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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, OCTQMflt U, ltOt If PAINTS, OIL AND OLA88. r. B. BBATM A oo. -The Ptawtr Met Os. ; window llM and glaato. in PLUMBERS. FOX CO.-eealtary plumrewa 281 Bassos!, btrt PRINTINO. PBINTBBT Artlatle printing. racxae inxo. RUBBER STAMPS. C. gcTAMP WORKS. St ilto at. r.l. Tin- rahber etamps. aesis, sieocua, te trade chocks; brass slgaa and plate.. REAL ESTATE. PABRISH. W ATKINS CO. ---- m ituibi x biul1 sWatTa? mortoaob loans Km Mala SSM. OS OSAmber of Cimsxir... ROOFING. TIN BOOrl HO, guttering repairing and '"' J. leeOU, UI ee.lweo.1 ... - SIGN PAINTERS. roSTBB A KLBJSSB-SIGNS. r promises. On price, tn ilsAt link ad Bvnrett eta. Phage Bx. M. B. P. BERGER SON. 264 Yamhill at BUM af all kinds. Phone PadBc BB, "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" A. H. Baal Co. ttT Start at. Phone Pact 1MB. SAFES. PORTLAND SATS CO.. sole saat Tar Hartaj. Ball-Marvin aafea and Manganese Steel Safe On a bank eafee. The lama aaaortment of kick grade Bra and burglar proof aafe la Bat skwtbseeet. 92 Be Tenth at. DIEBOLD manganese and ore proof "fee; lock ant, orarned nUl rty-i work ; Tacka. J. B. Darts, on 3d. Mala 186. HOST eseoad-hand I tre-proof aafea tad two J2 i 1. Am. 7.1 Or. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES at every description; baak. bar Msuafncfnrlng Co.. Portland. 8TREBT PAVINO. WARREN Cooatrartloa Co.. atreet paving. aMa walka and crossings. 114 Laxsbar gx Changs. THB Barker Aaphalt raring Co. at PorUand. Office BBS Wccoester Mh. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAOOAOB A OMNIBUS TRANSFKB CO ear. Sixth aad Oak ate.; beggaee checks front hotel or rsoioence uu-eci u - a i M.h mmA n aaaa at aaaata. envoie excaaoqe SAFES, planoa aad furnltnre moved, packed ready fir ehlpptoc aaa ahlpped; all work .renteed; Uu?T -rtorr Srick areyW Varahaaaa for storsge. .Office 99 Oak at. Olaen ft Baa. rapeo mam osi O. O. PICK, office SB First at, between Stark aad Oak ata-, phone BM: planoa and fnrnltnre moved and packed for ehlpplng; commodloue brick wnreboane with ae pa rata Ira rooma, mat aad Clay ata. CUT ratee on anode to all points eeat; wa make up carkaada; apeclal room for trunks while welting Oregon Aata-Oeapateh, IB rirat at. Panax. Mala 71k aaeraam, a .mnai: daily trios aad peninsular j traaka dsllvered et city ratee. 347 Alder. Phone Mala MT1; raatdaaea. 1'nloa 110 OREGON TRANSFER CO., 1S4 North Birth. I. Haary naniinc aaa aiorage. rNDBFBHDBirT BAOOAOB A TOAMBrBB OO. Storage. BM Stark at. Mala 407. POST SPECIAL DEUVBRT, No. BOOH Waah lnton at. Poena Mala set. TYPEWRITERS. WE aeU BealBctooa. Baaltk-Preaglara. ... A.. anv Atka, MimnlBt: lnTetttaU."Dudarweod Typewriter Oe.. Bf) Wh. SBW tyaewrltera. all makea. ranted, aald and repalredT Oaeat asaacy, 181 Stark. Tel. 1407. TOWEL SUPPLY. tusan ivnaka vaiu iwuv, hw wwmii. 1 per Booth. Portland Laoadrr and Towel fcpply Co.. Ktatt aad Coach. Pa a 41 ' TELEPHONES. TM only exclsatre telapktaa haaai. B R. El-ctrlc ft Telephone Manufacturing com paay. M tlfth at. WINDOW SHADES. OALE WINDOW SHADE CO.. S8T Salmon at.. plain and fancy ahadee made Jo order at faartfae.PBjeajMaln 687B. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. TRB BBEYMAN LEATHER CO.. Jobbera ot Hddlrry, hardware, home gooda. leather, find ing? and ahoe etara auppllee. Fifth aad Oak. M. A. ODNST A CO. DISTRIBI'TOBB OP FINB CIOABS. PORTLAND, OREOON. OBBOON Fnrnltnre Manofacturlng Company Mannfacturera of furniture tar the trade. Portland, Oregon. SKEBK. OAEB AORABAM (be.) commlaalon merchant-, jooera of fralta, produce, eta.; eonaignmenta aollrltad. 1M Front at. PVBNtTUBB maaufactartag aad a pedal ordera. L. Bueeneky'a furnltnre factory. SOT Front at. WADHAMS A CO., wholeaale grocera, mann facturera aad commlaalon mercbaaU. Fourth end Oak ata. BTBBDINO A FARRELL, produce aad com aUetoa mere ante. 140 Front at., Portland. Or. rhoce Mala ITS. ALLEN A LEWIS, commlaalon and produce mer chante. Front and Da via ata., Portland. Or. ITMIt ft WAYNB-Johhere and whoieaala gracen. to Second at. WHOLESALE crockery led tad glaeawar. Prael 10S Fifth, cor. Stark at Heg-le ft Co.. 100 to WINES AND LIQUORS. OOLl'MBUH. California wine depot! all Of trtae. Be a glaaa. Cooka' and Coafca Heia- ara Haedaaartere. 