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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER U, 1906. 19 COSILY MEMORIAL TO WAR HEROES Illinois Officials and Veterans Dedicate Monument at ( Vioksburg. STRUCTURE RESEMBLES GRANTS TEMPLE-TOMB Newly Quarter Million Expended in Construction Grant, Lincoln, Yates and Logan's Name En graved. ( loans! Baseial Barries! Vlcksburg, Miss.. OoL It. Special train that reached tbla city today brought hundreds of. veterans and otbar visitors from Illtnola to attend the dedication of tba tioe.00 temple monu want erected in tba National park to the memoir of the Illtnola aoldlera who fought and fell In the hlatorlc elege of Vlcksburg. Governor Deneen and other official repreaentatlvaa of Illtnola, the members of the atate ooanmlaalon and tha First regiment, I. N. a., at Chicago, ara among; the arrival. Governor vara aman of Mississippi and Governor Blanchard of Louisiana, with many vet rana of tha two atates. have accepted Invitations to participate In the cere monies. Oostly Konumsnt. The Illinois monument Is one of tha handsomest and costliest war memo rials ever erected In the United States The monument ta in the form of a ro tunds or circular temple and Dears con alderable resemblance to tha Grant me morial in New York City. The temple la nearly 60 feet In diameter, and from the base to the top of the dome tha height ta ex feet. The entrance ta through a tetraatyla Doric portico tt feat wide and protecting 14 feet on tha south facade of tha temple. The pediment ta supported by four Immense columns. The face of the pediment ta ornamented with a sculptured group renreaenttng History enrolling tha names of the Illinois aoldlera and Bail era who took part In tha great cam-Dala-n and siege from March It to July 4. MM. On tha frtese la Inscribed In raised letters the word "Illinois." Around tle exterior of the temple are engrsved in doss lectera iiu wi known phrase from Lincoln's Inaugural "With malice toward none, with charity for all." and the last phrase In General Grant s farewell order to tha army 'Xt oa have ease."., Oonapfcraona tats. - The Interior walla ara covered with bronze tablets bearing tha names of all tha Illinois aoldlera who took part in the siege of Vlcksburg. according to the organisations of infantry, artillery and cavalry to wntcn may oeiongea, re aoectlvely. Directly opposite and far ing the entrance la a large bronse panel upon which la Inscribed in appropriate Dhraae tha data of dedication, tha names of the members of the state commission, ate. Immediately above this large panel la Inscribed tha name ml Abraham Lincoln, and Immediately Bnderneath the name of Richard Yates, the war governor of Illinois. On the Tight la the name of Ulysses S. tjfarrt. and to the left that of General Jofin A WEAK, WEARY WOMENtEARCH RECORD OF GIBSON GIRL Learn the Cause of Deify Woes and End Them When the back echee and throbs. When housework Is torture. Whan night brings no rest nor sleep. When urinary dlaerders set In Women's lot la a waary one. 'n.;re Is a way to escape thaaa woes. Doan'e Kidney Pills ours sued Ills. Have cured women here In Portland. Thla la one Portland" woman's testi mony. Mr. rantain C. a. Grovee of 814 Ral eigh street. Portland, Oregon, says ''Laps of time baa not lessened the oonndenoe I have had In Doan'e Kidney Pills since Fsnruery.jves, worn ti.iu .nnnniitiil thla remedy. I had usak It In treating kidney trouble of stsa ar.Mas. 2 gag of my bank over the kidneys. Colds ag gravated the trouble and made tlia.pafn sharp and aoute. Any extra exertion would bring on a prostrating attack. I iJ.A ,tmj ..riom remedlaa for the trou ble without avail, but Donne Kidney Pills began to help ma right after I etarted ualng tnem. xnay graauwiy