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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
n THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 88, 1806. PRINCE TO MARRY HIS CHARMER TODAY WIRE IS SILENT ABOUT RUSSIA 'Tomorrow the Second Day of the Seven Days Great Retail Sale Count's Only Statement la De Joachim of Prussia Defies Kaiser by Wed ding MTe. Marie Sulzer Second Class Variety PerformeY nial That Ha Made Secret Journey to Peterhof. OF Nathan & Wertheimer Co. 73 FRONT ST., NEAR OAK ST. r- a ST FRANCE CHOOSES DEAD APPLICANT AS CLERK mm Upper cut shows Marie Sulzer, the plump ballet dancer, in her sketch, "the Dream," and" below Prince Joachim Albrecht. (Journal Special hnW.) Berlin. Oct. 17. German, and par ticularly Berlin, society la deeply stirred over the wedding of Prince Joachim Al brecht of Prussia, eeoond coualn of the emperor, and the German actress, Mme. Marie Sulzer. which Is announced to take place tomorrow. Prince Joachim, second son of the late Prince Albrecht f Prussia, ta 10 years old, and holds the rank of major In the flrat regiment of Grenadier guarda, atatloned In Berlin. He possesses exceptional mualeal tal- enta, and haa composed seversl light operettaa. He Is slso s painter of no mean order. Catarrh of the Stomach A Pleasant, Simple, but Safe and Effectual Cure for It costs lomm to tt. Catarrh of the atomarh haa long been considered the next thing to Incurable The usual aymptoma are a full or bloating sensation after eating, accom panied aometlmea with sour or watery risings, a formation of gases, causing pressure on the hesrt and lungs and difficult breatnlng, headaches, fickle ap petite, nervousneae and a general played Out, languid feeling There Is often a foul taste In the south, coated tongue and If the In terlor of the stomach could be seen 1 would show a slimy. Inflamed condl tlon. The cure for this common and obatl nate trouble la found In a treatment which causes the food to be readily .thoroughly digested before It has time to ferment and Irritate the delicate mucous surfaces of the stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy dlgeatlon la the one neceasary thing to do and When normal nlgeatlon la secured the catarrhal condition will have dleap-peared. According to Dr. Harlanaon, the safest and best treatment ta to use after each meal s tablet, composed of Dias tase, Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux. Oolden Heel and fruit acids. These tablets can now be found at all drug stores under the name of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets and not being a patent medicine can be used with perfect estfety and assurance that' healthy ap petite and thorough digestion will fol low their regular use after meals. Mr. R. S. Workman, Chicago, Ills., Writes: "Catarrh Is a local condition resulting from s neglected cold In the head, whereby the lining membrane of the nose becomes Inflamed and the poleonous discharge therefrom pass ing backward into the throat reaches the stomach, thus producing catarrh of the stomach. Medical authorltlea pre scribed for ms for threa years for ca tarrh of stomsch without cure, but to day I am the happiest of men after Mine only one box of Stuarta Iye pepels Tablets. 1 esMinot And appro priate words to express my good feel ha- I hare found flesh, appetite and sound rest from their use." Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is the safest preparation se well as the aim pleat and most convenient remedy for any form of Indigestion. Catarrh of Stomach, blllouaness, sour stomach, heartburn esd bloating sfter meala. Besd your r.ame and address today fs Ureal f Address F. A. Stuart Co., II tart Bldg. Marahall. Mich. Mme Bulser is about 10 yeare older than the prince, and she Is not very beautiful, nor is she an actresa of the very first rank. She plays second-rate roles st the Trianon theatre, where French plsya of a certain character are regularly produced. She la unusually tall, and her dimensions are almost gi gantic. She was first married to Baron iiomniKri, out me union waa termin ated by a divorce within a short time of the wedding she spent some time