Hat, 110 meters hurdles, high and broad jump and throwing the discus. This is die new Overcoat It is right length to suit your fig ure; velvet collar end curved in at the. back. For style and comfort, for business and for dress. It is ttnetrualed. This style for f lS.oo, f is.oo ud 20.00 g LION V ClothinoCo CragKuhnPmr (seas east Bey OaSSttiie tgaaeasjh BallStagk X A New Orleans woman waa thin. e i Because she did not extract eufficiont V V nourishment from her food. Xja She took Scott Emulsion. X tXSf She gained a pound a day in weight Jjj (M ALL DRUGGISTS. 90. AND $100 X KAUFMANN READY FOR BATTLE - San Francisco Sports Anxiously Await Tonight's Co Be tween the Heavyweights. (Jearaal Special Service.) San Francisco. Oct. tl. Local follow srs of pugilism, who havs been da prlved of their favorite sport since the catastrophe of last spring, are on edge in anticipation of tonight's go between the two big fellows. Al Kaufmann ana 8am Beraer. The contest la to be pulled off In a new skating rink with a capacity for MOO persons and the indi cations are that every seat will be filled when the gong calls the fighters Into the ring. Both Kaufmann and Bergr4tave been training faithfully and reports from both their quarters say they are In the pink of condition. The fight Is expected to be a lively one from start to finish, as the two are regarded as very evenly matched. Herges' la II years old. weighs 100 pounds In condition and la almost feet t inches tali. Kaufmann la a year younger, a few pounds lighter and an inch shorter. The slight disparity in slse Kaufmann makes up In experi ence, aa he haa been In the professional game longer than Berger and haa had more battlea The scheduled limit la 10 rounds. Jaek Welch has been se lected to referee the contest. COMMERCIAL BOWLERS DO SOME FINE WORK The Commercials did some fine bowl ing last night. The No. l's got two games. The last game totaled 040 pins, tha highest score bowled in class "B." The Commercial No. 2 rallied In the 'second' and got the game by the able coacning or uaptain Killings worm. The honors of the evening belong to La mond, who had the higheat single game, lit; also the creditable average of 216. The scores: COMMERCIAL NO. 1. (1) (I) (I) Ave. Lamond . . 223 211 109216 167 166 II 114 lee in 1M 177 22117 17814 17 16 164 17 4 Meleen Armltage . iotals 872 70 COMMERCIAL, NO. 2 (1) (I) .) Ave, 11 17174 129 120126 169 136 V45 163 10177 18 14912 Killlngsworth Roberts Stein Keas Davidson . . . .196 .126 .13 .21 .147 Totals (24 121 70 Tonight tha two class "A" teams, Portlands vs. Oregons, will decide the highest mark In the percentage list. RACING RESULTS AT THE JAMAICA TRACK New York, Oct. 31. Jamaica race summarise: Five and a half furlongs Sally Pres ton won. Ace High second, Jamea Leon ard thlrdr, time, 1:07. Mile and a sixteenth Del more won, Pirate Holly second. A Muskoday third; time, 1:48. Selling, six furlongs Chando won. Aster D Orm second. Comedian third; time. 1:14. Selling, mile and a sixteenth Rye won. Was second, Bivouac third; time, 1:48 3-6. Selling, mile and a furlong Mncy Jr. won, McKlttredge second. Nemesis third; time, 1:14 1-1. Five and a half furlongs Cora Price won, Crltona second, Jennie Wells third; time, 1:08. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Won. .114 Lost. 6 78 tl 90 10 111 P.C. . .658 .64 .see .414 .336 Portland SeatUe San Francisco Los Angeles .. Oakland Fresno Oarvln Sid It. (Josrnal Special SerTlce.l Los Angeles, Oct. 11. Oarvln held ths Angels down to one hit and no runs yesterday In a 10-lnnlng contest The score: R. H E Los Angeles. . .0 0 0 0 00000 0 0 1 I Seattle 0000000003 I i Batteries Nagle, Buckley and Eager; Oarvln and Blankenship. Umpire Der rick. ant Witched Oood Oams. (Joeraal Special Ssrvto. i Oakland, Cat, Oot II. Hltt's good work won yesterday's game for the Seals. Score: R.H. E. Oakland 00000100 1 t San Francisco . .10100101 4 I Batteries Graham and Hackett; Hltt and