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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1906)
THE JOURNAL WILL BE FIVE YEARS OLD ON MARCH lO NEXT AFTER IT IS PAST FIVE IT WILL REALLY BE FULL CROWN-WATCH IT! GOOD EVENING Brt-gV 11 Journal Circulation THE WEATHER. OJC 9 '" 1L. "2 AO VOL. V. NO. 204. PORTLAND, OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 80, 1906. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. Vtg T PAPER ROAD OF PITTOCK GOES UNDER Oregonian'sTillamook Line Dies as It Was Born, Without Flesh or Blood Schema of Portland Financier Falls Flat and Now Real Rail, road Man Haa Paid the Debts and Will Construct Genuine Line. After many futile squeaks, and pro longed mental distress for those per sons connected with Its miserable ca reer, the Portland, Nehalem Tilla mook railroad, promoted by H. L. Plt tock axe a number of associates, haa passed to tnocuous desuetude. A paper railroad It 1 was born and a paper rail-, road tt died. Mr. Pittock, chairman of the executive committee and supposed financier, refused to put up any cash. The remains of the scheme have been gathered together by E. E. Lytle and decently burled. He has paid the debts, to workmen, land owners and others,' and will proceed to build a railroad i mm niiiiDora iw inw muuin 01 am Nehalem river and Tillamook bay. It la against The Journal's principles to "knock" any progressive man or feasible project for development of rati transportation But if It will soothe the wounds of men who have been as. eauttwd by the Oregonlan for attempt ing to forward ambitious plans for rail road building In Oregon In the last few years The Journal Is willing to tell the story of the Oregonlan a great railroad acheme to connect Portland and Tilla mook bay with a continuous lino of paper supposedly paper that had been run through the preaa and spoiled. The Portland, Nehalem A Tillamook railway waa conceived In the fertile brain of William Raid. He had suc cessfully built two lines on the west aide of the Willamette river, connect ing Portland with valley points, with the aid of Scotch capitalists who had never even aeon Oregon. When he got one of the proprietors of the Oregonlan Interested in his scheme, he naturally believed ho had a financier who would stick to the proposition and BOS It through. In view of the frequent and long-winded stories that had appeared In the morning paper about 'the rich ness and promise of the Tillamook and Nehalem Country. It waa therefore (Continued on Pago Two. 6 YEAR SEARCH FOR HER LOVER IS SUCCESSFUL rk., tan.. Dit. c Om. i mMiwi vvmv nwjwviwu ouiivi uu- oause He Thought Him an Impostor Relents and Aids His Daughter Located as Time Keeper in Florida. (Journal Special Berries.) Now York. Oat. 10. After a persist ent search of att rears for the man aha loved, the beautiful daughter of Adolph Kauffman. the New Tork millionaire, la happy today, upon receiving newa of me wnoreanouta of Albrooht Booker, a former officer of the German army, who la now engaged aa a timekeeper for a railway In Florida at a monthly stipend of ISO. Kauffman, who drove young Backer away from his daughter, believ ing him to be a mere fortune hunter in search of a rich bride, haa relented and a brilliant wedding at the Kauffman mansion will culminate the picturesque romance. Despite her father's objection to the man who had captured her heart. Mis. Kauffman waa determined that her lover should be round and brought back to her. Six years ago ha left Now Tork and no word of htm was received until today. During; all the years of separa tion the beautiful heiress never gave up hope of finding the young German, and her personsl allowance waa expended to the last cent In search of Becker. Sewing that hla daughter was pining away to a mere ahadow aa a result of the separation. Kauffman mSally re lented his purpose of keeping the couple apart and Joined his daughter in the search. After months of seeking Becker was discovered in Florida, where ha held a position aa timekeeper for a railroad. Upon receiving the assurance of father and daughter that he was not looked upon as an adventurer, ha haa consented to return to New Tork. where he will accept a remunerative position In Kauff man's employ, so that he may properly support the girl be loves. LAUNDRY GIRL f Camilla Clifford, the Actress. Now "' Bruce. EARL EJECTS BRIDAL COUPLE Secret Wedding of Camille Clifford and Son of Lord Aberdare Followed by Midnight Visit to Parental Castle (Joe rati Special Berries.) London. Oct. SO. Nightly appearing on the stage of local theatres to pro cure money with which aha may meet her current expenses, while her husband personally managea the garage of which ha la