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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
THURSDAY KVPUrTU. M. MM. KILLER TELLS OF LIFE IN JAPAN POimJWS IMg ST0M I Qtps. WORTH AN b KMC STORE HBMS Jffigggi:aPM Two Great Sales in Women's Apparel Salons MAKE FRIDAY'S 182d GRAND 'ECONOMY SALE" OF PECULIAR INTEREST TO FEMININITY Community Idea as Opposed to Individualism Controlling Feature in islands. PERSONS NOT WANTED TAKE THEIR OWN LIVES Ifaajr Students Jumped Into Vol canoes This Ssjrnmcr When Plunked st Examinations Families Arrange - " - t Tha Journal.) University of Oreaon. Eugene, Oct. 16 Consul-General H. B Miller epeka on tha political conditions of Japan at tha university to a large audience yes terday. He said. In part: "The atmosphere of -Japes and their civilisation la entirely different from our usual conception and from our own civilisation. In our country we have extreme Individualism and the differ ence between our civilisation and the Japanese is In too individual system and the group organization of thought. In Japan there la no suggestion of lndl- Ttduallam. Therc-'ls there only oaa in dividual, the aaaperor. and the Japanese arutrteot peaces all hU life on thla atanrtr point He la not a single person, but a part of his family, never thinking of personal obligations, but always of hla family Sometime an American thinks he has a strong friend among the Jap anese and then without a' word be with draws because some one of the commu nity has a dislike for the foreigner. "It is very herd far us to understand this group idea, and the Japanese do at understand our Individualistic one at all. Everything;, every action that originates in the head of the family. Is for the welfare of hia household, for his village, for hla country, hut not for If van aak a. Jananese today what his desires are ho wlU answer: It Is to serve my country.' Suppose every man in thlacountry thought this way of hla family and not for the welfare f himself. Suppose every man thought this war of his town suppose every man had a aim liar permeating thought for hla country, what a field would be opened for the improvement of the wel fare of the country! "When a young man becomes of a marriageable- age the family takes the matter up and looas over ma vmage for a suitable maid. The more definite arrangements are made through a third person, the young people not knowing anything about it. believing It to be for the good of the village. In the vil lage the family ia the unit, all Its in habitants making the village the -baste group, so that the Individual's conduct Is ruled by the community. Though to day the government has Introduced many new things, the basic machinery la laid upon a elan organisation. "I myself have the greatest reapsat Cor this organisation. I believe In that Organization lies the beat power of the self are of civilisation, for our .own net on that will preserve our Integrity In the future. ,( "When any man becomes out of har mony with tha group Inhabitants of the village he commits suicide, -rnua many students lumped into tne vol canoes thlg summer. In these cases perhaps some of the villages had aent them to one of the universities or some private person bad done so for the good Of the village. The student failed to pass the examination, thus In his own Tee making himself a disgrace not worthy of life Many such results of the group system are absolutely vicious, hut there sre many of great virtue. "The great lnduatrles of Japan are controlled by the government, so that when any need la seen It Is at onoe supplied Thus we see the greatest of concentration of her railroad and bank ing systems and shipping Interests, and the others in a more or leas degree. Therefore, in my opinion, we will It years from now have to sit at the feet of Japan and learn how to cooperate with one another for the good of our country as Japan la now and haa bean sitting at