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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, . THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 25. 1908. All of tha Coats included in this great sale are new models, bought in New York 21 days ago. New fabrics, new designs, new trimmings, new In every re spect All are smart and swagger models, worthy of schooUof -style store. They're s school-of-style lesson, even though you do not wish to purchase. Ci pman , OJolf c & Co. Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Prices Are Always the Lowest. This is "The School of Style." Its lessons are aB object of Draw and the Practice of Economy. And, best of all, Its teachings are ill practical. It makes no exhibitions of elaborate garments. What ft doea show are garments carefully prepared actual ssle to ana wear oy tna woman ot good taste and k waaVSaV mBU I MM l wav - 1 MW . . . WtWimygx mi. imi ABBI'' .'.BL lafJlwaX. . laW.TeVV . )BWiBWiyjT7m, JBsTf M "Get to New York as fast as yon can. Buy Long Coats, LONG COATS, LONG COATS. Buy up to $100,000 worth of Long Coats if you can secure them for immediate delivery." With these urgent instructions, our cloak chief, started for New York just 21 days ago. A whirlwind campaign, a strenuous week, a succession of brilliant purchases. The Long Coats have arrived. There are not only thousands of Coats, but scores of models in the latest and smartest effects, made of the newest fabrics in the widest range of patterns and at the most remarkable and sensational prices ever offered. These Long Coats are on sale today. We challenge the world with these matchless bargains. Above are the illustrations below are the prices. Rain or shine, you cannot afford to miss this greatest of all Cloak Sales. You never will again see such a magnificent assemblage of stylish Coats at such remarkable prices. HERE ARE SOME OP THE MOST REMARKABLE BARGAINS THERE ARE SCORES OF OTHERS $18.50 Coats, $12.50 Women's 50-inch Coats of fancy mixod doth, in ton, medium and dark gray, made with full loose back, fly front, with four pockets, velvet collar, yoke and sleeves satin lined, new coat ileevea with velvet trimmed cuffs and strap stitched down the back; real value $18.50. Sale price only $20.00 Coats, $13.50 Women's 50-inch Coats of fancy mixed cloths, in light and dark invisible gray plaids, made double breasted front and full loose back, with strap stitched down the center, velvet collar and cuffs,, and straps stitched over shoulder; A f real value tSO.OO. Sale price f sJ.OU $22.50 Coats, $15.00 Women's 50-inch all wool Plaid Coats, made with full loo back, in fancy gray and tan plaids; dou ble breasted, collarless, with velvet and braid trim ming, full new coat sleeves, with turned cuffs, edged with velvet and braid, sleeves satin 0 f m WV lined; real value $22.50; sale price. J f OeUU $28.50 Coats, $18.50 Women's 50-inch full loose Tourist Coats, of im ported fancy mixed materials, in gray, green and brown, made in the popular collarlesa effect, trim med with velvet and braid to match; new sleeves with fancy cuffs, trimmed with velvet and braid; sleeves lined with satin; real valued Q Csfl $28.50; save $10 in money at. . y . . f OeOU $30 Brwlidoth Coats, $18.50 $25.00 Coats, $17.50 Women's 50-inch Fancy Plaid Coats, in gray mfased invisible plaids, made with full loose back, collar--less, trimmed with red or green velvet and braid; full new sleeves with fancy cuffs, trimmed to match the collar effect, sleeves satin lined; real value $25.00. Sale price only. $17.50 50-lnch Coats of fine quality black broadcloth, with extra full loose back, collarlesa, with , velvet and braid fancy trimming around neck and yoke; full new sleeves with velvet and braid trimmed cuffs; all satin lined in white or black; real value $80.00. 8pecial sale- at. .... . $18.50 $32.50 tff Coats, $22.50 50-inch Novelty Coats of fancy plaid and checked materials, in light ground with red or green designs, made full loose back, collarless, with velvet, braid and button trimming; yoke and sleeves satin lined; real value $32.50. For this sale. - - , i i - a .. . , . only. $22.50 $35.00 Coats, $25.00 50-inch full loose back Coats of fancy green shadow plaid doth, strictly tailor-made, with cloth strap ping and satin piping, collarlesa, with velvet braid and fancy button trimming; new sleeves with vel- vet cuffs ; half satin lined ; real value $$5.00. Price in this sale $25.00 - DAY'S EVENTS ON THE EAST SIDE Experiment on Road Building Now Being Made by Super visor Christensen. HIGH PRESSURE WATER MAIN BEING CONNECTED Will Serve Water Famine District on East Side and Do Much to Better Conditions Sellwood Woolen Plant to Start Work Soon. Baal Side Department. County Road Supervisor Christensen is making an experiment In road-building on the Mllwaukle road south of Holente street. The double oar tracks at thta point are net In the center of tha road, and the county la making lt experiment on the aide of the road not occupied by the track. First, a founda tion of larger atones la made, then crushed