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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1906)
VOL. V. NO. 206 PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 31, 1906. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. &lF$&tl RUEF PLANS TO ORGANIZE SUPPORTERS Boss Calls Mass Meet ing of City Employes to Form Organization Like Tammany Hall Resolutions Will Be Passed -Exonerating Administration Each Henchman Must Gat Five Friends Langdon to Be Cited for Contempt. j!t ' vw (Jaw1 PW Ssrviss.l Ban Franclra7 Oct. tl. Dletrlct At torney Langdon wilt be cited for con tempt of court mm time today, be cause of his refusal to answer ques tions put to bias by a notary public ba . fore whom he was subpoenaed by Aba vtejujuaf to make a deposition to aupport -sianemenisimauc uy LAiiBuun in tlon for a restraining- order against itt. . Risers attorney asked him to swer a number of questions aa to his knowledge of the complaint, all of whfoh he refused to answer, deserting the witness chair and leaving the room. While -great Interest 8(111 centers In the selection of the grand jury to which will be presented evidence of tie aUoged municipal grafting already gathered, the event of today In the line of sensation Is the mass . meeting of city employes to be held this evening at th suggestion of Buaf for the pur pose, aa ha state jHpvertlsements. appearing In all USHlfeal papers, ef "refutkSg the falaeVjl alia of gri with wile h the anjPaPt4Jr. 'a being vioHwmy . aaaa naa vtnoua political and private Interests, and to effect per manent organisation of the friends and sympathiser of the administration." That resolution of confidence In Ruef. Brhmlta, the board of supervisors and others against whom Proeecutor Francis J. Htsar makes charges will be adopted, goea without aaylng. but the moat Important work to be per formed by the gathering la the per fection of an organlaatlon on the lines of Tammany. Ruef admits that this is his object arid hopes by means of It to entrench himself and other leaders so strongly that no one. not even the court, can reach them. Each employe must hand In the names of Ave voters who can be railed upon to cooperate with the or ganlaatlon and by this means Ruef to start witn a memneranip 01 (,00. Secret Secret Agent Burns In a positive statement announces that he ha mad a complete case, agalnat whom he does not say. Thla does not seem to dla m aaocert the boas. On the contrary, he - appears more anxious than ever to have aome specific charge raafA against htm. The only specific adrttjpion raado b lleney or Burns la that they have eJntence of Doodling In connection with k a-rantlnar of the franchise to the fetnme Telenhone company and that one inaictmeni in uui vmmm wm umij am p returned. Linton Say la Boston. (Journal SaiclaJ Service.) Boaton. Oct. tl. Thla waa Upton day In Boaton, the famoua British sportsman being a gueat of the city. A municipal banquet In honor of Sir Thomas at the Hotel Somerset tonight ia to be followed by a similar function tomorrow night to be given by the yacht clubs of Boston and vicinity. ACCUSED OF PETTY GRAFT Son of Justice Reid or Constable Wagner, It ts Alleged, Juggled Account for Ten Dollars The office of District Attorney Man ning has had lta attention called to a transaction which took place In the Juatloe court some time ago and In which Lou Wagner and Alvtn a Reid aon of Justice Reid, also clerk of his father's court, were concerned. Th glat of the allegation la that between Reid and Wagner, who waa at the time of the happening an acting deputy con stable, a sum amounting approximately to 110.10 disappeared, though receipted for by Reid. Since the matter became public, however, the deficit ha been ex The story of th transaction has to do with a ault filed by W. F. Pfalffer of Albany, en December 7. In which he undertook to recover a sum of money lass than MS from D. H. Drewery of this city. M B. Meacham. an attorney who has offices In the Fenton building, filed th ault a representative of Pfelffer. k A soon aa notice of the ault waa served upon the defendant on December 7, of about that time. Drewery, without employing an attorney or having legal representation, went to the office of the clerk of the Justice court and paid A. Reid. the clerk, the full aura de manded, waioh, including the vest of BONI OFTEN BEAT WIFE FOR MONEY CastellaneDivorceCase Promises Sensational Developments. Count Very Cruel to Wife Anna Gould's Lawyer Says That Troubles Began Three Months After Marriage Instances of Infidelity