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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
ART CRITICS ARE -NOT SATISFIED Autumn Salon Prove Great Dis appointment Because of Lack of Originality. - PROFESSOR SAYS MILK NEED NEVER BE SOUR Fifty-Six Families Named Martas Have Put in Claim for Fortune of Million and a Half Left by Argen tina Cattleman. (Special cable.) 1 Paris, Oct XT. The autumn aalon, which has been looked forward to thla year with the hope of lta being partic ularly Interesting, has proved a great disappointment. Not a single canvas has attracted attention by region of Us originality among the exhibits. Lurid Impressionists are very much to the fore. The sections which have been the moat admired are those In which the works of dead artists have been grouped. The "retrospective" ex hibits st the autumn aalon are now con sidered Its chief attraction. Thla year the paintings shown are those of Cour bet, Gaugln and Carrier, all great mas ters. The Russian section, which will comprise sbout 13 galleries and contain examples of Russian art from the sev enteenth century to our day, is net yet open, and Is not likely to be ready be fore the first of November. Patients tiring. After a struggle lasting several years Dr. Doyen, the celebrated surgeon, has succeeded In convincing the faculty of medicine here of the efficacy of his treatment against cancer. At a meet ing of the eongress of surgeons Dr. Doyen has exposed his method and given the result of two years' observa tion and 17 patients, all of whom showed satisfactory progress. He alao called the attention of the congress to the fsct that all of the IS patients who had been pronounced by. he congress two years ago to be In a serious condition ware sttu alive. Keep Mil Sweet. Milk need never go sour, says Profee Behrlng, If treated by a process he has for keeping It for an Indefinite period without boiling it, and preserving Its nutritive qualities. A sixth of sn ounce of perhydol is added to a gallon of milk, and the milk la then heated to lit degrees. The per hydrol decomposes Into water and oxy gen, the oxygen escapes and the milk la. left llluted with an exceedingly small quantity of water absolutely free from microbes. Professor Bearing also believes that milk loses some of Its beet qualities when exposed to daylight, and be advo cates green or red milk bottles. Stray Fortune. A fortune of ll.5no.000 Is swatting the nearest relative of Jean BUenne Martas. formerly of Languedoc. who has died at Buenos Ayrea, the owner of much real estate, and a great cattle ranch in Argentine. Marias left no will and had no rela tives in Argentine. His Immense for tune Will, therefore, go to his nearest surviving relative In France, when the probate authorities have decided which Is the heir among the M families named Martas who put In claims. CASHIER GARSIDE HAS FLOWN Head of Defunct Aetna Bank at Butte Departs Upon Eve of Investigation. PRETTY STENOGRAPHER HAS ALSO DISAPPEARED Mystery Surrounds Leak of Newt That Grand Jury Was to Call For mer Portland Man to Account for Fsilure of Institution. (Special Dispatch to The Jonrnal Butte, Mont.. Oct. IT. Cashier Oar side, formerly of Portland, of the de funct Aetna bank here, has disappeared. Likewise his pretty female stenogra pher. Geralds has not yet been loeated by Sheriff Qulnn. and there Is no positive Information at hand aa to whet direc tion he went when he left Butte Wednesday night. A very strong suspicion Is out that some ens gave Garslde the tip that the grand jury would call for him on Thursday, and the authorities are won dering where the leak could have oc curred, as It was supposed that no one outalde of the attorney-general and the members of the grand Jury knew what was to be dona or that the affairs of the Aetna were to be Investigated. The disappearance of the cashier will not. however, prevent a thorough ex amination of the Aetna and its busi ness and It was hlnt'ed that a greater sensation would most likely be uncov ered and that the Aetna failure would prove ons of the rankest ever known In benklng history. It is predicted that after the secrets Ot the bank are thoroughly disclosed It will be found that the officials have been mere straw figures to shield the real parties responsible for the Aetna. Geralds Is formerly of Portland, com ing from that city to accept the cash lershlp In the Aetna. LITTLE BOY AND GIRL WANDER FROM HOME Somewhere In the north end a little boy and his small sister were wandering last night. Perhaps they were under shelter, but their father, Anton Slavich. Ill Burnslds street, could find no (race of them. ev-T Jerry la 4 , years old, with dark hair and eyebrows. Hs wore blue overalls and a happy smile when laat seen. His sister Is a year younger, and has light hair. She wore a pair of brand-new shoea end 's new pink halr-rlbbon. 