rook of medium grade Is spread over the rock, and then a finer stuff, more like gravel, ta pat oa as a top dressing. All this is rolled by a S0 ton steem roller Into a compact mass. The three grades of stone are brought in from Estacada on the O. W. P. oara and delivered where needed at a coat of $1.25 per cubic yard. When the quarry at Kelly Butte, worked by coun ty prisoners, la ready to turn out ma terial, this crushed rock can be deliv ered at about IS cents per yard. If this half mile of road la a aucoess, end Supervisor Christensen Is confident It win be. all the nearby roads In the county will be improved m this Three months after the expiration of the contrsct time, the high-pressure water main to supply Upper Albtna and the Peninsula. Is being connected with the upper reservoir at Mount Tabor. In a few days, water wUl be turned Into the new pipe line, which. It Is Sozodont Tooth Powder estimated, wUl supply 10.000.000 gal Iowa every 14 hours. The main is 24 Inches In diameter. while the Intake from the reservoir, to connect with the main la but eight inches In diameter. Thta. however, doee not affect the flow In the main. as the pressure In the reservoir la so great that the amount of water deliv ered through the eight-Inch Intake la aa great as If It were 14 Inchea in diame ter. A meter that will measure the water that flows from the reservoir Into the service main has been Installed. The pipe will supply 14,000 people, and In addition to the elevated peninsular country It wlu supply the newly-acquired territory at Center addition and Montavllla. It will also relieve the low service territory nearer the river, resulting In general benefit to the en. tire east aide. The line le over 11 miles long, and ende at Portsmouth, where the main la but 14 inchea la diameter. imparts a sensation so ex quisite and lasting. It cleans the teeth and gives tone to the mouth. Ask your dentist The Toting Men's club of St. Meny's parish, Albtna. haa bought a lot on Mor ris street, near the cathedral, end le preparing to put up a tlS.000 club house, to contain an auditorium, library, swimming pool, bowling alley.' lodge room and gymnasium. To farther the project, a mass meeting of Albtna clt Isens will be held In the Hill block at Williams avenue and Russell street next Friday evening, at which Mayor Lane. Archbishop Christie and Judge Fraser will deliver addreseee. The speech-making will be preceded by s short musical program. , The Rose Wool Manufacturing com pany will begin the manufacture of woolens at Its Sellwood plant Decem ber 1, employing about 40 hands. A few montha later the foroe will be In creased to 100 men, more than doubling the output. Thames Rosa, the presi dent ef the company, was engaged for many years In tho wool business at Las Vegas, New Mexico. He sold oat there sad came to Portland, believing that thla cfty la destined to be one of the greatest wool centers In the country. Sunny side Circle of the Home Train log society met yesterday In the as sembly hall of the SunnysJde school. Dr.- Wilson pf the Portland academy had prepared a lecture for the occasion, bat was unable to be present. His paper waa reed by e member of the circle. The program committee Is preparing a schedule for the entire season, whleh will oS announced la a few daye. City Engineer Taylor notified a com mittee from the East Side Business Men'e club yesterday that he had or dered the Grand avenue fill to be coated with cruahed rock. Mr. Taylor assured the committee that thla Improvement would be made at once. Miss Gray, a worker In the city ju venile court, gave a highly Instructive talk on the work of this court at the meeting of the Montavllla Circle of the Home Training society laat night The Montavllla Circle decided to hold bi weekly meetings throughout the winter. The following are the officers of the drew: President, Mrs. D. & Dickin son; vice-president, Mrs. D. Sullivan: secretary. Miss Agnes Matlock; treas urer, Mrs. 1. W. Rowland. The next meeting will be held November 1. The Hell wood Library association be gan lie winter lectureoouree at the flell wood Presbyterian church Tuesday night, with a "Character Sketch of Hamlet." by 3. D. Stephens. M. Steph ens gave on outline of the play and its purport and rendered, several of the more celebrated passages. He acted out the grave scene with pick and shovel with true histrionic spirit. Rev. J A. P. McOraw, . D., will lecture at the Sellwood Methodist ohureh os "Trepa," November 10. TEACHERS LEARN OF PANAMA Washington County Institute Listens to Able Address About Work on Canal. MANY INSTRUCTORS ATTEND SESSIONS Isssc A. Manning Gives History of Plans to Connect Atlantic sad Pa cific Oceana Life in Spanish America Described. (Special Mspttrb to The JoornL ) Hlllaboro, Or.. Oct. 25. The annual Washington county teachere' Institute convened here yesterday morning with the largest attendance In years There were over HI teachers present besides a large number of others. Yesterday there were lectures by freston w Search of Wyoming. Ohio; H. D. Shel don of Eugene, and