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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
AN OCTOBER OF REMARKABLE VALUES Two factors contribute to make the last few days of October an espe cially desirable season to visit this great store. The first is the daily ar rival of immense invoices of new winter merchandise, affording the best opportunities to view the latest creations of fashion in apparel, fabrics, homefurnishings and many other lines of goods. The second factor is the progress of several great uctoper saies in a. wwiiu wwi a ytvtvao w . which choice new goods are offere at great reductions from regular prices that are only made possible by enormous trade transactions, planned months ahead, and by consistent small-profit policy . . r i - We cordially invite you to view the exhibits of new merchandise which greet you at almost every turn and to participate in the benefits of the great October sales, which we now name a,s j.: t t i v. i - V particularly rue in uargams. . THE MONEY-SAVING POSSIBILITIES OF SHOPPING HEBE ARE SIMPLY ENORMOUS Women's Neckwear Novelties at Moderate Prices iTkiit-ins tVlia urlr urr will have KDCcial showin? of the moat extensive and daintiest line of Neckwear ever exhibited in Portland. The line includes every style and fashion now worn lace, lawn and hand beaded stocks, in all colors. Revere Sets, in Venise and Baby Irish lace. Embroidered Cuff and Collar Sets and a magnificent assortment of Lace Chemi settes in white, ecru and black. These choice goods will be on sale on tables in our Main Aisle during week at temptingly low prices. Great October Sale oi Fashionable Dress Goods and Silks A moat fortunate purchase of the most fashionable Dress Goods and Silks in the latest patterns and colorings makes it possible for you to secure these MATCHLESS VALUES tomorrow and Tuesday Colored Dress Goods An immense line of Dress Goods in an excellent variety of weaves and patterns,- divided into three big lots for Monday's and Tuesday's selling Lot No. 1 In this assortment are fancy and plain all wool Batistes, Granites, Cashmeres, Serges, full ranges of colors including cream and black. PA, On sale Monday and Tuesday at, per yard. . . iJUW Lot No. 2 In this assortment are all wool Batistes, French Serges, Henriettas, Mohair and Sicilians in all new fall shades, extta good bargains. HCp Price Monday and Tuesday, per yard. f Lot No. S This lot consists of French Batistes, India Twills tnd Woo! Taffetas, in colors gray, navy, cardinal, reseda, brown, cream and black, excellent qualities. Monday and Tues- QQ Priestley's Celebrated Cravenettes The very best goods made for Rain Coats and Jacket Suits. Comes in light tan, medium tan, cas tor shades, browns and Oxford grays, 60 to 60 inches wide. Our prices on these goods are revela tions to Portland buyers. Per yard 1.50, f 1.75, S 1.90 and QL.LO Our Silk Department Offers Unusual Attractions for Tomorrow Taffeta Silk 69a For this week we place 'on sale our very best 19-mch Plain Taffeta Silk. Over 6,000 yards, every conceivable shade; best LQrr 85c quality. This week UC EXTRA SPECIAL $1.00 Crepe de Chene T8f Our best quality Cheney Bros, celebrated Crepe de Chene, 24 inches wide, all pure silk, the new shades ; also cream and white. Exceptional bargain special Monday HQ, only OV Clearance Sale Prices Skirts and Bustles $1.50 Flannelette Skirts 11.09 Made of best grade Daisy Flannel, in dainty blue, Sink and white, deep embroidered flounce, gored ips and shaped bands. Other styles are finished with deep flounce, trimmed with tucks, feather stitching and wide hemstitched hem ; all sizes, knee length skirts; regular $1.60 value. On sale Mon day fl.OS 80c and 85c Bustles for 17t A large assortment of Bustles, made of percaline, with Alaska down and good hair filling; also Wire Bustles, well woven and ventilated, the latest and most desirable shapes ; regular 26c and 35c values. On sale Monday lf Exceptional Bargains in Women's Muslin Drawers Muslin Drawers, msde of finest quality nainsook, cambric and muslin, trimmed with Hamburg in sertions and embroideries and tucks, made in va rious styles $1.90 values. Clearance price $1.29 $1.50 values. Clearance price 98 $1.25 values. Clearance price 88e? 86c valueav Clearance price 69a 60c values. Clearance price 32 85c Mualin Gowns 68 With square yokes, made of embroicry, insertions and tucks; others with low neck, trimmed in torchon laces and insertions; excellent value at 85c. Clearance price 68 Our Garment Stook 18 at Its Best Now All through our big garment stock you will find values that are remarkable enough