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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1906)
THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 31, 1906. PERSONAL. alABBY )etteea Mod Mc for partleulsrs till SOS ladles went srsster husbands ; assy sraslthy. L L. Un. M 1800. ta- If. NATIONAL 1NTBODI VINO HOdCTY. bar asKnbsr is all wait, of life from the immmi orrieeele to the fanner, eo clsty ladles to stocking girls: wstrltaoalal rcs Ular with uAotos ftaet eabasswj; niruibera ad ail 10c. M hwl bldg. DBTWTITB AOSNCT Confldeotjel tuveeilga reports furalab'd an ludlvl.luil it,, ir rbsractvr rssaoasibllltr. al. ate; bad debts cul relatives aaeaten'. easrgee es located: sarreepondsarr solicited. On-gou Detective Service, bid.. 10th a ad B MM. ones HHM nininer Washington at. I'boo D UKASES OF WOMEN Priest maternity sos pltal. quirt location; speetsl rarr. Dr. At wood, room I. 840 H Morrtaon Trl. Far. 1753. RAYMOND gives maessga trostaisnts. SSStt MM i latin at., raaao 14 RKVINED roan lady. Just arrtrad from tba treatments. Room 0. ASSAYERS. ad ARCHITECTS. SEX Johnson A Storra. architects and butlders about your modern atora fronts. 404 Ran Marrktoa at. Pboaa 48TS. B. M. afENQES. Architect, lis Seeoad at. ART. FRKR LBBBSIfB ha embroidery arery Bay; new stamped ablrtwalsu. eorset -severs, ro tor ysckets, hats, umbrellas, ate. Tba Needleeraft Shop. 38t Wsshlegton St.. be tween Wast Park and Tenth ata. PBOPBSSOR R. MAX MRVBR. SAS Aldar. Partralt .ad laadacape tlt tj teacher. ATTORNEYS. t. B. WINCHESTER, attornay-at-law. notary pnhlk. IB sad SS WMblngten hid BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS k KILHAM. 10 III Second st. Blank hook, manufactured: agents for Jones Improred Loose-Leaf ledgers; sea tba new Banks leaf, (ha beat on tba Market. aaaamn imii. iiaiLB ii ii ..lajiaaaii i in..a BUTCHERS' 8UPPLIES, BCTCHER BTJPPLIBS 8. Btrkenwsld Co.. 804 SSS Ererett at.; largest botcher supply baas en tba coaat. Write for catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolpb A. Dekam. m-llS First St.. carries a full line sad com plete assortment at la a sat market ssiasa. COAL AND WOOD. THE PORTLAND Fl EL CO.. Successors to 0. R. DA VIB FI'BL oa, Pkasat aat SB. 1ST Beat Morrtaon st. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealera Is cordwaod, coal and grass sad dry alabwood. R. R and Albtsa are., t blocks aaat of ferry. Bast 674. STBBL RRiDOB PTJRL 00 Daalara la coal. umdaeed and dry .lab wood. Pboaa Bast 4S4. OBJCOON PTJBL CO. AU kinds of eaal aad wood. SB4 Aider at. Phone Mala SB. WKCTKRN PEED blacfcemitk coal.. 4 PTJEL CO. Hons aad Pboaa Mala 1018. STAR BOXWOOD CO Mala XI a for COLLECTION AGENCY. DORR ANYBODY OWE YOU MONEY ? WR COLLECT BAD DEBTS OR NO CHARGE. CIT1SKN8- LAW COLLECT! NO CO , CIT1 KENS' BANK BTjrLDINO. ROOM 16. 12SV4 GRAND AYR. PHONE EAST CM. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST RcadtRcadlRcad! THIS IB FOB YOOI BRAD CAREFULLY TBI FOLLOWING WORDS: Madam Barth I permanently located la her oar home. 4SS STARK ST. This wonderful womsn. ar know led ged by the world to be the grsatsst clalrroyaat .11 re, without yoa writing a qass tlon or uttering on word, she tells yoa lu.t wast yoa earn far. how many your fam ily and all about them. Tells name., dates aad facts. Telia yoa of lore, marriages, death, has! a tag speculation., Inrestmsnts. etc.: locates oU, gas tad Minerals of sll Maa. re mores erU InSusncaa tad traeaee Chow to eoatrol tk oa you lore, unite, separated and eaaaea speedy snd con geals 1 msrrlagee. No matter what your eos lltwa may he, MADAM BARTH WILL HELP YOC. 428 STARK, COB. 1STH. ALL WORK ODABANTBED. FEE WITHIN RBACH OP ALL. HOURS 10 A. M. TILL 8 P. M. RNOLISB AND ORRMAN BPOKRN. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. A SPSCIAL SB RRADING FOR II. ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEST. PROK. E. KHIMO. Using natral dead -trance elalr- asnt of the set; ADVISER ON RL'SINRSB 0 ALL A ITA IBS OP I.irC; whom yoa will marry, -how to control the oae yen love, area though miles away; reunite the sep arated; give secret power to eoatrol. f w1) An .11 tHr A. . great deal more. THE ENTTRR WORLD I HAS BBBTN BTARTXJ6D WITH THE POW ERS Or THR I NSEEN FORCES I HAVE AT MT COMMAND, and I prove It to yon with out pries hy giving you a FREE TEST-PREI By having year NAME TOLD (IN rtTLL). JCST WHAT TOU CAMS POB. aad give yoa advice sbaolutely FREE before roe decide to base s resdlag. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORE TO CONVINCE THE SKEPTIC) DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTLNITl. AS IT WILL NOT RE OFPERED TO TOD A (IAIN PROP. R. KHIMO, Perrasnetlr Located in Hi. Owe Horns. lIOtTRB. 10 TO 8. DAILY AND S1NDAY. No. 366 fifth St.. corner Madlsoo St. DON'T mlM he. ring Mrs. Pelrs. th greet Spirit aallet medium: circles every Tuesday aad 1 Friday evenings at S o'clock, at the Home Lads-- Agency. 188H Fourth st.. corner Mor risen: teat every Sunday evening at S o'clock la Drew hsll, corner Second sad Morrison; g. nauy at aet x amain st. MME. SINOA, Bgyptlia seerasa; heeling ee; readings dally. 