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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 31, 1M. HEW TODAY. New Office New Bargains la our new office we Invite our pa tron to ceil for new bargain and price. Every customer will tell you that all deal passing through our of floe ha realised them from 10 to 60 par cent Increase In prices paid in the last six months. We have others Just as good, and we can suit you la city prop arty, residence or business, acreage, farms or timber land. Brace Wolverton none a, 341. Are Ion Sdfisfied WITH 18 PER CENT? Fine corner in Albina, 50x100; new 2-ftory store building, rented to good tenants, brings $80 a month; owner says let it go for $8,000 Apply to Ellis, stabler & Lanken Rooms 80-21 Cambridge Bldg. 884 Morrison St., S. W. Corner Third St. IRV1NGTON $5800 9 Rooms and Attic Atetural fir finish, fireplace, furnace. Targe closets and balls, large toilet, bathroom, folding doors between par lors, also between back parlor and dining-room, largo pass pantry, massive granite pillars, largo shade trees, fine brass electric and gas fixtures, window shade and screens; one block from car. Built two years if o for a home. Others are asking 17.000 for aamo style of house. Don't fall to see this. C. C. SHAY ACREAGE adjoining large at th -grade Mhoolkouae; ran stag water oa each let, all level, ta high state ex- eatttrsttoa: worth WOO to saw per sgre; now offered far f 190 per acre. In stallment or 2 to 8 years' tits. Schuyleman & Co. Bombs S4-86-g-S7. 227 Wsshlagton at. Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Company Lumber Baohang-s Bias;. ( Second Floor) S. B. Oar. Boooad and Stark Bt. RIVER FRONTAGE Five acres at Gladstone, Oregon, on Clackamas river. One mile from O. W. P. Car Una. On acre clear, balance in small timber; on 8. P. railway. This small tract will make an Ideal poultry or fruit ranch. for For Sale! ( PQOPfDTT Two lota on northwest corner of 14th and Alder streets, running 1(0 feat on Alder and B0 on 14th street For price and terms, sea Parrish, Watkins & Co. ISO Alder Street. R. HAS MOVED FROM lit SECOND BT. TO 226 Stark Between First and Second Real Estate, Loan s and Insurance PHONE KXCHANQB Ta CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct list of Oregon and Washing ton farms, fruit, grain, hops, potato and stock growers, number in family, ages, etc. Call or write ua for prieea. Rural Directory Co.. ft Fourth street. 34 MILLION PEBT OF LOGGING TIMBER On the new railroad, northwest of Hill boro. GOOD OROUND. PRICE 7iC' 1 YEARS TO REMOVE TIMBER, Ad dress W. F. SLAUGHTER. 817 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Tel. Main llf. NOB HILL 10-room houae, corner lot, TM Irving treat 11,000; very eaay terms. aAibee Benham Company Ooaoord Bldg. GOOD BUSINESS INVESTMENT Bight In the heart of east side, for $4. 000 This is on of the few hardwood Baaaafacturtng plaata in the city axad is a money-maksr. a s PABsass oo. Bono Main Mil. NEW TODAY. Strength and Character Mark the 4 TV km meat and growth of the "OLDEST TRUST COMPART IV OUOOI." Now la the twentieth year of Its ex- One of It many Talnabl feature to thla coram unity I the SAVINGS BANK DEPABTMBNT, paying par east iateroat per annasi oa Saving Accounts, gverr all month Interact I sAned to principal a4 thl mooy begin to earn interact. Call or writ for free booklet of "tU-USTaATIOgS," IN BUSINESS 90 TBAJtg. PorffofldTrust Company of Ore;on a a Comer Third and Oa Su. Phone Exchange 79. BBNJ. I. I'OHKN . H. L. P1TTOCR.. B. LBE PAGET. .. J. O. OOLTBA... Vic President . Secretary Aeawtaot Secretary CAST OET TOO 10 PER CENT 50 PER CEkT OB riMT FATSMT, Annually, taking lease on the 70 acres of Hood Rivet's best apple land; SI acres In apples. Kaln 9004. Concord Bldg. HAWTHORNE AVENUE 8-room modern dwelling and 4 lets 97,000 10 lots all close to are 93,000 1 lot or ave. at 42d at SOO S lota near ave. otr 4 Id st, each. 8850 4 choice lots in South Sunnystde, from 9675 to 97OO 100x100 in South Bunny side. . 91,500 Hartman & Thompson CHAMBER COMMERCE. HOMEvS IRVINGTON LOTS ALBEE BENHAM (OMPANY 004. Concord Bldg. Hotel, tt rooms furnished, city, to 140 acres timber and nrnharil 1A White Salmon valley. Trout Lake, and homestead relinquishment. for sals oneap. tj. tt riwiUTT and J. A Sireun, AHorneya-at-Ldiw. ulkay building. Room 4, New Home West Side North of Washington, lot 10x100; 9 large rooms, substantially built and first-class In avetv particular; part cash, balance eaay terms. See this elegant uuine owzure Duying or minding. FBdtn a xnro, 004 Commercial B'k., Id a Washington BUT,!, BIiOOX PORTLAND HEIGHTS COBBXBX.OT ALBEE BENHAM COMPANY 30O4. Concord Bldg. WEATHER REPORT. A troaxh Of relativalr low nreeanra mrh the Inter moon tain a tat, and In conaeqoene light rain has fallen aloag ttw Waablngton eot, sad rloady weather prevail everywhere "b u racjxic nope, in man prnr area yastsrdsy ever th tnlddl Mlwoorl valley la aww ssarrsi ever us lax regloa. Thla high I'aaal are, la of areat magnltnd and tt con trol th weather nearly all of tb atatca eat of the Rocky moontain. Over thl wide xteni ox territory tern per, tor are below 1 mal and frost here occurred In the interior SS tar sooth a, Little Bock and Atlanta Local rain are rporxa in ootnrn lexaa. aad rata sad anew have oeearred la the tStdOle Atlantic and Mew Bnglsad itate. The hidlrsilssa an tor sittled weather to- aigni ana 1 nuraaay in 11 alstrtct, with oc stasal rata. t will be warmer tonight. uaen-ranoB taaen ti s . .. Pacific tlra -TBD Max. Mln. Precln. Baker Olty. .. 