NSW TODAY. Acreage Tracts Near the Portland-Salcm Electric Car Line Nine to 1 1 miles from Port land. Small and large tracts in the REAL TUALATIN VALLEY, lying on the Tualatin River, the choicest lands in the state. Call and see us. We can suit you in Sire, Shape, Quality and Price Terms $50 Per Acre AND UPWARD Reasonable Terms, Month ly Payments Investment Co. 244 STARK ST. The Pioneer Small Tract Home Builders Acreage Snap 10ft uin on Portland-Salem electric er fine, t miles from Portland, front- a county road, near traded school urchea; Una bottom land and un- cultlvatton: good bearing orchard: I so, barn and outbuilding. Price M. Investment Co. SPECIAL If You Want Choice Lots on Portland Heights AT $400 Each on Terms Call During the Next A DAYS r ON White & McLennan I04-20S OREOONIAN BLDO. Phones: Office, Pacific 387; Resi dence, Main 4586 Irvington 084 Baft IStk t., North A taw sew mod arm 8-room bouse; 4 large bedroom, eleaet off each room. beaUes a large pastry aad raise cheat; large beth aad tetlet; fall eoaerete beeemeot; stationary waebtabe; hedge of roe, beet eelectloa: gee Uwn. mm walk. In treat aad eroond the hoaee; cement tpe; greet well Improved; goad eewerege; sew Bhaoeili earpats ea tbe Seen aad eta Ire : aew Shadeo to wladowi; gaa eteee, gas beater; t bet-bleat eeal itmt; IS. BOO policy, run Mara. rrtee 88.000; I ft. 000 down, balance eaestbry psymeBts. fftB per month. per cent. Residence Beet eOT8. Oftee Pacific 184. Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Company (Second Floor) S. X. Oae. Soco nd and Stark St a. A SNAP A mw Willamette Height residence on Thorman street, modern In detail. Splendid river and mountain view A tine yard of rosea The house cannot M built (or tha price we ask (or this grtrpertj. Room 204, Lumber Exchange Holladay Park W stilt have a few fine lots in this swell residence district st bar- Sain prices. Streets parked; all city nproements made. Prices Pram $750 to $1250. Th Title Quarantee and Trust Co. 240-244 Washington Street, Corner Second. PORTLAND, OREGON. On Rlnearson place, on Oregon City car line, 1 acres, near Meldrum station; all cleared: ales t-room cottsge; fruit trees, grapes snd berries; barn aad woodshed. A lovely little oountry home. with furniture, $3,000 .tara nmutera, as. BUCHTEL & KEARNS CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct list of Oregon snd Waahlng set farms, fruit. Brain, boss, potato and Stock growers, number In family, ages, sts. Call or writs us for prices. Rural aafcsssar Cex. SI Fourth street. THE NEW TODAY. Sunnysidc A few choice lots are yet for sale in this popular suburb at $375 each. City water, sewers and all street im provements. Quick and frequent car service; only 12 minutes to Third st. Buy a homesite now, or go much fur ther from the business center later on. The Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 240-244 Washington Street, Corner Second. PORTLAND, OREGON. BUSINESS WOMEN aad weeaea generally wbe are bend ling made for tbaamelvra or for oth er win find the "OLDEST TBUST COMPANY oaxeoa." a safe and reliable depositor tor tbelr feeds, wire a liberal ret conaerretlTe ,noTtwti-KVBU"DSPA.TblrT Is thorough!; equipped for the accom modation of the Ladle under the personal eaperrletea at HAS SUET B, MOREHOUSE, Superiatendeut wbe will sea kit 70a to make hanking a rleeaure. Writs or call tar free booklet of "nXUSTBATIONS." Portland Trust Company off Oregon a B. ear. TS BEN J. I. COHBN Preeldeat H. L PITTOCK vWPreeldent B LBS PAGET Secretary J. 0. OOLTBA Assistant Secretary Best Buy in Oregon Five-Acre Tracts on Oregon City car line; fine soil, good water Easy Terms W. A. Laidlaw 517 Commercial Building Second and Washington Sts. Phone Main 6120 VEST PMOIIT LOTS 50x100 FEET, Near the new Carbarns: City Water; Streets to be Graded. $350 TO $500 EACH. The Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 240-244 Washington Street, Corner Second. PORTLAND. OREGON. R. HAS MOVED FROM 111 SECOND ST. TO . 226 Stark Between First and Second Real Estate, Loans and Insurance PHONE EXCHANGE 70. I FST.T.S Best alt In the heart of the town's business district, st tl00 par front foot. Residence lots from HBO up. Alfalfa farms under tbe canal; Improved at 180 per acre, and unimproved 125 ud. Finn large stock ranch under irrigation, 128 per acre. In cluding stock, machinery, etc. Anything you want at KUmath Falla. Get the habit of seeing us. O. XV. PAeUUBX a CO.. 428 Lumber Exchange. Phone Main (til. $9,500 QUARTER BLOCK ON EAST EVER ETT ST. FOUR GOOD BUILDINGS. PATS PER CENT NET. Barrett Bros. 431 Hotel, 26 rooms furnishad, city, to lease. 240 acres timber and orchard land. White Salmon valley, Trout Lake, and homes lead relinquishment, for sale cheap. C. H. PIOOOTT and J. A. FINCH, Attorneys-at-Law, Room 4, Mulkey building- id Block 100x212 feet: en car; high, sightly. 