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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
THE OBEOOrf DAILY JQTJRNAE. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENINO, OCTOBBK W. TW. Town Topics otxoa to mm The Journal ttgono7 at Stigma has own transferred Harper Jsmlson. with heedquartsr at Schwa rascal Id's - IBM atore, where all changea, com Plaints and new subscriptions will re oaiva prompt attention. toxiokt'i amusemshtb. That Mounted Patrolman "WEltl Keller has other aroomptlahmenta be aldea being the pliae waltser of the oaks waa demonstrated yesterday alt ernoon. Keller was sent to Fifteenth and Hoyt streets to ehoot a boras with broken lea;. As the policeman fired a bullet into the brain of the suffering animal, a horse owned by Dr. S. C Car ney became so frightened by the report of the pistol that It dashed down Fif teenth street His humane duty bar- lrif been performed, Keller mounted his stead and. slatting we epura deeply Into the flanks of hi horee. Started I puiwuii ox ine runaway, hi overnaujsa ths horse and buggy at Thurman street and returned it to the owner. Let us make your suit. It's ths par ticular pereon we appeal to. The man whoae Ideas of drees are formed from his custom of veering carefully made, well-fitting garments. We Make ear piece of goods to our store to order for I5. No more, no less. Have a look at our black unflnlahed worated for 125 Bee what other ' taliora want for the asms goods. We are able to eave you 110 on your suit. Come In and let us prove it. Unique Tailoring Co., so Btark street, between Fifth and Sixth. Mrs. Anna Kennedy has begun suit In the state circuit court for a divorce from J. Fred Kennedy on the grounds of cruelly. Mrs. Kennedy alleges that her husband, who waa a barber, treated her cruelly by going away to work early la toe morning and not returning until late at night; also taat he re fuaed to go to church with her. and when aha objected uaed vile language to her. They were married in May, ns. Mrs. Kennedy asks that her maiden name, Martin, be restored to her. Dental College Now In Session. The Infirmary of the North Pacific College of Dentistry having reopened for the winter session, pereone desiring dental work or oral surgery can now receive prompt sttentlon. Ths Infirmary staff In dally attendance la composed of Doctors Louis J. Fits Patrick, John M. Merer. J. -Francis Drake, Everett M Hurd, George H. Martin and Herbert C. Miller. Corner Fifteenth and Couch streets. Telephone Main lilt. Herbert c. Miller. M. D., Dean. M a. Doyle, af timekeeper employed- by the southern Pacific company at Cottage Grove, met with an accident yesterday that resulted In the loaa of both of his legs. Ths unfortunate man, while standing on a sidetrack engaged in checking a crowd of laborera, waa knocked down and run over by a switch engine. Doyle was brought to this city last night and conveyed to St. Vln csnt's hoapital, where he now Ilea la a preceiious condition. A warrant for the arrest of Thomaa Cowan, formerly connected with the union Laundry company, on a charge of larceny by embesilement, wag tseusd by Judge Cameron yesterday afternoon. It ft alleged that Cowan embesaled varl out amounts aggregating 1300. It is eld that hla emploero gave him aa op portunity to pay up, but instead ha con verted more of the funds of the laundry company to hla own uee and decamped. The police are how aeeklng the alleged defaulter. Mollte la dead. After many years of faithful and consclsntlous service, the Intelligent mare who has been one of the trio of equine drawing engine 1 of the fire department has responded to her last alarm. Her death occurred yeaterday afternoon and the men of engine 1 are grief -etrlcken ever the aad event, for Mollis wis one of tho most beloved horses la the department. The Hawthorne estate has filed with the city auditor a remoni trance agalnat the Improvement of Bast Taylor street from Bast Ninth to Best Eleventh. The aame estate protested several months ago against filling the Hawthorne slough at Bast Taylor, alleging that the cost would be excessive. The same reason ia now given for the formal remon strence. Taken atck at the union depot last evening as shs was about to leave for Los Angelas, Mrs. Claud M. Berry of Walla Walla waa oared for by the Travelers' Aid association and removed to a hotel with her two young children. It Is doubtful If she can continue her journey for several days. Penney Bros.' Friday Special Five big bargaina in trine: 11.10 grade White or Bed Port, Angelica. Madeira and Tokay, at $1 per gallon. 