6O0 Mhjlirrlas at. CARPET CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largest plant on the coaat. Lortng and Harding sts.. tele phone Seat ISO. carpet, cleaned, refitted, aewed and laid; both steam and latest com pressed sir lira (to.; reaovatlag rn.ttre.aee and festbsn a .peclalty. SAXITABT carpet cleaning, suction snd com press sir comoineo: corners ana as without removal. Msln 864. mate 8300. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS I. A. MBLTON, the csrpeater, 304 Ponrtk st Store aad ofSre work Msln 1787. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY and Pedicuring Mrs. M. D. Hill Bs 888 ffiaaser Bg PhnssPs. IBS. CLEANINO AND DYEINO. Portland Steam Cteaalag a Dyeing Works; pr.e. rid hatter la esasaeWoa 311 4th. Pacta sot. CLOTH BS etooaed aad pressed 81 par month. I'algae Tallnrlas Co.. 80S fltsrk St. . W. TT BNSB. profea.loaal dyer and 80$ Jsfferaea at. Phone Mala 3S18. CAPES. THR otTKt -386 WiiliSiSSlI TT1. ftol WrsjliR. DRES8M AKINO. TRY RY Angelas Draassaakl aad) Mala. Parlflr BBS Dreasauktag Parts. Sat Fifth DENTISTS. tns ca: Wsahl DANCING. DANCING lima. 5e; class or priests: waits- nupb, o. Highland fliug, air. IW W.I Wllleoa. old rat recognised tseober. Allssy bid . Third aad alortissn st. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Class Mod Thursda; and Saturday rra. ; social, fancy ad atrp danetug taught: fencing tsught; prlrala lessons dslly. v eatera Academy ball. .Wcood Mad Morrison. l'srlSe 130. PORTLAND Dancing Academy, leedleg Ifblil; ballroom etiquette, correct aactal and claaalr fencing: both ssxss: young tolas, sdoits; atraction daily. 80S Aldar. TaL M. IS Prof. Blng lrr. dancing master. PROK. RATON Dancing acbool; rlaaa for ladles and ganti Monday nn inureuay Artoa bull. Pbaoa Esst 8804. BROWN' Paartng Academy. Burkhard ball. U7H Eaat Burnside. Pbooa Mais 8718. Daaoa Tussdsys. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC RLRCTBIC CO. Englnsers. eootrsc- reoelrrrs. rlactnc wiring, supplies. s First, cor. Stark. Main (MS. R. . T ... a- . . i . ana n f 1 1. Ita. mgr. VKBTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. SI Sixth st Coatractora. electric aappllaa, .motors and dynamo: we la. tall Ught snd power plants. EDUCATIONAL. MART DAVIS MAOINNIS, teacher at conveu tlonal and natur.ll.tlo china; water-color heads a spedslty. Stadia 8H R. Stb. at.. W. FURNACES. BOYNTON farm-air farnacea aara fnal. J. C. yer Furaaca Co.. SSS BaadMlln 40V PENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRR Flinders St., ear. IRON WORKS BBS tPbana Mala 2000. awasfjaaa i HOTELS. THE BSXLEVI'B, Fourth and Salmon st. Rooms 60c up; rates by week or month; out-of-town trade eollrltad. PsclSe SI 06. GOLDEN WEST HOTEL European plan; room, from SO cent, ap: snesls SB cent.. Berratentb aad Ererett at. HOTEL Portland. American plan; IS. SB par day. BELVEDERE; European alsn; 4th and Alder sts. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITS, lock Mdg. JAB. Mcl. WOOD, smplo ym' liability and In dividual accident eecurlty bond of an kinds. Phone 4T. SOB McKay bug. HAT PACTORIES. KACFMAN. THB HATTER. 80S Iturn.ids St.. clean snd blocks soft snd stiff bate. Pane maa .peclalty. HARDWARE. PORTLAND Hardware Co. aaUctta opportunity to quot. prtoea. T4 lxrk sc. racnse 40. MACHINERY. TRRNKMAN CO. Mining. sswmiU. log Bin Machinery kinds repaired hydraulic pipes. casting; all 104 North Fourth. AUTOMOBILR machine works, gaaollna motors, trauamlsskms and .tearing gears. N. M. Baa son. SH Grand sea. GASOLINE aaglaaa. an alssa and style, st lowest prlcaa. Reirsoa Machinery Co.. 1SS-4-S THE dill H. C. A LB EE CO. Beooad-aand cry. B.wmllla. ate. MS Grsnd sea. A. J. PAUL, 10S First St.. aaglaaa. boilers, saw mm machinery; wicks Bros. MUSICAL. THE WERBER STUDIO Mandolin. SAlCr1 tar Instruction; wbaon mandolins. Gibson ma RN. pupil MIL THIBLHORN. noil of SBVCIK. rtoBa teacher Studio iw nilt Main PIANO. Tlolla, pit no, trombone, clarinet. Pi feasor B A, Smith. 254 lSth. Main 4T0S. LESSONS 60e Piano, guitar, banjo. Tlolla. Mra. Martin. S41H First si SO KINDS 60c folios 40c. Lory's Music House. 1T1 Fourth st. MONEY -TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improred city property or for build tag purposes, for from I to 10 year' time, with prlrllefs to repay all or part of loan after two year. Loans, approved from plan and money advanced a building pro greases; mortgagee taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent. 242 Stark at. THB STAR LOAN 00. Any sslsrled employe, wage-ear eaa get on am nets, wttnout morrgsgs Month. M Meath Weak. 86O.0O Repay to a SI a. SS or 1 BBS. Repay to as t $.88 ar tS.SS or $1. $16.00 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $3.00 or $1 310 McKay bldg. 7 Per Cent -Trl fsrm mortgsges. ranging from snoo to $2,000, bearing 7 per eaat, wTu sell at face value; no hone. Schuyleman and Co. Ron aw 84 $6 88-87. SZTV Waaklagtoa St. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS 00 salaries, tnsnrancs policies, pianos, furniture, warehouse re ceipt., etc.; any deserving person may secure s liberal sdvaace, repaying by easy weekly or ntoethly Installment.. NEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY, 306 AMogton bldg. MONEY LOANED TO SALABIBD PB0PLB Jest a your own name no other eecurlty: don't borrow until son sea roe ; my system I the best for railroad men. clerks, bookkeepers. streetcar men snd all other employs; bust ness strictly conSdentlsL r. a. Newton, 434 Ablsgton bldg. Money to Loan On fata aad city property, ate ea Umber rlsltna. to 7 per cent. Schuyleman & Co. B11 8V-8SMT. 337 Waahtagtoa it. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And others upon their own aaanea without tmrilV hB,Mat rata.)1 .Ua. . office, in 80 prlnclpsl cltlei; ssvs yourself money hy getting our term. Srst. MS. loan Third at MII.MA.V XB ADIngtOB bldg 6 Per Cent and 7 Per Cent no: gilt edged security. Rooms 84 85. tsrv. ..hlnaton ( WANTED Note mortgsges or contract a ny kind of reel eatste to Oregon aad Wssntag toa; aacond mortgagee purchased If wetl ee eursd. H. M. Noble. 812 Commercial bOx. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS Money can he borrowed ea easy payment plan, lowest rates; strictly conSdentlaL CRESCENT LOAN CO., 48$ Mohawk bldg . ear. Third aad Morrison. DON'T borrow money oa eatery until yoa aw Hutton Credit Co. 613 Deknm bldg. MONBY tossed oa furniture, pianos and other Meafitte. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Wsshlngtoo Bldg. Phone I'.rtne IMS. PRIVATE money to loan en real estate ; rates reasonable; awrtgagee bought snd soML t. A. Job seen, 318 Commercial hhxk. MONEY to lean oa all William Holl. mra S. kinds of .ecnrlty. Wsshlngton bldg. LOW rate on furniture, etc ; orofldentlsl 338 jniedner bldg. IQtk sad Wash. P.ehc tm. TO LOAN-eteani i 'to satl ; o ebsttol eecHt7 R. A. Frame. 814 the Mar-pasm. MONBY to loan; large loan, .peclalty; tao building losns; lowest rates Are I use am a. WIIIUSI O Reek. 811 Falling bldg MONUMENTS. NKU KIN0SLBY. SS8 first at.. Portlsod's I. adlng marbla and granite works. OPTICIANS. D. CHAAIBSRS OPTOMETRIST. Artificial Eyee Ftttad. Vlekin K. Icntltl. ally Corrected. US Seventh Street. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. ARNOLD LLNDSAT. gra float of tba Oateopathlc college of Klrk.rlllr. MlaaourL who u a apeclanat on rheumatism, atomach DR. ijjiru- i&J&VTviSaltt Show a Wonderful In- DBS ADIX NORTHRT7P. 418 18 IT Dekam I bids.. Third and Washington ata. Phc Mnln lt fcaAafnaljaafra. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. I. BEACH CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.; window glass and glaring. IIS Pint at. Phone PLUMBERS. POX A CO. aaultary plain bera. SSI Second, bat. Main and Salmon. Orason Pnana RUla SOOi. DONNEBBERG RADEMACHRB, Mo. SOS Burnalde st. to PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTER Y Artistic printing. So i mag., rourtn ana Morrison. Paclflc 1S3S. RUBBER STAMPS. Main 710; rubber .tamps, seals, atenclU; bag gage, trade check.; brass signs sad plat. REAL ESTATE. PAUKISH. W ATKINS A CO.. eet.te, Insursnce, rental genu 260 Aldar at. u B. RICHARDSON REAL ESTATE AND MORTOAOB LOANS. Pboo Mala SSM. BXt Cbambar of? Pomm.rc ROOFING. rrrrrTT.' " IN ROOFING Ottering rsprtng and Saner! tshtaaaj. LssaX SIS J.ffrso at Pac 14S4. "mmmmmm" 8ION PAINTERS. FOSTER KI.EISBR SIGNS. We have built up the largest sign business fa the city by nrst-class work and keeping our promisee. Our prices ar right. Fifth sad Everett ata. Pboo Bz. 68. W. P. BEROER SON. SS4 Yamhill at. of all kind. Phone Paclflc 22SS. "8IONS THAT ATTRACT" A. H. JBT Stark at. Phone paclflc IBS. Reel Co.. APES. PORTLAND SAPS 00.. sol agent far Herring- Hall-Marvin safe and Maagani ese ares oare ; Co.' bank .a fee The largest assortment Of high -grade Br and burglar-proof safe la th northwest. SS Seventh at. DIB BOLD mangeneoe and lire-proof sag; lock outs openea; meisi niiuree, vaoii ao ja" out. ope work; ) J. a Da via. Si Sd. Main lack. EIGHT second-hand Are-proof safe and two second-bend bsnk ssfee for sal cheap, at TO Statk at, Portland. Or. SEWING MACHINES. PHONE Paclflc STBS aad I personally win call aad repair your sewing-machine ; work guaranteed. B. Kama, adjuster, SS1 Third st. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar aad atora natures mad to order. The Lotke Ma nuf settling Co., Portland. L H. BIRDSALL, designer; agent M. Winter Leaner Co.. T Hamilton bldg. Ms in 5680. TOWEL SUPPLY. rl.ElN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, sosn 1 per month. Portland Laundry ana Towel uo., nmis ana uoaco. mews TYPEWRITERS. WE sell Remingtons, Smith-Premiere. Den- - lowap I Vl s n m n W Arhar ewMMSjaa n W I investigate! 'rnderwood Typewriter Co.. SS Stb. BLICKBNSOBRPER typewriter. $40 and $60; applies, repairing. Boa Si Ross, 291 H Stark. NSW type writers, all makes, rented, aold and repaired. Coaat agency. 231 Btark.Tei. 1407, TELEPHONES. THR only sxclualv telephone heus. B -R. Electric A Telephone Manufacturing com pany. S3 Fifth st. STREET PA VINO. WARREN OsaatrsifllS Co.. strsgt pa via, atde wslks and crossings. 