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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER t8, ltOt. LONDON'S HEROINE TELLS STORY Mrs. Nelson Arrivee In 8eattle From Alaska and Relates Tale of Tragedy. 8EVERTS ASKED PEOPLE TO HANG HIM TO TREE Woman Who Figure in "The Unex pected" Did Not in Reality Par ticipate in the Execution of the Murderer. (peels! DUpatcfe to Th Journal.) Seattle. Wash., Oct. T. Hannah But ler Nelson, the heroine of Jack Lon don thrilling; story, The Unexpected," published in the August number of Mo Clure'a Mscaslns, arrived in Seattle to day' on the steamer Jefferson from Ju neau. Yesterday waa the aeventh an niversary of the murder committed In the Nelson cabin on Lytuya bay. south eastern Alaska, for which crime the murderer waa hanged 10 days later, the process of law being carried out by the little community he had wronged. The Nelsons, Christiansen and Preg nane ware seated about the dinner table at noon on October 26, when ! SeVerts entered the cabin, and without a word of warning, shot Fragnalla through the heart with a 46-callbre Colts. He turned the weapon on Christiansen and fired but the bullet passed through the let ter's granite Iron coffee rup and plate and lodged la his neck, falling to the floor. Only a flesh wound was In flicted. The murderer then pointed his revolver at Mrs. Nelson, but her hus band had reoovered from the first shook br this time and gripped Severta' wrist. "While the two men were struggling,'' aid Mrs. Nelson, "I pushed them over In a heep on the floor, throwing them onto a pile of feathera. Pinioned Murderer. "Tearing a roller towel from the wall I wound It around Severta' neck and pinioned .him to the floor. At this he dropped the revolver, which he was try ing to shoot my husband with, and In dicated that he wanted to speak. I let him get up and he told me to take the revolver, that he had done enough. " 'What can We do with you?' asked my husband of Martin, when we had rotten over the first shock. we will try to get you down to Justice. " Take me' to the first tree snd hang me,' was Severta' reply. Tea, those were the very words. I never will for get them." Mrs. Nelson's story of what followed ta generally known but haa been colored for the purpose of flctton sad some of the names changed. The murderer waa kept by Indiana for 10 days two men to a watch, who ware paid ft a shift by the Nelsons. Finally th Indiana grew tired of their task and of waiting for a vessel ta take the murderer away, and after a conference with the Nelsons and Chris tiansen it was decided to hang him. A gallows waa erected on the beach and Beverts waa hanged, an execution In which Mrs. Nelson took no part, how ever. When told of hla Impending fata he would not vouchsafe a reply. Mrs. Kelson closed her narrative with the declaration that Severta did not mur der for money or srold. saying that he could not have gotten more than 1400, the Nelson money being In bank. Al though his grip had been peeked for a departure, nothing of value waa in It THOMAS JOHNSON IS RELEASED ON BOND (Special Dtapatch to lbs Journal.) Spokane, Wash., Oct. 17. Thomas C. Johnson, recently convicted of man slaughter for killing O. M. Tuttle and who to under sentence of three years In the penitentiary, waa released from the county jail today upon the approval of bond, which he haa filed, for his appear ance If the appeal which he haa taken la decided agalnit him In the supreme court The bond was $2,000 Johnson has been In jail for six weeks waiting for his bond to be secured. He expresses himself aa hopeful that he will be granted a new trial by the su preme court, and declares his Intention of returning; to work in the Stevens county quarry until the case is set tled COUNTRY IS SCOURED FOR SAFE BLOWERS (Bpeelal Dispatch to The Journal.) Hermlston, Or., Oct. 17. The country is being searched for the men who blew open the safe of the postofflce at this place last night with nitroglycerin, se curing $81 In money, two checks of small amounts and some stamps. The fixtures of the postof floe. are a total wreck and the door of the safe waa blown com pletely off. The postofflce was In the store of Bland Donovan. There la no clue to the bandits' identity. The New Carnegie Hero Medal Which Haa net Been Awarded to Sixteen People H teli-Class One Whole Block in the Heart Two Quarter Blocks on Washington Street. Other One Is a Good Buy feiOO Half block on Couch St.. near Washington. 