00 :i .. TB .. 72 .. S4 .. 67 .. 60 .. 44 ew JO Boston, a. xfchett. . . AO Chicago. IUtsofs Dnvr. Colorado tines Olty, tflssbarl. .. Loe Anaalea. California. 84 88 82 64 12 .0 i 'I 0 T. .0 A .0 T. Hew Oraaea. Loalilsaa... New Yerfc. New York Portland, Oregon. , .-. , Boaebnrg, Oregon St. Loflla, hUssoarl Salt Uke, Utah San Francisco, California . Sooksaa, Weh Ington Tacoma, Waahlngtmi Wall Wan, Waahlnrtoo. Wsshgsgtsa, D. 0 42 SO 44 62 80 42 42 OT 02 so 08 88 .01 T. .10 BIRTHS. BLAKE October 20, to Mr. tad Mr Arthur U Blake, 414 Union event INSINUER--October g, to avenne a hr.v MIN81 NOER October 8, to Mr. ami Mrs. W R. Mhulncer. 420 North Twerr-flrt iri WHITMORIt -October 8. to Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Wbltnor. Woodstock, s girl. SMITH October 10, to Br. Snd Mrs. S. a Smith. Section Lin road. hoy. DAVIS-October SO t Mr. a ad Mr. Charlea J. Davi. Good Samaritan noapltal. girl. SHERWOOD -October 28. to Mr. and Mra. Benjamin V. Sherwood, male twlna. RONALD October 28. to Mr. and Mrs. Carea S. Ronald. 070 Bast Yamhill, a girl. MILLER- October 20. to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford . aauter. aeiiweoa, girl BROWN October 27, to Mr. nit Mia P t.r Brown. 240 Monroe. atrl. BLANCBARO October 17. to Mr. and Mr. rred C. Blanch. rd, 800 Moatiomery. a atrL DEATHS. S7NOBIA-OctotMr S." Sophia Snndell," 76 year, renamoutn, aortic regorgtutlea. SxtTBT October 27. TH H. E. Bstey. ! yrs, flesd SsmsriUn hoaglul. typhoid fever. KILLER -October 20. Charlw HllUr. 00 year. Bvergreen aanltarlum, sorts sraistos cleeo- SUTTON October 20. Marlon F. Satton. 00 years, Bt. Vincent' bo pit!, cancw of eeSM, BlEMANN October 28, Viol, It Blemaab. tt year. 222 Market, tobarcokwl. MALLBT October 98. Michael Mallsy, SS rear,. SB North Sixteenth, enemla LU1B October 27, Henry Lalg. 70 year. St. Joseph'. LBT O for Barl1'! cote nepbrltla. -iHL r,d' polnwoiry tnbrcslast. BOBOa OctohOT 27. 8imal A. Boggi, tt year. on ataamer llaaaalo. arm torn off BIXM -October 20, Johanna, Blum. 8 yearm. 700 Boday avensa. trumatlc peritonitis. wtSTTT October XT, John Olnty, 71 years, 400 BAK M.rket. MARRIAGE LICENSES. i - i i i. . -i t t. -, I WUltam K. Oonuell. tM Csrataer a tree t. 91; Lacy I. Wily IS. , Grant W Beach. 4$V Flr (treat. SO; Ida nwa .1 E. B. Outcher. Moatsvtlla. Oregon. 44; hire. Ann Oral. l. Jmbos H. Beoee Jr.. sag Twelfth afreet. 99; tiara B. Jstgnss. IS. . Lrl Hi. . gl Wllllasts srsnue, IS; heM SW BaaasL If SfJB. 11. Betsey CbJ I gossan, SL turd Clark, 8 side, Oregon. M; There. . lees, io. J. A. Puree 96 Su St A eh street, tf; Slmpaou, SB. Ueorge a Porter, 17; Margaret A. Orel-. Ueorg U Stawson, 98; Ida Cstof. M. W. D. Prltchard, 20; OUdya Stlbnry. rred Klacsld. 27; J sen I Maaber, 27. 10. ' O. Barber, florlai ; flowering, decorative (iMua, artieiic rural aesign; expert mm ming ana planting of bush and tree. SU vacoBVr . Phone Eaat 8870. Weaata Card w. o. iia a m Via. lagtaa bHg., ear. Fourth and Washington at. Wedding ant printed. B. T. celling card snaraved or Bosh ton, 222 H Waeilagtea t. Full dree salt for rent, ell alee. Tailoring Co.. SO Stark at. Union. FUNERAL NOTICES. 0RUPY October SO, 190. at the lata riUw. 1504 Preaoott at.. Prank Cnipy, aged g year. 11 month and 28 day a. rrleoda ire rwpvet fally invited to attend tbe funeral services, which will be bold at Holmaa'a chapel, corner Third and Salmon at., at 10 . m.. Tburaday. November 1. Interment Multnomah cemetery. HANSEN In thla city. October SO, IMS, at 037 Eaat Grant at.. Math If. Hansen, aged 10 year, 10 month, and 21 day. Friend and acquaintance, are reapectfnlly melted to ftoad tug) funeral services, which will be held at Finlee A Son's ehan.1 . .A . mm Tburaday, November 1. Interment Rlvervlew cemetery. UNDERTAKERS. Dunning, McBntee Otlbaagh, undertaken ana emoaimere mnoeru in every detail. Seventh oa nut. mgio w. i.aa altst. A. a Heawtock, undertaker and embatmer Bat Thirteenth and Umatilla are. Phone Sell- wwi ii. Erlckeon Undertaking Co.. and embalming. 402 " -mibiu 0,00. Lay ibb latent . J. P. Ptnlay A Son. Third and Madtoon ata. uiuce o, county coroner, rnon Main a Clarke Bros.. Florlata Fine flowers floral dealgna. 288 Morrlaon at. Edward Holmin, undertaker. 220 Third st BXVXBVTBW OXBZTXBT. Stnsie crave. 210. ramlle Inta ars n a, eon oniy cemetery m l'ortiand which per petually msxBtits snd carea for lota Per fall uiiormauoa appiy ro w . K. Haekenel Wnr tr block, clfy. W. M. Ladd. preldent. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Kewlaad sad wife to Thorn,, . lot 14 and 13 fmmt nt ,h .......,. T"mi.Sfi'"ua la tot 14 oa th north. ta Hlllcreat ,f a, 800 Albert CUveland and wife to Lola Ach tol 1 ,nd 7- lf'Dg sooth and eaat rly of th right lot way of Portland Railway company, and that part of lot 0 lying eouthoaaterly of ald right of . wy and lying westerly of ast Us of aid lot T. extended all In Kla m Oreenway 2,880 lame A Foliett and wife to Chartaa vuu Sg't.Bdld4. p"tootfc Ml Coha to Oatta Onin '.mlmJ H of cut U of lot 7 ind 9. block 00. Car then' Addition to Caru there' ad dition; and th undivided u of lot 8. block 110, city , t- B. Whits sad wit to B 0. Ooodard. lot 8 and 4, block 44, Csrter' addi tion Jrry B. Broooogh and wife' to gV'la utherUnd. lot 20, block 7, Fir land ,0&S..- .B'sy ad wit to George to ilblmi ' (J00k', d,utl,' Anna Qraf to Tit I QuaVantee ft Trait uTrbU0. BiisiVS... B. M. Lombard and wife to W. J. Hoff man, lota 0 and T, block 2. Wild Row addltloa Bertha M. sad O. W. Hoaford to Art Ver tg. weet Vi of lot 9, block M. Tabor Height H. BlnShelmer to Henrietta c. .Coleman! , l?.t . block 2. Hart addlUon .. B. Nilta ind wife to Frank W. Toblaa nd wife, lot 17 and 18. block 2, ah dlTlalon of tract K, M. Pat ton Tract.. Ujl Nlcolal ind wife to Mm Henry Knight and wife, lot 18, block 4. Mendea Park . B. B. Noble and wit to Henry "a" Brwer. lot 10. block 12, Highland LM- si! ' Pray ' to' Manviil T. ChM, lot 8 block 2, J. C Scott ad dition h St. John B. L. Bterena. aherlff, to Jerry "Bro naugh, lot 20. block 7, F1rlnd A ,T. Hoggin sad wife to Clara Stewart, lot 10 and 20, block 21. Irv lngton , Brad g. By non and wife to John Stewart' lpu 11 and 12, block 1. Alberta sd- 1.828 1.000 600 ITS 1.011 2.400 N1 Abton' 'and wife' to' i.' 'i.' O'N.ii II na h. . zeu. aquar piece out of northwMt corner of Motion 18, townablp 1 aooth, rang 1 eaat. la northweet corner of John 81 Tin dona tion land claim, containing 6 acre . John Olnty to Catherine Olnty. lot 7 ind 8. block 48. BUdy7 addition; lo lot 8, block 93, Stephen' addition to Eaat Portland Addle Sehwarts to P. W. Petersen, lots ? "IL..18- isehwlv. block 11, Willamette addition Frank A. Myera and wlf to T. 8. Mc Denlel. lot 0, block 18, Olty Vtw Park Daniel Hay to Rita B. Pel ton, aooth U of northweet 14 of Motion 0, townablp 1 sooth, rang 8 eaat. except 10-acre tract Charlea 8. H Daman and wlf to Jeremiah O Leary, 14 8. block 4. Etlia 1. afnr phy' addition to But Portland A L Miller and wlf to Anna L. Bar nard, lot 10. block 2. Piedmont 1.700 2,400 1.178 P. R. Mitchell and wlf to E. 0. Couaena 10x126 feat beginning 10 feat eaat of northweet asrner of lot 17. block 10, William, Arenoe addition Ik Pnlnular bank to Peter Rood, aouth a ox lot o. bloc 4. oak Park addi tion to St. John, B a Ask and wife to Helen B. Raana, lot li, block 8. Lents ; Mary Phelps Montgomery to Edward D. Lillla. lot 20. block 11. original town alt of Albina 100 Richard William to O. F. Oeldea. let 10. block 2. Williams addition Richard William to Herman Henaan. ISO lota 12 and 18, block 0, William' addi tion No. S Arleti Land company to B. O. Benderion ana oniric Keoetock, lot 11, block 18, Arleta Park No. 2 TT? its Bart Hay and wlf to Chart A. Wtl- on, north 3S reet of lot 18 and 14, block 10. lubdlvlilon of Rlvervlew to Arbisa Prank and Id MeParlsad t P. C. Cre. well and wife, lota 11 and 12, block II I.. .JMMu IK UUH,V .11.11. 1, '11 Portland Troat Company of Oregon to w. r. ata, iota o, a, T. block 81. Trenwat Place 270 B. M. Lombard and wife to H. Witten berg, part of lot g and 7, block 48. Coach addltloa 7,700 M. A. North to Henry Donahue, lot S. block Bt. Willamette O. C Br, man and wlf to John Lntien- brger and wlf. beginning at north weet corner of lot 2, block 1, Central Albina, thence west 10 feet to north eaat corner of lot 11, thence aouth SO fact, thence esst 10 feet to eo thwart corner of let S, thence eaat 70 feet to weet Iln of Vancouver avenue, thenc north 00 feet to north Has of lot a thenc wt 76. 7 feet to ptsce af be ginning sere fnvtmat company to Marls Waginl, lota 1 and 2. block 46. Ver non I. Hartman et si. to Herman Bchmltt, lot 1 to 0, Inchulv. block 87, A. L. Miner , addition to 8. Johna 1.900 TOO Oeorg Good end wlf to Achilla Scgher, lot 8 and 4. block 0. Altos Park A. B. Breymaa et el. to W. P. Tobey, lot 0. block 1. Eastland 890 Security Saving Trait company to Herman Wittenberg, esst 401 feet of lots 0 ind 7. block 40, OMCh iddl tton Bowling Green Tract company to B. J. ArrTsoB. lot 0. block 48, Oouch ddl tlon B. Wlttenberi g snd wit to B. I. Mor- rkssa. esst 4014 feet of lots 0 sad 7. block 48. Couch iddltlon 12.000 Wilter P. aad Msry B. Walts to B. J. Morrison, ssst 46 toet of lots and T. block 48. Couch addition 1 Floyd H. Adam sad wlf to L. W. Dsrllng. lots 11 sad 19. block M, Sellwood 400 W R. Nona ind wlf to) 0. J. Joase. , lots 11 sad 19. block 90, North Irv ington 1,000 Bell Etto Inveator' ssciatloa to John U Brl, lot S, block a Ssllweod 180 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ueorje Klci Richardson to Denial B. Richard 44 feet off of treat aide of lot 0 and 0. block Tmii.1.1. 