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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WBDNE8DAY EVENING, OCTOBER tl, 190 18 HALF MILLION IN JEWELS Mrs. J. Henry Smith, formerly Mrs. R. Stewart, wearing the $500,000 Jewele the received as a wedding gift from her husband. She win be seen in a box in the Metropolitan opera house this winter and will outshine all the other society women in the famous diamond horseshoe COS? HIM HIS JOB Mail Carrier Discharged From the Service Because He Is Nom inated for Congresa. MEANWHILE CABINET 13 STUMPING THE COUNTRY Faithful Employe for Twenty Years Forced Out of Service for "Per , piclout Political Activity" Should Have Been a Republican. (Journal Special ferric. ) New York, Oct. tL Despite the fact that Secretary of State Root, Secretary , . of War Taft, Secretary of the Treasury Shaw, Secretary of the Navy Bonaparte, Attorney-General Moody and Speaker Joe Cannon are on the stump making campaign speeches for Republican candi dates, that Postmaster-General Cortelyou is In New York In charge of Hughes' ' campaign and that President Roosevelt la campaigning by mall to aid the Re publican cause In New York atate, the administration has shown Its abhorrence of government ertiployes meddling in NOMINATION --it politics by premptorlly discharging M. A ntfvnpalil m a 11 r a rrUr for that nant to years, because he waa nominated for congress by the Independence league of the fifth district, King's county. New York. He was at once ordered to resign from the postal service for "pernicious political activity." Fltsgerald was deeply affected by the cold-blooded manner In which ha was forced out of the department. In which he had spent 80 years of his life at honest labor, during the hotteat days of summer and the coldest days of winter. His friends felt that a man who, after so many years in a minor capacity, had made such an Impression on the voters of his district that he could set a con gressional nomination was at least en titled to a little courtesy. On Wrong Of renee. "My political activity." said Kltsgerald last night, "Is pernicious, I suppose, be cause R Is not on the Republican aids of the fence. Otherwise, why should a n.OOO-a-year letter-carrier's political activity he any more pernicious than that of an W.OOO-a-year cabinet officer's? "We see cabinet officers and others of high office go about the country mak ing speeches In behalf of the Republican party. They devote to this the time of the government, and continue to draw the salary paid by the government; and yet nobody tells them that their activity Is pemtelnus. "On the other hand, I give only such time as Is absolutely my own to politics, ana do not take a single minute for the purpose from the time for whloh the gov ernment pays me. And yet I am told that my activity la pernicious. "If I am elected to congress, one of the first things I shall do Is to make an Tea Satisfaction Tea CEYLON dZfF Inquiry Into just why cabinet officers and the like are allowed to draw a salary while doing a thing which Is declared to be pernicious in the case of a letter- carrier, who devotea to it none of the time for which the government paya him. "That not all letter-carriers are pro hibited from taking an active part In politics Is proven by the fact that many of them act as district captains for Republican leaders. "But then, of course, that's just where the distinction comes In. I don't suppose you'll Snd any postal employes who do kindred work for the Independence league." One of the reasons believed to underlie the notice served upon Mr. Fitzgerald to resign is that one of his opponents in the fight Is Congressman George K. Waldo, Republican, who is close to the admlnls- tratlon at Washington. GIGANTIC TRUST ORGANIZED BY FARMERS OF NATION Promoters Claim That Grangers of Thirty-Four Hundred Counties Have Combined. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Chicago, Oct. SI. The American So ciety of Equity, whose organisers and members frankly admit it is a gigantic farmers' trust, has established head quarters here. Organisers now have 1,400 counties In It states thoroughly combined, and when the 400 remaining counties are taken In the trust will be "ready for business." It is proposed to have all orders placed through the society and to have prices arbitrarily fixed. The organisa tion expects to work In harmony with labor unions, each boycotting anything not 'bearing the label of the other. Half a million farmers are already enrolled tn the society and promoters say that only speculators can be hurt by the combine. Kentucky Is thoroughly organised with the result that tobacco-growers are receiving twice as much for their prod uot aa before. Fruitgrowers especially are expected to benefit by the combine. as .the society proposes to handle Its entire produoe and demand uniform prices DIED ON WAY HOME FROM PHILIPPINES (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Tlwsco, Wash.. Oct tl. The funeral service of the late Sergeant Alonso R Deamer was held at the M. E. ehurch October It. The . deceased was born In Philadef phla, Pennsylvania, June 1, lilt. He served seven and one-half yeare In the United States army. After enlisting tho Second time ne waa iiausnra in tna Philippine Islands tn 1 SO, having pre viously been stationed at Vancouver, Washington. He had been ill since last irch and was on hts way home to his wife In Ilwaco when be died on the United States transport Logan on Octo ber 15. shortly before reaching Ban Francisco. Berceant Deamer waa burled In the Ilwaco cemetery with military honors. He leaves a wife in Ilwaco and a mother In Phlladelphla. SEVEN FLAVORS Golden Gate Japan Golden Gate English Breakfast Golden Gate Ceylon Golden Gate Oolong Golden Gate Fancy Blend Golden Gate Gunpowder Golden Gate Black and Green PenaW m Ftt-Tifh C.rtsne ' J. A. Folger 6l CO., SSO FtTOcisCO SWEEPING ATTACK ON OIL TRUST Independent Shippers Charge Railroad With Discriminat ing for Standard. OCTOPUS GIVEN LOWEST RATES TO THE COAST Small Producers Compelled to Psy Hundred and Five Dollars on Each Car for Hauling Back Empties Other Discriminations Made. tisaiual Special Service.) Washington. D. C, Oct. 11. Another sweeping attack has been launched against Standard Oil before the Inter state commerce commission by the fil ing of three eomplalnta by Independent oil producers charging that railroads are discriminating in favor of the Rockefeller corporation in the matter of freight rates. All western roads and a number of eaatern trunk lines are named aa defendants. The three petitions are signed by the National Petroleum association of Cleveland. In the first complaint the rates on oil to western and Pacific points are attacked. The complaint seta forth that rates to Pacific coast terminals out of Whiting, Indiana, as compared to rates from Cleveland, are much lower. From Toledo and Flndlay, Ohio, the rate Is 90H cents per 100; from Cleveland. 93 cents; from Marietta, II H cents, and from Pittsburg, Oil City, Tltusvllle, Bradford, Warren and Free dom, II cents. In addition the Inde pendent producers say they have to pay list to get their oars back from the Pa cific coast. In comparison to these alleged ex cessive rates complainants set forth that Standard Oil pays only 78 H cents from Its great Whiting plant. Before the Indiana refining . center was estab lished the charge Is made that rates from all points in the eaatern oil region were the same and that the rates now in force are unjust, unreasonable and unduly discriminatory. The commission Is asked to fix a reaaonable rate and establish a lower charge than flOi for hauling back empty tank cars. In the other two petitions complaint Is made against the Milwaukee, North western, Burlington, Chicago Great Western. Rock Island, Illinois Central I and Wabash railroads for excessive rates from Peoria and Chicago to Oma ha, Sioux Falls, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth. DIVORCES GRANTED BY JUDGE GALLOWAY (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Salem, Or., Oct II. Judge 'William Galloway yesterday overruled the de murrer filed to the complaint filed by City Attorney A O. Condlt and gave the defense ten days in which to plead further. This action has occupied the attention of the court for some time and was brought for the purpose of re straining the city of Salem from col lecting the