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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
THS OR1GON DAILY JOURWAU KRTtAMp, THURSDAY BVTWINQ. OCTOBJEB 1, 190t. LEAVES HIS NAME BEHIND HI Lone Pate, the Burglar, Shows Wonderful Nerve After Ran sacking Residence. BREATHES DEFIANCE IN FACE8 OF DETECTIVES Officera Tske Name as Clu in Searching for Mao Who Robbed Home of Roy Seeley While Family Was Away. I A burglar with penchant for scrib bling his criminal pseudonym at the scene of hla operations entered the homo Of Roy Seeley at 714 Davis street, durlna tha absence of the owner and his wife ' la Pittsburg. Pennsylvania, ana thor oughly ransacked the handsome veal dance. The discovery of the crime was mads yesterday afternoon by Water In pec tor attains, and the police were im mediately notified. An lnveatiaatioa by Detectives Jones and Tlchenor ahowed that entrance was effected by cutting a panel of a rear door and then turning the key in the , loc Everything In the house from cel lar to garret had been overhauled and considerable damage was done by the thief in his search for plunder. Whether ( anything of value was taken can only be determined upon the return Of Mr. aee ley. Several silver-plated spoons and a all . ver cub ware found broken on the floor. where they had been thrown after tha crook ha4 satisfied himself that they were not' solid silver. An evidence of the theory that the burglar was an am ateur Is the fact that In trying to open a small safe he broke off the hinges and combination lock, a method never re sorted to by professionals. Scrawled on the top drawer of an empty chest in which the silver plate was kept was found, the name "Lone Pete," which may prove s valuable clus in apprehend ing the culprit. Prior to her departure for the east Mrs. Sueley telephoned to Mrs. Harry Hogue asking the advice of the latter as to whether she should place her silverware in the safs deposit vaults. Mrs. Hogue strongly advlaed this course, and from the fact that tha silver cheat was empty It is thought that ths burglar did not secure any plunder POPE CARRIED OUT ILL FROM AUDIENCE ROOM (Journal Special Serrlet.) Rome, Oct. II. Thoroughly ex hausted after several interviews today, the pope was forced to take to his bed. He was practically carried In from the audience chamber. Dr. Lapponi de clares that tha indisposition is only temporary. LINGUIST SOLD FALSE SCHOLARSHIP TO CLERGY Avoid alum and alum phos phate baking powders. The label law requires that all the ingredients be named on the labels. Look out for the alum compounds. NOTE. Safety lies in buying only Royal Baking rowder, which is a pure, cream of tartar baldWc powder, and the best that can be made. ELECTRIC HANDSHAKE USED TO ROD WOMAN Prepossessing Trained Nurse Lured to Marriage With Hypnotic Rascal. assets! Sanies.) St. Louis. Oct. it. Miss Anns Klein, a prepossessing trained nurse, aald she believed that a atranger who told her hla name waa John C Croaker had lured her to St. Louis promising to take her to hla California mansion as hia wife, had married her and then de serted her after obtaining 11,000 from her, accomplishing hla purpose by per sonal magnetism. Mtas Klein wss hllr to a part of aa aetata at Lewlstqn, Pennaylvania. and drew a portion of her inheritance from a Philadelphia bank to Siva It to Crocker. Ska says she had beea traveling through Illinois and met Crocker, t Nashville. Illinois, through a matri monial advertisement. "He waa a atout man, not tall, with light bine eyea and brown hair.'' Miss Klein aald In de scribing Crocker. "His fncs wsa smooth shaven and ha squinted slightly, but when he looked directly at me he opened his ayes wide and fastened them on mine, and whan ha shook hands I noticed a slight electric sensation." dears; Special Berries.) Madison. Wis., Oct, 18. Count Reno Rouvlre. master of six languages, and believed to be recently a Srofessor In a big eastern university. Was sentenced to 0 days' imprisonment today on the charge of fraud in tha selling of false echolajahlpa to clergymen. HUNDRED MEXICANS ARRESTED FOR TREASON (Josrsai Special Service.') El Paso. Texas, Oct. tl. Governor Creel of Chihuahua has caused tha ar rest of nearly 100 prominent Mexlcana sccuaed of revolutionary propaganda. Tha secret service is working along tha border to get evldenoe to ask the United States officers to make arresta. $20 JusttoStirThings UpforaFewDays! A top-notch, high-art suit, made in the finest manner to your measure, from genuine Oregon woolens. Finest cashmeres, in the popu lar grays, browns or green mixtures, lined with imported Venetian cloth or fine worsted serge. But this offer won't hold good long. ELKS BUILDING SEVENTH and STARK BTS. GIRL IS KIDNAPED BY DESPERATE LOVER (Jourasl Special Service.) Birmingham. Ala., Oct. 15. T. H. Sldebottom today reported the disap pearance of his daughter. Miss