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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER II, lMt. EVENTS IN REAL ESTATE WORLD Remarkable Sale of Portland Heights Property Is Feature . of Week's Market. PROPERTY IN NORTH PORTLAND ON ADVANCE General Realty Active In All Pacts of the City, With Some Significant and Important Deals Reported in Busi- District. The remarkable sale of Portland heights property has been the feature of the realty market the tore part of the week. Residence sites have been In de mand constantly and both H. W. Lemcke -and White Y Letnnan predict a greater rise of prlcee rn this section. Mr. Lemcke spent the entire day on Portland heights yesterday Inspecting lots. Already numerous homes have been contracted for and spring will see a big "building activity In progress on the heights. Otherwise little activity Is shown In real estate. The demand for North Portland property that waa so distinct last week haa been given another im petus by the prospective deal an nounced by Lam son and Hart The property In question is the quarter block on the southwest corner of Sixth end Flanders. The purchaser has not been made known, but If the deal la carried through It will Involve something like $85,000. E. J. Daly yesterday transacted a deal by which Herman Wittenberg and Walter Whit transferred the vacant lot at Oltaan. between Sixth and Seventh, to H. J. Morrison for a con sideration of $12,006. Among the new residences to be built Is one by Mr. C. Colllnson on Twenty- third and Thompson streets. In Irving- As a result of this the two principals ton. P. A. Carlender is the builder and ' took the matter up with Meacham. who architect and $(,000 is the estimated soon convinced them of his connection cost of the new home. A very great I by proving that he had receipted for number of better class homes will be $20. Drewery then hunted up his re built In Portland even during the win- jcelpt for $10. $0. thus showing the die ter and by spring the erection of these 'crepency of $10.20. The question waa residence will be general In all parts next taken to the district attorney's of the city. office, but haa been settled within the BACK HOME FOR CAUAIAA Q I M P U OnnnYTn OlllUn i Sepoy Cannot Get Position and So He Will Shake Oregon Duet From Hie Feet. Portland. Oregon, has really no re-!,h semblance to "Greenland's ley moun- Neither r. Retd nor r. Wagner talna," but It hasn't welcomed SahawalcouM found. this morning, so their Singh very warmly and next week he ttpnaUone are still to come. Judge goes back to "India's coral strand." r.m stated that h knew nothing of He. Is a high-caste Sepoy and heTlbeen $ out of a JM an the time se a norm a i Portland with hi presence. He has been getting taller and seemingly thinner every day. He has haunted various of fices in the city and all in va In j nobody seems to want him. Mast Wednesday he leaves for the orient If the popular subscription being raised by W. O. McPharaon la fat enough by that time Sahawa la strict let- ly up against it. Hla caste prevents hi working aa a day laborer, though he could be a watchman. He carries fine lettera aad haa a good rsserd In th Indian army. Hs waa once employed ut the American legation at Nankin, China. He thought he ot'tld get a job as policeman here. He's taller than - - e . k. . D.. . 1 - any shsbsip w. " 1 - II force and runy as muscuisr as in nest of them, out ne recaoneo not on me charter, which says only eltlasas of Portland may be policemen. Therefore Sahawa Singh has been tightening hi belt. It wss suggested to several store keepers that he be Installed as door keeper. Hie whiskers, his turban and his swsrthy face would certainly bring a lot of turloua women to the store But th store managers war skeptical THREE-"CENT STREET ROAD GETS SETBACK ji (Journal Special Service.) Washington. D. C, Oct SI. Mayor Johnson of Cleveland waa defeated, at least tempo r ally. In his streetcar flfrht today, Chief Justice Fuller ordering the city of Cleveland and the Forest City Electric Railway company to ahow cause within 10 days why a permanent Injunction should not be granted to, pre vent them from Interrupting the Cleve land Electric, Railway company In the uae of lta track. A temporary Injunc tion effective Immediately was granted. Th Forest City company 1 Johnson's t cant road. SMUGGLERS