dog tax as prescribed in an ordinance recently passed by the coun cil. Judge Galloway also rendered de crees In the following d 1 vorcexes : In the case of Annie SpsaguW against Harley G. Sprague, the plaintiff was granted a divorce on the grounds of. In human treatment and awarded the title to three acres of land near Silverton. Mrs. Frances Phelps was also granted a divorce from James Oscar Phelps and awarded the custody of the little daugh ter. Mrs. Mary L. Hansen secured a I divorce from Silas D. Hansen No property was Involved In the suit add the plaintiff was given the care of the 16-year-old son. STRIKING CHAUFFEURS , IN BATTLE WITH POLICE (Journal Special Banks.) New York, Oct tl. A clash between Hie police and 100 or more of the strik ing chauffeurs occurred lrt front of the Waldorf-Astoria last night. During the fight bricks wore thrown through the windows of the hotel dining-room and i through the windows of a Jewelry store aajaceni. vviuiam jones, wno was on tha heat of an electric oab, was badly cut on the head by a missile. After a lively fight severs! strikers were arrested and the others dispersed. - i- Fief owed Stock Oanned Oooda. Allen St Lewis' Best Brand. DOG KNEW A SPORTSMAN Setter That Gave Up in Disgust and Went Horns. From the Washington Star. "I was visiting some relatives In North Carolina last fall during the quail season," said a. Washington man. "Oarae was plentiful on the plantation, but as I am a poor hunter and a worse marksman I didn't participate in the dally shooting. One fine day, however, my ancle Insisted that I should take his gun and his crack setter Belle and go over the game preserves, a mile or so beck of the house, end try my hand at the quail, which, he said, were so plen tiful there that if I stout my eyes and let the charge go haphasard, with Belle's assistance I would be bound to come home with the game bag rilled. "He handed me his gun, with a lot of cartridges, called Belle from the shade of s convenient tree, and, point ing to me, talked to her as If the dog understood every word he said, winding up his Instructions to her by saying that he relied upon her to pilot me right and to bring me home again with lots of birds. Prom the way the setter looked from her master's face into mine,, yawned, blinked her Intelligent eyes and barked a couple of affirmative yelps, I am free to ssy that I believe the understood every word of the talk as well as either of us. "At sny rate the dog started for the field With every manifestation of Joy, piloted me through the plnee and the brush, and evinced the liveliest interest tn me all the way over to the quail i field. Here Belle was the lady on the spot for sure, for the birds flew up ta sll directions. I followed" two or three flocks ever the field and banged away at the birds right and left, but not one could I bring down. During this fu sillade I noticed that Belle would stop hsr work frequently and look at me in an inquiring way. Once or twice she even came up to ma, looked up into my face, gave s llttls bark or two, and then started back and worked at flush ing the birds with renewed vigor. "Flnnlly. Just as I had about expended all my ammunition without hitting a I single bird I saw Belle suddenly stop, take a Ions look In my direction, as I though some dog Idea of hers had bees TEETH Cut Rates To advertise ens aew aaS wonderful ly snsssesfai Alveolar Method, we will So work at eat rates fee 30 Days A 10-year guarantee with aO work, anamination free. Silver linings, Soot SCOWS (SSk.) S3. 50 So 98 00; bridge work (per tooth), 13.90 to $5.00. Platee as low as SS.00. Uverythlng first class. Lady attendant. BOSTON DENTISTS 39 1H Mori-son Street Opposite FOfTtOf fio. Every Drop in the Bucket Counts In adding to your savings, and i every buyer of hardware, ahelf, heavy or ' building, here will put many drops tn i the right place and supply a quality of superior excellence. Avery & Co. O SPICES, o COFFEE, TEA, BAKING POWDER, FLAVORING EXTRACTS AkeiurtfcsHry, Flntsr Flavor, Jmrtfmtyh.rtasortcJlffVicei CLOSSET ft DEYERS v PORTLAND, OREGON. ennWoyal "pIlls THE II A MOM Bat AND. a and SaM sua 111c bona, MaidV wttk Dlu. Ribbon. Take M altar. W I Sny cl your