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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 31, 106. MRS. EDDY SHAKEN WITH PALSY Gates of Pleasant View Closed Forever to the World After Yesterday's Interview. ONLY ONE MAN QUALIFIES FOR POSITION ON POLICE FORCE SKIN DEATHLY WHITE- CHEEKS BADLY SUNKEN Founder of Christian Science Move ment Evidently Cannot Long Sur vive Gives Reporters Ides of Ap parition. Dsrpate to IS JoMi I Maw York. Oct si. a sen (Metal from Concord, New Hampahire, My a: Mary Baker O. Bddr la alive, but old. feehl. and suffer! na from MB eo plaint Ilka palsy, which makee her head and handt. shako. Yestsrdaye Interview waa probably the last Interview of her Ufa In the words of one of bar loon hold: "Tha eaten of Pleasant View are closed henceforth. ' The reporters were taken In chars by H. Cornell Wilson, Christian Science press agent of New Teen and vicinity Archibald Mcl.ollan, Christian Science publisher, and L C. 8 Irene local man ager. They were lined up In the reception-room of the Eddy home. Members of tha Eddy household, including Mrs. Parmella Leonard, were fringed about the wall. There came a Up at the folding door. "She la here." announced one of the healers, dramatically The folding doors slid back, the curtains lifted and a stately figure la wnlte stood bowing at the door. It appeared stately at nrst sight, but proved to be a very feeble old woman at the second. Her skin was dead white, her cheeks sunken, every ounce pf spare flesh waa gone from her fa r. Over the face roe a mass of per fectly white hair, crowned by a white bonnet. The woman was enfolded In a huge black velvet and ermine cloak. She waa grasping the curtains with one head and Calvin Fry, her secretary. stood at her other elbow. Both hands were staking and bar lower Up con stantly trembled aa with palsy. By prearrangement of the raportera one of their number asked four ques tions. All were answered except the last one, which was: "Have you the management of your own affairs?" The effect of Mrs Eddy's voice was startling. It had a alight senile quiver, but was deep and level. The combina tion gave It an unearthly quality. It intensified the feeling which all report era confessed to each other afterward, "that this waa not a woman, but an apparition. FORGED CHECK BECAUSE HE NEEDED THE MONEY (Special Dtssete to The Joernel ) Eugene, Or., Oct II. Because he "was broke and needed the money" Oli ver Walker, a young man who says his home Is la alalia ma. la la tha county jell here, charged with forgery, whloh be adsalta bavins committed. Monday evening he paased a forged check on J. O. Watts, a jeweler, for US In payment for a watch, and waa arrested three hours later In Cottage drove. Just one man oat of 41 will be added to the police force as the reault of the recent civil service examlnatloaa Ha Is Olenn Howell, a streetcar man. Two ethers also received the necessary grade of TS per cent or better, but these two of all the applicants wrote their namaa Instead of their numbers on one sheet Tha commission this morning decided that this fact would prevent these men from being certified as eligible. "You simply can't do It; it a protest Is made you've got no way of proving that these grades weren't given because tha men were known." Mid Mayor Lane. The unfortunates were Thomas 1 Young and Frank Mellon. As a matter of fast, the sheets con taining the men's names were not seen by thoee who gave the markings Chief Grltamacher and Captain Moore were asked to grade tha practical questions on what a policeman should do under certain circumstances.. They had ooptes of the questions and a clsrk from 'the auditor's office read the applicant's an. swera Tha officers decided what the grade should be and the clerk wrote It on the paper. But aa there waa a way of proving all this the civil service com mission held with the mayor in throw ing out the papers of Young sad Mellon. Douglas Lleay's name bad been taken off the eligible list because the man he had given aa references had not stood by htm. Four cltlsens testified to his good character tale morning, and his name went on