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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNTNQ, OCTOBER . 1966. 13 BELL'S VOTE SPLIT BY LAN6D0N Were Independence League Can didate to Withdraw, Demo crat Would Be Elected. SOUTHERN PACIFIC BACK OF REPUBLICAN NOMINEE Railroad Agent Forced OUlett on Party and Are Openly Supporting Hint Bell and Langon Making Ag gressive Fights. (Special niapatch to Tha Journal.) Ban Francisco, Oet. 27. As the day of lection approaches the campaign in this atate Is becoming warmer and the three candidates for gubernatorial hon ors promise to mMtt u whirlwind finish the like of which never, has been seen In California. The fight ever since the nominating conventions were held has been an ex tremely bitter one, each accusing the other ot being the puppet of a corpora tion or the 'complaisant representative of a man with rut ax to grind. Theodora A. Bell the Democratic nominee points voJAmes N. OUlett as the Southern Pacific's man and the sn- emY of labor. flMlstt declare that William H. Langdon, the Independence League nominee, Is nothing more than the mouthpiece of W. n. Hearst, and Langdon denounces both Bell and OU lett us being Southern Pacific men, bought end paid for. Beiiroad Backs OUlett. There can be no doubt of Glllett's support. It cornea from the Southern Pacific and the Espee people make no bones about it. The railroad's agents gagged and bound the Santa Crus con vention and jammed OUlett down the throats of the delegates willy-nilly. The bra sen manner in which this was ac complished has caused quite a defection from 'the ranks and a number of Influ ential Republicans have announced their intention of doing all they ean to en compass Olllett's defeat. Union laboi baa taken up tha cudgel and Is using it unsparingly on OUlett. Prom one end of the state to the other the word is being passed that OUlett Is labor's enemy, and his record In congress, where he voted sralnst an eight-hour day on the Panama canal, la being held up as proof. Despite the handicaps that his railroad connection and attitude toward labor constitutes. OUlett is mak ing a vigorous fight and his managers are certain of his election. Bell's Aggressive rigs. Bell, who has a habit of aweeping away natural Republican majorities when seeking offlse in his home county, refuses to admit that he la up against a forlorn hope. He is conducting his campaign, not with the single Idea of preaching the Democratic doctrine mere-1.- for the sake of preaching, but with the firm conviction that he has better than a "fighting chance." With union labor behind him, he feels that the Re publicans are not so firmly entrenched as they effect to believe they are, aad there are many who are, confident enough to predict that if Langdon were eut of the race, Bell would be the next - governor of California. i Bell is still In ths thirties and pos sesses considerable of the Are of youth and Is Injecting It into his campaign with a vim worthy of any cause. He Is a good campaigner and makes friends readily, but he has ths Southern Pacific against him. Xaagden Blot Xa it. Langdon s campaign is generally look ed upon as an IU-advlaed one. He has not one chsnce 'h a hundred, and while he Is standing cn an avowed platform of Independence, honesty, fair play and antl-bosslsm, he cannot hope to even run second in the race. The greet body of voters are lined up with the two old parties and ths lssus between OUlett and Bell has been plainly drawn and that issue Is, "Shall the Southern Pacific dominate toe state?" ' Ball and Langdon say it shall not, While OUlett contents himself with spe cious denials of any connsctlon with the railroad, but the brand Is on him. W. F. Herrln and Walter Parker, the Southern Pacific's political agents, com pletely dominated the Santa Crus con vention and with the aid of Abe Ruef's Sen Francisco delegation nominated OU lett on the first ballot. Had ths rail road remalnsd out of the fight, Pardee would have been nominated, but Pardee was distasteful to ths Espee because he would not do Its bidding snd therefore he was marked Xor the guillotine. Reform YotaBpltt. Langdon was pushedNato the arena by Hearst, who, failing In his effort to secure control of the Democratic organ ization, decided to disrupt the party. In a sense, therefore, Langdon Is noth ing more than a "spits" candidate. It Is true that he Is hurting Bell's chances, but he Is also drawing some of hi support from 'he Republican ranks. Hearst had hoped that his reputation as the friend of labor would bring the worklngman's vots to sny msn he might place at ti c heed of his Inde pendence League ticket, but