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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER SB. 1906. ai FAVOR NORMA L SCHGO I GRABS Educators Think All Teachers Should Have Normal School Diplomas or Not Be Allowed to Teach That all public school teachers in ths state of Orccoti should be (red ua tea of the aUta normal schools and that aftar certain time In the future no teacher ahould be employed to teach who ha not Men a student and la a rad uata of an Oregon normal echool or other reputable normal school, la the opinion of the normal school Interests of the state Thst it la not an idle theory is shown by the tact that some time during the approaching holidays the boards of regents and other man prominently In terested la the maintenance and foster ing of the normal schools of tog state will meet, presumably in Portland, and hold a conference relative to the Intro duction of a bill In the coming legisla ture which will embody their Ideas. The normal school people take the ground that It la as necessary for teach ers of children to bare an especial and peculiar training to fit them for their work In the schoolroom as It Is for the lawyer to be versed In the law, or the doctor to attend clinics and special tech nical lectures. They argue that It la not right to allow youpg and inexperienced persons with no training to attsmpt to instruct children, and that such practice does more harm than could be remedied by all the extra expenss or troubls of having competent teacher la ail branches of the public school work, rsvors tke Flan. A. Noltner. chairman of the executive board of the-Monmouth normal school. Is much In favor of the new plan, and will urge It both at the propoaed meeting of the normal school people and at the leg islature when the measure comes up for consideration there. 1 think Kill good plan," said Mr. Noltner this morning, "and one that should e seriously and favorably con sidered by all those who have to do with the training of children and their education. I do not think that an un trained parson should be trusted with the difficult task of educating a child. It la a serious matter, and wrongly ap plied effort at first will do more mis chief than can be overoome in a long time. I think a teacher should bo trained Just aa a lawyer or a doctor should be, and I am la favor of making It necessary for all teachers to be grad uates of normal schools before they are allowed to taach in the schools of the state." miglsr Boesat Was It Professor Frank RIgler, city superin tendent of schools, does not take kindly to the Idea, however. '1 think such a plan as the one pro posed Is carrying the matter a little too far,'' said Professor RIgler this morning. "It Is true that a teacher should be trained for the work, but it does not fol low that araduatlon in a normal school will do this. Borne of the best teachers we have are not normal graduates and some of the poorest are the possessors of normal dlplomaa. The normal scnoot does not make a teacher." Professor Rlaler takes the further po sltlon that It would be impossible to fill all the positions In ths state with normal graduates, because of the fact that the salaries In the rural districts are too low. In his opinion, perhaps half of ths taarhara in the Portland achoola are graduates of normal, schools, but in the outside' districts not even thle percent- are holds rood, because a normal graou ate can not afford to taach school for ths amount paid in the smaller and more Isolated districts. The normal school men. however, are confident that they will bs able to con vinos the legislature of the Justice "of their contention, and that they will be able to have their bill enactea inio law Already they have secured promises of support front a numoor or me mwnmn of the legislature. Charcoal Kills Bad Breath Bad Odor of Indigestion. Smoktne- 1 Drinking or Eating Can Be Instantly Stopped. 10 EXCLUSION FOR JAPS PLANNED BY METCALF Secretary States That President Will Not Mention or Con sider Subject. (Josreal Special Seme Washington, Oct 11. Secretary Met oalf of the department of commerce and labor today denied the report that he Intended to recommend In his annual re port that a Japanese exclusion act bo passed. He declared that he had no Idea that the president would mention 'it rn his message. The tenor of Sec retary Metcalfe remarks was that the government should go extremely alow on this question. The administration does not appear concerned In the slightest degree over the antl-American outbursts in tfce Japanese newspspsrs. An official aald itf today that the Japanese psejesWSBssMhT to be working themselves Into a fury over nothing. So far aa the seeUSK rases are concerned, the Japanese gov ernment la still swsltlag the report of Its agent, and this government has no means of knowing whether ths action ia plsaslng or dlapleaslng to Toklo. la discussing ths story that a Jap anese midshipman had resigned from the naval academy at Annapolis under