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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MOKN1NO, OCTPBHK w, imm. CROWDS ATTEND OPENING OF TULL AND GIBBS STORE New Building Is Admirably Suit ed for Big House Furnishing Business Conducted by This Weil-Known Firm. 'The big new store of Tull A Gtbba at Seventh and Morrison streets la now numbered among" Portland'a great at tractions. A magnificent display of furniture attracted Immense crowds of appreciating persons yesterday after r Salesrooms Are Thronged With Friends and Patrons Who Ad mire the Decorations and In spect Great Stock. to the householder Is shown on this floor. Id the basement are arranged the heating stoves, uf which Tull & Olbbs have a most complete stock. The base ment Is where all the shipping Is han- Tull ft Bills' Magnificent New Store Building at Seventh and Morrison Streets. noon and evening during the grand opening that marked the arm's Changs of location. Both sexes In amazing numbers contributed to the throngs that visited the big store and all were as tonished by the wonderful exhibit of draperies, suites, stoves and cabinets of all descriptions that have boon added to tha stock to make it one of the most complete in the United States. It Is estimated that fully 10,000 peo ple visited the large furnishing house and wars entertained by the Arm be tween Z o'clock yesterday afternoon and 10 o'clock last night Everything that could possibly be evolved by tha fer tile brain of Mr. Hall, the man who waa In charge last night, was put to use in the entertainment of these thousands. Three orchestras discoursed music In three different sections of the building, refreshments were offered to all who cared to partake and obliging persons were always at hand to supply any In formation regarding the different pieces of furniture on alt floors. smfldtsg Wall Equipped. The building itself is one of tha bast equipped structures in the city. It Is thoroughly fitted out with modern heat ing and lighting systems and auto matic Are extinguishers so that it is thoroughly secure from any Incon venience that might occur from firs or other disaster. So that as far aa advantages In modern appliances are concerned Tall Olbbs will be equal ly provided with the bast in tha north west. Last night the elevators war not nearly equal to tho emergency and the sightseers thronged to the sixth floor by way of the stairs in their eagerness to view the display. The elevator was early forced to suspend the duty of taking passengers down and only thoss "going up" were admitted. Tha sixth floor is devoted exclusively to draperies and carpets and Is the only department that has ita own separate force of sales men. All othar salesmen work on all the floors except this one. The annex to the atxth floor contains ths carpet sewing machines and the workers that prepare the drap-rlee for use. Tha ar rangement of portieres and lace drapery in this department Is sspsclally note worthy and manv people lingered here to listen to Wllder's orchestra and wander through the labyrinth of cur tains hung before tha curious on this floor. Fifth and Fourth noon. Ths fifth and fourth floors contain complete sets of furnishings for up-to-date suites and the mora costly pieces that the finer dwellings require. On the third floor is the now popular fore father furniture and different makes of the old colonial styles that are now in such big demand. This furniture ta expensive, but Its heavy simplicity ap peals to ths critical purchaser. Tha second floor contains kitchen cabinets and dining-room furniture of all kinds and most anything that would appeal died. Goods to be delivered eat of town are carefully prepared against damage by thorough packing, and goods re ceived are hers unpacked without in conveniencing any other department of the store, so that for comfortable quar ters tha building Is admirably adapted. BOW Annex Zs Used. Aa annex of all six stories is used for distributing the stock to ths different floors, and It la provided with its own elevator to be utilised for freight only. It la in this section that the exchange department is located, an innovation In the ratal! furniture business. Here pat rons are enabled to exchange old and worn-out pieces on new ones and are given much mors for their old furni ture than could be afforded by a second-hand dealer. By means of this annex a suitable placa for the upholstering is provided. This is quite a feature in the work un dertaken by the Tull Olbbs firm and has developed considerably In the late years of business in "this city. This with ths repairing department has grown to enormous proportions and long has demanded more commodious qoar tars. It is now fslt that ths present location or all these features will en able the house to serve its patrons with its fastly increasing business for many years to coma la ths annex also waa located un doubtedly the most tempting attraction of ths opening