the work ingmsn Is smart enough to realise that he has little ch.m-e of defeating OUlett with Langdon In a three-cornered fight. Therefore, seeing :n Tell his only hope, be has called upon Langdon to with draw and has even appealed- to Hearst to order Langdon out of the race, but both. Langdon and Hearst refuse to quit. Summing up the situation. It looks like OUlett and the Southern Pacific will get the majority of the votes cast, with Bell second and Langdon last, but a different story might be totd If Langdon were out of the contest. This Stock Jumps to 55c at Midnight Nov. 10 The Financial Opportunity of a Lifetime to get Into a money -making manufacturing business on the ground floor. The contract for erection of permanent factory at Dolgevllle has been let to Mr. Earl P. Low, a prominent contractor and builder, and con struction Is now under way. Put Your Money to Work Let us put your money to work for you. It IS theonly way you will ever get ahead in this world. No man or woman In the world ever got rlch-unless he put every cent he could rake and scrape together into some kind of business where the money worked for him We want to do that for you. We have busi ness that Is safe, honest, sure and without speculation. It Is a business that has been In operation for some time past and has proven an Immense success. What We Have Ths company owns all the patents. ' We havs exclusive control of the patents for ths United States and Canada. We hsve an established market end a demand that reaches to every one of the homes snd places of buelness in America that use electricity. We have a factory es tablished which has been leased for tempo rary uee, where we are now manufacturing these goods, pending the erec tion of the necessary buildings st Dolgevllle, which is to be our per manent "location. What We Make LjgKBssfl f Jaf dbsse-v' v Xiao trio flat from Heaters. TOABTER Toasts Both Bides of Bread at fHBwsssw Once. Our Temporary Factory We are now manufacturing these goods to fill orders on hand st our temporary factory. The orders are ahead of our present faculties, but more machinery has been ordered and will be placed as rapidly as possible. The Southern Pacific Railway has put In Us sidetrack on this property for the handling of freight to and from the fac tory, and the Pacific Electric have their sidetrack surveyed and staked out. In the Dolgeville buildings arrangements have been made for plenty of air and light, and the grounds not occupied by buildings, sidings, etc., will be msde ss attractive as possible through plants, trees, lawns snd shrubbery, the ides being to have the amployss work among the pleassnt and attractive surroundings. Established Business Remember that you are not going Into eomethlng unknown. Theee goods hsve an established market. The company now has many orders on hand snd are manufacturing the goods to supply large apartment-houses, thus enabling them to expense for all the lighting, heat ing and cooking will be no greater than ths present cost of lighting alone. -Something: to Remember The Electric Heattng Manu facturing Company has acquired all the heattng aad cooking appli ances controlled by Mr. Leonard, the rights, titles snd Interests to ths factory manufacturing these goods, which has heretofore been located at Pasadena. ' , This plant has been removed to Los Angeles, where the company, ee before stated, hiss a factory at ST-(6 Ban Fernando street. The Eleotrlo Heating aV Manufacturing Company was organised for the purpose of doing a general manufacturing buslaeee In electric heating and cooking sppllsnees. Hitherto there have been a number of devlcea on the market for heating end cooking by electricity, but the amount of current consumed, ss well as the cost of ths appliance, has prevented a general Introduction of this otherwise perfect system. Mrr George I. Leonard has secured four patents, Nos. 768.7J4, 760,075, 760,076. 763.716. and baa . others pending. Under bis method of construction ths expense has been greatly reduced l and thess appliances sr now placed within the reach ot every one using electricity. Illustrations ars herewith given of a few of the appliances which this company manufactures. Ons of the primary objects of ths company, and on which will eventually develop Into an Immense and most profitable buslnsss. Is the equipment of hotels and private homes with modern eleotrlo power plants, generate their own electricity at a coat so low that the total Under Small Expense Bob! BKL We have purposely located th factory where taxes and operating expenses jars low. thus reducing ths cost of manufacture, where every employe can