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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER H, 1909 Select. Your Coat Suit or Skirt From the Largest Stock on the Coast FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 250 COATS -jsbmvsbrb B&fll x9 sal SPECIAL v M LV BssssPRv I a American Ship C. F. Sargent, Which Long Voyage From Portland. MUCH FLOUR FOR PORTSOFORIENT Portland-Asiatic Liner Nicomedia Will Depart With Full Cargo. SECOND BIG SHIPMENT J SINCE FIRST OF MONTH Aggregate Value of Floor Exported to Orient During Month Will Reach the Half hf UHon-DoUar 'Mark When Shipments Heavy. The Portland-Astatic liner Nicomedia shifted to the flour mills this morning to load 50,000 barrels of flour for Japanese snd Chines ports. This will be ths largest cargo of foodatuffs ever carried across the Ocean by this liner and will come within a fsw thousand barrels of equaling the cargo set afloat oa the big liner Aragonla a tew days ago.' The Nicomedia will be ready for the sea by the first of next week so that she will get away before the end of the month. This will bring ths oriental flour shipments for the month to more than 100,000 barrels, or a valns of nearly Thers Is a big de mand for flour in the orient this fall and the Indications now are that every liner running out of tils port for sev ers months will be loaded to the hatches with the product from the flour mills In addition to the floor the Nlcome i dla will take a few thoueand feet of lumber, but her miscellaneous freight III hv t r K. fllt riAwn tn Will llt-T-p" 1 " 7 " - small proportions because of laok of , space, tne flour ltseiz taxing ins cnun Considerable wheat is also going to China this fall, ons steamer, the Haset ' Dollar, loading In the harbor at pres eat, snd another, the Beaale Dollar, being oa the way from the orient to take a cargo representing between ,000 , nd 00 tons. SAFE IN NEW YORK Old Bhlp O. 9. Sargent Completes Final Teyage grass Portland. A dispatch from New York this morning' announces the arrival there of the old American bark C. P. Sargent from Portland. The old bark left this port during the early part of March with a cargo of about 1,000.00 feet of lumber and several hundred tone of old scrsp Iron for stiffening. Thin will , probably mark the completion of the i old windjammer's career on the high sens, ss It Is the owner's Intention to turn her Into a barge for use in freight ing about the harbor of New York. The C. F. Sargent was built in Tar mouth, stains, II years ago and was taken around the Horn to San Francisco more then two score years ago. Since I then . she has visited all the four 1 quartera of the globe and her history Is ' sbout as checkered' aa any ever re corded. Most of ths time the old bark i sailed in command of Captain Gamrosns one of the oldeet salts still sailing the seaa and one of the most fearless navi Real gfl wherever seed. Produces tat oodaogcr. Easily to room. or too as a SSI PERFECTION Oil Healer U an ornament to the home. teWs to sod lepen. Brass g karat bsassifully 4 sawfto of oil and burns 9 I Maw team. Every heater warranted, with aaytbtag but a PERFECTHMI Oil Heater, toiler or information from your dealer write Do not be If you ase. Heater or to agency for descriptive circular. The use. Give a dear, el Made of Every leans) warranted. H eax at year dealer write to STANDARD OIL COMPANY. Reached New York Today, After gators. It is said among shipping me that under his guidance the Sargent be haved admirably well, but eh always managed to gst Into trouble with any one else In the cabin. -Captain Oars mans resigned his position as master when the ship sailed from Portion, and on her way south she sprang such s serious I ens mat 11 was wnn uiiiwui that shs resched San Francisco for re pairs. Seeing the roily of attempting to have anybody but the old navigator handle the veeael, the ownera again se cured the services of Captain Oammana and ths safe arrival of the vessel in New York, this