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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1906)
If THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 91, 1999. PERRY SHOWS HIS GREAT NERVE In Face of Damaging Evidence Hafakes Absolutely No At ' tempt to Escape. OFFICIALS ARE PUZZLED AT ACTIONS OF SU8PECT Thinking of Beginning Investigation Along New Lines to Determine Cause of Perry's Peculiar Actions in Face of Widow's Statements. Official of Washington county are vainly trying to explain the amaslnc "mm" of George Perry, who has been publicly accused of complicity In the Forest Grove bank robbery and the sub sequent murder of Carey at. Snyder. His attitude of utter Indifference Is the most startling feature of the fam ous ease. Knowing that Washington county officials hare In their ppaaaa slon evidence which points directly to his guilt and knowing that a warrant may be Issued for his arrest at any time, he has mad no effort to escape, .nor has ha shown the least apprshen- slon as to the result. Parry Is at Independence, Missouri. At frequent intervals hs gives out 1n tervlsws denying the statements of Mrs. Madge Snyder and at the earns time casting insinuations which she refuses to explain. Perry's wonderful compos ure la causing the officials to begin In vestigations along altogether different Unas. hows Wo Alarm Whatever. Perry Is one of a class of alleged "crooks" who, as a rule, do not hesitate to vanish aa soon aa suspicion is dl fee ted toward them. In many instances fee has been under suspicion for various crimes and Is well known to the police of Kansas City and Independence. He knows aa well aa any one how one of Ills reputation and habits Is supposed to be guilty of any crime of which hs Is accused uattl he establishes his Inno cence. He also knows every accusa tion that has been made by the widow and how a chain of apparently incrimi nating evidence has bean drawn about him. , But hs has shown no alarm whatever. On the contrary, he has related his side of the story with aa much freedom as Mrs. Snyder told hers, and to many of the officials his story carried aa much conviction as did that of the woman. Tha widow attributes his Indifference to bis belief that she knows nothing of the plans ho is accused of having made. Her explanation, however, la regarded aa of no consequence. ifhlla officials profess to believe In the guilt of Perry and to hare almost conclusive evidence of his guilt, thsy refuse to cause his arrest. They freely admit, however, that practically the only evidence they have consists of the statements and accusations of the woman. They aay the reason they do not Issue a warrant la that they think It unwise to rely solely on her testi mony. Perry In ail probability has al ready retained an attorney, and Wash ington county officials fear that a clever crqss-questlonsr would play havoc with their case. Therefore they HOTEL MAN TELLS OUEERJALES Clerk at the Portland Declares They Are as True aa Stories Can Ba. THREE HOTEL CUE8TS WITH THE SAME NAME Another Who Three Times in aa Many Tears- Visited the Hostelry and Was Always Assigned to the Same Room. Nathaniel K. Clark, clerk of the Port land hotel, was telling stories about "ar rivals" yesterday, and here are a few of them: When I was working In a certain hotel In a certain Canadian city," aald Mr. Clark. "I remember distinctly ons morning of three men arriving at the hotel. Now theee men came on different trslns snd st different times In ths morning, but each bore the name of Kllbourne. They had never met before and were not related to each other. Now, don't you think that a peculiar coincidence? And It Is true. too. That reminds me, he added, "of an Incident that happened yesterday. A gentleman cams to the hotel and regis tered. I assigned him to room Sio. He was shown to his abiding place by one of the bellboys and I . had forgpttsn about him. I was busy at my work a. few minutes later when he stepped up to the desk and told Ms that he was sitting In his room when he happened to remember that he had Just come down from Seattle. While In 'the Bound city he was stopping at a hotel where he bad room 841. Be thought It rather, pecu liar that he should have- the same room in two hotels straight hand running. So did I, bat here Is one about roam 45 that la still more peculiar. "A gentleman from Indiana, arrived the other day and was assigned to room See. While a guest