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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
II THE OREOON DAILY JpURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER M, IK. Stamping Done to Your Order Artistic Picture Framing Ccstom Shade and Drapery Work Portland Agenti for Butt The Meier 2b Frank Store $3.00 ABovers $1.19 Yd. FOR. TOMORROW'S 674th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE For tomorrow's 874th Friday Surprise Sale we offer 2.000 yards of beautiful Swiss and batiste allover Embroideries, in a very large aasortmentof designs, iu blind work, eyelet and dainty patterns for lingerie waists r 1 Q and yokes; values up to $3. the yard, on sale tomorrow only S A The Meier fJb Frank Store Today Hood River Apples $159 Another great shipment of Hood River Applet Just received; 1,000 boxes choice se lected fruit, in the best varieties end sizes; the best apples that America grows, end you can buy them today, tomorrow and Saturday at this low price; fS SQ Phone Exchange 4. Per box . W Housewives and Hotelkeepers should look to then needs. The Meier & Frank Store 50c Flannels for 2 9c Yard FOR. TOMORROWS ftf 4th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE For tomorrow's 874th Friday Surprise Sale we offer a great special lot of 100 bmmi extra heavv German Flannels, suitable for bain robes, night robes. house gowns, etc., etc Beautiful patterns, great assortment; 30 ins. OO wide; regular 50c values, on sale tomorrow only at this low price, yd. . .ser v Portland Agents for Pen-ins Reel French Kid Cloves Ostermoor Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses Peninsular Stoves and Steel Ranges TS, Meier B Frank Store's 874th Friday Surprise Sale 300 Women'sTailored Suits $ 1 6.50 Values $9.85 Portland's Lending Clonk and Suit Store places on gale for Tomorrow'a 874th Friday Surpriae Sale 800 women'a high grade Tailored Suite at a ridiculously low price All thia season's garmenta in moat desirable faahkma and materiala LOT 1180 Women'a Tailored Suite in Jacket styles, tight- fitting back, fly front, tailor stitched straps, velvet collar, light stripes and dark gray checks, pleated skirts All slses LOT 8180 Women'a Tailored 8uita in jacket styles, collar lees, fancy braid trimmed, tight fitting, tailor stitched straps, plasted skirts All the above suits are handsomely made and finished throughout and perfect fitting Every auit in the lot reg ular S16J0 value, your choice to morrow only at this price, each $9.85 Bee rutn atreet winaow utspiay a very economical woman will anticipate her Winter needs for suits Take advantage Great Bargains in Women's Hosiery 500 pairs of women's extra fine black cotton Hose full-fashioned double soles and guaranteed fast color; splendid values, on sale at this unusually low price, per pair , Women's fine black cotton Hose with white feet, fashioned leg, Hermsdorff dye; all sixes; the best 35c values, on sale at this remarkably lew price, per pair...... Women's fine black cotton Hose, handsomely embroidered instep i variety of designs, including bowknots, polka dots and rings; all sixes, 40c values, today and tomorrow at this low price, pr. Women's fine black cotton Hose, outsize, double soles, elastic tops absolutely fast color, ell, sixes; rc-ular 50c values, on sale at this unusually low price, per pair Women's fine cotton Opera Stockings, in black, white, pink, blue and cardinal; perfectly fash ioned and very elastic; 50c values, on sale at this special price, per pair............ , Women's fine black Hosiery with embroidered instep, nice fall weight; variety of patterns; regular 60c values, on sale at this special low price, per pair 19c 35c 29c 33c 37c 39c Misses' end children's Hosiery. Best assortment. Best values in the city. Phone Exchange 4. TS Meier die Prank Store's 874th Friday Surprise Sale 2000 Pieces Men's Underwear $2.50Garment,95c Great Friday Surprise 8ale of Men'a Winter Underwear 8,000 Garments, odd lota, broken lines of the moat prominent makes. Just the styles and weights you want for immediate wear Flat and Ribbed Undergarments, Natural Wool, fine super weight, Vicuna and Camelahair, gray, brown, pink, blue and natural Shirts and Drawers in sixes 84 to 80 Underwear of the best style and qual ity, values to $8 JO garment, your choice to morrow at thia low price, take advantage 95c See Fifth 8treet Window Diaplay No Mail or Phone Orders Filled Come early if you want the best values GREAT SALE Of Drug Sundries Hardwood Back Mirror. beat quality French plate glass, large variety of style; values to ll.IS each; , as sale at 6t Pond's Extract Soap, the soap that soothes, at, cake 19f Knickerbocker Toilet Paper, 10c pack age, 2 tor 15 Zodenta Tooth Paate; regular 10c values, at, can 12 Violet Ammonia, for the toilet; special at this low. price, bottle. 1K Absorbent Cotton, half-pound peokagee; special at 12e Coke's Dandruff Core and Hair Tonic; 11.90 slse for 69 Finest quality 811k Toilet Sponges: 2Sc values; apeclal price 19 Bathaeweet Bath Powder and Soap; tto value at 16 "Seal" rapid flow Fountain Syringe, -screw pipes, absolutely guaranteed; greatest value ever offered at this low price, set 79 "Premium" Bpray Syringes, guaranteed, at thia low price, each 01.59 Boys' ,$3 JO Special lot of Boys' $4.00 and $4.50 Double breasted Suits, on sale at very low price: fancy mixed cheviots, in dark brown and gray mixtures: ages 7 to 16 years; best school suit bargain in IA town, at, set fUslV Little Boys' Overcoats and Reefers, in the very latest styles and cat; blue, tan and gray mixtures; sees 2yi to 8 years; splen did values St the very Sj C low price, per garment qp2e 1 Boys' All-Wool Two-Piece Suits, double breasted style, trousers made with exten sion waistband and seams taped; tweeds, cheviots and worsteds, in the very best patterns; ages 7 to 15 fBt OA yesrs; special values, suit. . eifs eP Boys' Knickerbocker Suits, dark fsncy .iiixed cheviots, in brown snd frays, very -desirable patterns; coat made in Norfolk style, with yoke; knickerbocker trousers; ages 7 to 15 years; re- (L St markable values at, suit . . P2WF Sookaw CSsy tee Bey as wlrte an Is The Meier (ft Frank Store's 874th Fridcy Sunrise Sole Men s $15.00 $ 1 6.50 Suits $ 1 0.85 100 Men's Topcoats for each, $10.85 In the Men's Clothing Store for Tomorrow's 874th Friday Surprise -Sale we offer economical men opportunity to supply their Winter Clothing needs at a great sav ing Two splendid lines of Men'a Suits and Topcoats This Season's very latest 'fashions and materials from the most reputable manufacturers to be sold at a price that does not cover manufacturing coat. 500 Men's New Fall and Winter Suits, single or double breasted styles in Fancy Cheviots, Fancy Tweeds and Fancy Worsteds, neat dark patterns in splendid va riety, hand felled collars, hand padded shoulders, Italian serge lined, latest styles Suite selling regularly at $15.00 and $16.50; all sizes; on sale to-fg f Q if morrow at the extremely, low price of, per suit P 1 VsOJ Special lot of 100 Men's New Up-to-date Topcoats in tan Coverts, gray wales and black Thibcts All are beautifully tailored, best serge linings, satin sleeve linings, etc. A garment that you can use every day of the year in Oregon 1 k jQ C All siaces; phenomenal values tomorrow at this low price, each p I VsOJ See Fifth-Street Window Display Mail Orders Filled Men's Shoes $3.50 Val. $2.60 1,000 pairs men'a standard $3.50 Footwear en sale at an excep tionally low price; patent colt, in Butcher and lace styles; velour calf in Blucher and lace; box calf and vici kid lace shoes all welt sewed oak soles, new lasts and patterns; regular $3.50 " values, in all sixes St 0 Lf and widths, pair. . epev.Ux Sale Women's Outing Flannel Gowns Three lots of women's Outing Flannel Gowns on sale at greatly reduced prices today this season's styles, made of the best quality outing flannels, in fancy pinks and blue stripes; also plain white, ,made kimono and Mother Hubbard styles. Trimmed in fsncy braids and stitching all sixes. Take advantage. f 1.35 GOWNS, $1.07 $1.50 GOWNS, $1.39 $3.00 GOWNS, $1.39 Children's Outing Flannel Gowns, Mother Hubbard and Bishop styles, all sixes, large variety, on 8 sale at