1(10 Moore lareetaxat cum pan to Emm A. 5U. ot 147bUk 47. Vernon William sad Mary Ana Randall to Victor Land company, lot 24, block 10. Tre moo Place: lo lot 00. block 28, Tre moat Place; a 10 lot IS. block 0. High land Park ; . . . . Thorn Brodlga to Mary Brodlgan. let 10, block 28. Cntr.l Albina Mary Phelps Montgomery to Henry Helaer. lots 0, 0. 7. block 14, original townalie of Albina T. C. Hoecker to Oeoeg A. Wuhburn. lot 0, block 0. Ke j atone addition .... Joseph M. Beelr to Bel Back, lot A 1.0 75 block US. cKy 7. 22.000 Psclflc Coait Biscuit company to Bowling Or a- Trait company, lot . block AS. Oouch addltloa 1 Qeorg Ooed to Jacob R. PoaUr, lot T, block 12, Alton Park 220 Arleta Land company to Kite Webster, lot 11. 12. 12. block S Arlata Park Kb. 7. 4. Mary Asa Watt to Oglashy Young, blocks 8, S; lot 1, 2. Y 10. 11. 12. block 1, Chicago Center 200 Per abstract, till lnsorsac or mortgage loana can oa Pacific Title Trust company, 20444-7 raiting building Oet you Inaurance and abstract to real aetata from the Title Ouarantee Trait com- peny, sou waablngton atreet. NOTICE. WBO ABB THBTt WHAT ABB THEY? Ooeae to the MODERN MACABBBBS' open reetiag Tkoraday. November 1, and they will tell TOO who the, are and what they are Hall Second and Morrlaon at., la Mulkey mag THBBE Will be a dance at BrlghSB' hall. La fayette. Or.. Satorday evening. November 0; muiic by the Lafayette oreheetra; good fli and order; admlaelon 60 cent, ladle, free good floor BAD THIS: Wan tod Two email children to board; good borne, motherly car: lowing fur nUbed. Call at 787 Bait 13th at, N. HEATERS repaired oa abort notice at Air-Tight but uo.. gri nrat. Phone pacific ill. EXCAVATING and grading. 0. E. Pottage, 480 Commercial at- Phon Bait 6190. MEETING NOTICES, ATTENTION NEIGHBOR Something Doing TONIGHT! BETTER COME WASBINOTON LODGE, NO. 40. A. I. A A. M. Special oommanlc tlon thla (Wednedy evening. 7:20 o'clock, Burkhard bldg. P. C. degree. Visitor welcome. By order of W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. M. W. A. EVERGREEN Camp. 6.400. meets Wednesday evening, Allaky blag.. Third and Morrlaon ata. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Mu,lc for all oc caalona; reasonable. Main 6608. or 40 Locrati. It. W. A, Oregon Orap Camp, No. 0.076, Mon day. 17th and Marshall; rlaltor welcome. LOST AND FOUND. POUND Stray black hois, whit spot on bead. wnite lert bind loot, no enoss. st 420 Sacra LOST On Sellwood ear. Monday evening, email fur containing anxau amount or money, lcketa, etc. Return to Journal office. Re ward. POUND A place to hare hair mattreaee, reno- vitea ana returnea ram day. 228 Front at. Main 474. Porta, ml Curled Hilr Paetory. B. Mtagr, proprietor. THE 'boy, who atol a bob wagon from 17th aad Taylor Monday night had better return at, or Buffer comwquencea. LOST Gold eun buret pin, between Eaat 20th and 'Waablngton, or Bast 29th and Hawthorn ave. Call Main 6848. Reward. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED At once. aUvebolt-cuttera; good pay. toadv work. appiy neaiern uooperag oo. 80S Btosrns Oregon. wog.. Port lend; or Houlton, Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. Free employment to our patrons. eaiy rax: noom, II xo up; roe board. 84 SO Bp. Anderaon. proprietor WANTED Sslssmen; many mat, 8100 to 6160 par month; aome even men; atock akaa; grown oa rewrvatlou, far from old orchard; caah advanced weekly: cholc of torritory. Addre Waablagton Narrary company, Tna pent, Waablngton. MEN AND WOMEN to learn barber trade In exgat wseas; graduate earn from 815 to 823 weekly, expert Infractors; catalogue free. Moler Sjatem ot College. IB North Fourth St.. Portland. work for our member; , pedal Y. U. 0. A.. Fourth and Yamhill. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper for poeltlon in mercantile ofttce; muat writ good hand and be accurate at figure. Addre a L 27, Jetirnal. O0ATTINI8HBR wanted at one Woolen Mill, Co.. Seventh and Stark WANTED Two or three flrat-elaa. all around machine men; permanent poeltlon. good wag. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co.. Moam road. WANTED Intelligent and active boy; pert omce ana pert out we wars; good prospect; good opportunity for boy now working to better hi poeltlon. Addree H 118. Journal iron i work roc s amsil sslsry; sss or ir writ propo!- rsanc aio association ror Hon, 224 Lumber Bxebsng. DBLIVERY boy wanted. Apply Portland Oyster Co.. 127 north nth st. WANTED Boys 10 yssrs or mors, to wrap soap. Apply st ractory Lock el King A Cske Soap Co., 848 Hoed St. BOYS, 10 or IT years of sgs. apply t Andnt' office Old. Wortmin A King tiperln AOBNTS WANTED To nil superior, high-grade nurry stock; complete outfit furnish d free: caah weekly; write today for cholc of torrl tary. Capital City Nursery company, Sslsm. Or. WANTF.D Young men to jprspsr for railway UMgrapn service : wag oo to mo per moots - ew. . , rw mm mm fw W WV Vmi 111 UO I O fsoor OomanP"rt rth" 'bid T,1sTPf . when fifth WANTED Solicitors on com m 11 Ion. Dye Works, 911 Fourth st. Portland CLERKS and carrier for Portland poatofflee: another special examination: ssvsrsl men wanted; file application today. See me m reaaru to preparation tor urn, a. E. How ra, oin aesu (ay bldg. SALESMEN for eurtilns and draperies, shw for aemiic; meat oa xpaneaeed. Olds, Wort- man A King. TWO eollcltoes on household goods; good re turn for few hours each dsy. 989 Third. WANTED As experienced concrete msn; oa woo is sdi n agar on contract; must b sno industrious, u it, care journal. LEARN to operate mo tlon pic tor machine If want to earn good aalary, eaay work, bv abort bears. For particular and term call t 146 H Sixth t., room 9. WANTED A man to take car of borne and workaround place. Apply bakery 114 Rns- WANTED Boy not over II year of sgs Cat writ Ssertsssd; good chance to advanc. Apply Western Cooping Co., log oxern sag., ciiy. BOYS with wheel. B King. Apply to Olds, Wortnan BOY wanted la grocery, ten at. OsR SOS Washing PABTNEB srsatl Addre la d la cash grocery; care Journal. nvestlgste WANTED -Bright her; good opporfaaity. US ncvmi st., room o. WANTED Mrs sad sutois to 2 60 pf dy. V 87, cars Joornll f CAMP 41 111 i- Vaf TA HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Cook f prlrate family, no walking: wauled cook la private family at Beettle. $40 et?. t snd aeeral at $25 and waitrasse. go and $96. and other good 5a. Hum Ladle' Agency. 165U fourth t., cor. Marram, spstsira. Msin 58SB. OsVPARLE WOMEN WANTED J' yon work, why not earn more than a Meleg' Be Independent; do good. The VUtI '""' snujtoys 12.000 women; the werk severe .20 COB trie of the world; we will entertain from capable women; a eanvaadag but helpful, dlgnmed work. WANTED Young people to prepare bookkoeoera au4 iUimmkiAm' themaalTe have bad fills line September 1; placed 260 la teat, Dy or ne win piece you wssa sosi night. Catalogu. wiar sap BOhfB LADIBS' AOBNOT. ISOts Fourth at., earner Morruaa. spatalr. t ItVom JB11Q BOeHL Aloagalde the X. MC. A. bldg. OIBLB WANTED Operators to werk on ihlrta anu overall. Lenoai given to lux apuiy at maouaru ractory o. a, and Eaat Taylor at. WANTED OirU to make "Bos of All" ovr- u at 7D , irat at. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, S4SH Wash Ington it., ear. Seventh, upstilr. rhoni iu mim. remaie neip wan tec. " laaiea wanted to aaalat making ay fancy work ipare time at horn; good steady Pf. no experience required. SM Pleldner oiug., an waaningtoa at. 01 RIA Chocolate dipper end packer. Aldoo v uu j viu., xuib ana uiiaan. WANTED Experienced body lroner; a toady em ploy mtnt. Oregon Laundry Co. Phone But 4. GIRL for light hooaework; S la family; good home; evening off whoa wanted. . Phon Main sow. WANTED Housekeeper, good cook: heat wages; no oDjcction to on cniia. A oar obi car Journal. WANTED Good woman, 820 per month: waahlng; live a on of th family. Call 111 oixtn it. pnona Main 174. J. ENKKLIS. 281 Alder St. Gtrta to ladlea' aktrti. EXPERIENCED girl for general wag; as 60S 1 Fourth at, near EXPERIENCED flnlibsrs on panto; good pay atcidy work. 828 fTaldner bldg. WANTED Teacher for Chlneae mlaalon. Ap- piy suets aeeoso St., st T o'clock p. m. OIRL for general houae work ta family of 2: work not hard, and the right girl can have a good bom. Addree Mrs. M. Talbot, 70S Mar shall at. Phon 8008. WANTED Ladle to teach Methodlat Chinee mlMloa evening school. Apply 247H Stark SL. 7:80 p. m. Phone Main 0784. WANTED Oirl to aaalat fa boo work: cooking. Call at 674 Hoyt at WANTED Girl for general houaework; 829 Benton at. will pay SO a week MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Flrat claaa lady and grnUcmcn ean- ii. , . j aua rannanm. US11 at Agency Bureau, 82 Fourth at., Portland, Or. HELP wanted and aupplud. male or female. R. a. Mra, n w, an ington at. Pacific 1870. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG msn attending basin colleae want place to work i or ooard and room. P 88, car Journal. WANTED By experienced youns man. do It Ion a, aaalatant engineer. V SS, cars Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE SITUATION ss hookper, city or country, by young woman with 9 children. 8 and 1 yean: good bom mora ot object than sslsry: glv full particular and wagea flrat letter Addre X 08, car Journal. WANTED Two or three children to take car of; none younger than 1 year. Addre J 81, cere Journal, or 100 East 20th st. WANTED By mother and son of 18, position ss osoks.. Tsl. Pacific 860. lira. I.. H. Cooper. TWO Swedleh girl want work In private tarn lie imm, an n..,... " WANTED AQENTS. WANTED Flrat-elaa, house-to-house solicitor: only responsible parties snd too aocuatomad to making 828 to 860 per week need apply. - Can 200 Goodnough bldg., opposite P. 0.. Tuesday, s to 10 i. m. MAN or woman to distribute sample and Ma ploy agents: 818 a week: expenses advanced; permanent. Zlegler Co., 221 Locust st.. Phila delphia. . AGENTS, peddlers, canraiaer and tret work er, get your supplies from R. M. Plummer. 900 Third st.; new goods, bottom price. WANTED Agents for a good article sag money-maker 874 Flrat at.. Portland. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging ramp and farm help pcllty. 