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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
THE ORBOOW DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVNWO, OCTOBKH if, ltt 18 LEVEY 10 OBTAIN GOOD POSITION Wilt Be Named as President of the Northern Pacific Within Next Thirty Days. PRESIDENT ELLIOTT HAS RESIGNED HIS POSITION Successor Is Well Equipped for the Position and Is Railroad Man of the Old Burlington School With Ex cellent Record. In Portland railroad circles- It la re garded as quit likely that C. M. Levey, resident of the Portland a Seattle Rail road company. Will within the neat It Oars be named as president of the North ern Pacific. It is again reported from New York, on what la declared to be reliable authority, that President Howard JElllott has resigned from the Nortnern Pacific to accept the preaidency of the Massachusetts Oas company. Mr. Levey Is regarded as a man fully quipped for the highest executive ornce In railroad operation. Ha cams, with Howard Elliott, from the Burlington smTh-nasT school, sd Ssr level red aarly experiences In the same class with the late Tom Potter. W. C. Brown, C. X. Perkins. George B. Karris and others Mrho have risen to the highest positions. A few years ago he came With Mr. El liott to the Northern Pacific, aa assistant So the president, and later became presi dent of the Portland a Seattle, and afilsf executive officer In the Urge con struction operations that Mr. Hill In sniguratad to the Columbia river basin and on the eound. His headquarter are at Teeogea. A few days ago ha left for St. Paul and Chicago, ostensibly to con Jar with the presidents of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific regarding O compromise of the terminal difficulties en Portland between the Hill and Harrl- A Now Tork dispatch of October It, Credited to the New Tork Commercial, aniei "Howard Elliott. president of the Northern Pacific, has resigned. This Is gto new statement. It was mads about adx weeks ago and was flatly denied by Mr. Elliott and others interested. It ft said the fact that Mr. Elliott had resigned was kept secret In the Interest Of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific owners at a time when they were sjsi Ijlni through large Iron land deals. mad that they wished to avoid any dis turbance of existing conditions. In defer ence to James J. Hill the news has bean kept back, and Is not yet officially an nounced, but will be within the next M days. The Information that Mr. Elliott has resigned comes from a source that entitles It to credence. It msy be again denied, but confirmation will come Just as soon as certain conditions permit." who waa general aupectafeTPjeW has given up his position and departed with his family for Europe: that whea ha re turned after a disagreement with Mr. Hill It was with the understanding that he was to be msde general manager Of the Northern Paclftc but that the appointment neyer has been msde, snd that other changes last announced or shout to be made may provide Mr. Blade with something ss good or better than the position he desired. Official an nouncement hss been msds of ths ap- i iii, !,.,. nf ii.nrv A Kennedy as gen eral superintendent of the Great North ern. It Is reported that James B. Hood, superintendent of the Spokane division. Is to be made assistant general superln iK, fiwmmt Northern, and that George T. Blade will be saade general manager of the Northern rtnuo, a poei tlon now held by H. J. Hem. CULBERSON CONDEMNS PUBLIC OWNERSHIP (Joe rail Special SerTlpa., Pallas. Tax.. Oot. . At a banquet given tonight by business man of Dallas to the members of the legislature, Sana- tor Culberson mads tbs first pronounced utterance heard In this ststs against government ownership since Mr. Bryn proposed the scheme two months ago. The cheering throughout his remarks was general, amounting to a demonstra tion. Declaring at the outsat thst ths suc cess of the Democratic party depends upon Its adherence to Its fundamental principles, and especially opposition to paternal lam and centralisation, he said that, great as have been the offenses of the Republican party, any atngle proposition la Its history Is as naught compared with the policy of government ownership and operation of all railroads. Mr. Culberson declared, this principle was flret-announced In the platform of the Populist psrty, and declared thnt the measure Involved the most advanced and aggravated form of paternalism ever offered under a free government. vJVjPJPBJBJsA L msm NEW INSURANCE LAWS ADOPTED BY PYTHIANS tJesraal Special