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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
SECTION TWO PAGES 15 TO 28 " ' " T isss s ssss PORTLAND, OREGON, 8UNDAY, MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1906. Olds, Wortman & King Fifth, Sixth and Washington Sts. THE "DIFFERENT" STORE Olds, Wortman & King . ClACKAMIS "AT THE BAT" "Another county heard from!" This time it's CLACKAMAS. Mr. J. A. Byers of northern Clack amas county 18 miles from Portland came thru the store the other day, while that glorious display of Hood River apples was attracting- thousands of eyes to our Fifth and Washington streets show win dow. "Why don't you show some Clackamas apples for Portland folk to gaze at?" said he. "Why don't you send us some to show?" we answered. "I will," replied Mr. Byers. He's a man of his word and made good. See the beauties in the corner window ! great, luscious, sun-kissed Northern Spies fruit of the gods, from our own scenic, fruitful, prosperous and healthful Willamette valley. 'Rah for Clackamas I Bully for Byers i A tiger for Oregon I the Eden of the western world I Can anybody beat those apples? Have a look see! Unexpected Good Luck! Special Sale Extraordinary of Beautiful $1.50 Kid Gloves for 98c! Dressy Femininity's Opportunity! Seldom, If Ever, Have So Many Great Glove Values Been Offered as Monday Will Bring ForthT Special Counters First Floor Portland s Greatest Glove Store will occupy double iti usual selling space tomorrow, annexing necessary counter room for the most im portant sale of Kid Gloves held in Portland for "many moans." Over a hundred dozen of new, stylish, perfect, handsome and correct gloves for women's wear most unusual values have been secured; and at a time when glove merchants are securing the markets to Srovide enough stock to provide for regular trade who are glad to pay regular prices for glove prices are soaring, almost out of sight, iaterial growing scarcer, skilled labor costing more, demand more actitc every day, glove manufacturers and merchants are at their wits' ends to provide for their customers' wants. But this brainy, unusual store foresaw these conditions months ago and planned this year's selling, and this sale. Tomorrow a thousand women and more benefit by such forehandedness. We expect to popularize our Glove Store more than enough by this sale to make up for the loss we take in not holding the gloves for regular prices, easy to get. YOU BUY THESE GLOVES IN TOMORROW'S OFFERING, MADAM, 'AT LOWER PRICE THAN THIS HOUSE. OR ANY OTHER. COULD BUY 'EM FOR IN MARKET- The gloves are fresh, new as the morning, latest models known to Fashion's world, skins plump, perfect in every detail; a famous manufacturer's product from the sun-kissed valleys of France. Colorings splendidly as sorted choose from tans, modes, browns, navies,, greens, grays, or white; soft, fine, light dress weight kids, every finger quirked, over seam sewed, Paris point embroidery backs, two clasp styles, Columbia welt and scalloped wrists, beautifully finished in perfect and masteriui worxmansnip. As you doubtless know, none but reliable, well fitting gloves are allowed in this Store; so when w say these are the equal of any kid glove ever sold in Portland, AT THE OLD PRICES, fo which means arnigher figure today then you'll appreciate such a remarkable value as we offer on Monday a sore t- fill the aisles to repletion along Washington Street. Choice from the handsome glove Convention for . 15c Real Irish Linen Writing Tablets, plain or ruled, note size. Special at 90 15c Playing Cards specisl at, the pkg 1O0 15c Crept Paper Napkins, plain white, 100 in package. Special at, the package ... 