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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER H, ltOC Town Topics" lonoi to sua; The Journal agency at Eugene ha been transferred to Harper Jamlaon, wttb headquartara at Schwarsachlld's book store, where aU change, com ptalnta and naw subscriptions will rs ealva prompt autntion. Tonesri amuixmexts. Htlllf "la tit BUhoe'i Carriage " Bakrr 1. 1111. n Lawrence In The gorcereas'' Empire Thome" Ur "Th Man From Mexico" Lyric "The N Pettier" Grind . VaudeTllla PSDtlfee Vaudeville Fresh Oysters Protons Ufa. Noothar ahellflah or food article la so much prescribed by the dootora of today to patients, especially after a long sickness, a oyatera. They are nourishing- and are retained by the moat delicate etoni eb. Parties using them, however, should, b careful to notice whether they are clean aad absolutely fresh. If you detect a flahy or strong flavor there la something: wrong. When freah they have a delicate oyster flavor pa collar to themaelvea. They act on the digestion in auoh a way that the ays tam and, therefore, the appetite craves them every once tn a while. The most noted doctors of our city have for years been Insistent that their patients us a oysters only from one firm la this aity or not at all. Routledge, the oyster man, la now located at 17 Grand ave nue north, Burkhard building. Hla oyatera arriving; dally, ths day follow ing their being taken from th salt 'water, have all the natural juice and flavor and smack of freshness. Month ly accounta will b opened with those who wish It and delivery mad fore noon or afternoon, including Sundays, to east aid only. Telephone East 96. The Clrculo Esptnol Llterario, sn or ganisation to promote the knowledge of the Spanish language, was formed last night at the apartments of W. W. Rob inson, 63 Selltng-Hlrsch building. Th following officers were elected: Mrs. W. w. Robinson, president; A. R. Ve lar, vice-president; R. W, Keel, secre tary; Mrs. Walter L. Phlfp. treasurer. Addresses on the purposes of th order were delivered by W. Willner, Professor A. R. Vejar and B. W. Keel. Meotlngs will be held weekly on Saturday even ing at th apartments of Mr. Robinson, to which all Spanish-speaking people and students of Spanish are Invited. The study of th language will be pro moted by readings and conversation. Musical selections and other entertain ment feature will be given. The annual meeting of the Women's funlclpal association will be held at o'clock tomorrow afternoon at th T. W. C. A. room. Of floats of th as sociation and a board of directors will B elected. An interesting program has been arranged to follow the business meeting. Addresses will be delivered by Mrs. Lola Baldwin and Mr. Ada Wallace Unruh. Mrs. Weaver of Kan sas City, a singer of wld reputation, will sing for th first Urn In Portland at this meeting. The New Tork society Is planning to hold some meetings this winter and will hav It first fall meeting next Tuesday evening, at th horn of Captain W. H. Pope to take up this matter. Th cele bration of New Tories most honored anniversary, that -of Evacuation day, will alao be considered at that time and arrangements made for It. No notice will be mailed th members because of th shortness of time. Th officers wish New Yorkers, whether member or not, to com and make themselves known. Tou won't find any flaw In our work, nor will your friends. Oood drossers have ordered their clothes from us for years men who demand perfect fit and high class workmanship above all else, and our work has always satisfied them, as they com bock for another ult and bring their friend. Remember, we make any ault In th house to order for 125.00. No more. No leas. Why don't you try us? Unique Tailoring Co., 99 Stark, near Sixth. , Plant Bib son's Roses Our roses are In fine condition for present planting They hav been grown without Irriga tion and the wood is well ripened. Buch plant respond venerously when trans planted. Special attention given to or ders by mall or telephon. New cata logue mailed free. Office and nurseries, 11S0 Mllwaukle avenue. Phone East lit. Ask for catalogue. Th SIbson Rose Nurseries. There always is s rush of work for seversl weeks befote Christmas, and by ths same token some people always get disappointed can't get their photos In time fret, fume, sre sick at heart. Come now, friends. . Have a sitting to day, between 10 and t. Than you will