814 Lumber Exrhaag. THB Barber Aspbslt Paring Co. of Portland. Office 8SS Worcester blk. TRAN8PER AND HAULING. THE BAOGAOB a OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. ear. Sixth aad Osk sts.; baggage checked from hotel or resides ce direct to destination; passengers therefore svold rush and snnoy aace at depot. Priest exebsngs SB. SAFES, plsnos and furniture moved, pecked ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large, 8-story hiiek. nTe-proof warehoass far .to rag. Office 308 Oak at. Oteea a Bee. none Msln Set. a 0. PICK, office 88 First St., between Stark ad Osk eta., phone 698; plsnos snd furniture moved snd pecked for skipping; commodious brick warebou.e with separata Iron rooms, Front snd Clay at. CUT rats ea hoaaehold awed to all points da; apodal room for esst: we make ud carlo trunk, white wslting. Oregon IS Bint at. Phone Msla 719 Auto-peapstcb, PBRINSULAR expreaa; daily tripe between city aad peninsular ; trunk delivered at city rats. 347 Alder. Phone Mala 3171; residence. Union 1108, OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phone Main 88. Heavy hanllng and etorage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE a TRANSFER CO. Storage. $24 Stark at. Mala 407. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, Re. 800(1 Wash ington It. Phone Mala 983. WINDOW SHADES. GALE WINDOW SHADS CO.. S87 Salmon St., plsln snd fancy abades ronde to order at tewt ssisM. Phs MjiiaJHITS. WHOLESALE JOBBER8. THB BREYMAN LEATHER 00., obber ef aaoeiery. naruware, paw aww, isaioor, una Inge and .ho .tore supplies. Fifth tnd Oak. M. A. OCN8T a CO. DISTRIRUTORS OP FINS CIOARB PORTLAND, OREGON. OREGON rurnltur Minnfscturlng Company Manufacturers of furs I tars for th trsds. Portlsod. Oregaav SHERK. OAF.E GRAHAM (Inc.) romnrrsslou merchants, jobera of fruits, produce, sts. ; ooaaignssests solicited. 138 Front st. ri'RNITTRE manufsctnrlng snd special orders, L. Bavensky's furniture factory, 807 Front st. WADHAMS CO.. wholesale gl fscturera aad eefaailatea nssroh aad Oak eta. marm Foorth EVRRDING A FARRELL. mtsaton merchants. 10 rsswi ss., rerusan, slain I7B. ALLEN LEWIS, rn aladrrs aad produce mer ehsato. Freat aad Darts at.. Portland. Or. ST BIN a WAYX B Jobbers sag whoteaals grocers. SOS Second st WHOLSSALS erockrry and glaanrar pa1. sv. A Co.. iou to 10 lift, ser. stars si TODAY'S MARKETS GREAT ACTIVITY IN HOP MART crease During Past Two Days In the Valley. EASTERN ORDERS ARE MUCH MORE NUMEROUS Many Rumors of More Than 16 Cents Being Paid but None Can Be Con firmed at This Time Potato Market Is Down. Principal market fee tares today; . Good .ctlrity in hop market. Wheat and flour at quiet. Grspa market rory firm aad high. Potatoes loses for beat trad. Only storage peach ea In market. Crrimery batter rather alow. Eggs and poultry holding. Apple market In good snap. Good Activity in Hop Market. Considerable strength is now shown la the local bop Market. Thar are many orders !n from the esst and a lane number of .else hare been made during the paat 48 hours at prices within the 11 ml la printed la The Journal. For the cheaper gen dee values are looking ud snd there are rumors of still higher prices tor cream of quality. These latter, however, cannot ba confirmed. Practically all dealera report orders In from the east. This la the beat sign yet shown In the hop msrket this season. Two or three weeks ago easterners would scarcely reply to mtMxtm Tnd quotations aent oat by coast tat fBey , mm ,Bxieat & , short time ago the eastern trade waa of the opinion that price her would rule considerably lower, bat they have evidently rhsnged their minds. On the other hand, grower are not nearly so anxioua to sen a. a abort time ago. Borne holder of good goods seem willing to let go around lov, but most or the glow era of thia quality are asking mora. No .ale over 10c can be confirmed at this time, bat there are rumors In plenty regarding 18Vc and even ITc as the purchase price, wraps Market Vsry 11m aad High. The grape market la a bowing much added trengtn today owing to very smsll supplies. Prices In the south ar advancing vary rapidly. And today the beat good cannot be sold at a profit her under ll.TS a crate. Even the cneaper grades are quoted firmer at SI. 60 a crate But scant soppUa ar shown la th peach msrsei ana inoso are or tne storage variety . Price today around $1.36 a box. Movement in th sppk) msrket M consldersblr better. Th buying Is more healthy than at any time since th season started. Potato Market I Lower. Lower pries are being named by buyers f potatoes today. Th California market 1 off somewhat on account of the very liberal ship meats daring the past few days. Dealer here do not anticipate any great break la vara at this time. There Is always a reaction from th esrly high pre at th start of the season on sccount of the heavy shipments ususUy mad at that tins. Most ef ike terser buyers sre out of tba msrket st this tlms. being content to rest awhile aad let th market right Itself. Drseeed Mast Market Tina. Receipt, of dranml real were not well die tr mats toeay ann tne msrket as a asssnss Is very Arm with top quotation, ruling Strength Is especially shown In dressed veal ea aaaaaat of the greater deiaaml In this lis. For dressed bogs nothing hut firmness to shown, bet prices bold practically unchanged. Eggs aad Poultry Hold. Strength In th poultry