1O0 Hard's Pine Linen Cloth Fin ish Box Writing Paper, plain; our 25c value. Special at, the box 1T0 Rubber Tipped Lead Pencils: regular 20c the dozen. Special at, the dozen 120 25c Shell Side Combs, plain. Special at, the pair 150 $1.50 Real Ebony Hair Brushes, solid back; large size. Special, at as 50c Bottle Coke's Dandruff Cure 5 ounce size bottle. Special at, the bott .30 Men's Correct Furnishings New Autumn Togs at Less Than Elsewhere Prices Annex Sixth Street First Floor. Certain stores get to be arbiters of men's fashions by virtue of slways being right in styles. It's the usual thing for such stores to "soak" its patrons for all they'll stand on prices; because men lots of 'em won't hesitate to pay a good price 1f with it goes the feeling of safety as to style. Hence msny fellows get to think that style can only be had by paying the "exclusive" store's big, fat price. This man's shop of ours has changed all that. It's rapidly proving to more and more careful, dressy men-folk every day that correct style need not binge on exorbitant price. Special Monday Golf Shirts, fail effects, fancy or plain styles, each with pair of separate cuffs. The $1 kind..TT0 Underwear Worth a dollar Price 83c. Heavy weight cotton, derby ribbed and form fitting; best regular mske and superb finish at $1.00. Special at 830 35c Athletic Suspenders 23c Similar to the much adver tised "President" brace. A great bargain. Special Monday at, pair 230 Cashmere Half Hoes Medium weight, fine grade for dress footwear, extra durable, have high spliced heels snd double soles both great wear resisting features; best 35c or 3 for-a-dollar value. Special Monday at, pair Petticoats & Corset Covers For Less Second Floor WOMEN'S $5.00 PETTICOATS $5.29 WOMEN'S $1.25 CORSET COVERS 67c Women's Petticoats, of extra fine quality Italian cloth, deep circular flounce with knife pleating, shirring, ruffle and under ruffle, colors nsvy, green and light gray; regu lar price $5.00. Specisl at $8. Women's Corset Covers, of fine nainsook, low, round neck trimmed with one row embroidery insertion between two rows Valenciennes lace insertion, beading draw ribbon and lace edging, sizes from 34 to 48; regular price $1.25. See- I Decided Leadership in Fashionable Apparel for Women fSSbteZ A Remarkable Monday Offering of Suits and ' Superb SIIK Petticoats We state as fact only that which is incontrovertible. We state, as our belief, only that which careful investigation appears to fully justify. Therefore, we say with reasonable certainty that this is the store which presents the greatest number of attrac tions to the greatest num ber of seekers after cor rect style, indi viduality and best possible money's worth. In other words, thst we show the widest variety of newest models from such au thoritative fash ion centers at Paris and New York shown on this Western Coast or west of Chicago, and that prices average most fsvorable to oar clientele. We have literally THOUSANDS OF STYLES to choose from. Is it a wonder we please such a great and diversified public? We can please YOU. MAKE US PROVE ITI Shall we try this week? Women's SMART NEW $28.50 TAILORED 17 QC SUITS, for 2 days, Monday and Tuesday, at 4 Suits true to the mode, embracing the consummate good taste and various new festures of an advanced Autumn .season. Handsome suits that combine the dash and go and charming verve of the cleverest Parisian and American designers, adapted and modified for America's smart feminine dressers by one of New York's most famous artist tailors. About 200 suits in the lot. all favorite materials in msnnish mixed woolens, tweedish and homespun ef fects and serge weaves. "Prince Chaps," Etons with silk girdles, Pony jsckets, popular new 45 inch coats in tight fitting styles, box and halt fitted backs, in short, every wanted model is em braced in this offering, and the materials are fetchingly handsome, including all the popular green, red, blue and gray indeterminate plaids. Skirts eleven gored and plaited. All masterfully tailored and effectively trimmed in strappings, velvets, buttons and taf fetas in colors. The biggest suit vslues of the year! Values to $28.50. Mondsy snd Tuesday, $17 95 PAY $6.75 FOR THE $10 SILK PETTICOATS Best ten-dollar value in town, handsome, rich, heavy, rustling taf fetas the sort that sppeal to the woman who loves richness and "silken swish" in her under-apparel ; black and all the favorite col orings, embracing pinks, helios, old rose, red, navy, greens, grays, blues, royals, steel, lavenders, etc. Flounce is finished in gathered folds, five in number. A most excellent skirt at its modest $10 price. Special for two days only, JT Our Silk Buyer Has Made an Envious n..