Wilson. Umpire Perrlne. Motorists to Tour J (Journal Special Service. Boston. Oct tl. On a special char tered steamer a large party of auto mobile enthusiasts from various parte of ths country sailed today to make a tour of ths Island of Jamaica. The tour la ths first ever made by automoblllsts where a steamsAip has been reserved exclusively for the party and their ma chlnee. After a Ave days' sea trip the party will dlsembsrk at Port Antonio on the north coast of the Island. The route will cover every point of Interest on the island. SPORTING GOSSIP On Waverly links today, the tourna ment for the Mlas Sallle Lewis cup will begin. Tha contsst Is for women, and each year's winner will have her name engraved on the cup. and the trophy will remain the property of the club. Tha qualifying rounds begin today. s ejfjo This evening the Multnomah 'varsity and second team will turn out for prac tice at 7:10 o'clock. The 'varsity will renew Its training for ths Astoria game which Is scheduled for Saturday, and the second team will gat down to hard work In preparation for a game with the Se attle High school on November 10. The game with Astsrla on Saturday is cans lag the clubmen considerable worry on BSM last of the great strength of the AND BERBER Astortana Multnomah men recall what Astoria did to the winged "M" team last year and are anxious for revenge. It la certain that there will be something doing when Multnomah and Astoria meet. e The second Multnomah team haa un dertaken a hard proposition in accept ing a gams with the Seattle High school eleven, the strongest team that ever represented Seattle. The match will be playd on the Multnomah field en No vember 10 and will be one of the beat games of the season. The Multnomah second men realise what the are up against, and are working like Trojans. Y. M. C. A. ATHLETES TO HOLD INDOOR MEET The following events and entries have been arranged to take place at the r. as. c. a. gymnasium on Friday even ing: 440-yard Howerton, scratch; Keys, 3 4-6 second; Easter, t seconds: Arbuthnot, 8. H., 11 seconds; Laub. 8 seconds; WetterbeseVt-aV-1-M seconds Arbuthnot J. O., TOTfrl seconds; Backus, 6 1-6 seconds. 124-yard potato race Howerton, Sims, Rich, Stubbs, scratch; Wetter- borg, 4-6 second; Keys, 1 second; Carl son. I seconds; Forbes, 3 - seconds; Arbuthnot, 8. H.. t 2-6 seconds; Arbuth not, J. O., 4-6 seconda I Hhot pnt Carlson, George, scratch; Pease 1H lnohea; Lighty, 1 foot 4 Inches; Vinson, I feet I Inches; Won dalge. t feet 2 Inches; Chambers, feet C Inches. Pole vault Burns, scratch; Sheets, t Inches'; Chambers, 10 Inches; Backus, 14 Inches; Lighty, 14 Inches: Sims. 18 Inches; Rich. 20 Inches; Stubbs, 20 lnchea Running high lump Sheets, scratch; Walby, Backus, 2 inches; Chambers, Wells, Burns. 4 Inches; Stubbs. Sweeney. Campbell, Staub, Wetterborg. Lighty, ( Inches. GOES INTO HYSTERICS OVER REFEREE'S DECISION (Journal Special Sarrlee.) Los Angeles. Oct II. Abe Attell was given the decision over Harry Baker here last night by Referee Edward Rob inson at the end of a 20-round contest When the decision waa announced Ba ker felt on the floor and became hys terical. When he arose ha swore at everybody In the ling. The referee waa escorted from the pavilion by the po lice. Attell waa the aggressor through out and the sane people at the ringside said tnat the referee's award was cor rect. The contest waa scientific and neither man sustained much punish ment. CRICKET CLUB WILL COST FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS Architect P. Chsppell Browne la pre paring plans for the proposed clubhouse Of the Portland Cricket association, that waa recently Incorporated. The scheme ef the association la to not start building untu spring. The house will be built on the elub'e 6 hi -acre plot at Davis and Vlnola streets. It Is estimated that the new clubhouse will cost about 11,000, and It la the Intention of the members to maks the club one of