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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
THE OREGON 8UKDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.' 8UNPAY MORWINO, OCTOBER 28, 1XW. I " ' H'l ' I " 11 l f New Shadow Plaids, Special $1.50 For Monday sale we offer 60 piece of the popular and scarce Shadow Plaid Panama, all wool, 48 to 64 inches wide, in new and ex clusive pattern just received. Colors, navy, brown, wine, green, gray, etc., in beautifully blended combinations. Great f CA special value Monday, yard Ciptnan, Ololf e $ Co. Oeod Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Prices Arc Always the Lowest Portland autterick Psttorn Store-CohnaM Yerms Eiileatvsiy-WsSea i Pictur rrajaiax-WMow Shad Make to IJawary Reaelrins $1.35 Black Taffeta Silk, 07c Yard wMMaMMMayeaMMaMMSseseessas The manufacturers of the celebrated "Gold Standard" yard-wide Black Taffetas made us a liberal allowance for introducing this su perb, new black silk. We therefore offer for Monday only from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m., this matchless $1.86 black silk at the re- QHq markable introductory price of, yard V 3700 Long Coat Bargains Beckon You to Come Straight to This Store Tomorrow 800 new Long Coats arrived Saturday night by delayed express, swelling the total number in this sensational sale to 3700, in spite of three days' tremendous selling. Three entirely new styles are included, giving a choice of over 45 modelsr-the greatest assortment and the largest number of coats in any store west of Chicago. The substantial savings are the result of enormous brilliant purchases. The garments are made mtfielatest and most correct styles the most popular Coats in New York, where they were bought just 21 days ago. The illustrations are sketched from actual coats, worn by living models, and give only an idea of the infinite grace and smartness of the 45 models. The greatest sale of coats in many years and the greatcrgenuine money savings. Here are SIX of the most sensational bargains there are many others; Reg. $ 1 8.50 Coats, $ 1 2.50 Women's 50-inch Coat of fancy mixed cloth, in tan, me dium and dark gray, made with full loose back, fly front, with four pocket, velvet collar, yoke and sleeves satin lined, new coat sleeves with velvet trimmed fa a tZf cuffs and strap stitched down back; real JF value $18.60; sale price only - Reg. $22.50 Coats, $ 1 5.00 Women's 60-inch all wool Plaid Coats, made with full loose back, in fancy gray and tan plaid; double breasted, collar leae, with velvet and braid trimming, full new coat sleeves, with turned cuffs, edged with velvet and braid, sleeves satin lined; real value $88.60; sale price $15.00 Reg. $25.00 Coats, $ 1 7.50 Women's 60inch Fancy Plaid Coat, in gray-mixed invisi ble plaids, made with full loose back, collarless, trimmed with red or green velvet and braid; full new sleeves with fancy cuffs, trimmed to match the collar f a C f effect, sleeves satin lined, real value 9)f $86.00; aale price only Reg. 30 Broadcloth Coats, $18.50 60-inch Coat of fine quality black broadcloth, with extra full loose back, collarless, with velvet and braid fancy trim ming around neck and yoke; full new sleeves with velvet $18.50 and braid trimmed cuff; all tin lined in white or black; real value $80.00; pe cial aale at Reg. $35.00 Coats, $22.50 60-inch fine all wool imported Broadcloth Coats, In red, brown andblack, made extra full, loose front and back; all lined with satin and smartly trimmed with braid; one of 'mosTrsBMrkable bargains of this mf great ale; real value $36.00; for jhi X-eOU Reg. $35.00 Coats, $25.00 60-inch full loose back Coat of fancy green shadow plaid cloth, strictly tailor-made, with cloth trapping and satin piping, collarleaa, with velvet braid and fancy button trim ming; new sleeve with velvet cuff; to mm half satin lined; real value $86.00; price S!)jj in Vtim sale 250 New Plaid Silk Waists Regular $7.50 Value, $4.69 COLOR COMBINATIONS