ARE TAKEN OFF COASTING STEAMER (Journal Special Berrlre. San Francisco, Oct. 81. When the steamship Spokane rived last night custom-house officials want s board and arrested1 C. O. Hart and W. Bird, mem bers of ths crew, suspected of being members of a gang of amugglera. An other member of the alleged gang waa taken off the steamer when she reached Seattle from point farther north. H la aald to have mad a complete con fession. Catarrh Is a constitutional originating in impure Mood and requiring constitutional treatment acting through and purifying the blood or Ut radical and permanent cure. Be sure to take Hoods Sarsaparilla of catarrh Catai-riets, are etrickry ralgvs sy which allay SI No. 4. C L Hoo4 Co. IsfOWvDu MeMta BRUTAL HOTEL KEEPER IS FINED BY CUM Must Pay Twenty Dollars for Beating Roomer Over Head With Bludgeon. Frank Qaynor. proprietor of the ! rn house, on Second at root, near Burn Ide. wu before Judge Cameron this morning on a chars of brutally beating Hugh MclCensle, a roomer, on the head with a bludgeon. Oaynor wu found guilty aa charged and sentenced to pay a fine of lB. "I won't pay the fine, see?" said the defendant. Well, that la satisfactory," replied Deputy FltsgeraM. "The city baa Just completed arrangements to send men of your stamp to thai rockplle at Kelly's Butte." Oaynor waa then led back to the dock. From the testimony, McKecsle had engaged a room at the lodging house, for which he paid It cents After Imbibing of Burnalde street nectar he returned to Oaynor's hostelry and waa met by the proprietor at the door. He refused admittance to his guest, and to enforce hla command to leave the prem ises, struck the drunksn man on the head with a club and threw, him Into the street. Patrolman Johnson found the man covered with blood, lying on the sidewalk, and after 'making an In vestigation, arrested Oaynor. The patrolman throws some Interest ing sidelights on the methods of the convicted lodging-bouse keeper. Accord ing to Johnson, It la a common occur rence for laboring men who have paid several nights' room rent In advance to be turned away by Oaynor Upon the plea that they were Intoxicated or had failed to pay their rental ACCUSED OF GRAFT (Continued from Pag On.) Friday or Saturday last Pfiffr met Drewery here In Portland and. during a conversation, stated that he waa pleased to have received even a part of what was due him. Drewery countered by the statement that he con eld red Pfslf fer amply repaid, since he not only had received all of hla account, but Drewery had paid the costs past two or three days by Wagner and Raid paying to Meacham or hla client the difference remaining due to them. ! Mr. Brand In telling of his oonneo- ton w,tn the case says that Wagner came to htm and requested that he go to Meacham in regard to the Drewery claim to find out If Meacham or Pfelf- fer would take $10 as a settlement. He 7ZT!-&2JStt,2?7, ZJSZTESL h. j caawou." Kverd.n.' Ip - i - th. o4 Z whether w?'TrJ?: TsmtA Mnnni V M Tl CI kTlflVII flAin- Be had known noth - - - !. -as? t .. i as a the jssa ha1 navar I - r,- -h aa kno. that ! hd Keen r.M to the court k, .matter.. -Friai LIVED IN OREGON THIRTY-ONE YEARS Mrs Ellsa Font on Pluramar. who died last Sunday at her home in Tremont , . resident of Oregon for 1U, .,. year. Born In Missouri In 1842. she spent her childhood in her native state. When It years old she moved with her par ents to Iowa, where at the ag of IT aba became the bride of E C Plumm.r. In UTt, the couple decided to seek a home In the far northwest. They came to Oregon and settled In Yamhill coun ty. Some time uftarward they moved Into Washington county. Sherwood wss their home until four years ago. when they came to Portland. Mrs Plummsr waa widely known taA highly esteemed. Beside a largo cir cle of friend she leaves to mourn her loss s husband and three children, Mrs D. O. Stevenson of Woodstock. Mrs. J. 1. Beaton of 0I Lincoln street and K. L Plumm.r of U3Vi Pint street. NEBRASKA WINS FIRST ROUND IN TRUST BOUT (Journal Bps rial Service. ) Lincoln. Nab., Oot II. This stats stand victorious in Its first skirmish with the Lumbermen's association. This morning the supreme court ordered the association's secretary to bring into court all records of Its correspondence. Objection wss mad on th ground that the statute only applied to outside cor porations. The