the list. Both he end Howell will probably be appointed with little delay. Another polios examination will soon be called, aa mora men are badly needed In the police department OCTOBER EXPORTS VALUABLE Portland Disposed of One Million Dollar's Worth of Products During Month. CHINA AND JAPAN ARE HEAVIEST PURCHASERS i SELECT YOUR COAT, SUIT OR SKIRT FROM THE LARGEST STOCK ON THE COAST "JUST RECEIVED" 100 COATS AND WE ARE GOING TO PUT THEM ON SALE TOMORROW JUVENILE COURT TO STOP USE OF 6EAN-SH00TERS BY BOYS Portland's Juvenile court takes Ju dicial knowledge of the fact that bean shooters In ths hands of small boys are L dangerous to the peace end dignity of the cltlsens or the city, ciem Marion R. Johnson Is busy today Issuing warn ings to the parents of a number ef boys In South Portland that bean shooting by their young hopefuls will not be toler ated. A report waa made to Polio Captain Slover yeeterdey afternoon by a patrol man that 11 boys In the southern part of tha city are armed with bean shoot- and are engaged In malting life miserable for all passersby. Their ef forts sppear to be crowned with a large measure of success. Tha report states that one man was struck, tn the aye by a bean from a weapon In the heads of one of the boy experts Tha report -was referred to the Ju venile court, but the offense waa not considered serious enough to Justify bringing the boys before tha oourt Judge Fraxer directed his clerk to send warnings to tha parents of tha boys, but If the bean shooting Is not stopped the boys will probably be taken before Judge Fraxer to explain their conduct. Coastwise Lumber Shipments for If oath Exceed All Former Records and Shipments for the Past Tea Months Greater Than Last Year. USED A DUMMY IN WEDDING Millionaire Claims That Alleged Wife Is Adventuress Seek ing Fortune. IMPERSONATED BY MAN IN MARRIAGE CEREMONY (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal ) Albany, Or., Oct tl. A public re cital under the auaptcea of Albany col lege waa given last evening In tha United Presbyterian church. On this occasion the college Introduced to the public the Instructors In the department of music, eft as Emma R. Cow, aa pian ist, and Carroll H. Palmer, aa harl ! tone. The large auditorium of the) . church was filled to overflowing, the per former being the recipients of many enthusiastic encores sad expressions of appreciation on the part of the audi tore. Plaintiff Won Renown as Veiled Woman Who Tried to Secure Ad mittance to Funeral of Late Sen ator Quay but Was Barred. t Pittsburg. Oct 81. la court today Peter F. McCool. the millionaire, charged that another man Impersonated him at a wedding and signed his name to the marriage certificate. This la hie defense la the suit for desertion and nonsupport bronxhe-ewslnat him by Mrs, Frank Walker, the "veiled woman." who was barred from attending the late Senator Quay's funeral. Mrs. Walker declares that the mil lionaire married her at the home of her sister, Mrs. B. Scott at No. XI West Forty-second street New York, on June II, 1384. McCool alleges that the wo man la an adventuress, who not only was not married to him In New York, but who was probably responsible for the aliased scheme by which another man was put forward aa the bridegroom In his place. In pursuance of a plot of blackmail. McCool aays he has Just returad from New York with Detective McKelvey. While in that city they visited the Rev. Floyd M. Btecn, of the Church Of the Ascension, who. Mrs. Walker Mys. per formed the ceremony. The minister, according to McCool. failed to Identify him aa the bridegroom, the witnesses Mid he was not the man. the signature on the wedding certificate waa found to be a poor imitation Of his own, and to cap It all, the detective found that Mrs. Scott la not really Mrs. Walker s sister. el T don't want to talk about my esse." Mid McCool today. "I've had altogether too much publicity out of It already. But I have got a perfect defense and all I want to find now la the man who signed my name to the marriage regis ter. When I gat hold of him there will be something doing." Hunting fO tha Man . Detective McKelvey, who