market la atUl quite pronounced. Receipts sre just about equal to the ess sad. the small barer, being the princl psl operators st thia time Eggs are practically nominal for local ranch. Receipts are very email, eocne of th leading handler reporting today that their arrival, do not amount to mora than two or three ease dally. Creamery harts k test holding Its own aa regards th price, hat the too la not at all healthy on account of the greater sapplis. Brief Notss ef the Trade. A few express walnut, ar coming from th sooth, bet price are too high to quots. Satire not msrket Is beginning to boom. Hothouse lettuce csn hardly be given away on the .treet st this tlms. All sorts of prices In order to mere. Canned good market gaining la firms ass all around. Report received her today .tats that thai a is oat s smaii ror .a i moo m tns roraiga iuio. eKiuii u. un enm grsue. uneap graaa ar Juet about hoidmg their own. nay is anowing s mere steeay tons today, bat prices are Inactive all through. nngar is weaker tint unchanged sp to the aeon hear today. Th trade pays the following prices to Front street. Prices paid .nippers are teaa regulsr Orals, flour aad Feed. GBAIN BAGS Calcutta. 8Hc baying price; selling. 3sJoc- WHEAT New Club. 84c; red Russlsa. blue.tem. 88c: vallsr. 87c. 81c; BARLEY New Feed. $21.00; rolled, $23.80; orewing, szs-ou. CORN -Whole, 827.00 cracked. $38.00 per RVE $1.88 per cwt. . OATS new producers' price No. 1 $18.00; xray. Z2 (l. FIjOTTR Esstern Oregon patent. 88.80; straight. $8 86: export. $8.06 valley, $8.40; Khan, : $8.60; whole wheat, $8.76; rye. . 88r80; hates, $8 7$. MlDaTUPPS Bran. $16.60 per tea: mid dUnca. $24.00; ahorts. country, $1740; elty $16.60: chop, $ IS. 0042 2 1.00. H A Y Producers' price Timothy, Willamette valley, fancy, $11.0001X00; ordinary, $8,004 10.00; esatern Oregon. $10.00018.00; mixed. $10,004)10.60; clovr, $7.00; grsln, $7.8008.00; cheat, $7.00 Butter. Eggs aad Poultry- BUTTBR FAT F. a. b. Portlsnd Sweet cresm. S6481e; soar. 2H02c. BUTTER City cresmery, 86083rc; out. Id. fancy. BTMiW2c; oroiaary, nne; .tors, ii,B IBe. BOOS Extra fancy candled. She; ordinary candied, 82H; local and eastern atorag. 384) ncHBSaE--Nw Pull era a. fists, l$o lease: xoung America, losgiuac. POULTRY Mixed chicken, ilVhOlB ner lb fancy hens, 180181 per Ih; roosters, old, 10c per lh; fryers, izc psr in: broilers, isc per lb; old ducks. I2HC per lb; spring ducks, 13Hc Ibf geese, soioc per re: turkeys. lSOlfe per lb for old; dressed, SOe R; aaasbs. $36003.00 per aoa; pigeons, aa.uo ner oa. Btepa. Wool aad Hides. HOPS 1908 crop, c holes, 16ql8c; prims to cnoics, ioc, msoium t prime, iaji4H; ma Son. 18c. WOOL- 1008 alio Valley, 1002Sc: eaatera "'ToHAIR-New. nominal. SIIKEPSKINS Sheartng, ISO 20c escb; short wool, 25 a 40c; medium wool. 60O76e sseh; tens wool. 76cQ$1.00 sseh. TALLOW-Prims, par Ih. $H04c; No. $ aad grssse, 303Ac. CHITTIM BARK St. HIDES Dry. No. 1. 18 lbs and ap. 18HQ QUIET OF DEALERS TELLS OF ACTIVITY A feature of especial Interest In th hop market at this time is that dealers ar not talking Of thlr purchssea. This shows that ther sr In th market and want to huy. Whan, a ahort time ago they proclaimed aloud of th high prices they were paying, they, did not ear to buy. Thtr quiet reflect a much bat tar feeling. When they want to bay hope they do not cry aloud that the goods ar worth more money. WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS By Shark. Qase ft Qraham. Th poultry market la In an unsettled condition at the pres ent time with prloea for aprlng-a and hams varying- from H4 to 2 cent per pound, owing to the receipts. Young turkeys, ducka and goose hold more firm with demand equal to supply. In fact more of this claaa of poultry could b used without causing a decline In price. Veal Is In moderate supply with fancy bringing top prices. Largo and poor veal Is hard to move. Hogs ar In good de mand, fancy block aell'ng readily at printed prlco. A great many heavy hogs have been noted on th street during the past week, these bringing about 1 cent per pound leas than a nice block. Th market 1s well supplied with fancy apples from Hood River and Willamette valley point, with a range of prices according to quality. Plenty of fancy potatoes on the street with the price maintained. Onions are In small demand. lTHc par lb! dry kip. No. I. S to 16 lbs. lee; L aador S lb. 13c: aalted hldew dry calf. No. I, under 6 lbs. tears, wanq, m ids sno over, lURIllr; cow, SHflS'Ac; stags snd bulls, sound. 4S7c: kip. 15 to 30 lbs, Be; cslf, sound, under 16 lbs, lie; greea, ausslted. tc less: culls, lc per lb lesj; horse hides, salted, escb. 11.25(8.1.15; dry. each. el.0O431.o0; colt bides. 25 O 50c: goat akin, common, each. 10O6e; Angora, each. Keg) Fruits aad Vegetables. POTATOES Buying price, eastern Multno insh and Clackamas, SOe; ordinary, t75c; blo arte, BOcttSlOO per cwt; sweets. f A. CSASU VwU. , ONIONS Jobbing price New Oregon Ocl i-wi avis. once, iubbioc garlic, I eaai asj FRESH PRCITB Apple. 75c Valencle a TKdSS OA. AJJL. .range. iet choice, S8.604ja.75 per box: fancy. $7.00 ner nox; limes, Mexico. $1 25 per 100; pines. 