7,500 for a hotel on one of the beat corners in North Portland, near the depot, haa guaranteed lease for two years at 1275 a month; 111,000 cash will handle it. 109x106. only 7 blocks from PortlanJ hotel, with two large houses, one furnished; present in come, $277;- furniture to the value of 13,000 Included. ,000 Choice waterfront on west side of the river, north of the city. ges.OOO Invested on Nob HU1 will give you a splendid property with a five years' lease at $260 a month. tia.OOO Invested In a new build ing will pay PER CENT NET. The property la eloae to Morrison t. and sure to advance In value. Se.OOO A HS-aere farm In Polk county, all In crop this year; good buildings. S HARM HOMES FOR SALE ei00O The mansion at the northeast corner of 27th and Flan ders sts.; grounds are 100x126. te.OOn One of the finest resi dences on 24th at, a quarter block in the beat oart of Nob Hill. 14,000 76x100, southwest corner 22d and Love Joy; a beautiful home. 10,000 Owner will sell his new. modern residence on Qllsan at., near 24th: best value of any property on the market. SMBS New modern l-room house on Flanders atrvet, between 21st and lid, just approaching completion. Must be sold row. ,0010 - mom house, first-class Jn every respect; Inside lot on North 24th street. 8.500 6-room residence on Mar shall at, near 24th; renta at $13 a month. 5,000 10 - room dwelling on King's Heights; a choice corner. 4,500 Modern 6-room dwelling on Marshall St., near 24th; a good home or a good Investment for rent- fiuae Pretty 6-room cottage In South Portland, on Water atreet; easy terms. 3 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING ATTACK STANDARD Oil II ST. LOUIS DISTRICT Government Preparing to In stitute Proceedings Against Rockefeller's Trust. (Special D-petch by Leased Wire to The Jearsal) Washington, Oct. 17. The exclusive announcement some weeks ago by the Hearst news service that the United States Intended to attack Standard Oil at St Louis and In the southern Cali fornia district Is confirmed by confer ences which have been held here at the department of Justice. The proceed ings against the Standard OU was in stituted immediately upon the return here from Chicago of Herbert Knox Smith, who haa been eent there by Commlesloner of Corporations uaillSMI. It waa at that time ascertained that the government had selected St. Louis and the southern district of California and it waa so Mated by the Hearst service. The preparations for the proceedings have been made by Assistant Attorney n..,.i Piintw He was in conference until early this morning with Frank B. Kellogg of St. Paul ana it le unaersiooa he has had representatives from the California federal attorney, who stated that he will Institute the proceedings In thst section. It Is expected that the formal announcements from the depart . n luatlca mm to both of these sections will be made In a few days. The proceedings will no oy pennon for injunction to dissolve the trust ajtd the lines will be followed which were successful to a certain degree In the Northern Securities aa HASKINS IS ACCUSED OF AIDING IN ESCAPE (pedal Dispatch to The J real.) Pendleton, Or., Oct. 17. Information Is filed in the circuit court against John Hasklns for having aaalated by fur nishing saws, the prlaonera In the recent escape from the Umatilla coun ty Jell. He was captured In Seattle v. aviAeiff T vlnr vpfttarda V. It Is charged that ha handed the saw In through the graieo. oars 10 me prisoners. He wae here during the district fair selling canes and badges on the street YOUNG PEOPLE ARE TO MEET AT MILTON (Special Dispatch to The Jonrasl. ) nr. ii. Walla Wash.. Oct. 17. The Young People's union