148 Fearth at. Phone f'a- ctfle lira. r. uwmti. SPENCER EDDY GOING IN GERMAN SOCIETY Journal Special Service ) Berlin. Oet. It Spencer Eddy, the UBierlnan millionaire, and Ills wife ap parratly intend to make a stir tn no rlety here. Thoy have rented the flnent flat tn thla city, Juat vacated bv Prince Hohnll)-l.anenrur. for $,000 a year BdAr a "alary aa first eacretary Ot the Axaoriran ambetaay Is tt.600. H1U M BJ DONNRBBBRU BAbsMACHBB, nMft la tu. SOB Baraaiao st. TODAY'S MARKETS FRESH EGGS AT 35 CENTSJODAK Scarcity Causes Another Ad vance in the Price of Local Ranch on Street. FOXY GAME PLAYED BY SOME POTATO DEALERS Canned Oysters Show an Enormous Advance Owing to Storms Along the Gulf Same Cause Affects Price of Southern Rice. Principal market feeturea today: Bgg market at Sftc today. Poxy same by California trade. Potato market holding ateady. Oyeter prlcee ahow haary adraaoa. Japaa aeed rice Vic adeaaaad. Banana, tied up by cold aaap. Continued demand for taacy hope. Poultry market higher. Bag Market at Tklrty-rire Oeota Today. Strictly freak Oregon ranch egga are eelllng at 39c a doaea along Front atreet today and there are hat email recefpta. There waa nae wlae a booat la tba price of eaatern atock here, and aa high at 30c la now being quoted by keedere ot beat quality. From that figure the price ralee dowa to 27V4c. The poultry market Ihowa aa advance of boot e a pound today for nana. Becelpta eery email. Faoty Oaaaa by California Trade. Although eentlment la the potato market la fnlty a good aa It waa aeearal day a ago the trade here hi aet paring mora than fl par 100 fjoaada at country polntn for fancy atoras. and thla prate la glees In for cream of quality n eaatern Multnomah and Clack am aa countlea. It now deeekjpe that thla haa bean practically the tap price paid at country potnta a aale ot two at $1,0 being merely for the perpoae of caaa tag grow era to conalgn to the California market. According to the trade here, It waa a arbeme pure and almple to throw all the potato buelneaa to the California metropnlla. It may therefore be aald at thla time that the California people ware the only onea who were talking oear 1c a pound. Tba local trade fee la rather good oear the attnatiea. bet It aaya that outalde of eaatern Multnomah aad Clackamaa It cannot pay more than SOc per 100 pounda far beat quality. Fancy Hope Still Wanted. Fancy nope are etlll finding a demand at Me a pound, according to Mr. Netter of Klaher Welt A Netter. "We opened the market at thai figure," ha aald. "and our people on the other ride have not changed their rtewa or prlcee etnee then. A report from Ooaanl George E. Baldwin oe the hop crop ot the world materially ralaee the flguree paMlabed In Dally Conanlar and Trade Re porta on September M from Coneul William Bardel of Bamberg. Mr. Baldwin wrltee from Nnremberg: The proa pacta for a Bead ens ot hope In Bar aria Improved beyond expectatkma daring utter part or Aaruat and bednnlna of September on account at the exceedingly faror- aoie weather which pre Talked, and bopplcklng la now going on aiijiiahete. "The welt-reaowaed Bavarian hop producing dlatrlcte at Spelt. Au, Wolnaacb, Malnburg and Pfaffeobofen had a meat excellent crop, namely. about tba aame quantity aa laat year. aad. be a Idea, the product m of excellent quality email hope with tlae rise, fall ot flour, and quite than laat year, bat the avail tr at tl picked aa tar gleea general aathff action mla had a eery had crap with regard I tlty, aa can be aeea from the tabular etatemeut girea below, eat the quality of the Saaa hone especially theae from the Goldbackthal. la rrand. Hera, too, the aplendld weather which prevailed uunng roe mar roar weeaa exercaaeo ita favor able Influence. "After Bohemia, England and Belgium will, aa regarda quantity, ahow very had reaulta com pared with laat rear. The reeaoo tor thla de ficiency la aald to he one to the