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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
THE OREQON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNINO. OCTOBER 88, 1906. Northwestern Guarantee &Tnist Company Lumber Exchange Building, Second Floor, S. . Corner Second and Stark Streets OREGON AGAINST THE WORLD The man who waits for opportunity to knock, never hears the sound unless he hustles while he waits. No man should remain in obacurity because it's easy or pleasant. Brace your ncrvea with the i?Spiritofogress,' stimujatejour slumbering energies with the balm of hard work. Bury your pessimistic ideas be ashamed to not be a live; hustling, keen-witted, struggling, progressive man of the world. It makes no difference whether you be a business man, farmer, stockman, fruit raiser, or whatever you would be, learn to "do things." We want people here who have constructive ideas. We want uplif ters and builders. This company has and will continue to appeal to the constructive the progressive class. We are deeply grateful for the splendid aid J and support that its work Is receiving all over the State and the country; Teach yourself to hustle shouldef to shoulder with us for the good of the new and greater Oregon. OUR. IDEAL CLIMATE Europe possesses nothing of scenic beauty that is not equaled or surpassed in America, and her greatest competitor for honors is that vast domain in the Pacific Northwest drained by the majestic Columbia River, rapidly becoming famous the world over as the Tourist's Paradise, where the beauty of nature is expeeded only by the healthfulneaa of the climate. Easy of access and incomparably grand in scenic attractions, it Is destined to become the starting point for those loyal American citixens who have appropriately taken for their slogan "See Europe if you will but see America first." From the very sources of the Columbia River, through an area of nearly five hundred thousand square miles, past Astoria, where it pours its waters of crystalline purity into the Pacific, Nature baa pictured entrancing scenes, and everywhere throughout the section is the charm of legend and romance, clinging to it like the invigorating and health giving perfumes of its pines; lofty mountain ranges whose snow-capped peaks defy the sun's warmest rays in July and August and look down upon fertile valleys that fairly groan with their weight of luscious fruit and golden grain; ice cold mountain streams and unnumbered lakes gleaming like jewels amid wild gorges and primitive forests, where hunt ing and fishing is unexcelled; great high walls of verdure-clad and moss-covered rocks with streams and cataracts tumbling over their sides in mad rushes to join the Columbia; fountains of marvelous healing and long stretches of sandy beaches; all combining to make it the Mecca of the health-hunter and pleasure-eeeker. Pordhnd, the metropolis aad pride of the Pacific North west, is the very canter of the region; and from the city in numerable resorts, holding their charms from season to season, are easily and cheaply reached. By boat or rail up or down the. Columbia, to Mount Hood or to the beaches, to fertile valleys fragrsnt with the perfume from garden and orchard, or to the mountains, where the dry pure air is laden with the balsamic influence of the pines end other native trees go Where you will and there is always something new and fascinating to instill in one the longing and determi nation to take the trip over again. THE PROFITABLE COW Every condition conducive to successful dairying is found in Oregon, especially la this true of Western Oregon, where the summers are moderately cool and the winters free from low temperatures the industry being carried on relatively much cheaper than in many sections of the Union. The wide range of forage protection and the equable climate contend to make conditions ideal for dairying husbandry. There are millions of acres of land In this state which intelligently managed can be made to support a cow to the acre. A good cow, given good dairy care, should produce a net annual return of Fifty Dollars. Dairying is the ideal industry for the farmer, giving him constant and re munerative employment. A good cow properly fed and handled will never fail to yield a handsome profit. Soil robbing is the bene of agriculture. The cow fattens the soil rather than impoverishes it. Plant food is the fanner's capital, hence any system of agriculture which un necessarily exhausts this is wrong in principle. Dairying quickly makes any com munity financially strong and insures the perpetuity of successful agriculture. The cow is the corner stone of agricultural prosperity. If she is wisely selected, and given proper care, she will pay off more mortgagee and build more and better homes than any other farm animal. If you are seeking a first class dairying farm or one that can be made an ideal dairying ranch we are in a position to show you just what you want at a reasonable price. If you are an owner having one to sell. It will pay you to list it with us as we are in direct touch with thousands of Eastern dairy farm seekers. A PARADISE FOR FARMERS Realising the wonderful possibilities in diversified farming and the fact that ncv section of the Union offers safer or surer reward for this industry than does Oregon, thousands of acres heretofore devoted to the raising of wheat and other cereals have been seeded to orchard and meadow-grasses, and the feeding of cattle, sheep and hoga, has in many cases taken the place of exclusive farming in whole of in part. In the Willamette Valley, Western Oregon, the turn toward diversified farming in the broad sense of the term is very marked. No longer ia that section recognised aa the great wheat belt of Oregon; instead the products embrace everything that ia known to the Temperate Zone. This is fast becoming true of the irrigated