to be called bargains, and for this week you will find some very extraordinary offerings among them. Special Sale of Suits at $19.50 They are easily worth $25 and $30 and are among the best styles of the season. All length coats are represented the materialajire fine Scotch and English suitings, plain and checked broadcloths. All coats are lined with guaranteed satin; the skirts are beautiful pleated models. Q CA Great values at 317 0J Suits at $15.00 and $12.50 A grand showing at popular prices. Tailor-made garments in the best styles are shown at these prices. More than a dozen styles, made from all wool cheviots, broadcloths, I plaids and mixtures. Hierh Grade Suits at $25.00 Handsome Tailor-Made Suits, all of them exclusive styles with-this store. They were made by the best tailors in New York City and are absolutely correct in style. Best grade broadcloth suits, 5"dsoiny trimmed with braids and velvets, and fine worsted suits elegantly tailored. All styles and CyC I III colors at Fine Coats Several Different Styles of New Coats, 48 and 50 inches long, mixtures, checks and plaids, the great est values ever shown at 87.50 800 Beautiful Fall and Winter Coats in an endless variety of mixtures, checks and plaids. Special leaders here at only. . . .-. I&J 812.50 80 different styles of the handsomest Coats ever shown at 815.00 and 817.50. They come in kersey, broadcloths, cheviots, plaids and mixtures. These coats are reproductions of high priced im ported models and compare favorably with many that are being shown at $25 and $30. Special values at SISTOO and 917.50 Children s and Misses' Coats, in plain kersey, plaids, mixtures, bearskin and plushes, all popular prices 83.50, 84.50, 86.50 and S 7.50 Children's Winter Dresses The values speak for themselves the easiest way to select is to bring the girl along and have the dress fitted. We are snowing a great many styles and materials. Plaids are in great demand, so are Sailor Blouses, both of which we have good selections of. Dresses for girls 2 to 6 years, at 29f , 48f , 75f and 81.00 Dresses for girls 8 to 14 years, at 75, 98a?, 81.25 and up to. .7 84.90 $5 Silk Petticoats at $3.98 Rustling Petticoats of good taffeta, perfect fitting and handsomely made, with a deep flaring flounce, two tucked sections, nearsilk underlay and finished with a pretty 8-inch ruffle, black, brown, navy, red and many changeable shades at. . .$3.98 Walking Skirts Extra Values A very handsome plaited and kilted model, in blue, brown and black Panama. An unusually good value at only,. 85.50 Another style, made of high grade Worsted Pan ama, in colors brown, navy, gray and black. One of the latest models and exceptionally good value at 86.50 We are also showing an extensive line of latest model skirts in plaids, checks and mixtures at 83.50, 85.50, $6.50 87.50 and f 10.00 Misses Skirts of plain Panamas and fancy suiting at $2.50, 82.90, 83.50 and 84.50 Furs at Popular Prices Economical women will be pleased with these ex traordinary offerings of this season's newest and prettiest fur styles. The precaution and discrimina tion exercised in the selection of our furs precludes all possibility of inferior quality or styles entering into this gathering. Tomorrow we offer some tempt ine values in Scarfs and Neck Pieces priced 90 81.95, 82.25, 82.50, 83.50, 84.25, 85.50 and ... . $6.00 Silk Waists at Special Prices 83.90 Instead of $4.50 Black Chiffon Taffeta Waists, pleats and tucks back and front, long sleeves. Special at 83.90 Plaid Waists at 83.90 and 85.00 We have just received a great showing of handsome Plaid Taffeta Silk Waists in the latest color combinations, made in the most popular styles of the season, which we place on sale tomorrow for the first time two qual ities to choose from st 85.00 and 83.90 A Money Saving October Towel Sale A Great Underprice Purchase Enables Us to Offer the Following Extraordinary Values Huok Towels 14x27-inch Fringed Huck Towels, white with red borders, fast color. Price, per dozen. 48t 15x30-inch Fringed Huck Towels, white with red borders, good quality, each 5t. Per dozen.. 