Santas,! New Orlesns. Oct 15. New Insur ance laws affecting the 00.000 policy holders were officially adopted , last night by the supreme lodge. Knights of Pythias. Ths features of the new law are an increase In the maximum policy from 13,000 to 15.000; an increase tn the age limit at which members can be Insured from 50 to 0 years; the cre ation of a new fifth claaa of Insursnce. this clsss Involving a complete change from the old fraternal congress to the American experience table with interest at IH "per cent. There will be an annual accounting; aa annual dividend policy, returning to the members at the end of each year all over and above the coat of carrying the risk and cost of management All policies under the new systsm become Incontestable sfter three years. Privi lege Is given policy-holders In the fourth class to gain entrance Into the new fifth class, taking the same amount without new medical examination. lantasta. In connection with this i eput Cad change, alutought possibly having no connection to It, cornea the news that George T. Blade. Mr. mil s-WOB-ln-laW, (Journal sseclal Service.) Paris. Oct. 15. The session of the French parliament, which was opened looay wup tne customary formalities. Is expected to ha one of the moet mo mentous of lata years. Practically the entire session, it Is believed, will be de voted to the vexed church and state separation question. XStgctabse Preparation for As - ojmfiiitlng tteFoodandBetf ula Uitg the Stomachs aril Bowls of Promotes DigcsHon.Chrrfur nessandltest.Contains neither Oaum-Moi-phine nor Mineral NOtHahcotic. A perfect Remedy for Cans Bpa Hon . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Coimibjons , Feven s tv and Loss or Sleep. Fac Simla Signature of NEW YORK. CASTORIA For Infltnta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AT f S P In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Bon Ami Best Scotfrtng Soap Ma4 A seettrlaf Soap A Metal Polish A Glass Cleaner A Girls' Girl. Whenever you hear a girl called by this title try to know her, if you do not do so already. She la sure to be nice In Jhe best sense of the word. In nice ratia oat of tab yon will find her true snd sympathetic, always ready to listsn to confidences, snd sbovs all ready to j keep them aa such. She la always doing j a kind act for some one, and thought for herself comes nowhere la her cal- culatlona. Such a girl Is always popular with bar friends and you will bean golden opinions of her on all sides. ! There may be nothing specially about I her to attract notice; It seems to be I Just an Individual charm In hsr naturil that stamps her with thla engaging characteristic. She Is generally frank, and honest In expressing her opinion, and hsr friends may be surs It 1st a genuine one. She Is at ones unaffected and simple snd resdy to show sn Inter est In all her friends undertakings. II you cannot count among your friends a girl who earns this title, try to find one, and when you find her. congratu late yourself upon your success. t St Blue China. Blue china for frail purses Is said to be Japanese ware, delightfully thin and wahrtjr." with -all maimer of quaint de signs tn a fine, clear blue, not too dark, and In the greatest variety of shapes and elses. You msy start out In search of s service and yon will find It piecemeal In half a dosen shops. Ons often finds large-slsed saucers with nearly straight aides, which srs almost ex.vtly like the fashionable coups soap platsa. Such extremely western articles as bouillon cupa and mustard pots are mads, aad lately high and narrow chocolate cupa have appeared. Any European wear as thin and dainty would coat twice or three times as much. Bread and butter pistes snd vattned aaucera coat only id cents ssch, coffee cups of fslr slse snd tescups In groat varlsty, IS cents; chocolate cupa. 20 cents: plates of goad slse run from 2ft cents to tO cents; plstters are 7S cents; salad bowls and -chocolate pots, .thai soma price. Blue china doea not compare well with other china or with other colore, except green or yellow. It Is at its .best n a wainscoted room with white wood Work snd a blus and a whits paper. It la beautifully brought out by a soft, dull green, not too dark. ttKH For the Housekeeper. Swaeplng Brooms A heavy broom 1 should slwsys be selected In preference to a light one for thorough sweeping, ss the weight aids In the process. In buying a broom, teat It by pressing ths edge against ths floor. If the straws bristle out snd bend, the broom Is a poor one, for they should remain In a firm, solid mass. Red Hands Beat together