banished the backeche and pain in the loins, strengthened the kidneys and helped roe in every way. sclentlouely recommend Doana Kidney Pius to any aunaruc uum t, For sale br all dralera. Prloe 60 cents. Foater-Mubufn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for Ins United States. Remember tha name DOAN'S and take no other. MAY BE GOII WITH WHICH WOODY WHS KILLED Mysterious Discovery of Weapon Near Where Murdarad Ranch ers Body Was Found. Lord Aberdare Looking for Spots on Pretty Camilla Clif- ford's Career. HOPE8 THUS TO PREVENT HER MARRIAGE TO SON Unconscious of Father's Efforts Young Men Is Urging Pair Fiancee to Wed Him Sooner Than Waa Originally Intended. O GEE WO Tha site of tha temple la one of the most conaplcuoue and commanding In the military park. It la upon a small knoll on the north side of the Jackson highway, a few hundred feet from the Shirley residence, which during the lege waa known as the "White House." and Is within 60 rod of tha strongest of the Confederate defenses, known during the aiege aa Fort Hill. Upon tha aame alte waa located during the aiege the famous McAllister Illinois Battery. - DIME NOVELS MADE YOUNG BOYS THIEVES (Sparta! rrtepatck to The Joemsl ) Aberdeen. Or. Oct. IS. The diacovery of a band of youthful thieves, many of whom belong to reapectable families, has brought grief and eonaternetlon lato many homea. While the names of all the offenders are known to the police, only that of Joseph Epstein, the ring leader, Is made public aa yet. When rigorously questioned young Epstein tried to lay the blame on tha other members of the gang. Borne of the lads save evidence to the peMee that Hostel n had made himself the leader of the crowd, and that they were obliged to obey him. because they were afraid of him. aa ha had two guna. The criminal career of the boys Is due to dime novels. . PUea Oared ta SU to Fourteen Days. PASO OINTMENT U guaranteed to cure any eat of itihtajF. Wad. Bleeding or Protrsdlng Piles In S to U day n? money refandoi. SOr. Preferred Steak Oaasad Ooeds. Allen Lewie "st Brand. iHneeui Diana ten to The Joernal ) Baker City. Or., Oct. II. What la be lieved In Pine to be probably the most Important bit of evidence in connection with tha murder of Wlllard Moody, ex iumt tha vlrinnce which IB In the pos session of tba attorneys who secured the evidence upon which Ale Wlddow son waa arrested, was revealed In the finding of can near tha eceoa of tha killing. The gun found la hi possession of tha officers here who believe they have tha weapon that killed Moody. The officers ara reticent aa to who found tha weapon and' to whom It forsaerly belonged. Ita bearing In the oaae against WlddoWBon la nrohlematiral. If It can be proved thai tha gun found was tha possession of Che man who murdered Moody then It will complete the strong chain of circumstantial evidence which had much to do with tha arrest of Widdoweon. Tha gun nay have lath in tba thick undergrowth where) It was found or It may have bean placed there by some one Interested In tha case. Tha wapon was found within a fw yards of tha imrt where the murdered man's body was found-. How It could have lain there and not have bean discovered by the searehers who went over the ground thoroughly after tha murder n tha hope of finding. the gun or some weapon that would lead to the diacovery of tha murderer la considered by some people to show that the gun was placed there hf aome one tnteraatea In di verting suspicion in the case. At Iesst one chamber of tile gun la empty and tha caliber corresponds to the caliber of tha bullet that killed Moody. W. C. T. U. DELEGATES GATHE? AT HARTFORD flserssl Special Service 1 Hartford. Conn., Oot. M. Every train arriving In Hartford today brought ita quota of delegates to