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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 81, 1900 4 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. MAKE THE IN VESTMENT THI COAST OITT Or OREGON lata la BCHAIFKRS ADDITION fino AND UPWARD $104 AND UPWARD NOT! THE LOCATION CENTRAL PLAC1 Geo. X Schacfer OWNER AND RIAL ESTATE AOBNT UT CHAMBER OP COMMERCE PORTLAND. OREGON COOS BAY SPECIAL THE ONLY AVAILABLE ACREAGE PIECE LEFT CLOSE IN ACROSS THE BAT 40 ACRES. 11 CLEARED, REMAINDER SMALL GROWTH ALDER; PLOTTED INTO MO LOTS AT $38 BACH: NICELT SLOPING. IN FULL VIEW Or MARSHFIELD, NORTH BEND AMD THE RAX. See Next Sunday Journal for Map of Schaefer's Addition and Coos Bay MAKE TIE IN VESTMENT HI COAST OITT OP 0 BROOM ion la ' ADDITION 183 RMS UPWARD $100 AJIO UPW. ARB MOTR TH B LOCATTO M CENTRAL PLACE GcOo X Sclaefer OWNER AMD REAL ESTATE AOBNT SIT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PORTLAND, OREGON COOS MY SPECIAL THE ONLT AVAILABLE ACREAGE PIECE LEFT CLOSE IN ACROSS THE RAT 49 ACRES, 11 CLEARED. REMAINDER SMALL GROWTH ALDER: PLOTTED INTO 170 LOTS AT $26 EACH: NICELT SLOPING. IN FULL VIEW OF MARSHFIELD, NORTH BEND AMD THE BAT. See Next Sunday Journal for Map of Schaefer's Addition and Coos Bay MAKE TIE IN . VESTMENT t - TBI COAST CITY OR OREGON lata In SCHAEFER'S ADDITION 88 iSS &Tward MOTR THE LOCATION CENTRAL PLACE Geo. J. Sclaefer OWNER AMD RIAL ESTATE AGENT - SIT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PORTLAND. OREGON w COOS BAY SPECIAL THE ONLY AVAILABLE ACREAGF PUBTB LEFT CLOSE IM ACROSS THE BAT 49 ACRES, 11 CLEARED, REMAINDER SHALL HKOWIU ALDH; I UtTTBlt INTO 870 LOTS AT $28 BACH: NICELY SLOPING, IN FULL VIEW OF MARSHFIELD. NORTH flu acu ins ui. See Next Sunday Journal for Map of Schaefer's Addition and Coos Bay MAKE TIE IN VESTMENT THE COAST OTTT OF OREGON SOHABFBRS ADDITION 100 AMD UPWARD -100 AND UPWARD NOT THE LOCATION CENTRAL PLACE GcOo I Schaefer OWNER AMD RIAL ESTATE AGENT SIT CHAMBER OF COMMBRCE PORTLAND, OREGON COOS BAY SPECIaAL THE ONLY AVAILABLE ACREAGE PIECE LEFT CLOWI IN ACROSS fSS lAYeo AC BEIT II CLEARED. REMAINDER SMALL uauwari AuiftBi riATl rail' IN TO n7 LOTS AT IB BACMj JBH 1 HUTPINf) M FULL VI BW OF MARSH KLD. NORTH END AND THE BAY. See Next Sunday Journal for Map of Schaefer's Addition and Coos Bay MR- MAKKPEACE-HIS POR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSES. 7 -room bouM. cornw lot. MU Brooklyl ebools easy Mraw. now. (I room cottsge, uu Brooklyn Kbool: essj term, 11.800. 6-room cot tags, txtr Brook Ira Mhool; essj terms. 11.400. . -room cottage on Powell at., 1.000. i to Lou ea Cam there it., ml aide, (2.300. b room cottage on Jefferson t.. $8,500. 10 room hoaw mi Johnson it.. 1. 1.000. B room how on Northrop it.. $8,500. ft-room doom, tall lot, eloM Is on But Devis. $3,760. -room 'hoMS. bill. 'psntry. ckoMte. hath; mi built of first dsss material; concrete ws Iks around boom, nice lawn, choice fmlta. streets Improvsd, walks laid, nice Ttew, con venient to car la Woodlawn; only 11.000. Fine large bouae. fine carpets and furni ture, ion 100 ground, choice location. In North Portland. -room bouae, well oonatrncted. basement, coaecete walke, barn. 4 lota, beautlfullj lo cated; a enap At 12.800. Splendid home of T rooma. 8 fireplace, fine grounds, 100x100; coot owner $8,000; will eell Jotif now. 83 500. lOuilOO-Cholce mMf, nice lawa. on R 'Henlie Harrison SIT Abington bldf. FOR SAI.B 40 acrae, bouae; 0 acrea cleared, running water; near New berg; only 11,000. J. J. Deder, 1 North Grand an. BY OWNER A 8-room well built bouae; Mil 01 Ruaeell. or 020 Delay at. BUY a lot on the Mat aide; 5 minute ear eery- Ice, within walking distsure: fine bouaM g-ung as desired. vlng up; pncM from now to po; terras II M. E. THOMPSON. 48 Mississippi ere Phone Wodlawn SOS. FOR SALE Lota In block 8. Abend's Addition, between Morris and Wanton ata.. on the Rus Mll Shsver carllne, two blocka from the boat ncM center of Upper Aihma; aewer and gaa inalna; cement eldewelke. Prleea 8UO0 to $1,250 each. 8. Colllna. 140H Ruaeell at. ACRES all In high state of cultivation on the Base Line road, about o minutes walk from new branch O. W. P. to Trout dale. $150 per acre; May terms. Addrese J 08. care Journal. TO ACRES fin) fruit land. Hood Rarer. Frary, 063 WllUamsvs., PorUand. PORTSMOUTH. Lota S3 1-3X1O0 feet. (10 eaah and $8 per month. To cloae out. Only a few left. Telephone Main 8061. BEAVER REALTT CO.. 424 Lumbar Exchange. 