81a vlch seerched ths elty without success, and finally reported his loss at the po lice statloh. What a heartless officer Jerome must be. Thaw Isn't out of Jail yet. THE MRS. EDDY SAID TO BE NEAR DEATH New York World States That Founder of Christian Science Is Very Feeble. ANOTHER IMPERSONATES HER IN DAILY DRIVE No Trace Found of Vast Sums Which She Is Said to Have Received Her Actual Batata Small No One Knows Where Money Has Gone. (Rnerial Dlanateh h Lssssd Wire to The Journal) New York, bet. 17. The World will SSy tomorrow: A "Pleasant View. CosTcord. N. H-. Oct 1. 1I0S. To the Editor of the Boston Herald Dear Sir: Another report that I am dead Is widely circulated. I am in unusual good health and go out in my carriage every day. Truly yours, Msry Baker O. Eddy." This letter, published by a reputable newspaper, and written upon note paper bearing the MacNesl crest used by Mary Baker G. Eddy, and a signature to all appearances her own. Is doubtless suthentlc. If the signature Is genuine. Mrs. Eddy, founder snd heaft of the Chris tian Science church, has affixed her name to a falsehood. Reporters for the World have eeen and spoken to Mrs. Eddy In her guarded home at Con cord. New Hampshire, within, the last few dsys. She Is very feeble and seem ingly In the shadow of death. Her hand may have been guided In the sig nature that appears en her letter, but for many, months she has not left her room. Bally Drive la Beans. Hsr dally drive through the streets of Concord Is a fraud. Ostensibly Mrs. Eddy makes this dally public appear ance, dressed In velvets and ermine, to show her followers that she Is in per fect health. It Is not Mrs. Eddy, but sn Impersonator, trained and costumed for the part that appears In the exhibition drive. Thla Impersonator Is known to be Mrs. Parmelta J. Leonard of Brooklyn, I 'ieaa ni inc uaniuin science cnurcn in that borough. Mrs. Leonard has been In Mrs. Eddy's hone St Concord for the i lsst tKree years. There she has per i fee ted herself ae an understudy to Mrs. , Eddy, and has Impersonated the head i of the Christian Science church In the , dally exhibition drives when to move the real Mrs. Eddy from her bed would ' have meant slmost certsln death to ' the enfeebled woman. Mrs. Bddy Is powerless In ths hands of designing persons. They absolutely control her. snd their employment of Mrs Leeward's services Is for a deep purpose. Hidden Life at Woman. Ths World Has collected a maes of facta bearing directly upon ths sur prising conditions that surround the hidden life of Mrs. Eddy. These fscts are quite apart from the tenets of Christian Science, so-called, and will appeal aa forcibly to fair-minded mem bers at the cult ss to the general public. Many millions of dollars just hew many the records fall to show havS passed Into Mrs. Eddy's personsl pos session slnee the foundstlon of ths Christian Science oult. Millions of her books have been sold and each book has yielded her a royalty of one dollar. Prom the mother ohureh In Boston she yesrly reoetves a great sum, contrib uted by devotees In all parts of the world, in the form of annusl dues. One of her eloasst friends and followers ee tlmatea Mrs. Eddys fortune at $11, 04,000 and hsr annual Income at II. 000.000. Of this vast sum there Is practically no trace. There le no publlo record of Its Investment, no clue to Its distribu tion. Her financial agent and cousin, Frederick N. La (3d, secretary of the Loan snd Trust Savings bank of Con cord, while refusing details, has said that Mrs. Eddy's estate Is surprisingly small, ahe having expended the bulk of her fortune In charities. Be Bias i of Boitama. But none of the charities aided by Mrs. Bddy could be designated by Mr. Ladd or found by searchers. Mrs. Ed dy's only visible ssset Is the Concord Houss. snd the 40-scre park lend that surrounds it valued In all about $140, 000. Christian Scientists the world over doubtless will be anxious to know what has become of the great fortune of the helpless old lsdy, confined to an upper room or her isolated home. Mrs. Eddy's last genuine public ap pearance wae three rears ago, when for a