3. W. Harper Bourbon Whiskey, regular 14.50, at 11.60 psr gallon. Friday only. Phone Bast 117. Free delivery. IT-lsl Bast Morrison. Four asw corporations havs been' au thorised to transact business In this county by filing srttcles of Incorpora tion In the office of the county clerk. They are: The Gordon Manufacturing. Power and Light company; Incorporated by Stgmund Stchel, Henry Hewett and HU1 . .Zeals Jesse la "Merrr Wlees a Windier" Baksr "vi Vert slate;; tsr. tm Maafosvetesioa- Ljrlc "lot New rertner" Oread VeadeTtlle Pasta ee TaaderUle twelva years. 6 We Pay 4 Per Cent on Savings Accounts Si ME Few . OT. Mr. Bargain Days Left Do aot miss the oppor tunity to seoure a box In our absolutely Ore aad burglar proof Safe Deposit Vault, which has heavy re enforced twenty-elx-inch concrete walla, ateel lined, with electric wiring to show the slightest tamper ing. Fourteen months' rental for the price of twelve. If token by Novem ber 1. Boxes 14 and up. Call In aad let us show you the vault Oregon Trust & Savings Bank R. W. Wilbur; capital stock, 1175,000. The Bartholomew company; Incorpor ated by W. H. Mlddlemlaa, B. I. Barthol omew aad B. A. Letter for the purpose of dealing in dry goods and clothing; capital stock, ,10.000. The Millstone Mining aad Milling company, formed by E. J. Height, C L Wood. W. H. Dryden. Lor en Seward and B. F. Shaw with a capital stock of 0,000. The Llnnton Land company, formed by George F. Martin, W. L. Brewster and W. T. Mulr; capital stock, ITMM. The central W. C. T. U. held a social meeting at 106 Ooodnough building yes terday afternoon. A large number of members were In attendance, Mrs. Ada Unruh presided In the absence of ths president Mrs. Ida Berkley, who la attending the national convention at Boston. Resolutions of condolence and sympathy for Mrs. N. L. Drlggs for ths loss of her husband ware passed, Mrs. C. Blanchard. pastor of the Wood lawn United Brethren church addreeaed the members. George Wright Post, Q. A R, will give Its Initial camp fire of the aeaaon tomorrow evening at Its hall, north east corner of Second and Morrison streets. All old soldiers and members of the Women's Belief Corps are In vited to attend. Articles of Incorporation of the Mult nomah Mill Construction company were filed In the office ef the county clerk this morning by Frank Swoboda. Ira Moore aad Arthur R. Moore. They will operate sawmllla. Capital stock, 115.000. Way don't you provide for the future Instead of paying high prices for wood two maths hence. Buy now at prices that you can afford to pay. Four foot aad abort, green slab wood, at the Stand ard Box Lumbar company. Telephone f. Frank Royal In the circuit court this morning pleaded not guilty to the charge or assault and battery on Chertoe Nel son. At tae request or ttoyal'e attor ney, L. B. Crouch, who was appointed to defend htm, the setting of the trial waa deferred until nest week. In the circuit court thla morning Jack Wage pleaded guilty to the charge of assaulting Polios Ofncer ueorge Adams In Blaster's Burnalde street saloon on October 14. He Will be sentenced In the near future. Tour Byes Examined Free. We ere still selling eyeglasses at tl.00. A per fect St guaranteed. Metsger a Co.. Jewelers aad opticians. Ill Sixth street Watches, diamonds and 1 Jewelry en easy payments; 11 down. Its a week Don't go without a good timepiece Metsger at Co.. in sixth street Steamer Jessie Harking for Camas, Wsshoural and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Alder street dock at I a. St. Aome Oil Co. sells the beat aafety oosl oil aad One gasoline. Phone Bast 711. Notice Hlbernla Savings Bank open Saturday evenings from to t. Woman's Bxeaange, Its Tenth street lunch 11:10 to