these' unusually low prices, each, 75c and JVC "Nazareth" Knit Underwaists for boys and girls of all ages, at this special low price S&e and SOe) Knit Shawls, Fascinators, Infants' Bootees, etc, etc. Second Floor. Special Values In Jewelry Silver-plated Jewel Boxes, pretty patterns, great value.; 6S? American Alarm Clocks, every one a good timekeeper 60e Sash Pins, very pretty assortment: values to 90c, at 4s) Gold-filled Collar Supporters, ad justable; 50c values at &94 Gold-plated and enamel Collar Pins, special at, pair l&e) Sterling silver and gold-filled Scarf Pins, large variety to select from, special ?7C Pipe Low Priced The "Wellington" Pipe Reservoir Stem, all shapes, 50c values, each a"ePC French Briar Pipes at each.. 19) French Briar Pipes, genuine am ber mouthpieces, cj. IsTm $1.50 values pll7 Genuine Meerschaum Pipes, all shapes, at the very lowest prices. TS, Meier aV Fran Store's 87 4th Friday Surprise Sale Jap Center Pieces and Scarfs $1.75 to $3.50 Values $1.38 Ea. The Second Floor Art Department places on sals for To morrow's 874th Friday Surprise Sale a great special purchase of Japanese Hand Drawn Work Center Pieces and Scarfs -600 pieces all told, all sixes and an immense assortment of patterns 14x84-inch, SOxSO-inch, 36xS6-inch, 18x5-lnch, 18S4-inch an article every housewife can always find nse for no matter how many ahe poeseaaea- Values ranging from 1 $1.71 to $8.50 each on sale tomorrow at thia price yJQ See Fifth Street Window Display No Mail or Phone or ders filledPlan to come early if you want the best bargains Great Sale of Curtains, Curtain Materials, Bedding Great special lot of high-grade Irish Point Lace Curtains, in ecru snd White Scotch Lappet for sash or long curtains; wears better than Ivory colors; plain centers snd detached figures, with neat Swiss- Swiss: attractive stylea, in large variety; reg. 12Vic quality, Q Renaissance effect borders and inserting: made on the best nets; on sale at this unusually low price, per yard Uv 20 beautiful patterns to select from; $9.00 values, at AC Bungalow Nets, white or ecru, 50 inches wide. The best 45c Ofl this exceptionally low price of, per pair v . . ffs quality, on sale at this low price, yard Silk Cross Stripe Madras for Curtains, etc ecru, green, brown and 54-inch Brass Extension Rods, with brass ends, complete with red grounds, with colored silk cross stripes handsome styles. Two . fixtures; great special value at, each C grades, st very low prices, as follows: Special lot of extra heavy Couch Covers, oriental patterns red, green 75c Quality 59c- $1.15 Quality 85c flBs ' w . , a? White Nettingham Lace Curtains, plain and scroll centers, 3 f"f. Cross Stripe Madras Light grounda with colored stripes; also dark Trds long, 50 inches wide; regular $1 values at, pair. . . . JW grounds, with self-colored stripes; 40 inches wide; 50c Curtain Madras cathedral glass designs 36 inches wide; IA. values, at this unusually low price, per yard fV great special value at, per yard 'V Blankets and Comforters Low Priced Third Floor White wool and cotton mixed Blankets, with colored s ktk Thousands of fine warm Comforters, silkoline covered, white lan- borders, full sixe; regular $3.60 values, for pasrsfO ated cotton filling. Best pstterns and colorings; well made and fin Fine quality wool and cotton mixed Blankets, silk.bound, pink or blue ished. Three great Jots at special P"ces this week: borders; full sixe; best $3.50 values on sale at this low price. M.6T $2.50 COMFORTERS ON SALE AT. EACH Sl.JT White wool Blankets, full sire, fine quality, colored bor- sA O? f2 75 COMFORTERS ON SALE AT, EACH $1.83 ders; reg. $5.50 values, on sale atthis low price, pxir. . 