Drutrrltt Bad eak (or V rnM'SjE. Tripe ensubbl the til K MOND BBkNS PILLS, lor M ejsrowQ Bag keys i, aMSBsrc A I ernees Ha. SaM by Dmrrliti i.lma. - fi i aalasJ Paw Philadelphia Fs confirmed. Then she bounded toward me. gave a few barks when she got near, which were undoubtedly expressive of the deepest dog disgust for me as s sportsman, and away she scampered' as tight as she could go, over the fields and through the woods to the house. . "I followed a little later very much crestfallen. From that hour Belle never never paid the slightest attention to me during the remainder of my visit, and no cajoling on my part nor com mands of her master could make the In telligent and discriminating setter even so much as look at me. She Just rea soned It out that I was a fraud so far as a sportsman was concerned, and waa In consequence beneath her notice. Bver since -than I have believed In the die-, criminating Intelligence of dogs." J. W. Davenport, Wlngo, Ky., write. June 14, 1901: 1 want to tell you 1 bslleve Ballard's Snow Liniment saved my life. I eras under the treatment of two doctors, and they told m one of my lunge waa entirely gone, and the other badly effected. I also had a lump on my side I don t think that I could have lived over two monthe longer. I was Induced by a friend to y Ballard'a Snow Liniment. The first application gave me great relief: two fifty -cent bottles cured me sound and wall. It Is a wonderful medicine end I recommend It to aufferlng humanity." Soiu by Woodard, Clarke at Co. W "IWy s'tcrschss s,Hkk.,'P M Made with "UNOCOKD" M buttonholes that hold. T M rait Shrunk. I I MO. P. IDE S CO.. Hskers Troy . M. T. I isBSsW I! -laSBBSSBSBsV P "T5k- P INJECTION IBROU WILL CURE GONORRHOEA and GLEET I WITHOUT OTHER TREATMENT I Sold by all Druggl tn I WE CURE MEN FOR Established 25 Years in Portland BLOOD POISOBT i after you have tried all the health up all hope ruid at times you consider llfo very dark. Tou have spent a groat deal of money trying to be relieved and yet have received no result. We wtH guarantee to cure you ef your dreaded malady and by our methods we do not use any drugs that will cause any bad effects or destroy your constitution. Call and see ue before it is too lata snUsYOVa DltXUTT Loss of energy, will power, lack of concen tration of thought, loss of memory, which weakens your entire system, mental as well aa physical. This lowered vitality of the nervous and physical condition Is strengthened so that in a abort time you will have your original strength snd be yourself again. TAKIOOOSU Is a diseased condition of the scrotal veins. It may be caused by blows, kicks, falls, heavy lifting, mumps, early Indiscretion or may tie a symptom only of some special weakness. The proper treatment consists of local application for the purpose of dispelling the stagnant blood and contracting the swollen veins, aa well as Internal medication to strengthen the nerves which govern the blood supply to these veins. Though caualng you no trouble at the present time, your Varicocele will. If permitted to go without the proper treatment. Impair and de stroy the elements of vitality. We dally demonstrate that Tarteoeele can be positively sad spssdily cured without cutting, banting or sny other form of operation. Specialists try to Imitate on methods of advertising and treatment, feat in the seal we have proven the fast he our patrons that our treat meat Is superior in every way to oar imitators. Sny Irsalssswt steads on its own merits and oar success and repass Hon have been built upon this foundation. Twenty -nve years ta Portland curing men nas asm strated oar ability to the public. Consult tha old reliable dispensary fore placing your case elsewhere. We ears when others fail. O methods isi roii. warn zf tov oauhot call. HOURS 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.; evenings, T to 8:30; Sundays, t a. m. to 11 m. SL Louis MEDICAL AND SURGICAL COKjrEB SUCOHD AID TAMKLL I MEN FOR YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED MEN'S DISEASES ONLY What better proof or more sincere assur ance can I offer than that I am willing to wait for my fee until I effect a cure? Could I af ford to make such an offer