proprietor, the Hon. Mrs. Henry Lyndhurst Bruce, formerly Camille Clif ford, the "Gibson girl," whoaa meteoric career led her from scrub girl to peereaa in a few short years, patleatly uwalta the time when aha shall bo Lady Aber dare, mistress of Long wood castle, the door of whleh has been slammed on bar after her secret wedding a few days ago. Since the eventful visit to her father-in-law's abode the vaudeville actress haa been silent as to her plans, and Bruce likewise maintains the. attitude of the sphinx. It- was then that the first dramatic climax arose. In the ro mance of the couple, since their, secret wedding, against the wishes of Lord and. Lady Aberdare; occurred at St. George's church In London. After a thrilling automobile ride of 100 miles, during Which the bride faint ed twice from sheer fright, the couple arrived at Long-wood castle at midnight. Hon. Henry Lyndhurat Bruce strode to the portal of the castle arid, with thun dering knock, demanded entrance. After pounding the great bronae knocker vig OREGON Mrs. W. Wynn Johnson, President of tho Portland Woman's Club. BBBsfP ' VBBSsl HbbsW 4 e TO PEERESS Wife of Hon. Henry Lyndhurst orously he aroused a sleepy-eyed butler, who, with amassment Illy concealed, admitted the young couple. So great was the rage of Lord Aber dare when he heard that his son and hla plebeian bride wore awaiting him below that he refused to dress to re ceive them, but soon appeared in slip pers, pajamas and dressing gown. The aon strode boldly up to his en raged parent and, with outstretched hand, asked to introduce his bride. White with boiling anger, the aged peek' opened his mouth to apeak, but uttered never a sound. When he did And utter ance It waa such an explosion of wrath that even his aon waa cowed, while the pretty actress whom he bad made hla wife waa nearly prostrated by tear and excitement. Pointing to the door. Lord Aberdare, In .thundering tones, commanded his aon to take hla bride and leave, never to darken that portal agaia so. long aa he refused to give up the actress. When the couple took, their departure the angry father rushed after them to the door and, with his own hands, a lammed abut the- portal. Brace and bis wifs returned to Lon don the next morning, sfter spending the rest of the night at the village Inn, (Continued on Page Two. CLUB WOMEN ARE IN CONVENTION Mayor Lane Addresses Delegates and Welcomee Them to Port land Speaks of the Work of Oregon Women. Enthuslsam marked the opening meet ing of the Oregon Federation of Women'a Clubs today and a royal wel come was given to Mra Sarah Piatt Decker, president of the General Fed eration of Women's Clubs. ' Mrs. Ha rah Evans, state president, called the meeting to order at Id o'clock this morning. A prayer was made by Rev. James A. Lees of the English Lutheran church, after which ell joined In singing "America." In accordance t with the good old Portland custom, Mrs. Evans asked the ladles to remove their hats and mtich merriment was caused when It was noticed some time after ward that Mrs. Evana had forgotten to remove her own hot. Mayor Lane was Introduced by the president snd msde the welcoming ad dress to the convention. He said": "Madame Presidents, Ladles and ne Gentlemen: I give you welcome to Port land. I am grateful to think that I have been asked to address you, and as 1 nave long wished tar an oppevtuaila te FIVE SHOWS THE ROAD FOR HEARST Phonographs and Mov ing Pictures Enter tain and Catch Votes in Rural Sections John W. Gates Bets Thirty Thou sand on Hughes at Three to One Publisher Making Use of Roosevelt's Popularity Ihm sen Claims Campaign Is Won. (Jos rail Special Berries. ) New Tork. Oct. 30. It wss learned today that John W. Gates bet 110.000 on Hughes to 110.000 with the customer of a brokerage Arm who thinks Hearst will win. Three hundred tnousana is up In Wall street on the election. At this time last vear over ll.S06.UO wss up on the mayoralty. The last weak In Hearst's campaign began with sensational and original fea tures. Five road companies started out i l. M,..,i., ntt m machines and Willi uiu -w- phonographs to entertain and catch the votes of the country folk up state and on Long Island, who will bo entertained between vaudeville "turns" oy -elections en the phonograph of Caruso and Bousa'a band. After a few, .days' sojourn up state Hearst will return to this city for a i,uimU4 Anish ttsstret's manaaers hays aaaaed to b printed for distribu tion througnOUl tne stats svu.ovv tupw .1 . ii.un Illustrated circular, en- mi-it "Issues of the Campaign." The document's chief Interest to politicians lies In the fact that upon one page titer are displayed in parallel columns ex cerpts from speeches delivered by President Roosevelt sna excerpts rrom itaitversul bv Hearst. In all ,..