the moet original cricket homes In the country. . COLORBLIND STUDENTS PAINT BUILDING GREEN Forest Orove, Or., Oct. II. Color blind students started out Monday to paint some of the college buildings red. Day revealed the newly daubed struc tures were vivid green. The name of a aophomore leader In huge green let ters also adorns the walla of other buildings. Investigations are under way to locate the perpetrators. Milwaukle Country Club. Eastern end California races. Take Sell wood and Oregon City ears at First and Alder. Prsfsrrsd Btook Canned (roods. Allen a Lewie- Best Brand. Light Wines For table use are offered at light prices. These wines are produced from the juice of choice growing grapes and have a fine body and rich flavor they equal in quality the foreign-grown wines which cost double the money. National Riesling, fine table wine, gallon $1.00, quart 25e. National Extra Fine Ries ling, gallon 91.50, quart 50. National N. Sauterne, quart 50. National N. N. Sauterne, quart 75. Sparkling Sauterne, full quart 91.25, full pint 65e. THE QUALITY STORE Fifth and Stark Sts. Phone Main 6499 GIANTS CONTINUE GOOD WORK Leaders Bat Fresno Pitcher Al Over Creation in Two Innings. TRUCK EAQAN GOES IN AND FINISHES GAME Califf Waa Batted Very Hard by the Tigers but His Teammates Supported Him in Correct Fashion Each Side Made 14 Safe Hit. (Jearaal Special service.) Fresno, Cat. Oot. 31. The last weak of tha season opened here yesterday In a game between the Tigers and the Olanta, the latter coming out victorious by the score of 1 to (. The contest de veloped Into a batting bee, each team aeourlng the earns number of hits, but Fresno getting the fewer runs. Hoag start so tna gants for Fresno, but In two Innings the giants had lambasted him for eight runs, and he wae accordingly succeeded by "Truck" Eagan. who held the leaders down to two runs for the balance of the game. Califf waa given a fine touching up, but his good support saved him. Tha score: PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A E. Sweeney, sa 4 2 1 3 MCHam, or. 4 Mitchell, lb. I Gum. rf. I Smith, 3b. I Warner, 2b. 4 a t t it I I ill 0 16 0 2 1 0 0 0 Donahue, e. Lister, If. Califf. p. Totals tl 1 14 17 11 1 FRESNO. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Casey, lb. .... Doyle. Sb.-ef. . 6 0 1 3 3 0 Wolters. rf.-Of. McLaughlin, If. Eagan, Ib.-p. . Delmaa, as. Cartwright, lb. Hogan, c . . . . . Hoag. p. Daahwood, rf. . Totals 4 6 14 27 16 t SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland 4 4 2 0 0 0 0 010 Hlta ,..1110 014 Fresno 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 t Hits 0 4 1 1 1 1 2 0 414 SUMMARY. Two-base hits McHals. Wolters. Three-base hits McHale. Warner, Mc Laughlin. First ease on called balls Off Califf. 3; off Hoag, 4; off Eagan. 2. Struck out By CallffT 4; by Eagan. 4. Innings pitched By Hoag, 2; by Eagan. 7. Left on bases Portland, t; Fresno. 10. Double plays Delmas to Casey; Califf to Donahue to Mitchell; Warner to Sweeney to Mitchell. Wild pitches Eagan, Hoag. Hit by pitcher McHale and Califf by Eagan Time of gam' una nour ana sv minutes. Umplr Mahaffey. "My ohlld waa burned terribly about the faoe, neck and cheat I applied Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc OH. The pain eiaaed and the child sank Into a restful Bleep." Mrs. Nancy M. Hanson, Hamburg. N. T. Coughs and Colds CURED BY FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR Obstinate, racking Coughs that your head ache, your throat end hugs ore and inflamed, that rob yon of sleep until your system becomes so ran down that yon are in grave danger of Pneumonia or Consumption, are quickly cared by Foley's Honey and Tap. FOLEY'S HONEY 110 TAR soothes and heals the inflamed ah paa aagea, allays the feverish conditions, stops the cough end prevents serious results from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR It the only prominent cough medicine on the market that dose not contain