get the very best results. E. W. Moore, expert photographer. Elks building. Seventh and Stark. Miss Katharine Ball of San Francisco will give a cours of six talks on "Jap anese Prints" at the Museum of Art, beginning Tuesday, November 8. Miss Ball will use her own collection of prints to Illustrate her lecture, and in order to obtain the most satisfactory "STICKLERS FOR QUALITY Cut Glassware Ltks Diamonds, la going up in price. It's our luck to hav a fine stook on hand and now let prices soar. Our reople shsll buy the handsome Christmas Presents at th same old figures, corns what wilt W lust want all person to get this Into thlr mind, now (hat w ar on th border of th holiday season. TroablM ptloUB F TheCHeitkemperCo. tee MonaieosT s. "Lowest Prloed Jewelry for Fine Ooods. Bargains vs. Burglars A SURE REMEDY Wednesday evening, Octo ber tl, at o'clock, our rare ffr at fourteen months' rental for th pric of twlv for boxes In our large burglar-proof Safe Deposit vault expires and an opportunity to soour a box on these terms Will never b given you again. Drop Into th bank and see working of th vault. Box 4 and up pr year. Oregon Trust & Savings Bank . o: results th number of course ticket to b sold will be limited to about 10. Mis Ball 4s wall known In San Fran cisco as a student of Japanese art. She Is now giving lectures at Seattle. Articles of Incorporation of th Ste- nh.n..RtiMll I'nmnxnT VCM filed In ' the office of the county clerk yester day afternoon by Henry Stephen, third, Charles J. Russell and Ralph R. Uunl way. They will engage hi an invest ment business in timber and mineral lands and leal estate. Capital stock, 3100.00. A man of distinguished appearance probably nevr knows how much of hla eleganc Is due 10 hla cloth. A man of this type moat usually dresses well all th time. Tou may see men of thla typo continually leaving our doors. Wa ar wall advertised by our customers. Armstrong the Tailor, Raleigh building, 333 Washington street. Claude Wright and Miss Rose Flcklln of Union, Oregon, war married Wednes- ! day at th horn cf the bride's sister, ! Mr I. H. Carrie, at 804 Front street. Th ceremony was performed by Rev. J, i R. Welch. Th wedding was informal, only near relatives and Intimate friends of th bride and groom being present. The People's Forum will discuss "Government Ownership of Railroads'' , tonight H. D. Wagnon will lead the discussion favoring state ownership ! and opposing federal ownership of rail- i roads. The meeting, which Is to bo hold In th Belling Hlrsch building, be gins at 7.10 o'clock. Th ladle of Neman circle. Women of Woodcraft, will Inaugurate a aeries of winter dance by giving a Hallow wo ! party and dance next Wednesday even ' lrg at th Baat Sid Woodmen's hall. East Sixth and Alder. A good time is promised and all are welcome. The annual meeting and election of officers of th Oregon Equal Suffrage association will be held next Saturday, at 9 p. m., at 1st Sixth street. All si embers ar urged to be present. This will remind yon that now I the time to have your hair mattresses reno vated and returned the nam day. Phone Main 474. Th Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metxger. proprietor. A special purchase of a manufactur er's sample Una of ladles' tailor-made suits will bo sold at one third off while they loot Th Palais Royal, 174 Wash ington trt. Late styles In ladle' coats, tn all the nsw colors can be found at The Pa lais Royal at a less price than any house In th city. lit Washington street. Tour Eye Examined Free. w ar till selling eyeglasses at 11.00. A per fect fit guaranteed. Metsger Co., Jewelers and opticians. 111 Sixth street The Washington A Oregon Realty Co. will movs from 393 H Washington , street to their new and commodious of 1 flea, lot Second street. November 1. We have mors customers than we can supply. If you have anything to soil, try our system. E. 8. Jackson a Co.. 24 Stark St. Phono Main 345. Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on easy payments: 31 down, 30e a wek. Don't go without a good timepiece Metsger Co, 111 Sixth street Th Jewish Women's Endeavor so ciety will hold a rummage sale at 392 Morrison street, near Tenth. Open on Monday, October 2. Steamer Jessie Harktna for Camas, Wsshougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Loaves Alder street dock at 'ft- m. Great dross skirt eel 100 sample skirts will be sold at a big reduction. The Palais Royal, 373 Washington street. a 3 John F. Logsn has removed his law offtc to rooms 431-4 Mohawk build ing. Third and Morrison. Notice Hlbemla Savings Bank open Saturday evening from ( to 3. VP. Acm OH Co. soils ths best safety coal oil and tin gasoline. Phone East Tift, Choloo roe bushes, two years old. II aad I dosen. Tel. Main 4171. Notice Hlbemla Saving Bank open Saturday evenings from ( to I. For Quality, Quantity and Quickness, go to Morris' restaurant Watch, W oostar 1 I 1 For Business Man Only Theatregoers are th spenders of any community. If. then, by some means, you can reach this clas of folks In a condensed form, as it were, yon will hav attained th medium par excel lence. The Helllg theatre program la th avanu for quality advertising, v. ax ' Milwaukfe Country Club. Eastern and California race Take gellwood and Oregon City ear at First and Alder. Surely Anna Held ha boon sufficiently Ju.Hlu wllhmit hivlne h.r Ua.I. stolen, Mayb they were, OPERATIC QUEEN IS SOON TO asaPr anaai4Bai aaEals Madame Anna In th near future Portland will pe visited By Madame Anna Hellstrom, the famous prima donna of the Royal Oparu of Stockholm, Sweden. The date of her arrival has not been definitely fixed but from a letter received yesterday she will in aU probability reach this city during the middle part of next month. This will be her first visit to the Pacific coast and it will also be the first time that the people of Portland will have an opportunity of hearing a nightingale of the north freah from the Royal Opera of King Oscar's domain. Like her famous predecessor. In this venerable institution, Jenny Llnd. Mad am Hellstrom waa trained musically and histrionically within its wall from her very childhood. Like Christine Nllsson, she is said to be the daughter of the people and Intimately in touch with all that is naively frank, tender and wholesome In human sentiment. Like Louise Michael!, she la aald to a voice of phenomenal range SAVED MURDERER FROM MAD MOB Mayor William Wurzweiler of Prineville, Who Did It, Is In Portland. REFUSES TO TALK OF , STIRRING INCIDENT Would Rather Discourse on Pros perity and Progress of Prineville and Surrounding Section, Which He Says Are Greater Than Ever. wnilsm Wurswetler. mayor of Prine ville, Oregon, I a guest of th Imperial ka.-i xa mImmI oulte a little fame by thwarting th mob which wa seek ing to lynch rred nnepneru wno kiubu Benjamin F. Zell recently. Wursweller la very modest and refused to talk about his part In the drama that stirred the little Oregon town. When the mob was about to proceed to th Jail and force an entrance to se cure the murderer, Wursweller singled out the ringleaders and msde sn earn est plea to keep the mob from its work. He called upon th men in the name of the state and promised them that the law would be given full swsy In the ease of Shepherd. He pleaded so earn estly and spoke so eloquently that the o4merican Restaurant 00m. AJTB oovcm at an Sunday Dinner from 11 a. m. to 8 Ohiokon Sons with Btee free with 1 Chicken Salad, Mayonnaise Dress tag Half Cracked Crab Boiled Salt Baaokersl, Drawn utter Baked Salmon. Bane Italian fjiseaed tittle stack Cleans Clam Bouillon with Toast Boiled Brisket of Beef, Spanish . . . Chloken Pot Pie with Dumplings Pork par 3Uh with Sourkront Teal Blow with Uma Beans Beef T idarlola. Bordelalee Bane. Chloken Olblets Baat oa Toast . Breast of tomb, Breaded a la ' Creole See Stew with Vegetables Pickled Damb's Tongue, Potato ao 200 25 150 15) as 900 20C 250 20 164) 1 205 150 25) 4O0 150 Boston Baked Pork aad Oalvo Brains with Half Spring; Chicks oa Toast Banana Fritters, Win Sanoe. Bide Oreo Bsmas Fritters 00 Tax-key with Oeltry and 350 250 Boast Chloken with Boast Beef, Pa Oravy Boast Teal 15 Perk IB), ton it 200 1O0 50 1O0 tomb, Siloed Tomato 5 Celery . Oneambor B, tnw Oaloas Ooffae, aU OF SWEDEN VISIT PORTLAND Hellstrom. and expressiveness, and like Carolina Oestberg, the artlstlo versatility of genius. But unlike th two last men tioned singers, her Immediate predeces sors at the Royal Opera of Stockholm. Madame Hellstrom appear deatlned to acquire International fame. Madame Hellstrom's American visit will consist of an extended tour from coast to coast, embracing mora than SO concerts within the limited tlm of slightly more than two month that he ha been granted reluctantly for a leave of abssnse from the Royal Opera. It will embrace th opening of the musical season