Sadie Feanell, aged It. He bellevea that the girl wss chloroformed and kidnaped be tween midnight and I o'clock this morn ing. It Is learned that a mysterious man in a cab called at the house twice during ths night. Tha mother and ds lighter visited in Denver last August. Since then It Is aaaerted the girl has received letters from a man who ahe aald mat her in the west and stated that he Intended to kill her If ha did not win her. Ths police say thle la tha ma a who followed her to Birmingham. THREE ARE ARRESTED FOR WOMAN'S DEATH (Special Owastek to Tee Jeer sal.) Baker City, Oet. 2D. David B. Q rover, husband of tha unfortunate bride who la alleged to have been the victim of a criminal operation performed by "Dr." Roy Fuller of Kr.tle Valley, and Dr. J. P. Myers of Union, are under arrest upon charges of manslaughter la con nection with Dr. Roy Fuller, who had been In JU bare for tab past week, beliy held to answer for the death of Mra. Orover. drover. Puller and My ers wars arraigned this afternoon be fore Judge Smith and given until to morrow to enter pleas. MUTINOUS CREW IS SUBDUED BY CAPTAIN (Special Mssafefc te The Journal.) Victoria, B. C , Oct. 28 Sitting In the door f ths forecastle with a loaded re volver the captain ef the bark Don soiled Into port this morning with a drunken mutinous crew. The men mutinied while at sea and breaking open wine casks In ths cargo proceeded to get drunk. The captain, with a loaded revolver, drove the men Into the fsraeaatle, where he held them for S hours wnlle the offlcera and cooks worked the bark Into port. ARREST ALBANY MAN FOR HORSE STEALING ISsnlil Messsas te Ike JeeraoL) Albany, Or., Oct. IB On a warrant from the Justice court of Lake county which waa sent to Sheriff Smith for service and execution, B. L. Taylor of near this city waa today arrested for horse stealing. Ths complaining wit ness. C. D. Porter, alleges that tha de fendant stole If horses from his farm In Lake county near Silver Lake. Ore gon. The prisoner is held la the county Jail awaiting tha arrival of C. D. Por ter, who has been appointed special con stable to arrest and serve the warrant Porter Is expected in Albany thle art ernoon to take charge of tha prisoner. CONSULT US ABOUT VERITHIN WATCHES The ideal watch for business or professional man. A particular and wall-made model case, denoting refinement and good taste. Requires bat little space in pocket, aa name indicates. Easy to bandit and the of good snd reliable timekeeping. DIAMOND LEADERS OF THE NORTHWEST. Cor. Third and Wathinfton Stt. PLUCKIEST MAN ORDERS LEG CHOPPED OFF Caught in a Wrack, Barnard F. Vagsr, Injured Man, Directs Heroic Operation. (Journal Saeetal Berries.) Minneapolis. Minn.. Oct. II. Bernard F. Vagar, the pluckiest man In the Great Northern railroad system, Is dead. He was pinned under a wrecked en gine and ordered a brakeman'to ampu tate hla lag with an axe. The opera tion was performed with one blow and tourniquet waa applied, according to the injured man's direction. After the ap pliance had been made Vagar, still conscious, ordered the train ores to carry him IS miles on a hand-car. Hare a train waa found and it waa impro vised into a hospital train and car ried Vagar lOO miles to Ely. Manitoba, where a doctor was found, but ths plucky engineer had suffered so greatly from loaa of blood that he died a few hours after reaching Ely. VESSEL ASHORE (Continued from Page One.) Co. to load wheat here for Europe. She la la command of Captain Lawrence and registers 1,114 tons net The general belief Is that aha waa approaohlng the bar with the Intention of sailing la or catohlng the tug the first thing In the morning, and missed ths channel. For a while the vesssl was believed to be the British bark Iverna which baa bean due oft the river for some time. She left. Acapulco In ballast for San Francisco on July II, but upon report ing off the Golden Gate received or ders to proceed to Portland. Thle was On September It, so that she has been : out more than a month from the Oolden Gate. With tha prevailing winds aha should have been off the Columbia river annul in aays ago. xne iverna is also a four-masted bark of I. lit tons net register. She la In command of Captain CoUtngwood. Called "Phantom" Ship. The bark lrsdale that went on tha sands thla morning directly south of the Columbia river jetty has beea spoken of on the waterfront here aa the phantom ahlp because of her hav ing appeared and disappeared off tha bar several times since first reported by the lookout at North Head. She waa also asen by some of the skinners of coasting steamers that have arrived here lately but they never came close enough to mske out her Identity. The phsntom bark waa seen riding out the big storm of Isst week, but suddenly vanished aa had' aha been swallowed by the aaa. Tha sailors who noticed her sudden disappearance com mented upon