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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1906)
It HE Afternoon Dress of Chiffon Velvet The Message of the Wave Circle Develop the Goodness of your baking. Don't be satisfied with heavy, soggy biscuits; don't yield to failure or be content with ordinary success. Stir the soul of the lazy dough to yield up its treasure the dormant marrow of the wheat. Put life into it with TUB OREOON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAWP, WEDNESDAY EVE WING, OCTOBER 31, 1WM. CHIFFON VELVET GOWN. .. A al a a am at. . . v a a i T - lms model it an Afternoon uress has ruffles at the neck and elbow of a deep cream color. The buttons are covered with velvet, and the girdle and tie are of soft green satin. The toque is of green felt and velvet with smoke colored plumes. ONE POLICEMAN TO EVERY FIVE HUNDRED BOYS TONIGHT; OH, JOYI Onb cop to svsry tOO boys! Oh, joy! And Chief Qrltrmarher haa told the patrolmen that the curfew rule must be enforced on ail unruly and unduly mis chievous youngsters. There's surely. a good time coming to the small boys to night Halloween, the night of revels with the lonesome woodpile and the neglected gat. Don't mind the irritating "tick-tack" or the bumping of wood as It falls down your front atapa. If the tlHn honorad pin fastens down the electric door button, simply smile. If the gentler-minded ones UfSK Jack-o'-lantern to your window be thankful It Isn't any thing worse. Several public entertainments In the elty thla evening will add to the gaiety of natlona and keep the ball rolling. At the Oaks akatlng rink there wUl be a masquerade ball and a lively time la ex pected. If any serious troubls occurs tonight It will demonstrate how utterly Inade quate Is the police force. There will be lass than 10 patrolman on beats during the first night relief, which ends at y:S0, and at least 500 boys for every officer will be out and doing in one thing or another. On the. east aide there will be leas than ten policemen. For an occasion like Halloween there should be three automobile patrol wag ons and a couple of patrol airships. Thsn perhaps seme of the frantic ap peals for a policeman could be an swered. As It is now only a small per- CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The KM You Hivi Always Bought Signature of e ' - or aarc green cnmon veiver. it centage of the calls can be answered In time to catch the marauders. Following Is the prescription of the preservation of the peace end happlneaa of the household: Look up everything loose, especially the gate; don't tat the dog out in the yard, for he Is more lia ble to get hurt than the Intruders; don't under any circumstances rush to the door and tell the youngsters you'll call a policeman they know ha can't get there In time. If anything happens smile; If anything more happens smile some more. WARSHIPS PREPARE TO ESCORT PRESIDENT (Journal Special Service.) Philadelphia, Oct. tl.-Thls was a busy day aboard the cruiser Washing ton at the League Islantt navy yard, for everyone was busy making things spick snd span in anticipation of Ball ing tomorrow for Hampton Roads. The Washington, with the Tennessee, which also la to aell before the end of the week, are to set as escort for President Roosevelt on hie trip to Panama. At Hampton Roads the' two vessels will be Joined by the battleship Louisiana, which ia to be the presldent'a flagship. The Bailors snd marines oa the Waah Ington and Tennessee, which are the newest and among the finest cruisers In the navy, are elated at having been chosen as the presldent'a escort. WONDERFUL CLOCK ALL MADE OF GLASS Lelpetc. Qe. II. A wonderful time piece Is that Which haa Just bean com pleted by an old glassworker of the fa mous Thereslenthal factory In Bo hemia. The maker, who Is Tl yeara of age, worked for el years on the clock, which Is constructed entirely of the purest cryetal glass, with the only ax caption of the springs. The clock stands IS Inches high snd is, of course, perfectly transparent. The clook la aow on exhibition here end Is attracting much attention. The Male Chaperon. What will the American mother end father think of the male chaperon T In England ha promises to become a promi nent and welcome factor in society, bat It remains to be seen whether be will be ee kindly welcomed In the United States, and alee whether there will be. many candidates for the honor ef es corting young women about and seeing that "they have a good time and meet the "right people." The duties of the -new ohaperon are numerous, but not unenjoyable or so say those elderly men who have at tempted the dlffloult task of chape r onage. Of course, the debutantes are charmed with the new plan; their pleasures ere trebled by the delicate attentlone of their escort, end they ere never obliged to elt out dances, as a man can see that hie charge's programs are filled, or if there le no other way, he will take more than the usual number of dances him self, and of course will convey to the young girl that In so doing ha le giving himself Infinite pleasure. Besides the new ohaperon adds materially to the comfort of the hoeteee and the pleaaure of the young people; the younger men really feel complimented when asked by wealthy old bachelors, or widowers as ths esse may be, to danoe