our feet and learning our in dustrial system.' NEW CORPORATIONS FILE THEIR CHARTERS (Sperl.! DhMtrh to The Joarnat.) Salem, Oct. 26. Articles of Incorpora tion were filed yesterday as follows iwith the secretary of state: The Standard Consolidated Mines, a company Incorporated under the lawa Of the state of Arizona, haa signified lta Intention to engage In business in this state. Ned T. Heath or comer, Orant county, waa appointed attorney. The Linn ton Land company; Incorpo rators, George K. Martin, William X Brewster and William T. alulr; princi pal office. Portland; capital stock, 175.- ovu. Gordon Phils Cits. Manufacturing. Power Light company; Slgmusd SlohsL Henry Hewett and R. W. Wil bur; capital stock. I1TB.000; principal asYlce. Portland. Marahoald Commission company of Coos oounty; incorporators. I. M. Con don, TX W. Small. E. E. Straw, Robert Ma rude n and M. D. Poynts; capital stock, $1,000. HOLY ROLLER VICTIMS EXAMINED FOR SANITY iSeeenl Mspctea to The JeeraaLI HlUeboro. Or., Oct. 15 Complaints I were yesterday filed In the county court Setting forth that Mrs. Ann Macks and Mary Ann Morrlng are Insane and un safe to he at large The complaints were sworn to by Charles A. Morrlng, husband. Mrs Macks and her daughter, Mrs. Morrlng. are residents or Farming ton and are the women who have been acting after the Holy Rollsr fashion J They will ha examined today probably I by Justice Bagley, in tha absence sf County Judge Goodln. AMen a Lewie- Best Bread. Corn INIjrrit rinllowesesn Party OA INK TIONl m 2 Sales of Importance f r I C to Housewives I v Domestic Aisle First Floor. Good Huck Towels 7c A lot of splen did quality Huck Tow;ls, in Urge, gen erous size 17x33 with plain white or colored borders. Extra special for Fri day buyers,' at ....... ...Td Handsorae Cretonnes, 7c yard Here an opportunity for those homefolk who have in mind the making up of warm, oft and "comfy" bed-comforts to se cure the needed covering at leas than usual cost; We shall place on sale for Friday buyers a lot of 1,000 yards of fancy Cretonnes, in a splendid, full se lection of handsome colorings, at the extra special price per yard of T4 Dress Goods Salons Rousing Special Values Ready for Friday Buyers Annex Fifth Street First Floor. We've selected the fabrics most in de mand to act as Friday's special trade magnets. Fabrics new aa the morning fashions of types most spproved by cor rect dressers cvciywhcie. The special pricings are for two days Friday sad 3080 Ysrds Imported English Plaid Suitings, in every new wanted color combinations, 38 inches wide; sold everywhere at $100 per yard. Special for Friday and Saturday, per yard..Ts) 50-inch Novelty Suiting, every yard new fall fabrics, colors are reds, browns, greens, grays, modes and navys; our reg- Sfcr fl.OO grade. Qpes-ist, oBly, Ter yard BLACK DRESS FABRICS MOHAIRS IN A SALE. Imported Ft!""1 Mohairs, in Sicilian and Brilliantine weaves ' Regular $1.00 grades. Special, yard. only Regular $1.25 grades. Special, yard only ............... ".Ow Regular $1.50 grades. Special, yard, only For Friday and Saturday Only. Silks tor a Silk Season Costs Are Less for Next Two Days Annex Fifth Street First Floor. The edict has gone forth Milady of Fashion must be robed in silks this sea son and ailka were never more beauti ful. Foresight has sided us in obtaining the correct silks for the Winter's garb ing at less than usual, elsewhere hold ings. We share the savings with our patrons today and tomorrow. Examplea: Roysl Wash Taffeta, 19 inches wide, in white, cream, black and all wanted col- .Miilir Jr crrade Snecial. the I ard, only ewgej .nnrA Plaid Sllka ,V,fV VlfH AW and all pure silk, equal in value to any $1.00 silk shown in the city; but our 85c grade. Special the yard, only s A Bargain Trio Specials That Appeal to Men Annex First Floor. Men's 75c Underwear 49c A line of men's brown mixed Jersey ribbed fleeced Underwear, warm and serviceable; reg ular valut 75c. Special, garment .. 