went to New York with McCool, said: "I looked up the whole case In New York Most people In Pittsburg know Llxsie O'Nell. alias Mrs. Frank Walker, alias Mrs. Leslie Carter, alias Miss Darlington, alias 'The Woman In Black," who tried to get Into the fun eral of Senator Quay, and we have the best of her at last "Now, we want to find who that man la As nearly aa I can find out Mra Walker's first husband Is living. She's a mighty clever woman, bat aba aimed too high, and we're got her Just where we want bar. Mrs. Walker denied herself to all callers today. MM. John (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.) Albany, Or., Oct tl. Mra John Isora of this city died early Monday morning snd was burled yesterday afternoon. Rev. David Craig of Portland preached the funeral sermon and conducted the services. Mra Isora was an old pioneer, coming to this country when It was In Its Infancy, and resided here ever since. She was a woman of wide acquaintance and highly esteemed by those knowing her. , Blue stiver (Special Dispatch to The Journal ) Eugene, Or.. Oct SI. Frank X. Pe plon, a well-known Blue river miner. Portland's exports for the month of October reached aa aggregate value -of 1 1,000,000 according to the manifests of vessels at the custom-house sine th first of the month. Flour to. th value Of nearly 1100,000 waa sent scross the ocean to porta la China and Japan, and the orient also bought 1150.000 worth of lumber snd 1 17 0.000 worth of wheat for milling purposes. The strike of the gralnhandlera and the longshoremen put a check on the European wheat ahlpmenta and there would have been none at all this month had the strike Issted another day, for not until this afternoon did the steve dores finish the first cargo of wheat for Europe since the beginning of the strike about Six weeks ago. For a whole month business for Europe was practically at a standstill or the month would have made a splendid showin. Several steamers that would have beer loaded here were sent to Puget sound and a number of sailing vessels were left lying Idle awaiting ths outcome of me labor troubla Despite a temporary tleup of tha lumber bualness on account of the aforementioned strike and the subse quent boycott against the stevedoring firm of Brown McCabe, Portland shipped nearly aa much lumber by water during the month as In March, when all records were broken with 30, I38.S44 feet, the shipments for this month being 10,059,373 tor foreign ports and 16,840,12 for coastwise ports, or 3MMtl feat all told. Since the first of tha year Portland has shipped 202,478,328 feet of lumber by water, or several thousand feet more than was Shipped all of laat year, ao that by the end of the calendar year all records for lumber ahlpmenta In the history of the port will be broken. That the harbor presented some busy scenes during ths month will be under stood from the fact that It vessels entered and 41 cleared. Twenty of these that entered came from foreign porta Following are the shipments by water for the month: WHEAT TO EUROPE. 'seal tassshi Nereids. Oar. ah 104.888 Vases. m.aoo Total far sMath WHEAT TO ORIENT. Tessa h Ruebela Haiti Dollar Br. as 3as,aas Nlcomedla, Oar. aa 8, MO Total for month 181.988 IXOUB TO ORIENT. Barrela. Sat, $20 COATS THURSDAY sM -Wsl ssB-sl Lsfll $15 COATS THURSDAY ONLY 4 Something Doing" in the Suit Line Tomorrow $35.00, $37.50 and $40.00 Suits, About 20 Suits, regular $20 values, Thursday only 91978 Thursday only $10.00 Tomorrow's Skirt Special $10.00 SKIRTS, THURSDAY ONLY $4.25 $14.00 SKIRTS, THURSDAY ONLY $8.25 $25.00 FRENCH VOILE SKIRTS, THURSDAY ONLY $12.75 $30.00 FRENCH VOILE SKIRTS, THURSDAY ONLY $18.85 104.6S 378,300 Value. lieaen a aao lies. 133 Valae. JDS. 390 iis.Boa Vasea Aracosia. Oar. ss Mlsseseala, Oar. ss Total fee assets ' 3438.288 FOREIGN LUHBSB BHlPMIKTg. V easel and Deetlnatleo rest. Elaine. Br. aa., Shanghai 3.63 430 w. ., noDgsong 44, t.m.-i,.-, at. mm., eoangaai . . . Waassilla, Or, as., Hoagkea. 