In America and In 1808 was a member of the German stock company at the Pabet theatre in Milwaukee. Prince Joachim's attachment to her haa been the subject of gossip for some time past, but It appears that the prince pre ferred not to marry her during his fath er's lifetime. The lste Prince Albrecht. who died but a few weeks sgo, was a man of the most Puritanical ldeaa, the strlctnees cf whose Luthersnlsm led him to hold theatres In such sbhorrence that although aa regent of Brunswick he was compelled to subsidise the court theatre there, he never crossed its threshold unless forced to do so In his capacity aa host st some gala perform ance given In honor of a royal or Im perial guest. There are Indications that the father either knew or sus pected hla son's Intention, for Prince Joachim Albrecht has been partially disinherited by his father's will, snd will receive only that proportion of hla father's property required by Prussian law, which protects near relatives frotj total disinheritance. In the ordinary course of things Prince Joachim Al brecht would have Inherited about $7,600,000. but under the special pro visions of his father's will he will re ceive only $4,000,000. He thus sscri flces s large sum by his attachment to the actresa. ANGLO-RUSSIAN TREATY DESIRED BY GERMANY (Joornal Special Bsrrtae.) Berlin. Oct 27. The Cologne Oa sette returns to the subject of German "commercial" Interests In Persia with the obpect of combating the views which, have recently been expressed In Russia to the effect that an Anglo-Russian understanding on Asiatic questions has become neceeeary as "a measure of defenae and security" sgalnst German achemes. The Rhenlah organ protests thst Germany can only desire an agree ment between the two great Asiatic cowers, since In ru nt - m a t. Russian quarrel It would be Impossible to predict wnere it would end THREE MILLION A YEAR STOLEN IN GOLD MINES (Jearnal Special Berries.) Sydney. Oct 17. The ,vM.n . h. royal commission annotated to lnuH. sate the gold ateallna at fh Kiinvirii mines, reveals great and syatematlc sMzaei Though the thefts do not rach Was at first Stated, an annual t ,' a 16,000,000, they are estimated to vary i com ei.ouu.uuv to every year. WOULD IMPORT DUTCH CATTLE TO GERMANY (Journal Special ertIr, , The HaaMie Oct 17 ft I - . . - - ui.u'ii nivwvi from a good source that the Dutch min ister In Berlin has been Instructed by the sovernment tn trv tn nkt.u - door for the Importation of cattle. wnicn is presently rnrnidden under all kinds of pleas. Considering that the German meat famin. bated, these endeavors are likely to suc- Aa Argument. Judge. "How silly!" exclaimed the daughter f the plutocrat "The Idea of my mar- Vln yOU. Who hin ihUllntal (U.. even thoueh I do like von mn,n..' Why, I spend a hundred thousand a year on dresses alone. Goodness only knows how much money I actually waste." "Tee," argued the earneet youth. "I had thought of that. The way I figure It. you throw awav annuah mn along to aupport a husband In good style." Man Who Asked for Position Ten Years Ago Is Given Coveted Office Two Years After He Is Dead and Buried. (Journal Special Berries.) Paris. Oct. 17. Count Witte Is now In Paris with his wife, snd he will re main hers for several weeks, poaalbly paying a brief visit to London as well, as It Is necessary thst he should see the surgeon at Frankfort who has been performing seversl operations on him for polypua before he returns to Russia. Bfforts are naturally being made to obtain his opinion of the situa tion In the csar'a domain, hut he has declined to speak on ths subject. To one visitor, however, he has said that there is not a word of truth in the story that he made a aecret journey to Peterhof some time aso for the pur pose of giving advice to the emperor. He le not, he. has declared, taking any direct or imllre.