I; business mea'e lunoh. Notice Hlbernla Savings Bank open Saturday evenings from to I. ABANDONED BREWERY DESTROYED BY FIRE (Special Dispatch to The Jearnal.) Enterprise, Or.. Oct II. The Enter prise brewery, valued at 115.000, was destroyed by fire last night. Ths plant i aot been ussd ror some time, ss ths owners soon after the June election closed it and left the state. It was "In sured for 11.600. The oauee Of the fire le not known, but It la rumored that It was the work of an incendiary. First Deposit Free on children's ac counts I Don't miss this opportunity to start a growing fund for tho growing boy or girl We start the account with 50 cents you put in $4.50 and then you have $5,00 already at work, earning interest day and night Then add small amounts each week or month as circumstances allow and see the bank account grow to hundreds and to thou soda before the young hopeful becomes of age. Starting to aava la hard. Keeping It tip la easy. We stye you the start. Bring this ad wtthf 4 and get a SS. 00 oradit ea a new accawat aano1 for any child ef any ago from on daw to NORMAL WILL ASK FOR MORE MONEY Moawnouth School Wants Sev nty Thousand Dollars for Two Now Buildings. USUAL APPROPRIATION WILL BE NEEDED, TOO School Is Growing and Faculty Most Be Enlarged If Pupils Are to Re ceive Proper Instruction Dormi tory Needed Also. The Monmouth x Normal school will ask ths legislature at the coming ses sion for a special appropriation of tel. 00 or 170,000 for the construction Of two new buildings, an Industrial build ing and a dormitory to be used la con nection with the school, it wtll also ask that special provision be made for strengthening the faculty to meet the sew requirements arising from having lengthened the school course from three to four and five years. The usual ap propriation of 116,000 for maintenance for the two years ensuing will also be asked of the legislature. According to the plans of the board of regents the Industrial building will cost about 140,000 completed, while the dor mitory will need another 125,000. It Is held by the members of the board that more than 104 new students could be accommodated In the normal school If It were possible to houee them. Mon mouth Is aa old towa and the accommo dations are not of the best Complaint has also teen made by parents against allowing their daughters to board at any chance place which might be open to them, It being urged that the school should maintain a dormitory under the supervision of a competent matron. It Is the desire of the board of re- Cnts also to materially strengthen the pulty. Last year it waa necessary to commenoe school at I o'clock In the morning and to do away with all chapel exercises in order to provide for the new classes formed by the addition of the fourth year to the course of study. It is wished to strengthen ths faculty this year in order to do eway with the excessive work on the part of the pres ent members. BUTCHERS DENY TROUBLE WITH WHOLESALERS .. Say Lowar Prlooa of Moil Art Duo to Natural Causes and Not Meat War. Butchers of PortlanA deny that there is any trouble between the retail dealer and the slaughterhouse man or the wholesaler. They admit that the prices are lower than they have been la the past oa beef particularly, but explain tnia by tne statement that beef la plan Uful. There has been no change In the retail price for meats for the past three weeks, when the amounts charged for different kinds of meets ware print ed in the market department of The Journal. These aame prloee maintain. though within tho past two or three days triers has been aa advance of ap proximately l cent a pound on beef, pork and mutton on the pert of all the wholesalers. The prloee quoted today, which are practically the earns as thoee quoted three weeks ago. are: Pot. roasts, cents a pound; hams. 17 cents; bacon. 