14 ACRES 1 mile want of Clsckamaa railroad atatlon; price 88.300: tJtalldlnge on place: come sod see. A. Mobr, Mllwaukt. Oregon. R. F. D. S4. ,f T --r. - - lloiianar rare saaiisn, quarter son, saw TOWNS END DELA8HMUT, 809 Alder at., room A. BRAND-NEW bouM, select neighborhood, near Mr; prices advancing all around; terms; pay rant to yourself: see thla. TUB CONTINENTAL CO.. 941 Stark at. 10 ACRES choice farm land, good new 8-room house, bam. 2 cisterns, fruit, berries-; eery deslrsble for borne; V mile north Gray s eroMtnf. Moont Scott rsrllna. Oeorge Clark. WE HAVE just completed two new modern res idences at Archer Place: one a Mesa-room bouM ($2,1501. snd the other a all-room house ($1,080). One-third raah and balance on May monthly paymenta. both bargains. I. f. CANNON A CO.. SO McKay bldg. Third and Stark at. BEST, BUY IN OREGON 8 sere tract an Oregon City carllne; soil, good water, aaay terras. W. A. LAIDLAW. BIT Commercial bldf ., 2d and Washington Phone Main 8120. EXTRA BARGAIN FOR SHORT TTMR 11 screa beaverdam, 18 In caltlratlon: Joha son creek runs through It; eitrs soil, no gravel; os rise roan, on miie irnrn uente; t worth $800 par acre for gardealag: price only $250 an acre. 0. R. ADDITON, Lenta. Or. Take Mt. Scott car, 8e. FOR SALE Sam good 'bargains In boUMa and lets, right on the carllne. on easy terme; also acreag from 1 to ITS sires Largest Met of property and beat bargains In the count y Mt. Scott Real Batata Co.. Lenta. Or. Tal. Scat 2BS4. HAVE good acreage ret carllna, would trade for grocery store or other hnalnSM. 817 Com merclsl blk. Phone Mala 120, BEST acreage ta dty far a money maker either to plat or sell In acreage; It takM $4,000 to land thla. STEINMETE CO., 103 Morrison it. FOR SALE 040 scrM land. 1 ml 1m from PtlncTllle. 180 scree with 8.000.000 fMt fir timber, M kslsma riser, la Waahlngtoa. Ornbrr. 1T Commercial blk. ARTISTIC 7-ronm noma, all coa renlent aad modern, on test Couch at., 80x1 00-foot sat, 4 MO. C. L. PARRISH CO., 4S8 Lumber Exchange. Fone Mala Mis. Send One Dollar Aad we will list you property with 1.000 real estate Sealer who are as snxlons to ram s rnmisi.""n n ,. v n seldom fells: send description; s art helping eMtor's Guide MOO HANDLER cornar 1st SOxlOO. West I reins tea: cement walks, atraat tad sewer taaarsrsel 843 Madleoa at. ILL-LUCK EQUAljlHIS POLITENESS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Acreage Another tract lust purchased snd platted tor as U-. land all level, much bMverdam, splendid creek on each lot. adjoining carllne, esM8 to. tow a and acRee. Thla Is posi tively the greateat anap la WMt aid acreage on the market. Installments or Mrsrkl Mr' Mai at T par east. $100 PER ACRR Schuyleman & Co. Rooma 34-35 S4-ST, 227 H WMhlngton at. $ 400 Lot 50x100. 100 feet from "L" ear Une. $1,000 Special price; a tore and living rosea on I ulon at. $ MO Beat front, corner, on "L" ear line; alM 100x100; a good buy. $2,000 For a corner an Kllltogaworth are., 100a I On, near Mr burns. 8 TOO Nice corner on Sharer, nesr Union are. THOMPSON A OGDRN. Phone Woodlawn 302. 848 Mississippi AM. 200 FARMS, email tract and lots; bargslns on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. addition. Lents. Oregon. Take Mount Scott Mr, be. THE bMt srreege property In thai county as a money maker, either te plat into lots or Mil la acr tracta; clca ta car. close ta and beat of soil: for s big money-maker this can t be Vat: H takM $4,000 Mib to handle thla. Stelnmetz & Co. The Homeeellera. IM Morrison at. $1,75 i block sad 5-room bona, lota of fruit, on East Eighth at.; It's a bargain. $1,800 lOOxlOO, email cottage, barn, on I. Eighth St.; $500 cash, balance tnetallment. $1800 4 room modern boom, full lot, on Rodney are.; $200 cash, balance $28 par month; rants for $14. Otto, Crockett & Harkson Realty Co. 845 Vs Washington at. EXTRA BARGAIN. New 6 room modern flnelv finished bona on carllne. East lth and Alberta; price os.oeu. vw wwi, Daisncu on rime. PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO.. Room 23, 3d floor, S2S Waahlngtoa, oar. Oth AHA I Want a scenic hornet View unexcelled, on coast ; pretty 7 room home, outbuildings, block 200x200: bargain. W 88, car Journal. TRIMONT PLACR. $6.00 DOWN. $8.00 PER MONTH. Lots MO to $100 ta thla ebotoe and beaett ful addition; lots 40x120 fset, 20-foot alleys: sines will soon double: yon aaay not bare nought, but we hare Bold more than 38 lota per week alnce thla addition waa nlaeaat on the market; they must bars merit; only $8 sows sou o per in . t. FRANK PORTER. 