tree Ilea la the month at Jane, which luoaalil about a dte eaae called the bladfbrand. nana hups row eia who took apoa themeelvee the labor ot waah tag then- planta will have pond crepe, while thane who did not may have from IP to SO per cent leaa man laat yeara crop Situation la Depreaalng. "The altuatloa la a little depreealng at oreeent for the European hopdealera. Aa the prlcee are rather high, it la hardly to be expected that Barapeaa brewera will All their ordere at Brem en t. aa they had laid up large atocka laat year trom wnien to drew anonui prlcee thla year be come exceeatve. In northern Oermany another re aeon whleh harma the trade between brewer and the bopdealcr la the 'beer war which baa broken oat lately between the brewera aad the bear cornea me re, re need by the rata kit ot the price of beer by the brewera In of the new tax laid upon bear. "The follow lag tabular atatemeat given aa eetlmate ef the world'a bop prodnrtton thla year In American hundredweight i . baaed apoa the very laieei oara: Country IBM. Bavaria K8.0O0 Wurttemhar ftS.OOO Aleace l-orralne SB 000 Baden 27, BOO Remainder of Oermany 88.700 190.-,. 3." 7. 500 82.500 1M.0M el.SOO OB.SOO Total Oermany Bohemia Bamalnder of Auatrla. 46S.700 78.100 11.440 M4.M0 4.000 105.300 Total Auatrla 205.040 4S7.100 France 7S.100 Belgtam and Holland 50.000 M, MO Baaala S0.9O0 no 000 Bngkad , SSO.OOO 704,000 America 2,200 554,400 Auatralla ltt.500 1S.M0 Total .......... I B20.M 2.74S.M0 Mr Barder eetlmate for thla eeaaon waa only 375.000 hundredweight for all Germany and 1M.0M for an Anetrla. while he figured a mini ox l.oai.uw irom me worM.J Brief Notee at the Trade. New oyeter prlcee for canned product have been opened aad for onea they arc 17 He to nor per aoaen nigner man a year ago. For twoa the prim thla year ore S7Vic to f 1.25 per aoaen advanced over opening raluee of 105. It la now aald that deUverlea will amount to anout oo per cent. , Southern Japaa and rice at Mr advanced to day. Several oara at banaaae are tied up In Mon tana oa account of the aevere cold ana p. ft la aald that the next ehlpmeat will be made ever the eoutbera route. The trade paya the following prlcee to Front atreet. Prlcee paid ehtpporu are ' leaa regular Orala. Flour and Feed. OBA1N BAGS Calcutta. SVka buying price: eelllng B0c. WHEAT New crab. S4c; red Bnaalan. Sic; hlaeetem. SBc: valley. BTc. BARLEY New Feed. $21 00; rolled. (22.50; brewing, 1 22 00. CORN Whole, S27.00; cracked. (Moo per tan. BYE (1 66 par cwt. OATS -New Freda cere' price No. 1 white, (MAW; gray (22.00, rJMV at Kaat era uregoa pa ten fa. M.fl; ! atralghta. M SB: export. M.0f; valley. 3.40: Cham. Via. M-60; whole wheat. (3 76 j rye, , M OO; 2 7(. MlLlTlTFTS Bran. (15.60 par ton: mid dllnaa. (24.00; ahorta. country. (17.M; elty. (M80: chop. 1 00021.00. HAT Prodacere' price Timothv. Willemette rellry. fancy. (11.00412.00; ordinary. SO 00(1 10.00; eaatern Oregon. (U.O0a)IS.ix); mixed. (lO OoaiO.60; clover. (7 08; grain. I7.5041S.50; cheat. (7.0. Butter. Kgga and Poultry. BTJTTEB FAT F. a. b. Portland Sweet cream. MUatSlc; eour, MViOSke. BlrTTBTl Sty creamery tSmWAc; ontalde fancy. 27H2c; ordinary. STVic; afore. I4h,v No. J froofe Oregon, candled. afSBe; uncandlad, S2Vac; local and eaatern at.- cilKEtn Vew- FaU cream, flata. UI4K: Young America, lSttlSVte. Pori.TRV -Mixed chfrkene. I2U lXc nee Ih- faaey bene. lSlSVic par lb; rnoatere, old. 10c per lb; fryera. ISe par lb; brollera. tic per lb; cke 12c per lb; erring dnoke. iv ; teeee. tQioe par lb; tarkaya l17e pes I WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS By EverdlnB ft rarrell. There haa been a very aood ft demand this weak for all sorts ft of poultry, hens and springs ft selllna freely. Oeeea are In fair request at i and 10 centa and ft : ducks are moving very well at about Id centa Turkeys have ft moved off very well at IS end 17 ft ft cents on good fat old btrde. and ft ft 18 and 10 centa on large well eon ft dltloned young. We are of the ft opinion that there will be a very -ft ft fair request for all poultry the ft coming week, and that ahlppera 4 ft will make no mistake In sending ft ft good-aided shipments. The time ft ft la approaching when the market ft ft will went statistics ss to what ft ft It may look for In the matter of ft ft fat dressed turkeys and geesa ft ft for the coming holiday, and ft ft prospective ahlppera had better ft ft declare themselves In the near ft ft future, for the commission ft ft- handler should know ss nearly ft ft aa poaslble as to what his re- ft ft celpte will be, that he may pre- ft ft par himself . ft lb for old; dreeeed. 