10 cents; tenderloin, it cents. There has been no fluctuation In the price of mutton for tne reason that good mut ton is so scarce that ths market re mains firm In Its demand for the meat and the prices rule the aame. Meat dealers admit that the prloee have been lower far the past three weeks than for some time, but deny the rumor that there la any trouble be tween the dealer and the wholesaler. They say the prices are due elmply to the conditions of the business and not to any trouble or friction between the meat men themselves. MAYOR LANE WATCHED FOR THAT CHICKEN D Tope, a ventrllloulet. widely known aa the "chicken man," and City Treasurer Werlela. had all kinds of fun yesterday afternoon at the expenae of Mayor Lane. They were on Fourth street near the dty hall when the mayor approached. Warleln asked per- lsslon to introduce Mr. Tope. The chicken man. after the ceremony Of en Introduction, asked the mayor If ha had ever seen a three-legged ohloken. The mayor had not but expressed his desire to see the curiosity. Tope care fully drew hie red bandanna handker chief from his pocket. In which the feathered curiosity wee supposed to be hidden. Werletn had seen the performance at hla home a abort time before, where ha had searched all over the house for the chicken But the mayor wasn't a Mt wise, end took the cork clear un der. So Interested AM he become In preventing me eeoape or tne cnicxsn. whose shrill chirping he distinctly heard, that he spread hla handa out on the sidewalk around the handkerchief and waited. He might have been wait ing yet If he hadn't looked up at War leln and caught a gllmpae of the poorly-suppressed smile that covered the treasurer's countenance RECEPTION TONIGHT FOR BISHOP SC ADDING From to IS o'clock at the Portland hotel thla evening a general reception will be held la honor of Bishop Boad- dlng. A large reception eetnmlttee from the Episcopal churchea of this elty will welcome the visitors aad make them acquainted with the distin guished churchman Addresses of wel come will be delivered by Governor Chamberlain end Mayor Lens. Tha committee from the olty churchee follows: St Mstthew s, Mra. W. A. M. Breok; St David's. Mrs. George B. Ven Waters. Dr. aad Mra. Joseph!; Trinity. Mrs. A. A. Morrison; St Marka. Mrs. J. S. Simpson. Mr. snd Mrs. B. W. Hastings; St. Stephen's, Mra . T. C. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. H D. Bamsdell. 8. E. MeCtillum. secrets- of the Ameri can Mutual Benefit association, has re turned to Portland after an absence ef six weeks, during which time he visited many of the principal eastern eiUes. Woodard, Clarke & Co. Hand Decorated Bavarian Vases Beautiful sad artistic in design sad shape, while they last, BO a), 60a, 01.00, f 1.30. B1.SO. See Washington Street Window,. "Woodlark" Olive Oil Expressed from selected olives from the great orchards of Cali fornia. Delicious and healthful. Olive Oil it rapidly tecoming a prime article of food, and when used as such proves a corrective lor many ailments. A thousand-dollar guarantee insures our oil to be 100 par cent pure. PINTS Oe 8 U ARTS Sd) allons oaoo Hilton's Malt Extract Will be found an invaluable remedy for ailments of the chest and lungs, dyspepsia and all wasting and debilitating diseases. It is especially indicated in convalescence, general debility of nursing mothers, loss of appetite and insomnia. 25c bottle, dozen fSJtS With Pcpto-Manganate of Iron. 35c bottle, doren.. ..fS.SS 44 WOODLARK Antiseptic Calendula Soap A most pressing toilet requisite, grateful tp the most sensitive skin, embodying the well-known and valuable properties of Calendula. softening, soothing and healing; cake SOej Box of 3 cakes ; , Of) Toilet - ' Mount Hood Roll .. Woodlsrk Roll ...... "Our Fair" Roll "400" Roll Ascot ic Packager Delta Paekaare Klondike Package Perfection Roll Tishu Package The Gem Junior Seven-Blade SAFETY RAZOR The very best value for the money you ever heard of and a delight to men who shave. You can shave yourself, no matter how hard your beard or how tender your face, in less than 5 minutes. Sl.OO UNCLE TOM LONG GOING TO BE A HARD WINTER "Hard winter, my eon; hard winter ahead of us. Suoh are the warning words of old Uncle Tom Long; an east slds scow dweller, who ekes ant en existence by mowing lawns in the summer and by doing odd Jobs here and there and put ting in an occasional day aa a city street cleaner In the winter. When asked to give hla reasons for so dire a prediction the old fellow replied: "Oh! I have u lot or signs, eji gooo. es. And this rail thsy aU point straight to biting wind and falling weather. I don't nay aay attention to high and low pressure areas and pre vailing sviada, and such stuff as that. I Uave that to the scientific fellows who are paid weather prophets. 