1 minutes from 3rd aTnd Morrison. Call and see it The Continental Co. Splend OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURPAJ NEW TODAY. 4 Days Only GREENWAY (Portland Heights) SPECIAL CHOICE LOTS AT $400 Each EASY TERMS 4 Days Only East view Mt. Hood snd East Portland Bull Run Water Electric Lights Qas White& McLennan 204-800 OREGONIAN BLDG. Office Phone Pacific 387. Resi dence Phone Msin 4686 N. B. Representative on the round every day from 8 a. m. to p. m. November 1 property withdrawn from the market. New Home West Side North Of Washington, lot 60x100; 9 large rooms, substantially built and first -class In evciv particular; part cash, balance easy terms. See this elegant home before buying; or building:. nun o. strata, S6 Commercial llk., 2d & Washington. 34 MILLION FEET OF L0GGINQ TIMBER On tbe new railroad, northwest of Htlls boro. GOOD GROUND. PRICE 75c; Id TSARS TO REMOVE TIMBER. Ad dress W. F. SLAUGHTER. 617 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Tel. Main 281. WEATHER REPORT. The barometer le falling off the month of the On sew. l)la river, end there la erideace of the approach of a aew disturbance from the sea, which will more Inland during the next 34 boors and caaee rain la thla district Bander, with mild temperatures sad lncreealng winds Slang the easst. The Mlnneeota disturbance haa contracted in area. Increased In intensity and moved to lower Michigan. The rainfall attending this dis turbance has been unusually light and confined to tbe Dakotaa, upper Mlaalsalpul valley end the upper lake region. Tbe winds In the lake region ere high, especially thoae from the nortb weet. The Pacific high pressure area haa advanced eeetward and now overlies the entire eaatern elope of tbe Rocky mountains. It has caused fair weather end much lower temperature! In the Rocky mountain states. Observations taken at 6 a. at.. Pacific time: Temp. Max. Ilia. Precis Baker City. Oregon S4 40 Be to. Maaeachuaetta 04 44 .0 uaueego, t moots as 44 .30 Denver. Colorado 68 83 J) Kansas city, Missouri TS 43 .0 Lea Aageles. California.... 4 M .0 New Orleene. lxwlalana 72 68 .0 $ta::::::.n 8 4 fterabovg. Oh gen 14 SB .01 St. Louis. Mlaaonrl T8 40 .0 SaM Lake, Utah 04 44 .0 Baa Francisco, California. . S3 00 .0 Spokane, Washington 04 43 .0 Tacoma, Waahlng ton OS SO 01 Walla Welle, Washington TO 34 Washington. D. C 00 40 0 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Walter 0. Miller, Rainier, Oregon. S3; Anna Bevaas. 23. Charles T. Bmow, 30; Chi Lin. 33. Jasper Crane. 48; Marian B. Raraaay. 30. Mosee Iregert, 31; Jennie Smokoon, 18. Herbert W. Man well. 511 Oeldsmlth street, SO; KUaabeth Agnes Cone. 16. . F. A. Gortdla, 400 West Psrk street. SO; Lacy A. WllUsos, 30. Wedding Carda. W.. O. Smith Co., Waab Ington bldg.. ear. Fourth end Washington ate. Wedding end calling cords engraved or printed. E. T. Bnshton. 823 H Washington at Mlaa Bertha Martin, room 812 Allsky bldg. Stamping and tag needle work; leaoons given. Fall drees salts fee rent, all aloes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 800 Stark St. BIRTHS. JONES October 85. to Mr. aad Mrs. Charles F. Jones, 1T88 Eest Ninth, e girl. PRIER October 33. to Mr. aad tin. William F. Prior, 1848 Beat Stark, e hoy. M It ALE October 21. to Mr. and Mrs. J. O. MeHsle, 188 Stanton, a boy. CASPART October 1.1. to Mr. aad Mrs. John J. CsBBary, 36T North Twelfth, a ortrl. FBLTE R October . to Mr. end Mrs. Frederick C. Felter, 202 North SlxtoeriTh, a girl. uhuuj octooer 31, to Mr. ana Mr f'aul Jonee. 330 Crosby, s bey. LAVER October . to Mr. end Mrs. Irs B. Lever, 8M Beat Tenth, aorta, a bey. LA VAGETTI October 34. to Mr. aad Mrs. Camilllo Leragottl. 184 Mill, a girl. BARNES October 34. to Mr. and Mrs. Edword W. Bornea, 284 Sumner, s boy. LI THE -October 14, to Mr. end Mrs. J. O. Lathe. U40 Hood, a boy. BLAIR October 22, to Mr. and Hra. Boy C. Blair. 348 Hherldaa, a boy. DEATHS. OOt'DT October 25. Robert E. Ooudy. T month. T84 Overton, enterocrlttle. SH ELM AN October 34, Jomea F. Eahelman. Woodstock, cancer. BT'CHLI October 35. Ionard Bncbll. Good Samaritan hoapltol, ptomaine poisoning. LONG October 25. Long Tong Hop. 42 years. North Pacific eanrtarlum, cancor of liver. FUNERAL NOTICES. ' FLBTCHBR October 38. et Good Samaritan hospital. William 8. Fletcher, age TT yi-ara 5 months. Funeral services st Grace M. K church. Mondoy, October 20, at 2 p. m Alt i amen In port, oo well so all frienda, are Invited to attend the funeral eervlceo. UNDERTAKERS. end embelmera; modern In erery detail. Ser-uth and Pine. Main 430. Lady sselstsat. A. B. Heaaitoek, undertaker and emhalmrr. Eeet Thirteenth ead Umatilla eve. Phoae Sell wood Tl. Erlekeon Cndertakleg Co . and embalming. 