tha annual con vention of the National Woman's Chrla ttan Temperance Union, which la to be gin Its sessions here tomorrow. The register at convention headqusrters in dicates that the attendance will proba bly eclipse that at any previous con vention of the organisation. Nearly all of the prominent foreign leaders who were present at the world's W. C. T. V. convention In Beaton laet week will be In Hartford and will apeek before the convention of the national organisation. Mrs. N. M. N. Stevens of Maine will preside over iha sessions. Bay Mam of Salmon. (Special rasps ten ta The Jssresl.l Aberdeen. Oct. 21. A Single haul of salmon, bv which the lucky fishermen. Alfred Johnson and Charles Anderson, netted the sum of 171 Is the record catch of the aaason. These two fisher men are working for the Elmore oan nerv end on the day In question took 441 salmon In their gtllsats. There were tt black salmon, foi which they received in. 80: sllversldes, which brought them 153.50, and 74 chuma, tartnarlnar 27.10. It Is likely that the paek ef fish thla year will be the greatest ever Known. (Jooraal Special Ssrvles.) London. Oct. 25- Conscious, perhapa. that they both ware over-communtca-tive whan first their engsgement was announced. Camilla Clifford, the "Orb- son Girl," and her dance, the Hon. Henry Lyndhurst Bruce, who will ons day be Lord Aberdare,' ara keeping de cidedly "mum" at present. Thnjr ara resolutely declining to talk ror poDIloa tlon. particularly with regard to tha date of their coming marriage, but X have uncommonly good authority tor stating that It will take place much sooner than waa tha original intention that Is, if there isn't a sudden and sensational rupture of the much-dls- euaaad engagement- Opposed by Father. Probably no suoh event will happen. but It may be said that If tha marriage doaa take place It will be In aplte or certain elaborate and searching In quiries of a not too agreeable nature whlohre being Inatitutad by the pros pective bridegroom's father, the prea ent Lord Aberdare. That thla noble man la violently a opposed to his son's engagement me iair umiuu uu la of oourse. well known and It seem that finding neither threats nor appeala liave any Influence with that young man. tha earl la taking what he considers th only course remaining to htm. By his orders Miss Camilla uii-oras past rec ord Is being; subjected to s searching and pitiless Investigation In the hope of bringing facts to light which if forced upon the attention or tne non. nenry Lyudhurst Bruce might Induce him to weaken in hla determination to ranke a prospective peeraaa of the famoua Gibson Qirl." Meanwhile, serenely unconscious of this undertaking en the frt of hie wrathy parent, the Hon. Henry I.ynd burat Bruce la combining really hard worir- at the motor-oar garage which he recently established with seeing as much of his fair fiancee aa possible, and at various hours of tha day may be seen dashing up in nio rsvome car to the door of the modest house where Miss Clifford la residing at present In Torrington square. Where Aotreea Uvea. Thla house, which is No. 29 In the shady Bloemsbury square. Is practical ly exactly, similar to all the other email and demure-looking residences In the unassuming neighborhood. It IS nere in BloomBbury, by tha way. that moat of the permanent American residents In the metropolis nave tneir aoiaing while during the summer stamina snje tlcally all tha transatlantic visitors In London ara also to be found lodging la Ita confines. Incidentally It may be men tions) that the neighborhood te rapidly becoming a favorite one for theatrical celebrities, for only a raw aoors irom Miss Clifford we find "LM, alio," me now famous Australian damsel whose poses as a living statue have so delighted