55 18x8ft-inch Hemmed Huck Towels, red borders, well made, fast edges, each 7f . Per dozen. . .75 18x38-inch Huck Towels, hemmed, red borders, well made, each 124e. Per dozen 81.25 Turkish Towels 18x42-inch Unbleached Bath Towels, fringed, each 124. Per dozen 81.35 20x42-inch Unbleached Bath Towels, good quality, each 15f. Per dozen $1.65 24x 44-inch Fringed Unbleached Turkish Towels, extra heavy, each 20f. Per dozen .82.25 17x37-inch Bleached Bath Towels, fringed, each 12 y4. Per dozen 81.40 5Hi Underwear Hosiery 3 Taking advantage of gilt edged buying opportunities right in the face of rapid advances we've loaded ourselves to an uncomfortable position. That comes from having un limited cash on hand and the markets of the world at our feet. We may not be able to prove the decided supremacy of our Knit Underwear and Hosiery in the newspapers, but we can easily do ad if you come to this department. HERE ARE SOME ILLUSTRATIONS: Reg. Price. Sale Price Women's Ail-Wool Union Suits $3.50 Women'! Wool Mixed Union Suit fr . Women's Ail-Wool Caahmerr Vests. Pants. . .f 1.50 Women's Fast Black Worsted Tifhts v $100 Women's Bleached Knit Corset Covers .65 Women All-Wool Scarlet Vests and Pants . $1.25 Women's Heavy Cotton Union Suits 75 Children's Wool Cashmere Vest and Pants.. .75 fa. i .98 Sl.OO 59 .45 .69 .50 .4T Winter Hosiery FOK WOMKN AND CH 1LUKHN. Exceptional values in our Hosiery Section to morrow. A November sale of winter Hosiery that will attract an immense throng of discern ing buyers b sure you are one of them. Woman's Lisle Ribbed Stockings. Ribbed Stockings, of extra fine French lisle, elastic, perfect fitting and unexcelled for wear: exceptional 35c quality. Special tomorrow. Slat Women's Fleece Lined Stockings. 200 dozen extra heavy Fleece Lined Hosiery for women; extra heavy fleece, full seamless and made with elastic ribbed tops; 25c value Tomorrow Womelfs Silk-Fleeced Hosiery. SO doien Sea Island Cotton Stockings for wo men; heavy, silky, fleece lined; full fashioned; all black or black with unbleached soles; best 40c quality Tomorrow Women's Woolen Stockings. Do yon wear Woolen Hosiery? If so, be sure and partake of the following: A marvelous collection of high-grade Woolen Stockinga for women, in heavy ribbed or plain cashmere. In the lot are plain black with gray heels and toeaj'heavy1 ribbed Oxford grays, or light natural gray wool; 200 dozen; all sizes and weights. On aale at, rhe pair Gentlemen ! The biggest and best Men's Wear Department in the city holds money-saving opportunities for you that can be found nowhere else. MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS Men's fine Outing Flannel and Muslin AA Night Shirts, fancy trimmed and plain. ltVV Men's good quality Outing Flannel Night Shirts, in an assortment of fancy colors'; 65c values MEN'S SOCKS Men's fine Cashmere and Worsted Wool Socks, in all colors and sizes, fine quality. ? Special Men's fine lisle finish Black Cotton Socks, full fash ioned foot; good 20c quality. Special 2jC MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Men's fine quality Madras Golf Shirts, in light and dark colors, all the latest novelties in pat- AA terns, extra good value. Special at 1 W MEN'S NECKWEAR Men's fine All Silk Neckwear, in Four-in-Hands, in a big assortment of all the latest patterns CA and weaves; 75c value at only ...UUC Men's Hats FALL ft WINTER STYLES 1906-7 NOW SHOWING The Robros $2-50 The Hat of Quality and Style for Men. Sold Only by Roberta Bros. BATH ROBES Men's $4.50 Robes fS.90 Men's fine German blanket Bath Robes, in grays, reds and bine, with fancy designs ; regularly sold at $4.50. A GREAT OCTOBER SALE OF SHOES nf Onsalitw duced for Monday We have more complete lines of good Shoes than any one else in this city. The great quantities you have to select from and the extreme low prices we quote make it s pleasure to buy shoes of us. We've every known leather that is good. There are a great manv specials for Monday Women's $2.60 Dons' Kid Lace and Blucher Shoes with light and heavy soles, Cuban and CA military heels sJJaUv Women's L. and C. $2.50 Patent Leather and Kid Blucher and Lace Shoes with mat kid top, Cuban, military and low heels, most of these CA styles have heavy soles for street wear. pl UU Women's Hand-Made Shoes, in patent leather, vici kid and gunmetal calf, Blucher, lace, college and rrcmlar cut. all the new tips and toes; they are worth $3 and $3.50. Monday, in the Main . Z" Floor Department Rovs' $2.76 Unlin double soled quilted bottoms Boys' $2.76 Unlined Shoes and heavy AA ivionuay . w Special in Women's Gloves 800 dozen Women's Silk Gloves, very fine quality, sixteen-button length mousquetaire wrist, double tipped. Exceptional ' value, pair. . 1 hiD Specials in Leather Handbag 300 Leather Hand Bags, walrus leather, lined with moire silk, riveted frame, in black and brown, with neat coin purse fittings; our regulsr $1.25 value. Special for Monday and luesclay, UCx uvv each. Stamped Cushion Top 49o 300 doien Stamped Cushion Tops, finished on three sides, in a magnificent range of designs, AQr floral and conventional. Special, each