40 Alder St. Phone Mala 8158. Lady aeelatant J. P. Flnley Sons. Third sad Mfldlaon OfOee of county coroner. PhondlMala 0. Clark Bras., Flortete Fin aoral deetgua 888 Merrleen st. Edward Holman. endevUkr, 830 ThUd at. SIVIRTirW OXatXTKXT. Single greve. tin Family lota ITS to f 1.000 The only cemetery la Portland which per petually maintain and carve for lots. For full Information apply to W. B. Morkensle. Wor cester block, city W. M. Ladd. geeatdeBt. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. August S. Neleoa to Tbsama Pehena, north 18 feet of lot 11 and south 24 feet of lot 13. block 41. original town alt ef Albloa 1 son Chaw Hang to Goon Dtp. lota 84. SB. block 2. Corona Park 200 Jsne 0. Surkass to Nets Amunda. lets SO, ST, LeSasrsent Park He. 3 1,000 Daley Kgsd end heebend to JulU BL Moore, let 10, block 04. Scllwoed 1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Prank Howard and wife to J. B. Cooper lots I. 3, 3, 4. 5. erctlou 14, township 1 north, raage S eeet, suites t totes el . right of way of O. B. A X 000 Taeniae Meleuberg sad wife to John II. Mann, east ft of Vet 1 aad north n feet of eeet ft of lot 1. blork 4T. Cs ruthers' Addition to Carat Sera' eddlttoa 3.800 I. D. Wharton and wife to Gertrude B. Basil" and Mary A. Fsaaeyer. K).0SB square feet, brgtnalag et a point In eest line ef ford street where the aaasa 1 Is Istersected by s lias 100 feet Berth from and parallel with s wsat extan aton of Jh araich Ilea o Wsyae street 1300 John A. rfugbra et al. to Albert R. Bel Her, lota 6. 8. T. block 3. Siinnyeld. . 1 W. j. Hawkins and wlfs to William 0. Went sad wife, lot 0. block 11, Lincoln Jabs Klernan end wife to S. Morten Conn Real aetata a In iial asset com pany, lota 3, 4, block 2. King's Sensed addition T.6O0 Cyras M. Bryant and wife to C, V. Den gerfteld. lets 0. 10. block 1. Mssgly Highland 1 Edward J. Grabs and wlfs to Prudence V llolaton, east 40 feet at lot 10. end aouth 30 feet of east 40 feet of lot 11, block 1. KUaabeth Irvlng's Addition to sat Portland 0,10 Laura R. Dtrdrs et st to William Gadsby. lot S, black SB, Coach's ad dition 10.(100 Florence C. Lyman sod husband to Wil liam Gadsby. lot S, block 08, Coach's addition 18,500 BoUle V snd Msry Henley to c. & ('line lots 34. 35. block 40. Tremont.. ISO Cnllen E. CUne and wife to Loretta Hen ley, lots 34. 35. block 40. Tremont ISO William M- Ladd et si. to Pstrlck o Krone, let 4. block 2. Strong'a ad dltton , S.TB0 lire Association ef Philadelphia to Ger trude P. Ellen, lot 4. snd rsst 30 feet of lot 8. bWck 153, Conch's addition.. T.BOO W. D. McNsir and wlfs to O. M. Rlnker. lots 8. 23. block 3. Woodmere Park.. ISO John E. Hitler to Try phase L. Itsthhun. iota or, an, aasta x. mat view tract sou J. C. Proebstel snd wife to W. J. Prddt cord lots 30, 21. block 1S4, I'nlvrrslty Psrk ' I A L Denolger to Jennie Wise, lot T, block 120 Stephana' Addition to Eaat Portland 1.000 C. T. Aldeu sad wife to Joaephtue Baheele. lot 2. block 2. Williams Ave nue Addition No. 8 2.800 J. W. Albln end wife to Carrie N. Van- denhurg. lot , block 0, North Alblna.. 400 A. P. Smith to Jeeee H. Kleth, parcel be. ginning at point 83 feet eouth from Intersection of weet line of Hoot atraet with aouth line of Mesde 1.050 Suaan Mxcn Fowler to Nettle L Jnnre. lot T. block ST. Bannyelde Third addi tion 1.050 Marcus Dora mas and wife to Johanna Fuchs, Wit 8. block 118, Stephana' ad- ditlon to Fast Portland 1,000 Title Gnransntse A Trset company to J. H. Nolta, let 3. block IS, Weet Pled rnon t 800 Ialdore Bchlel Jr. to Robert 8. Coe Jr.. let IT, block 30, First Addition to Holladay Park addition 800 Joseph J. snd Malsne Weber to Mats Jacobean, lot 15. block 80. gellwood... STS Caroline W. snd James Watts to F. W. Hanebut, north of ths following: lOOxlon feet beginning et point of In tersection of eouth line of Flanders . wTtb west line et north Twenty-first. 0.850 M L Grtmnwtt snd wife to Slon R. Wentworth. lot 11 and west H of lot 13. block IT. Irvlng's First addition. . . 1,800 James A. Buckley et sl. to Elisabeth A. Murphy, lot 8,Tlook 21, Weat Portland 1 F. C. Smith snd wlfs to W. T. Willis, eest 22 feet of west 40 feet, pert of lots 18, 14. excepting e strip 10 feet wide off tbe eouth psrt of lot 13 800 f a Vere t al. to Phoenix Lsnd com pany, lot 0. block 8. Council ivesi i'ark 8 . ..,..,. n Investment fanMDT to C. M. and Eleanor It. Keen, block 8. end lots 1. 2. 8. 14, 15. block 15, Council Crest Park Ph. . nix iMi company to C. M. Keep, blocks 30, 88, Council Crest Psrk.... 1 PhiH-nlx Lsnd company to American In veatment company, Wats 2, 8, 4, 5, 8, T. 8, 0. block 8; lota 18. IT, block 18. Council Crest Psrk I Alths N. snd Halmor H. Emmons to Amelia A. Samuels, lots 18, 10, block "C." Tlbbstts sddltlon 1.800 For abstracts, title Insurance or mortgage loses cell on Pacific Title Trust company. 