222 Washington, corner First, upstairs. READ. AND CONSIDER WELL. Wa can Mil you wild lands la eastern or western Oregon from $4 to $10 per acre. Ibis land Is second to bob when pat ta mines flon. It will psy the lnreetor or bomeaeeker ta lavMtlgate this proposition. Wa also bare gooi lrnprnreo terms, city property and acre. age. Mwmtus ana nmoer una, snd eee u Tl'RNBR A WALKER Rooms i s, sos '. Washington at, ad. Oregon. Portia Fl hare fall lot 00x100. an Sixth at., for a sate inTestmeai. insi win grow ia nine eeery day. See the Continental Co. about It. 248 Stark at. $3.T50 fl It'" M cottage Mt 2 MrlluM: eery large rooms, flreplsca, bard -wood finishings, fall cement basement, good pIcturM, aha dee. screens, linoleum on kitchen, S cook etnres IS fruit trees, grape, currant snd blackberry Ium. shade treee snd roees; easy terras. C. C. Shay. 804-808 A blag ten bldg. Pbons, before noon. Mala 1S4R NEW S-room house an east side; fine Tlew sad t snsp st $2,300. If you wsnt s bouse with 8 nice large rooms, st s Bargain, see RUTHERFORD ft CO., SIT Commercial blk. Mala SI to. BETTER gat a piece of that rketp land la Benton or Lincoln county; It It M cheep M a homesteed and you doa't ban ta lire on Hi this land will double la earn In the next two yesrs; It Is bow selling from $4 to bio per acre; l-a casa, nam a years si per cent. TURNER ft W A LEER. SOSH Washington st.. Boom 4. 83,800 RUTS bMatlfal baaai ea Mat side, ac count nf removal of fsmllr to esstsra Oregon; T rooma, full basement, all modern, new last yesr; terms can be arranged If taken at eaee. A. d Gage. BST Bberloci bldg. TOR BALE-FARMS 40 seres nf rich Irrigated land, with a konteetesd sdjo Inlug, at snout hslf price; a free water right gore with thla. R1THIRFORD ft CO., IT' CommerHsl blk. Mtln 8120. FOR SALE; Good BossM 8 well, large barn, with 3 Phone East 4834 bath. gas. all la frail. NORTH Portland business lot SOtIOO, oa Tbnr roan sL; tax buy. Call SUB ClgfaTglil BteoR, POR SALE FARMS. i 1,400 Acres IM DOUGLAS COUNTY, SM MILES FROM GOOD TOWN AND RAILROAD; 300 ACRES IN CULTIVATION, SEVERAL HUMDRED ACRES IN PASTURE, BALANCE OF LAND IN OAK AND SMALL FIR; WATHHSU HI A RIVER AND TWO CREEKS; SITIN ROOM HOUSR AND BARN AND ALL NECESSARY OUTHOUSES; ORCHARD: wntrr.n wakb a fine stock ranch. PRICE $18,000; HALF CASH, BALANCE PER CENT. M seres. BO clssr. first aad second bot tom on Wllls.nct te river; boat landing oa tna piece: 4 room bouse, good barn, good well at bouse: shout 500 cords of wood oa placs; pries $2,800. 180 screa eastern Multnomah county: M scree under caltlvstlon, balance pasture and timber nssture; fstr buildings. BBS running wster, 2 horsM. IB milk caws, eome yonng atock. 1 binder, mower aad rake, S plows snd other farming implements, small orchard. isad roads, R. F. n. mail, telephone, near creameries $8,600; term. ISO ACRES. OF WHICH TO ACRES IN CULTIVATION; SU MILES FROM CITY ; FINE BOIL; $88 PER ACRE: GOOD BUILD INGS, FINI WATER, ORCHARD; CAN BE i lt vr. 4o acrea 28 acrea under mltlvatloa. Id acres In Saa timber, balance la brash: smsll house and Isrge barn, good well of wster. smsll orcbsrd. good teem of horses and harnMs, 2 good cows, 1 heifer, 1 eslf, good new wagoB, new plow, aew cultivator, aew barrow, mowing machine aad rake, other smsll tools, 10 tons of hsy, school H mils, aa a good county read. 3H mllea from rail read aud town, 39 miles from Portland: R. r. D. mall. Price $2,000; part can stsnd. M acrea raw tend: 8 acres besverdsm. 10 mltea from elty, $1,000 SI acrea, mllea out; 8 or 10 acrea bMver dam. 14 dear; good bulldlnga; price $128 par acre. 20 acrea, half clear: fair bulldlnga. good orchard, black loam, garden tend, H aRBaS oat: Price $2,200. 40 acres 28 clesr. large orchard, old build ings, good hopboass. on good county road, 4 miles south of Beaverton, eome beaverdain. $2,500; tarns. M acres: 48 In caltlvstlon: good bouse, a fine Urge barn; good orchard; 7 miles sat of St. Johns: fine wster; $3,000; your own 100 screa: H clear; fin house snd 1 barns: nrrhsrd some besverdsm: horses, cows. XMtS, chickens, boas; sll fsrmlng Implements; lot nf feed; R. F. D. mall, aa tba Tualatin rlvsr beak, 14 mites from elty and 2V, mltea from railroad atatlon, an.sxi FOR CITY PROPERTY. tSO-aere farm; Al land. 188 acrea In culti vation; 11m level. fine living water oa place; sued Bandera farmhouse, fair bams, en fine county rood. 2 miles from depot snd flue town. lVk bear from Portland; good orchards; will sU or trsds for good city propei ty In biggest part; price 850 per acre, ar $18,000, pi CM, crop, stock aad Implements. W. wTEspey 818 Commercial bldg., Coraer Second and Washlagtoa. lead for list of farma .or sal. Choice Buys $2.300 08 acres 18 mllea from Portland. SO acres la caltlvstlon, 15 acrea timber, bal ance eaally cleared. 