moment ahe poaedNon the balcony at Pleasant View In sight of the assembled faithful Since then Mrs. Eddy has been Invis ible, save to the members of hsr Inner circle. But now thst the araaslng facts havs been made public, the door so long barred by the footmen-secretary may be opened Legal action to ascertain the full truth le practically assured. SENTENCES HIS SERVANT TO TEN DAYS IN JAIL (Journal Special SerTlee.) New Tors, Oct. $$. Because Llssle Quellette Is a good servant during her periods of sobriety, Magistrate Smith of Long Island City has been somewhat. Indulgent with her In the past His -knowledge of the girl's good qualities Is complete, aa she le employed In his household. Magistrate Smith, however, realised yesterday that there must be sn snd te sll things, even to extending clemency to tippling servant girls, snd had the unusual experience of sending his own servant to lail for 10 days on a charge of Intoxication and disorderly conduct. The magistrate accompanied his wife to Far Rockaway to attend a social func tion lsst Sundsy. Llssle waa left to cars for tbs house during their absence until Monday. Mrs, Smith returned te the house alone on Monday. She was shocked to find it children In front of the houss hooting and yelling at a won an who was making a political speech on the front porch. It wss Llssle. OREGON APPLES ARE SUPERIOR TO RIVALS (facial measles to The Jonrnal ) Salem, Or.. Oct 17. Sunnyslde, Wash-. Ington, Is conducting a campaign of ad vertising here in the shape of an apple display. T. T. Reynolds of Chsmawa has made a similar display of apples grown in his own orotstrd, and the home product surpasses the Washington In many particulars. The dlsplsys are made side by aide In a State street gro cery and are attracting considerable attention. OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MEAT TRUST WILL LOWER PRICES Germane Plan to Organize Oc topus Which Will Be of Gen. eral Benefit to People. OHMKE DECLARES BERLIN w WILL BE GREATEST CITY Fourteen Million. Inhabitants Are Predicted for Metropolis at End of Fifty Years, by Noted Statis tician. Berlin, Oct ST. A German meat trust, with American capital, la looming In ths future. Its object, according to a trade paper, la to cheapen meat In Germany by abolishing ths middleman's profits. Ths scheme Is credited to an agrarian society, which hss been In communica tion with the minister of agriculture on the subject. The government would not be averse to a meat trust which would really bring down prices, which are at present causing great discontent by their Inflated stats. Many Germans regard the proposed trust's philanthropic Intentions with suspicion, thinking It unlikely that the trust would eliminate the middleman s profits entirely In the Interests of the consumer. Berlin te Be Oreat Berlin will be the greatest city on earth (0 years henoe, according to the calculations of Herr Ohmke. a noted statistician. Its population will be In ths neighborhood of 1 4.0M,0etsnd Its only serious rivsl will be Mew York. In a pamphlet he has written to set forth this prophetic theory, Herr Ohmke says that ths population of Berlin Is Increasing more rapidly than that of any European city except Budapest, Hungary. Today greater Berlin con tains over $.000,000 inhabitants. Thla rapid growth, he says, with Ber lin's commercial Importance, will place the capital ahead of London, Parle and New Tork. He calculates that London In 15 will only havs 7.000.000 Inhabi tants. I Waste en Strike. The dearness of food In Germany has caused a great strike In the Ruhr min ing district, whsre the men demand an lncresss of 1$ per oent In their wages so that they can keep themselves and their families above the starvation line. The situation with ths strikers la serious because they have not accumu lated funda enough to support a mass strike slnee the strike of last ysar, when ths government Intervened. The men were then at the end of their resources. The government has now warned the men not to expect another Intervention, and advises ths mlneowners to concede an increase in wages is order to avoid a disastrous strike. Meanwhile meat and other provisions are at famine prices. nRZlilTiiEN BY LOYALISTS Heavy Fighting Occurs In Mo rocco Between Rebels and Government Troops. INSURGENT LEADER IS CAPTURED BY RAISULI American Minister Who Has Been Practically Held Prisoner Is Safe to Start for Coast Since Uprising la Ended. Tangier. Morocco, Oct. $7. There has been heavy fighting