0J60c per crate: cantaloupes, $1.28; grsao. $1.3541,1.6; Concorde. 25c; watermekina. a Li PiC' .-,8; Iaes, $1.000i s; hucklebsrrlea, SO 10c; ground cherries, SSOTKc par box; pineapple.. $6.00 per do. VEUBTARLRR Tnrulns, new. $1.00 per sack; carrots, $T per seek; beets. $1.66 per sack; Oregon rsdlebea. SOc per do; cabbage. Ore eon. IliSiy: bell feepprra. 5c per lb; to matoea, 50JOc per box; parsnips. 8Oc4J$l.O0; trlng besns. Oregon. 4c per lb; csull f lower, 88r0$l.OO per do; peas. 45c: borsersdtsh. BfJlOc per lb: artichoke.. 75c per do; sous.h. 76cQ$1.0 per box; eggplant. $1.60 per do bunches; cucumbers, 35c per box; celery, SOOSOr per do. gren corn. $1.60 per sack; .u romer .quash. 7ScQ$l.)0 per oox: eggplsnt $1.76 per crate; pnmpklna. 1: eran berries, local, $$.00418.50: Cape Cod. $SJ 60 DOT MM. DRIED PRUITB Apples, evsporsted. SM(JTe Pr lb; sorlcots. lSUaBlOe ner lb ne.,-h.. ilVie ETI ,b; sscks. He per lb lees: prunes. J SO to 40, otMc: H drop on each 1 16 aasalhrrl alas; flga, ft. 11 for nl. blnck. SBMUc per lb) anrornia white. SigSUr per lb: dstes. goldes. "He pe lb; farda, $1.40t.50 per 16-tb box. Orsasrlas, Muts, Its. SUGAR All reSuerles Cube. $5 W); -,w. dered. $5.6h. trait, grsauUted. SS.SB; dry granulated $646: (oaf. A. $6.40: extrs C. I4.S6; , golden C. $4 96: D. yellow. S4.B6; bbls. 10c; H bbls. 35c, boxes. 60c advance on sack basis. (Ahovs pries ar SO days net cash qwota- tie as.) HONEY $8.80 eer crate COPPRR Pscksgs brand. $15.250)15. T6 "t i-wn. naii grounn. 1 tea; 80s. $9.60: table, dairy, 60s 188. $9.00 per a. $18.00: 100s. $1376; balsa. $1 f Imported Liverpool. 60s. is.w; loos. $17 7.00; zass, 1 $16.00; srtr fine, bbls, 3. 6. 10s. $4.tOJB.t0; Uverpool lump $sToo Pr aa: rMk 00: IMM (Above prices apply to asiss of leas than Car lets at special price subject to car lrt- Suctustlons. ) RICK Imperial Japan. No. 1 Stir; New Orleans, heed. Tc; c: No. a Ayax, 8c; "EANS-Bmn white. $8.80. large whits $3 26; pink, $3 90; bayou, $3.76; Lima. $418; Mrxlrsn reds sc. "" Jamb. Sc per lb; Virginia. 88Hc psr lb; roasted, StlSHe per Ih; Japa nese. 64J5Vic; roasted. TJ7Hc per Ih; cocoa -nuts. S64$Soc per do; wslnnts. lSQISUc psr lb, plnenuts. 1013He per lb; hickory nrrta. 10 Per lb; esstern. 164)10 per lb; Brsxil nuts. 15c per lb; Slhert.. 14Q16e per Ih; fancy pecans, 15c; almoade. iSHClSe. MesU. Fish and Provlslona. FRESn MEATS Front Street Hogs, fancy, 7 VrjHc per lb: real, extra. Sc per lb; ordlniry, 847c psr lb; poor, 4415c ner lb; mutton, fancy. 88J4e per lb; Ijmha. S43S. HAMS. BACON. ETC Portland park (local) bma. 10 to 14 lb, lUc per to: 14 to IS lbs. 16c per lb: breakfast bacon. 14) 22c per lh: picnic. lOHc per lb: cottsge. 13c per lb: regvisr snort clears, unamoKed. izc per lb sanksd. 18 per re; clear bocks, nnsoioked. izc per in: araokeu. per lb; union bulti 10 to 18 Iba. unamoked. 8c per lb; .uvked Se per in; clear neince. unamoked, 14c r Th; smoked, 18 per lb: shoulders, 13H par lb pickled tongue. $8.00 quarter hbl. LOCAL ukd-Kettle leaf. 10a lSUe lb. 5s, 13e per lb: atesm rendered. 10c, 50 lh tin. 134e 12V4C lb; 6. I2e lb; compound, 10s, SUr f I MVM Bit KsTsXI j-Vx1nJ - - a u. ..... 81.80; 3-lh tolls. 32.75; fsncy. 1-lb Sate. $1 SO; 1 I . S. IK. . . Ik ,. I. mm ' Alssks tall. nlnk. SSsSbOc: esA at A. rei'i 3. tall. 82.00. FISH Rock cod, 7c per lb; flounders. 8c per lh; halibut, 7c per lb; crabs. 81. 0011. 60 per do; striped be, 121r per lh; tflh. 10c per lb: ssimon, Columbia river rblnook, 7c; .liver side. 6c; stselbead, 7c per lb; herring. Sc retr lb; solos, Sc per lb; abrfmps. 10c per lb; perch, 8c per Ih: black end, 7c per lh; to mood. 7 c per lb; .liver smelt. SC per lb; lobsters, 16c per lb: fresh mackerel. Be ner lb: crawfish. SOc per do; sturgeon, 10c per lb; black bass. sue per ID. OYBTKRS Bhoslwat-r hay. per gal. 12.20: per US-lb sack, 14 26: Olympta. per gallon. 12 25: per U5-rt rack. 86.00 to 85.60V CLAMS Hardshell, per box. 83.00; raaor clame, 82.00 per box. Paint. Coal Oil. Etc. ROPE Purs Manila, !4Vc; atandsrd, lSUe: slssl. He. COAL OIL Pesrl or Astral Cases lSVic per fal; water white. Iron bbla Isc per gal. wooden 7c per gsl; headlight. 170-drg. eaaea 211 per gal. GASOLINE -88-deg, caaee 24 He per gsl, Ire bbla IW per gai. BENEINB 8o-deg. hbl. 184c ner gsl. rases Sec per gsl, iron TURPENTINE la cases ae per gsl. wooden bbla. OBc per gsl WHITE USD AI Ton lots, 7Kc per lb; BOO-B) lots. Sc per lb; less lots. Smc psr lb. WIRE WAILS Prsaeat haals st 82.SH. LINBRkD OHPure raw. la 6-bbl lot. SOe; 1-bbl lot osc; eases, one per gs tie boiled, cases. SOc per gsl: ( gsl: genuine ket 1; 6-bbl Iou. 64c; 1-bbl lot, 66c per gsl: ground esks, ear lots. 830.00 psr ton; Isae than ear lots, 180.60 per SALEM HOP MARKET. (Bpedal Dispatch to The Journal ) Salem. Oct. 81. The growers of bops sr standing firm and ir not willing to dispose of tneir crops at present prices, a mjyer 'aid yesterday: "The growers sr too stiff and hold too high. They are several rents above the price that can be paid, and unless they modify their demsnda dealer cannot pay them what they a ah. There are plenty of orders, but th growers wsnt th top price for Inferior quail ties. They mast come down