1 A-room frame bouae, fair barn. scree bearing orchard, variety : all fenced, level land, oa county road, good well at door, R. F. D. aad stlephoae, 4 mile to school; part of tbe crop goes with place; pert cash, bslsncs good terras ; will lake part city property. $1,70040 seres 13 miles from Portland. 4 Bailee from eBavertoa, 2Vs mltea from rail road atatlon. M acres In cultivation. 0 acrea paetnrs, 14 cree green timber. 2Vs acrea hearing orchard, new 8 room nomas, coat $800; fair barn, mile to Kbool. R. F. D. and telephone, on county road, floe location, bMt of soil; half caah. bslance good terms. $3.200 M seres, II alia from Portland, In Washlagtoa county; M acrea ta cultiva tion, several screa greaa timber, balance eaally cleared; good 4-room boom, good barn, family orchard, sll fenced, oa msln county road. R. F. D. and telephone; bMt of soil. $8,500100 acres, 12 V miles from Port land, In Washington county. miles from Eeedvtlle railroad ststlnn; 40 acrea In culti vation. M screa In pastor, 100 acrea Baa) areea timber, 2,000.000 fMt at lesst lsvel snd. small house and stable, family orchard, all fenced, county read on 2 sides of place, R. F. D. aad telephone, Sne locstlon. bMt of Mil; thla Is one of the beet buys on the rosrket. Investlgste this before boring, guar anteed aa advertised. 81.000 ISO acrea la Wsshlagtoo aoaaty, M mllea from Portland. T miles from railroad atattoa, oa msln county road; IB acres ctesred. 8 seres besrlng orchard. M scree slmoat level. bMt of wll, no rock or gravel: 5 room bos, 2 barns. 2 good wU snd spring. 4 mile to school, some good timber. 2 miles from sswraltl: If you ar looking for t anap in vestigate The Washington & Oregon Realty Co. IM Second at., And 800 Mate at. Portlaad Oregon, Vsneoaver, Wash. FARM FOR SALE. IS miles west of Portland. Waahlngtoa Bounty, for rash only; 83 sore. 23 clesr. wsll caltlvsted. oo creek; good well, spring, fine frnlt. new wire fences, good n-roosj house, hem. bouMhold goods. eni-Bons. dms. tools, etc.; 1H I snd church. Telei miles iroro rsnrosu. sraooi arch. Telephone une. mus msw. ss. r. D. $4,300. air. A. K. LueUchsr, Bearer ted. Oregoa. FOR SALE FARMS. BARGAINS IN FARMS. 40 acres, M clear, balance ta timber; or chard, goad B-rouia boose, bars, with soma stock. 2 good wagons new boggy aad sll fsrai Implaataats; R. F. D. ; 13 BUtaa from Portland. Price $2,000. tO a eras, 20 acrea clear and mostly la prima orchard, SO acrea slashed, balance la good timber, eaoagb to pay far farm: large house, barn. Urge prune dryer snd other outbuild ings; ssrwmUI within snort distance of place; good school within 1 mile of place: 18 raises from Portland. PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO., ansa SB, M floor. 828 Washington, ear. 8tb. DAIRT FARMS. With or without stock; soma of them with elty milk rente; from cows ta 16S eases, bombs. Implements to ran tba buslne; m fact, fully equipped far to atep la and make money from tba start; plenty of bay, etc . and cjaaa ta. If fob are looking tor a good dairy farm don't fall to call sad MS Uftl ft Co. at oaca ; can glee terms oa any of them ; bo batter farma In Multnomah county. 820 LUMRIR EXCHANGE, Second aad Slark sts. THOSE FARMS ABB BARGAINS GET PARTICULARS. $8,00015 acres, highly Improred. bearer dam eearetabl farm. 14 miles from Portland. $2.700 80 acne. 80 ta cultlTstlon, beat of land, oa o. w. r. ; easy terms; snsp. M.800 120-scrs fine farm. 12 mllM from Portland: May term. $18.800 Tba bMt farm for tbe price In the valley; 320 acres ohok-e land; buildings alone cost $10,000; $8,000 can remain at per cent far long time. Thla piece Is worth $30,000. t. rUCHS. 221 Vk Morrison St. A SNAP. 18 acres. R8 in hlxh stats of cultivation. 