with their charges, and debutantes, whose first season la almost In the limbo of for gotten things, are more than delighted with the change in chaperona and ex pend twloe as much time in preparing for social events as heretofore for there are infinite possibilities In wealthy elderly male chaperons. m , How to Choose Wall Paper. Rooms with low ceilings look better with a atrlped paper; straight Unas have a tendency to heighten tha walla. A small room appears larger If the walla are covered with a emall-ptterned or perfectly plain paper. Plain paper, preferably In a dull red or terrsfcotta tone, shows up pictures or engravings to the greatest advantage. A yellow paperbrlghtene a dark room, or one that baa a north aspect end helpe to mike It leas gloomy snd de pressing, while a soft green paper re lieved by white paint makes a delight fully cool end soothing well covering for a sunny south room. A lofty room with e perfectly plain or self-colored paper la Improved by a dado in contrasting or harmonising tones placed at the top, beneath the cell ing molding. Papered ceilings are mora effective than whitewashed ones, and a celling treated In thla way makes a room ap pear more lofty. I It at Three Distinctive Costumes. Three handsome costumee In three distinctive styles ere shown thle season. The princess gown with an Eton coat le a poppy red panne cloth, a fabric much like broadcloth but hav ing the Sheen of aatln. The skirt and jacket are braided with soutache snd s wider silk braid In ovals. The eoutacho Is a darker red and the wider braid e paler shade than the poppy colored cloth. The collar and the wide turned back cuffs are so dark a red es to be almost black, and they are bordered by a Persian trimming In shaded reds, greens and yellows, all In dull topes and with threads of gold ahowlng here end there. The little straps on the top f the robe are of the cloth edged with soutache, and the buttons are exquisite enameled creations In gold and red. The top of the bodice Is of point de Venlse, with a stock and Jabot of a flnsr lace. The sleeves are of tha cloth end the point da Venlse, the lace ending below the elbow In a bend of the eloth trimmed with the Persian trimming. The hat Is In poppy red felt, raw-edged, and having shaded roses from palest pink to blaok set In on one aide and a clustsr of blaok ostrich tips on the other. The second reception gown Is In pels brown chiffon cloth trimmed with vel vet In nasturtium brown, and haa a tunic and coat bertha in light brown lace end net dyed to match the color of the chiffon cloth, and the stock and little pointed veet of ttmked chiffon of a deep cream color. The skirt is accordion or sunray plaited, and at each side three-quarter inch banda of nasturtium-colored velvet ribbon cross, faatsnlng in the center with little bronse-gold buckles. The plaiting tapers out about It lnehee from the floor. The skirt trails, and thsrs are two groups of half-Inch velvet rib bon banda about the bottom. The belt Is of velvet, matching the narrow bands on ths skirt, and crossing the bodice. The sleeves and bodice ahow Heart Palpitation Indigestion causes the stomach In expand swell and puff up Bfunst the heart This crowde the heart and interferes with Its action, causing shortness of breath, palpitation of the heart, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure DIGESTS WHAT YOU EST taken the strain off the heart, and contributes nourishment, strength end health to every organ of the body. Cures Ind' gestion. Dyspepsia, Sour Stom ach. Belching, Qee on Stomach, and all Stomach troubles. Denova, Iowa. Three rears age I was afflicted With indtfestien so much that I waa In continual pels. After eating my heart was affected and I had soothering sea set Ions. Two bottles ef Eodol cored aaa. ALBERT LAMM. gfJTA SatMsr Sortie SSSSavSS J4 m. c as mat a ce.. outs, u. . a, old by kldmore Drug Oo. and Woodard, Clarke k Oo. way between the elbows and wrists, but neve deep cuffs sxtendlng to ths wrists. These cuffs are of the brown lace crossed by narrow velvet bands end having little b rones buckles at the back. The hat la a nasturtium-colored velvet trimmed with pale brown plumes. The Empire costume shows a pels gray brocaded silk, with a six-Inch band I of gray panns velvet about ths bottom, ! and a coat of gray panne velvet bor 1 dared with a bend of rich dull and blight ! silver embroideries. A fold of grey I faille ribbon forme the Umpire girdle. The roe has a girdle of silver embroid ery,, and the top of tha gown Is of pale gray chiffon embroidered In silver, ee ere also ths short puffed sleeves, from which close sleevea of Irish lace extend to below the elbow. The big hat topping thla costume Is in mauve velvet. It haa mauve roses under ths brim at tha beak and maure velvet around the crown. The ostrich plumes ere of shadsd pals blue, pale pink and mauve, at st St ' Two Fish Dishes. Boiled Cod Take a heed and shoul ders of fresh cod and place on tha drain er In the fish kettle; cover with cold water and let It elowly come to boiling point, then simmer until done; If water has to be edded let It be boiling hot, and add by pouring In at the slds of ths kettle, not over the fish. When dons drain It, serve en e napkin, garnish with sliced or quartered lemon and parsley. Oyster sauoe end melted butter