morning show that tat knows how to handle her. The old ship ran Into some fierce weather off Cap Horn, weather that threatened to send many a stanch ateel ship tp the bottom, hot she hung to gether and brought her cargo to Its destination In good condition. LAUGHS AT TROUBLES w. m. Captain Hansen, master af the schooner William H. Smith, which is loading lumber at Goble for San Fran cisco, Is said to bo the beat-natured skipper on the whole Pacific ocean, and there axe those who doubt that his double In this respect could be found ashore. It la said of him that he waa never known to have lost his temper for even a second, although. Ilk all skippers, he has to deal with all sorts of men and conditions. Because of his amiable manners the skipper of the) W. H. Smith Is com monly known as "Laughing" Hansen and as an Illustration of his good na ture it might be said that hs never "gets mad" when addressed by that sobriquet. "Ha. ha. ha, yes; that's me 'Laugh ing' Hansen. I'm the skipper of the Smith. Now what la ItT" That's the way hs would answer If ssked If be Is the gentlemen known aa ths Jolly skipper. On her last trip to the Columbia river the schooner Smith, which, by the way, is one of the finest of hsr king, ran into a terrific atom. Oft the Co lumbia river bar shs encountered a number of wicked squalls and she waa tossed about like a shell on the moun tainous sess, captain Hansen was on ths poop deck seeing to it that every thing was ship-shape, whan suddenly the vessel cave a plunge that sent everybody on board off their feet. It caught the skipper unawares and he fell heaolong from the poop to the mala deck, rutting a deep gash over his right optic In relating the incident to his many friends upon reaching shore he laughed until his side quaked and he could only ase the funny side of the story. Ha never for a moment thought that he came within aa Inch of being killed outright by the fall. I.Ike all other good-natured people. Captain ' Hansen eats little, but gains In wslght every day. And of oours everybody laughs with him. ALONG THE WATERFRONT In hoarding the British steamer Hasel Dollar yesterday afternoon. Captain James Watts, of the stevedoring firm of Brown dt McCabe, slipped and fell Into the launch that took him there snd dis located his left shoulder. While the in jury le very painful. Captain Watts la able to be about. Th schooner Susie Palmer Is report ed as under charter to come her from San Pedro to load a return cargo of lumber. She Is well known here. The steamer Roanoke is due to ar rive here this afternoon at 3 o'clock from Ban Pedro via San Francisco and There not be a cold in the if a PERFECTION Oil That is aa oil that e4 ves satisfaction ante M is without amok I wits sm device no trouble, I around from room Y turn the wick too hh low. As to car for lame. Ths twn flame mkM imhnanii Holds makes the home bright. Is messiest and beet lams far stead v ItoteL Fitted bra, thsouahout and Suitable for library. .Jf jks.. as.fV99 am NOTICE TO OUT-OF TOWN MERCHANTS Ws as asaaarad to furnish ram with Coats and Suits at Eureka. She Is two days behind her schedule on account of having gone aground In the entrance to the harbor of Eureka. Effort will be made to have her sail Saturday. Captain P. 3. Wsrlleh, Inspector of the lighthouse district, wont to the upper Willamette last night to Inspect th numerous private lights. A record la being mads of these lights, as they will soon come under the jurisdiction of the lighthouse department. The French bark Hoche left Honolulu October 24 for this port to carry wheat to Europe. Th steam schooner South Bay left San Francisco this morning for Port land to load a return cargo of lumbar. MARINE NOTES Astoria. Oct St. Arrived down at a. am, steamer Alliance. Arrived at a. m., steamers Coeta Rica and Roanoke, from San Francisco. A rour-maated hark la reported ashore near Fort Stev ens. Arrived down at 10 a. m., berk Jamee Drummond. Left up at 19:80 a. m., steamer Roanoke. San