20 North Second et. Phon Mela 6200. Bs pay all telegraph charge. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. 20 North second st. Phon Mils 1620. E PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO.. V MorrUon it Phon Pacific 990. ALPINE Employment Co., 906 Morrison St. am no simile help. Phone Main 1817. WANTED TO RENT. WANTBD TO RE NT House, eottsge, flat, store, office, rooming boo, etc. Land lords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OBBGON. Phone Ex. T2. 8. B. Cor. 2d and Oak. WANTEDREAL ESTATE WANTED- -Inside snd suburban property I cue ......... -..I uiuii u. i mmmm rami lavsstment Co., 822 Washlngto. eorser Sixth, 28, third floor. Tel. Msln 6282. BATB few thousand to Invest In Portland ln-come-bearlng property; ahow me; owner only. Addr T 87, ear Journal. WANTED To buy boos and lot, and also s vscsnt lot, la Stsvens' addltloa. B. J. Glr, 221 Morrison st. Phone Psclflc 614 A IF yon want quick remit list year property Ith F. Fuch, 221 MorrUon it. WANT to bay room hoe on nit side, north, close in. T 08, ear Journal. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED 11,000 for 8 jhii 0 per cent; good mym J , . - .. . . V, 1 1 1 , racurlty. Addrsss T 48, ri seuii Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED , i un. IFor Cash. UCTIO! Fumltor Furniture Furniture PORTLAND 911 First it. U0T1ON ROOMS. i non Hal sagg. HIGHEST pries psld for men's rsst-off cloth ing. Phon Pacific 40. Unci Jee, 69 Third. WE WILL BUT, SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 827 99 WASBINOTON. PACIFIC 708. WE WILL BUY your furniture my old time. Western 8 I rag Co., 037 Washington St. SPOT eish paid for your furniture, stove, etc.; prompt sttsnthya. Phone Esst 1007. 1ST caah price paid (or all kind ec goods. Phon Mais 9111. 89 N. Third. baud WANTED A wail trained natlre or Chin K" sssnt dog; uoles your dog Is well broken 't nswsr. V 60. car Journal. EXCAVATING and griding. C. B Pottog. 490 Ooviavsrclsl st Phase 1st 6100. I GIVE dole aougb bldg. agar oa printing. 004 Good- HAVE long BSta Solll. pars blood; services moderate. V 42, cars Journal. FURNISHED HOUSES. 4- BOOM cottag. ores; rarer aat lass. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL PALMS'. SB0U Alger t.-Stosm ht. rleetrla electric Mwtit. hot and cold witer. a tre hatha, porcelain tuba; a few honaekeep uif with cu ruig; maid aerrlce; 00 per week up. MODERN hones. prlvite fatully. ey wilklng trout pirior. llO; room leuondj dlatance; large fr,.ut parlor. tlO; roots ssms noor, 87.00: must glre reference. Phone raviuc auUO. THE RICHEUBU. 33 North Sixth it-Bls- samiy larniusai tem bt sag hatha. "THE HUK." SO Klerenth at., ct room with (team heat and bath. Stork; UNDA VISTA, 24TH Fifth noueekeeplng w" "y winoow, ana sleeping run ruidUHlD room lad furnished hnpnHlSUg i rent at in vancoavtr v. THE GRAND, 48i North Third t. gentlamen 11.26 per week and Bp. for THE WOODLAND Elegant modern furnlslied rasoxs ta beiutlfnl nrtvat rcaidaoe. S10 mouth snd up, 206 Sixth St.. corner Madleon. DESIRABLE front room to kit. or phone Paclflc 2080. 108 12th at. FURNISHED room for two alrl. 87 month: rererencea. Telephone Piclflo 2030, 47J isv enth at., nesr Jackson. NICE clean furnlahed rooms at Davis Hotel; .we uaiu; i.ou par ws. K1H water at., coruer Clay. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. OR RENT 1 furnlahed Inimikiisliar nai SBS rettygrov. 812 month. FURNISHED houaekrrplng-rooma, bath and pantry, modern, drat noor of cottage. Phone acliJc 016. SOS Ms Call 8 p. m. BOB RENT Houaekecptng-rouma; hot snd cold water, uae of bath and phon. 490 aensiem ave. SI SB WEEK UP, clean, farstebed boaeekeep- ing room,: Pirior, bitb. laundry, furnac bsat, yard. C.:i Va Stauton, U car. ni.OO WEEK np. kargr, clean, furnlahed honee- seeplug room, laundry and. bath. 104 Sher man south, Portland. THE MITCHELI Uouiekeeplng and trioalent uuuia, reaeonauie. Beveato ana e lander. OR 4 furnlahed houeekoeplng-roonw, fcerj gss and batht Tel. Ksat 8410. Sty. n nd ROOMS AND BOARD. NICELY furnlahed rooms with board: itrlctly home cooking; rite Bvergft st.. or phi ROOM .and board fo wise poueiu; rate reaonDie. l-ail at ran ne Main 60SS. and hoard fur r.nlli.m.. In Ant ,! home. . Phone Main 16.10. 200 14th at. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. HI 8 sotxrnjabed lioueekeeplng room, electric "uui. ,; avi loiuuibi at.; low rent. Tele neon Psclflc 2404. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOR SALE Furniture of 8-room modern hooie. nearly in new; rent reasonable: two block from potofOce: good tranalent boase; will ell at bargain If taken by th flrat of November. 2U8 Fifth t. FURNITURE of modern 8-room boas; sll new, situated near the Good Samaritan hospital; good rooming-house; rooms fall; rent ration -sbl. Phone Paclflc 712. FURNITURE of 4 rooms snd sewing m, chins for ssl at bargnln tf taken st oece; boa to rant. SB. V 44. care Journal. FURNITURE of 11 -room borne; One location; sou full of roomer. Phone Main 4340. FURNITURE ef 4-room cottage, cheap. Call 803 4th atreet. FOR RENT -HOUSES. FOR RENT- 3 handsome, modern 7 room aousca. oonvMrtrntly located n TMrd-st. csrline; 31(1, 012 sad 014 Corbett .: rent reasonsble to deeirsbl, tensnt. Dvld a Stesrn. 