own his own home, there by eliminating all probability of labor troubles. Here Is the Proposition In ordsr to extend our trade quickly and go ahead and build a naw factory and estab lish the business on a larger basis, a small amount of ths capital stock of the company Is offered for sale for a fsw days only at 60 cents per share, par value I LOO. It ought To be worth ft. 00 In a few months, and un doubtedly will. When the new factory build ings are completed, this stock will undoubt edly bs worth several times its per value. This stock wUl be sold on the square. There is no preferred stock, svery share being ex actly like every other share. There Is no scheme, no trick or wrinkle by which snybody dan be froasn out. Every dollar invested will represent owe hundred cents of the best shares. Every shars will be exactly like every other share. This stock la fully paid and nonassessable. Blsoalt 8 to 10 Minutes. No Other Line Offers as great a field for-profits as electrical manufacturing. There has never been a failure of any consequence. All are Immensely successful. In addition to ths household appliances herein described, we wtU manufacture and carry In stock a complete line of electric hestlng appliances for manufacturing and business purposes, Including Tissrslry irons, Immersion Msaaers. Soidsriag irons, PoUaalmg boas, Tailor Irons, Bute Irons, wins Vots, Solder Bets, laboratory Plates, Be Urns, Bestaurant Appllanoas. Theae goods are standard and will bs guaranteed by us In every particular. The Opportunity of a Lifetime In order to enable every man and woman to get In on this opportunity, this stock wiU be offered until November' 10 only at ths fallowing prices: Made la Several 80 shares ISO shares BO shares 80 shares Cash Prices 150.00 1008 shares 100.00 186-00 Installment Plan BATE i' Ss8assjsw Ji1,fmSr-fm!f agafl seaaaSU5ri " a """esSa farTST'" . jyeaSSe PBaw8ne!Sos8aafc5 fcpssBsBBBajj rlsaaaisS rEKMAimT TAOTOBT STOW BBX8T8) BBBCTKS AV DOLOITILLB Ff-'- Barnett, Architect.. Bast T. Low, Contractor aad Builder. 50 shares, 88-00 cash aad four month ly pamoate of 85.00 eaoh. 100 share, ll.oo eah aad See montb- 180 aWea7tT!0 Mlvaave aeoatk- 00 shans, fl 00 oash aad monthly payments of 885.00 If paymsnte of 818.00 sack. snares. 818.00 1000 850 month ly paymente of 814.00 It navments of 17.50 seek. shares. 837.00 cash as six month ly payments of 821.00 eaoh. shares. 838.00 oash monthly payments of 831.00 eaekv. shares, 862.00 oash aad eight monthly payments of $56.00 each. shares. $850.00 cash and Sea monthly payments of fBBOOO each. Mot more than sooo bare at tale prloe to any one Three Vital Points DISC- Cooks Anything Requiring a Flat Bnrfsce. the demand. The orders from Southern California alone are enough to keep the factory buay for some time to come, and these goods are made at an enormous profit. Several years were spent by the inventor In perfecting these goods. Thst stege has been passed. It took some time to over come the difficulties of manufacture snd to establish a trade. The Contract Has Been Let for Our Permanent Factory Ths contract for the erection of the permanent factory st Dolgevllle baa been let to Mr. Karl F. Low, a prominent Los Angelee builder snd contractor, and construction of this brick factory has started. The Dolgevllle property on which the factory will be located consists of three acres recently purchased for that purpose. There ere three vltsl points In the success of any manufacturing enterprise. First, to lnvsnt something practical and nscessary; second, to manufacture it economically and cheaply; third, to sell It easily. Failure In any of theae wUl balk an enterprise. This company baa surmounted all of these difficulties. We have the inven tion, we own our own machinery.- and our success In selling has been proven by the large number of orders on hsnd. This stock Is selling fsst. If you want to secure any ot this stock at the present price you will have to set qutokly. Orders now In are beyond the present capacity of the factory to fill. If there le anything yon do not understand, call at my office, see the goods, snd get full particulars. The advance In price will be rapid and certain. There will be no dillydallying with this proposition. Ths company la officered with well known local business men whese reputation for Integrity cannot be questioned. They are successful in othsr lines and know how to handle this. Buy now aad take advantage of the advanos In price. Send all monsy by bank draft, express monsy order, P. O. order. Or registered letter. I firmly believe that within a very ahort time this stock will be selling at several dollars