49e Boys' 75c Golf Shirts 37c Boys' Golf Shirts in madras, some with silk and mohair fronts; regular value 75c. Spe cial Men's $1.00 Night Robes 74c A line of Men's outing flannel Night Shirts, made long and wide, felled teams, trimmed with white braid; regular value $100. Special Td Three Hundred $5 Bliou Millinery Sahns, A Hundred Pretty Evening Gowns and Party Dresses ILZjr Third Off Beautiful, exquisite creations of plain and figured molls, pretty dotted Swisses and dainty lawns, built on Princess models, charmingly trimmed in fetching laces, ruf fles and tucks, insertions and hand embroideries. Best values in Portland at their reg ular prices, that range up from the simple white party frock at $10 to the patrician evening gown of cobwebby laces and exquisite mulls or Swisses, that are worth some $60. Choose from this special convention on Friday at ONE-THIRD REDUC- Xlocks: (hod Timekeepers HIGH CLASS DINNER SETS In a Special Sale Friday on Third Floor. $2.75 Oak Framed Clocks $145 Natural or Flemish oak finished docks ia new designs, 25 inches high, strike hoar and half hour; regular value $275. Spe cial New shipment of gold and copper fin ished Clocks at special prices. New lines Bohemian Glassware ia new finishes. Haviland China ia new Dorder -decorations. $82.00 English China Dinner Sets $5.00 117-piece English China Dinner Set in white and gold; regular value $8200 Special .BwB.OO WORTH HOURLY SALE" OF GOOD SHOES A Bsem saved is s Denny earned" How easy tia to "make money" st our regular FRIDAY HOURLY BALKS. All yon need beirin mind is to BE ON TIME. No item advertised will be sold at less than regular-except DURING HOUR AD VERTISED. 1 " i to opm 8 TO I AM. Women's $1-50 Felt 1 Julia. laV Women's Juliets, made of best felt, with hand turned soles, fur trimmed, ia black or brown felt; our $1.60 value. Special at. .98e 9 TO 10 A M. Women's 60c Rubbers. 43c Women's Storm Rubbers, best quality, any sise; our 60c value. Special, at 10 TO 11 A. M. Children's Shoes in twenty-five styles, broken lines, bat all good shoes; either button or lace, patent or kid leataers. Sizes 2 to 6. no heel 1; our $1-50 value. e e SneciaL st Sixes 3 to 8, spring heel; our $2.90 value. Special, st 11 A. M. TO 12 M. Women's Shoes. Worth to $4.00, for $25 Wo men's fine shoes, in patent and lad leathers; lace style. Five of our best styles ell this seasons lasts and patterns: welt and hand turned soles: values to $4.00. Special, at ........ ....... 12 TO 1P.1L Men's $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes for $229 in patent and dull leathers; Blucher or all new stvle srooas; our o.ju "" Special, at Women's Domet Flan nel Nightrobes Worth $1-25, Special at 98c Annex Second Floor The colder nights of the Winter months are at hand and folks need warmer night garb. We've arranged for hun dreds of women to make a saving to morrow in providing for such wants. In a special offering for the day only we shall place on sale a large purchase of women's white Domet Flannel Night gowns, made with plain yoke and cuffs. trimmed attractively around collar- splendid $1 25 gown. Special, at. . .91 and $6 Hats $3.95. Annex, Second Floor $5 00 snd $6.00 Hats going out every dsy. Coming in from tne worxrooms and leading eastern makers to the mil linery salons; hundreds every day. A constant inflow and outgo which means always a showing of .hats fresh from the conjurer s needle and deft an gers Can't help but be up to the very minute in style Greater variety thsn ever, this week, in shapes and shades; black and colors, simple and dressy ef fects. Tell as your preference we n do the rest yes, well do even better- tomorrow I The success 01 last wees a sale prompts us to repeat the offer; here it is for tomorrow: Two hundred amart, stylish trimmed nets from tne $5 and $6 tables, silk velvet and braid shapes, bewitchingfy trimmed with flowers ana