--.. - w - - , ... t h. extracts refer to the accumu lation of the country's wealth. In the hands of a raw. The evident Intention of the Hearst managers is to show that the ideas entertained by the president add Hearst on this subject are the sgme. It la de clared to be on attempt on tno part of Hearst to turn the president's popu larity to the advantage of Hearst by endeavoring to demonstrate that the two men are in complete accord. The election betting on the Broad street curb was at spirited odds on Hughes, opening si to 1. advanced to 11 to 4 and tnen 10 s to i. inou sands of dollars of Hughes money waa offered at those odds but waa not covered. The large bat of the day was 110,009 (O flU.vvv. un Ihmsen. campaign manager for the Independence league, haa Issued the following statement: "The election of Mr. Hearst Is won now. AH those who favor the popular form of government must Interest themselves to prevent the theft of the election by the Republican machine. . "We are receiving numeroua reports of false registration up the state. "tlsports from Albany Indicate that a vast system of fraud registration haa been put Into operation." Hearst's Oreat meceptlone. Hearst had two magnificent recaptions laat night that demonstrated again that the plain people of Onondaga ant Cayuga counties are with him. The first big reception waa In Syracuse, where 4,100 persons were assembled In the Alhambra rink, who cheered every sentence Mr. Hearst uttered. There were uncounted thousands In the streets and about l.too Democrats and Inde- (Continued on Page Two. Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, President Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs. .Ssfsssl Saw 18 NOT A MENTAL WRECK BaaaaaaaWJ --Ssa-SBBBBBBBBal ..SB-sl l - .u. , S Mrs. Mary 0. QUARREL Ranks of Christian Scientists Rent by Fac tional Fight Mrs. Eddy Retains Her In tellect Though Failing Rapidly (Journal ".pedal terries.) Concord, N. H, Oct. 10. Following an exhaustive search and interviews with 147 men and women residents of Concord holding various beliefs. Chris tian Scientists snd others, the Scrlpps News association la able to aay. after having had a personal Interview. that Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy is not a mental wrack as stated. The leader re tains her Intellect and gives . general consideration to affairs. It is true, however, that she Is falling rapidly, and her mind Is unable, to master de tails aa formerly. It Is hardly true that Mrs. Eddy la suffering from incurable cancer. It is evident, however, that her 14 years are wearing upon her, and her body Is suc cumbing to the advance of years. Mrs. Eddy hss Incurred the enmity of powerful members of the church by her despotic manner In repent years. A factional fight caused by hsr refusal to designate her successor haa split the church Into severs fsctlons who are now fighting for mastery. Hedged about with "safeguards." Mrs. Eddy granted an audience to a limited number of newspaper men today, in cluding Scrlpps News association rep resentatives. She said she had sanc tioned the Interview to set et rest the report that her health had been under mined, but It foiled of Its purpose. Falling health wss strident in her face and manner. Christian Science leaders in charge of Mrs. Eddy this afternoon fixed up her appearance before representatives of the press in s lamentably unsuc cessful effort to dlsprovs the printed stories of her weakened mind and body, weighed down by years. Picking from the numerous reputable newspapermen Royal Welcome Extended to Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker, President of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. thank the women of Portland for their loyal support during my recent cam paign, I will take this chance to do so. I have great faith In the good that can be accomplished for the city through the aid of its women, and I have two women who have given me much help, snd if men. would be en faithful In the performance of thwht duty our city would be fgir. indeed. One of these loyal w..rkcrl I sppolnted chief woman policewoman, snd her work has been of great value to the health of the city." The mayor then spoke of his belief that soon should work slds by side, and said that men were coming to realise tha value of women's work In the out side world. One thing In the mayor's ssessli which was of specie! Interest to the clt Iserts of Portland deals with the public schools. "I have a pet theory which I should Ilka to present to you this morning," Continued on rage Three, Baker Eddy. LEADERSHIP present a number they thought likely to fall In Una