with the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra, and Important ap pearances In Chicago and other leading cities of ths middle ststes. Before re turning to th Atlantic coast, she will appear In San Francisco and Los An geles and then proceed through Pitts burg, Providence and Boston. Madame Hellstrom's farewell concert will be given at Carnegie hall. New Tork. in December. leadera succeeded In holding th angry cltlsens in check. Later Shepherd was tried, found guilty and sentenced to bo hanged. Mayor Wursweller refused to talk about the murder and the mob, but he told of the groat prosperity which hit city Is enjoying, and said that every body was happy over th results of a fruitful year. "Ths sheepmen ar especially pleased ovsr their year's' work," he said. "They have been receiving good prices bet ter than they received before for their product and they can always find a buyer. The prospects for next year are very nattering, and we all look to the moat prosperous yesr lri our history." HAZELWOOD COMPANY WILL ERECT 616 BUILDING Structure Will Be Built Between Hoyt and Glisan, Third and Fourth Streets. An Immense new creamery building will bo constructed at Fourth and Hoyt stroats on th present sit of th Wil lamette Steel and Iron works, at a cost of 3100,000, by th Haselwood Creamery company. The first half of the building will bo constructed and ready for oc cupancy by th first of April, accord ing to the plane of the company, while the second half of the building will be finished ss feet as possible. Yesterday afternoon the Haselwood people bought the north half of th block bounded by Third. Fourth, Ollean and Hoyt streets, and now th sits of the Willamette Steel work. The price paid waa a little less than 3(0,000. The present tenants now hav a lease which runs until December 26. and until that time the new owners will be unable to begin the construction of their plant. The plana are now being drawn, how ever, and as soon as possession can be had th work of construction will be be stun. It la th Intention of the creamery people to build a creamery building at Fourth and Hoyt streets which will oover half Of th tract purchased, or on quarter of a block. This building will bo four or Ave stories high and will contain alt the department neces sary for the transaction of the buaineas of the creamery company. It will cost 380.000 snd will be completed by April' 1. As soon as this building Is finished, or It may be sooner, work on the sec ond building will bo commenced. Thle will bo the counterpart of the first structure snd will be sublet until such time as the Haslewood company need It for It own use. Th present quarters will be sub leased, th Haslewood company haa a leaae on the building for six years. JAMES TAYLOR DIES FROM HIS INJURIES James Tsylor, a prominent member of the longshoreman's union, died at hi home at 464 Hoyt street, at n o'clock yesterday forenoon. Death re sulted from Injuria received Friday while loading flour on the steamer Nlcomedla. Taylor was horn in Soot land in 1343. He has resided In Port land more than 37 yeara. He la sur vived by hie wife and two grown daugh ter. Taylor wa prominent In fraternal circle, having boon a member of the K. O. T M. and F. O. A. order. Funer al services will bo held at the family residence Tueeday morning at 10:30 o'clock Interment will bo at Jtlvervlew cemetery. Th annual day of fat for turkeys has been duly proclaimed. New Arrivals Direct From Eastern Factories Hall Trees and Mirrors Extension Tables Library Tables ' mm i fcfH& flNp . miii v. ,gxsr Bs La $12.50 Box seat with lid; French bevel ror 16x16 inches: selected quarter sawed golden oak, flake figured rubbed and and p olished; height 6 feet inches; width extremities, ft 8 fBS.OO West side price $34.00. You should see the table to appreciate it. The finish it the best: stock is of solid ? nattered oak, with fully carved claw eet; 6-foot extension; well castored. 