ornaments; dcsi j i snd $6 values tn town. Special Friday for $3.95 REGULAR PRICES WomerUMJJm- brellas for 98c First Floor. Women's Piece-dyed Taffeta Umbrel las, full si re. steel rod and Paragon frame, with Princess and opera crook, box wood handles; our $1.50 value. Spe cial Economy Sale Price, each.... 984 Pay Less Than Half tor These Nettings First Floor. $1.00 Nettings for 48c A lot of Silk Nets for evening dresses; ia pink, light 'blue, gray, black and ecru; our $1.00 value. Special Economy Sale Price, the yard YOUR TIME I FRIDAY'S ANNEX SIXTH STREET FIRST FLOOR if 4VsW LbV3S W IV Ssfl S W SsflaW 7 Men's Shoes regular lace; w 2.89 Bargain Splashes A Tm"g of tiny things at under prices that make big ygfass sure to cre sts commotion tomorrow In the Small Wares Shops First Floor: 50c Heevy Bevel Glass Shaving Mirrors, Besel Backs. Special SOd Shinola Shoe Polish Outfits. Spe cial, set v. ?5f 15c Bar White Castile Soap. Special 104 15c Boa Witch Hasel Toilet Sosp. Spe cial 10s) Be Black Hard Rubber Pressing Combs. Special T4 35c 1-lb. package Linen Lawn Cloth Fin ish Writing Paper. Special 35 10c pecksge linen Lawn Piniah Envel opes so match. Special Ts) 15c Poet Card Writing Tablets. Spe cial , 94 White Wesed Paper, 24 sheets in roll. Special 4s) 20c Fancy Decorated Crepe Paper, in sssnrted designs. Special 104 10c Psper Beet English Pins. Sge- lewelry Specials AnnexFirst Floor. 65c Sterling Silver Scarf Pine aSc Pret ty Sterling Silver Scarf Pins, in a great variety of designs, oxidised, bright and French gray finish; our regular 65c val ues. Special, st 4 25c Orsduated Beed Chains 15c An as sortment of Bead Neck Chains, gradu ated sires, in all colors; our regular 2Se values. Special, at a4 25c Black Beauty Pins 17c Black en ameled Beauty Pins, with best spring wire pine, six do s card; our regular .25c values. Special v .! Brooches, Values up to Kit, Special for 50c An assortment of Brooches, in enamel stone-set, etc; values up to $121 Special, your choke for "Of $8.50 L aWk tom. Tne best selline: and a great Special Friday, at . Buy Six Handkerchiefs For a Dollar Fust Floor. Ladies' Cambric Handkerchiefs, with 54-inch hemstitched border; splendid val ue at, o tor ,. vf Ladies' All Linen Hsndksrchlefs, Rich ardson's famous make: with -inch hem; our 12c value. Special Economy Sale Price, 6 for . Rug Buyers Will Profit Friday They May Buy on 4th Floor. Heavy Axminster Rugs Worth $2.50 for $1.83 Good heavy Axminster Rugs ia handsome oriental and floral designs; sise 27x80 inches: good value at $2.50. Special Economy Sale Price, each )1 WEEKLY Women's Shoes, Val ues to $8.50, for $1. OS Broken lines in Wo men's Shoes, in Detent and bright leathers; Blucher and regu lar cuts, welt and light soles; values to $8.60. Special, at $ 1.98 a to i p.m. Women's Slippers. Vetoes to $3.00. for $1.39 Women's Slippers broken lines, in all kinds of leathers and styles; all desir able goods; values to $3.00. Special est eeew eessisaBSsos ee a e S TO 4 P.M. Women's $2.00 Comfort Julleta for $1.41 Women's Comfort Juliets, made with elas tic sides; rubber or leather heels, with or without fur trimming, warm or regular lined; values to $2.00. Special, at .. .2 1.41 4 TO 5 P.M. Oirls' School Shoes in five styles of button or lace; plain and inserted mat design; good weight exten sion sole; splendid for school wear Sises 5 to 8; our $1.75 value. Special, st f 1.29 Sixes 8H to 11; our $2.00 value. Special at. . 1.49 Sixes 1 1 V to 2; our $2.50 value. Special, at. .$1.69 5 TO 6 P. M. Boys' Shoes ia black or tan leathers, made for good service Sixes 9 to 13; our $2.00 value. Special at. .f 1.49 Sixes 1 to Syi; our $2.50 value. Special at..fl.T9 Women's $1.50 Shoul der Shawls $1.17 Annex Second Floor. So many of these Shawls needed at this season to throw over the head or shoul ders when one "goes neighboring,'' or to do neighborhood shopping, or for wear to aad from the theatres, on the street cars. Friday we place on sale in the Annex Second Floor s lot of cir cular or squsre shawls of fine Shetland floss, pretty, light but warm, made in the "shell" and other fancy stiches fa vored by those who delve in needle craft; black, white sad chinchillas: reg ular good values at $1.50 Special Fri day, at fl.1T Pretty Creations in Art Netdlecraft At Special Prices Friday Annex Art Salons Second Floor. 