Are Alleged and Extravagance Is Cited. (Journal Special Service.) Paris, Oct. 81 Hearing of the di vorce of Counteaa de Castellans, for merly Anna Oould. began today. Mattro Cruppy, representing the countess, de clared that frequently the count struck, alapped and abused hi wife during quarrels caused by his demands for money. Other startling revelations were made and the trial promises to be sensational In the extreme. The plain tiff demands an absolute divorce and custody of the ohlldren. Maitre Cruppy aaid that the troubles and cruel treatment by Count Bonl commenced three month after hi mar riage. Instances of Infidelity are al leged. Cruppy stated that It la the In tention of the counteaa to remain In France after the divorce and rata the children. Bonfvfa employing avery trick of the law to prevent the counteaa from ob- tn divorce to which aha la as- y entitled. He ha obtained the unsel In Franca, and although pay them Ssathlng. thaw ar en d My the thought of the golden harvest that a wait win. If that happens the count can compel hta wife to live with him and share her Income with him, which team that be will spend It all. He will keep all hi palace and hay al most Inexhaustible credit, for there will be a fortune of $1 8. 000.000-behind him. She will not be able to run away from htm, for he will have legal control of the children and she would never leave them. Cam to America a Paeipa. Maitre Cruppy outlined the history of Count Bonl de Castellan. He told how Bonl cam to America. 11 years ago with nothing -In his pocket aad nothing la bis head but the Idea of marrying an American neiress. air. Kaoul Duval, the wine merchant, financed Bonl' for aome months, but the prospect of finding the heiress aeemed hopelaaa. For a long time he lived In a cheap New Tork boarding-house and walked about the corridors of the Wal dorf in the evening In order to have, opulent surroundings. Finally he de cided to become "a wine pusher" at a small salary. At the last moment be waa aavad from the horrible fate of working. Mrs. Pa ran Steven Intro duced him to the Goulds, and Mlaa Anna Oould, the youngest daughter of the late Jay Oould, accepted him. Bonl waa titled, the great-grandson of a marahal of Franc, the cousin of the Due de Talleyrand-Perlgord and Of y other noble persona Before this Bonl had never had a complete outfit of new clothe at one time. Now be naa an ne wanted. ,a month after his marriage he pure baaed a Russian sable coat for $11,000. Then he progressed to a coat lined with aaa otter at $13, 100. Ha also bought a pelisse lined with silver fur to wrap round his graceful neck at (Continued on Page Two.) the court, amounted to $30.20. In re turn for the money Reid gave Drewery a receipt aa olerk of tha oourt, show ing that tha account had been closed In full. Some time after thla transaction had taken place, according to the etdYy. Er nest Brand Jr., an attorney In the Fan ton building and member of tha Arm of Hayea A Brand, want to M. B. Meacham, who represented Pfelffer, and explained to him that he (Brand) had coma as the . .. . T ,, ur.H,., I h.. - I.. - - i " I I ' V. ' ii' II " ' I I I ' M- 1 stable, to make an offer in regard to I the aettlement of tha Pfelffer-Drewery case. Wagner had represented to him. so Brand said, that It was impossible to secure the payment of the full amount from Drewery, hut that he could get 90 of tha total. Meacham. thinking that half a loaf waa better than none, agreed to take 120 on behalf of hla client and received th sum from Brand, giving a receipt for the amount. ' .lis transaction was after Drewery had paid me full amount, f So 20. Into th office of fit clerk of th court, receiv ing his receipt from Held. Matters rested in that state until the latter part of tha weak Juat paat. On Oa Fag Th re. ) I tajntng hwroti fcrag AND THEY'RE Burglar Telephones to Captain of Detectives Aiir Lunt REIGN OF TERROR EXISTS ALL OVER RUSSIAN EMPIRE University of Moscow Closed Be cause Political Meetings Are Held in Building Frightful Conditions Exist Making the Country Look Like War. (Journal Special Service.) St. Petersburg, Oct. tl. The Univer sity of Moscow at Moscow waa closed today because political meetings were held in fhe buildings contrary to Im perial order. . The annlveraary of the Issuanoe of the manifesto of October SO, ltol, de spite a profuae display of bunting, waa celebrated under conditions resembling a state of war. Polio, soldiers and Cossacks were in evidence everywhere and detectives acrutlnlted all who came and went. Tha