if I were not abso lutely certain of curing every case I take? My practice has demonstrated that no ail ment peculiar to men is incurable. Failure to cure is usually due to lack of knowledge and improper treatment. You may consult me free of charge and learn your exact con dition. I will not urge my services, nor will I accept your case until I am positive of my ability to cure you. "WEAKNESS " I am the only physician employing scientific measures in treating functional weakness and thoroughly and permanently curing every case. I accept no incurable cases at all, and if I treat you, you can feel assured of a radical cure, and I am always willing to wait for my fee until a cure is effected. j VARICOCELE, SPERMATORRHEA, LOST VIGOR, ORGAN IC WEAKNESS, CONTRACTED DISORDERS, STRICTURE, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON AND PILES. I also treat and cure promptly and thoroughly. Examination FREE! I offer not only free Consultations and Advice, but of every case that comes to me I will make a Careful Examination and Diagnosis without charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert opinion about nis trouble. If you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart. My offices are open all day from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., and Sundays from 10 to 1. If you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart. My offices are open all day, from t a. m. to t p. St., snd Sundays from 10 to 1. the DR. TAYLOR co. Corner Sscond snd Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon. PRIVATE ENTRANCE Ui MORRISON 8T. IN A WEEK We treat successfully all FSMVATS, VOUS and CBLmOMIO DISBiSBS of men. also suit UTBS. BtTAaTaTT and troubles. We cure SYPHILIS without mercury, to slay cured, we cure stric ture without operation or pain In If days. We stop drains, night losses and sper matorrhoea by a new method In a short time. We ean restore the sexual vigor ef any man under SO, and many over 50. by means of a local treatment pecu liar to ourseives. WE CURE GONORRHOEA IN A WEEK The doctors of this institute are all regular graduates, have had many years' experience, have been known In Portland for It years, have a reputation to maintain and will undertake no case unless certain cure can be affected. We guarantee a ears la every eass we undertake or charge no fee. Consultation free. NO PAY UNTIL CURED WsThave suck confidence tn our methods that we will take your case without asking tsr a dollar until cured. Letters confidential. Instructive book for men mailed free in plain WrlTyou cannot call at office, write for question blank. Home treatment COrBcehoure a.m. to S p. m ; Sundays and holidays. It a. ra. to It m. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Oflce In Van Noy Hotel. 12 H Third St.. Corner Pine, Portland, Or, WINSLOW'S SOOTHIM SYRUP frT-FlVB 4JBSTB A asSTTLA- $10.00 We'll treat any single uncomplicated ailment until December 1st for $10.00. CONSULTATION FREE UNDER ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CUBED Rheumstism, Acute and Chronic. Blood Poison. Gonorrhoea. Varicocele. Neurasthenia. Nervous Decline. Paralysis. Gleet. Syphilis. Piles. Kidney, Bladder and All Urinary Diseases. Every case receives personal attention and exam ination. No incurable esses accepted. There comes a tlmu In your life where. reaorta, springs, etc.. that you give Dispensary STREETS, POBTXAsTD, OUEOOBT $10.00 S. S. F. A. Kilburn Ssy. Burets sad ssss tsasitsu Nsxt sailing from Portland Friday. Oetasas It. Nest sslUag from tea Ft as sin, Tease.. Sat. 4. CHA. B. STKCLSMITB. Agent. OaK Street DocH, Main 2960 aUssaSBB ansl WWm aaaaaaaBU aaaU!aSV ssssHkaSaOTnnwBaaV TRANSPORTATION. Oregon Sh outline d un ion Pacific 3s.Tra.ns to the East DailyJ Tbioash Pullman standard sad toerkrt skras asg-eers Sally to Osasas. Chkaaso. SseSaaei toarUt aleplns-cars daUr te Kaaaea Oltr. Through rr-cllabf ehairanJrs laeets free) to St Bast esUy. V alea Onset-- Lee?, anise. Odeaso-Portland Ssevfal fnr the Baal rla H salts ft cm, dir. SO am 5:00 sea Ssokaae riysr for Usatara Waa !nt on. Walla Walfc. Lewlstop. Oosar d'Aiee sad ?!?"'J,,mr" sntota. dally. 