Black and White, Red, Gray, Navy 250 newest Plaid Silk Waists in all the latest and most up-to-date models, copies of the smartest and most recent foreign creations. In tailor-made effects, with strapping and plai tings; also in fancy tucked, shirred and plaited styles, with fancy stock collars and ties to match. The color combinations include black and white, red, green and navy. In every city in the United States Plaid Silk Waists are more popular than any others of the sea-69 son. Sold regularly at $7.50. For this sale only. 8EE WINDOW DISPLAY "This is The Plaid House" of Portland In a year when plaid are more popular in eastern cities than anything ele, thilthc only Portland tore that has a full showing of all the domestic and imported patterns. As to plaid wait we have more Plaid Waists in more and choiceTcolor combinations than any other store in the west. The waists of imported plaid are especially pretty they have a soft exquisite beauty like the skies of -llJ, shadow gUidare here in va riety. Plaid waist are "IT,rtnis year and Lipman-Wolfe's is "the Plaid House" A New Importation of Exclusive Models Robinson C& Wells' English Tailored Hats Millinery of Verve, Smartness and Distinction 87 Velvet Dress Hats, Regu lar $12 Value, $7.95 For Monday's sale we offer 87 smart Velvet Dress Hats, in various shapes, and each trimmed in a distinctive and individual fashion. These hats are beau t i f u 1 in themselves artistic in line, rich and harmonious in coloring. But "put them on the head and they exhibit their inherent charm to a yet greater extent. They are regular $12.00 values and a splen- (fl7 O ST Hid Mnndav bargain at OIllv vJ M ZfJ 1 I " . I r ,. . i .... . ... I LOSS IN DISASTER IS ESTIMATED San Frandlsco Earthquake and Fire Consumed Five Hundred Million in Property. (Inrul BBOelal gstilia.) London. Oct. $7. Th total loaa of property ceused by th disastrous rire which followed the earthquake at Han Francisco has now hen arrived at with a near approach to accuracy. The com pleted aaaeiiamentfl ahow that Insur ancea to tile amount of t2EO.000.ooa bad been effected, while the total loaa of property wss ISOO.OOO.OOO The com panlea which did not repudiate liability have already paid out rather mora then $f4jt.000.000, while the salvage haa varied from E to IS par cant of the face value af the policies. inhiih th fire haa coat the British Inaurance companlea dearly, thay are aaid to have rained great credit with the American public for the Juet and equitable way In which thay have met the claim. On the other hand, the attitude adopted by the purely Oerman companlea. It la aaid. haa aroused flercs resentment throughout th United States, and eepeclally in San Franclaco. Oerman pollclea are. In oonsequence. belne cancelled on all hands. According to recant advice the fol lowlna la a Hat of payments made by British oompanlee up to September 20: Liverpool, London Globe. $4,078, 000; London a Lanoaahlre, S,000.000; Orient I11.000.C00; Sun. $2,000,000; Union 'of London. 14,750.000; Law Union d Crown. 12.000.000; Scottish Union A National, tl.IOO.Mt; North British. $3,000,000: Phoealx, $1,000,000; Atlas, tsar oootos Bv. B. C. Horton, sulphur spring. Tex writes. July 16, Ittt: 1 hava used In my family Ballard's Snow Liniment aid Morehound Syrup, and thay have proved certainly satisfactory The liniment Is the beet wa fcava ever used for headache and palna. The lOOUgn syrup """d!. iih. !( slant veers. Scld by Wood- are, Clarke A Co. tl.7I0.000: New Zealand, 12. 800. 