houses ware una Be leaguered citadels. Outwardly tha country la quieter than In October of last year, but in reality the aituation la worse. rroieesor Maxim Kovalevaky said today: 'The English and French wer atrong enough to make their monarcha keep their promises, but the Russians are not. The result la that tha constitution haa become a shams and tha flrat year under it Is the darkest In tha history of the nation. The country haa become a vaat battlefield and graveyard. Tens of thousanda of noble cltlaen have Been ahot and hangad and other nave been burled alive in Siberian deaerts. Yesterday there were 1 executions and Ml deportation. UNCLE SAM WINS POINT IN RECLAMATION SUIT the United SUtea court today sue talned a demurrer to the complaint it tha case of Orean a WUhlte In a aotlon brought to enjoin the conatruc tlon of a government canal of th recto, matlon eervto through the farm of th' plaintiff. Th declalon holda that th government has a right of way fo canal construction over landa to b benefited when the title waa obtained after the anrvay waa made, without re sorting to condemnation proceedings. Similar conditions prevail with othet reclamation projects. The decision ts of great Importance. (Journal Special Ser.loe ) New Tork, Oct. 31 Th Erie railroad haa arranged to put lta reduced pas senger rates Into effect tomorrow. Henceforth th maximum rate par mile OS the Brie will be 1 cents. On parts of the Itnsj the rate will tee lower. In Otilo there will be a uniform rate of I oenta par mile In conformity with the BETTING THREE HE'LL VOTE FOR THEM! PETE GROWS TELLS BRUIN OF HIS NEW PLANS Calls Up Inspector and Says He Will Begin Series of Rob beries on East Side. -boa iwr Busy went. October 24 Lone Fat ran sacks handsome Seeley resi dence at 714 Davis street. Scrawls name on top of silver chest. October 25 Inspector Bruin receives letter front Lone Pet containing threat to commit an other crime and giving descrlp- ) tion of plunder secured from a) Seeley home. ) October 1 Lone Pete visits home of Edmund C. Ooddard at 4 42 Mill street. Knife used by thief to cut panel of rear door d found by detectives. October It Lone Pet takes In a partner and rob residence e) of W. B "tree tor on Portland a) Helghta while family are at e) dinner. October tf Lone Pete tele- d) phones to Captain Bruin advta- a ing police official of plan to a commence operations oh east a side. Ig Lone Pete an Incarnation of the mysterious Mr. Raffias of play and story? Haa th gentleman burglar, so delightfully portrayed behind the foot lights by Kyrle Bellow, become a reality? Everything seems to Indicate that the burglar who haa recently com manded th attention of the local police la in a class by himself far removed from th ordinary crook of the dark lantern and tha billy. With every detective working night and day to secure some clue to th Iden tity of the burglar who had figured in three sensational burglaries within a (Continued on Pag Two. The Servant Question Solved Rave! Journal Classified. Daily wants uxs this a prats dailt ON THS CLASSIFIED PAOKS: TWO gwedlab (bis want wort In pri vets farallT. Address KM Tbaratsn at a, WAKTBD By anther sad sea M ID, asaUlnei s seeks. Tel. PacMe 583 Mrs ll H. Ooseer. . !tow ram to the Classltea Pi fe for other laterestlag Smell Ad sews JOURNAL CLASSIFIED COST LESS THAN A CENT A WORD TO ONE THAT VERY BOLD REFUSES TO PAY DENTIST'S BILL FOR YOUNG SON Your Hear May Rot Off Before I Do It. George W. McCoy la Accused of Having Said When Boy Asks to Have Teeth Fixed. "I will let your head rot off before I will pay a dentlat'a bill for you," la the statement that George W. McCoy ia charged with having made to his son, Archie, aged it years, when the boy asked hla father for money to have hla teeth attended to. Thla charge, with othera. la made by Mra. Hilda Shaver, divorced wife of McCoy, in a petition filed in tha county court thla morning, asking mat atccoy be ordered to pay til a month for the aupport of their aon. Mrs. Shaver secured a divorce from McCoy In January, 10. The decree gave to McCoy the cuatody of their two eldeat aona. Harry, now It yeara old, and Archie, now it years old. To hla wife was given tha custody of the youngeat boy, Walter, aged 11. Mr. McCoy afterwarda remarried. x She allege that for th last three yeara ah haa been oDiigeo to aupport the oldeat aon, Harry, because of hla father's constant bad treatment of him. She charges also that last August Mo Coy told Archie to get out and car for himself, and that he would go upstairs