In Arsllla and aa a result the loyal forces commanded by Ralsull routed the rebel forces and cap tured ths olty of Arsllla. Many of the Insurgents were killed, a large number were captured and others were scat tered. This blow, it Is believed, will break the backbone of ths disturbance and bring peace to the whole country. The news has caused the greatest satisfaction here, not only because of its effect on business, but it removes sll spprehenslon as to ths safety of Mr. Guerre, the American mlniater, who has been practically a prisoner at Fes. owing to the uprising. He and hla suite were afraid to return to the coast because of the danger of armed bands of rebels. Benlss Taken Piiesnss.. It Is learned that when Ralsull cap tured the town of Arsllla he took pris oner Benlan, who had taken the olty and looted lta shop. After entering Ar sllla with his raon. Ralsull proclaimed himself master of the town and sent letters to ths foreign minister, Moham med Bl Torres, Informing him that every Jew wishing to leave could do so without fear. The Moorish minister has sent a boat to take aboard those Jews who decide to quit the town, The only fear now Is been use of the uneasiness among the wild tribes In the southern portion of the country. They are mov ing from place to place, and It has been agreed to scr.d a Kaid there to qutet them. JThls step will be taken at the urgent request of the French minis ter, who called the sttentlon of the sultsn to the danger of the situation. GIL BLAS ARRAIGNS AMERICANS IN PARIS (Special Dispatch by Leased Win te The Jo. mail Paris, Oct. 17. Oil Bias has been pub lishing a series of articles on the for eign colonies snd In dealing with the Americans In Psrls says "The official chief of the colony is the American ambassador, but with the exception of the women, who pin little flags to their waists, and the men who stick leaden Images of the Stars and Stripes In their cravats on Independence dsy, no people show less evidence of loyslty and patriotism with regard to their ohlef. "For that matter, whereas the former ambassador, Porter, used to open his salons in Hue villejuate to his coun trymen and women, and receive them with charming grace and, Jjgepltalfry, the present representative rather avoids the society of Ms country people; and his wife, a very distinguished member of the bourgeois Society of Chicago, knowa how to keep s simple American woman In her place with respect to the of the United state.- When it Comes Ve Tower Comparison of values will show that ws sell goods cheaper than any body, because ws are satisfied with leas profit. Great Mission Rocker Special Aa long aa they last and that won't be long. This Rocker is made from selected hardwood. Is 3 feet 8 inches high and 18 inches wide between the arras; has chase leather seat, soft and springy, and ia the most comfortable rocker made! very strongly put together; flat slat hack and flat arms. AN IDEAL CHAIR FOR THE LIBRARY OR LIVING ROOM. Room-Size Rug Values We carry a very well selected and attractive rug assortment and call your attention to the following prices: 9x12 Tapestry ttu&s 330.00 An all wool surfaced rug in swell" floral and oriental effects. 9x12 Roxbury Rust The best tapestry rug made; an excellent rug for hard wear; pretty oriental designs. 9x12 Body-Brusael Rugs .... $33.00 Perfection of rug-making is attained in these rugs; they last a lifetime. 9x12 Axminster Rugs $33.SO A high-grade satisfaction-giving rug that cornea in a large array of fine floral oriental patterns. 9x12 Wilton Rugs $48.00 No better rug on the market. All rugs lined and laid free. Plain fillings to harmonise or match with any rug. Large stock of Linoleums, Carpets snd Draperies. Easy terms. COVELL Portland Agents for Laurel DESPERATE CRIMINALS TAKEN TO M'NEILL'S (Special DUpsteh to The Journal.) Seattle. Wash.. Oct 17. Karl Hen- drlckson snd Thomas Thornton, said to be two of the most desperate criminals that ever operated In the northern coun try, were brought to Seattle today on the steamer Jefferson en route to Mo- Nelll's Island, where they each nave 16 years to serve for robbery committed near Fairbanks. On the voysge from Fairbanks down th river the two men made their ea- eape, but were later recaptured. Hen 8 L "!? F '-..