000. The amounts given above do not, of course, represent the total loeaes of the companies named, but on the date on which they were computed compara tively few claims had not been settled Payments have bean made on the earn baala aa la adopted In the ease of an ordinary fire. DESERTING PRIEST IS. SUDDENLY REPENTANT (Joornsl Special Service. I Berlin, Oct. 17. A sensational con version to Cathollclam haa taken place at Malm. Baron con Zueeo. until 10 years ago. wa a priest In the Church of Bome. He left the church, pro cessing unbelief In her dogmas, snd shortly afterward became a preacher of the "Wee Bellgloua Community" a body which excludee all revelation and mlraclea from tta creed. Suddenly and unexpectedly Baron Zucco publishes a recantation of his errors, expressing hH remorse for his 10 years' absence from the church and his hope that the church will desl tenderly with her repentant son. He recognises in the Church of Borne Ood's only asylum on earth for souls, and the Boost perfect Ideal of rivht and luetic. He ben all Catholics to pardon him hla sins. GERMAN GIRL EXHIBITS TALENT FOR FORGERY (Journal Special Berries.) Berlin, Dot 17. "She haa the great est talent" I nave ever encountered aa a forger of signature,'- declared a handwriting expert in the trial for fraud of a 18-year-old girl named Antonlewlci. Thla wa her second ap pearance before a court for the same kind of offence, f Though her father la a eoalheaver, the girl dreaaea In the beat Mate, and ha dlaplayed the greatest Ingenuity, tn April last she Induced a dealer In mortgages named Schumann to advance her $20,000 on spurious security. Her father, she aaid. occupied a high rolll .Miiinn. snd her promissory note '"' ' r Blood Poisoning results from chronic constipation, which is quickly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, They remove all poi sonous germs from the ayatem and In fuse new life and vigor; cur sour stomach, nausea, headache, dltslneas and colic, without griping or dlacom fort. 28c. Guaranteed by Bed Croas Pharmacy. " waa backed by the signature of two well-known officers. Tn girl appeared In the dock dreeeed In the lateat faahlons. but waa sen tenced by a atony-hearted Judge to nine months' Imprisonment. RUSSIAN BARONESS GIVES SKIN TO AID PEASANT Geneva. Oct. $7. A Busslan baroness, who wishes her Identity to remain a secret, recently visited the hospital at Thoune and saw a poor Swiss passant girl brought In. terribly burnt by a petrol lamp explosion. The baroneas waa told that unless new skin was grafted on the girl her case was hope less. The young baroness Insisted that they should take nearly a square foot of her own skin to heal the sufferer. The operation wa performed and the Swlaa paaaant girl will now recover. A Mww Burglar Alarm. A telephone girls tells the Philadel phia Record of a new use of tha tele phone Three women occupy a houae near where the girl llvss. They had been away In the country for some time, when one day the operator was sur prised to hear on of them call, up a LILY DENTAL CO. THE PATJTLXaa Dl Leasts st Third sad Osash Sts. One half off r.jrmur price enamel lllfofs, to set Kn this Introduced. smel la as good. If Coses sad see not better, tban gold. ss s tootasseer. Basse color aa teeth. Ws pat then la without pain Lonka One. Haa bass triad la Oer manj for B rears, la prnTlns to be the beat of sit flllln ssa tsiisla ( "one In estlaste. It's be otnlns rerr pupolsi. Tea will Has It Brldgs work it sa.SC par tooth. ratsleaa ei traction, SOr. AU work guaranteed for to set. . as Ik me at Third and 0. pay station, asking or hsr own home number. The girl says: I rang the phono several tlmee. but, aa the house was closed, there waa no answer. Than my curiosity got the batter, of me and I disclosed my Identity and aaked why abe was calling hsr own number when she knew the houae wss closed That's Just the point,' came the rssponee over tlr7 Eyeglae fitting Is too Important a matter to rush Into "with your eyes shut." If your eye wear out. i.iey'r gone forever. When you buy glasses see to It that you get glaeees that are Just right. Ws have the knowledge, sxportence. expensive up-to-date apparatus snd skilled sat , oyee to make there Just right. Consultation OOSta you not h lag Writ for our booklet. It contain valuable Information about the care of the eyes. We will Bend It t you post pa io. the Wire, rather scar anv hnr-' v any In the. house.' tartly; 'w wis)