opiates or harmful drugs of any kind and on this account is safest for children. It is unexcelled for Croup and Whoop ing Cough and will quickly cure the racking cough which follows measles and leaves so many children with weak lungs nnlees properly treated. Remember tha name Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse substi tutes that cost you tha ganto eg the genuine. Do not take chances with unknown preparation. Consumption Throatonei. C. Unger, 211 Maple St. , Champlagn, 111., writes: "I was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and I thought I had consumption! I tried a great many remedies and I wae under the care of physicians for several months. I used one bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar; it cured me, and I have not been trou bled since." Three ileus 23c, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent sise contains two end one-half timee as much as the small sise and the $1.00 bottle almost sis times as much. SOLO AID RECOMMENDED 11 ejj. DBOKKHSTS Stubborn TAME CAMPAIGN IN MICHIGAN Ganeral Apathy Apparent on Sides Due to Republican Majority. All DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FAILS TO AROUSE VOTERS 9 In Five Congressional Districts Re publican Incumbents Have No Op position Senatorial Contest later, eating. (Jearaal Special Sarrlee.) Detroit Mich., Oot U The Deign In Michigan has been one of the tamest seen In late yearn. Stren uous efforts are now being made by the' managers of both parties to arouse the public Interest and to bring about some thing like a hot finish to the contest To this end the Democrats are planning meetings to be held throughout the state between now and election day. The Republicans will close their campaign with a big rally in thla elty next Satur day night The meeting will be held In the Light Ouard armory and will be addressed by Governor Warner, Senator Burrows. Congressman William Aldan Smith, Edward Danby and other party leaders of note. The general apathy apparent on all sides Is due almost solely to the feeling that the Republicans are aa sure of ear rying the stats as the Democrats are certain to win out In Texaa. The Re publicans have carried everything be fore them In Michigan for 10 years and mere is no reason to expect any air ferent results from the campaign this year. Charles H. Klmmerle, the Demo cratic candidate for governor, has been making an energetlo and capable cam paign, but he haa failed to arouse any t amount of enthusiasm among the rank and file. As a consequence but little Interest Is taken In the fight for state offices. The only Question is that of the Republican majority. From present lndloatlons the vote will be an- usually light and on this account Gov ernor Warner's majority will be re duced. The lack of Interest In the contest for governor Is equally true of nearly all fhe congressional contests. In five dle t riots the Democrats have failed to put up eandldatea. The solid Republican delegation In congress will likely be maintained unleaa local oompltcatlons upset the calculations in tha Detroit district The legislature la expected to be Re publican by a targe majority. Insuring the election ef a Republican to succeed Senator Alger. 'Just at present more Interest Is taken In the senatorial eon teat than la any other event on the political calendar. The eandldatea are William Alden Smith of Orand Rapids, William C. McMillan of Detroit Charles Town send of Jackson, Arthur Hill of Saginaw and Henry McMorran of Port Huron. Smlth'a strength Ilea chiefly in the western part of the state. McMillan la believed to be strongest In ths upper peninsula. The other candi dates claim little more than their re spective congressional dl striata BETWEEN BIG STICK AND SOCIALISTIC BOGS Baltimore; Oct tl. The last big meeting of the Democ ratio congres sional committee waa held ha thla city In Lyrlo hall last night. The speakers Included United States Senator