of the house he came to me one day and said: 'It la rather peculiar that I should have room 645 again. I have ijQpyitl at thle hotel three times la three yeara and each time I have had room S4S. I wonder why It happens that way?' "Now there are many things," con tinued Mr. Clark, "that come up In a hotel man's Ufa and these are but a sample of them. There are others that I could tell, but I see by ths expression on your faces that you havs your doubts as to the veracity of the stories I have told you. Still they are Just as true aa I am standing here. If you don't be-He-ve them I will ehow you the names of the men on the register and then take you up and ehow you the room." CAR SHORTAGE IS WORKING HAVOC Timber Dealer Declares It Will Hava Strong Effect on Val ues of Lumbar. MILL8 SUFFER FROM GREAT LACK OF CARS Roads Hold Back Cars From Mills, It Is Alleged, Because Lumber Is Low-Grade Commodity and Rate Is Low. at this tlms refuse to expend public funds In prosecuting Perry. J ' Since her residence at the Portland hotel, Mrs. Snyder has received many anonymous lattsrs relating to the mur der mystery. District Attorney Allen hs also received similar communica tions. The writer of the letters la known snd no Importance le attached to their contents. Can't look well, eat well or feel well with impure blood feeding your body. Keep the blood pure with BurdocklBlood Bitters. Eat simply, take exercise, keep clean and you will have long life. SHOE TTIGH excellence in a shoe means XX 1 1 A A something more than mere style Jgood looks. It means to the knowing man. the satisfaction of - - reasonable wear of Hf eniovable comfort, as ' ' 7 ' well as the assurance that he's correctly shod. The Florsheim Shoe -that's die epitome of all die important points of shoe excellence. We want to tell you why and demon strate its vantage points to you. Florskeim Styles Worthmore Styles SS.oo and $6.oo $3. So and $4.oo J. H. Reeves Co. 313 Washington Street The oar shortage In the Pacific north west Is unprecedented, even at this sea son when there la always the heavleet demand of the year for care to move the crope. The transportation problem Is having a strong effect on timber values. A well-known eastern timber dealer said: 'Ths demand for timber aa an Invest ment for future profit Is good enough in the Interior, but for mill purpose' the need Is for Umber that Is Immedi ately accessible to mills that can be lo cated for eargo shipments. The lum bering Interests are perhaps the great est sufferers from the woeful lack of railroad cars, and the short-sightedness of railroad ewnere who have failed to provide for the Increasing business. Lumber Is a low grade commodity, and aa the freight rate does not offer eo lsrge a return to the railroad It la dis posed to furnish cars to the lumber mill after everybody else hss been sup plied. As there are not enough cars to go ground, the lumber mills suffsr heavy lossee continually by being un able to deliver their products within the time limits allowed by the customer. FRANK L SMITH MEAT COMPANY Sirs and Second Streets. Piat-iTIINQ TMEi BBBF TRUST" Sirloin Steak, choicest cut, per lb. lOt Otaok Steak, per lb Ht Bound Steak, per lb 10 lla Steak, per lb lOe) Mamburg Steak, per lb 10a Mutton Shoulder Chops, per lb . . lOd Mutton Loin Chope. per Ik lSHe? Veal Shoulder Cutleta. per lb 10 Veal Loin Cutleta. per lb lHe Veal Rib Cutlets, per Ik 1SH? SMgea Rib Roast Beef. pr lb 10e Rolled Reaat Reef, per lb lOe Lain Raast Mutton, per lb 1H Veal Stew, per lb mm TBtrsr you Shoulder Roast Mutton, per lb 8 Shoulder Roast Veal, per lb 10 Leg Roaat Veal, par lb 1SH) Rump Roeat Veal, per lb 12H Beef Stew, per lb 5 Short Rlbe Beef, per lb e? Boiling Beet per' Ik 5e Mince Meet Beef, per lb 5a Pot Rosst Beef, per lb He Oerued Beef, per lb 6 a Breast ef Mutton, per lb. Mutton Stew, per Ik Bresst of Veal, per lb.,... ev Be Solves ths wroblem. "For theae reasons timber accessible to navigation is la demand and new mills In Oregon from this time forward will be built to a large extent on loca tions where they can command cargr shipments. If the lumbering interests ware forced to rely wholly on the rail road companies for transportation faclli tlee there would not be half of the lumber mills In Oregon running today." The Northern Pacific Is claiming that the scarcity of cars at this time le n greater than It has been in former years. The men who demand cars for shipping