'My theory Is based on a eioee study of nature. Look at the eottoawooa trees the bark on their north slds is thicker than I ever oaw It; so thick that It la splitting, simply an effort of the trees to protect themselves against tha chilling blast OLD MAN FAILS TO PROPERTY FROM HIS BROTHER -if tha eourt could say what it thinks niivht to be done. I believe It would be welt for thle man to have his prop erty back. But we are bound ny me law and evidence aa presented aad there IS no evidence that would Justify me In setting aside Oil conveyanee." said Judge Cleland in the elrcult eourt thla 1. iuMIiik the suit of Oott- iii' 1 1 1 11 u ,. , freld Pick against his brother. Chrls- i.iiiiini that hla brother had 1 , .I., him a home and ears for him during hla lifetime ha return for the conveyance or 10 acrea or iana near Council Crest, snd that he was forced to . .v.- nn.-.r fim a vear later. The iu m - - - old man's testimony waa almost en tirely unsupported, the majority of the wltneesee declaring that tha property had been transferred for 11,10. to be paid in 10 equel payments. There wee Week's Waehlng 50 Cents omt eat rear seat at ee Say's Mastery asd talvUura u the east aaeardb to toe arise ,re it seae by a tttoa to esBafaeaMi SST. ::::::::::: apneas. 5c u . Be . Be . Se . S . Se . St . ee . Be . Be .tec . Se Taweeietaa w.l.ta e Coreat Vtlna IC HssSkereblefa Isadkerrhlrr. . . j. I ..k.hfa allk Ss gsadl Drai tags 11 Nkjktdrsaeea Si Bland t'wet Wrs wot isosKP. Orenklrta Nlakteiilrta X ttnewshsoM e child's Ptoses urei Pajamas Talee Ladlee' Vests J nieakets. Wool. sr.. St .l"e -- ..'J on.. rhllSraa'a Overalls Oolite 1. aibto. eellara. aafra. litts. eellara, eafja, vests. lesiaha w huasets aeae is uis e tost Use SSe UNION LAUNDRY CO,'- 99 Paper Case. of 100. ST.50 S.SO S.SS e.oo 9.00 T.OO vosea c l.OO .rs l.SS SS - Dozen. Case of 50. 92.00 . a. 00 SAYS IT IS T was out in ths hills laat Sunday aad I see that my old friends, the ground squirrels, havs stored double the quantity of nuts aad a coma that thoy usually put away. "Did you notlde the harvest moon this faUT I never saw It so dim aad mlrky-looklae- Lots of water up there to come down in some shape before the next dry season sate in. 'When I waa a boy, back la Kentucky, a big crop of persimmons waa a sure sign of freest ng weather tram Decem ber to late In March. Tou see persim mons are One things to fatten 'possums, and a 'possum has to have a good deal of fat oa his ribs to last him four months. But we have neither persim mons nor 'possums out here, still there are pleaty of weather sighs If you know bow to find them. "Pretty soon I . must get to work chinking up the cracks la my scow and laying ia my winter's wood. In prepara tion for the worst winter we have had In many years." REGAIN HIS no agreement that the old man should be cared for. they eald, and be went to the poor house because he deelred to have more company. Soon after be went to the poor house the suit to eet sslde tae dead waa be gun. Judge Cleland. who heard the trial, held that the old man's conten tions were not supported by the testi mony offered, and the deed was de clared good. YOUNGSTERS ELOPE; POLICE ASKED TO FIID THEM Alice Ryan, Aged Seventeen, and Joe Lafontain, Aged Eighteen, Disappear Together. Miss AUee Bran, a girl of IT. living at 40 Grand avenue aad working In the wrapping department of Llpman, Wolfe a Co., disappeared yeaterday afternoon with a youth of ths romantic age of It. The boy. Joe Lafontain. was driving a wagon for the aame firm and waa known to be an ardent admirer of the girl. It seems that ths couple 'had wished to marry, but because of their age the plan, was strongly opposed by the girl's step-father. Mr. McCall. Belattvee of the young man living at tti Nineteenth atreet state that thsy know of the whereabouts of the young couple and that they are at Toledo, Washington, where an aunt of Mr. Lafontain resides. Mra. McCall la very anxloua about her girl and reported the ease to the polio at once. Neither seem to have coaSded In other employes rf the store sad little waa known regarding them eicept that they had been going together for some time. It la believed that they have not gone far and will Soon return. Although the boy s relatives seem as aava Two Fine Stores On Washington St 27x70, suitable for al most any kind of busi ness ... For Rent Tenants can have five years' lease at most rea sonable rental. 