-t rmrt m tl i direction I of the government, although he la fol lowing with interest everything that It happening In Russia. The Journal Ofnclel has snnounced the appointment to a clerkship of Au gusts Anjartar. a man who has been dead for mors than two years. The man applied for the poaltlon 10 years aso. Compliment to President. The vlllagu of Mesln, the birthplace of President Fsliiorea, paid the presi dent a very pretty compliment on his official visit there the other day. The house tn which M. Fallieres wss bora bsd to be pulled down some years ago, but in honor of the president's visit s replica had been built in papier mache for nlnj to see this afternoon. M. Fallieres shed tears aa he thanked the villagers for their kindly act. A widow named Boullle has been sentenced to two years' Imprisonment for committing swindles to the extent of $40,000. She passed herself off as the Comtesse d'Aublgny, snd on ths etrength of the statement that she would Inherit $1,000,000 tor her husband's people. i borrowed large aums. The suspicions of a M. Chevalier, ' one of her victims, were aroused by a friend, who pointed out that the j "countess" sat on ths edge of a chair. "No lady In high society," said the ', friend,' "ever sits on the ' edge of s chair. She always sits in the middle." Mme. Boullle haa an accomplice I called Modln. who made hla escape be fore the warrant was out for his srrest. Trip of Squadron. The Figaro states that the Japanese government haa decided to send a squadron round the world to visit the different nations during the next year. The first visit will be to England, and the squadron will proceed by wsy of the Cape. The return Journey will be made via America and the Pacific. A venerable-looking man, Pierre Comlnay, aged SI, who was sentenced to three yeeis' imprisonment by the Tenth Paris correctional court for hav- lng obtained by fraud a sura of $6,000 i from M. Lasare Sequenot, a largs i dealer in tlraoer, admitted that his paa- ' ,1111 fnr nuMlkhlnv Vi (. lU had laafl htm to commit the felony. He Is s noted osteologist and his torian, snd has published no fewer than eight books on subjects of histori cal Interest, for which he had received medals from various historicsl research societies. Q rim. Tula. Those who have a memory for hor rors will remember the grim tale of an Austrtsn farm where a score or so of skeletons were found buried. The bluff, honest farmers had thriven fori years on the robbery snd murder of I wayfarers. A farm of the- earns sort ; has Just been discovered by three de tectives of the Paris Scotland Tard In 1 the Austrian Tyrol, at Bosen. On August 10 lsst M. Alphonse Braun- schwels, a Swiss member of parliament. while mountaineering In the neighbor- hood, dlaappeared mysteriously, snd his son sppealed to the Paris surete gen erate, and three detectives were sent to Investigate. Near to the spot where M. Braunschwels had been last seen they dug up the body of another tour ist, who had unsceountably disappeared two months before. Near by was s small Inn, which the detectives prompt ly visited. There they found s suit of well-cut clothes, which could hardly have belonged to the peasanta owning the place, and, more damning still, s button bearing the name of M. Braun schwcla's tailor. The detectives went on Investigating and making dis coveries. In six yesrs seven tourists hsd mysteriously dlaappeared near Boxen, almost at the self-same spot The detectives, being French, could ap ply for warrants only through diplo matic channels, snd negotiations sre proceeding. Meanwhile, one of the sus pected Inmates of the fsrm snd Inn hss fled the country. AUSTRIAN ANTI-SEMETIC LEADER SERIOUSLY ILL (Journal Special Berries. 1 Vienna, Oct. 27. The Burgermelster of Vienna, Dr. Lueger, founder and leader of the anti-Semite party In Vienna, Is somewhat seriously 111. Dr. Lueger, who hss long suffered from diabetes. Injured his foot In mountain climbing some days ago, caualag a wound which has Just been operated upon. The friends of Dr. Lueger ex press fear that corapllcatlona may arise, caused by many years' suffering. sew m - r m. m mm rm Woodard. Clarke 4 Co. $50,000 Fine Wholesale Stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing Firm Disoived,tES0M Selling out at retail, at actual manufacturer's cost or less SloiGOO worth of Men's and Boys' Suits, Cravcn" ettcs, Overcoats and Pants, saving the consumer both 25 m ZTmiE """es 620 the wholesale and retail