240 Waablngton St. FOR RENT 7 room houe on E,t Waablngton. between llthaad 12th; No. 090. GOOD 6 room booae. modern, high and sightly, oa Richmond car line. 620 E. 87th St. FOR RENT The 12-room boose, 107 Psrk at. laqstrs of Strong. No. 108. 188, COLLEGE snd Fifth. 11 rooms; tenant msy 1st boasckocplng rooms. 448 Third St. TO RENT Modern cottage, 88th St., 8.. 18. No. FOR RENT FLATS. TWO 4-room lists. Esst 90th sad Belmont, all newly fltted up; chespsst rent In th city. See th Continental Co.. 243 Stark et. CORNER fist, un furnlahed, strictly modern; hadei. basement, laundry, furnace: central: corner Sixth and Mill. Phon Pclflc HOT. TWO Broom furnlahed (lata; line view, close in 18. phon Main S802. 082 Bvnth st, FOR SENT STORES-OFFICES. Offices-Most Central Location ta th city, northweet corner Sixth and Washington its.; new elevator; hot and SSL stor, light, heat and tanltor service THE MORTGAGE GUARANTEE TRUST COM PANT, 00 Seventh st. STORE it Stewart itatlon, Moant Scott; every thing In ship tor occupancy ; counters, helving, etc.: Icise at reasonable rent Phon Paclfl 2100. OFFICE-ROOMS, untarnished rooms snd TsaT-pl-rooms for rent Goodnough bldg. Apply elevator. DESIRABLE office. Including electric lights. - hot and cold witer. Janitor nd elevator torvlce, In the new. airy Commonwealth bldg., old poatofflee alte. Sixth and Barnslds ta. Agent room 411. PART of hop to rant, suits bis plumber. 90S Fourth it. for pointer or DESIRABLE itor near Third aad Stark; yean' Wis. Phone Mi In 77. three TWO deslrsble storeroom for rent oa Union ve. tisrtmin a rnompson, Chamber of Com TOR RENT Desk room st ressonsbls rate. Inquire 200 Goodnough bldg., over Journal fOR RENT Store on the Flfth-st. lde of tbe Goodnough bldg. Apply st the lBVtor. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and bathroom, separate or together; new snd with alh convenience. Phoss Mara 80S BUSINESS CHANCES. DON'T FORGET That w are HEADQUARTERS for BAR GAINS In ROOMING-HOUSES of aU slsn, tyle and price. 17 room la extra-good location, turning people awy every night, r leering $75 month abovs sll expense: $600 buy It. Ton can't do bettor with $800. 14 rooms, sstra-flne list, ill modirn. steass belt ind jmltor service, etc., fumlshsd by lsndlord; furniture xtrs good snd nearly sew; pries only $1,000. ELLIS. HAULER LANKEN, Booms 20 snd 21, 204 Morrison si BEST ON TBE MARKET For ths nrlc. 40 room rooming hou, beat boslnee location, furniture ixtrs good snd new; lease $ rssrs at $176; house saw and Mod re. with hot sad cold running witer in room; owner guarantee to elr $160 month; trial given to pros It; price for quick uhi cut to $8,760; other busts. Bins, Kahler Lanken. rooms 98 end 91. 994 Morrl son st. HALF Interact In wII-tabllihed aJ bout IS0O reontrsd; party 1 87, ears Journal. Krlng bull rlag city. FOR SALE Vsriety store la s assror to land progressiva cltv: thht M or tbe beat atnd In any town of th state; bss a good trsd as cutlery, umbrella, tawelry. eboao- rerorcja, rmsiag laCKI, rln alee end tobacco: this Is s snitr o Irk It ap quick Address J 4A, est JournaL BUSJNf88 CHANCES. WISH to ml three or four women who hare MlW dollar to out In legitimate mlakag propoeltlo near PortUml: little nuxorr will partneiaklp intereet la plntlU pregsrty. ot care Journal. 'a SALE Apartment -houae of 15 roots; all Lw.Sr"tafcdi ssy terms If u.-ceaa.ry; la reoxs 1 100: rest 860. located on Morrteoa at. Apply Cobs Bros.' Purnltur. Co.. 180 Flrat. N-I?rom. so to pat imsll amount of moaey fate aeraleplng nronilaliig claim; sot UKti Jy0".0' strlctle Lemmata waakt-e parlnerahlp dL u 10. Journal. V1 jTrAJrn "s printing se Mud ur,iJlo TempU. Flr.t and Aid fSAiX"" ,?d 'sctory and plan ln Idaho rk. la beat tow "-' lumber yard doing bnilnwuj of 800,000 per year. In .plndld town. SaeToaa- ' fia eowa u nealth Ijodtow.. low f.-.TooT'ou"' :z:t sSBSSi wttsbl for boa rdln houae: menv an- Pttfi'!a '".hosrd; loc.tlon IdMl. ' V ldho fruit nd melon land,: eery ,i parlor , Bntsn M,,ln 'tock; Horn oocaMuy T flu cUlma; aure winner. euy, "HONESTY PA Y8." J B. MMum SM. 800 Bait Msrrtosa st GROCERY STORE, low; monthly ,le, amount to 81.000; 1.000; will take hove sad lot a, pert price pay- . , . LIMP CO.. Laather Exchange. Second and Stark at. SALCXINMEN Inveitlgit thl old eatabll.hed nan r i.ii Iji! elsnt nxturcs; W wall. Addrsss L 48, car Journal. H' 0W. ,HV".."?Kjr...w,hi .bay into biialne rial - im .inui aiu.uuif or uh ni i . blk Ph.' u.i. M " PIRSTJLASS confection err. Tc. creem ?-Ar50rL.W'O0: ""P U skn at one " m car journal . GOOD real octets builnrm tn . . .. I . .. v nt lot or bora d k.... M. J 67, car Journal ddreee CONFECTIONERY, elg.r and fruit aland $KO: good location. Phon Pijflcjlfl ' run SALE Loan ofSce and I i..i. f? ' for .Rlng. Sther bBall asereojulr. attention: living-room In cou arnoa. o. J. a. 2, care Journal. WeVN(TJFrVrM!1 ?.r vTon"n to Invest gVX) or tiS!2rS ",blub", bnslaess. 