20c !b; (2 5043 00 per dox; plgeoue, 12.00 par doa. Wool aad Hidea. HOPS IBM crop, choice, 159iOl9c; prima to cnoice. toe; medium to prime, uuilM; me dium. 12V.C. WOOL IMS clip Valley, 2fOMe; eaatern Oregon, 20c. MOHAIR New. nominal. SHEEPSKINS Shearing. lBeSOc each; abort wool. MtieOc, medium wool, 50ft7fte each; long weal. 76cdt(l.O0 each. TALLOW Prime, per lb, SViOde; Mo. 2 and greaee. 22Uc CHITTIM BARK OC. HIDES Dry. No. 1 16 lba and up. 1SHO lTAkc per lb: dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 18 lba. 14c dry calf. No. 1. under 6 lba, 13c: aaltcd bldra. tamnn An 1Kb anrf net, 10f.!l..- mik. SVkdM'djc: at'aga and bulla, aound. 6tj7c; kip. to lo o loa, wc: can. aouno. una-r id ina, lie; Ereen, unaaltcd, lc leea: culla. 1c per' lb leaa; oree bldea. aalted. each. (l.Mil.Z5; dry, each, (1.0041.60; colt hidea. 25450c; goat oklae. cotatnop. eac. logsioc: ADaora. each. SDca (l.M. Frulte aad Vegetablaa. POTATOES -Baying price, fancy. H0.all.00: ordinary, 60473c; lobbing price. 11.00 per cwt.; a ween. 2 Vie. ONIONS Jobblne twice New Oreeon. SOcdi (1.00; buying price, 70475c: garlic. 8J0c lb. r RKBH t-'RCITB Applea. 75c4(1.25: orangea. choice, (6,5046.76 per box; fancy. (7.00 per w., iiu,r., HnKiu, f i.w i-r iw, iiruii.. 40450c per crate; cantaloupee, (1,26; grapea. (1,10 1 0; Concorda. 25c; watermeloaM. 75c; peachea. 80c fj (1.10; peara. $1.0041.25: kuckleberrlea. SrklOc: eround cherrlee. WS7.V per box; plneapplee. (5.M per doa. vjauarrABiaEB xaraioa. new. per eacx: Carreta, $1 pec aack; beeta, (1.60 per sack; Oregon radiance. SOc per dea; cabbage. Ore- i"4lilc; Den penpere. -oe per in o- mntoee. 404f50c per box: rwranloa. SOe4St.0O: atrlng beena. Oregon, 4c par lb; cauli flower. (1.M per doa; peaa. 445c; horaeradlah. 9 10c per lb; ertlekokre. 75c Err dox; aqoaah, 76c4(1.00 per box; eggplant. l.M par doa ' buachee; cucumbera, S&c per ox; celery, M40c -per doa: green corn, (1.60 per aack; rammer aquaab, 7Sc4$l 00 per box; eggplant, (1.7S per crate; pnmpklna. le: cran- nwrraaa. local,; cape coa, s.oai,.uw per bbl. ubieo fruits Applea, evaporated. 8H7e far lb; apricots, ISH410C par lb; peaclee. 24 IS Vic per lb: Back a. Vic per lb leaa; prunee. 80 to 40, 54 Sc; Vic drop on each 1-16 amoller alee; Sea, California black. S4SVie per lb; Oallforala white. SftSVic per lb; da tea. golden. 7V4o Par lb; tarda. (1.4041.50 per 16-(b box. Orooarlae, Muta, Sto. 8TJGAB All reSnerles Cube, (5VO-. pow- (4 M; golden C. (AM; D. yellow. $4.M; bbU, I0c; Vi bbla, .26c; boxea, 60c advance oa sack (Above prlcee are M aaya net cash qoota tlona I HONET (8.60 per crate. COFF1B Package branda, (16.26416.76. SALT Coarse- -Half ground. 100a. M OO per too; 50a, $8.50; Uble. dairy, 50a. $18 00; lQOa. (12.75; balea. (1.S6: Imported Liverpool. 50a. (ISM; 100a. (1T.00; 224s. (16 00; extra fine. bus, x. oa, loa, S4.5046.60; ueerponi lump rack. (1S.M per ton; 60-lb rock, MOO; lUue, B.M. Above prlcee apply te aalee of leas tkaa car lots. Car lota st apeclal prices tabject to amctMtloae. ) HICE- Imperial Japaa. No. 1. Sc; No. 2. SVic; New Orleans, bead. 7c; Ajax, 5c; Creole. 5Jic 7 BEANS Small white. (8. SO; large white. Si.M; pink. (AM; bayoo. (3.7S; LI mas. (4.M; ox lean rede, SB Nl'TB Peanuts. Jumbo. 8e per lb; Virginia. 64Vic per lb; roaated, 848 Vie per lb; Japa neee. 645ir; roasted. 747Vic per lb: cocon nets, MqtOc per doa: walnuts. 164IIVie per lb. plnenuta. 10412Vic per lb; hickory nata. 10c per lb; rheetnuta, eaatern. 15416c per lb; Braxll nets, 15r per lb; Alberts. 1441oe per lb; fancy pecans. 18c; almonds. 