per shars. If unable to call at my office, send for free booklet giving particular. Address All Communications to F. H. JOHNSTON, ?. Agent 425-426 Fliedner Building, - PORTLAND, OR. Corner Washington and Tenth Streets SHERMAN LIABLE TO PROSECUTION By Accepting Dollar Contribu tion From Roosevelt, Con gressman Violated Law. FIVE THOUSAND FINE OR PRISON 8ENTENCE Heavy Penalties Provided in For gotten Civil Service Act for Of fenses That Are Practiced Daily by Politicians. FIFTEEN INDICTMENTS FOR ELECTION FRAUDS (Jrarnal Special Service.) Chicago, Oct. 17. Fifteen Indictments wars returned today as a result of ths Investigation of the registration frauds. Eleven sre charged with falsely regis tering aad foer ars charged with buying votea Danger From the Flague. There's grave (larger from the plague of Coughs snd raids thst sre eo preva lent, unless you lake Dr. Klng'e New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs snd Colds, lira Oeo. Wells of Forest City, Ms., writes: "It s s Oodsend to people living In climates where coughs and rolds prevail. I find It quickly ends them. It prevents Pneumonia. cures la Grippe, gives wonderful relief In Asthma snd Hey Fever, snd makes weak lungs strong enough to wsrd off Consumption, Coughs snd Colds Ma end $1.00. Guaranteed hy Red Croes Pha rmacy. Trisi u ttie rrso. (Journal Seeds! 8rrieat Washington, D. C, Oct. 16 In ac cepting l conmouuons irom i-resiueni Roosevelt and Congressman Liongworth. Chairman Sherman of ths Republican congressional committee committed a misdemeanor punishable by a maxi mum line of $6,000 and Imprisonment for three years, or both fins snd im prisonment. Section 11 of the civil service apt of 113 reads as follows: Forgotten statute. "That no, senator, or representative, or territorial dslsgsts of the congress, or senator, representative, or delegate sleet, or any officer or employe of either of said houaee, and no executive, Judi cial, military or naval officer of the United States, and no clerk or employe of any department, branch, bureau of the executive, judicial or military, or navel service of the United States, shall, directly or indirectly, solicit or receive, or be In any manner concerned In soliciting or receiving any assess ment, subscription or contribution, for sny political purpose whatever, from any officer, clerk, or employe of the United States or sny department branch, or bureau thereof, or from say person receiving any salary or compen sation from moneys derived from the tressury of the United States" The penalty clause of the same got nxe the punlshmsnt of ths violation of any of Its provisions at "a tine not exceeding 11,000 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or by such one aad Imprisonment both. In the discretion of the court." It goes without saying that this stat ute has not been enforced at any time, not even when President Roosevelt woe s member of the civil service com mis sion from 111 to lll. In fact, few men III public life are war tkat the law 1 of such If r drastio character. Had it been rigidly enforced since Its enactment, practically every man who has been identified with slther the Republican dr Democratic national organisation would have found himself in hot water (or In jail) for moat of these men have been In the public serv ice in one capacity or another, and both organisations havs received contribu tions from government officials or em ployea Chairman Sherman recently cent a representatlvs of his committee to Washington to open offices to receive contributions from government em ployes, and Willie It was announced that no contrlbuttone will be solicited. It-was also announced that so voluntary offer ings would be declined. CARMEN SILVA FOUNDS COLONY FOR THE BLIND Vienna, Oct. St. Queen Carmen Byl va of Roumanla has decided to estab lish a colony for the blind, where the afflicted oaee may live together with their families and learn a trade. Those with literary taatee will be able to gratify them by means of a newly Introduced typewriter for the blind. There are 10,000 blind In Roumanla. BISHOP IN EUROPE HAD BIG THIRST Indiana Party Searched Every where for Ice Water and Found It in Express Office. (Jearoal Speclsl Service.) New York, Oot. I. Never were travelers abroad more Joyful to reach home than Bishop J. M. Francis, Mere dith Nicholson, the author, and C. 9. Holland, editor, all of Indianapolis, who arrived on the Carmanla. Mr. Nichol son called the trio, of which he was one. a "Hooater party." They have been abroad three months. "Thank heaven," said Mr. Nicholson, "we ars la a country at last where it Is possible to get a drink of pure, sparkling spring watsr, ths swsetest and most tasty drink on ths footstool. In Europe they expect you to drink wine, beer or ala In many a city the only drawback to our pleasure was tbs uttsr Impossibility of gsttlng a swal low of pure water. Many a tlms ws three had a thirst that we couldn't have gratified If we'd had a million dollara In vain In moat oltlss we looked for water as a thirsty man in a desert. "But at last ws discovered In Parts ons place where they kept always on hand an abundant supply of American loo water. That was the office of the American Express company, which be came with the 'Hooeler party' a favorite resort." SKELETONS FOUND OF BONAPARTE'S HEROES (Journal Special Service. 