W. T. Stead, while other near neigh bors ara Forbes Robertson and Gertrude Elliott, not to mention Gertie Millar, the fair atar of the Oaiaty. Tt Is then from No. 2 Tornngton square, that tha marriage of Camilla Clifford to young Bruce will undoubted ly take place, that la, ehouia tne uio son Girl" yield to what I learn are tba urgent wishes of bar lover for a quiet end speedy union. Mtas Clifford has lived In Torrington square ror sooui three months, having moved there from the flat which aha formerly occupied In Victoria street and which was the scene of ner nrsi mesuna wn ar nvw. fiance. No Cheaper Treatment T)n the Coast My Fee Is Only $10.00 In Any Uncomplicated Ailment Let Ms OuldaYou oa Your Way to Regain Your Health and Renew Your Strength. Do you feel that you are not the man you once were? Do you feel tired In the morning and easily ax JasustedT Is your back weak la Sour memory failing? Do you have difficulty la fixing your thoughts? Are you losing ambition ? If youna ve any or all of the above symptoms, you surely do not desire to remain In your present condition. Let me explain to you my methods of re building the vigor of men, and refer you to the thousands I have cured. The Only Diseases I Treat gpaxaaatorrhoea, Los Tiger, Tarl eoeele. mnpture, Wee, Hydrocele, Or- raue weakness, uoavagiouB auoea 1 MgeV ar HL s 'P ayar x- I NEVER GUESS Experiment or take ohanoea of any sort. I attempt to cure only thoaa diseases that I have been curing for the past 25 years, and feel sure I am justified In saying that I have learned all about them Were I lacking In knowledge per taining to my SpeenUty I would never have attained my present auccees. nor would I today be recognised as tba leading special ist treating men'a 41 assess. If afflicted, you can depend upon It that tba service I offer you la tha service you need, and la service No Better Treatment In the World Pay Me When You Are Cured This IS i"ly Fair Offsr to Every Potlsnt . . i VARICOCELE An average of one man In five has varicocele. Most men that have this dragging, drain! n weakness are not .wars of It until tt has wrecked their Uvea, Varicocele oauaes con gestion of tha blood In aoms of the moat vital blood vessels ft man. It causes a atUi, neevy, musm "" a which Is often mistaken for nervoue debility or general aeenne at v My curee of this disordsr are per anent and lasting - Mo tsaiea that such aa oan be other physician rendered by no FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION I Invite every weak or diseased man to call for free advice, and If desired I will make a free examination and diagnosis, but ths visit will not obligate him in any way to become my patient. mm nen t stimulate temporarily, but thorough ly ..i.itiein inatmmt for the re moval of conditions responsible for the functional derangement. Weak ness" la merely a symptom of In flammation or congestion In she prostate gland, and under my own original fopal treatment thla gland Is promptly reotored to Ita normal atate and complete functional aottv rty la ths lasting result. tim Dr, Taylr Co- Portland's Widely Known and Successful Chines Medicinal, Root and Herb Doctor ssrge sasstttisa asTpars safsst sy van 9 mur t sssbb-s. - i - fi. Doctor treats .eeeejsfslly "i7" ta- nn all atomics tieealss. SaSsart. ssMtOs, hmg, throat, rbenmattim. sal usassM. U raoALg TaoasLMAsa ai.l paivaTt Tf yea essast sell write fag si Isjitssi tSssS aaat eSjvslar. tsetses 4 fSsr Is sissssa ooaavLTATioa nix. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE BRITISH MAP-MAKERS TO STUDY OUR METHODS (Journal Special Service.) Wsshington. Oct. 18. Major C. F. Close and Captain Firth of tha topo graphic division of ths British ordnance survey are expected In Waahlngton next week on a mission that la without prec edent In the history of tha friendly relations between Ilka- United States and Great Britain. The purpose of tha British offliera In coming hera Is to study the map-making system of the tll.lted Btatea. The British ord nunce survey makes tha official map for tha British empire. It Is reputed to be the foremost organi sation of its kind tn tha world, but at tha same time there are some points In which the msp-mafcera of the United tseiateiy ! ItSSfllS) s?kK:'0- SAHTAL-PEPSIIICa Set Sals ay wssdsai. Caarbs A Oa. Every Woman . SsaawssH seal sksals ' . Was" 'lBi Jfi w niLlat&----f wnHKamSI MsMi AWaMs)S awAtta-flACa WOODAKD. CLASKE 00, All D L AUE-D A TIS naao oo s sioaia. aat Tarrln"ri W3 cars rs -auu Oakaks aaS ..Uavmddua. .to- gear sf"rTz;n 9W Bows A Martin's. S41 WeehlosUa fc rjg- ata. vwrt Where Baking Begins Right The baking of the NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY begin with right material, and every step there after through the whole process of baking is right. There is not one point of quality that care, skill and modern bakeries could make better. It is perfection itself through snd through. f4S-WSBtW ' ' sw Wftis It Ends Right when it reaches your table untouched by strange untainted by odors. Tba qnaHty , oven-flavor and tn ere pttaamd is s duet and moisture proof package, gaiahed by tba trade mark bare shown. It always la red aad whits on each end of the package and w the perfect condition of tha contents. For exaso packages of GRAHAM CBfVCKFWS pr -lnt ths rich, flavor of graham flour unlike any graham crack e ever tasted. rROnrANA a temptingly delicious onion of biscuit aaxl fruit -the newest delicao of tha National Biscuit Company. sCsTIITB onHn'iKirll . - i a - - - -- hands, EM sbness dlstin- D ppears laasl irrants B. M le try nutty af r. yo.: M J0 Br States geoloaical survey sxcsl. Ons of these In psrtlcular is the system of printing maps In three colors, brown for the contours, uiuaj nir nm riv,r, and black for the roads and towns. The method has been copied from tha United States by, the French. Swiss and Oar man governments, and It la expected that England will follow suit. During their visit here the British officers will be afforded every facility for investi gation by the war department, the geo logical survey and the coast and geo detic survsy. BLACK SAND STEEL WORKS REBUILDING (Special Dlapaten te The Joarnal ) Hoqutam. Wash.. Oot !. Work on the rebuilding of ths Shsw Crucible Steel plant, at Demon s Point. North Reach, was begun the first of the weak, and Mr. Rothert, the superintendent of the company, says that they expect to be manufacturing steel from ths black aands within a few weeks. The supply of black sand la inex haustible, and the ateel produced from tt la aaid to be superior to the Besse mer Capital In the east haa been ln t. reated In the enterprtee, and tha work of reconstruction will be rushed to the finish, several new nuuainge wm am erected, end they will be bunt of oorru ested Iron, thus making them practi cally fireproof. Aa the furnaces were rendered useless oy w v -will be Installed. ARCTIC EXPLORERS PLAN FOR LONGER STAY isn.M.1 niasatcb tn Tba. isaraal ) Victoria. B. C, Oct tt. A message gated July 14 haa been received In thla olty from Captain Mlkkeleea snd C tff!ngwell. the Arctic explorers who left here on May 1. The raesaaaa said .w. hn.r Duchess of Bedford, with the Arctic explorers, was then st Point Hope Alaska, wltnin a two weess astii t wi.m tnlst. Prince Albert Land, which la to be winter quarters of the party. All were well sal heavy toe waa reported near Cape Barrow. The explorers have changed their plans anif will keep the schooner In the north ror anoioer wr -'- Tk in then use her aa hese ta as Iplorlng Beaufort Sea for