1SH418C. Meats, Fish and Previsions. FRESH MEATS Front Street Hoes, fsnry. lb: vesl. extrs. Sc oer lb: ordinary. per lb; poor. 446c par lb; mutton, fancy. per IB ; lambs, ssxac S. BACON. ETC. Portland oack (locall hams. 10 to 14 lbs, 16Vic per id: 14 to IB lbs, 16c per lb; breakfaat bacon. 16422c per lb; plcnlce. lOVie per lb; cottage. 13c per lb; regular short clears, unsmokad, 12c per lb; smokrJ. 18e per lb; clear backs, unsmoked. 12c per lb; smoked. 13c psr lb: Union butta. 14 to IS lbs, unsmoked. Sc per lb; smoked Oe per lb; clear bellies, unsmokad. 14c per lb; amoked. 15c per lb; shoulders. 12Vic par lb; pickled tongues. M-00 quarter bbl. LOCAL LABD Kettle leaf. IOs lSVie per in. oa, ie per id: w-id tins. izc oer in steam rendered, 10c, 12UC per lb; 5s, I2Vic pen- 10; compounn, jua, sajc. CANNED SALMON Columbia river, l ib telle. (l.M; 2-tb tulle. (2.75; fancy, l ib data, (1.80; Vi-lb fancy fists. $1 15; fancy 1-lb ovals. 82.75: Alaska talis, pink. M40c; red (1.50; nominal 2s, ttll. (2.00. FISH--Rock cod. 7c Dor lb: noondera. 6c ner lb; halibut. 7c per ii,; era be. (1.0041.50 per ana; atnpea nuaa. iztic per id; cataan. 8c par lb: aslmoo, Columbia river eblnoofc. 7c; allver alds, Sc; ateelhead. 7c per lb; herring. Sc per lb: solas, 6c per lb: shrlmpo, 10c per lb; perch. 6c per lb: black cod. 7c par lb; tomeod. To lb; "liver smelt. Sc per lb: wbaters, 18c lb: freab mackerel. Sc oer lb: crawfleh. per dox: ahad. Sc psr lb; sturgeon. 10c ner id; discs t'uea, zoo per id. OYSTERS Shoalvster hay. par gal. $! 26; per no lit rack. (4.M; Olympia, per gallon. $2.28; per 113 It, aack, (5.00. CLAMS Hardohen, par bos. (AM; raoor clama. (2 00 per bos. Paint. Oral 00, Eto. . BOPE Pure Maatla. 14c; atandard. like; ateal. lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral ceaeo 19Vic per Tal; water white. Iron bbla 14c per gal. wooden 7c per gal; headlight, 170-deg, caeca flVfce pap L 'a . . uaaajxaw asg, eases zevke per gal, iron bbla 18c per gal BENZINE- -68 -dag. eaaea 28c per gal. Iron bbla 18V.C per sal. TL'BPENTINB la eaaea Mc par gsl. wooden bbls. P8c per gsl. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. Tie per lb; lots. Sc per lb: less lots, SVic per lb. tWO-lb WIRE NAILS Present basis st 82.85 LINSEED OIL pure rsw, in .vbhi rsw. In 3-bbl lota. SOc 1-bbl Int. 53c: eaaea. 58c per gal; gi 58c per gal; genuine ket- tie-boiled, rosea, SOc per gal; r. W.I lota. 64c; 1 bbl lot, 55c par gal: (round cake, car lota, (90.00 per toe; lees than car lota, (M M per NAW TORE COTTON MARXET. New York. Oet. M. Cotton 88 to 39 points lower. futures cloned Offlcial quotations by Over beck , Starr a Cooke Oet. 35. Oct, 24. company: open. Hign .104 106 Low. lorio January February March . io2 1 101 1070 1078 107 10M 1M7 IBM 1068 1051 1054 1108 111 11 IS 1125 1123 1182 109 101 10V2 . .I1M .1116 ..1112 mi ms 1120 lirs KM 1UM H-SS 1076 111S IMS 107 IMS 1066 10M April ... May .... June . . . July . c. ....110U October n 11188 1088 lose November December New York Bend Market. New York, Oet. . Official prices: BM. Ask. Burlington Joint 4s N ISO LAN unified 4a. hum. log N. A W. twee. 4s se 100 Atlantic toast Line 4s lip. . , o. a. a a. a L wo ioi vi Tkera are many Meat Ads la tadayg Jonraal that will Interest yon. RATHER SLOW IN LOCAL WHEAT Millers' Requirement Are Quite Well Satisfied and Export De mand Continues Slow. OUTSIDE MARKETS ARE REPORTED VERY SLOW Chicago a Fraction Better With Gain of One Eighth to Three Eighths Cent Liverpool Down at Opening and the Close. RELATIVE WHEAT VALUES. Oct. M. Oct. 24. Gain. IMS. December ....( .72 AS .724 8 ( .MVi ( .871 May T7Vk .TTViB July 76vi" 7SHA .00 Local wheat trade la at a standstill (or tba time being. Mlllera' reanlrements Juat now seem to be rather well filled and the longshore atrlks continues to depress buying for export account. Flour and mlUfeeda firm bat an- chsnged. Chit-ago was rather slow, bat prices closed s fraction up from Wednesday. Liverpool opened and cloard with a loss la all options. The Cincinnati Price Current says: "Corn basking sad gathering progressing favorably Drv weather la nromlalne a merchantable eon dltlon ot corn. Some complaint of rot In Iltt- nois. eieewnerr conaitiona are gooa. sue grow luc wheat makea an excellent appearance. ,T Official Chicago prices by Overbeck. Starr A cooxe company: WHEAT. Ooen. High. Low. Close. a sr 4SV4 x 4SVi 43iB M 44 Vi H MU MVi A S4 84B M nvta 1872 1S72A ISM 1MB 077 DS0A iiecemner 72 78 Msy rivl 77 July 18 7S COBN. December 42Vi 43 May 43'i 48 4SU July 44 44V4 OATS. December UV, SSH May 84 IMS Inly M Util mm pork. Msy 1882 ISM January .1378 137S LARD. .... MS BM 8 MO M7 SHORT RIBS. 888 BM .... 