1$ acrea la bearsrdsm ; n better bind for gardening; balance easy to clear; close In; $2,750; $1,000 CMh. LIND ft CO.. 328 Lumber Exchange, Be toad aad Stark ata. SMALL FARM FOR SALE TS acrea, M la cultivation, 12 screa old Slops sad 10 bo". U "ell polled and '. wired, aoosl himhnaM. . all fenced, fair house and barn, family orchard, 1H miles to good town, some pasture snd timber, all stood laasa. well sDcaceo. nere is s usrgain; 2 crops of bops at the preMnt price will gay for ths oIsm; this Is a bargain at $8,000. In quire of WARREN- ft STATER. McMlnnvllle, Oregon. SMALL fruit farm. 46 acrea, 10 In cultivation. suitable for all kinds of rrait and berries Address Eatacsda, or Route 1, Box 48. HITW la this for a bargain? 44 acrea of as fins una as you ever saw; an acres in man atats or cultivation; riant on tna u. w. r. ' electric line, between Eagle creak and Eats Mda; $75 par acre. Address U IS, Journal. 6 ACRE tracts. 8 miles from center of elty. 1 mils fa) railroad atatlon: fin soli, no rock or grsvrl: wster piped to each tract under 40-foot pressure ; water free; $100 to $200 per acre, on very easy terms. Barer ft Miller. 404 East Alder st. FOR SALE Good prosperous wheat farma In Morrow county, on railroad. $20 per acre: might take some trade. W. A. Laldlaw. SIT Commercial bldg.. Second and w Phone Main HI 20. A SPECIAL BARGAIN 90 acrea, nearly all cleared, rlcb land, fine t-stoiy house of 7 lsrge reams, young besting orchard of 350 trees, M tons hay In barns. 8 head good milk cows, good cresm Mpsrstor. 1 bone, nsw wagon, hay rake, t hogs, rood fences, plenty wood, aa ldMl dairy farm just outside city limns. church, public or high school mile to either wle; good road river of tide wster, good fishing snd pleasant boat riding to town, tbe county Mat of Lin coln county: price, $4,000. CALDWELL ft CO., Philomath. Or. THIS FARM LOOKS HIGH. RUT IS CHEAP $3.850 54 acre model farm, 1 mile from college st Newbsrg; 1-8 essh. balance eaav If yea waat to re use good crops snd children with education, yon will buy It when you . FUCH8, 221 H Mocrteon at. FOR SALE Ry owner. IM acrea good bunch , grsss lend, eaatern Oregon; fenced. 120 acrea In caltlvstlon. cabin, good roads, good school, 5ood market, dslly msll st door; $2,000. rms; will tsks Portland or Newberg prop erty, or horses or cows for part, llesth, 1080 Msrylsad are.. Portland. FOR SALR Beaverdam Mnd fcr raising onion. 3 miles from market: predaeed 300 sacks of onions to tba acre thla "rear. Address Agent Psdflc Express Co., Vsneoaver. Wash. DAIRY FARM. 238 seres, ebesn; fine wster. TlttlMl'SU.H A iiuwk.v Phone Woodlswn 202. 848 Miaatealppl A vs. T8 ACRE ranch; beautiful location, on Colum bia river, opposite Lstourell Falls; bostland Ing. acbool, telephone and R. F. D. close. Address V Tf. Mrs Journal. 890 ACRF8 agricultnrsl land. 8 mllea wsst of I'rlaeelils, 2 mltea from railroad ssrvsy, for ule ar axebaoge, by owner for modern boum In Portland. V 43, care Journal. FOR SALE 10 seres rich Isnd. all clesr. with Urge bsrn. 1 mils from S. P. depot. 2 mtlee from carllne; 8500 down, bslance on terms to aull. with per rent. Address T 58, JournsL $1,80020 ACRES Sne land, all In cultivation. bouse, nam. orcbsrd and email fruits, good water. R. F. D., on milk route; an Idesl dairy snd chicken farm W. L'unsou. 88 Sixth at.. Portland. Oregon. 1 MINES AND INVESTMENTS. THE J C. IRK COMPANY H1UH-CLAS8 STOCKS AND B0NDR We are always lu the market either to buy or Mil any active mining or Industrial stocks. It will pay yon to get our price. W. H. DONAHUE. Mgr. Brokerage Dept. 18-20 Lafayette Bldg. IP Inclined to become interested In gold and copper mining atocka snd mining, full In formation and psrtlculsrs concerning tbe best properties In that line In the atatM of Ore gon sad Wsahlngton ran he obtained by In quiry st room SOT AUsky bldg. lOEI'R D'ALBNE MININ0 STOCK I am alwaya In the market either te buy or Mil aay active mining atock: loans msde aa any listed securities. T. P. BROWN. Ml McKay bldg. TIMBER. sa-k-eMassi "W L -a Timber WANTED AC once, all the claims wa can get at snap prices. We hare ever $200, 000 rssh st our dlspoMl tor Immediate pur chases. If you want to sell at a reaaonable priM eee at st once. Schnyleman & Co. Rooms 3435-84-87. 