profits, giving the people the opportunity of buying the best fall and winter styles and qualities in clothing At One-Half Retail Prlce-or Less 2000 Men's Fine Suits Consiating of double and single-breasted sacks; black, blue, gray, brown, oxfords and fashioned plaids, checks and silk mixtures. These lots consist of all colors ond kinds at each price. Owing to im mense quantities, we cannot describe each lot separately. The prices quoted represent actual manufacturing coat (av eraged), and is about one half regular retail prices or less. Lot No. 1 Big showing, $10.00 re tail values. Lot No. 2 Extensive display of $15.00 retail values. Lot No. 3. Business and Dressy Suits to $18 retail vals Lot No. 4 Elaborate line of Suits $20.00 retail values. Lot No. 5 PA Gigantic assortment aP 1 1 aOU to $25 retail values Lot No. 6 Or Over 1,000. Suits, aJ)lJs00 values to $3; some are even sold higher at retail. ODD KNEE PANTS About 2,000 pairs; yours at wholesale coat yea, a good deal less. P r Two pairs for 25c. Good 1 OC quality. C Wool, worsted and cordu ajOC roy, worth 75c. ( -Cft Choice of all our Knee OOC Pants, worth to $2.00. $4.85 $6.85 $8.75 $9.65 Fall and Winter Overcoats and Cravenettes This stock is in excess of 1,600 garments. We only manufacture the beat and finest grades. Careful dressers will really ap preciate the correctness of styles, work manship, and the richness of materials. Lot No. 7 Medium heavy up to $10 Overcoats. Lot No. 8 Overcoats and Craven ettes to $16.00 retail values. These garments are hand- Lot No. 9 Silk, Serge and Vene tian lined Overcoats, and all colors and kinds of Craven ettes to $20.00 values. Lot No. 10 Select garments, Paddock Overcoats, French back and extra fine Crav enettes to $25.00 value. Lot No. 11 01 3 OC The highest class of aPldaOO materials and finest styles and workmanship to $30.00 values. VESTS EUst For choice of 500 Odd OUC Vests. . CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS At going to press with the announce ment, it is impractical to quote intelli gently all price details; but the elegant stock will be sold at leaa than manufac turer's coat. $4.85 $7.50 values. Th tailored. $9.75 and all colo ettes to $2( $11.50 Boys' and Children's Suits Double sewed; Tsas teams; Guaranteed not to rip Sizes commencing at 3 years and up to about 18 sizes 3.000 Suits. Aa this firm manufactured and wholesaled nothing but high-class and novelty goods, the sixes naturally run accordingly. The finest Silk Velvets, Serges, Velours and real Scotch materials. Costly and elegantly trimmed, fashioned and tailored. This de partment will be cloaed out at an actual loaa on manufacturer's cost. Represents Suits to $3.50 retail value. Represents elegant Suits to fully $4 value Elaborate to $5.00 or even better values. Elegant up to $6.00 re tail values. Tremendous display to $7.50 values. Powerfully splendid to $8.50 values. Silk Velvets, etc., easily $10.00 values. 4800 Pairs Pants Embracing the leading fabrics and styles of this year's Pantsdom. Prices quoted are less than one half retail value. Sizes from 87 to 36 inaeam, 88 to 60 waist. LCf, Substantial Working $1.50 DDL Pants. ftCr Hundreds splendid to yOC $2.50 Pants. Vast display of up to $3.50 Pants. Extra good to $4.50 values at retail. Best qualities; average our $6.00 retail value $1.35 $1.85 $2.40 $2,75 $3.25 $3.85 $4.35 1.50 2.10 $2.85 WHOLESALE STOCK SOLD AT RETAIL -WHY? At this season of the year all regular retail stores have their entire Fall and Winter stocks in the house. This $60,000 to $60,000 all high-class stock is too large a proposition for any half-dozen stores. Having determined to dissolve the partner ship of Nathan ft Wertheimer Co., we have concluded to wind up all business affairs and aell the stock at sacrifice retail sale at once. MAIL ORDERS 5 iCVttlK out-of-town people use care in sending sizes and describing character of goods desired. ' Safe, desks, sample trunks, class nartitinn and all fixtures usually found in a wholesale business. FOR SALE FIXTURES PfiMPHiniNP DFMADKA This saIe ends in six V' Saturday night, November 3, 1906. Beginning LUlllLUUIIiU!lJ Monday, October 29, the