0: IB pes StSO SSS Atlanrtr Kapras. for tha Best via llnntlnstna. dally i., S: IS pes TilSesB Portland Blrsa local, tor all Potnta bsrarm Disss sad Portland, dally 7TT. H:tK am :00 pes ooi.rrunfa arvaa nivrefAfff or aiiaru ana wsy points. .". .iwaav ihi norm vmwum. Raaaalo Ash at. dork, leaves t p. Z ? i "nnnay; Saturday. 10 p. m. o p. .. enspt Sssday. TAMRILL HIVES BOOTS. eror Dayton. Oregon City and Yaojhin rtrer la. ataamrra Bath sad Modoc. Aah-et doss. T a. n. dan, Mcpt Sunday (water ser Blttlnf). Arrive TSO p. m. dally, assess Sanday. SNAstS RIVBB HOOTS. For Lawtatos. Idaho, sad wsy potato frees Stparts. Wsab.. stsaaiers Spokane and Lwr too laare 8:40 a. nv, or asea arrival Trass No. 4, dally ascent Saturday, arrive a p. aa. dallr rxrrnt Prtdsv. Ticket Office, third sad Washington sto. Telcnhon. Iflh Tie C.W. jfhrfOBS. City Tlckat " neaiusui, usaon EAST VIA SOUTH Union : Ovarian.! Srpress Trains ror salcm. Rosebarg. Aah laad, Sacramento. Ogdea. tea Francisco. Stockton. Us Angeles. El Pass. , New Or lean, and the seat. SieSfta TllS SS Morning train nosnaeta at Wood burn dairy except Sanday with Meant Ansel and silverton local t :0S sst TSM aSB Cottage Grove paaaenger connects st Woodburn and Albany daily, except San day. with tralna for points on Woodburu Springfield sad Albany Lebanon branches.. 4:1D pm 11 CO am rnrvallla paaaenger "T on am SiSOsss Sherldsa so ear agar 4:10pm 10:S6aa Forest Oroya passenger I'll 00 am 1 17:88 sa Forest Oroya paaaenger .... ' 6.20 pm t :M psa Dally. Iirially except Sundae. JBFFBBSON 3TREBT STATION. For Dallae and Intermediate polnta dally, 7:80 a. re. sad 4:18 p. m. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. SB. and 0:28 p. si. For time and card of Oswego anhnrbee trams apply at City Ticket Office, or station. Tickets to Eaatern points and Suisse: stoa Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia. City Ticket Office corner Third sad Wash ington streets. Phono Main 712. 0. W. STINOSB. W MrMCRBAT. City Ticket Agent. (ton. Pa aa. Agent Mh AK Gysfi ABBBBBBf I TfliltlO SatClLX O 4-, a s ucu iw Leave. Ar.lea. Yellowetoae Park Kansaa Clty St. Loals Special rot GeehaUs. (entralla. Olympls. Gray's arbor. South Hand. Tacnma. rattle. Spokane. Lewtatoa. Batte. Killings. Dearer, Oms hs, Casnaaa City. St. Lretf and Southeast, dally 8 SO pm 4:80 sea North Coast Limited, elect ne lighted, for Tscoms Seattle. Spokane. Bans. Minneapolis. St. i'ael and the Eaat. dally. 2:00 pm 7:00 ass Paget Smmd . Limited, for Clsremeot. Chehalle. Can- , tralla, T aroma sad Sent tie only, dally 4 SO pm 0:80 pas Twin City Express for Tn co ma. Seattle. Spokane. Helena. Butte. St. Paul. Mlnoeapolla. Lincoln. St. Joseph. Kansas City, OsBsha, St. Louis, with out change of care. Direct ooesectlons tor sll points Seat sad Shutaeest dairy. 11:4. om 10:88 sw mmm m THE COttrOWTASLX WAV. 2 Overland Trains Dally 2 The Oriental Limited, the Feat atsll" VIA SBATTLU AND SPOKANS. Portland tune schedule Dally. Leave. To and from Spokane, St. PasX Minneapolis. Dally. Arrive. Dsluth and all points East vis Beams. 8:t0ssi TiOSsa 11 48 pm :80 pm To and from St. Paul. Minneapolis. Duluth snd su points Bast via Spokane 8 18 pm 8:00 am Brest Northern Steamship Os. Railing from Seattle fur Japaa and Chios ports sad Manila, carrying pas sengers and freight. S. S. Dakota. November tt, i Japan Mall Stesmabtp Co.) Tange Bwru will salt from Sesttls shout November Jt for Jspsa snd Chinese ports, carrying passengers sod freight. t For tickets, rates, berth, reeervs tlona. etc.. call en or addreea H. DICKSON, C. t. T. A. . IBS TJW St.. Portland. Or on. Phone ttsis 000. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Union Depot . t-este. Arrive. Foe May sera. Rainier. Clals kssle. tVestoort. CUIton, As- wsgrsnion, i-.-. Hammond. Fort St are sa. Hear- usa hart Part. Seaside 0:00 am ll.tssa Astoria and Sisters. ..pre- CtrM,A,Tf,lrif' F P. .sswta. Or. A. STSfABT. Cemtaerclsl Assot set street, Psoas Msta sea. Upper Columbia River STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer Leaves Oah Street Sock ev aanasctinsr with the noDjt fas fsreaft Kg: arrives Porta nm and BtmTr lilp. asr4lint sMr vlOtts. ami riAAV IMS sod IJOL fail m Asset. aaaSPfc sry Hoskssy. jsj an reMAflB, .del isaaakoajfSBM