land. MEN CURED FOR. $12.50 Consultation Free Thla well-known and reliable curative lnstltu- rmanent nxture or roruana. ir tlon la a stood tha test of Urns and will oontlnue to stand as a MObce of hope for afflicted man hereabouts. From time to time It baa been remodeled In all Ita departments, which are thoroughly equipped with every scientific Instrument, apparatus and devise essential to our modern methods of spe lts financial responsibility is aa while the treatment It sesnlntsters. c laity practice. enllA amlaL aa legions of its cured pattenta know, 1b skillful. selsuUfle aad successful. We Invite all afflicted men who really desire a cure to inspect our or ders, and to honestly Investigate us. A private consultation, a careful personal examination, to gether with a scientific and honest opinion. Of your case, will coat you nothing; and a perfect cure, if you decide to take it, will not be more than you will be willing to pay for the benefit a conferred. - ' Call or write Our ti years' continuous practice and experience In the rment nf thousands of eesas la a guarantee to any person that their case will he absolutely ssfs In our hands. A true expert who devotes aU oint Reliable Specialists ii time to a few ailments will affect ourea after case in nivurauia ww w ... umhui 1 " 1 jww. .. era fail It your Our Fee Need Not Be Paid Unless Cured We ours Nervous Debility. Kidney. Bladder and Chronic Diseases of Man to stay cured. A sure curs for Varicocele and Hydrocele tn shortest possible time Our treatment for Blood Poison, Bores, Ulcers, Chronic and Nervous Troubles cures quickly and permanently. y thing to Gonorrhoea If taken In the beginning la practically an easy cure, providing there is no complication, but should tha disease it results In gleet, prostatic troubles, ana arreois iiw nmn urraanr i and its appendages, with a dangerous aequel. Nswly contracted cases are cured by ua tn from 7 to 10 days. oontlnue urinary tract OOsTSUItTATIOsT rSIB AMD UH1TOU Our reputation and work la not of a mushroom growth. We have bean curing men for tS yeans Write If vou cannot call. All corresposdsnos strictly confidential and an replies sent In plate envelope. Enclose J-cent stamp to insure reply. OFFICE HODM-I a. m. to 5 p. m.; svenlngs, 7 to $:0; Sundays, f a. m. to II noon. St. Louis "S: Dispensary THE DOCTORS WHO CURE WB THAT Catarrh aad stomach troubles, nervous diseases, kidney diseases, bladder trou bles, heart disease, diseases of the stomach and bowels, bronchial or lung troubles, blood diseases, special diseases, dlssases of the prostate gland, scrofula and sll forms of nervoua aad chronlo diseases (that are ourable). CONSUL TATION FREE. CALL OR WRITE. Do not despair because you live at a distance from the city. Our new system of HOME TREATMENT makaa it aaay to gat expert aavica ana irw home Their nsw system blank cov- 2. BssreaF ers every symptom Of disease, which ki.. them in dlaarnose vour caae and tell what your trouble Is, what can be done for you and what tha coat of a ." FlZ' tib',ror7hW. FREE EXAMINATION. Whether you nalok Oaae. MUd and teke treatment or not. the advice costs aatelasa Treataaset. Oan you nothing. mrw rtl i ,vr Tn TALK TO. Tvaaw aaaw araai w. ours vou flrat and then ask a REASONABLE FEE when yon are m.rS yu can depend uptnV our word: thousands of patlenta have In 2uIi . VOW WE WANT TO CURE TOU, with the dlstlnot under f.ans thil we will not demand a untU we cure you. This ap iT" t o lort visor, organie weakness, spermatorrhoea, varicocele, dls- fiSeVthe Vpfo.rtat.,gJ.n -rKSk MT 't0" t.nous blood poison and ALL WEAKNK8HEB ()F mmw. nM of Our Oases mavs aaeea curao as a uoss or eio er su raw w iiy Only SB. Consultation and advice FREE byletter or tn person. CALL OR WRoSce Hours s. m. to I p. rru. Sundays and Holldsya, Mamtoil, DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. eaTJsW a-fasj - . esaeanee mux- avr m vs sfSl s ssi ssiai sm the Vn ii-t k. cwj TRANSPORTATION. S. S. F.