304-5 -8-T Falling building. Ost your Insurance sad shetrscts to real estate from the Title Guarantee 4 Trust com pany , au T- TT"'"f enw. yw . NOTICE. IN TUB dUtrlet court of ths United Stereo For the dietrict or uregon. in ins matter ef A G. Biases, beokwatO Notice la hereby ivn that on the S3 dor of October, A. D. TOOS. A. O. Baraga ef PortUnd. Oregon, we duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that tbe ttrat meeting of bla creditors will be held at rooms 304 5 Fen too bldg.. Portend, Oregon, oa toe 8th dey of November, 1800. at 11 a. as... at which time tbe raid creditors moy ottend. prove their clslms, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact inch other bnalnee aa may properly come before ouch meeting. Dated October 24. 1008. CHESTER O. MURPHY, Referee In Bankruptcy. IN THB dietrict court of the United States For the district of Oregon. In the matter ot J. B. Keefer. bankrupt. Notice ts hereby fives that oa the 33d day of October. A. If. POO. J. B. Keefer of PortUnd. Oregon, won duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting ot hie creditors will be held at room 304-5 Fen too bldg.. Portend. Oregon, on tbe 0th day of November. 1008, at 10 a. an., at which time tbe raid creditors may attend, prove their clainta, appoint a trustee, examine tbe bankrupt and transect each other beotnees so may properly come before euch meeting. Doted October 34, 108. CHESTER O. MURPHY. Referee hi Bankruptcy. BIDS WANTED TOB FOOD 8UPPLI bide for food supplies wanted by the Pert of PortUnd during November. 1808. win be re ceived at tbe office of the Port ot Portland up to 4 p. m. of October 80. 1000. All bid most be made en bUnk forme which will be supplied by applying at the office. JOHN P. DOYLE. Clerk of the Board. HEATERS repaired on short notice ot Air-Tight Stove Co.. 3T1 Flrot. , Phone Pacific Ilia MEETING NOTICES. HAWTHORNE LODGE NO. 111. A. F. S A. M. Special communica tion Nnnday morning st 0 o'clock. at Maoonlc ball. Burkliard bldg.. for tbe purpose of ettendln lor the purpoee or sttendtng the funersl of our late brother, Chae ' W wnon. All member end vUlt lng brethren ere req Seated to attend. By order of tbe W. M. C. B. MILLER, Secretary. FORESTERS OF AMERICA Member of Court Srendlo are requested to meet la tbelr hell. Knndsy. October 38. ot 13 noon, to attend tbe faBeral of oar lote brother, Edward Wil son. Services to be held et 1 p. m. st Fin ley s undertaking parlors. 381 Third ot In terment at Lone Fir cemetery. M. W. A. EVERGREEN Camp. 8.40. meets Wednesday evening, Allsky bldg.. Third snd Morrison ats. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Music for all oo eoolono; reasonable. Main 8503. or 40 Lncretio. M. W. A.. Oregon Grape Camp. No 8.075. Mon dy. 17th anil Marshall; visitor welcome. LOST AND FOUND. LOST English setter dog. whit and black, ticked, black spot at root of tall, black eara. half face black; 86 reward. Frank Utlhaas, 721 Hong t. Phone Main 8330. LOST On East Morrteon, 15th or Belmont t.. tetween 12th and 18th ate., a lady'a far boa. Finder pleeoe Uses st 808 Morrison at. end recelv reward. FOUND A place to have hair tnattreere reno vated and returned some dor. 228 Front t. Main 474. PortUnd Curled-Hair Factory. H Metsger. proprietor. STRAYED OR STOLEN Light hey mere pony, white face, show on froot feet. Information received al 1081 Boat Seventh ot. N. Phone Union 8888. LOUT Gold nssoet. Initial W. cuff link. Re tnrn to 301 10th et; phone Mole 0830, and reclv reward. LOST -On 35th at. Beer Lovejoy. oa otter atole; liberal reward for return to 388 Cor nell mod. LOST -Black purse, containing something Over 825. on Macadam road; return 854 Macadam road; reward. Mrs. Amanda Grler, aaWARD of 35. for 4 months' old bull terrier; no question, cripple girl pet. Phoae Beet WTI. IS HELP W ANTED MALE. THE JOURNAL wants S bright sad active young axon about 18 year of age. Apply 1 Isaefried man. huslneaa office, from 8 tn 10 p. ax. toalght (Saturday). WANTBD latelltgeat aad active hoy; part office end part outatde work; good prospect; good opportunity for bey sew Working to setter bk pool! loo. Addrees H 113, Journal. BVBNINO, OCTOBER 17. HELP WANTED MALK. WANTED At once, etevebolt-cntters; good pay, eteedy work. Apply Western C Ml erase Be., SO Bteerna blag . Portland; or Meal toe. Oregoe. BTBOKO yoaag gra tor Oreesea and hrokentea on Oregon and ether railroads ; experience us neceeaary; Bremen Slim deathly, becoaae s. glaaswe sed earn 20o. brakemett 75. beemao conductors and eara 100; aaasa position pre ferred: etate oae. ueurat end weight (lm- portoat). Hallway Assoetettoa, care Oregon Journal. . Union Hotel . 81 NOBTU SIXTH ST. Free eatploymeot to oar pstreos. Weekly ratee: Room. 11.85 up: room end board. 