1 Geneva, Oct ST. Ths sksletons of three men who are believed to have been soldiers In the army of Napoleon that crossed the Alpe la 1800. were found a few days ago In a kind of closed-ln cave In the loe on a disused road In ths Col Sep timer, a mountain 8,000 feet high. Two curious Swiss guides broke into the cave with their loo-axes. If their theory with regard to Napoleon le cor rect the skeletons havs lain thsr 108 years. t Ths road neat which they were found waa made by Caesar. Vs Til etio TKt CTTJ7 bxT V"ife rem voue I hejSsW. TeM eoeak. daskeply I '4 A j ts as asy cssapshtrat, "For over trial j yds, writes S gentleman in Los Angeles, "I havs used ArbockW Coffee. Many does, toy family hag tried other coffee only to come back to our old reskhle, qnrhango abie Arbuckles. No other cede has this uniform never (ailing aroma, 1 care not at what price. I have often wished I could tel you this." Many other people have the same opinion Arbveklaa' was the tret routed sad as sales asoaad all the intact, it u larger uSsa the asm four largest anas is the world rneuaasrl Ws naturally ean sad actually do five belter cofeein ARW35A than ssycae"eLe em give fee the priest Beast the drliH sands a is sold st the sarruwsat mans at pros. Some grocers wiU try to sell you instead loose coffee which the roaiteff is ashamed to sell in a package bearing his name. Dsal take 8. sasaW the leaks saw urfestecmojav. Noam buy Arbocfcle. AJUOSA. sr for k. it'a the same old AfUQSACewea. If your grocer wS not supply, write to ARBUCKLE BROS, Naw YatCs Hotel Baton coa. Mosjuwa airs vui tamm am. N EW BTMrlof eVi States walk froai "heart" kooBlns aad vboalsasa district, all larae. airy, estates stsv ateaat sestee, electric llsbta. teleseoae ts each apart Lars efsees, leaaglsg. staokl lidlM' reception parlors. Sy mall or tr irpnon Trrlsata eaafsai tan ftoom $I.OO to $3.00 a Dmy social Sates to Osiwurlsl Mas. atas. HAS EAT a, (rwtaerly of Be: riapaU. S potass.) incst. te. X. wrtttss. Kooatal I'sbbMbTVM EPISCOPALIANS TO FIGHT MRS. EDDY Church Authority Sanctions Oil Anointment to Oppose Chris tian Science Teachings. (Journal Special Service.) Milwaukee, Oct. 2. The Living Church, the official organ of the Epis copal church In America, baa In Its cur rent lssus formally declared In favor of war on Christian Science, by tbe use of similar methods of healing, the anointing with oil. This. It Is believed, will be an af fective remedy In many case for the loss of support which the Episcopal church has sustained In common with other denomlnatione whose members save been won away by the creed of lira Eddy. The Living Church says that ths ancient unction ceremony ha never been formally discontinued or abol ished, and that any rector Is at liberty to take up the practice at onca The argument In favor of science treatment In thla form with church authorisation ts found in the desire of the sick for s combined religious snd medical treatment Thla It le believed. Is where Mrs. Eddy's treatment has Its great strength. The ceremony of unction, therefore, Is urged as a proper method of prevent ing the conversion of Episcopalians to the Science faith. The Living Church in the same lssus haa many lettere from rectors In all parte of the country, whloh approve the proposition, which was first advanced t a meeting of the Loe Angelee dio cese, though It escaped general attention. Dr. Owe Ylslks gl 1st tea. Washington. Oet 17. Dr. Henry Welter Cos of Portland talked to the president this morning shout ths Seattle exposition In 1 The presi dent said that be elaeeraly begad that the espoaiuoa would be a suooesa Didn't Hurt a Bit tLW saalnT j THE CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS 323 WASHINGTON STREET rtas See Teeta, to fit or no pay. . . risxtble Fleaa-Colore rut 8S-K. Oolg Crowne SS-SL Bridge Week... B.OO a 10.00 3.60 ...SOS) a 18-yesr srotecttr. csarastM wtf no ia aa'asias sr raw Opes s :r r.rr. tacts ass year stewr ss Sailsa 1