-,J This Wmmk's Solo Cap tha KeCOTU CUmax of His Triumphs Annex Fifth Street, First Floor. Never during the seversl years of his ad ministration hss the silk chief achieved such signal success in plsnning surprises in sur- Ssssing vslues such aa these. Resd: fovelty Suit Silks, fashions latest designs and colors, every yard new fall and winter styles, m both American and imported makes. The collection is so larjre and comprehensive that description is im possible. A visit to our silk depart ment will convince you. Our entire line of $125 and $1.50 Silks at, for 3 days only, per ysrd 044 snd $1. 19 1.25 grades for, per yard 640 $1.50 grades for, per yard $1.18 2,000 yards of Novelty Figured 24-inch All Silk Crepe de Chine in all the newest cole combinations snd patterns; these silks are made specially for afternoon end evening gowns and the Du Barry Scarfs. Regular $1.00 grades, special at, per yard T30 ' - .KiinaevessssV-. - r m mi flKTw m mb 98c ' i Men's 35c "Athletic" Suspend ers -similar to the "President" brace in the men's shop at, psir 230 Dr. Scott's Electric Hair Brushes, cure headache, neu ralgia, etc.; our $2.00 value. Spe cial at fl.25 19c Bottle Witch Hasel, 8 ounce size bottle. Special at, the bottle 13 39c Jars Cold Cream, 8 ounce size. Specisl at, the jar.. 250 5c Plain Black Pins, assorted, come in boxes. Special at, the box 10c White Pearl Buttons, in small sizes, for trimming, 1 dozen in card. Special at, the card 30 15c Shirtwaist or Half Shields, light weight, sizes 2 and 3. Special at, the pair 1O0 Today We Announce the Greaf Annual Thanksgiving Sale of Linens I An Event Fraught With Interest to Hundreds of House wives, to Hotel Stewards and Restaurateurs The Linen Shops 1st Floor. Peace, Plenty, Good Wishes these may well be counted among Things to be Thankful For." Next to these blessings, what house wife does not vslue the nap kins snd spread of snowy linens which grace her table on Thanksgiving Day? Linens are the foundation on which depends, to a large extent, the success of the great annual festive event the Thanksgiv ing feast. We are indeed thankful to faie enabled to supply and spread be fore our store public such beautiful linens, linens of which you may well be proud when you spread them over the boards at that festal event that day of home-comings, a month hence. It's none too early to prepare. Pro vide while assortments are at their best. Tomorrow we open the im portant Annual Sale of Richardson's Famous Belfaat Table Linens. Below we quote you prices which will prevail; prices that are lower than they look for the "values" quoted are those of last year they're really worth, and cost in market today, 20 to 25 per cent advance. So the bargains are really greater than they seem and the linens are the finest and handsomest we've ever shown. Read on: Every Article Embraced in the Stocks of Tablecloths, Napkins, Damasks, Matched Sets, Table Covers, Tee Cloths. Doilies, Stands Reduced! The most complete stock of Table Linens in Portlsnd! In addition we offer at extra DIS COUNT an entire special lot of TABLECLOTHS AND NAP KINS the remainders of fsctory lots remaining with Richardson's Belfast Linen Mill after fall orders were filled their overproduc-' tion which comes to us annually. The first shipment is here ready tomorrow -.morning reduced ss follows. The cloths are , 2, 2Vi. 3, 3yi and 4 yards in length; the napkins in both breakfast and dinner sizes: Last yesr's $275 values in Tablecloths or Nap kins (worth a full fourth more today) will be sold at ssssa $3.00 vslues at $3.50 values at. $4.00 values at. $475 values at. $5.25 values at. $6.00 values at 62.40 $3.25 values St. 2.78 $375 values at 3.25 $4.50 values at 3.8S $5.00 values at 4.20 $5.50 values at 4.80 $6.25 values at... 82.65 113.00 1 13.69 1 13.05 1 14.45 115. lO This Way For The New Fa!) Dress Goods Above orices aoolv to cloths or napkins, in dozen lots. Some may be had to natch others sre not to be matched. Bear in mind that ALL tablecloths, napkins, etc., are reduced during this sale I A Garrison Finish to a Record-Smashing