this when they arrived here and those interested In shipping kept guessing on tha identity of the vessel. When It was learned thla morn ing that she had finally piled up en the sands everybody referred to her ad the phsntom ship. District Forecaster Edward A. Weals himself had a "hunch" thle morning that something in the line of a shipwreck waa going to come over the wires from North Heed because at o'clock he made Inquiries of the four masted bark that had been sighted sev eral days ago. At :! ha received hla first report of the wreck. A heavy storm has beam raging off the bar daring the night, but shipping waa cautioned yesterday morning by the display of storm warnings at tha vari ous stations along the coast. COOS BUY PUNS IMPROVEMENTS Will Ask Legislature to Create Harbor Commission and , Legalize 3m all Tax. COMMITTEE 18 NAMED TO PUSH THE SCHEME Ci tisane Would Deepen Bay by Dredging and Then Ask Govern ment te Deepen Channel Over Bat to Thirty Feet. Extensive plana are being laid for the development of Coos hay and tha cities located on that harbor. By unites action of the publio bodies and business men of North Bend. Marahfleld and Empire. It la nronoaed to establish a harbor com mission and proceed te dredge the bay to a depth of 10 feet and then as a xnm Unites States government to pi mass the same, depth On the Coos bay bar. L. 3. Simpson, mayor of North Band and manager of the Simpson Lumber company properties at that place. Is la Portland, accompanied by Mra. Simpson, snd they are guests at the Portland ho tel. M. Simpson said: "Conditions continue to Improve at Coos bay, and ws are arranging to push along Development movements as best we may. A committee haa bean appoint ed to draft a bill to be preaented at the next session of the Oregon legislature, creating the Coos Bay Harbor commis sion. The committee will draw ap a bill thai will legalise the forming of a harbor dtatriet and levying of a email tax to pay for improving the harbor. A suet lor. dredge will be built we hope, and the bay dredged to a uniform depth of to feet at low tide, giving- equal har bor facilities for North Bond. Marah fleld and Empire. We believe this ean be done for leas than 1800,000. Tha people of Coos bay will ask ths govern ment to deepen the channel to a similar depth ca the bar." The committee la composed of the following: J. W. Bennett, W. U. Doug ma, W. a Chandler, ft k C Farrla, Marahfleld: Peter Loggia, y, H. Brig ham. L. J. Simpson. North Bend. Mr. Bennett la Oregon vice-president of the National Rivers and Harbors congress, Mr. Chandler 1 general manager of the Harrlman railroad Unas at Coos bay, Mr. Loggle is prestdsnt of tha North Bend chamber ef commerce, and every member of the committee Is a wall known and energetlo business man. They will try to frame a bill that will provide for bonding the property within the harbor district and rasing the neeoea runas. a iu win oe ieviea em- flclsnt at first to take care of the inter est on the bonds, and aa business da-1 CHESTERFIELD SUITS AND OVERCOATS FINEST READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHES PRODUCED IN AMERICA. BEST IN EVERY WAY BETTER TAILORED. BETTER STYLE, BETTER FITTING, and will retain shape better than any clothes you've ever worn. Latest effects are SHADOW PATTERNS, in BLUE, TAN and 0RAY SHADES. They are swell, indeed; better see them. CHESTERFIELD CLOTHES GUARANTEED T0 .RE TAIN SHAPE FOR ONE YEAR. IF THE FRONT OF COAT OF ANY CHESTERFIELD SUIT SOLD BREAKS OR LOSES SHAPE IN ONE YEAR'S WEAR CUSTOMER CAN HAVE A NEW SUIT FREE -An assurance given by no other dealer in this country. CHESTERFIELD SUITS and OVERCOATS.'priced $20.00 and up to $50.00. CHESTERFIELD DRESS CLOTHES $45 and $50 a Suit. YOU ARE INVITED TO LOOK AND IF 6uR CLOTHES ARE NOT WHAT WE SAY THEY ARE DON'T BUY THEM. R. M. GRAY 269 - 271 MORRISON STREET velopment, population and values In crease the surplus from this levy will be applied to paying off the bonds. Thus the SSy people will secure Imme diate benefit from an accessible harbor for deep-water vessels aad pay for the improvement on long time at low inter eat rata. Henry Hcwett, a Teeome millionaire. has puro based the electric lighting plants at North Band and Marahfleld and secured a franchise far an electric line along the bay shore. Ha will build and operate a road between North Bend and Marahfleld, and also furnish electric light and power. A central power plant will be established at Porter lumber mills, about half way between the two cities, fuel. sod sawdust will ban aad foe An Arlington lawyer and his bride started to row across tha Columbia and after ha had worked long and made little progress be found that the boat was attached to an anchor. a i i STRIKE ENDED (Continued From Pas One.) beginning of the present season shall be reinstated to their former positions. "It Is understood, however that on