84.80 up. Aedersee, proprietor. WE have an ogeajey propoaltloa thot ' will la tereet any factory foreman, or any honest man who wants to make a Utile oa the side without much 'effort, and who uitxee with awn that uaa tools. Write quick for detslls and eacare exchwtve territory. Orr A Lookett Hardware Co., Dept. "AX, Chicago, 111. WANTED Toaag oeepl to prepare thcmeelvee ts beokkeeears and etrnograpbers ; hsve bod 543 cells since September 1: placed 850 la positions. Ws will plsce you when nesSS teat. Dey or eight. Catalogue. Bebufcr Walker BnslDeoe college. WANTBO Selemn; many make 8100 te 8100 per month; aoese Teu mors ; steak clesa; grown ea retsrvstlon, far from old orchard ; eosb advanced weekly; choice of territory. Address Waaklagbs) Nureery company, Top penlah, Washington. MEN AtD WOMBN to learn barber trade la eight weeks; graduates earn from 815 te 833 weekly: expert Instructors; catalogue free. Molar System of Colleges, 88 North Fourth et. Portland. WE get work for our member; sptrlsl mem ber a. S- T. M. C. A.. Fourth and Yamhill. COATFINISHEB wonted et once. Columbia Woolen Hills Co., Seventh aad Stark. EXPEBIBNCED ledlee' talk; stesdv work: 834 per week. J. K. Stern. 433 Wstblnat m. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper for poottton in mercantile once; muat write o gnea nana and be accurate st figure, cere Journal. Address L 27. TWO eellottors. Third ot. household goods. Call SSS WANTED Bey le learn printer's trade. In quire C. 8. Kneeell 4 Co., "Quality Printer.' 204 Stark st. AGENTS wanted to sett, enperior. high grade nureery stock; complete outfit furnished free; cosh weekly; writ today tor cbolcv ef ter ritory. Capital City Nureery company. Salem. Or. WANTED An educated boy about 16 years of age. Addrees V 84, cart Journal. WANTED Elderly man for eteody farm work: no heavy work :' aultable wagce. Inquire 824 Kingman St., Wuodlaen. MAN wrth 8200 for send paring propoaltloa. Alrord Alvord. 188 M orr Iran at. WANTED Two or three Mrst-etase. all around macula men; permanent position, good wage. rurniiure sxig. vo.. Macau roao. 8300 WILL bay a splendid Uttle dgar and confectionery stand. 181 H Morrison St. WANTBD Mon to take contract clearing from 10 to 80 sere of lend near Lyle. Washing ton; mostly oak grub; loose coll; can work all winter; house to live la. Apply to J. a Beall. 881 Hawthorne are. GOOD opportunity for tbe right kind ot a n: mall sslary at otart. ATrsre with rcfr- enceo and ability, to H 12, car Journal. WANTBD Every vlelln-pUyer to know that yea con Improve the tone of your instrument over 100 per cent; moke it sound like an old Italian violin; handsome booklet free. J, Writer Lord, 404 Boy bldg., . Las Angeles. WANTED Boy to work on smsll dairy In eltr; most be good milker. Boot 34th and Thomp son ate. WANTED Boy not over 18 years of eg for office; mast writ obortbnnd; good chance to advance. Apply Western Cooper sgs Oo., 808 Stssrns bldg.. city. DRAPERY and curtain aaleaman. also salesman for domestic department: both experienced. Apply seswloleaaSal. Olds. Wort man A King, WANTED Delivery boy with wheel. Dye Works, 311 Fourth et. PortUnd PORTER to clean store: steady pUce. Pharmacy, Sixth and Merrieoa. Nan's BOY for delivery work; moat neve Nsu'e Pharmacy, Sixth and Morrison. WANTED Paato, coat and veetmaker. Barette. the tailor; S88 Alder at. WANTBD Bids and Slat sts. oa ahlngltng. Beat Everett SOLDERERS wanted. Apply to PoclSe Cooot Bloeult Co., 12th end Davis. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTBD If you work, why not earn more than 0 living! Be Independent; do good. Tht Via vl Co. already employe 12000 women; the work covers 33 countries of the world; we will entertain applications from capable women; sot canvassing, bat helpful, dignified work. Addrees by mstl only. Vlavl Co.. Lewis bldg. HOME LADIES' AGENCY. 185ft Fourth St., corner Morrison, u Data Ira. Phone Main 6828. Alongside tbe Y. M. C. A. bldg. OIBLS WANTBD Operators to work 00 shirts Snd overalls. Leeeoa glrea to Inexperienced. Apply st Standard factory No. 2. Grand eve. and Boot Taylor st WANTED GlrU to make alls at 75 First st of All" ever- HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843ft Weak Ingtoa st, cor. Seventh, upetolr. Phone Mala 2083. Female help wasted. FEW Iodic waated to aooUt making easy fancy work spare time at home; food steady pey; no experience required. XX Fleldner bldg.. 407 Washington ot GIRLS Cbacolot dipper end packer. Csadr Co.. 10th and Ollran. Aldan WANTED Experienced body Ironrr: oteody em ployment. Oregon Laundry Oo. Phono Bait 13. WANTBD At once, experienced eoleaUdle cloak ead salt department. Roberta Broe.. Third and Morrleon. WE wsnt 10 Udles to write shorthand after tae first let son; we will place you In posi tions tn a few weeks' time; osr Decern Plan gets results; had 13 ralle last week. Ec lectic Bcsleeos Unlveralty. 