Instruction from the Japan govern ment aa a protest against the anti Japanese agitation In this country, an official of ths navy depafnidqt said the midshipman had left the academy. CRAMMER TO BE PRESIDENT Of ILLINOIS CENTRAL Fish Surrenders Control for Ten Millton Dollars to N on -Speculative Syndicate. Chicago, Oct. SC. It Is aald on high authority that for a consideration of tio.eoo.000 and aa assurance that the control of ths railroad will pass to aa administration that has not been Iden tified with the speculative Interests in Wall street, Stuyvesaat Fish haa agreed to retire as president of the Illinois Central In favor of a successor to be elected by stockholders representing equally himself and K. H. Harrtman. Thla la information from men whose standing has never been questioned. At a meeting In New Tork on Monday-j ths last chapter In the bitter waged for the control ol trie Central between " Fish and t wae completed by a vote of all earned. It was decided to offer the presidency to Captain Oeorg J. Oram deer, vlce-presldsnt Of ths New Tork Central with a salary of 1100,000 an nually on a 10-year contract. It Is further said that the action taken at ths New Tork meeting was ratified to day at a meeting of the stockholders friendly to the Fish administration held In the Pullman building hers. DEMAND AW lltfCREASE (Continued From Psgs One ) an advance of 10 per cant In wages, but refused to accept. As to engineers, it Other people notice your bad breath Where you would not notice it at all. It is ' nauseating to other people to stand before them and while you are talking, give them a whiff or two of your bad breath. It usually comes from food fermenting on your stomach. Sometimes you have It in the morning, that awful sour, bilious, bsd breath, Teu can stop that at ones by swallow lag one or two Stuart Charcoal Losen ges. ths most powerful gas and odor absorbers ever prepared. ' Sometimes your msala will reveal themselves In your breath to those who talk with you. "You've had onions," or 'You've boon eating cabbage," and all of a sudden you belch in the face of your friend. Charcoal Is a wonderful absorber of odors, as every one knows. That Is why Stuart's Charcoal I nsingss are so quick to stop gll gases and odors of odorous foods, or gaa from Indiges tion. ' Don't us breath perfumes. They never ooncssl ths odor, and never ab sorb ths gaa that causes the odor. Be sides, ths very fact of using them re veals the reason for their use. Stuart's Charcoal Lossng in the first place atop fos, good all sour brash and belch ing of gas. and make your breath purs, fresh and .-sweet. Just aftar you'vs eaten. Then no one will turn his fso away from ypu when you breathe or talk; your breath will be pure and fresh, and besides your food will tests so much better to you at your. next meal Just try it Charcoal doea other wonderful things, too. It carries away from your stomach and intestines, all ths Impurities there massed together and which causes the bad breath. Charcoal 1 a purifier as well as an absorber. Charcoal is now by far the best, most sasy and mild laxative known. A whole boxful will do no harm; In fact, the more you take the better. Stuart's Char coal Losenges srs made of pure willow charcoal and mixed with Just a faint flavor of bonsy to msks them palatable for you. but not too sweet. Tou Just chew them like candy. They are abso lutely harmless. Oet a now, pur, sweet breath, fresh en your stomach for your next meal, and keep the Intestines In good work ing order. Tbess two things are ths secret of good health and long Ufa You can get all ths charcoal necessary to do thess wonderful bat elmple things by getting Stuart's Charcoal Losenges. We want you to teat these little wonder workers yourself before you buy them. So send us your full name and addrsss for a fro sample of Stuart's Charcoal losenges. Then after you have tried the sample, and been convinced, go to your druggist and get a 26c box of them. You'll feel better sll over, mors comfort able, and "cleaner' tnslds. Send us your nam and addrsss to day and we will at one send yoa by mall a sample package, free. Aadreee P. A. Stuart Co.. Stuart Bldg., Marshall. Mich. Masquerade Carnival Oaks Rink KaiLowxxg nearr, ootobex at, torn mat PampklB Night. Ws may road descriptions all day. bat the thing convinces The Greatest Piano in the World for $190 -Sold at this Price to Advertise the Reed-French Busi nessAbsolutely Guaranteed Pay us $5 a Month The thought that a good piano costs $800 or $400 no doubt keeps lots of people from buying pianos. . v A piano needn't cost arty such money ; that is, if you don't care to pay an insane price for it. The fact is, mighty few pianos are worth more than $800, unless. you want to count the gingerbread that goes on them, but this doesn't help the tone any, it really hurts it. The piano we are selling for 9190 is not a hundred and ninety-dollar piano. It is as well entitled to the rank of $300 as any piano made. We KNOW this piano. It's