Montgomery dock No. I. only 10 of the eld men are to be Immediately rein stated there, and that they are to work on said dock with the nonunion men to he employed there, and that aa soon i said nonunion men quit their employ ment, their places are to be filled with union men. It la also agrsed that the union men ahall treat the nonunion men fairly and ahall in return receive like treatment "Fair treatment shall be shown to ward all the men, at all times, and there shall be no discrimination toward any union man. "It la agreed that the union ahall re turn to work at 7 a. m. on Monday, the lltb day of October, io." MORGAN BUYS (Continued from Page On investigated its value and It became famous because It was reported King Edward wished to purchase It to place It in tha Victoria memorial chapel a,t Frogmore where Ilea the body of the 1st a queer Mr. Morgan paid without protect or delay the amount of duty assessed, which is contrary to hia usual practice. HONOR MEMORY (Continued From Page One.) police, the Third United Statea Infantry, the O A. R , the Spanish War Veterans, the doneaga cadeta, the fire department, the uniformed bodies, the secret socle ties and ISO school children. Tha unvell lag waa viewed by tbsussnds ef aessta. tors. Silver Oak Heater $18.50 Buys a Range That Barns Ail the Coal Most likely you have throwing sway good oeaJ every das without knowing It. Coal that la only partially burned in the firebox. Because, with tha ordinary range draft the air current only strikes part of th fir. Usually the damper door In such range is situated at one end of th firebox only, which makes your fire hot at taw draft end and cold at the Other end. Now the draft la a MONARCH RANGE la entirely different. Instead of one damper door, there are TWO, one in each and of the firebox, and both are regulated by the same han dle. So you get two direct currents of air St the same time, and your fire burns smoothly and evenly. L Th draft striking the fire from both directions consumes ALL THE FUEL and elves yon all th heat lac power from the coal. When you empty the' ash pan In a Monarch Range you are throwing away ASHES and ashes only not coal, and In addition to thla. the Monarch is con structed Of MALLEABLE STEEL, which can be riv eted a tight and solid that no air leaks ean possibly 1 happen, aa they do in east iron tangee. The top 1 malleable steel, polished and bright Tou can keep it clean without smearing your range with blacking, which gets en the cooking vessels te make mora work for you. The Monarch Malleable Range The verv latest struotlon in Oak Heat era; every feature neces sary to make a strictly first-class heater em bodied In thla pattern, stands H feet high, burns coal or wood equally well. Extra large feed door and s moose curtain, center draw and shaking grate, extra Urge ash pan, heavy steel body. A handsome heat er elaborately nickeled. J rag ELK Plata Racks 76c Made from golden oak. A pretty little rack that will hold sis plates and haa hooks for six cups. Lots of others that are larger, and all go at spe cial prices for this week. II. II Plate Rack OO lie Plate Rack The Casteel Stove IS made la three Blase, with 1. II and !0-lnch oven. Ths body la made of sheet steel, Used with asbestos, just Ilk a range. It has a steel oven that heats vhrph" auicklv snd Is constructed -. throughout with fuel eoononyy S4' th principal point in view. NO. Is, specl. this week f)9. SO No. 18. spool, this week . 0T.Hf No 10, specl. this week S, 14. SO 1 PreCiit Glass Fruit Dish39c 10 Inches In diameter and stands inches high. Bril liantly fin ished, tha latest pro duction In Imitation cut glaas, tha design . and Inater making It hard to dis tinguish be tween the Imitation and the reel Costumer 75c Solid oak. golden fin ish; a useful article for the hall.- or bedroom that usually sells for a dollar and a half. Sunlight Airtight Heater $9.00 Owing to the unprece dented demand for thla Heater, the tt pattern la all sold out, snd ws ere offering- in its place the regular 110 else. It has a heavy cast-steel top and bottom. Body la made Vfrom the beat quality of rolled steel, with aa extra heavy lin ing to protect the out aide body. Footratls, panels and lags are nickel-plated. We have the finest' line of Heaters In th city. Airtight Heater, heavy cast top and front S4.BO Hot blast, Coal Heater. elaborately nickeled S8.00 Combination Coal and Wood Hester f 6. OO Airtight Heater $1.69 Msde from heavy rolled steel. Has top draft and an extra lining of steel. This neater sells rsgularly for IMS, and our only res eon for cutting ths price Is to induce you to visit our stove department. Metal Cribs $6.25 Large metal Crib, pret tily enameled in green. High sides to' keep the baby from climbing out. Either side can be low ered. A crib that yen wouldn't expect to get for less than 18.00. .axexexefl LssssssssssssssssV afasssssl