yesterday, tha lun neon served to ths visitors by the colored PIMPLES, BLACKHEADS Get Rid of All Your Pace Troubles in a Few Days' Time With tha Wonderful Stuart Calcium Wafers. Mai Package BenO Tree. Tou cannot have an attractive face or a beautiful complexion when your blood la in bad order and full Of Impurities. Impure blood means an impure face, a 1 way a The most wonderful aa well aa the most rapid blood cleanser Is Stuart's Calcium Wafers. Tou use them for a few days, snd ths difference tells In your face right away. Most blood purifiers and akin treat ments are full of poison. Stuart'a Cal cium Wafers are guaranteed free from any poison, mercury. . drug, or opiate. They are ss harmless aa water, but tha results are astonishing. The worst cases of skin diseases have been cured In a week by this quick-acting remedy. It contains the most ef fective working power of any purifier ever discovered calcium sulphite. Most blood and skin treatments are terribly slow. Stuart'a Calcium Wafers have cured bolls In three days. Every parti cle of Impurity la driven out of your system completely, never to return, and It Is done without deranging your sys tem In the slightest. No matter what your trouble ta. whether pimples, blotches, blackheads, rash, tetter, ecsesaa or scabby crusts, you can Solemnly depend upon Stuart'a Calcium Wafers aa never falling. Don't be any longer humiliated by having a splotchy face. Don't have strangers stare at you, or allow your friends to be aahamed of you because of your face. Tour blood makes you what you are. Ths men and women who forge ahead are thoaa with purs blood and pure faces. Did you aver stop to think of thatT Stuart's Calcium Wafera are abso lutely harmless, but the results mighty satisfying to you even at the end of a week. They will make you happy be cause your face will be s welcome sight not only to yourself When you look in the glass, but to everybody else who knows you and talks with you. We want to prove to you that Stu art's Calcium Wafers are beyond doubt the best and quickest blood and skin purifier In the world so we will ssnd you a free sample as soon as ws get your name and address. Send for It today, and then when you have tried the sample you will not rest contented until you have bought a 60c box at your druggist a Bend us your name and address to day, and we will at once send you by mall a sample package, free. Address r. A Stuart Co.. 61 Stuart building. Marshall. Michigan. waiters from the Hotel Portland, as sisted by numerous other helpers. The third floor annex waa beautifully dec orated with autumn leaves and Chinese lanterns, with a sprinkling of green plants and palms. No sumptuous spread was put before the guests, but Tull A Qlbbs enterprising advertising manager certainly guessed the vulner able spot when he provided for this lit tle novelty, supplsmsnt to ths free lunch counter. This was ons of the moat popular places in the building and the people literally thronged Into the beautiful rooms where Professor Ams terdam of. tha Portland conducted his string band. Coffee and sandwiches, with ice cream, constituted the menu. Perhaps the grandest room waa the first floor, which, during ths most crowded times, presented a scene close ly resembling the lobby of a large ho tel. The room la perfectly lighted and was tastefully Improved with ths big palms provided for tHs occasion. All the chairs on this floor wers at the dis posal of ths, guests and many took ad vantage of 'the beautiful surroundings to rest snd view the crowds that as sembled to make the opening a big success. It was tha unanimous opinion of the visitors that Tull A Oibba have every reason to congratulate themaelves not only on their new location, but also on the countless modern conveniences of their big store and the magnificent stock It contslns. PERSONAL Fred 1 A Seaside Building pfCC! Oceanside, North Beach aa who looks "is the man who gats ahead, "An the time." The Greatest Chance of a Lifetime Absolutely Free A Fine Building Lot for a Home by the Sea or as a Speculation f OCEANSIDE HOOT BT THE SEA. Is located Just above tho Breakers Hotel, right in the center of North Beach, and la the most delightful spot on that wonderful beach for a SUMMER OCE AINSlOE Todsy offers the best opportunity for ths summer homeseeker or ths speeu- lator. The lota are bound to treble I n price next summer BECAUSE the O. R. A N. R. R. is now extending the line (which st present runs only on tha beach) along the north shore' of the Columbia river. This Is not a proposed extension, but It Is AC TUALtiT BUILDING NOW. Also ths Great Northern Is rapidly pushing Its road along the north shore. When either of these roads is completed NEXT SUMMER Oceanside will be only four hours' ride from Portland. JUST WATCH THE PRICES Soar next summer. Ten years ago Portland people did not go. as a rale, to ths seashore. Now ths city Is fast becomtns- a rushing metropolis and every summer