748 747 .... 7SS 762 October . . December S52 MS S30 January . . October . . 8M 742 787 January . . 742 787 sxay LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. V Liverpool, Oet. 28. Official prices: WHEAT. Open. Close. Oet. M. Leaa. December, ,8a 4T4d Ss 4'Ad Ss 8Vid Vld March Ss SVid M Bijd M SVid 2 OOBN. December.. 4s 4 Hd M SVid 4a 4 'ad January ...4a lvifl 4a lfid ss IVid PRIMARY GRAIN MOVEMENT. Chicago, Oct 28. Primary receipts: Today Year ago Bash. Bush. Wheat '...1.021.0M 1.245,000 Cora 418.000 378,000 shlpmenta: Wheat 878,080 S3S.0M Corn 648,000 2M.0M eoinV'buILbca; rgtt:,H&." PORTLAND STOCK MARKET -forty Sharea A Us km yalpsig' Bold at 63 -mternatloxu.1 OoaJ at 88 V. Sales on the Portland stack sachaac today were M ah area Alaska Packers' at' (AA 1,000 sksrea International Coal at MVi end 2,000 sharea Rambler -Cariboo at 82. Official prices: BANK STOCKS. Md. Aak. Bank ot California 3M Merchant-' Nstlonal ,. I4T Oregon Trust A Savings 1M Portland Trust Co 1M Rankers' A Lnmbermen'e 105 Inlted States National SM Equitable Savings A Laen ST MI8CELLANEOC8 STOCKS. Campbell's Oss Burner S Cnlon Oil 1MH 2M Assoclsted Oil SS 40 Alaska Packers M Pacific States Telephone 1M Home Telephone 1. 50 Paget Sound Telephone BO Oregon Life Insurance 1000 Cement Products M J. 0. Lee Co 120 O. B. A N. By. 4a 1M 101 Ysquina Bay Telephone 10 Oregon City Mill A Lumber Co 10 MINING STOCKS. Nicola Oaal MVi MVi Brltlah Columbia Amsl M M International Coal ' M 00 Pacific Metal Extraction 28 Alaska Petroleum 1 17',i Alaake Pioneer 00 Standard Consolidated MVi It Oregon Securities tlt M Snowstorm SM 380 Snow ahoe 7B . . . Lees Creek Gold - H j Taonms Steel llH H!4 Osllee Consolidated 1 Osllaher OSVi Teolden Rule consolidated Vat 4H I4 Bullfrog Terrible Golconda North Fslrvlew M M Le Roy Hiawatha 02 01 "25 S3 IS Caere dla ;ascaa .nriy Bey Heela . .... Rambler-cariboo Dixie Meadows 21 M 03 OS 10 MO 1000 Its) 04 MVi ii GreSt Northern Mountain View Blue River Gold ' Garvin Cyanide . Alameda fonaolinatad Ruth Consolidated SAN FRANCISCO KIKOfO BXfJHANOE. San Francisco Belseont Cash Boy Oct. M. OfSclal bid prices MM 15 .si .21 Oohlr MM Mexican Caledonia Kxrbequer Nwcroas M 1 .60 Vt .24 45 20 .04 l.M .47 .it .80 .11 it .23 .14 .1( .IS .13 .10 ,M ,o .03 28 .TO .04 AT M i .M Golden Anchor . Home Jim Butler MaeNamara . . . Midway Meataaa North Star .... 142H .80 2.20 (.78 I 3S .M 20 S7V4 l.M .1 .30 .! .st u 4.1 . .OT 'I 2.28 54 fl 21 T.M 2.15 .71 Gold Crown ... Oraat Bend Rescue Black Butte Bx Ohio Tonopah Rxten. Nevada West End Tramp Montgomery ai Sanest Sceptre Adams Atlanta Ssykjr Ham pray Dexter Granny Blaebell Booth Columbia Mt... Sold weage . . . Lea Star Don. Onnrry Dlnmoodfleld ... tl Reel hi Dlale Gt. Read Annex. OoldfleM Crescent Cowboy Jmnbo Jrfmho BS ..... Denser annex Bulls A Bears Black Beck ... M V. Cortisol. . . Kendall Laguns May tfueon . . , , d Top Sandstorsi .... Silver Pick ... St. Ire National Bank. Manhattan Con. I Little roe Mayflower . . . . . lumping Jack . 1 nmA Tim Bans .60 iMuataag , SI Bull Frog Mln. Vi Trlsngls Kcllpee Hold Bar 0. Bull Frog .. Stelnwsy Con, Cal.-Vs... .14 Starlight . .M North Star OBTLAVO BANK STATKMXKT. Clearing today Clearings year age... Gain today , M73.4M.Tf 727.Mi.en S2e8.SB8.4l tf yea nave not anarwered The Jew, aal Waa AA lately yon have gotten eat of toooh with thinga. Figure on the European Hop Crop Are Being Raited Gradually England la Still in the Market for Beet Good Other Grades . Dull. reading common hit Hard Stock Loses Three and a Half Points in New York Today With General List Off. PRESSED STEEL CAR OVER TWO POINTS DOWN Interest Still Centered on Election for Governor and Trade Is Very Dull Money Rates Rule Over 4 Per Cent Few Gains. NET LOSSES. Anaconda . . . Amalgamated SMIMissourl Pacific... 