as much a part of our business as our books or our furniture. We cannot make money selling pianos at 8190 we are simply advertising our Portland business. If we sat isfy YO.U we satisfy YOUR NEIGHBOR, and so it goes. Ring us op (Mam 1282). If you don't like the piano, send it back your money's ready. Reed -French Piano Mfg. Co. 8IXTH AND BURNSIDE STS. (Four block eat of th way, but It's worth your while to walk ft) la slated that they had glvan the com pany 30 days to accept their term or there would be a strike, a to conduc tor snd trainmen, which Include ths brakemen, they ware turned down and they will make a report to the grand officers to that effect. - Th matter of the disagreement and the absolute Inability of the employes to mske terms with th company will be then reported to all subordinate lodges, which will determine their ac tion as to a strike. On top of the pres ent troubls a movement has been start ed among all the employes of the South ern Pacific company, and already some progress haa boss made, looking to a formation of the different organisations of the employee In the service of the company. This alliance, which will be I offensive and defensive, will Include all departments TWENTY LIVES LOST (Continued From Page One.) Mrs. J. A. Sparks, seriously burned; F. H. McCaulley, railroad fireman, cut and burned about the body; James H. Bray man, both logs broken by Jumping from too fourth floor; Thomas Connor, se verely burned; Frank Otter man. rail way mall clerk, eat and bruised; W. J. Moreland. railroad fireman, thigh frac tured and head cot; B. O. Brhart, hands burned; Mrs. C. H. Boas, hands badly injured by eliding down a rope from the fourth floor. The loss to th building, which was practically gutted, will reach about 160,000. LEMCKE SIGN CASE GOES TO HIGHER COURT An appeal to th ststs circuit court from . the finding of th municipal court imposing a fin of tit on ths H. W. Lemcke company for placing a sign In the sidewalk has besn taken. Th city ordlnano that forbids the placing of signs In sidewalks will be tested, Th sign was laid with til work In the cement sidewalk on Sixth street near Washington. Ths work was done at night. It was discovered next day by Polio Officer Dolts. Warrants were Issued- for th arrest of H. W. Lemcke and J. EJ. Barker, members of th Arm, and they were fined by Judge Cameron In the' municipal court. Councilman John P. Sharkey la a member of the firm. He declarea If his firm la compelled to remove their sign from the walk he will force th re moval of all similar signs In th city. MYRTLE REED ELOPES TO WED HER FIANCE (Journal Searlsl Servtee.) Chicago. Oct. II. Hiram Reed and wife, parents of Myrtle Reed, the aa thoress, today announced the marriage of MyTtle to Sydney MoCullough. with whom she eloped to Grand Haven, Michigan on Monday. Frlenda expected an elaborate ceremony. The McCul lougha live la thla city. THREE MINERS KILLED BY OWN CARELESSNESS Hew Philadelphia. O . Oct IS. Thre men failed to return to th surfao at th MuUln mine at quitting time last night After several hours' search had bn mad their bodies were found. They apparently made a shot In the mine, then returned too soon aad wars suffocated. The Best in Quality The Most in Value 99 356th Bargain Friday Stands for all that is best in values. Every item on sale is chosen for its intrinsic merit, in quality and de sign. We invite buyers here Bargain Friday where their ideas will be satisfied both in price and assort ments. Such rare values as those quoted below come but. .seldom and a chance like this should not be overs looked. There is safe and practical economy in every litem advertised today. Scan each column. Do your shopping early. Don't put your buying off.. A SENSATIONAL SALE Seal 39c Qualities 15c TOMORROW OF Women's and Children's All-Wool Cashmere Hosiery 500 dozen fast black all wool Cashmere Stockings for Women, made with gray heels and toes; a splendid 39c quality. 350 dozen Children's heavy ribbed all wool Cashmere Stockings; best 35c grades. A great special of fering for tomorrow at, the pair SEE DISPLAY IN CORNER WINDOW Portland ' Popular Hosiery Store Makes an Announcement That Will Interest Many People. NO MAIL OR TELEPHONE ORDERS PILLED AT THIS PRICE The entire stock of a leading manufacturer who on the eve of discontinuing this branch of the business was willing to take a heroic loss to effect an immediate and sweeping sale. Over 9,000 pairs of light or heavy weight all wool Cashmere Stockings for women and children. Every pair guaranteed to be perfect and absolutely fast black. Made with gray merino tipped heels and toes SPECIAL TABLES IN THE HOSIERY AISLE DEVOTED TO THEIR SALE Because of the extraordinary price we quote specially for tomorrow we will be compelled to place a limit of six pairs of each kind to a customer. We must naturally protect ourselves from the onslaughts of dealers. The demand should prove very large, for during the last few weeks woolen hosiery of every