William P. Whyte of thla city, who said In part: The elasticity of tha executive and legislative authority In widening and extending the police and other powers of ths federal government Is disturb ing the peace of all peaceful men. The domineering Influence of the federal government baa become oppressive at home and abroad. Our colonial policy over possessions aoqulred by the sword la at .war with the fundamental prin ciples for which the revolutionary he roes shed their blood. On the one hand the wlelder of the 'big stick' net only over the heads of the slain people, but over the ermine of the Judiciary, la driving the country Into Imperialism and on the other hand orators of a high order of eloquence and some of the smaUeet type are leading the electors Into the dangerous bogs Of communism and socialism." THEATRE GOES TO VOTE UPON THE PERFORMANCE (Journal Special Service.) Rome, Oct. II It will bs "sklddoo" for ths dramatic critic In Roma if the new theatrical voting machine. Invented by Stgnor Blgglano, comes into general uee. Thla new automatio contrivance represents a penny-ln-the-elot machine In appearance. Every person In the au dience on buying a ticket wfll receive with It a metal disc, which at the end of the play may be dropped into either of the slots marked "Success" or Failure." The total number of voters Is simultaneously recorded. The Teatro Costansl la the first to Introduce this novelty and la planning to put the ma chine Into operation on the first night of Oabrlsle d'Annunslo'a new drama, "Stronger Than Love." DEMAND FOR HORSES EXCELLENT IN MARION (Special Dissstek to Ths Joeraal.) Salem, Oot II. Stoek Inspector D. D. Heeler reports that some tl horses have been shipped from this county sines April I. While Marlon county Is not one of the great horse producing oenters of tho state It appears thai buy ers are looking to Marion county for draft horses, because local horses are of good quality. The largest shipment that has been made, waa of 47 horses which wore consigned to Mexico. The horses whieh are In demand are animals weighing from 1,40 and upwards, ranging from the ages of 4 to 7 years Since the new law has been In foree it has been comparatively eaay to keep track ef the shipment of stock as the shipper must provide himself with a certificate before he can aend his ani mals out of the county. Dr. Keeler Is of the opinion that the law Is a good one and that It eliminated the propaga tion of oontaglous disease OOOOl. W 1.U. Irtl M UIm CI ' W Kan., writes: "Every fall It haa been a wife's trouble to catch a severe I. and therefore to cough sll winter long. Last fall I got her a bottle of Ballard's Hqrehound Syrup. She ueed It and has been able to sleep soundly all night long. Whenever the cough trou bles her two or three doses stops the rough, end she le sble to be up and well." He, 10a and 11.00. Sold by jroodard. Clarke a Co. WHOLESALE CLOTHING HOUSE Selling Oot at Retail at Factory Cost Nathan & Wertheimer Company, 73 Front Street, Near Oak Portland's only Wholesale Cloth ing House Is going oot of basin iss. $50,000 worth of strictly high- grade clothing made In our own fac tory et 020 Broadway and 154 Cros by street. New York City, insuring the buyer of the highest-grade work end materiala Goes on retell sale et factory cost, saving the buyer both dM wholeeale and retail profits, bringing tha prices down to leas than one half retail prices. Sale lasts 7 days, ending Saturday night, November 3, after which the fbalance of stock will be removed from the city. 2000 Men'f Pine Suits Consisting of double and single breasted sacks; black, blue, gray, brown. Oxfords and fashionable plaids. checks and silk mixtures. These constat of all colors and kinds at pries. Owing to Immense ws cannot describe eaeh lot separately. The prices quoted represent actual man' ufaeturtag cost aad are one half regu lar retail prices or keas. 4.85 Lot No. 1 Big showing. 