88 Third et. J. ENKEL18. 281 Alder at. Clrla to todies' skirts. WOMAN with experience In children' sewing Tueodoyo ess iBureoey. eue rounn t. a Main 8717 WANTED Good servant girl: good wages,. ac cording to ability 48 14th St. a WANTED Ladleo to trarb MetbodUt Chinese mlsoioa evening school. Apply 247ft Stark St., T:80 p. at. GIRLS Wanted te work In factory; good wages: steady employment Apply PoetBc Coral Blacnlt Co.. 13th and DavU ote. WANTED-Muolc teacher In private family to gtvs lessons In exchange for boord snd room er sewing. 348 Stsnton St. Phone Boat 5887. wtNTF.D -Apprentice st d re aa making. Apply to Mrs. Marten. 208 Good Dough bldg. EXPERIENCED girl far general housework: good wages; no waahlng. 80S Fourth at.. Deal Sherman. WANTED Girl or woman for general house work - 218 Grand ave.. N. Phoae Eaat 2307. EXPERIENCED finisher on pants; good pay; saw rieiantr oiag. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. STENOGRAPHERS and bookkeeper, drilled by our Decern Plan ore stored in position in a few weeks' ttmt; Rtd 48 esHs last month: special offer for clsaoes to begin October 88; fall course 811; day er night rlaeeee. BcUctlc Baolneee University. SB Third at. WANTED Ft ret -close Udp sad gieOemen cen voesere; salary aad eeasmloatoa. Cell et Agency Bureau, 82 Fourth at . Portland. Or WANTED Thonsando to work for eoctaltm. For Information call Sundays, 8 p. a., it Allaky hall. Third and Morrlaon. WANTED A middle aged msn aad wife, with not couaran. u wevs at asy aoaao- aaTjoeauBas city, tuples, ths jeweler. HOC MALE AND FEMALE HELP. QIKK 8ELLIWQ novel Ilea for lady aad gentle ana sgeata. 1S4 Merth 14th st eieleee A Co. v WANTED- Boye sed girls te eerlB tobeece at Behiiiar dgar factory, loo-tas norta aapaaaaataaans n in 111 11 1 iiiaaaaaaeaaacrj SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. A TOL'NO man. a first class houscpulnter. de slrea s position with a algnerltlug Brat, to learu the buetaees. Aedrete IT, lilVi North tstb St. WANTED Poeftlon as engineer; flrst-elsssi ref lfim. J SO, rare JournsL VOI'NO married man te car for beeves er driver, knows city; food reference; Steady. I rellabl Address V 50. care Joomal. WANTED Position ae wetehmsn by mss u yssrs of age; eteedy; good reference. Aearees J SO, care Journal. YOUNG man attending hsoloaai collage wast piaee es were tar gears one roues, w 00. care Journal. CHEMIST, experienced ta manufacturing and analysis, desiree position. J 01, care Jfoernal. BT reliable pointer' aad neperhinger. at your own price; through wtuter. V 80 Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE SITUATION 00 housekeeper, cite er country, by yoaag woman with S children, 8 aad 1 years; good heme mere of object than oalary; give full portleulara end wagee flrot letter. Address X 08, care Journal. EXPERIENCED stenographer desire permanent position with chance of advancement W 88. cere Journal. MANICURING end massaging done renins end Sandoyo: will coll ot yosr home If preferred. J 04, care Journal. BT two capable end experienced women, oltaa tlono 00 cooks for camp or mill erewe. B M, cere Journal. "wishes rbomberwork X 85, care Journal. EXPERIENCED Woman half day every day. WANTED AGENTS. AOBNT8, peddlers, ceaveoeers and street a era, get year supplies trom a, at. riuma 280 Third at.; new goods, bottom prices. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MB!. 28 North Second et. Phone Main 152. THE PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO., 30BH Morrison St. Pbons Pacific 380. ALPINE Employment Co.. 308 H Morrteon St. Male and female help. Phon Main 1017. WANTEDTO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Houaeo, cottage, flats, atoree, office, rooming-houses, etc. Loud lord will do well to coll ou PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Ex. 72. S. E. Cor. Sd ar.d Otk. WANTED By a roung couple, a fist or apart ment of 8 or 4 reonra; furnished or un furnished. Addreaa K 150. care Journal. WANTBD Br a young couple a Sat or apart ments of 3 or 4 rooms; furnished or un furnished. Address K 180, care Journal, WANTBD REAL ESTATE. To The Portland Capitalist We moke 0 SPECIALTY ot COLLECTING BENTS of LARGE BUILDINGS. eUetag FIBX INSURANCE, payment of TAXES and GENERAL CABB OF PROPERTY. We have tbe beet of faellltlea for carry In eat year wishes as sa agent. We solicit rear patronage. Our reference: Ladd A Til tee. banker, and Merchants' National bank. B. H. BLOSSOM. SI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. WANTED 8 or 7 -room modern boas, la or Beer Albino. Wanted A good vacant lot In seme choice location. Wanted Let. or hoaee end lot; prefer central eeet aide. Wanted To exchange acme choice enb nrnen acreage for good stock of gro- HENKLE a HARRISON. 