and get a gun and shoot him. Mra Shaver says that Archie left his father four times because of th cruel treat ment he received, and that tha boy can no longer be Induced to return to Mc Coy. She is unable to support him, she says, snd 'unless McCoy is mad to pay for hla car ha will become a charge on the county. Archie Is working as a night messen ger boy at )l a week. His mother says ha ought to be In school. W. S. Ward appear as attorney for Mrs. Shaver. MAO DRUGGIST IS AT LARGE NEAR BOISE (Special Dispatch to Ik tsars!.) Boise, Ida., Oct. tl. Sidney St. John, a prominent druggist who haa bean guarded by attendsnta while tempo rarily Insane, escaped from hla nurse soma, time during last night and dis appeared. It is feared that he com mitted aulcldn, aa that waa hta mania Active search la being mad for hta body. S 8t. John recently returned from a Portland hospital, where he was pro nounced cured. Washington. Oct. 11 In his annual report Superintendent W. W. Arrant Of th Crater Lake National park reports on progress made during the paat 11 month nn roads and trail leading to the Inke He concludes by recommend-1 Ing an appropriation of T,tlt for us I nsat veas. NORTH COAST BEING BUILT BYC.&N.W. Vanderbilt Line Back of Railroad Projected From Walla Walla to Puget Sound Will Be Connecting Link Be tween Northwestern and Ca nadian Pacific Branch Will Be Extended to Spokane Will Be First to peach Pacific (Bpecisl Dispatch to The JoaraaL) Tacoma, Wash.. Oct tl. At a meet ing of North Coaat offlciala with Thomas Cooper, land commissioner, and B. S. Orosacup, western counsel of tha Northern Pacific, held yesterday after noon, tha Intentions of the new railroad with lta transcontinental principals Wre unmasked. The Intention of tha North Coaat la to build from Walla WaUa to the aound and the road will be the connecting link between th Chi cago a Northwestern and the Canadian Pacific and Puget aound. The North western Is now at Lander. Wyoming, approximately 100 miles from Walla Walla and will be built sua all poasl- bls dispatch to that city, where It wUl touch the Union Pacific. It to stated authoritatively by offl ciala of the road here, that the full announcement of th plan of th North Coaat will ba mad within a short time. Tha same official, who mad the fore going statements, declared that th new road would be the flrat to reach th coast, and that work would be begun .at many place within a ahort time, aad "would be puahed In a way to make am pie amende for th delay. Th meeting here was for the purpose of securing a deposition front Mr. Cooper relative to the controversy be tween the North coaat and tha North arn Pacific over a grade crossing at Union Oap near North Yakima, and the fight th North Coaat has on to con demn a right of way over tha landa owned by tha Northern Pacific at North Yakima. The North Coaat officials present were: Robert E. Strahorn of Spokane, prealdent; W. L. Pitt man, ehlaf engineer, and H. J. Bnlvely of North Yakima, general counael. Mr. Bnlvely held that the contention of the Northern Paclflo that the North Coaat should build an overhead treatle at Union Oap waa out of th question, as train of tha new road would have to approach it by a steep grade from both direction to negotiate a crossing. Mr. cooper rejected the proposition of giving th North Coaat a grade crossiug, holding that it would make that point very dangeroua to both road. Relative to the landa held by the North ern Pacific at North Yakima, Mr. Cooper declared hla road had purchased tbeae for terminals which wer sorely needed there, and It would not allow them to be wrested out of It posses sion. The seaalon ended by Mr. Oroaa oup reminding the North Coaat offi cials that tha landa held by tha road for terminals could not be condemned by another road. At Klona. Just east of North Tsklma. the North Coaat shoots a branch north east to Spokane, where If will connect with the new Canadian Pacific Una to that place.