objection was unsus tatawd. DEATH MAY BE LAID TO CHRISTIAN SCIENCE t special Dispatch ta Ta. saasrasL) Tacoma, Oct. tl. Coroner Stewart Is this morning performing- an autopey on the body of Mrs. Praaeis B. Jewell to sscartatn what caused hr death. Mrs Jewsll wss (I years old and died yester day without medical attendance. Sht had embraced the Christian Science faith, and th coroner's Information la that she was treated solely by agents of that colt. Proceedings will be begun If It I determined that Mrs Jewells' death waa caused by negligence. Jienep" - BaBaBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Hj Mrs. Elian Fcnton Plummsr. PAVEMENT WAR IS UP IN COURT Third Street Property-Owners Fight Against Paying Assess ment on Street Work. ALLEGE THAT MATERIAL USED WAS VERY FAULTY Declare Work Waa Not Imp ment, bat Detriment to the Street, and Accuse City Officials of Over charging for the Paving. "When wss this Improvement made?" asked Judge Oantenbetn la the circuit court this morning. "We contend that an Improvement wes never made; but It was accepted in December. 1008," replied Attorney R. R. Dunlway, referring to Third street from Main to Qllsan. The suit begun by the owners of property abutting on the street In ques tion for an Injunction to restrain the sale of property on the street to pay as sessments earns up for hearing this morning, and was ssslgned to Judge Oantenbeln. The property owners assert the ma terial used in the pavement was of such poor quality, and the workmanship waa ao Inferior that the atreet did not last long enough for the proposed assess ment to be made. The complaint states that the work does not comply with the specifications In any manner, and that the street Is a worthless as phalt street. It Is alleged that the street Is no an Improvement over the pavement that was on the sreet be (pre. and that It la a damage to abutting property Instead of a benefit. The property owners charge also that the contractor and city officials have at tempted to charge the property owners for more square yards of new material than were placed on the atreet. Judgment of the court declaring all ! the proceedings invalid Is asked also on the ground that the resolution au thorising the improvement was not tn- valid because only 9 of 11 members of the council were present when It was passed, and the chief of polio had not notified the absent members to be pres ent as required by the charter. Devlin on t$M Stand. , , The only testimony heard this morn ing was that of City Auditor T. C. Dev lin, who identified - the record of the proceedings of the council and execu tive board. The owners of property on Third street who appear as Dlaintlffa in the ' ' ' - . . ......... John r (-nr.nn T HP Cook, V. Cook, T. M. Richardson. E. C. Jorgen- A. C Smith. Clarissa Wiley. L. Nlcolai and T. Nlcolai. Th city officials. Including th coun cil, mayor and treasurer, are made de fendant Additional testimony la be ing hemM that afternoon. Attorney R. R. Dunlway appears for the) property owners. Deputy city Attorney J. F, Kavanaugh- appears for the city - offi cial AT THE THEATRES. Once More "Bishop's Carriage.' Owing to th otnoSraM demand for seats sad the rtutlc racsass sua. bjr "la th. Bishop s Carriage." ate. Oalvin Helllg . he cempleted arrangements with Llabler a Co., In Nw York City, whereby this excellent OTgaatasttoa will remain on. snore mains at th. B.Uls theatre, tsaasrrsw sight. Miss Jeeelr Baslsr ss Nance Olden, th. female Baf fles, baa made ose of ta most decided hits vsr knows with the theatre-goere of Port j land, bar work Is not far short of perfect. Th supporting company Is like wis coming ta gar Its sher. of a una sac at rh ssr formanc for Its sxc.Ii.nt work. A special matinee is being glren this afternoon ; there will b a performance tonight St 8:16. To morrow night will peal tl eel be th. last. Beats sr aelllng at the botofflc of th theatre for hath sights. To can't afford to miss this, one of the real dramatic treats of th Scats for Nelaon-Oans Fight. I Beats sr. bow selling at the boa office of the Helltg theatre. Fourteenth and Washington streets, for the Nelson lions fight picture, which will be shows at the a bore thestre next Fri day aad 8 turds nights. November t-S. Popu lar srieaa Will preeall. "The Devil's Auction" Sunday Night. With each succeeding Tsar Manager Charles