tbelr products say It la grow ing worse every year. The Great Northern claims, it hss enough cars for normal demand and that there la no occasion for complaint. The O. R. A N. has. It la said, refused to let any more of lta cars go to ths Great North ern and claims that the Hill road has already In use about 5.000 O. R. A N ears. The extreme '.stringency on th Southern Pacific contlnuea and It will be many months before the oar shops can turn out the cars ordered by the Harrlman companies to relieve the growing shortage. Even after present orders are filled It le expected by ship pers that thsy will not be half suf ficient to meet the needs of buelneaa Interests. While population, banking, telephone, postal, manufacturing and other lines of commerce have doubled In Oregon and the Pactflo northwest generally, the supply of '"railroad cars has been but slightly Increased. The Harrlman and Hill lines have an average of but four and five cars to the mile, while the Santa Fe has double that number, al though the Increase of business in the southwest has not been nearly so great as In the northwest The ruinous car shortage Is a natural result. STOP, WOMAN! TUB ALL J IMPORTANT PACT i Ik xpert- i m m die- m the 1 BJ el m from That In address ing Mrs. Pink- ham jam ere con fiding your private ills to a woman a woman whose e enoa with women see covers a great many yeara. Mrs. Pinkbam la daughter - in law Lydla is. ttnkham and for many years underherdtreetion, and since her de cease. she has been advising sick wo men free of charge. Many women ft or .in silence and drift along bad to worse, knowing full weu that they ought to have immediate assist ance, but a natural modesty Impels them to shrink from exposing them selves to the questions and probable examinations of even their family physician. It is unnecessary. Without money or price yon can consult a wo man whose knowledge from actual ex perience is great. Mrs. Pinkham a Standing, Invitation. Women suffering from any form ol female weakness are Invited to oromntlv communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Maes. All letters era received. opened, read and answered by women only. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman ; thus hss been established the eternal confidence between Mrs. Pinkham and the women of America which haa never beer broken. Out of the vast volume ol experience which she haa to draw from It is more than possible that she bar gained ths very knowledge that will help your oaae. She asks nothing in return except your good-will, and her advice has relieved thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not' take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. if you are in. don t hesitate to get a bottle of Lydlh E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once, and write Mrs. Pink ham. Lynn. Mass. , for special advice. When a medicine has seen successful In restoring to health so many women you cannot well any, without trying It i do not believe it win help me MISS YAW'S FIRSTTRIUMF II METHODIST CHURCH Croat Singer Made Hit at Revive Meeting Whan She Was but Tiny Tot. BISHOP SCUDDING TO TOUR THROUGHOUT THE STATE Will Visit All Parishes in tha Oiocaaa to Meat Pastors and Their Congregations. With a sermon at St. Stephen's church tomorrow morning st IS o'clock Bishop Scaddlng will begin his first tour of ths Oregon churches under his charge. In ths evening be will deliver sn ad dress st AH Saints' mission Starting with thsss sddresses, Bishop Scaddlng will make a trip around the state, spsndtng a short time In Pendle ton, Baker City and Let Grande, and re turning to the valley will close his trip with a visit to St. Paul's church st Oregon City. The itinerary of the bishop for ths month Is as follows: November 4 7:10 a. pa. at St. Steph en's, 11 a. m. at St. Matthew's, S p. m. at Seamen'a mission. November 5 Monday, at meeting' of school board. November Tuesday, 1:10 p. m . lay. men's dinner at Arlington club. November 7 Wednesday, 4 p. m., ad dress Consumers' league; 8:10 p. m., re ception at the Good Shepherd. November t-11 at Pendleton. November IS At La Grande. November IS At Baker City. November It 7:SS a. m. at 8t. Steph en's; 11 a. m. at St. David's; 7:t0 p. m. at St. Stephen's. November 26 7:10 a. m. at St. Steph en's; 11 a. m. at St. Stephen's; 7: SO p. m. at St. Paul's, Oregon City. November 10 St. Andrew's day; Brotherhood of St. Andrew