317 Ablngton Bldg. WANTED 8 or 8-room modern hoaee. cloee tn: must be bargain for cash ; ae sgent. Ad dress X 88. cere Journal. WANTBD MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Furniture Furniture Furniture PORTLAND 211 First St. I For cSan Aucmoi ucnoN rooms. Phone Mam oaoo. HIGHEST price paid for men's Test-off cloth ing. Phoae Pacific 48. Uncle Joe. 83 Tblra. WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN BALVAOK CO., 2T 830 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 708. WE WILL BUY your furniture onv old ties. Western Selvege Co., 837 Wooblagtun st WANTED To bay good two-hnrra wagon, cheap far eaih. Phone Pacific 2211. WANTED A good milch gnat. Inquire 181 Flrot st.. er ahsns Main 534T. WANTBD Typewriter, Standard make. Phone Mala 5488. SPOT coeh paid for your furniture, stoves. ote.; prompt attention. Pjono BsotlOST. FURNISHED ROOM8 FOR RENT HOTEL PALMER. 800 ft Alder st -St.nm heat, electric electric lights, hot snd cold waten free baths, porcelain tub: o few honatkeep lng rait with gss ranges; maid oat 1 let; 32-60 per week Bp. THE RICHELIEU. 88ft North Sixth at Ele gantly furnished: steam heat and hatha. "THB HUB," 80 Eleventh at., et rooms with strsm host snd both. Stark: LINDA VISTA. 247ft Fifth Housekeeping rooms with bay window, and sleeping rooms. FURNISHED roomo snd famished housekeeping room for rent ot 782 Vancouver ave. THE GRAND. 45ft North Third at Room for gentlemen $125 pee week and Bp. THE WOODLAND Rlegont modern fnrnlobed room la beaoilfnl private residence. 110 0 month end up. 35 Sixth St.. corner Mad leon DESIRABLE front roomo to let or phon PoclSe 2880. 108 12th at.. FOP. RENT HOU8BKEBP1NO. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, both snd pantry, modern, flrot floor of cottage. Thon Pacific 816. 503 Main. 148ft SIXTH, cor. Alder Houoekeeplng room as flrot floor and sleeping rooms st low price. 81.25 WBBK CP, clean, furnished housekeep ing roams; parlor, both, laundry, tamos heat, yard. 203ft Stanton. V Car. 81.80 WEEK Bp. Urge, cteen, furnished house keeping roomo, laundry and bath. 14 br maa sooth. Portland. THE MITCHELL Hoaee keeping and troeelent rsmt raoonbU.BovonftrBdjnB UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 3 UNFURNISHED roomo for rent. Inquire of the Lore Hoaee Laundry. 20ft North 30th. THRBB unfarnUhed root son. Plume Boot 101. roomo. 4SS Bast Morrl ROOMS AND BOARD. WANTBD 3 ED 2 yoaag atsa for mam hosrd. nice ttnna Tbon'e Pacific 218 LARGE front rooms, suitable for S young men. SSS Fourth at. ear. Jefferson. NICELY furnished room sed board, private boom, for two. Mots 1SSS. tSS 14th at NICELY fVahsbrd roe era with boor; strictly bom cooking: rates reasonable, (all at 80 Everett St. er phoae Mala FOB BENT, With beard, pleasant taratebed room for two; cearvenlent; nfinsesi. 1 SB, ears J ears!. FOR RENT HOUSES. Tnna asms, ooraer lot. near Brook lys j!mS2?JtfSlrn aebeel; eeay torassTljeaB?"'' ' BnakTS Mao1' a reata outage en Powell ac. Il.eoo. -rx none ea Csruthers st.. weet aide. 82.604. b-rooai cottage ea Jsffersoa St.. 88.500. 10 room boeee oa Johnson at. 818.000. room bona oa Northrop et.. 80.500. Dev!! TIB"' 'U k- " to 00 8 room 'bouse, hall, pen try, curat. btb; heue belli of flres-alasa mtrUl; concrete walks armed house, nice Uwn. cbotat fruit, traeta improved, walk laid, aloe view, con venient to car la WeodUwa; esly 31.800. In Urge hesae. fine carpet, and ferul ture 1 noil 00 ground; choir location. In North Portland. u room hotiee, vell ronetructed. hoaement, concrete walks, hern. 4 loto. beeatlfully lo cated; a snap at 82.800. Splendid home of T rooms, S fireplace, fine grounds. lniixliHi; cost owner 88,000; will ell juf now, 83.800. KJOxlOO Choice corner, ales Uwa. ea B. 11th St.; 8 good bouse , one. new. Henkle k Harrison 817 Ablngtog bldg. FOR KBNT ' Oood 7 room bouse 00 rant aid, and quarter block, trait flowers, etc.; H block from car line. 4 black from ahool; rent 835 per month. THE 8IIAW FEAR COMPANY, . 248w Stark st. FOR RB2LT 8 handsome, modora T-room houses, convenlfntlr located oa Third -St. csrllne, 010, BIS and 014 Oorbstt ot: rent reesnaable te desirable tensnta. David S. Steeme, 340 Washington st. FOR BENT The 13-room house. 1ST West Pork et. Inquire of Strong, No. 18S. NEW 6 and T-room modern flats, sightly, quire 018 Kelly ot. Phone Main 8818. ln- HOTJ8B for rent re oooooble, with gas a tore. ens mird et. S-BOOU cottage. 480 11th at, $14 month. Bin. ford Bros, 14T Froot. T-ROOM beaae far rant; hot and cold weter. 480 Beat Eighth aad Bowman at., snath from Brooklyn car. FOR RENT T-room house on East Washington, between 11th and 13th; No. 580. TWO sew a-room boueee; strictly modern. SOS and 810 Nortbrap st ROOM boast, porcelain beth. stationery tub. S10. newly tinted aad papered, 825. 