H. Yale e To! res a new edition for his ever lasting "DsvU's Auction. " each on of which surpasses lis predecessor with the besuties of Its ensembles, scenic grandtnr aad msrrelons ballets. Th production for this, the Beth con tinuous rstf of saecess. will s far sad away sbesd of former presentations of this wonder ful plar. "The Dsrtl's A actios will b th at traction at the Helllg theatre next Bonder Maaatay aad Tussdsr nights. November 4. B. S. Best sale opens neat Friday at Halllg Next Week at the Baker. Nest week at the Basse th bill win to "At Plny Ridge " Special attention Is being glean to th scenic part of th jodSct1iai aad Director Salnpolta hsa assigned the role well. "At Plney Ridge will open Sunday matin. Season's Great Hit Th greet hit of the season Is Ltlllsn Lawrence aa Bore y a is Pardon's latest sad greatest play. "The sorceress," watch is ths bill this wsek at the Baker. Oo tames and emery are bssntlfal la the ettrem. A large rest Is necessary for the pro Ss rose, which te compUt In erefy detail Don't fail to ss. the mat laestsllloa sen. suss, Curtain st o'clock shsrp. owing to the length of the play. AU week with matinee Sstarday. A Royal Slave" Corning. A Roys! 'Sates. ' which SIst. ' which COM nest Sunder matinee to the Empire for ment. Is by the author of s week's engage. The Holy City." powerful hit st which recently mad. seek this popular theatre "la kfezleo" Is only one of the ssnseross song hits la "A Royal glare. ' ' Perhaps ao totter idea of the rich pub lslsg nature of httxteaa life coo id to had In .IK- Graves' Tooth Powder you have a perfect dentifrice and antiseptic. It insures mouth purity and beauty becomes a part of one's life in its twice-a-day use. Just ask your dentist about it Zd kauety snotsU cans oar hottl . SB. Dr. Qram' Tooth Powder Co. 5rf3 Yesterday Was a Busy Day at Piano Store Sixth and There Will Not Be One or the $190 Pianos Left by Saturday Night They Are Too Good to Stay Long Unsold Five of Them Went Yesterday $5 a Month Pays for a Plana We were very mtich pleased to receive a letter from Astoria yesterday, saying: "The Journal could not afford to carry an advertisement which would materially mis represent the facts, and for that reason I feel justified in asking you to ship me one of those 9190.00 pianos." As far as we are concerned there isn't a particle of doubt but what the people will be more than pleased with the piano, for it is worth more it isn't a hundred and ninety-dollar piano by any means ITS A $300 PIANO FOR flOO. A gentleman from Forest Grove 'phoned us yesterday morning to ship him one of these pianos and to draw on him for the amount We'll bet two to one he will be satisfied, tOO. . A lady who had practically decided on a piano in an uptown store for two hundred and eighty-four dollars, selected one of our 9190 pianos the minute she saw it, saying at the time, "It is .fully the equal of the other piano in both tone and appearance and I am saving a hundred dollars besides." There is no getting away from it, the value is in these pianos. We are making this extraordinarily low price to advertise our business. It is certainly good advertising, for the pianos are worth more than we ask. TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR f 190 PAY 5 A MONTH. STORE OPEN NIGHTS Reed -French Piano Famous OlTe tor th Brat tiass aa seen rate, com prahraslT. sccooat of th as. ( the Ameri can stsge. and the gnat group, that bare mad. It fatuous. Actor Families Br hTONTBOfnl J. MOSES With SO illustrations and special designs. $3.00 set. rostag so ces in America Thou. Y. Crowell A Co., New York Colombia River Scenery REGULATOR LTNX STBSstTSS. Dally service lists sse Portland sad Th Dsllss. except Sudsy, searing Port Is nd t I T s. I freutht ., arrlTlng Ioot p. SB., carrying sod passengers Splendid errs saws or outfits and livestock. ' da t loos for on Dock foot of Alder St.. Portland ; foot of Court St., Th Dalles. Phons stats SI. Pertlaad. then by bearing those splendid characteristic of the people and time. "Dora Thome" at Empire. Empire patrons hare a favorite attractlea tats week la "Dors Thora.." Rowland A Clifford's production of ''Dors Thorn." Lent B. Parker's itramatlsstloo of Berths If. Clay's famous novsi. ! I th typ of play that ta pernsps th. Try best seen on the road. It Is a Jov. story pars and simple and, st the