Francisco, Oct. SI. Sailed, steamer Nome City, for Columbia river, and steam schooner South Bay, for .Portland. San Pedro, Oct. 14. Sailed, schooner Admiral and bark Koko Head, for Port land. Arrived on the 28th, barkentlned Oeorgina, from Columbia river.. Honolulu, Oct. 14. Sailed, French bark Hoche, for Portland. New Tork, Oct IS. Arrived, Ameri can chip C. F. Sargent, from Portland. Astoria, Oct 2&. Condition of th bar at S a. m , obscured; wind south east; weather cloudy, with light rain. THE LONG GREEN Also the Dough Which Uncle Reuben Showed the Stranger. "When I went to town the other day." said Uncle Reuben to a Waahtngton Star reporter, "I met a feller on a cor ner and he looked me over and said: "Friend, how la it with thee, if I may make so bold aa to aekr " Purty fair crop of buckwheat and turnips.' says I. " 'But about ths loag green T Is thy wallet aa flat aa a pancake or bulging like a logr "'It could hold a few more on a pinch.' " 'Then come with me, for my faith thou hast the face of a babe for Inno cence and In thy heart there la no guile. Come, friend, and help thyaelf to the long green In much abundance.' "We walked down, the street three or four blocks," said tJnele Reuben, "and as we reached a grocery store he paused and pointed to a heap of stalks of rhubarb and said . . "I ,am a man of my word. Bshold the long green. "I saw that ha had been making a fool of me, and after gulping two or three times I said: " 'Friend, thou hast been kind and liberal with me, and I would requite. These are hard timss for the con game, and It may be that some additional dough would not come amies to thy pocket.' " 'It thou hast a get-rlch-qulok scheme on hand lead the way,' he re piled, and he followed me along for two blocks. There we came to the cellar of a bakery, with half a dosen men kneading and mixing, and I pointed and eald: " 'I passed the word of one who lovee his feller man, and I have kept It. Be hold the dough I' There wasn't the ghost of k smite oa his face aa he looked. Tor a minute ha waa aa solemn as a bump on a log. Then he sighed and said aa he turned away: " 'Prithee, friend, but we part here. Where thou goeat I eeek not. but as for myself I go to the slaughter house to gather In a few bones to pay my next week's board.' i To Protect ChaufTenrs. ' A new speedometer for motnrlets le now oa the market which not only gives ths rate of epeed per hour and thf number of minutes to the mile, but can be eet at any given epeed, so that when that epeed le exceeded a busier announces the fact to the driver. With thfs device In uee a chauffeur oan sat ths speedometer rt the limit of speed allowed In the county where It is trav eling, and, ae eoon aa the limit is ex ceeded he wlU be warned Of th fast 100 SUITS Values op to $80.00. A Q C Friday and Saturday WMtOO Suits wo just received in all th latest shades and materials. About 200 Skirts just came in. Friday and Saturday . . . 75 new Embroidered French Voile Skirts, val- M CA The J. M. Acheson Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1S1 I AT THE THEATRES.' Louis Jamas at HeWg Tonight. Ike raises t actor, Levis Jesses, will as engagement of four performances st Hlb(, rourteenth tad Washington streets, sight st 1:18 o'clock, when he will pre four performance at the aaakesBsare'e delightful comedy "The st Btsrrr supported wives er winesor. Mr. jam by aa excellent company There ere women better eaaiaoed shrslealte sad mentally tor the requirements at Mistress Quick It tsae Nallto MeHsnrr. sad Nomas Hacket Is eald to be especially well east sa the lesions nr. Fere. A saseui-pnce bis trass wiu tlvsa Saterday. O . C-l- r MlLZ29mKZXm3' ' em 0oi. ivi Biauvy. "la the I tabes's Carriage." wales aasaes to the ReUlg theatre aext Bandar night. October as. for ea eafagemest er rear assets, wits a epeclal pries matinee Wednesday, at s very remarkable nlaj. It deals frankly with a criminal Nance Olden, a yoosg girl thief, sad the problem afforded by her reclamation. Its