should be served with It. Egg sauce Is also popular and suitable. What fish remains after the meal may be freed from the bones and skin snd pulled to pieces with two silver forks, placed In a well-buttered baking dish With two minced onions, pepper, salt,-! half a cup or cracker dust, two table spoonfuls of buttsr and one egg beeten Into a oup of sweet milk. Orate ever the top a little good, sharp chssse and bake In a ateedy oven until brown. Serve with fried cucumbers and a good tarts re sauce. Thla dish la called cod au gratln. Cod Itallenne Boll two pounds of shoulder of cod, drain, take out the big bone, carefully remove the ekln and place on platter without breaking; pour over It a sauos made as rouows: Chop fine one slice of ham and ons shallot, add one pint of white stock, salt pep per, hslf teaspoonful of sugar, a little lemon Juice, three drops of garlic vino gar, edd a half cup of cream and simmer II minutes. Garnish with hard-boiled egg rings. at at Gloves and Oartlets. Gloves for the winter! Whet a prob lem this presents to modern woman kind! Never before has there been suoh wholesale wearing or gloves. There are gloves for business, morning, afternoon, evening, and all must be Just the right kind, or they look queer end out of time and season. Then there Is the elbow garter, still In favor and decidedly novel and pretty. If one la to be properly gloved the every-day bos should contain the fol lowing selection: For buslnees, to be worn with the coat with long sleeves, select a pair of either brown, tan or red medium weight dogskin glove. These with heavy stitching give an air of Jauntlnesa to euch a suit that nothing else can. If the suit be made with the- three quarter sleeves then, of course, a long glove la necessary. Many oennot afford to wear the entire long glove, for ths moment the hand, becomes shebby the glove is no longer presentable. For bualnese the kid armlet Is quite correct, and the short gloves that snap on over them can be obtained and well fitted at the wrist. These armlets ers now msds In all shades, and glovea can be had that match. This style of hsnd and arm covering la especially convenient to one who weara long glovea every day. When writing, the lower part san be removed end the hand la frse. stjll the arm la oovered. In restaurants the short gloves can be taken off. and there la not ths ugly bundle st the wrlet made by the giove thet must le tucked up. All in all, for business the armlet la very sen sible, but never. In eny Instance, wear It for dress Another glove that should bs placed In the every dsy box Is that known as the Bernhardt. It la half length and Try It to-day if you want a fine batch of biscuits. Don't wait I Go, send, at once, and you'll be surprised and happy when yon see them smoking, flaky, light and brown on the table in the morning. K C is a revelation of baking powder efficiency, purity, and healthfulness. It's one- third the price you pay for K C quality. Think of it I to-day, and watch the Wave Circles as they appear I ALL 6R0CERS The Perfect BPsuTtUlslsU The kind of Cocoa Beans that we use contain six times as much food value at beef. We buy only the highest-priced. Our Cocoa Is nothing but Cocoa and that is why it Is the most delicious of Cocoas. WAIT M. UlWIlt oo., Of YOUR OPPORTUNITY THERE is a position awaiting every young man S5S! and woman who completes a course of m training in our school. We have the Xt facilities, the teachers and the methods - 1 to provide thorough training; we have the confidence of the business men that provides the positions. Enter now. DAY and EVENING. BEHNKE WALKER Phonm Malm S90 TIE LEADING hes no opening at the wrist For busi ness these give a very neat appearance to the hand. Never wear a light glove for business, If your occupation le of a character that takes you out early In the morning and home around I or I Black, tan. brown and red are far the safest and best; they sre serviceable and look well to the very snd. In white, the glares are more service able than the suedes, but In the darker shadee the susdes set so neatly to the hend that they ere preferred. The glove is, however, far from plain KG BAKING POWDER 2$ ounces for 2SS baking powder anywhere near 25 ounce tins for 25c. Get it Food Beverage BUSINESS COLLEGE BUn' Building this winter. A desire to vary the eaonot ony of the long, plain glovea beg some over tne cream of the designer, theae sre some of the results: Olovee stitched in fancy designs st the wrist, gloves with kid ef e different snaue running between the fingers. Fancy stitched kid. cut la fantastic pat tern, run in a bend about an inch end e half wide about the top of the whits giove; tnie bead matches the eleeve of Use gown. Glove with tiny brilliant am iia aula nana tur I im r k wrist to me elbow These elbow farters are per fax JAQUES MFG. CO, Chicago. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Soar Slgneture of CURE SICK HEADACHE. GREGG Easiest to Leant Beat When Learned Taught in Fear Fifths of the Busineee College in the , United State. THAT SHOULD RECOMMEND IT Day and Night. SCHOOL ALL THE TIME OLME5 BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON v TENTH ST9 PORTLAND, OREL wiPiTTU roi nuoHtsm. I I V fit n TIM II TO. LriTtP f- eoiiTiPATioa, jt TO MUJWSKM. pWgeM TO THE COMftlllM SHORTHAND! H