sections of Eastern and Southern Oregon. In these sections of the Pacific North west, where acreage is giving way to cultivation, what the farmer lacks in area of land he makes up in fertility; the incomes from these tracts being many timea greater than its value invested in commercial enterprises. At the same time the owner, in addition to being assured a competency and even a luxury, is to all intents and purposes a suburban resident. The poultry snd egg business in Oregon offers great inducements. The greater part of the state haa ideal climatic conditions for this industry. In the Western portion of the State where the rainfall ia the greatest the climate is ex ceedingly mild; in the Eastern portion it is dry. The wet weather ia in the winter, when there is nothing being done in the incubation part of poultry raising; consequently the wet weather is not an impediment to poultry raising. Poultry men do not have to fight the disease so common in the East. The usual price of fresh eggs in December varies from 30 cents to 40 cents per doren. Several months in the Star thia price is received. Poultry and eggs produced in Illinois and Iowa in the spring and summer come into Port nd and other cities by the carload, despite the fact that practical experience haa taught that laying hens will pay $2 to S3 each in net profits from eggs alone. There is no industry so possible of great results as the poultry and egg business in Oregon. Do you wish to go into the poultry business? We are prepared to sell you improved and unimproved poultry ranches that mean a home, a pleasant business and a profitable investment for you. We can offer you many such farms from $300 to $3,500. It will pay you to come to our offices for an interview upon thia subject. We make it our business to locate people in the place they are seeking. Commends Our Policy The clever and progressive Secretary of the Publicity Com mittee of the "Spokane Chamber of Commerce" endorses our methods of "of doing things," in a letter to our real estate department. Spokane, Wash., Oct. 13, 1906. Northwestern Guarantee and Trust Company, Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen: I wish to thank your company for the marked copy of the Oregon Journal, and to congratulate Oregon in possessing so enterprising a corporation. I am sure that no one broad-minded enough to have the welfare of the State at heart can begrudge the benefit that will accrue to the North western Guarantee and Trust Company. If it is not asking too much of you I would appreciate a file bf your advertising covering the past few months, and would request the courtesy of marked copies of papers carry ing your future advertising. Be assured that I will be more than glad to reciprocate in any way possible. With personal regards, I beg to remain, Very truly yours, (Signed) R. G ROHRABACHER, Secretary, Publicity Committee. s. GOLD MEDAL FRUITS We occupy the first place in foreign and domestic markets, as a fruit producing State, our fame having spread over much of the entire world. The carrying and keeping qualities of the apples, together with their beauty, fragrance, and flavor not being surpassed. It is no uncommon thing to see dealers from the Atlantic States and Europe in Oregon markets, and the cream of the State's fruit crop ia bought for these sections, for Oregon apples, once introduced, are always in de mand, and command the highest price in the markets of the world. Apple trees in Oregon begin bearing at four and five years of age. A tree ten years old often bears ten bushels of marketable fruit. Thia same fruit ia frequently sold in carload lota at $1.50 and $2.00 a bushel. The industry is car ried on most intelligently in all parts of the State. The orchards are guarded zeal ously. Up-to-date growers stand almost as a unit on the question of spraying, declaring that it ia the only means of protection for the production of first class apples. There is scarcely a town between the Pacific Ocean and the Missouri River, north of Arksnsas and Colorado that ia not a consumer of Oregon strawberries. Quick shipments go to Chicago, New York, and other Eastern points, aa well as to the far North. The great cere taken in picking, packing and snipping these ber ries, together with their wonderful carrying qualities, hss made the fruit famous. All other varieties of fruits, such as prunes, grspes, small berries, etc., yield large crops under the sunny skies of old Oregon. We have a long list of improved and unimproved ranches, suitable for fruit raising. We care not how particular you may be ae to location, distance from market, etc., we are in a perfect position to give you reliable information, whether you wish to buy or whether you wish to sell fruit farms or land, suitable for a fruit ranch. Lumber and Lumbering Careful estimates place the wood lands of Oregon aa cover ing 54,300 square miles, or 57 per cent of its area ; the most densely timbered sections being in the Western part of the State. In the counties West of the Cascade Mountains the timber is composed principally of fir, or Oregon pine, spruce, cedar, and hemlock. It is not uncommon to find sections averaging 50,000 feet per acrei and occasionally acres are found that run as high as 100,000 feet. In the Eastern part of the State, where the yellow pine grows, the stand is lighter than on the Coast. In Southern Oregon sugar and yellow pine timber is found. Every day lumber men arriving from the East are receiving a series of surprises regarding the great trees, logging camps, and sawmills of Oregon. No man, if interested in timber lands, can afford to come to Oregon and take everybody's knowledge and ad vices regarding the location and purchase of valuable timber. We have been exceedingly careful to so fortify our timber department in selecting expert timber cruisers, obtaining reliable information, seeking