dramatisation by (Tunning rot lock shows many tens of the ouster head. Liable A Co. bar gives the play a haadaome tag. toll teg and aa exesDeat company ef players to portray Ita numerous character. Beat sale opens tomorrow at the box office of foe H.tllg theatre, row teenth aad Washington streets. "Up York Bute." Tbte week st the Baker the popular stock company Is dishing out three laugh, to the minute. Usrld Higgles great play, "up lore atste," le the bill, and Howard Ruae.ll sad William DUIs ere the fuaslsrs. Mil Ian Law reals. Donald Bow lea, Blehard Thornton srX John Bslnaolto are doing excellent work, an. the remainder of the company are at their beat. roe can't arrow to suss "us iocs etsie It's the bast laughing play ef the Unas All week with nutans Saturday. Next Week at the Baker. Next week st the Baker there win bo a great p redaction of "The," which baa been la preparation rer eeverei wesxa. tbis is the first time it wss ever played la stack. Mrs. Patrick Campbell and Madame Bernhardt are the only two women woo ever played the role Llntes I.ewreevce win play. Owing to the grant length ef the play the, certain will go up promptly at t o'clock la the eyeaisgs and 3 o'clock et mstineea. "The HolF City" at Empire. test three performances of "The Holy OttT" win be given at ths empire tonight. lauaniusj matinee and tomorrow night n is difficult to conceive of any thins bet good teg from performances like "Ths Holy City.' Hardened sinners cannot dispute Its facts, ham bte sinners will accept Its tescbtngs. sad sanctl fled ssints msy gala tastes of losing if they sbsorb the play from toe rising of the curtain until It closes to view toe srtlst-suthor'a dra a tic sad ptrtnresqus story of Jemealem. Its its sorrows ana its joys "Dora Thorne" Next Week. An Intelligent dramatisation of Bertha M, Clsr'i serai. "Dora Thorne.'' will be the offer lag at th Btnphre all seat week. The story ef Dora 1 borne to fraaght with heart Interest. The situations are strong, and the cllmexse effsetlT.. The plsy Is splendidly stsged snd a eaperb scenic display sdde to the sttractl re new of ths performance. Pint performeneo Sunday matin... At the Grand. Amass the most aovsl esodsrtlle programs ef the season Is th bill which th Grand le presenting this week, wire rer see rorwa aces dally. 'Ths Hdbeaex toaaves bav th place of boner. These toe res are 10 pretty girls Ml a srrles of military tsctics. cseey sad is Clair hare a laughing set snd Cliff Deen and company present "Married Life," e farce. "The Man From Mexico.'' Thai week there h nothing but mirth st th Btsr. Willis collier csssns raree. "The Jtsn Prom Mesleo," to th attract loo of the Allen tork company. fWISSt Besbury. the rising reaag comedian, la presented In the star role sad to sir Ins a performance which would satisfactory eras to Cetlter himself The fere to one of the mrnl amusing on tlic American "BEST BY 20 YEARS TEST" For Itoesssrs and Rowel troubles. Liv er and Kidney s. and alt diseases due to im pure blood nerve Smell (tsbleta) lie. terse SiS. 1100 At Drug fin black boxes' not. send far FRE1 trial box tp HebComyny Sat! 'r'reelriere. (tel. Values up to $16.50. Friday and Saturday. Skirt Special FIFTH STREET. Bet Washlufllea OTJTriTTlWO dfjl mam sw Watches $1 A WEEK For a very small cash payment we will sell you a standard brand Watch for lady or gentleman and you can pay the balance as suits your convenience. You can take your choice of over one hundred different designs. Come in and look them over you will be un der no obligation to buy. Here you will find hundreds of things suitable for wedding, birthday and holiday presents. Moderate prices always and easy terms if you so desire. EASTERN OUTFITTING CO. Washington and Tenth Tfff "vM wmi TWl WiTtisS Wetshington and Tenth atsge. sad It t st star prices. At the Lyric. There to e Isbor etrik this week st th Lyric. It to pert et the sew drams. "Th New Part ner." which deals with capital and labor. The lor; to s wen handled