12c Doilies 5c Pretty applique Doilies, in round or square shape, sise 7 to 10 inches each; regular 12c value. Special Friday only, at, each 4 60c Center Pieces or Shams, 29c Appli que Center Pieces or Shams, in either prettily scalloped or plain border; 60c value. Special Friday, at 294 The Leather Goods Sec tion Contributes Annex First Floor. Women's $2.75 Leether Hand Bags $1JS A line of leather Head Bags the new popular deep shape, leather HasA. leather covered and riveted trasses, best stitched leather handles, gilt or gun Walking Skirts $5.95 A timely bargain in a handsome, dressy and iceable Walking Skirt of fine Panama cloth. fully tailored, built on 5-gored model, plaited front and back with double folds of material around bot trim and chic round lengtn. une ot tne HUH icugua, uu us usw ZSS.95 skirts of the value at $8.60. Women's Underwear and Hosiery A Group of Bargains m Their -Knitwear Floor. Women's 60c Underwear for 45c Wo- . as. ... I men s medium weignt cotton extra aise vest and pants, fins ribbed, cream color, long sleeves vests, French band pants; sises 7 89 s fine soft garment : our 60c value. Special Economy Sale Price, the flTgirmcn t a see Women's $100 Union Setts, $2.29 Wo men's pink and blue Swiss ribbed Vega silk Union Suits; long sleeves, snkle length: our $3.00 valae. Special Econo my Sale Price, the suit fJk2a Women's $1.25 Silk snd Cotton Under, wear 98c Women's fall weight silk and cotton Vesta and Tights the "Merode" long aad short sleeve vesta, ankle length pants; our $125 value. Special Economy Sale Price, the garment.. 984 Missis' $1.00 Union Bails, 49s Misses' "Merode" Cotton Union Suits, winter weight A line of broken sixes in two different weights; our $1.00 value. Spe eisl Economy Ssle Price, the sult..4f Woman's 25c Cotton Hoes 15c Wo men's medium weight Cotton Hose, fsst black, seamless, fashioned ankle the "Barton" hose; our 25c value. Special Economy Sale Price, the pair . .. .14 Women's 50c Cotton Hoes 38c Wo men's black ingrain Cotton Hose, full fashioned, good weight; big 50c value. Special Economy Sale Price, the nsir 4 Children's 33c Hose 23c Children's black fine ribbed Shawknit lisle Hose: all sises 5 to VOt our 35c value, kesrisl Economy Ssle Price, the pair aM Worth-while Savings Friday In a Great Sale ot Handsome Lace Curtains Fourth Floor. For the adornment of the living rooms, nothing adds so much to the cheery aspect of the home ss pretty lace curtains draped in the windows. Tbese's s special sale tomorrow details: ee en t rr.n. ta 7 WMt Tr , m et- . a Curtains, ot extra nne quairrv; an excel lent reproduction ot one oi ine most ex oenslve designs a handsome allover pattern with border, 3)4 yards in length, 50 inches wide; our $3.50 value. Special Economy Sale Price, the pair... $2. tat Sumptuous Laces for Halt Jt Craat Special Friday Eoant First Floor. Economy Sale of Black Chentilly Ednas. Oaloona end Insertions A lot of handsome blsck Chentilly ia edges, galoons and insertions, able far trimsatng evening di waists, etc Special Economy Prices for Friday only Our 20c value. Special at, the yd. 2r 25c value. Special at, tne ye. r Mm vain AneaLai at. the vd Out 40a vsloe. Spatial at, the yd 30c value. Special at, tse yo cue vame. special 75c value. 85c value. 90c value. m W .00 value. iexi.3 van ar $1-50 val mm 4r Ftf W mmmmmwwmwmm aw KlelsBBasBF m' BasBBnaasBBkSsvssss' Is Item & li fcJaBSgHeTTSBaP- 1)1 fS alasT aSHsHgHawVeaV sf3l Lace great Laces, suit- esses, Sale 194 eityA 14 294 BSSSBBSSSSSSSSSSt