timber the most easily gotten to market, and getting the lowest possible options for buyers, that a buyer is bound to be a loser unless he take advantage of our equipment, and purchases his timber through our office. We are building a strong reputation along the line of being able to locate timber men the easiest, quickest, and the most satisfactory. We are juit as s uccessful in satisfying the owners who have timber to seH. ' The World for a Market The natural outlet for Oregon products ia by the Columbia River, through Portland, whose harbor ia accessible to all the large deep water vessels. With the opening up of the great Oriental markets, broad indeed is the out let for the Columbia River products, through which flows the weslth of Ore gon, with the result that flour from the inland empire supplies two thirds of the demand of the far East; that Oregon lumber is the main supply of Chi cago, Siberia, Central and Southern America, and that Oregon fruit ia rap idly gaining a firm hold in many of the leading countries. Hops, beer, oats, barley, butter, cheese, condensed milk, and many other products are also finding s steady market in the Orient and Alaska, saying nothing of the large shipments to different points in the United States. We also furnish the United States Government with many supplies, including hay, oats, etc., for use in the Philippines, from Portland and the Willamette Valley. No one can deny bat that our market facilities are of the best in the world; hence, how can anyone make a mistake in investing money in Port land, or in Oregon, especially if he ia a producer. Attention Stockmen Conditions are ideal for animal husbandry for al its various brsnches In Oregon. The showing made at the livestock contest at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, Portland, 1905, was a surprise snd revelation to East ern experts. Never before in the history of the Pacific Coast waa there gathered together in one arena such a magnificent collection of all classes of cattle, giving Western breeders their first bis; opportunity to meet and compete with Eastern raisers. One of the principal exhibitors from the State of Indiana said: "The breeders of the East and Middle West had no idea of the mag nificent climate for livestock, which exists in Oregon. "We know that Oregon people are appreciative of eood stock, and have been raising the standard for several years past, but did not appre ciate that conditions are so much superior to other sections." But the surprise over the highly satisfactory results achieved by the Oregon breeders is not all confined to the stockmen from east of the Rooky Mountains, for the exhibit of stock bred in our own favored land is bewildering in its excellence to thousands of people who have resided practically all their liven in this State, or in those adjoining. We all know that Oregon stockmen have been Improving the quality of their animals, but the rapidity with which they have forged to the front is so much greater than was generally un derstood that direct knowledge of it all, as revealed by a visit to the stock ahow, came aa a pleasant surprise to 90 per cent of the visitors from all parts of the world. It is important to know where to obtain reliable information concerning the location of improved stock ranches, or tracta of land that will be suitable for the general stock business, or the raising of some particular breed of live stock. Our real estate department makes the locating of first class stock farms, either large or small, a specialty. We have a large list of first class offerings in this line for ssle. We are prepared to guarantee the buyer clear title, and to absolutely satisfy him in every detail before asking for his money, to close the transaction. Write us or call at our offices, with the confident feeling that you will be treated square. BAKER CITY THE "HUB" You young, men who are in the spring time of your youth are, or should be seeking safe investments. Why not turn your attention to Baker City, Oregon, the "Hub" of a rich territory, three hundred miles in area. Baker City, known as the "Queen City," a city of opportunities, is surrounded by beautiful hills, being an ideal location for a city of 100,000 or more population. This is possible within the next few years, located as it is at the Ijead of one of the most fertile valleys in the West, with markets for more than ten times the production of the valley; in fact thou sands of dollars are sent out for eggs, poultry, hay, grain, etc., every year that could, and should, be raised at home. Baker City needs more energetic, progressive young men. This city is destined to become a great mining, manufacturing and trading center. Certain conditions in and around Baker City will cause it to take strides which it has never known before. These exist ing conditions can be seen at a glance; such as railroad building, the construction of an electric line tohe Searles minea. The Eagle Valley Line now building will connect Baker City with im portant .outside points. The Pacific States Telephone Company will immediately begin the work of spending $30,000 in improvements of its Baker City telephone system, enlarging it to meet the needs of a rapidly growing city. These are only a few of the things which have been started in this lively xity in the West. This company owns and has on the market some desirable lota located near the business district. These lots are 25x100, each located on a street which is 60 feet wide with alleys l&2 feet wide, running through the blocks. We are offering the corner -lota ajt the low priee of $100, the inside lots for $50 each. We are prepared to give to the purchaser a clear title to any of this property. Our terms are so reasonable that every man in the City of Portland should take advantage of this chance to make a gilt edge investment. GET A HOME IN OREGON 4