sale will open daily at 8 a. m. and close at 6 p. m. sharp, except Saturday, when the sale will be open until 10:15 in the evening. RUSSIAN DOGS HIS WIFE'S STEPS General Ouchakoff Refuses to Give Up Chaae of Truant Spouse and Lover. WOMAN GAVE UP FORTUNE FOR MAN SHE WORSHIPS Couple Who Were Refused Admis sion to the United Ststes Are Being Followed Around the World tajr Spies. fTj .Joaroal ftaeial Harriet., London. Oct. 17. Madams Oucha koff and Captain Oabrlal Bsslpaff, who wars refuaed admission to ths United atatss, ara sUU being pursued by ths Russlsn general, who hss sworn to kill ths lieutenant. They claim thst they srs bains dogged by Ruaslan spies sll around ths world. Interviewed during a motor car flight from London, Mad ame Ouchakoff ad ml ted thst she hsd grievously wronged her husband Though worn with anxiety, shs remslna a hsndaome woman of refinement and disUsoUam "I have resigned my private fortune of 12(0,000," she ssid In excellent Eng lish. "I have given my husband the right to divorce me. I do not blams him for what hss happened. But surely hs hss tenfold Increased his shsme snd dlsgraos by this mad pursuit. I will never return to him. I will kill mysslf flrat. And I am not msd. ss he knows, unleae he regarda ths love I fast for Oabrlal as a kind of madneea. 1 waa a rich woman whan I gava up aavw ana J. W. Darsnport, Wlngo, Ky.. wrltee. juna, ... ..v.. . w. .u ,u jrou J, believe Ballard's Snow Liniment aaved my Hfs. I wsa under ths treatment of two doctors, and they told ms on of my lungs wss entirely gone, and the other badly affected. I slso had a lump on my slds. I don't think that I could hsve lived over two months longer. I was Induced by a friend to y Ballard's Snow Liniment. The flrat application gave ms great relief: two fifty-cant bottles cured ms sound and wall. It Is s wonderful medicine sad I recommend It to Buffering humanity." aoiti by Woodard. Clsrks a Co. ' sU for Osbrlsl. I would not live a dis honest life In my husband's house; t preferrsd tn efface myself snd go light swsy. And ths captain agreed. He, too, bag sacrificed everything for me." Ths splss who hsvs shsdowed the couple hsvs been Innumerable, and their watchfulness hss been untiring. "Theee men. If they merely do their duty, are not to blame," aald'Oeadsma Ouchakoff. "But If they once overstep the bounds of prudence, 1st them look out. At Amelle-les-Balns, In ths Pyre neea district, where ws spent a month. a man with a decoration, who gave hlm sslf out to bs a merchant from Parplg nan, and spent money lavishly st our hotel, was betrayed by a maid. Hs waa one of ths gtenersj's agente Dogged by Splea "I was so Indignant that I roee as ha sst down near ms and said: 1 do not sat with spies.' Ths rest of the guests expected a violent scene, but the man merely amlled. and next dsy. when the 'captain approached him In the garden, ho hurriedly dlaappeared, and ws saw him no mors. "At Barcelona. Lisbon. Alcasar, Gib raltar, Algeclraa. Valencia, we ware dogged day aad night. Once ws alighted at a wayalde station at midnight to test mstters, and a youth of 10, who was our watcher Just then, wss so tskan aback that hs blushed snd stsmmered. and finally actually saked me, In s panic: Where srs you going tor We arrived at Hoboken. New York, on ths Konlg Albert. Ths steward ii would not let us lsnd. though every other psrsonger went ashors. I ap pealed to ths captain for an explana tion, and wss told that some one was coming to aee us. At 8a. m. the eommla aloner of Immigration and ths clerk of the Russlsn consulste saw ua In ths captaln'a cabin. The commlaaloner wss very rude, and talked about arrest but ths German captain told ms they oould not arrest us, snd at ray request ssnt for i-oneul -General Lodljenakl. When hs came ha told us ws could not land, snd advised ms, 'as I would my own dsughter,' to return by the liner La Bsvote, which wss delayed for us." Ths fugitives have sstlsd for a north ern .port, ths destination of whloh Is kept a secret. do From Plck-Me-ITn Ths atrsngsr My ' friend, drink- ' Blobba (haughtily, That's my bust nesa, air. The Stranger Mo doubt. But haven't you any other buslneaaf