of Walla Walla district selected suiton as me nexi meet ing place and elected officers aa follows today at the conclusion of Its annual meeting: John Lyman, president; H. Gray, of Waltsburg, vice-president; Jesse Williams, of Milton, secretary, and Amy McQuarry, of Dayton, treasurer. To Ttase for Prom the Woman's Horns Companion. Tin- ajiater (rushine into bla Sister's room) Pleaae hurry. Lulu; Mr. White la downstairs. i Mi,, tvmrv erendlr. while she dsbs her face with , powder puff) Very well, dear; 1 11 be down Tiny Bister ( nervously) Oh, pi don't wait to shave. Investments of Water Front of the City 18.000 Half block, east side ware house property. S1S.0O0 Quarter block and aid mansion, only 2 squares from Wash ington street. 1 5,000 Whole block, between Un ion and Grand avenues. S4.SO0 will buy a choice corner lot on Albtna s principal street, opposite the bank, and will pay 8 per cant net. 6,000 70x100 site for big apart ment house on West Park at. $3,760 Only vacant corner In the Nob Hill residence section. 4,000 Buys a 100 -acre farm In Linn county, at a Junction of two railroad- and adjoining a town; half cash. 3OOI0 acres on the weat aide, only miles from the city and one mile from the river. e-,B0O Choice lot on York at. the new warehouse district, trackage assured; values rapidly advancing; eesy terms. -A beautiful home on Was co at., in Holladay Park. 0,000 Handsome, modern resi dence on choice corner in Holladay Park; lot 76x100. 4,000 12 -room house, lot 60x116, on Bellwood street, half block east of Union avenue car; a bargain. 3,500 A beautiful, new, modern home In South Sunnyslde, on Haw thorne ave. Una 3400 Cosy 7-room house In Irv ing ton. 3,000 A well-built, modern 7 room house on East Itth at. (East Ankeny car line), $600 cash and bal ance on terms to suit the pur chaser. JS.eoO for a beautiful cottage and I lot In Irvlngton. 3,500 for an 8 - room houae and tine grounds in Sunny aide; easy terms. 9,050 A charming NEW 6-room cottage one block from Bast Ankeny oars. 1,600 B-room house on Vancouver avenue, cioee in; one nair oxen. SEE BROOKE & KIERNAN 91 THIRD STREET FOR . Inside AND Water Front Property TIE GAME IS PLAYED ON SEATTLE GRIDIRON Washington University and Ore gon Agricultural College Game Ends Without Score. (Special Dlapatrh to The Journal.) Seattle, Wash , Oct. 17. Neither the University of Washington nor the Ore gon Agricultural college was able to score In the football game played on the college field here thla afternoon. A place kick attempted by Washington In the first half resulted In the bell hit ting the goal post, and this was the nearest either team came to scoring a point. Time waa called lust as the Washing tonlans were getting ready to try a place kick from the It-yard line in a moat advantageous position. During the entire first half the Wash ington sleven mmle their distance only four times, snd the farmers never made the ten yards once during that time. The ball waa in Oregon's territory during practically the entire conteet. What gains the 'varsity made ware due to the delayed paaa. The gasae waa a punting conteet front beginning to end. The game closed with the score a tie to 0. TUMBLE FROM TRAIN KILLS JOSEPH KEEFE (Special Dispatch to The Jearsal t Woodburn, Or., Oct. 17. Joseph H. Keefe of Portland, a timekeeper for the Southern Pacific Oreek gang, waa fatally injured here this afternoon. He waa run THOMPSON PORTLAND HEIGHTS COUNCIL CREST PARK Wc have placed a limited number of the best lots on the market at very reasonable prices. Avail yourself of the opportunity of securing some of this magnificent property before prices advance. Fifteen new cars are being built to relieve the traffic on the Portland Heights and Council Crest line. SPECIAL Two choice lots on car line. Ravens view Drive; choice neighborhood; f 700 each. FOR RENT 5- Room Cottage 6- Room House . 