service at St. Mark's church. PORTLAND MAN TO MAKE STEEL FOR NEW FRISCO J. R. Bowles, Iron and steel msker of this city, hss Just' received several orders for steel buildings to be erected in Sen Francisco early next spring. Al the contracts call for heavy steel and the buildings will be from eight to twelve story struoturea. Ths pieces must all be delivered In California on or before May 1 next. Following Is a list of the orders: An elght-etorj building for ths Whitney estate. USHx 1174, which may be later Increased to It stories; an eight-story building for the Cooney estate and aa eight-story building 'for the Bride Investment com pany of San Francisco. In addition ts these larger buildings In the Bay City, J. R. Bowles will furnish the steel frames for a Catholic hospital in Saa Francisco, a Masonic temple In Seats Rosa and a building for the Union Trust company at Santa Ross. beg Broken While Flaying. (Sserisl Dtepata te The Journal i Ilwsco. Wash., Oct. II. The 1-year-old daughter of R. Smith of Nssel met with s painful aoctdent Saturday after noon. While playing with other chil dren, in Jumping from s box she fell and broke beg left limb above the knee. Yeara ago a wee tot of a girl attend' a Methodist svangellstto meeting 1. Los Angeles. There she sang with the congregation. So clearly did the child ish treble rise sbovs ths voices of ths big audience that the minister conduct ing the service asked the little singer te come to the platform. Her fresh young voice was s marvel. She could scarcely read, but ths well- trained ear of the' director recognised the beauty and quality of her voice above the others and he urged her to sing a solo from the plstform. This she did from the good old Moody snd Sankey hymns, psuslng occasionally to pell a perplexing word. Then the congregation joined in the chorus, and what a feast it really was. It continued thus for many nights during the meet lass. Ths tiny soprano was Ellen Bsaeh Taw. When shs grew to. girlhood she went sbroad to study and there are none perhaps who havs been happier a" reading of her line of unbroken tri umphs since ths first trip to Europe, s HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NEW STOCK OF Men's Suits mmmmmsammmmm M lam I M W 1 at They are the beat we have ever shown at the price and are the equal of any 15.00 suits of any other store. Men's Raincoats $10 Boy's Raincoats, $3.95 to I&00 Boy's Overcoats, $3.95 to $8.00 WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO MOVER THIRD AND OAK decade age. than theee who witnessed I her debut In her chllhood dsys whsn she ssnn for the Methodist meetings. Miss raw- and her assisting artists will appear here at the Helllg next Wednesday evening under the direction of Lois Steers-Wynn Coman. Ths sest sals opens Monday evening. BLACK EAGLE COAL Preferred Stock Allen A Lewis' Pest Brand. EMMA GOLDMAN ARRESTED ON STREET (Jearsel Special aUrvtss.1 New York, Oct SI. Emma Goldman and nine others were arrested at an anarchistic meeting on Beat Fourth street last night. The police pushed their way through the crowd to the speakers' stand and arrested Julius PHONE 7 EAST ' TP $7.00 S FRED DEUV ggagf F.B. Jones 4 Co. SBSm 181 L Watcr Strcct Edelson, who was speaking. As they did so there were shouts of Down with the police:" "Kill the police; they're worse than tha Russian police!" The other arrests fellewed quickly. Edelson waa charged with Inciting to riot, and the others with disorderly conduct. Pin Your Health To the store where VALUES are first prices second consideration. We do not boast that we are the cheapest house in the city, but do claim great excellence for the class of merchandise we are selling. I There Is Value in It! And a visit to our store will verify our statement Our stock of Men's and Ladies' garments for this sea son has been so carefully selected and arranged, under the personal supervision of our eastern buyer, that even the most critical observer will be pleased. If you like to purchase anything in our line we do not ask you to pay the cash right down. Select your outfit, pay us a deposit and the balance you can pay whatever your pocketbook allows each week or month. Our Motto : Cash Values Credit Terms ma! sftfl LmmEsBBr m M Em saml ammmmftmmmmm. amUH flsBBBBBmV. Bmfl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm New York Outfitting Company CompletcOutf itters to Men, Woman artd Children 108-107 First Street