931.50 Only $1.00 weekly. This is full pol ished quartered golden oak, with large French beveled mirror, leaded glass fronr doors; 1 drawer lined; 1 long linen drawer; buffet, top 22x48. FIREMAN STOPS RUNAWAY HORSE , a Captain Stokes Saves People ' From Injury by Hla Prompt and Heroic Action. Dashing1 straight Into th crowd at Fourth and Morrison streets, a horse attached to a delivery wagon waa pro- Captain Stokes. vented from Injuring om on In the throng by th prompt action of George W. Stokes, captain of engine company No. 1, yesterday afternoon. A small boy was driving the horse on Fourth street south of Tamhlll. On tug broke and th bore Imme diately ran away. Stoke saw the runaway coming, saw that the young drive wa powerlea 3di 364 to 370 East Morrison St A large shipment of Exten sion Tables, Hall Trees and Mirrors are the latest to ar rive and all will be displayed on our floor, this week. Come in and see them while there is a big line to select from. Three Rockers Free Bockar No. 1 to the first person solving our prise pusxls. The second and third rockers wlU be given to the lucky persons hav ing their number drawn from the remaining num ber of solutions. Get a card at our store. When you have solved It seal It and mall to Pussl Department, or leave at our office. mir 520.00 weekly pays for it $1.00 Li verge rich tlake quarter- 7 sawed golden oak. hand rubbed and polished; heavy French legs with carvings at top; solid stock top 26x44 in., in. OUR PRICE ae.oo West side price $7.75. Mad of golden quartered oak, pol ished finish; very strong and comfortable. We ar now showing a large line of chairs and rockers of all de scriptions and finishes. LITTLE RENTS LITTLE PRICES LITTLE DOWN LITTLE MONTHLY to control the horse and also saw th man and womsn and children at th corner. Assistant Chief Laudenklos alao scanted the danger and mad a dash, but Stoke was nearer. Out Into the middle of the street he ran and grabbed the horse's bit. Just as tha horse tried to turn up Morrison street the fireman's weight and strength brought the horse to a standstill. It was the second time yesterday that the same horse bad ran away because of a broken tug. "Go and got the tug fixed." said Stokes to the young driver. EAST SIDE IS TO HAVE ANOTHER BRICK BUILDING Goorge W Bate ha received a per mit for the erection of a two-story brick building on Williams avenue and Knott street It will be used for stores and offtoes snd wUl coat 119,000. Other permit hav boon received a follow: Mrs. Elisabeth A. Murphy, two-tory dwelling. Bast Seventeenth between East Couch and Bast Burnslde; cost, 33.000. R. H. Sherman, one-atory dwelling. Baat Sixteenth between Hol brook and tCUllngaworth avenue: coot 10, S. A. Torgerson, one-story dwell ing. Kllllngsworth avenue, between Sast Fourteenth and Baat Fifteenth: cost, 1300, Charle Bold. one-story dwelling, Umatilla avenue, between Bast Twenty-third and Bast Twenty fifth streets; cost, 9300. O. W. Jewell, one-story dwelling. Beat Twenty-elxth. between Going and Praaoott; eoet 3300. William Watson, shop. Union avenue, between Baat Irving and Bast Hoyt: cost ISO. Helen Spalding, repairs. Park, oorner Alder; coat. 173. Mr. M. Becker, one-atory dwelling. Vancouver avenue, between Falling and Shaver; coat, 91.000. V. Kowslewskl, one-story dwelling. Krwln. corner Fay; cost. 9390. Frank Kolndr, one-story dwelling, niandsna, oorner Bjrwln. H. U. Dough erty, one-story dwelling, Shorrett, be tween Baat Seventh and Bast Eighth; cost, t900. H. C. Mount, one-story dwelling, Baat Seventeenth. corner Clackamas: cost 1979. Frank E Straight, Brown, between East Sixth and Valentine; eoet 1130. u aio.00 Easy Payments. Box seat with lid; golden oak finish; height 6 feet 6 inches; width extremities, 2 feet 7 inches; French beveled mirror 14x12 inches. f 25.00 This handsome extension table, beau tifully flaked quarted-sawed white obk; peaestai; niceiy unisnea; o-toot extension. We have the Royal Oak tables the imitation quartered oak as low as $7.50 for 6-ft. extension. 1 t3 fss.50 Only $1.00 per week. Large French bevel mirror; top 22x48; swell front; large linen drawer; large compart ment in center; one small drawer lined; nice large flaked golden oak; best rubbed and polished finish. Cfeo BROWN Grand and Hawthorn A Five-Story Stone and Brick run Apartment A model home for permanent guest. Jheerfnl fireplacea in every suite. Fin est tsble and elegant accommodation. Lowest rat for the splendid service. Electric elevator rervlee day and night. Qhs and electric light throughout th building, office, large parlor and dla Ing-mnm on ground floor Steam heat telephone and hot and cold water In every room. Six ear lines pass th door and 1 minutes- walk to basins conter. For TBm and roeorvatloas apply a or nag ap TL . ssi. OAKS RINK Halloween Masquerade OOBJf AJTB VUsWEaS? Wednesday Night Oct 31. fBrF0RffW lillsV I I 'llissasssntsi'st