287 Vs WMhlngton at. TIMBER lands la Crook. Lake aad Klamath eountlM, from IS to 28 south, have been cruised and the cash ta ready ss sooa as saa be delivered; come and see or write ua. stating sxsct location and pries: large or smsll tracta considered: we elan handle timber te Douglas aad Jackaoo oounttes. Lafayette Realty Co., SIStt Washlagtoa St., room 13. M ACRES of timber lend. 2.000.000 feet spruce, fine quality ; 500.000 fMt hemlock aad order, oa good tocglng atream. near Astoria; price $2,800. Call oa i. S. Taylor, 318 Msrqnsm bldg CERTIFIED scrip snr slse pi eras; loweet prices. W. 0. Howell, 888 Chamber of Com et- MTVtl Tfm i her lands, tracts of 5.000 seres ; lsrge trscts preferred. Don't you can deliver deeds. Ad eI-(..1 It 1 1 T .mm .1 end imwintf ' answsr ubIsm vou rsn Eastern capital, k l HORSES, VEHICLES. HARNE8S HORSES and buggies fcr rent by. day. wssk and month: special rstre to do Sixth ami Hawthorne. East 72. FOR SALE Fine dapple-gray team. 8 yMrs old. weight 2.800. sound and gentle. Pbons Scott SINGLE EXPRESS outfit, stand First sad Cray. Parses Pacific 781, FOR SALE Sorrel mere, weight 1.000, trae, sound snd dty broke; ateo light wagon and harness. $188. See them at ail Hlbhard at.. Monravllla. FOR SALE Two S-yearrdd horMe. 1,880 snd 1.480 pound, respectively. Inquire at Clave land bare. Fourth aad Aakeny ata. rOI SALE Four lare canopy lop nush-esrts. awed aa aew; wUl Mil caaap. 340 Water at. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. IMPROVED homestead rellnqulabsaeate $100 te SSSO part trade or work. One claim ISO seres good boBM. fencing and barn; 88 seres alashed 10 cleared, on county road, free mall delivery, ecboolbonse U telle, enough ehittlm on claim te pay for M If marks!.: would make One dslrr far. Also 8o seres of .rich deeded land n per sere, om third rash 8100 per year. W. C Pardla. Ada, iswte Ceanty, Oregaa, FINANCIAL ADS ft TUTOR, BAJTKIRS CaVtoMtead Tro assists a OaasrsJ Baaklasr Baal sbss tsrme L.ttera at sswdit I is 1 1 svsllsble Is Bar aas t.nM.'-t: lasasTaa. ParU. Berlla. Fraa V. .nanSU VTISilhn MSB OB WV rrsnctsco saa FrsBhfort. DsskgkaaiB. M MXRCKAJTTS' RATIONAL BARK. POET J- FRANK WATBON Presides! I R W. BOTT Cukl Of I HI Baahlag Bustnsas. Drefts AU Part al the World. f TRTTEB STATES NATIONAL BARE OF PORTLAND. J NortbWMt Coraer Third snd ssuMem a ueasrsi Banking Business. 1 United State si bm iA.kou aad 'algmt J. a AIRSWOBTH I VIm President . LB A BARNBB . AaaUUBt Cs skier BABKIBB' ft LUMBERMEN 8 BANS For Commercial aad ss rings depertmaat. I lertera at eesan . ki- I- n -ps VLJS!Li Pv.aldsat TRI BANE OF OAZXrOBJTTA EataMsshed 144 Head Ofaaa, Baa Fiaasaiii, Oallfse-tA. Caaltsl paid ep $4.00.OM Sarpbss sad undivided JptvsSta. 11 ' naming ana Bxrnsnve mtsiaeM 'irsnMCtea. inisren on u - e SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Arcoaats mar be opened of $10 sad spwsrd. Portland Branch Chamber af Cemmerrs BssO daaa. A. MACRAE Maaagar I 2. T. BUBTCBABLL Aaaaataat Maaa FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4F PORTLAND. OREOOB. Baalgaatad Depoettovv and FlnaoHal Agent of the Usdted 84 to. Prestdeat A. L. MILLS Caahler J. wTMRWJJM Asalstsat Csaaiar W. C ALVOBD Second Aaaaataat Cash lev BV r. aiav-r.- Latter af Credit Available In Europe end the tester State sag. sad Telegraphic Transfers sold aa Maw York. Boston Chiangs. St. a. lata Frsnclsco sad tbe prtaHpal points la fa. Fuiaesa. atsrht Bxehe t- Patl. Omaha Tana Frsnclsco aad tba principal points ta the I Bight and time bills drswn la sums ts Mil oa London. Part. Bar' siongxoag. Tskabsasa. Copsaaago. Carlatlaals. TRUST COMPANIES. hlBTTAND TRTST COMPANY OF ORXOOM RESOURCES OVRR Sl.TKO.000. Qeners'. bsnklng. 2 per cent Interest oa Chech account (even bundrede) on dslly bslsneM of $500 or over. Latter of credit aad axebang aa jg nf tba world. Ssvtnss accounts. Ttase certincstes. $ to 4 par mb4 short- J apsstal Darts certincstes $500 or over. SU to 4 net cent. ReafBMet Coraer third aad Oak Streets. Phone Private sis, to per cons, is 1 1 snr sseoa es uv.,p..-i Third end Osk Streets. Phone Private Bxchaaga TR 2K"'-COBM President I H. n Lgg rAOaTT Bseretary I 1. ' ECTJRITT SAwvwaa a esme . TraaMrts a Oaneral Baaklasr BustaaM. en Time end Ssvtnn Accounts. Acts ss Credit Available la All F. ADAMS. a, as. ad VI ce llo. F. BUI fX MORTGAGE IDARARTXB ft TRUST Transacts s Oenrral Banking Bast SMS. uepartmeBt: 4 par cent Interest allowed, CAPITAL , O. W. WATERBURY Elks' Temple. Seventh . ' Presldsat V R LOGAN HATS. assT Btsrk Street. Hoe N 3RTHWF8T1RN GUARANTEE ft TRUST Lsmbsr Excbsngr S. I. Corner Second nariT, agent for State, county. Meatetpat and Corporation Boarta aad aaanced. Moem aad TITLE OUARABTFI ft TRUST COMPANY 840 WASHTNOTOM MttBTGAGB LOANS oa Portlaad Reel Batata at Lowrat Rate. Titles Ism red. Abstrscts Fai Blabs d. I TRORRTtBN ROSS President I 'NO. R. AITCHISON . . GEORGE H. HILL Vie. President ) T. T. BURKHABT. .. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS BROTHERS Chambsr of Comma t . Mas let pal rsOroad aad DOwTfTNO-HOPKIMS COMPART Establish sd STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought Private Wire. ROOM 4 CHAMBBB 'ME 1, C. LIB COMPANY-11-20 Laferette Brokersgs Department Sm Ua Beta Bayiag or Selllag Stocks OUTS J. WILDE HOME TELEPHONE Member I'nrtlsnd Stock Kxchange. Comer sixth and Washington Streets. PorBsnd, Of crbeck. Starr & Cooke Co. RAI. PROVISIONS. COTTON. STOCKS AMD BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY C 0HMISSI0M RUSIMESR Markets by Private Wire. Quick S ere. sad United Ststre Ns BARTER AND EXCHANGE. 10 ACRRR 8 acrea orchard. 1 acre shrubbery. T-room boom and bath, water piped to house aad mllkhouM. big tank, gaaallae ngle. water piped to Irrigate: god barn, full of bay; 500 parsons; 100 cbl-keM, borae. 2 rows, buggy. 1 H miles from Canby. SB from Portland: $8,500; wUl trsds for boum sad lot la Portlaad of equal value. BEVBR ft MILLER, 404 East Alder It A SPECIAL new. Marlia repeating shotgun and esse; mat $75: will Mil or exchange for .jjlmMM fB i i ns?' n" J"urP1' POR SALE LIVESTOCK. 8 FRESn cows for sale. Phone last 41 Mil at Mnutavtlla. 41T Oread are., Rearnef. FOR SALE Good cow. 4 years old, fresh 2 months. CsU 1MB Meat are. 12 COWS. T cans, wagon sad routs; It. 248 Madison St. FOR SALE Freab milch Mw for $27. at Id 18th St.. Sell wood. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT bargain ssle household furniture, con sisting bedsteads, springs, mattress, pillows, blsnkets. comforts, spreads, sheets, slips, carpets, linoleum, msttlng. tabtes. chairs, rockers, lounges, pillows, kitchen tressuraa, cook aad heating stoves, gas ranges snd heat ers laaaa. cooking utensils. wardrobM, fold ing bed; sll In good order. Call Taesdav Thursday. Saturday, from 10:30 to 3:80. 154 RbbmII st. FOR RALE Furniture of 4-room house. 8-hole ateel range, all (or $00; ateo light covered spring wagon, $28. Call 153 Baker. FOR SALE Office furniture, eonalatlug of roll top deak. chairs, couch, carpet, etc' See the property st room 4. 303 H Waahlngtoa at. Turner ft Walker. WE bay. Mil or trade aav old thing. Tbe Peo ple's Furniture Boum. il$tt Front St., tornor Salmon. Tel. Mala 4280. SEWING-MACHINES bought. Mid. exchaagrd, 85 aad up; ateo rented. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 827 WMhlngton st. BOOKS bought. Mid and exchanged at the Old Book Store. 228 Yamhill at. BILLIARD AND POOL tabla for real ar tor sale on eaay patmenta. THE BRUNSWICK-BALK! COLLENDER CO. 48 Third st., Portia sd. i $ SAVE Y0C CASH. Trade at 'The Dollar" $: furniture. atovM. art squsres matting. 2BB First. Main 0374. $$$$$$! WE print your Bam oo 50 calling Mrds. proper sIm sndT style. She; 880 baatnes cards, $1. A W. Behmsle Co.. 288 First. Portlaad. Or. WE need rural tare aad will pay fall Mine. Phone Perlfle 783. Westsrn Salvage Co.. 827 Wsshlnx ton st. CHBRRT TREES of the only orlgnal parent tree. Ua new eberrr. the Giant; BrsUteM tree. Julius KaUlck. Woodlawn. Oregon. 2 BAR FIXTURES, pooltabla. ah, table. aeWsalssps WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 827 Washington at. 80 SLIOHTLT damtged sewing machines at very low prlcM: Slfursr. Wkcjler ft Wilson DomMtlc. Wbllte.IouMbold. Uto and others: to mske room for new stock Wheeler A Wilson aad Singers. 8. S. Big el. 888 Mor rteon St.. Msrqnsm bldg. TIll $. SS Jlrat J Hofaratebera. $ ARTISTS' Materials. plcturM aad framing. I. H MoorhouM ft Co.. SM Alder st. FRESH oysters delivered te aay part af elty. Ring Lm. 2TI Taylor at. annUTia counters, flxtarea. boagbt. said or ricbangeu. Waablngtea st. Western Bsivsge ue., san Psrlflc 70S SHOWCAUR aad flxtarea. aew sad aauaad haad. Car teen a asusxraaa, m HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure care for rheumatism. Bold by all druggists. SOME furniture for sale cheap, beds, chairs, st. 808 Mala sne.s. tlililSS t ill FOR BALI CHEAP A gesolln. traction woad ssw, In first claM shaps. eesrly aew; saa sawing wood wttn it Dsvla. 843 Garfield era.. 8408 MEW arartght pla Mate, aaatoVre.' nil DOLLAR baa Luanfuraa 1n$ . 