October Sale of Dress Goods in the Annex Floor , Extraordinary values. Dress goods buyers will come ( trooping in to quickstep time to partake of such bar gains. Keaa ana. act. i ne sale opens Monday and con tinues through Wednesday only. 52-inch All Wool Broad cloth in navies, browns, reds, Alice blue, old rose, etc. Regular $1.50 grade: special, per yard. . .81.13 1,800 yards Imported English Plaid Suitings, every wanted color combination to choose from. Splen did $1.00 values; special, per yard T90 Imported French Serges; these much wanted fabrics come In sll shades and are exceptional values at the regular prices. $1.00 grade, specisl, only, per yard 830 $1.25 grade, special, only, per yard 880 $1.50 grade, special, only, per ' yard 81.18 BLACK DRES8 OOODS SECTION. A grsnd three days' special sale on Italian, Turkish and "French Mohairs, the most durable and dressy fabric made for swell street suits. The dyes sre warranted fast black. Regular $2.50 grades reduced for 3 dsys to, yard $166 Regular $275 grade reduced for 3 days to, yard 52.81 Regular $3.00 grades reduced for 3 days to, yard ....$2.46 Regular $3.50 grades reduced for 3 days to, yard 62. Tl These come in all the new wanted weave, snd are for thtee days only at these special prices. The Underwear Question Flrat Floor Shops Today's news ought to help a lot of women to settle it satisfactorily as to fit, style, service and comfort. QUALITY is the pass word to our underwear stocks snd it governs the making. Special values Monday: Women's $1.25 Vests 89c Medium weight white silk and cotton Vests, high neck, long sleeves, extra sizes 40, 42 and 44; regular value $1.25. Special 8c Women's $3.00 Union Suits $2.25 Mercerized lisle Union Suits, winter weight, long sleeves, ankle length, in pink snd blue; regular value $3.00. Special. .62.25 Women's $1.00 Vests or Pants 73c White and natural Merino Vests or Pants, long sleeve vests, ankle French band pants; regular value $1.00. Special, each 730 Women's $7.50 Silk Union Suits $5.50 White, pink and blue Swiss ribbed Silk Union Suits, long sleeves, ankle length, very elastic; regular value $7.50. Special 86.50 Women's $1.25 Vests and Pants 96c White fine rib bed Merino Vests or Pants, extra size; regular value $1.25. Special 880 "Horse Show" Hats: Millinery J Chat With the M Minors f OfCCaSl In tho Bijou Jinnex Salons "Coming events cast their Second Floor. sunshine afore" (with apol ogies to the author of the old adage.) Everyone know that the great annual fashion event of the metropolis of Ameri ica known vulgarly as "New York's Horse Show" takes place next month. New York modistes and mil liners are. working day and' night in preparation for the occasion. Our attention was drawn to the near ap proach of the great style fete by the arrival the past week of about a hundred hats designed especially from models conjured bv the master minds of leading Parisian and New York milliners lor wear py ineir patrons as. tne coming so ciety meet. These exquisite hats must appeal to every woman's appreciation of the beautiful in mil linery creations. They are without exception the handsomest hsts in the most spproved fashion shown this season, and the popular trimmings have been used with rare taste and skill. Many happy and novel combinstions of furs and real laces, velvets, flowers snd ostrich plumes have been used. Despite the fact that these hats comprehend all that is best in millinery the prices are most modest. Semi-dress and tailored styles are embraced. A special lot of values on Monday, at Beer In mind our stocks tnclud all that's bsst In mllllnarv. as low as 11 00, as lscant as 1100.00. xs. evi. ss4 iui $10 to $20 i Hosiery Bargains for Women and Children First Floor Women's 35c Hosiery 23c Fine ribbed black lisle hose, seamless, all sixes; regular vslue 35c. Soecial. oair 384 Women's 25c Hosiery lie Medium weight black cotton' Hose, seamless, fsshioned snkle; regular vshje 25c Special, pair Children's Black Cashmere Fine Ribbed Hoes - Sizes 6, 6yi. 7 and V'i regulsr alus 30c. Specisl. Special, pair. .54 slue 40c Soecial. pair Sites 8 snd 8Vi; regular value 35c. Sizes 9, 9 and 10; regular pair