41 a TV" U I Pot the Greatest Pur Ssle Ever Meld CI" C C CI in C W A 1 LllI In the West-November 16th & Ijth f VC Cr JT U The J. M. Aeheson Co. Wholesale and Retail 131 FIFTH STREET Bet Wash, and Alder .no. ret SM.ero Total for month I0.06S.373 I Hill I III LUMBER SHIPMENTS. rest. 1,100.000 860.400 700,000 ressel and Destination Amaranth, bkta, San Pedro. . . Northland, aa.. San Francisco.. Bedondo. aa. San rrasctaMb. . . I , j hi- Y.r,m mt i i,., r- -mwrt BCS ess rancisoe " . : - .... asrae, aa.. Ban Franeleco McKensie nver, yesterday after a long Aureus, aa.. San rtanrleco Illness of paralysis. He was aged 44 years and leaves s wife snd three chil dren. Peplon came to the McKensie from Colorado about 14 years ago and has since resided there. The Lonely Life The Tragic Confession of a Spinster, Who Realizes That No Fame or Wealth Can Compensate tor the Solitude of Her Life. In this article the author, whose name for obvious reasons we are not at liberty to disclose, drops for once the mask which she in common with other Bachelor Maids' is accustomed to turn to the world. Though no longer young, she frankly says she longs for the companionship of a husband and the care of children. The circumstances which have kept from her the happiness which these blessings bring sire stated with the same directness which characterises the whole article. It is the life-story of a "successful" woman, a drama of real life in which the last act is a tragedy. This article appears in our new magazino i v.. WOMAN Htlonlan. aa.. Honolulu Caarlna, as., gss Franrtaeo Joban Pooler n, as., San Franclaco Virginia, acta.. Sen Franeleco Jim Butler, sen... Saa FTiacesee , Northland, aa. San Franclaco Caaeada, aa., San Franclaco , Annie Jnhnaoa. Seta., Baa Fraedaeo. Jamea Drummond. bk.. San Franclaco Annla Laraen, acta., Saa Franctsos San Mateo, aa.. See Franeleco Johan Ponies, ss., gss Prsacises 1,00.623 680,000 16.000 1.000,000 700,000 700.000 800,000 860,000 628.000 l.SOO.000 1.300,000 40.000 8o:So . 16.Sa0.323 Total far month The Following table showa the amount of lumber shipped from Portland by water since the first of the year: stoats Foreign. Oeaetwtss. Total. January .... 7.822.164 12.446.874 30.28e.O8i February ... 1.029.388 1.841.000 13,788.29 March 33,086.844 8.275,000 30.368.844 iff jane July August . , September October . Total . 4.818.8 ... 4.181.741 ..13,846.81 .. 6.646.81 ..13.18.3M .. 1,400,006 . . io.oae.873 10.4 11,811,148 aoeaate 7, 888,44 ll.OlMTS lf.OS4.427 li.840,82 11.074. lt.44S.SM 0,813. 388 14.214.783 38.888.88 33. 44, 483 4,421.088 108,068,71 302,478.328 COAL FROM NANAIMO ere Boo With Cargo. Two new names were added to the Hat of veesels en route to Portland this morning. They sre the British steamer Dunertc and the eteam schooner Coaster. The Dunerle will be here soon with a cargo of coal from Nanalmo, British Columbia, consigned to Frank Water house a Co., and the Coaster will come from San Frenclsco under charter to the North Pacific Lumber company to load a return cargo of lumber. The Dunerle Is one of the smallest foreign steamers plying on this coast, her net register being only 1,210 tons. The steam schooner Coaster I also a rather small vessel, her lumber ca pacity being 700.000 feet. This will be the first visit of the Coaster to this port SAILS FOR COOS BAY have turned turtle In one of the big storms that plsyed havoc with ship ping all along ths coast alnoe she waa last reported, or alee aha must have been driven half way across th ocean toward the orient Tha failure of the Iverna to return within a reasonable length ef time re calls ths mysterious disappearance of the British bark Qraaeeodale some years ago. The Oraseendale came up to the bar one day and picked up a pilot, but being unable to get In stood out to sea again. That was tha last of her. The mystery surrounding her fate waa never solved, but It Is sup posed that she waa caught la a severe squall, went on her beam, enda and Anally foundered. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Bids will be opened In Washington. D. C today for the construction of the new lighthouse tender Manianlta, which is to be stationed here. The St Johns Shipbuilding oompany of this city. Koran Bros, of Seattle and the Union Iron Works of San Franclaco are believed to be bidding on the steamer. The Shaver Transportation company's new towboat Wauna want Into commla t Ion this morning. She waa Inspected s couple or dsys ago. Colonel S. W. Roessler. United States 1 J-"" 1 ItaSSSBfJaSSSSpgel engineer, returned from Celtic last night where he went to Inspect the government work. He found the work proceeding satisfactorily. The lighthouse tender Heather la at Astoria .with Captain U. Sebree. secre tary of the lighthouse board, and Cap tain P. J. Werlleh. Inspector of this district on board. She will start on a tear along th coast as soon aa the weather moderates. Th longshoremen are asking cents an hour for handling general freight on coasting steamers not oper ated by the Harriman lines. The Her ri man liners are worked by members of Longshoremen's union No. 114, whose scale la 40 cente an hour. The differ ence in the seal is said to be doe to the fact that the entailer steamers bring small amounts of freight occasionally, ao that considerable time is lost la re porting for work that may last only for a taw hour. No attempt haa so fsr been made to save the British bark Peter Iredale from her dangerous position oa the beach near Fort Stevens and it is now believed that tha underwriters will suction her off to the highest bidder. The steamer P. A. Kilburn sailed laat night for San Franclaco via Coos bay and Eureka The eteam schooner Northland Is loading lumber for San Franclaco at the mills of Inman, Poulsen a Company. TIME BALL Branch Hydrographlo Office, U. a N., Custom House Building. Portland. Or., Wednesday, Oct II. The time hall on the custom house building was drooped exactly at noon today, L a, at boob of the 110th meridian, or tt I p. tn., Green wich time. W. H. LEDBETTER, In MARINE NOTES Astoria. Oct tl. Arrived dowel at midnight British steamer Hasel Dol lar and Oermaa steamer Nlcomedla. Arrived down at 1:10 a. m.. steamer Costa Rica. Left up at 7 a. m.. British ship Owenea. Left up at 7 10 a. m . bark Star of Bengal. Sailed at 10:4 5 a. m.. steamer Whit tier, for Port Harford. Saa Francisco, Oat tl. Arrived lsst night steamer Johan Poulsen. from Portland. Arrived yesterday, steamar Yosemlte, from Portland. Astoria, Oct 10. Arrived down at 4:11 p. m., steamer Whlttier. Astoria, Oct II. Condition of tha bar it I 8 m.. rough; wind southwest; weather cloudy. A Roeeburg man's laughter is so hearty and contagious that hs is barred from the theatre. r W Now On Sale At Ail News-stands 10 Cents A Copy $1.00 A Year THE FRANK A. MUNSEY COMPANY. New York Steamer Alliance Carrie. 3ainery for Haw Electric XAm. The steamer Alliance sails this even Ins for Coos bay with general cargo. By operating on a weekly schedule the steamer Is able to keep her wharves clean and the Coos bay people are hav ing better service than ever before elnce the port began trading with the outside world by water. On board the Alliance thla trip will be some heavy machinery for the new electric streetcar Una that le being con structed from North Bend to Umpire City and Marshfleld, and In the near future some of the rolling stock will be sent south. The cars will have to be carried on the deck of the steamer. IVERNA 8TILL MISSING Fatlare ef Bark to Betara to SUver Be nAtf a Qresooadele alystory. Unless worrt Is received from the British bark Iverna before many days those Interested in th vessel will be gin to feel uneasy concerning her ssfety, because she he now hesa off the bar for more than two week with out being seen. Being light shs might -tsri-ii -ni m fin YouP V hasitX , lust as soon as the housekeepers of America know that Pillsbury's Best Cereal VITOaS. the White Heart of the wheat, can now be had at all grocers, that one 20c, package makes 12 lbs of creamy white delicious food, its consumption mav even over , . a . y . tax the production or the mam moth rillsbury - Washburn Mills the largest in the world. FOR BREAKFAST. Stir slowly om half haS ess el boskag water, ssk lo test sad boil 15 auaates. U too thick sdd boO- asf wsks. Serve bet with cress sad tagst. Whea cold now wah rnap. Nuaaerous dsiaty diaaer dsaerta MS be prepared with fruit mi Jet.