4.7sf I3J0 COMFORTERS ON SALE AT, EACH $3.06 White wool Blankets, large sie, fine qualitv colored SJ1 gift Beds, Mattresses, Springs, BIsnkets ell kinds of Bedding, sold borders; best $7.50 vals., on sale at this price, pair flwtvV here at the very lowest prices. IOWA SHERIFF IDENTIFIES FARR AS FUGITIVE People Who Befriended Man and Whom He Betrayed Demand Ufa Hi Punishment. iff Bfs Paaa, Or., Oct IS The her- at Heasbolt county. lows, arrived terser SSenUry B. c. rarr. see see sismUy aristae Bore aae woo Is wanted back in Iowa for forgery and embesslement The Iowa official was personally acquainted with Fair, and Instantly reeegnlaed the man held la custody a Farr the forger. Farr broke down and wept when approached by the Iowa a he riff. He haa been a fugitive for the past two years, and so far as known haa followed only legitimate pur suits, and has been square In all his dealing. He declare that he has led aa honest Ufa etnee his trouble In Iowa, and would never have gone wrong- again. The ahertff stated that Farr would have been allowed his liberty had it not been for hla mistreating thoee who had befriended him. Several years ago Farr had a leg broken, and while he wee laid up, and for many months after, be was kept by family la Hum bolt who had taken a fancy to him. These people would not take a cent from him for board or lodging, and it was upon them that be later paased the forged check, making his escape before the bogus signature was discovered. It has been these people, whom he betrayed, that have persisted In hunting him down, and who are determined to have him tried for his crime. Farr at one time held e responsible position in Hum bolt, and had many friend a there up till the time of hie crime. When arrested In Oranta Paaa, he was in the employ of the Equitable Savings Loan association of Portland. His dealings In this etty were straight, and he made a favorable Impression upon the people be met as a represen tative of the Portland ootnpany. MRS. MAURICE CHEAL SUES FOB DIVORCE (SperUI IMm.trh to Tee Journal.) Seattle. Wash.. Oct. IS. Mrs. Mar garet Anne cheai filed a suit for di vorce from her husband. Maurice Chaal. In the court here yesterday, alleging de sertion. Cheat is said to have been drowned in the Willamette river at Portland on June ST, 1S94, but in her complaint Mrs. Cheat makes no men tion of his disappearance. It la claimed by C Cardln. father of Mrs. Cheal. that tho suit has been brought to settle his daughter's legal statu, for so long as no positive proof can' be presented of Cheat's drowning the question still ec lat of whether Mr. Cheal Is married or a widow. When cheal disappeared he was en gaged In business in Portland with H. O. atlekney. Re was an sxpert canoe ist, and on June ST he went out to en joy himself on the Willamette river. He did not return and when a search was made his hat. .cost and canoe were found near Ross island. Cheal was a good swimmer, and whan his body was not recovered many persons doubted the drowning theory. At the time of hie disappearance Mrs. Cheal was In Seat tle and was in such delicate health that aha was not told of her husband's dis appearance for sotne time Mr. Csrdln. father of Mr. Cheal. is a wealthy grain buyar and declare that the suit la to clear up any entan glements that might aria from a con tinuance of the mystery end to glvs Mrs. Chsal absolute custody of the child, which was born juat before the disappearance of Cheat. EX-BOSS CROKER RUSHES TO TAMMANY'S DEFENSE (Joaraal assets! Service. Dublin, Oct SS. In the course of an Interview published in ths Telegraph. Richard Croksr, referring to Tammany ball and its alleged bad seputatlort. said: "It Is a ease of giving a dog a bad nam, and If anyone connected with tk'J orgnisetlon, however Insignificant his position, doss anything dishonorable. Tammany is blamed. "The reformers never did anything for New York. The great bridges, the ele vated railroad, the public buildings anl everythlag are the -work of Tammanr. If there la corruption, why doe not the district attorney prosecute someone T "Tammany hall haa succeeded entirety on Its merits. It Is the most demo cratic Institution la the world. If any thing ia wrong with It. then something la wrong with the people themselves. It stands not only for ths poor man, but also for the foreigner newly landed In America. It believes, aa against fie Republican party, that the foreigner should receive the benefit of the Amer ican constitution aa soon aa passible. It stands ail around for equal rights."