1 Norfolk , a tea aeon N. Y. Central Ont. A Western Pennaylvanla 1'eonle's Oaa r Fuel. iPwsoed Steel Cor.. i Reading ikopuBlTc Steel IBoutnera uauway. . ISontharn Psctflc ... Northern Pacific V. Texan a Pacific... u. B. steel... do preferred .. VilLuloa Paeltt Hi NET GAINS. Car A IColo. Booth . M pfd Chesapeake a. Rubber AU financial eyes continue tn be cantered on the cemtag election in New York and little trading I ahown oo that exchange aa a result. Money rates are about the saute, call, on the floor ruling from 4 to 4 Vi per cent. The gen eral market closed lower today. Official quotations by Overbeck. Starr A Cooka eompsny: Closing Opes. Bid. Amalgamated Copper Company. . . . 111V4 110 VI American Car a Foundry, com 43 . 43 Vi American Car . A Foundry, pfd 10O American Cotton Oil, common 84 M American Locomotive, common 75 74 American Sugar, common 183H American Smelter, com moo .1MV4 American Smelter, preferred Anaconda Mining lorn ompany . common American woolen, Atchison, common Atchison, nroferret Baltimore A Ohio. IIS IS Baltimore A Ohio, preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit ... Canadian PseUc, common ... Central Laather. common Central Leather, preferred Chicago a Great Western, common. 17 Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul ..171 Chicago A Northwestern, common Chesapeake A Ohio Colorado Fuel A Iroa. common Colorado Southern, common Colorado Southern. M preferred tivt 87 Colorado Southern. lat preferred .. Delaware A Hudson Denver A Rio Grande, common .. I Beaver A Uo Grande, preferred.. Erie, common i Erie, 2d preferred Eric, let prsierraa i Illinois Central 11 UralovtUe A XaahvlUe D Manhattan Railway Mexican Central Railway Missouri. Kansas a Texss, common. Missouri, Ksnsss A Teaaa. preferred Sederal Smelter. Ilaaoarl Pacific National Lead New York Central 1 New York, Ontario A Western Norfolk a W eat era. common Ss Northern Pacific, aaoaaaoa Pacinc Mall Steansaklp tV. ... PeansylvaaU Railway 1M People's Oaa, IJghl a ooae uo aw Primt Steel Cor. Common 64 Preased Steel Car, preferred. Reading, coenmoa 142Vi Republic Iron a Steel, common M Republic Iron A Steel, preferred . Bock Inland, common ST St. Louis A San Francisco, M pfd. . 46 St. Lou la A San Frsnetsco. let pfd. .... St. Louie A Southwestern, common Southern Pacific, common 1 Southern Purine, preferred Southern Railway, common UH Southern Railway, preferred , ns Term esses uosl a iron Texaa A Pacific Toledo. St. Louie A W astern, com. M Toledo, St. Louts A Western, pfd I'nion Pacific, com men 1S2 Union Pacific, preferred United States Rubber, common M I nlied States Rubber, preferred United ftatea Steel On., common. . . 4 i nlted States Steel Co., preferred .. 1M Wabash, common Wabash, preferred 44 Western Union Telegraph 86 Wisconsin Central, common Wisconsin Central, preferred Virginia Chemical Amalgamated Copper, si dividend of 1 per cent aad per cent extra. HOGS AND SHEEP ARE VERY FIRM IK YARDS Latter Show First Arrivals for a Week Cattle Are Dull With No Receipts today. Portland Union Stoekyarda. Oct. M. Live stock receipts. fell, Rosa. Oatth). Sheen Today UO ... 180 Wsel ago t 136 IIS Month ago MB Ml 214 Year ago 40 The bog market was very firm today with prices unchanged. Today a ho we the first arri vals in sheep this week. No cattle came during the past 24 hours, and yet the market la alow. Condition year ago: Weakness hi toga with price 16c lower; great atreogth la lamba with price 26c Op. Official livestock prlcee: Hope Beet eastern Oregon. M-B0Tn; blocker, end China fats. (6. 