424 Lumber BNJ!r!?:T.OOIn kidglng.hou: low rent; lease; good baslBsss. Owner. 21 114 Flr,t t. HURST Switch atock; for t g nrlc ami remit of f toqufr J, r. Hurst A Co.. Inform, Hon regard- aetnrv nMnll.rlMi. Hurst B Co., 900 McKay bldg. THE Invincible Rail Joint Co. baa lncrcaaed 111 2S2 ..?t "' h,r "wed now at 25 SeSS .b "dvanced again Kn. Addre 338 H First at. Phone Psclflc 1600. WANT to bu to bar good bakery and dellratenen in good kicatlon. R 11. car Journal. tore WANT to bu; T wtll-paylng aalonn In good Iocs be chesp. V 40, care Journal. WANTED A goad try town. p. Ft count "try bakery In good coun . 221 H Morrlaon at. Fuch 1S-BOOM hotel in good v.lley town, to trad for city property: prater St. John. Wht hv yeof Address T 00. cre Journl. 13 ROOM muat gi new furniture. cIm. In 949 Msdlson it. FOR RENT Furnished restauraut cheap. Phone Paclflc 2470. close In. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. TOU ABE CORDIALLY. INVITED TO CAU. AND INVESTIGATE THESE BARGAINS. 81.400 6-room cottage. Sonoyalde. 1.100 4-room cottage. City View Pirk. I'.w e room, z Kit,, 4-room cottige. Karl st. 1.000 A-roum cottage. HhlncSt. I. 200 4 room cottage. Dlrlaioa st. II. 100 0 rooms. East 84th it. 1.000 10-room double hooie. 1 JOtv-0-room cottage. Lents. 800 4-room eottsge, Sellwood. 800 4-room cottage. W-W Us. 800 0 room at fvanhoe. We have w.ld natre home In th month than any other Arm In the city. STATE LAND CO., 183 H Pint st: last TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS IN HOMES. bnyh s perfect hone; hath, toilet. Urge rlmet. cement bearmeat, fruit trees, all kind of hruhbery, nice yard, chicken house, ifl foot alley; th honae ta new and perfect; the home I worth much more moaey. 12,700 take modern 7 -room horn; sewer snd street improvements all In and paid for: this hour Is worth. 3.J00: term If desired; can't begin to bay a lot In thl vlrtnlty and place the Improvements theraon for taSS thn lo gon. Other iMU-gslns In homes. For good, cheap lota, see a. STEINMETZ A CO., Th HosMSCllers. 108. .Morrison t. EXTRA FINE BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK. S .900 Improved farm. 7 miles from city. ,6611 Modern 7-room bouse. Sunn veld. 3.4008 lot. dJonllng. 60x100. Sonny, Id. S.850 9 room bona, N. East Ufh st. 9,160 7-rnom bouse, new. liftilsdsy add. 2.730 Houae of 8 room, targe lot, Wood tawn. 81.200 room eottsge. In Montavllta. 2 grocery store for what they will Invoice. Vacant lota In all parts of the raty. METROPOLITAN RRAITY CO., 961 H Alder. Main 6700. 84.260 BUYS fine 0 room residence on lBtb. near Belmont; full brick basement, fine Isivn. e ment walks, modern: thl hi worth looking ap; part cash. 12.200 6 room modem cottvre; 22.600, on 6-room modern cottage, st 28tli and Clinton: the are new and up to datet nothing nicer in But Portland: easy term. BEVKR g MILLER, 404 Eaat Alder. SUNNYSIDE n-rooui bouse. In perfect order. corner .18d snd E. Yamlilll. 1 block from car line; electric light: price. $8,000. Se owner. P W. Iwl. 68 S. Fifth, cor. Darla. Phone Main 449. ORE 6 room cottage. $1,250. one 21 son- Oroom cottage. $8,000, one $2,400 ; 8-room honae, $4,000 ; 7 room honse. $2,600: small payment, balance, same a rent. Owner s.Bsi ncTeuiu st.. norm. Phone East 075. IP YOU sre looking for bargain In city or suburban homes, lot, arresge, farms or "'lii" j;""' rr " n,i. J"! Trimhi a TrlmMs. 411 Mlronam bldg. Phone Pa cific 1751, FOB 8ALB-l.oti. $nr0: $10 down. $10 per month; 2 bkxks south of Hawthorne eve. .n 44th t.t streets grsded snd wtr; owner on jrround. J 88, ears Journal. BARGAINS FOR SOMEONE My modern O room borne, fnll brick ment. big lot $0(141. sll kin,!, larg big lot 0HX141. all kin,!. I.i ,.i mall fruit. two.btosRs to bsat rsrltn. T. iwoioistot to beat Oe W.i. . mall bam, $2.7bO, Tslf cash. No. I22f 41t and salt xayior. owner; phon Esst $998. FOR SALE New modern 6-room house, 1000 R. sixth it. N. Inquire owner, next door. No FOR SALE New modern house I rooms, block from cirllne; best prt of Sunny side; tnunlra Mrs. J. S. Wlnslow, $0 a 18th; earner Waah lng ton. FOR SALE A room honae, lot 76x100, frtrlt "tree. MontrlU. only $788. J. jTosdor. 1 North Grind iv. FOR SALE $500. lot on 22d ind Clinton st. Phone East 0449 8-ROOM finely finished cottage, lot 40x120, a neat, comfortable home conralat to ear Iln, $1,160; $429 cash, balance $26 per swnfh. Jean. Trimble a Trlmbl. 411 Mar. 4jnam bldg. Phon Pacific 1781. COSY llttl home, Al condition, near eer; high, soma fruit; a bargain; see It today. THE CONTINENTAL CO., 949 Stark at 500 Homes For Sale TM,lTvnsvT0Rg' fJUiDB00, 9U Hirauim bldg.. Portlsad. Oregoa. Sellwood I Franch 11170 E. 1st rnone sellwood T4. City View Park lot, firs ,d s. Addition tars. $100 sad an: 86 dow. and month. Horn from $500 to $0,000. Lots sou ap, in au pari or neiiwooa. property with as; ws will ssll It Willamette Tract Oa Willamette houUvird, overlook! city I Jd river. 6-ceat fare, lets 60xlu frt. price ew ,s ; w cam. so per sisata. v . a. Bygow!. wniasMtt ststtoa, St.