more and more of the tired cittsens seek rest at the seaside. Last summer tnere were 20,000 people at North Beach. Houses wers at a premium OET ONE OF OUR JAJTB AND HAVE TOUR OWN HOMK BT THE SEA. FREE a grand photograph of "Moonlight st Oceanside" FREE. We want to send you this beautiful picture of the Pacific Ocean from Oceanside J.D. Miliar & Co. astasia Bias. fettle, Or. v Ym mar aantf me wlthool ssr expeser or obllf tkn on v aw part a cop, or "swiis- -V iJlftT AT ocEAmiDK" as ...A Im full tiarttfalar of sow I any Man without rherse N. '"hat mr preaua. of a buUdlsg lot at Otesastee. - X WaT y rats s Is for earomafsle asWI Women OalyN. Children Weed Wot AwHy. v It Is simply grand and well worth framing. IT IS TOURS FOR THE ASKING. The picture is mi ana is one or tnoae lucsy r nance pictures which catch nature In a beautiful mood. The picture Is copyrighted and Is the envy of every landscape photographer who has seen it. We might try a thousand times again and never get such s beauty. We want you to have the picture so that you may realise a beautiful place 1T OCEANSIDE. Cut Out and Mail the Attached Coupon Today And obtain one of these pictures and full Information how you may get our premium of a building lot free of ALL. CHARGE WHATEVER. FREE A HOME BY THE SEA Dolph Tuggle, a prominent druggist of Ashland, who has been spending his vacation In Portland, has returned home. Judge Arthur L. Eraser of the cir cuit court returned yesterday from Prlneville, Oregon, where ho has been holding court In the absence of Judge Bradshaw. Judge Fraser held a nine days' session, during which time he heard nine jury trials, two of which ware murder trials. In ,order to get through with the business of ths court, sessions were held at night for a time. Miss Helen Teal la visiting Mrs J. N. Teal, IT St. Clair street. She will spend a week or 10 days If ths city. R. T. Cox, who has been on a visit to relatives in Washington city for tb past six weeks, will return tomorrow evening over the Union Pacific. BOGUS CHECK PASSER SWINDLES MERCHANTS A daring crook la busily engaged in flooding the business section of the elty with worthless checks and la being eagerly sought by the police. Frank R. Kerr, of Wadhams A Kerr, wholesale grocers, was notified yesterday that a man representing himself to be James McGrath had passed a check on tha Portland Hardware company for fll purporting to be algned by Mr. Kerr. F. Dreeeer A Co., grocers, were victim- Read This St Francis Church 2 E. 11th St. Portland, Or., Sept (, 110s. DR. R. A. THOMPSON. Oregon Optical Co., Portland. Or. ' Dear Sir: Permit me to stats a fsw words In be half of your scientific work In fitting eyeglasses. Tou arc entitled to the gratitude of all unfortunates who are compelled to use glasses in aid of aye sight. I have been wearing glasses for several years; have been, fitted by dif ferent doctors, hut I must admit that the ones you fitted to my eyes are the best and the most satisfactory of all that I have had. I have put you down. In my opinion, aa the most scientific optician I have ever met, recommending you to all my friends. Tours very sincerely. KVV. CHAS. 8EROSKI. Tou can do no better than Father Seroski did with hlr sye troubles. Come to us. We will please you as ws did him. Examination Free and Painless Oregon Optical Co. lit Fourth Street. T. at C A. Bids. A Large Bump of Prejudice Exists in the Minds of Many Men And one of the prejudices to which some men cling most tenaciously is that clothes cannot be had ready to put on and wear good enough to satisfy them. Our appeal to such men is that we will show you a product in CHESTERFIELD SUITS and OVERCOATS ready to put on and wear vastly superior to the clothes you are wearing, both in style, in tailoring and exclusiveness of effect, as much superior as is the shoe you buy at the good store compared to what you get from the shoemaker who in this age puts in his time repairing old shoes. The reason we can give you bet ter than you have been getting is that the greatest designer in this coun try designs CHESTERFIELD CLOTHES, that only the most artistic and skilled tailors are engaged in their manufacture, the most skilled are there because the manufacturer pays his price. We can fit you, no mat ter what your build may be, having five distinct models, and will ask you to bear- in mind that CHESTERFIELD CLOTHES are hand-tailored by the best tailors, that they are guaranteed to retain their shape and to prove entirely satisfactory as no tailor or other ready-wear maker has ever dared guarantee. If the front of coat in any CHESTERFIELD SUIT sold curls back at edge or breaks in front, causing coat to lose shape in one year's wear, we will give customer a new suit FREE SUITS AND OVERCOATS PRICED $20 to $50 A pleasure to show you how good they are. R. M. Cray 269-371 Morrison Street taed to the extent of IJO in the same manner, and anotSer firm lost 111.50. The checks are all drawn on