or keep their grower, on the other hand, believe that the market will yet climb a few cent and dsslrs to hold oat. Since seme as lea were rumored st 17c It tt difficult for grower to 11 am crop go si isc or inc. ii waa rapWtSCt yesterday that Charles S. Llveeley bad pur chased l.soo Mies, grading below choice, it from l.tVjc to inc. J. w nearer pf Portland ne oougni tea vvoog asm sac, see for isc. Nsw Tork Bend Market. New Tork, Oct. gl. Official prices: Bid. fliirllngtna Joint 4 S8U L. AN. unified 4a ....101, R. 2 W. Con. 4 SB mi N.r::::::::::::::::::,o?1 P01 TLA WD BANK STATEMENT. Ask. 103 100 Ml, 103 tile. ring, today ... .7S.S;gi.l7 Claariags year ago. Oslo today .sui.oiais MOHAWK MINING AT $14 TODAY Big Advance Is Shown in Issue During the Session in San Francisco. OVER THREE DOLLARS HIGHER THAN TUESDAY General List of Nevada Mining Shares Goes Higher in Sympathy With Leaders Red Top st $3.00 a Share. Ban Francisco. Oct. $1 Mohawk stock went to $14 a share on the mining exchange radar. I-s.t night It closed at $10.75. There was never a more excited session of the local exchange than today. The action yesterday could harm; ba compared with the tradln of today. There are all aorta of rumors floating around regarding the richness of the Mohawk and other mines hi that locality. The general market roee in sympathy. Official uuotstlous. bid prices: Belmont 4 6.371-.. Con. ( al. Va. Cash Boy 15 lOnhlr $ 1.00 8.10 1.28 , .48 .0 1.08 .23 ,83 ?22 Golden Anchor. .04 lUoxIc-an Home 32 ,-.i.l. Jim Boiler ... LOTS Exchequer .. MaeNamar ... .$4 I No: ernes MMway 2A7Hiold frown Uoatana 4.36 Idrest Head .... North Star 46 Bsru Ohio SB Ruttr Ex .04 .80 .83 .It ..60 1.12 '.1$ .63 .33 .18 .20 .18 .18 .13 .08 . .08 .04 .88 .88 .04 .88 .61 .18 .18 -54 .83 lonopsh Eltea 7.3TH OoW Belmont Nevada 20.50 Montgomery Mt Wen End . . . Adsma , . Atlanta Blncbell Booth Columbia Mt. Con. Quarry . Dlamnudfleld Dixie tloldfleld .... Jumbo do Exten... Kendall Laguns May Queen . . Mohawk Red Top .Sandstorm . . . Sliver Pick .. St. Ives National Bank Denver tirddP"riar O. Ball Prog. 2.13 .11 .51 .31 .SB .73 .33 .40 .08 Sunset Kceptre Msnhattaa Say. 11 uss are y.. I Dexter Kirsnny itlold Wedge . . . I Lone Sl.r lOt. Bend Exten .VP 1 do Annex atTHjCreacent .BP ICowboy .SS 1 Denver Annex.. 10 1 Bull, a Bears.. .SB Black Bock . . . 14.00 N. t. Consul. . 3.00 Manhattan Con. 77 Little Joe 1.63 I Mayflower .S4 I Jumping lark.. .64 Bed Top Exten. 1.70 Most X null Prog Mia. 1.60 Starlight .18 ! PORTLAND STOCK MARKET win Tomorrow. Sate oa the Portland atork exchange today were 2.000 .hares Associated Oil at 44e aad 1.000 shares International Coal st SOc. The ex change will hold Ita Srst session In Its new quarters lu th Lefsyett building, corner Sixth snd Washington streets, tomorrow. In lbs new quarters the i eaa Ion will begin at 11 80 o'clock lu.teao at nsn an Dour earner, aa at OfSclal quel a t tone : BANK STOCKS. Bid. Baak of California BBS Merchants' National 148 Oregon Trust A Savings 110 Portlsnd Trust Co Ranker.' A Lumbermen'. 130 108 87 Serfage tea Xatl Loan . . .- United States tlonal 300 BONDS. 0. a a N. Ry. 4s 100 Portland Ry., lis I0S City a Suburban 4a Associated Oil 6s 88 0. W. V. a Ry. 8 103 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. 101 '4 ST io Campbell's Gas Burner... Union Oil Assorts ted Oil Alaska Packet' I'aclSc Ststea Telephone Home Telephone Puget Bound Telephone Oregon Life Inanrance Cement Products 304 44 88 101 48 541 80 SO 1000 80 , 130 10 10 J. C. Lee Co , Yaqutna Bay Telephone Oregon City Mill A Lumber .... MINING STOCKS. Nicole Coal British Cotumhl Amsl latcrnational Conl Pacific Mstsl Extraction Alaska Petroleum Alaska Ptoaeer . . 0414 04 06 05 60 38 17V4 8.1 11 08 840 06 03. 13" a 04 03 0414 04 os "2 It 33 10 80 08 Standard Ccneolidsted Oregon Securities Snowstorm Snowaho Tax Creek Gold Tacoma Steel Gaiter Consolidated Gellsher leolden Rule Conaolldsted Bullfrog Terrible North PilrTl-w 84 1 Roy I "'iii i CSSCSdl Lucky Roy Hecla Rambler Cariboo .. Dtxlf Meadow . . . Mountain View . . . Blue River Gold .. Garvin Cyanide . . . Rnth Consolidated Star Conaoildated . SI 08 10 1000 100 It 10 850 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BONDS. New Tork. Oct. SI. Government bond. pate. Two, registered Opt do coupon Opt. Theses, registered Opt. do coupon Opt. Small bonds Foura. leglstersd 1P07 ayi coupon 1907 Fonrr, registered 1025 do coupon 1026 niirtrict of Cnlnnhla 8- 6s Philippine laland 4s Bid. Ask. 104 1014. 104 W4 lag !Sr toaii 102 102K 103 102 180 W 181 Llllk 118 108 SAX FRANCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. San rrtnclacn, Oct. 81. Official close: Bid. Ask. Cnatr Cost Water BTVi ftH Spring Valley Water 24 3414 Olant Powder SO Sll Hawaiian Commercial x.' Ilnnokes Sugsr 12 1SH llutclifhsoo Sugsr 18 16 4 Ononis Sugar SS I'ssul ao. Sugar ISJ4 1714 Altaks Parkere' 888 63 U Aaeoclated Oil SDfZ 81 Pacific Ststea Tslephoae 100 101 Vs Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, Oct. 81. Cotton futures closed to 9 points lower. CATTLE MARKET SLOWER IN THE YARDS Sheep and Hogs Are Very Firm With Practically No Arrivals in the Utter. Portlsnd Union stock i teas: Stockyard. Oct. 81 . Live- am .. 