7 ,, T asaaT or phoaa l aloa awtf. BANKS. as 188RJ nee. Cells sejsais ssowism sow em". Ysftsaama Maalki LARD. OREMM. fbss Pt'WSsaj R. L. DURHAM. OBOBGB W. HOTT sad Letters of Credit Is tsiiasiaiBs a s'v ORIOOR. Oah attract st iu r im iwuau -., Manila. Callartssaa Made ea PaMMbte Cash lev a Assistant feebler visa A. M. WEIGHT tlaad. Oregaa. Corner Slusal aad Marfe .tree. ntereet peld oa aavlaga socaaata. Draft a aad e ts. wovM B. 0. HEARS tin. FrsakfH aa thsj Stockholm. St. Tba OlAest Trust Oomysny ta Call for Book of L. PITTOCR 0. OOLTRA SAVINOB DEPARTMENT. IaTtar. .ausrwssa. Trust es for Bets tea. Drafts aad Lettaas at Parte of ths World. B. 0. JUBIIR Assails at Bssritery CO RTF ART BANE. Intersat Paid aa THaa compounded erusr "d" .' " MiillB $100,000. m SB isatsttl SXStaat Secretary Mala 184. Open fatweday CO MP A NT Portland, Oregaa- and Stark Streets corporations. Bought aad Sold. Mew entorprisM i boasxs gasjajrtesd. Bldg. pabtts aarrlse corporsttea 1883 BROKERS. aad Sold tar Caeft aad aa Margie. of COaTHRRCR rwaa Mate Sf- Bldg.. Portland. Oregoa. U W. Donahue. Msnager. or Caa Alwaya ROMDS BANK STOCKS. Oregoa. )0 rtT? Service. REFERENCES Ladd ft TlrToa. 1 Bask af Portland. POR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IOR SALE A sued cook stove with I Mat lata snd wnrmlng cloeet. Pboae Wooauwa 844. MAM, sot acquainted with oar box paper; 34 paper. 24 vavslopes, nod, rn fancy box. 10c; pos Lag. Sc. A. E. Bens. Amsterdam. N. T. FOB SALE Valuable collection eat corns X 73, csrs Journal. FOR SAIJC A caah register. 271 First tf. PERSONAL. PRESERVE your hah-; scientific tree t men; dandruff and eesems positively cared; grey or fsded bslr restored to nsraral color with out the um of lesd or dye: French fan treat ment, nanlcorlng. Lofldna Sanitary Parlors, aulte 28-24 Seliing-Hlreeh bldg. 10th aad Waahlngtoa. Phon Pacific 8458. BIKINI PILLS ear all forms of Bervoas ar muscular west usee. gar axea ar evwsa. Price $1 a box, 8 boxes 88. with full ajnar sntee. Addreae or call J. G. Cleraeneon. jknm. gist. Second sad TsstalU yta. Portland. Or. A. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIRR. apart fitter, tare remodeled. repeated east nit. u or nns for sll fsmsls Fast Belmont, rncae East wh. DR. O. V. KETCHUM dtseexee. ktdasy. aas female troublM. Call or write. its. Offlcs 17JVA Third at., cor. TamhllL Phoaa Pacta 22281 s 'Y man op woman can be by using seilne rius, xae sruai Bl s W. o o.". my, Address or call J. A. Ctemeaaaa. draawjat. cor. Second aad TamhUl ate-. Porttead; Or. W11S IS they cur aervousnsM snu mmm i-m swsi price 80c a boa. 8 boxes $2 60 ; gsarsmteed. All drugglata, or addreas Brooke Drug OB.. 8Y North Third St., Portlaad. Or. HOLD ON There te oa thing that wtO cava ., tm. Asueetet roe ssasw. tonle or addraas or call J. O. Cteasc druggist. Portlaad. Or. r i.eM-s saanstiein Ctrl rheumatism, bom oy ui ursaa"i TI'RKISH BATHS. 800 Oregonlsa Mda.l sad dare, gentlemen n ignis, bus as DR. BINO CHOONO, Importer China aaa8 medlclBM; ulls ChlaeM tea, eertslo care tar sll disease. 181 2d. bet. Yamhill aad Tailor. "THE ADVENTURESS," "Iweet Danger." "A Marriage In High Ufa." "TweajT Tear Hua'llng." "Prlaoaor of leada, "A awelal Lluo," 60 cents eseh. A. W. Ban mate Oa., 228 First at. SUITS pressed while you wait, 50c. Ladtee' skirts prisaiu, Beit te Quelle skirts pressed, 50c Gilbert, 108H Sixth st.. PHYSICAL culture, all brancbM. aad maessgei Individual aad elsea Inatruetloa: private bate treatment If desired. Tbe Ringlet Seaeet. 8SB Aider at Phone MaU 188L TOUR ahcea shlned free of charge at the Model Bar bar -Shop; shaving lac. MANLY vteor reatored by Dr. Roberts' Mere Olobttes. One month's trMtsaeat. IS: I axetbs, 88; seat aaearet MiJff--!- Agents, woowarw. vourae m vs .. Portlaad, Of. BEST magaalae clubs ever offered; Mad fat I noes; agents wanted. Jooee BeOS Store, l Alder at.. Portlaad. Or. MOLES, wrlnktea. superSuous hair psTiS No charge te talk it over. R,m SBl llledoer Bldg RECENTLY opeaed mxnlcurlng parlor: lad and gentlemen. Sfil Morrises St.. ream VI AVI CO. Lewie kadsi.. talks to women Thursdays 30 p. m WRRFOOT OH Rteekia MVM the testXsse; ea eolately watersseof. " -I EVERY mother aboabl Me WeMsst Oil k.r heis' shoSSr. BSlW tbSM WSMt. asstef and they wear esr iwies mm LADIES Dr. Saadaeaaa Oiasjliiil RaeSh CMtaa Boot PI Us; as bsst snd ml mil sUVaf UHf Porttead. oregoa. York, WeMiasresss. lelOBiBI. axra.M' si Sear). T0UN0 lady gtsM ssaVstea U8M888al $8ai f9 Fourth, eoeuer WMsa8a. j 8Haj I BS B.