Isaac A. Manning formerly of the Oregon Statesman of Salem, but now of Portland Talks SB Panama OanaL Mr. Manning addressed ths Institute on the subject of "Tbe Isthmian canal" In the morning, and after reciting the fact that from the time of the discovery of the Pacific ocean by Vasco Nunes da Balboa there had been a dream of canal connecting the two ocean a. He recounted the many schemes that had been conceived for tta construction. He said It finally fell to ths part of the people Of the United ' States to carry out the conception of the early Span ish kings and expressed hie confidence In the result of tbe present effort Mr. Manning declared It one or tne most stupendous undertakings of the world's history end thst it would have a greet Influence on the econorato de velopment of the Spanlsh-Amerlenn countries especially, and would have the effect of bringing them Into closer re lations to the United Statee. He added the canal would have a great Influence on the Industrial and commercial rela tions of the United States and all Span ish America, and that white It would strengthen the unity of our national and political interests. It would also atrengthen the relatione of amity be tween the northern and southern conti nents of America. The speaker agreed with Pepper that It will extend the responsibility of ths United States but It will also .enlarge our commercial opportunity to a point Prom the Plague. There's grave danger from the plague of Coughs and Colds that are so preva lent, unleee you take Dr. King's New Discovery far Consumption, Coughs and people living In climates where eeughs and Colds. Mrs. Oeo. Walls of Forest City. MS., writes: "it s a unassna 10 peopu cords prevail. I find it quickly ends them. It prevents Pneumonia, cures La Grippe, gives wonderful relief in Asthma snd Hsv Fever, end makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off ConsanYptlon. Coughe end Colds. tOc snd 11.00. guaranteed ny Has uross 1 rial svujs (rem THE ADVANTAGE OF BUY ING FURNITURE HERE Is manifold. We make the low prices but more than thst, ws sell only Furniture, Rugs snd Carpets of Quslity You can rely absolutely upon any purchase made here. You will find our salespeople polite, courteous, attentive but there is never any undue attempt to force you to purchase. We rely largely upon the quality and variety of our stock snd the fact that every piece ia marked in BOLD, PLAIN FIGURES snd fully guaranteed. aHsaVll BBBnwKHDjl Bm $42.00 $I.OO a Week Msde of selected quarter sawed White Oak, rich golden oak finish, highly polished. Hss full swelled front drawers, top drawer with par titions and lined for silverware. Round cornered bent glass door, protected with scroll work, fitted with French plate mirror 10x38, top 24x44. high shelf 10x43. Absolutely the Best High Grade Range On the market. Why pay $40, $60 ot $80 for a range when you can get the celebrated "Toledo" for leas money? Call and give them your careful inspection. Fully guaranteed for 10 years. EASY PAYMENTS 364-70 East Morrison Street Buy Your Diamonds FROM US ON EASY PAYMENTS IT'S AN EASY WAY EES! ITS A SAFE WAY P sansr because you can buy any diamond from us by liVubj paying one third down, the balance each week or month as suits you beat without inconveniencing yourself You wear the diamond while paying for same. C sjffo because you have ample time to investigate tha aJlllv value of your purchase before paying for it. We ell at lower prices than any jeweler in the city. To back this statement we offer to take back any diamond we have sold and refund all the money paid if its equal can be secured elsewhere at our price. We gladly produce the best of references if you car to investigate, MARX & BLOCH 74 THIRD STREET NEAR OAK Largest Diamond Dealers in Oregon commensurate with the sponsion I ty. In the afternoon Mr. Manning de liverer an address on '"The Social Phases of Life In the Tropica." telling many . Interestlor things unknown to those who have not had an opportunity to experience them. Tale lecture la in a lighter vein than the former and save hla auditors a good Idea of the differ ence la thai mode of existence in Span la Amsrloa and the United States. In the evening Preston W. Search gave an illustrated lecture at tbe Cres cent theatre on "The Greatest Pictures In the World." one of the most Instruct ive and entertalntns ever given In this city. Mlrwaukfe Country Club. Eastern and California races Take Stlls wis snd Oregon Cltv cars St First THREE ESSENTIALS EXPERIENCE. ABILITY AND FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ARB ESSENTIAL IN ANY FINANCIAL INSTITUTION. THE AFFAIRS OF THIS COMPANY ARE IN THE HANDS OF MEN OF HIGH STANDING, ABILITY AND LONG EXPERIENCE OUR GROWTH IS EVIDENCE OF OUR LIB ERAL YET CONSERVATIVE POLICY AND THE , RESULT OF COURTEOUS TREATMENT AF FORDED TO ALL OF OUR PATRONS. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON S. E. Corner Third and Oak Streets Phone Exchange 72 BENJ. I. COHEN, Pres. H. L. PITTOCK, V-Pres. B. LBB-PAOET. See". j. O. OOLTRA. Ass't Ss. ASSETS, 31.780,000.00