140 Cattte. I Today Wee as. . Month ago ... ... Year age 848 SS 147 Th rattle market is vara slow and prices are being maintained. Ho, and sheep flrni nnrhsnged. Official Ilveetnes price: Hoes Rest eastern Oregon. 88.888.78; block era and China fata 80 . '18418 5n. .ntle Beat eatra Orsgnu steer. SS.SS4 8.BP: best rmrs sad heifers. UJ54J1.50; stock ere and feeders, IS 50413 78; bulls. 81.50. Sheep MLtsd, tt7fct tenths, tMSjffH. Greatest Activity of Present Season Is To day Shown in Hop MarketEastern Orders Are Becoming Quite Plentiful Among Trad SENTIMENT WEAK IN NJMfORK Turning of Tide In Favor of Hearft for Governor Puts Stock Market Down Today. LOANS REACH SEVEN AND A HALF PER CENT Northern Pacific Largest Loser for Session Union Pacific Down Two Points and Southern Pacific One and an Eighth. NET LOSSES. .. 8 ll'nlon Paclfkt ... H, North Pacific. ... 1 IBrte .. HlLealavUte .. 1', Mexican Central .. .. 1 Missouri Pacific .., .. N Y. Central .. ont. a Western... .. lU.Pennaylvanla .. lilttesdla .. lte Rspublic Si eel .. U'Rock Islsnd ... UlSoutbern Hallway.. .. IV V. S. Htssl .. 4I do preferred Anscond Amalgamated .. Atcoiaon Sugar Smelter Car at Foundry Brooklyn Baltimore CoWad" Fuel. . . St. Paul iiranpeake i apudlan liooomotlve Southern Pacific Tsxas a Pacific NET GAIN. Louis a Southwestern st. Mousy rates snd turning of th tide of rst for snvernor Disced voters In favor of Hearst for uie .i.w aura msrset on s ueariso oasis today and the general lt closed wttb a tea. Th lsrgrst Ice wsi In Northern Psclflc. whlcu dropped 21, .polnta Union snd Southern Psclfle were weak, tba former losing nearly 3 points snd the tetter lis points. Call losns rated aa high aa 7!i per rapt. CONTINUED QUIET SHOWN III WHEAT Local Market Very Slow With In i ability of Exporters to Get Grain to Tidewater. SELATIVR WHEAT VALUES. Oct. 81. Oct. 80. Q.ta. May July Local wheat business I on a rather small scsle today. Aa Indifferent foreign sltustlon and a lack of transportation to tidewater con tinue to set against toe buying here. Flour I qolet, both for export and local business. Rsrley continues very firm. Chlrsgo wheat pries were oa the up-grsds today with qnotatkaaa tee to He advanced over loci l came, were alow at tne opening, not Improved later. Official Chlearw prices by A Cooke coat pl. y: WHEAT. Overbook, Starr Opsn. High.- Low. Close, mber 73'a 74 -St TSte T4Vi Docs Msr nW tiff TS T8A July T7H T7 CORN. December Mar 814 41 Joly OATS. 83V, SSJA 8.144 86 SSH S4T4 MRB POBst. December I War SSi, 15A .1.1 Vt JalF Janus ry 1870 1386 1870 1873 1890 1.178 LA BP. 13 ntsy December January October . . Jsnusry hlv i.wn i ft 7SS SHORT RIPS 70 H0POR0WERS ORGANIZE. Special map ten to The Jroraal.) Sllvenoa. Or., Oct. 81. About 0 horHxrowers of this vicinity held s meeting a few dvra ago. when an saoctatton was organlasd, sad later ther have decided to ImlM a alrge warehoass nesr the depot I this rlty. The property will ne nwneo oy a aiovx iviinpipy ea wealthy grrrrera of th sssoclstlan. CAME SIX THOUSAND ir' MILES TO SWEETHEART (Speeiat Pleatch to The JeasSSkL) -Afvr walt- Baker c;ty, or., Oct. Sl.- Ing four years, or until her fiance waa able, to aend for her, Margaret CLeary, a pretty Irish iaaa. oroaaad th 8,000 miles of land and aea that aepa rated her from William Burke, hr be trnthej, and they were married yester day morning In St. France cathedral. In Baker City. The marrlpge la th culmination of a clilldhDod romance. They were boy and girl sweethearts but their purenta war poor and aa aoon as Burke became old enough he left his old hon In Ireland and cam to America, to seek hla for tun. Margaret promised to be true and after waiting four long years left her home In dear old Ireland and came to the golden land of opportunity to bring Joy and gladness to th heart of her lover. . EXTENSIVE HOPYARD CHANGED HANDS TODAY (Special 1M. patch (o The Journal.) MeMlnnvllle, Or.. Oct. 11. Th blg rt hop deal In thia county for some time Is th transfer of th Falrvlew hnp farm, which R. C. Apperson has Juat sold to R. Jacobaon a Co. for 112.000. Apout 48 seres r set out In hop. It was the beat kept yard In th county during the past year. Twenty five thousand pounda of this yeara hope were contracted for at SO cants. Th yard la v-iung. t)v oldest hop hav ing only bee i out trvc years. The drier and torrhnuxr arc i.oth new and of th. mowt up-to-fat.; klnl Owewns tay TUla. Copenhngn, Oct. II. Queen Alex aiNlra of Fnurlind and th empress dowager of Russia have bought the neighboring villa to their little chateau at Hvldocre. Which make the royal slaters' charming Dutch property com plete. Th new villa WU1 be used for th royal suites. For anlek ras-nlt bsm ths Waal Ool, irbs of The JpnrnaL WINES AND LIQUORS. OOLDKBDS. Csltforril win depot; Til lhs of wine. Se s glass. Cooks' snd Cooks' Help er Bradqaarters. 148 fourth st, Phsase Pa cific 21 SS. P, Loratl TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MANICt'RINO, hlrdreslag. apecUl 83 ivjiiras. on week only: irsde school fraf worsen aad uooi ror no Moutgosaety. a iris. asaer. ns aatj