one ounee of clear honey, one ounce of almond oil. ths Juice of a lemon, and the yolk of a raw egg. Apply at night to the hands and slip on old gloves; slit up the paime ' m Worn Mattresses Ths woven -wire mattresses used In bedsteads are apt I to wear the materiel of the hair mat-1 trass Sbove Into holes. To prevent this,' spread sheets of strong brown paper between the two, pinning or tying st the corners so that It may not wriggle i out of place. If the mattress covering ' Is already worn, the. only plan Is to hsvs It recovered st a good upholsterer's. When Cooking Potatoes Potatoaa will boil more quickly If two kettles of boll water are, prepared, one of which la ! poured over the vegetables, snd sfter . s moment the potatoes are lifted Into the other kettle and boiling will not j cease. Whan potatoaa are to be baked. if they are thoroughly heated on top of the stove turning them once they will hake In half the USusI time. t st H a. To Soften the Hands. Lemon Juice and alvceriae ssv ons ounce of esch will not only soften ths I hands, but will remove sunburn or tan. Some people add one dram of powdered borax, aa this Is very healing when the hands are chapped and sore. Put In a bottle and shake until thoroughly mixed, when It la ready far use. Apply In ths svenlng snd wesr loose gloves. More lemon can be added. If desired, aa It rubs Into the skin. ft St Cheese Salad. Mash fins ths cold yolks of three hard-boiled eggs, and rub tham with a coffeecupful of finely grated cheese, a teaspoonful of mustard, a ssltspoon ful of salt, and one half aa much white ! pepper. When all are well mixed add i two tablespoonfula each of oil and vine gar, alternate. Heap this upon fi-h lettuce, and garnish with the whltoa of fs cut Into rings, and a few tip of eelery. Serve with hot buttered crackers. ft St St Marital Friendships. Over and over again the wise ones who have learned through experience) tall us thst the divine passion which' ws call love cannot laat. In the ban-: plest msrrlnges It gradually cools Into s firm snd loyal friendship, says ths Philadelphia Bulletin. In those marriages which are not happy, the rapture fades, and nothing, alaa! takes Its placs. Touth will never believe this. Other loves may cool, but Its own. It fondly thinks, will burn ardently on forever There la something chilling to the young! mina in tne inougnt tnat the passion of lavs Is but a temporary trick of nature for attracting two lives; that ths pas sion dies, aa the leavea of a tree fall; and that ths real fruit of lova la that strong and vital attachment which grad ually springs ap ss the years go by. Bat so it is. Nor need the heart feal that It has been cheated. For the abid ing friendship and deep affection of two sincere hearts la aa much bettor than the flares and consuming raptures of early lova, aa a calm, majestic star light night is batter than one of those feverlah. gusty nights when the sky Is shot with thundsr and lightnings and heavy clouds. It Is vary much a matter of tempera ment whether two peonle have ft In them to seise this rsaf fruit of lova when the blossom of passion fades and falls. It takes tact; It takes common sense and adaptability ; It takes a Cer tain capacity for reserve That Is. It lakes just about those qualities whin are required for a deep and laatlng friendship. But vsry few people stop to think, when engsged In the absorbing bualaaas of "falling m love.- whether the object of their affections possesses thsss quail tlea for friendship of not. And go It Is that many matchea are Ths Farmer's Wife Jj vag-v careful about lav shunt, She sceiss It thoroughly after osing, sod gives rtTsun bath sweeten lk like knows .u., I, i,,hnn la soar It wfll taint the - -1 - - ' Ths iLnm&rh ll a chur... In the stomach sad digestive sad nutritive tracts are perionnea pro - - hlch am almost asactl Ilka the churning of batter. Is It not apparent than that If this stomaeJt-chorn is ioui n makes foal all which is put Into It? The svtl of a foul stomach is not sleae the bad taste In the mouth and the feel breath caused by It, but the corruption of the pure currant of Mood and the dissem ination o disease throughout the body. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes the sour and foul stomach sweat It does for the stomach what the washing and sua bath do for the churn -absolutely removes every tainting or corrupting ele ment In this way It cures blotches, pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings, sores, or open eating ulcers and all humors or diseases arising from bad blood. If you hsvs bitter, nasty, foal teste in your mouth, coated tongue, foal breath, are weak sad easily tired, feel depressed and despondent, have frequent head aches, dlizy a tucks, gnawing or distress in stom ach, constipated or Irregular bowels, sour or bitter rlitnga after eating and poor appetite, these symptoms, or any eonslder ablenumberof them. Indicate that you are suffering from biliousness, torpid or lazy liver with the usual accompanying indi gestion, or dyspepsia snd their attendant derangements. wTTTbe readl In proven to your satisfaction If you fill but mall a postal card request to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, NT Y.. for a fret copy of hit booklet of extracts from the standard medical authorities, giving tha names of all tha Ingredients entering Into hie world-famed medicines and show ing what the most eminent medical seen of the axe say of them. made which must necessarily reeult In acute misery, or at the most, mutual Indifference, for no lasting bond of sym pathy remains when the glamour of ro mance dlee. In matrimony, as In all other rela tions of lire, ths beat associations are those which promise moet for a strong, sustaining snd lifelong friendship. st at St Griddle Cakes. Is baking griddle oakee of any kind drop them onto a hot griddle, and aa soon as they are covered with bubbles turn them snd bake until they ne longer puff. An equal quantity of sweet milk may be employed. In thla case use two teaspoonfuls of baking powder Instead of the teaspoonful of soda. Boor milk Is liked beat by ail old housekeepers for griddle cakes. Many persona claim that mixing the flour and four milk and letting them stand overnight Improves the cakes. If this Is done, dissolve the sods In a little water and add It with the egga, salt- and berries just before baking the cakes. These cakes can be made without eggs, but a tittle experi menting will be needed to get the bol ter of Just the right consistency. FEAST OF ST. CRISPIN PASSES UNOBSERVED .I, i (Jearaal Soertal Bertie. ) Milwaukee, Wis.. Oot W. Ths feast of St. Crispin, which occurs today, la an anniversary now forgotten by the shoemakers and moat every one else. though there waa a time when the day was religiously observed In many parts of this country. One of the pioneer la bor organisations of the United States waa the Knights of St. Crispin, which wee composed of shoemakers. Tha movement was started In Wisconsin Just 40 years ago and spread rapidly east ward. Its alms were similar to those of the lebor organisations of today, but the principles upon which tt was conducted ware different. After flour ishing a few years the organisation be es me defunct and la now scarcely re membered, even by the oldest members of the craft. St. Crispin, In whose honor ths organ isation waa named, was a shoemaker preacher, a teacher of ths Christian re- llglon In barbaric Oaul, and ha suffered a cruel martyrdom st tha hands of the heathen Roman consul of Oaul, In 1ST. There la a trailtlon that he preached by day and made shoes by night and gavs them to the poor, an angel supplying him with leather. r ' Oabmt Axsas tn Sea. (Joans I Sperlal terries. I Havana. Oct. !t. The ststsmsnt made by Secretary Taft on the eve of his de parture from Cuba that he would put all the arms surrendered by the Insur gents where they would do no further harm was verified yesterday when a company of the Cnban artillery spent the afternoon throwing these weapons Into the sea from the outer bastion of Moro csstle. Thousands of rifles and carbines were sunk In to fathoms of water. THE NAME sea. aa m 93 STAND FOR Honesty Honest Statements concerning Honest Goods Purity Never a question aa to the Purity of our products Quality . Costliest end choicest materials seed exclusive! Reliability Uniform excellence si we ye maintained Popularity Everywhere high In favor ; who ever tastes the Lowney p redness THS WALTS M. LOWNEY CO. Makers of Ceeea aad Cheeetetss BOSTON, MASS. Council Crest Park THE Place of all places in the entire city. COUNCIL CREST PARK is the IDEAL Location for health, happiness, climate and seen ery. This is the place for YOUR RESIDENCE There is no other addition to the city that offers as much to the home buyer as does this SECTION And in twelve months hence it will be the fashion plate residence section OF THE Whole Northwest COUNCIL CREST PARK overlooks the entire CITY Lots $200 and up. Terms, 20 per cent down, bal ance $10 per month "and up. Streets Graded BULL RUN WATER. I H. W. Lemcke Company Comer Sixth and Wash ington Streets Entire Second Floor Entire Second Floor sWosW '