- V. S. mart to Be Abandoned. (Special Dtosstrb to The Jearsal.) Mobile, Ala., Oct. tl. On account of damage done by th recent atorm. tha government haa decided to temporarily abandon Fort Morgan. SEEK REMOVAL OF CONSUL Prominent Chinese Merchants of Seattle Seek Scalp of Moy Back Hin, Representative of Son of Heaven on Coast (Special pupate to The Journal ) isttle. Wash., Oat. 11. Prominent Chinese merchsnts and cltlaena of Seat tle and Portland ar quietly working in both clttoa to secure the removal from office of Moy Back Hin, consul of f'hlna in the Pacific northwest, with headquarters at Portland. Mar's past personal record la alleged to be very bad and that, coupled with the further charge that he cannot apeak tha Eng lish language and to poorly eduoated In th Chinese language, forma tha grounds on which hta opponents believe that thev will secure hta remove I. Man Hop Head of tha Arm of Mean. Hop Co.. on of th biggest mercan tile firths In Seattle, 1 th head and ehoulders of the movement to oust Moy Back Han. Man Hop la supported he aaya by tha local Chinese associa tion, masts up of oriental merchant, and which among tha Chines la aa important a body of men aa th cham ber ef commerce orsanlsatlona among th Ansneani. Man Hop says that alth Hin haa lived In the Unltod rears ba apeaks poor Ignorant Most of his life) STRAUS OUT WITH APPEAL FOR HEARST Jewish Philanthropist Says Time Has Come to Curb Influences Opposing Publisher Wa Need Today a Practical Ap plication of Principles for Which Hearst Standa, Hon esty and Independence In Gov ernment. (Jeamal Special Servfce.l New Tork. Oct tl. Interest In the gubernatorial campaign In New Tork stat has reached the fever stage Managers and candidates of both sides are working their hardest to win th victory. Th aituation to tha moot compli cated of lta kind that haa aver arisen In this commonwealth becaua party llaee are ao badly smashed. Beports from up atate Indicate that Hearst is making heavy inroads into the vote of work men who stood by Roosevelt and Mc Ktnley. That Republicans are thor oughly alarmed over the situation Is ahown by tha appaala constantly being sent to Washington entreating th pres ident to interfere in behalf of Hughe. Meant Mea Jubilant Hearst campaigners today are mak ing great capital of the declalon of the court of appeala yeaterday that multiple petition for candidatesare valid and upon the letter from Nathan Straus favoring Hearst Hearst managers say that tha establishment of the principle of the validity of the multiple petition to of ao much value to the community that the publisher's action at his own expense will not go unrewarded by th people. Straus' latter was used aa heavy artillery in all centers today. Nathan Straus la a great power among the Jewa of the eaat aide. Ha to a brother of Oscar a Straus, who wss selected by President Roosevelt last week aa a member of hla cabinet. In 1890 Nathan Straua originated and haa alnca maintained at hla own ex pense a system of distribution of ster ilised milk to the poor of New Tork city which city statistics prove haa saved many thousands of lnrant lives. Ha also maintains a system ..of depots for tha distribution of coal to the poor of tha tenements. In hla letter advocating Hearst, Ms, Straus says: "I am going to vote for Hearst, and advise aM my friends to vote for him. because I am a Democrat and becaua I believe that tha time haa come to put a curb on the dangerous Influence which are arrayed against htm. I am aware that those who oppose him raise the cry of demagogue, breeder of discontent' and 'dangerous element' "Every new idea that I honest, every new leader that 1 honest. Is attacked In that way. "We need today a practical applica tion of the principles for which Hearst stands, honesty and Independence in government. Those principles must In evitably prevail in this country. "I know Hearst to be a man of I honesty and alncerlty." Straua has for yeara been trytng to have poor women and children gat plenty of fresh, pure milk. He aay that the action of th trust la raising th price of milk I criminal. He de clare that tha governor could prevent It If Haarat were governor tha crtsa (Continued on Pag Two.) trv haa been spent aa a contractor furnishes Chines laborer for railroads. Th consul's accusers say that he haa made a general practice of swindling men he employed by drawing from th railroad company their wages, and fre quently keeping the money. Ten years ago, Man Hop says Back Hin brought two Chines women to this country for Immoral purposea. aad that one of them was sent back by order of th Chinee consul of San Franciaeo. He haa been charged many times. Hop aaya. with slave trading with hta coun trywomen. Back Hin waa appointed to th oaar consulate composed of Oregon, Idaho Montana and Washington, snd adjjB Ing to those who sr ssaklng to havs him removed, got hla appointment aV having railroad Influence brought ts bear on the legation at Washington. A- further ehsrge Is ihaf b has net erly accounted for Ht. as wga turned over la him ment for th purpose Chinese bach ts th birth. Another chart will be at