that H offends neither cless. snd. st the asm tlms. present ths Isbor argument Is s powerful manner. "The New Partner" to a play which every work logman shooM ess. it wiu ss grrea every srtersooa snd twice each veeJag uatn Sunday. l, Next Good Show at Pantages. Eight acts max ap the rentage, offering this week, sad there to something to commend frety act oa the program. Ths feature, the ' Un Steer bed Americana wuari.i, is rich la fun sad melody, sad every eee ef the other seem set I worth going far to . A aew comedy film, "My rvtead tn Dummy." con- W Davenoort. Wingo. Kr.. write. June 14.10I; J want to tell you 7 believe Ballard's Snow Liniment caved my Ilia. I was under the treatment of two doctore. and they told me one of my luage.waa entirely gone, end the other bedly eftected. I alao had , lUmP Wp 111 J enje. i .nine inai 1 could have lived over two months longer. I wae Induced by a friend to i y Ballard Snow Liniment. The Bret application gave me greet relief: two fifty-cent bottles cured me sound snd wen. . - wvi. n ana a recommend It to suffering humanity." Boiu by Woodard. Clarke V Ce. $8.85 Coats manufactured by the foremost coat maker in the country, made in a variety of new materials and designs. $10 values $6.00 LEST YOU FORGET Ws ere to. asly m .to Mtead Caafta-'T-r-WreL mlK '7 rtrwTertaK and Alter Z&USL? outruns a BANK BILL Novel Use to Which On Young Man Put an Old Specimen. It le seldom that any other use ie found for a dollar bill than to break it and spend the change received after the payment of ear fare, buying a ci gar, the purrhaa of a newspaper or any one of other thousand-and-ons ways in which money la aeparatad from the one who has secured rightful possession of It by mental or physical toll, says ths Chicago Tribune. But a young man wae seen ths other day to put a well worn bill to a new use. Am he took oat hie syeglaases to adjust them on hie no preparatory to r saline; the newa of th day he die covered that there waa .too much duat on the leneee to permit the full benefit of the enlargement of the types to reach his ys. He then pulled a good steed roll of bills Jkom hi trousers pocket, on the outshfe of which "yel lowback" waa conspicuous, and care fully selected a crumpled dollar note. This ha made us of la wiping Ills eye glasses, snd It was apparent that he picked (fbt a well worn bill In order tn have as soft a piece of paper as possible to use so aa not to scratch ths leneee. After he had made thta novel use of th dollar bill th young man did not again dlaplay hie "roll" by returning the bill to Ite former piece, but put it In hto change pocket, so that It would jBssMrl OUTPlTTlMw OOISTJPAaTT Sml eaT Silverware $1 A WEEK This stock of Hollow and Flat Silverware and Cut Glass is so complete that you will find just what you want herer We sell the famous Holmes ft Edwards Silverware-known everywhere as the most artistic silverware made. We also carry a beautiful and well-selected line of domestic and imported Chinaware and Art Goods. Your inspection invited. Oaks Rink Music Beery Afternoon sad Evening. WXDNBBDAY NIGHT, OOTOBXB 11. HALLOWEEN FABTY MASQUERADE. PRIZES! PRIZES be convenient for further uee of the same sort or at hand for He legitimate piirpnse 'of being put In circulation by the summary process of "breaking" It. In the absence of a piece of chamole for cleaning eyeglasses or the pre pared tissue paper provided by some oculists for the purpose, moet percent uae a handkerchief frequently, with the reeult that a glass Is more soiled after wiping than before. The use of the soft but tough neper on which the gov ernment prtnte lte banknotes Is at once novsl and Interesting Men have been known In moments of undue entMusl aam to uee bank hills for ths purpose of lighting, cigars, arid other ways have been found for wasting what oan be saved or apent to advantage, but tn thte uee nothing la taken away from the bill, and It la preeerved for lte legitimate use, end so serve a double purpose.