0 This Is a Snap I.Gevurtz & Sons The House Furnishers First and Yamhill Streets I $201 The Real Thing Mad ia Oregon, from Oregon wool. Mads for you to your measure, in ths finest possible manner. Highest clsss csshmere suit ings, ia ths stylish shades of gray, brown and graan, lined with imported Venetian cloth or fine worsted serge. This ia a special short-time offer that cannot hold for long. ELKS' BUILDING SEVKNTH aad STARK STS. all about tha affair Miss Ryan's parents were left without the slightest clue aa to their destination. ELLEN BEACH YAW TO SING IN PORTLAND Was It a big audlencer" inquired the Los Angeles Times, after Ellen Beach Yaw's last concert there a few days ago "There were no seats, and scarcely aay standing-room oa the floors of the entire theatre. Miss Taw ia the perfect mistress of ballad stag Ing snd in drnmatlo work, by virtue ot her easy stage presence and marked histrionic temperament, she finds equal adaptability. So her finest efforts were enoered to the echo last night, and la the flnlahad aad artistic mad scene frost "Ham let' she simply car ried the house by storm.' Miss Taw aad her excelleat company will appear la Portland under the dl- silw 1 The Merchants Investment and Trust Co. 247 Washington St Deals Is Municrpal aad Car. poration ' Leads money oa approved securities. Acts as trustee ia bond is sues, realty transactions, ate Does s general Banking and Trust Pays interest oa Savings Ac counts snd Time Certificates. CapitalSI5M00.00 J. Freak Watson Pres. R. L. Durham Vice-Pres. W. H. Fesr lacy. 8. C. Catrhinga Asst. Secy. wltee The flettig Theatre I ll o'Otoek. frlasy. Satorday Nlkts, sveasSTwa sm LOOTS by ITeme ktcHearr -Nonaaa kespssre'e Delikttel Ossaedy. Wins ef Willi 1 1." BTsnlnr Prises, SSe to 11 60. Mat.. SSeto SI. Seats aeOlac fee eagagsstsBt H.lus Theatre. SEAT SALE TOMORROW soxomcx auuLio txxatbjc lets sad Wasstogton. a oo. 's peodvctiobt. ii He Nslef $ (arrive" AT BEIUO TH BATHS. day. Tasadsy, Wsdasaaay Skjato. ucsaesr as, . so. si. SDeeial-Priec Matisse Wadneedar. Chanalnc PeUeek's laaKjsss Play Ta Marias Ml sl Sana's Great HaveC VMS. SaauaUe. TkrUUa. The AO-Stor'Oast I Still Lad so j Chaimin. Osjlfsattsg JESSIE BUSLEY WHO IS AIDED AND ASSISTED BY leujBTtBBl Xtorass. SUMFTU BE TEAM SUMPTUOUS BCEMBBT. CIEU las?hree"roirfB?aO; lut rae'rowa. fYio? TSe; bstoaay. TSe. 60c; fslisry. SSe. SSe Baker Theatre Or, sod Tissue CSV. rate ef the fssinas Company. Afl Ode weak Matinee Satorday tae cele brated Aaaerlesa character play "V T0EX STATZ." Brsnhur Prlssa ISs. 28c. SSe. SOei matlnae. IS. SSe. neas wees, s rsna simssiisss ss EMPIRE THEATRE 11T. Sssaaaa. Maaagsr, UrUa feastoesT Bead Ptoytog tka Big StaE-HaeUB all wee, a ma nlfleeat suSsiMsa or we grsaa rsugwas HOLT CRY. it Emotrs Prices Teal ass, Ms. SSe, SSe; matinee, 10s, SOe. Matinee WlSslsliy aad LYRIC THEATRE WBBTK BBOIHM1HO OOTOl The New Partner ft A STOBT OP LABOB CAPITAL in runs AUIB. STAR THEATRE ThsAUes Stock CkBBJiaj rreeenta "The Wan From Mexico Matinees Tassdsys. Tkarsdsys, Sstnrdays Beada re at S:S0 p. as. a. Me. SOe asa7 SO? at SOS PREE! Maving Picture CHrobing tha American Aba Interesting from beginning to end. .,Kr Ulxalknami Subtests. Kvery evening 7:10 o'clock. Bring the chtiarea. CORNSR MORRISON AND THIRD. HARRT8UaV ANSraeral Advertiser. Oaks Rink HALLO WEEH t AETT. BISHT. OCTOBEB St. Cera and Pawpkln Mtsfct- Haste eeery ana eeea Hotel Eaton NEW ns iv Grand "mjrET Week ef Oet. tS. OUff saa S Oa, THE The Tsaeaae Bretbeea. TTDBSAUX aWstor Herald Matt. SOUAVXS. SlBBllllBli