the Bank of California and bear a forgery of Kerr's signature. The police desire to warn all merchants to he on their guard and a strenuous effort Is being mads to capture the erlmln-l. OR. HARRY f. ESTEY DIES AT GOOD SAMARITAN House Surgson Passss Away From Typhoid Fever After Two Weeks' Illness. Dr. Harry E Eatsy, house surgeon of ths Good Samaritan hospital, died at that Institution about 0 o'clock last evening from typhoid fever contracted two weeks ago. Death was not unex pected ss the young physician had been growing weaker for several daya and no hope was entertained for hla recovery. The disease waa particularly acute and resisted everything medical skill could do to check Its ravages. Dr. Bstey waa one of the most popu lar and efficient surgeons ever con nected with the Good Samaritan hos pital. He entered the Institution ss an Interna last June upon matriculating with high honors from tha medical de partment of the University of Oregon. During his senior year be waa elected as class president which testified to the high esteem In which ha was held. Deceased was tt years of age and a native of Nebraska. His mother, Mrs. F. K. Hubbard, resides at Portsmouth. In this city. The remains ware taken to Flnley's funeral parlors last night and the obsequies will undoubtedly be held at that establishment. The death Of Dr. Bstey came aa a great shock to all of tha attaches of the hospital, by whom he was highly regarded. Ellen Beach Yaw in Concert Ellen Beach Taw opened tha concert mason at Ta Liberty theatre in Oak land the othar day, and a splendid audi ence gathered to hear the young woman they are so fond of calling "The Cali fornia Nightingale," for Miss Taw la a native daughter and a very much be loved one. too. Personality has as much to do, per haps, with a singer's success aa ths voire. Yaw has that rare personal mag netism that wins all hearts, and aa aha la a beautiful woman, with a grace and styls that compel admiration, her con quest on the concert stage has been an easy one. She has spent the past eight years In serious study abroad, and In davoted consideration of the beat to be found In the musical atmosphere and training of the old world. Now shu comes again to Portland with her golden voice trained to ths highest art, snd In the very flush of splendid womanhood and enthusiasm. She will nppear, with her assisting artists, at tha Helllg theatre, under the direction of Lois Steers-Wynn Com an. The con cert will be on Wednesday evening ths 7th of November, and is a apeclsl event not Included In the regular list BARGAINS ON CLOTHING & SHOES Men's Suits and Overcoats from $6.00 up to $15.00. The same identical grade you pay $10.00 and $20.00 elsewhere. We guaran tee our Shoes to give satisfactory wear, from $1.50 up to $3.50. We save you from 50c to $1.00 on every pair JOHN DELLA R 181-183 FIRST ST., COR. YAMHILL, and 53-55 NORTH THIRD Sit, COR. DAVIS sai as arT- W00LERY WAS BORN UNDER LUCKY STAR R. Woolery wss evidently born undsr a lucky stsr. for, after falling from, ths bridge over Montgomery gulch, st ths font of Larrabee street. 70 feet to tha ground below, at an early hour yester day morning, he will be able to leave the Oood Samaritan hospital In a few days without having suffered any per manent disability. It "waa at first thought by tha surgeons that ha bad Clarke.Woodward i Drug Co. Wholesale Manufacturing and Importing Druggists Largest Etubllthmtst Is the K.rthwtit Conveniently located near union passenger station, freight de pots, docks and terminal grounds. Cor. 9th and HoytSts, broken his back, but according ta tha hospital attendants his injuries are not serious and hs is already convalescing. MURDERER WILL BE HERE THIS EVENING (serial Disss tea Tin JesraaM Prlnevine, Or., Oct.. it. Fred Shep herd, convicted of the murder of Ben F. Zell, a prominent rancher who lived near here, who la sentenced to hang November 20, Is being conveyed ta the state penitentiary at Salem by a sheriff and will paaa through Portland tomor row evening. Shepherd takes his sentence coolly and shows not ths slightest fear of the fste which awalta him. OAKS RINK Halloween Masquerade Wednesday NightOct. 31. o am mmk TJBdeairablea Arrested. John Gorman, alias "Bruce Kid," and Frank Nelson, said by tha police to be desperate criminals, ware arrested In the north snd lsst night by Detectives Hill and Joe Burke and booked on charges of vagrancy. Both man will be held pending an Investigation aa It la thought they may have been Implicated in some of the recent crimes. "The Cares that Infest the Day a.-m a i -a aj -" - - - tasTHsiaissn Ms waF . "Krmta7e.y wISTaraUS!'-' ' Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient Bar. v. . rat. oa. aad yoH dad how '.Irht hearted, yea are ween Ussmh. Pa " Vty years swtatag baa superceded TARJCANT'S bowels and agat-eaU- wHk shy- Bwna in w uuu. At Drmgfiitt jo ttntt tmi ft.eotr tf mtllfnm Tl TAIIAHT CO 44 RsSMa St.. Htw York I llsaViSsl