110.80 retail vaiuea. 96.85 Lot No. I 8ilenals display or retail vaiuea $8.75 Lot No. Business and dressy suits to tit. retail valusa. 99.65 Lot No. 4 Kleborte line ef valuee to It. OAs some at even sold suits to retail values. 11.50 Lot No. Gigantic assort ment to retail vaiuea. 9 13.85 Lot No. I Over suits, values to no. 00; some are even sold higher at retail. Fall and Winter Overcoats and Cravenette . This stoek la to excess of 1.100 gar ments. We only manufacture the beat and finest grades. Careful will really appreciate th ef styles, workmanship sad the rich ness of materiala f 4.85 Lot No. 7 Medium heavy np to overcoats. 9T.SO Lot No Overcoats Cravsnettes to lit. retail vaiuea These garments are hand-tailored. 99.75 Lot No t BUk Serge and Ve netian Lined Overcoats and all colore and kinds of Cravenettee to 130.00 vaiuea. 911.50 Lot No 1 Select garments. raaoca wvercoais. rrenen back extra fine Cravenettee to 116.00 value. 918.55 Lot No 11 The highest class ef materiala aad finest styles ana workmanship to ISO. 00 vaiuea ovaaooa At going to prees with the announce ment It Is Impractical to quote Intelli gently all price details, but the ele gant stock will be sold at manufacturers' ,oomt. ease vaxaa r, Embracing the leading fabtios and styles of this year's Pantsdom. Prices quoted are lees than one half actual retail valuee. Slaws from 17 to I In Seam, It to 50 waist. 65e Substantial Working 11.10 Pants. 95 Hundreds Splendid to 1160 Pants. 91.50 Vast display of up to IB. so Panta. 99.10 Extra good to 14.10 vaiuea at retail. 99.96 Beet qualities I. 00 retail value. average Double 91.85 Represents tali value. It o re- 91.86 Represents elegant Suite to ruily fs.oo value. 92.40 Elaborate to 11.00 or even bet ter VS1USS. 98.25 Tremendous display to 17.10 vaiuea 94.35 Silk Velvets, etc., easily 110.00 vaiuea. SO For oholos of 00 Odd Vesta Mall Orders Accompanied by cash or Its equivalent wilt be filled at onoe. We ask that out of town people use care in sending sixes and describing character of goads desired. 9 For Sale Fixture Safe, desks, sample trunks, glass par tition and all fixtures usually found In a wholesale business. OPEN EVENINQS boys' Awa oam.rtnnxra sura. BToTto nip. r""f"""1 Bulta to Saturday night, Voveaaber S, One Boors rs front Street, Bear Oak, Portlaad, Oregon. Didn't Hurt a Bit awefHt THE CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS 323 WASHINGTON STREET et Teeth. e fit o ao pay 95.OO 910.94 sa.ou Bridge Wee .98. 50 e e e See e 060 VOltage eeOre -Mr -e- The Merchants Investment and Trust Co. 247 Washington St. Deals la Municipal and Cor poration Bonds. , In bond , ls- , realty transactions, etc ' Does a central Banking aad Treat Pays on Savings Ac- Time Certificates. Capital$l50,000.00 J. Frank Watson Pres. R. L. Durham Vice-Pres. W. H. Fear ..Secy. a C. Cstchlngs Asst. Secy. Byeglsss fitting is too Important a matter to rush Into "with your eyes shut." If your eyes wear obt, tney're gone forever. When you buy glasses see to It that you get R lasses that are lust right We have e knowledge, experience, expensive up-to-date apparatus snd skilled em , oyes to make them Just tight Consultation costs you nothing; Write for our booklet It contains valuable Information about the cars of the syes. We will ssad It to you laipaia. LILYDENTALCO. m rasa less distots Deatef at Third sal Oesak Bta. on Ball on the pa regalar snee tor BJB sassssl aillaga, to set M this tntrodacto. Is- sbmI Is si goo. If tact Better, taaa sola ss s tsetlsavar. Sans color aa teste. We sot thesi Is without Kla. tanks One. Has a triad la Oer- raanr for S years. Is pro Tina to M the best at all Oiling taa tfiiila. Oobm la vsettgale. It's be. fvuTisrv,. Bridge work it laso Mr teote. Pal attraction. 60s. work ua rap tee far 10 ream. Talk free, t Third eat 0. rr jw ?7A I MpMtml aSSw W r J siT aVeaJL Jtmt I aw ' SsaveW CweweweM IwVw ItWAtfesLleE BfliHsjBHHshsAJ fBffi1Bvvyx LsaW JvlAlM bbsSbP sIsyF and aa