-A. Kllburn Kt sslllsg tm r;??JTn&i Meat sstnsg twm Ssh rrsssWass Tksrs.. oet, . ,-uab s arxKLSarra, Ageat Oak Street DocK, Phone Msin 2960 . . " St. A. BV tn - - - Ssrries.l Worcester ka. Oct. M.-Tbe city is filled with prominent women from all Mris of the State, gathered to at fendthe annual meeting of tb. Masa society Daaghtera of the American Revolution. The P" took place thla sturnoon In Tucksrman . .. .iu u Maaunr of BOS TRANSPORT AlION. TRANSPORTATION. W UNION PACIFIC Trains to the But DaUy 3 Tlueagk Hrtlsaas sUadssS sad tserwt stssr tag cara dally to Omaha. Chleaso. Spaa IBM tsarist alaeaia-eaaa dally te Ksssss aty. Tbrssgk raellaTai eSajrsalra laaata fresl Is tba Kaat dally. rpassi Dsoot tesve. Arrive, aejtas special Jar tss test ita Rsattagtas. Sly. 1 10 aa S:SS saf rirar fnT Saatara waaStngtaa. Walla Walls. lewlston. Cbar d'Alses aad Atlaatb- Slaraea far TH III Orest MaroWs polata. dally. CISBW SSKSSJ . .7 e ma anrngton, aajiy.. l-nrtland-Bliga local, for Stggs sad posits Portia all StUpsi TilSssi hataiaa. -ad. dsn, TT7. SrMs SiOSSSf OOLUMHIA RIVER DIVISIOW Sor Astoria sag wmj setsts, mssiiittsj gsssiy for Ilwseo aad North Beach. SUatsMS Pasatte. Asb-st. dork. Issves S p. . saSy. esesst Saaday; Sarsntar. to r. s. Arrives a p. aa., aieafX Sendsy. tamhiUi arraa aorrra. ror Dayton. Oregoa dtj aad Yanhin rlvss potnts. ateamara Rath sad Modoc. I ah St Sock, WBVBT s. a- dally, accept Sassay (water ass. mlttlag). Arrre t:S0 p. a. dally, esasa snakb anraa aotrra. ror Lewiaton. Idaho, add way points frost BIpaHa. Wash.. ssMwers Sseksas sad Idrris tas Usee B:0 (. m.. or spas srrtral Trata No. 4. dally accept Batarssy. Anrtvs 4 a aa. daily aacept rrtday. Ticket Office. Third snd Wssbtagtaa ate Telephone Mara TIL 0. W. STTNGRR, City Ticket ASBSS. Wm. McMURRaT. Oasoral Paaasogcc Agcat, EAST -SOUTH Arrive. Cnlos ta nl Leers. Overload list ess Trslss for Salem. Roaebort, Aah laad. Sacra man to. Oasis, tea rrasclaco. Slock too. otucr'aod"a. KlTt' idp- tiMtel Mars las train maati st Bandar with Monnt A Reel Sllrartoo. Wntefted SSSSP. .- TnMsM BsgSSS SISiSBSSI eos- aeets st Wood barn with Dslly. IIDady accept Scmdac. . JBrrBRSON-STBBST BTATIOW. Foe Dallas asd Intermediate potota dalb., 7 JO s. s. sad 416 P- av Arrive Portland 10:14 a m m-u1 6:26 D. m, time sad ears W Ocwsg. soborbaa tccjss ipely at City Ticket omee. or wages, tlckcta to Bsstem selnta and Ssrosst alas Jasas. China. Bonerays and Aaatralla ornca c Cite Ticket Officer 1 net on arreeta. roona O. w. wripvmm. city xiecat sgeni. Third Mais Til. $?c raft TIME CARD TRAINS Portlands' leers. Aitivs, yallow atone Park North Ooaat ttmlted, slectrto llgh tad. for Tmcaonu Seattle, CPSnJEt- T- rltr Broreos' far Taco- saf ehssgo of rs. Dirnet 7 OverltBd Trams uauy Overland Tha Ociaatal Limited, tha Tast 1 VIA SaATTLB AND SPOSANB. Portland ttSM Dalle. Deate Leave Arrive, Te and from Spokes, St. rani. Mlnneapnlla. IHiloth ssd all points i!;5S lS To and from St. Paul. Minneapolis. Dntoth and all polsta Bast . rta Bpokans SilS pm IWM allla, aff ar--"9 : i'Mavrtra Salttl. 0vuer SO for Jsssa asd Cbtaas pacta, aarryfsg passsagefs "yottckits, rates, tertb. rssstsa wsaa. etc.. oe astesss . Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Oa North Pacific S. S. Co'j STEAMSHIP ROANOKE 2300 Tons bmsM. t.esrrass. ', CUts- , s-siBvel. ut Tiri, Xa-2fes t ss am tttMsss T:0S am S.SSssa Upper Columbia River STEAMER Chas. R (tails for Ssn Frsaelsco, Vtm Artejeles and Eureka, October II, November I.I November U. p. m.. frees atsrtla s Leaves Oak t JJJt AsT j4saVR IssJsJ eft IfeOsOf l BJj