description has suffered an advance of from 10 to 28 per cent. Notwithstanding this condition and to further illustrate Roberts Bros.' determination to do the biggest popular hosiery busi ness in Portland we will place this immense hosiery purchase on sale at a lower figure than the manufacturer would charge you if you bought by the carload. AN ENTIRE WINDOW PILLED WITH THESE STOCKINGS. A clear saving of f from 20c to 25c per pair on each pair purchased. While they last, pair ld Four Bis Bargains in the Domestic Section Friday So exceedingly good are the values we give that many persons are anticipating their needs for the future and are buying now. Economical housekeepers, rooming-houses and hotels should take advantage of these low price saving offers for Friday's selling IOC UNBLEACHED MUSLIN 7c I9c 36-inch Unbleached Muslin, good firm weave, excellent wearing quality, ip lengths from 2 to 10 yards; best 10c grade. On special sale to morrow, Bargain Fri- day, at IC BATH TOWELS, lot 25c Grade Friday only at this price To morrow we place on sale a spe cial lot of full bleached Turkish Towels, excellent wearing qual ity, good large size, 22 by. 44 incHes, finished with hem; ex ceptional values at 25c. Special for one day only. Bar V- gain Friday at lri NEW PERCALES. Re. I2c Q. Quality, on Sale Tomorrow at OV Just received in time for Fri-' day's sale 200 pieces New Fall Percales in a large assortment of patterns, medium . and 'dark colors; the season's latest de signs; usual 12YiC quality. Spe cially priced for one day 6 only, Bargain Friday, at . . . OL ' i i TAPESTRY PORTIERES. Fully tO JC Worth $3.50 pair, Tomorrow at ytJ A most extraordinary offering Tomorrow we place on sale a special lot of handsome Roman Striped Portieres in a great assort ment of coloring, extra heavy weight, full 50 inches wide and 3 yards long, well made, finished with heavy knotted fringe; never before sold for less than $3.50 a pair. Spe cially priced for Bargain Fri- a C day at as.4) Unprecedented Sale of Women's Combination Suits THE BEST 75c GRADE ALL SIZES TOMORROW SIX WINDOW DISPLAY 35 c siit 120 DOZEN FINEST QUAL ITY FLEECE-LINED SUITS SEE WINDOW DISPLAY NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS FILLED AT THIS PRICE Unquestionably the most extraordinary sale the most unusual sacrifice that this store has ever attempted in the Knit Under wear Lme. Mai lany phenomenal sales have taken place in this department, but we honestly believe we have never been able to make such an astounding offer as this. High Grade Union Suits that will be seasonable for the next six months sacrificed at but a fraction of the cost of manufacture. Supply your needs for seasons to come, as it is improbable that such an opportunity will occur again in years. We have over 100 dozen of these suits, closed out to us by a manufacturer who was in a tight place. They are splendid winter weight garments, handsomely finished, full sixes and button three quarter down the front. Wert ws to retail them in the regular way we could sell the lot in a few days at 75c each, but for a Bargain Friday trade winner we have marked these at Less Than Half price the entire suit for less than the regular price of a single garment. Every wearer of Union Suits should be here to partake of the offering. For tomorrow, all sizes, at, the suit (SEE WINDOW DISPLAY) UV W UlilVI WW 35c Men's Winter Underwear $1.25 VALUE FOR 63c. Fine wool pleated, soft finished ribbed Shirts and Drawers; come in a blue cray; excellent weignt ior winter; an sizes; reg. value $1.25. On sale at half price Bargain Friday. . . . :63c? ' ' ! I Men's Night Robes $1.25 AND $1.50 VALUES 87c Made of good grade outing flannel and cut extra full ; several styles to ehoose from ; some are silk trimmed with military collars, while others are plain; sizes from 15 to 19; the famous "Faultless Brand," sold everywhere for $1.25 and $1.50. On sale Bargain Friday. O I C Extra! Sale of Women's Sample Extra! MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Portland will witness the greatest sals of Women's High Grade Muslin Underwear ever attempted tomorrow. Here is ths story We have bought from several of the leading manufacturers of high grade muslin wear the entire sample lines used by their travelers ths past season, comprising almost every grade of plain or fancy muslin wear: Muslin Skirts Muslin Corset Covers Muslin Gowns Muslin Chemise Muslin Drawers Muslin Drawers AH to Be Sold at a Discount of From 40 to 60 Per Cant ALL $3.00 GARMENTS ON SALE AT $1.75 ALL $2.00 GARMENTS ON 8ALB AT $1.19 ALL $1.80 GARMENTS ON SALE AT. ALL $1.00 GARMENTS ON SALE AT. ALL 80c GARMENTS ON SALE AT These are positively the same qualities snd mskes that we have sold all s a sale every garment guaranteed first quality and to give the best of wear and best grade of lingerie tomorrow is your chance to purcnase superior TOMORROW ONLY special loss mads op for or rnonev refunded. If vou ara la aMSd Of mm for an iafanor juice SALK or bam