aame time, smnslng and I interesting. There will to tot one more mari ne, on Saturday. At ths Lyric. "Homes Hearts." the heart play which has had th. greatest success of say. Is the attrac tion this wsek st the Lyric. There It a dally matinee and one performance each renins. e cept Sstnrdsy sod Sunday. "Human Hearts" Is ths masterpiece of Hal Re Id, sad the Lyric maanaiir Is glrmg the drama the gits heat la-' terpretatton it has tod in Portland. Nat wsek, "Th. Octoroon." At the Star. "Th. Princes of Pa tehee" Is making so much money st ths Star this week fast she csn afford a saw dress. Why? Bscana M Is on. at the tost mslodrsmstlc offerings of the year. "The Princes of Patches" u one of tto many good attractions which ths Allen stock company has Siren. It is tto bill for the current week, sad there will to mstlneee Thursday. Saturday sad Sunday. At the Grand. All tto erlttes are praising tto vandevine en tertt lamest st tto Orsnd. This h because thl week nroersm contains enm of the bright est Basel I ties which here t nil ted Portland In eeeeril weeks. Weat and Vsn SI e lea hare insuli musical set which Is ss sorsl aa It la unnsnal. snd "Tto Bosnder," wrlttoa sad played by Mr. Nugent, is ths brlghteet sketch saws toe at asy time WATERING STOCK OF BIG FOUR RAILROAD (Journal Special Semes. I Cincinnati. Oct. II At a special meeting today the stockholders of ths Clsvelsnd. Cincinnati. Chicago St Louis railroad approved the proposal of the directors to Increase the com pany's common stock from 140.000.000 to I80.S00.000. According to official an nouncement the proceed of the new stock Issue are to be devoted to con struction and equipment purposes. Don't use hsrsh physics. The reaction wenkena the bowela, Isads to chronic constipation. Oct Dean's Regulcts. They opernte easily, tons ths stomach, ears constipation. j 'FROM MAKER TO PLAYER" SIXTH AND BURNSIDE STREETS A Week Will clothe you here in an elegant suit. No better goods sold in the city. Prices gen erally a little lower than those asked by cash stores. No charge for credit. Everybody Is Welcome to Credit You will find our installment plan a very convenient way of buying your FA'LL SUIT or RAINCOAT A Little Down, Then $1.00 a Week Gevurtz C& Sons 173-175 First St. the Reed-French Burnside Mfg. Co. (WE BULL. PHONOORAPHS) 219-227 Yamhill St. DO IT NOW! Don't delay because of, tlx smallnessof your firet deposit This is the Leather Covered Pocket Bulla ''iasBsBslsBsssssssI Which we lend you to HELP YOU SAVE. Yon don't miss what you put in what comes out will surprise) you. Call, write, telephone, or we will deliver you ona. MERCHANTS INVESTMENT & TRUST CO. 247 WASHINGTON 8T. CAPITAL $150,000.00 The Helllg Theatre J? TONIGHT (:IB TOMOBBOW RIOBT, tssslsr a Os.'s Prodnctioa wlntheBishop,sCarriagew jess in Bi-siJET as muni aldbm Brenlng PHcea Lower floor. 11.00. til bal ear. St. TV. 50c: gsllary. IS. She klatta Pi less Lower Seer, II, Toe; toleesy, sse, SS! aBsry, soe, jnc. Sssts selling at tBlslis Bar sagsgl Extra per for ma nee sunniliss sight. sa sal. today- w'srmr The lieHl Theatre JST, rrlday aad Sstarday Nights. Be. SeV MOTUtO PICTTJBBB NELSON-GANS FIGHT POP0LAB PRICSS Lower flsa. TSe and SOs. Balcony. 60c ana So. seats now selltsst far btk st bo ro face Helllg Thtr. Baker Theatre , 1SST. ' Oregon Theatre Os.. tsaaSS. All this wsek. s grand saetotles By Victor leu Barda. Matin. smBadsj. i anise rrsss inc. sse, sse, s. sean ce ISe. ISc. Beenlne ewtala. S setse. hist! see certs la, o'clock. EMPIRE THEATRE at sin 11T. Mtltoa W. gssman. afsassm Tonight All Week -Matinee Wednesdsy ssd Bator asy. in cnsrming save saay "DOBA THOBsTX." Br Bssth M. OUT. Cast. Excellent BBSafchj. K renlng prices 10c. c. 90e. All Matt us, "Vest "4 aVsyal LYRIC THEATRE WEEK BEGINNING OCTOBER Bs, "Human Hearts" HAL BBID'S MASTBBPIBCB IN SOOT. APTSL STAR THEATRE 1 Week of Oct. . Telephow. Mais sSSS. Th. Alien Bases ossspasy nissars "THE PRINCESS OF PATCHES" hUtlnses Tn assay. Thai adsya. tardsras Sandays at t.SO p. aa. Prices. 10 vary e renins at 8:111, price 10c, The Grand J. O. BVOEBT. Pantagcs Theatre L Boheos's WeeJerf.l Djg, Bsarssat afss- dallr at I S. T BS and la a Admlnstnu IS re SB: isssrral seas SS as as. Bote th rente Asy MSI st PREE1 Moving Ths Last Collar stattOI Lot J. Bays Wst a Sl ghtlSBe I. Billy Oark. B II ll sad Mails ry Miss Jsssnhha. skasv Trsf.