080 orthrqp, aeer Slot COTTAOB, 814 TOO Boat day. or J. Alloa Harrison, foot Taylor st. Phone Usui 018. GOOD 8-room hoaee. modern, blgb and etghtly, on Richmond ear Dae. 530 E. 87th st. DO TOU wast a hoaee or flat? Call 343 Stork ot.. me inntinentai company. FURNISHED HOUSES. 4 ROOM cottage, furnished with piano: no chil dren; reference. 808 East Ollran st. Phone Eaat 1308. , " i" aawanaaaa gats ii 11 111 I 11 FOR RENT FLATS. TWO S room famished flats ; bath, phoae: cloee In, fine view; 88 month. 883 Seventh et. MODERN 6-room fiat, steel and gee ranges, win dow shades. Urge cement bsaement. 80 V Halacy, near oteel bridge. FOR RENT STORES- O FFICES. Offlccs-Most Central Location In the city, northwest corner Sixth and Washington sts.; new elevator; hot and cold water, light, beat and Janitor service. THB MORTQ. X4AUB OUABANTEK A TRUST COMPANY, 00 Seventh st OFFICE-BOOMS, unfurntabed rooms and asm-pie-rooms for rest Ooadroogh bldg. Apply elevator. DESIRABLE office.. Including electric lights, hot end cold water, lonltor and eUvatnr service, In tbe new, airy Coaoatoawcalth bldg.. old poatoffice alte. Sixth and Burnald ats. Agent room 411. STORE ot Stewart otottaa, Mouut Seett: every thing In ohope for oeenpency: eouutrr. she 1 vug. etc.; Usss st reasonable rent. Phone Pacific 3108. PART of shop to rant, suitable for pslntsr or plumber 808 Fourth st. DB8IRABLB stars near Third end Stork; three years' Meee. Phases Main 77 HOUSES POR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOR SALE Furniture of 8-room modern house, nearly all new; rent reasonable; ten hlocka from poetofflce; good transient honor ; will Mil at o bargain If taken by tbe first of November. 30 Fifth St. 1 COMPLETE furniture for 8 room. Including fiue new pleno; everything in opiearjia mnai tlm; lew than half price: leaving city; come quick: house modern; terms If desired. Call at 102 Boot 11th ot. eouth. FURNITURE All new. 0 room cottage, rati cheep; portico leaving city; hease rents 814; Insurance paid. 188 37th ot. eeet FURNITURE ef 11 -room bouee full of roomers. fine location; Phone Main 4348. POR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and ballroom. separata er together: sew mlenceo. Phone Mela 88. sad with oil raavenleaces. Phone Mole BU8INE88 CHANCES. SAWMILL FOR SALE. 87.000 bare good sswmlll proposition oa Columbia; 330 acres load, Including timber, snd timber off 840 eeree: new planer and edger: good hUckemlth and lagging outfit. Thla mill le running every dey. In good order. TAPPER CO., 36 ft Washington St. BUSINESS CHANCE. 88.000 Hardware butlnes. nice risen dork In thriving vUy town: annual aalea will rnn about 839.000; would trad for a good farm or Portland property. What can you offer! Principals only Tell what you bars snd price la your answer. Addrees J 88, cars JournsL GROCERY and confectionery store, no deliver ing, doing Bice caeh traalneee. with 3 llvlns i rasas; rent. Including weter. only 811: lino ateck: will rail, owing to stcksen m family at Eugene, for 8225. Save rent snd earn a good living. Call or addrees 808ft Union are., north, city. FOB SALE Apartment-bouse ot 16 roots; ell newly furnished, easy term If aeceaaary; In come 100; rant 80; located on Morrleon ot. Apply Cobs Bros-' Furultur Co.. 180 First. WANTBD Some one to pat email amount bl money Into developing promising claim: sot a stock proportion: strictly legitimate: would be partnership deal. O 10, Journal. SAVE MONET Anything In printing oe Msd den. Odd Fellowo' Tempi. Tint and Alder ot.; upetolr. is- FOR BALE General blackomltb and horseshoe ing huslneaa; only shop In town of 2,000: good reason for railing. Addrees X 88. Journal. y ' ' 'a, WELL-PAYING reetanrant lo good location. taking In lion per coy on overage; leaving city; price i.u TAPFI rm ni 285 ft Washington ot. BARGAIN Confectionery, home baking, home put up fruit ell future etoek, 5 living room, all furniture: corner: rent 320. Uea If desired; fir ineuraece policy: price 1500 If taken before tbe tint Address V 78, core Journal SALOONMEN Investigate this old eotebllshed corner: leeee, cheap rent, elegant fixture; pays well. Addrees L 45, csrs Journal MBAT market for sole at Invoice: good location, Aiteria. Or. Call up Red 2823. 860 SIVBS you half Interest In buetnrao that pays 878 per moats. 188 Morrison ot. ROOMING HOUSE cms Is oe west old: ta tarnished roomo; well located , rooms rented aew. Set as for twice C. L. PARRISH CO., 48 Lamkor Exchange. Foee Mab SSI. HAVE party who wishes to bay lntoTustaio K vales about 810,000 er lea a. BIT Com mor al blk. Phone Mela SlSS FIRST-CLASS confectionery. ice cream end lunch parlor. 85,000; s anap.lf taken ot ouce. Address J 80, rsr Journal. GOOD reel eeUte recent sat or j 87, cars Journal. CONFECTIONERY, cigar aad trait stead, 33501 food leeatlea. Phoae Paelfl 11. !jjJt4s&ji