7- Room House . We are erecting several strictly mod ern S and 6-room cottages on the Ravensview Drive, which we will sell on reasonable terms, or we will build to suit purchaser. The lots are on the car line and command a fine view. More than $200,000,00 worth of Portland Heights and Council Crest property has been sold by us within the past thirty days D. KEASEY & CO. Office Opposite Observatory Phone Main 2159 EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY Branch Office on the Crest Come Up Today Hood River Bargains 40 asS miles from Hood River; 0 acres In cultivation; 0 acres bearing orchard; $1,700 house, team and tools. 100 ssrss 7 miles -free- town; 104 ap ple trees; $1,500 dwelling, good barn. A snap 8,000, te aa acres 4 miles out; acres apple orchard. 1.100 boxes this year; good bu-dings eiajoo, oaaa. 40 acres H miles from town; ISO ap ple trees, $1,000 crop this year; house and barn, worth $1,000; team, cow and tools. Tery i sap l.sgfl, 1st sis 40 aeres--Improved apple landjlO mile; on Mount ood road ea.000, taira .. Va. mt aM aoll ! aejseee i uv : ? 12 acres $ and 4-year-old Spttsenberg and Newtown orcnaru, hh .m... 10 acres ready to Bet; good house and bim. S-eellea bay. hard o matoh 18.6O0 terms sear. o auras H -I miles, best apple soil; 10 merer 1-year-old Newtown and Splts enberg orchard, fine condition; house and barn worth $1,000. A aloe horns ga,6O0; terms. 40 aeiee Unimproved apple lend. 7 miles out, under Irrigation, on two county roads; two miles from railroad atatlon. A snap, he e.oiok S1.S0O, half cash. a acres At Willow flat. 1 miles from railroad; IB acres apple orchard. Newtowns and Spltsenbergs, yeere nM- 4 arree strawberries; good build ings, a as plaes eiO.BOOi .At Willow Flat; $0 acre . . . . 9 mrtA X-vear-old Spttsenberg and Newtowns; acres clover; new house and barn, worth $1.000 STJoa, half eae an acres East Side, In heart of apple belt, 4 miles; 1 acree 1 end 1-year-old Spttsenberg and Newtown apples; new barn, cost $400: small houee. A ao acres miles out; 4 acres z-year-oia Newtown and Spltsenberg spplea A snap, be S ah Sl.eee, third oaaa. Gco.D.Culbcrtson&Co. UADTaTQ aVASTD AO! over by the work train and hla hip broken. He msde e heroic effort to eave himself as he was being dragged lev teet. Bye witnesses differ la their accounts One states the man was running along side the car aa If attempting to jump It. Another says hs was already In the car and a Jerk by the engine threw him down on the rail. He lived two hours after the accident and died of the shook. Deceased was about 5 years of age and a resident ef Portland. -V Largs numbers of srtlsans and 1- a w4 In n laavlnar New Zealand for San Francleoo, attracted by reports oi nign wage. There is nothing in the vicinity of Portland that can be compared with Portland Heights or Council Crest. The natural beauty of the place, combined with the magnificent view of the whole surround ing country, Including the city of Portland, the Willamette and Columbia, rivers and the several snow-capped mountains in the background, impart a dignity and splendor unsurpassed anywhere in the whole world. The elevation is sufficient to raise it above the dust snd smoke of a large city, giving abundance of pure air laden with health giving, balmy freshness. Its accessibility to the business district, together with the excellent car service, make it one of the most desirable residence sections of the city. All history proves that heights in or near any large city always become the most valuable and exclusive residence section of that city, and each passing day is proving that Portland Heights is no exception to this rule. It is only a question of a few months before property on the Heights will increase enormously in value. The future of Portland was never so bright as now, it is destined to be a GREAT CITY. Get in the line of progress and turn same to your advantage. Buy something on the HEIGHTS and BUY IT NOW! .S15.00 SI 500 825. OO AChance FOR Small Investors TO MAKE MONEY $90 $325 EACH 120 Sold THIS MONTH Tremont and Woodstock, 25 and 30 minutes from the business center. Suburban today, but when Portland is a city of twice its present size this will neces sarily be city residence property. If you can spare $5 a month you