with the achemea of de signing followers of the mother of the church, the - latter admitted the report ers. A list of questions had been pre pared. Because Mrs. Sybil Wilbur O'Brien of Rldgeway's onoa wrote a eulogistic article on Mrs. Eddy. Mr. Wilson, the Boston Scientist In charge, selected her to ssk the questions. It was planned to permit the repre sentatives of the press to watch Mrs. Bddy come downstairs, but Coachman Fry drew the curtains while tho mother descended. When the curtains were opened, the venerable form ap peared grasping the portjers for sup port, apparently held up by a hidden hand behind the door, her body totter ing. BIRTH OF BOY ROBS HOSPITAL OF MILLIONS (Journal Special lerviee.) Milwaukee, Oct JO. By ths birth of a male heir today to William Plankln ton the Passavant hospital in this city loses $6,000,000. The will of the late William Planklnton Sr. provided for a 16,000.000 hospital If hos son hsd no male heir. NEGRO REVOLUTION IN CUBA EXAGGERATED (Josrnal Sparta 1 Seralee.l Havana, Oct. SO. It developea that the reports of negro revolution are ex aggerated. The cruiser Columbia hss arrived to assist In transporting troops to the scene of the reported uprising. Mrs. H. W. Cos. s Proouneat Port land Clubwoman. PesPTj Mesa! PbBmJHh r F E Boss Said to Have Re ceived Salaries From Many Concerns Who Wanted Protection Rumors of Confessions in Con nection With Bribery Charge Indications of Stampede of Witnesses Who Desire to Turn State's Evidence for Immunity (Journal Special Service.) Ban Francisco, Oct. SO. Judge Ore ham s courtroom was crowded to the limit when the work of completing the new grand jury was resumed this morn ing. The crowd outside Is considerably smaller than the gathering on Monday and the force of policemen and deputies was reduced. Rusf came to 'court ac companied aa usual by two detectives. There waa no demonstration. Excitement regarding tho graft ex posures Is still at fever heat. In ad dition to the rumors connecting tha Southern Pacific and Unltad Railroads) with the alleged purchases of fran chises It Is now charged. that the Ocean Shore railway la also issfllcated. Val uable franchises have been secured dur ing the past year and a half by this corporation, which Is building a Una from Santa 0Mb to San Francisco and laying oat a number of townaltes along tho way. Evidence made public shows that Ruef has acted as "attorney" for count less corporations, saloons, French res taurants and resorts of questionable character. Hla services are supposed to have consisted principally In furnish ing polios protection in return for being placed on the payroll. Rumors are thick of confessions made by parties alleged to be Implicat ed In bribery and graft charges. There is said to be a regular stampede of wltneeses who are anxious to procure Immunity by turning state'a evidence. PEOPLE HATE RUEF OeUfomleas AM Aroused sstd Will right Grafters. C W. McCormlck of San Francisco, who arrived In Portland thia morning. says that the Heney-Ruef incident haa overshadowed the state eleetion and (Continued , on Page Two. TWO BURGLARS; PLUCKY WOMAN; UNLOADED GUN Serio-Comic Episode In Which Mrs. Mollis Bulger is Hsroine Thieves Beat Hasty Retreat When Woman in White Ap pears Upon the Scene. Two burglars, a plucky woman and) an unloaded revolver, were the features of a serio-comic episode at an early hour this morning. Mrs. Mollis Bulger, of 1S9 Twenty-second street, was awakened about 1:S0 a. m. by the un mistakable sounds of housebreakers in the lower floor of her dwelling. In stead of hiding her head under tha coverlet woman-like and tremblingly awaiting developments. Mrs. Bulger left her downy couch In a hurry and pre pared for action. It was but the work of an Instant to tura on the electric lights and secure hea pistol from a bureau drawer. Tightly clasping her trusty weapon Mra. Bulger went on a still hevtt for the Intruders. The white robed apparition armed with a revolver wag toa much for the bur glars and they beat a hasty retreat, la raring for tho kitchen door they fll over a chair, but quickly scrambled ts their feet arid made a dash for safety. Mra. Bulger was In close pursuit sad entered the kitchen Just as the lawt man was going through the door. Taking careful aim she pulled the trigger of the gun and no, Mr, Burglar did not sink to the ground mortally wounded and AS) his life blood ebed away, beg rorgtvs nOSS. Some of Mrs Bulger's relstlves, fearful of a loaded revolver In the house, had extracted all of the eart- iMgis. Chagrined by her failure to get a she at on of the thieves, Mrs vulgar eSB the next beat thing and telephoned for the sottee. After the detectives bad ar- sae RUE UPON 1 PAYROLLS