-n .old. This sad record h. th. holder tor as security In Witness to be signed 8 It' - . av- a il 3 Money Invested in the Above Bond, One Hun dred or One Thousand Dollars, is Safer Than in iny Bank The best security on earth is earth itself. The earth will not burn. y Each issue of these bonds is secured by a separate mort gage or deed of trust to a trustee. Therefore you can see the property your money is invested in. (No blanket mortgage.) We invest in income business or prospective business propert no outside lots or acres. Sales of property will be made whenever the company receives an advance offer for the same. Investment Comps ny f Oregon J. L. HARTMAN L. O. CLARKE WILLIAM A. BANTS MORNING, OCTOBER 8t. to Chair and Rocker Values, Above All Competition Stoves and Ranges the Only drickson mads a saw out of a curtain rod and succeeded In cutting a hole In the top of hla stateroom Of sufficient else to permit him to reach the deck of the boat While In Jail at Fairbanks Hendrtck son made an assault on the jailer and then attempted suicide. He swears hs will not serve out his sentence. TALKS WITH SWEETHEART PROVE MOST EXPENSIVE (Jsaraal Special Bsrrlss.) Baltimore. Md.. Oct. ST. Miss Mary Olttlngs Oillett, well known In society Iprofit-sharing bond! B Number , Series -, PROFIT-SHARING BOND j Number j Aerie ., S Investment Company of This Is to certify thst. has this day paid to the INVESTMENT COMPANY OF OREGON, th sum of Dollars, ana thereby becomes the ovrn'er of this Profit-Sharing Bond for Said amount, without interest The amount received shall be invested in real estate, in the City of Portland or the State of Oregon, under the direction of the Board of Directors of said Company. The net profits de rived from the Profit-Sharing Fund shall be divided in the following manner: . - - - .u. . ,A ..I. I..A h.r3T asaUbe oeerraeS to mean th. lis realised from the sal. ot property Is which tb. money rejpre " .M""'.. ."'J) . ? ,.TJi t ..... ( r.o.ira. betterments, street lawrove- assw.w. t7""Tbls boad Invested. Including rentala. lesa Thl. Inns becomes due and parable by Bead Is see of aanes limited to thereof oa nook, or aald Cnmnanr. The Books Wbis real eitat. I. porrhssed of this Bond. for this aeries. whereof, the INVESTMENT COMPANY OF OREGON has caused these presents by its President snd attested by its Secretary at Portland, Oregon, and its corporate seal hereunto attached this Investment Company of Oregon SEAL By Attest baler l nan in Any aaie ueposu dux WHY? Call or Send for Our Prospectus and Bond Applications President Vice-President Msnager 1806. FURNITURE CO. 184-186 FIRST ST. 2-flue Range. ALL THE has been mads defendant In a novel suit brought by the Cnesapeaae ana roiomac Telephone company, for conversations with a sweetheart In Richmond, Vir ginia, for which she Is said to have failed to pay ,21. .06. -v. . k ..tnnlihlni declarations in the suit Is that Miss Qlllstt's telephone was BO conveniently snuaiou um au. could reach it from her bed. This was when she lived In the Brexton apart ments laat wlrter and spring. For night messages In February, when the pro tested time began. H 0 la asked.. All this waa for Richmond. For words with ths sasae person, presumably in March, the much higher figure at (86.40 la asked. Oregon. Portland, Oregon hN.1 T 1 30 O.T M.(. TSS tal 'secured by resf eatste. . In lit series, i Ola Doaa n saaiuau y rnl .-.. . .... Die by aald Company when the Seal Sststs ta this aald ,O0O. Thla Boad may be trsnsrsrrea ny lnaoreemeni nsresn of said Company saall are-sya se open for thla aeries, aald Company Issaes Its treat y of. Our motto is quick sales and sure profits for our bond holders. We only act as agents for our bondholders, which we consolidate small capital to compete with large capital. As we pay cash for what we buy we are able to buy for less. Bonds are always worth their fsce vslue on ths market. Property listed with us will bring all cash. ' Our system of managing rentals saves money for the own ers and gives good satisfaction to the renters. This depart ment is under separate management. HENRY ROE HARTMAN ft THOMPSON H. H. NORTHRUP CREDIT YOU WANT In April there was a toll bill just Ue.ll. In Msy. bet 126.10 waa recorded ac cording to the company's charge. Then the record ends. What ths eauss waa is not stated. EUGENE SITE WILL BE SELECTED THIS WEEK ( Washington Sanaa of The JearaaLt Washington. Oct 17. H. H. Stader. private secretary to the secretary of the treasury, will have his report ready In a week on the site offered for the publlo 1 building at Eugene. I s 8 owned by - .obje Series Is BJB isspenssB deed there- .190.. President i Secretsry Secretary s T-essurers . . Counsel gej u