had better GET ONE NOW n Portland Trust Company of Oregon Southeast Cor. Third ft Oak Sts. WEST SIDE NOB HILL DISTRICT 4 Fine Rouses for Sale QUARTER BLOCK One 7, 'two 8 and one 9-room, strictly modern; new; full concrete basements; on car line; $20, 000 for the four; this will bring 10 per cent on the invest ment. Also 8 fine up-to-date new dwell ings, within one block of Washington St.; S6.000 to 912,000. West Side Lot 40x170 feet, cloee in; price S 700. Lot 50x100, close in; finest view in the city; price f 1,250. Six-room Cottage; good repair; basement; lot 50x100; price 92.2O0. Vacant Block, suitable for resi dences; good view; price 91,5O0. W. F. SLAUGHTER & CO. 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TO INVESTORS STARK STREET CORNER Vary deaurablr bargain ta Usl city at the prise. SIXTH STREET PROPERTY. Pine comer on Sixth street, ready as build on. and la a bargain. FOURTH ST. PROPERTY Quarter block, well located, and when Improved will pay a good Interest aa ta Investment. GLI8AN STREET. QUARTER BLOCK This Is near where the new depot win bo located. Aa It la evident that Hill and Harrlman will not come to an agreement. Hill wlU build his own de pot on Eleventh and Hoyt streets. This Is the beat buy in the city at the pres ent price. EVERETT STREET, QUAR TER BLOCK Close In, bringing In soma rent, and sure to Increase In value.' Other good investments In different parts of the any. WAREHOUSE SITES Pine Keif -look, one aide on tna llth street switch, and the other on the elec tric car Una. Thla is the beat half block in the olty on which to erect a large warehouse. Parties can buy thla and have aa immediate tenant; It (a good for Immediate use. Quarter block on ltth atreet at a right price. To Manufacturers And Warehouse Men The undersigned has a number of fine warehouse or factory sites in South Portland st reasonable prices which will be fronting on the new Electric Car Line and have ample switch privileges. Quarter Block, Half Block or. Whole Block, as may be wanted, Apply to CHARLES K. HENRY 128 Third St., Failing Building 40,000 leiessais Tit half block ol fine location, with full ground, Una driveways, one of tna Pest homes la the city. 910,500 artb e . Modern. senni it im luvziie leei, wmoraia walks about houee and sidewalks. See this home If you want a good one. The best home In the city at that price. 8 7,2O0 -Oround 5x100' reTtwsTfocafanJ very desirable. SOUTHERN PORTLAND BARGAINS oes. with 4 ho ass. hi southern 1 of the city, on the new oar Una. portion aura to advance tepidly in value. WlU now be sold by present owners at close figure. Thla Is a good bargain, OTHER RESIDENCES In different parte of the olty. and a right price. BUILDING SITES Union avenue quarter block, facing seat, eleea In. Only $1,750. The beat buy ea Union avenue today. HOLLADAY ADDITION . Several fine quarter blocks at right prices. If you want good property It wfll per yon to call upon CHARLES K. HENRY. THIRD STREET 188 For Inside Property See GOLDSMITH&CO. Real Estate Brokers ALWAYI SUCCESSFUL 442 Sherlock Building Bsat-aighe- IAS Sec Us About Any or the following SI OOO Full lot Multnomah near ltth street, Holladay Park addition. l"ew Aavs only. S1.S50 U to. 1 4th and Wr .. 3.000 New, modern, l-room bouse, corner Skldmore and Height street. ea.tSO-rW y as em seek street be tween Marshall and North run. $2,550-o by as, southeast corner Itth and Northrup streets. 03,000 SJaw, e-roosa, modern house, list street, near Thnrman. Terme. a USUI rail lot. Lovetoy, between ISd and 14th streets. 04 SOO Se by BO, northwest esraes Mith and Northrup streets, laeseae 4,70e-ee a-ai-a; llth ssd Nortnrup sireeia. 6.000 Seven-room, modern Marshall between llth and streets a flae bay. lAIHMl-ril e-toom, strictly s house on Morris street Sari se SS" 1SS with twe loss so by las each ea Stanton, near Union erenne. T.500-" acre, beentlfuliy et tasted nearTrtaioat street and eouaty road. aae as about . ? Jf .. Mttk as! Ir. rood buy. SI a.OOO r M. corner MIsstaslseH 'avenue end Hossell street WeB lav LAMONT BARMS . eJfT OBMfe etv