28 OS. M. Cattle Beat eastern Oregon steers. M.6rv (.76: best COWS Snd heifers, (A80ej)(,75: stock- LATE TRANSACTIONS IN THE HOP MARKET Special Dispatch to The Jonrnel.) Salem, Oct, 16. The hop mar ket le in e peculiar abate. Al though there have been some sales here, none of them have been made public by the local buy era There has been con siderable activity in the vicinity of Aurora. Several salee are re ported.' Hone of them are very Urge, but j they show what the ruling price ia Herbert John son has sold It balee of choice good at 14 cants, G rover Me Oonedal tS bale choice hops at a little more then IE centa to Klaber, Wolf A Netter; Frank Tergen 100 bale et II cent, O. Jack It bale at 14 ceqta and T. Q. Garret t tl balea at 14 cents. Tit report ef the sale of th lot of 328 bale belonging to A. A. Criaall. which I said te have been purchased at 16 cents, cannot be confirmed. John Camlchaet. who buys for the Bagtleh msrket. la re ported ss hsvlng purchased II bales of cholca hopa at 18 cents from M. V. Bllybu of Sola : Erie . . . beaspeake Natloaal Load 1 CURED BY whether vou Dave innamninwry, nuvmar wt .luvtim tweniwmw. .m. i.i If used as directed, will give almost instant relief from those terrible ache 11 - . r VT . . ,r Jt 1.1-t. nt .he ii. t. Mid end nthor ncttannM. Sir which causae those Intenae rheumatio paiaa Thla la the only way la which a permanent care can M eJreeted. "5-DROPS" wul cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kidney Trouble, La Urlppe, COIOS, VOUgns, Lumniii, -'snvs, ri, nauma, CUrrli, Dyspepsta. Indigestion, Neuralgic Hoadaxbe and other kindred diseases. kindred diseases. FREE NOTB-Irwe Stse Bottle " B-OWPV' (MO Dene (1.00 ) P Sale by ggssts. If S-DROPS is not ebtalnaWs la yoeir tews, order trees as direct SWAM30W RHEUMATIC CUBE QUEEN OF THE HUM PURCHASES RACE HORSES AT A BARGAIN Mrs. Reginald Brooke, "Queen of I cHesrat New Service.) New York. Oct. 24. The .Meadow Brook Clubbouae on the Hempstead I Plains le the rendesvous of hunter and ! whipa Juat now. The queen of the Hempstead Plain is Mrs. Reginald Brooks, who, on day last week, waa the only woman In the aaddl. the other mom berg of the smart aet having been attracted to the steeplechase event et Belmont Park. The hunt waa held with English hounda over the north country, a large field having turned out. Mrs. Brooks, who waa one ot the famous Langhorne family of Virginia and sister to If re. William Waldorf Aa tor Jr.. la one of the most graceful rldera in the north. era sad feeders. (2.7B3.00; balls, II SO. 1 Sheep -Mixed, 4eMc; lambs. Vi8e. ALL PRODUCTS 3TEADY queat la the Beat. Chicago, Oct. M. Livestock receipts: Hags. Cattle. Sheep. 30.000 AOM Chicago .17,000 .000 Ksr anaaa City AOM S.SOO Hm.h. 9 son a Seal 8,000 Hogg are steady with 4,100 left ever from, yeeterday . Receipts a year ago were - M,00OJ Prieaa: Mixed, jfc.SSo 40; good, SS.MQA40; rough. (6.808.067 light, M.MB.M Sheep Steady. TEAM BREAKS THROUGH AN OLD BRIDGE (Special Dispatch to The Jonraal.) Baker City, Or., Oct. tl. George Landreth, a farmer living north of Ba ker, narrowly eacaped Injury and what might have been a fatal accident laat evening ae he drove Into Baker with a four-home team and a load of four corda of wood. Landreth bad Just driven onto tl bridge on Valley avenue when the structure eave way and horaea, driver and wood was eent Into the river about It feet below. The driver eecafed uninjured, aa he rolled to one eld when the bridge gave way -and the wood to the other. The horeee ware eent headlong into the river below, but bv om unaceountable INDIGESTION A CRIME. Boat Ton want a Perfect Xaalth Once More? Don't you went keen appetite, vlgor our digestion, strong heart action, pur blood, nerves f eteel and natural strength and" health reetored to you onoe more? If you continue to suffer with the Ills of Indigestion, such aa headaches, back ache, sleepless n-iee, nausea, and dls trees after earing, speck before the ayes, despondency and . nervousness, now thet you have been told of the good Ml-o-na atomecb tablets will do you, then your indigestion le an abeolute crime. Ml-O-na will strengthen all the or- fans of digestion, no thst you will get rom your food the nourishment that is needed to support the vital forces and strengthen the nerve power ; he flag ging spirits of .mind' and body will be rejuvenated; hope, courage end strength will be reetored. The fact that Mt-onn le sold under an ebsolute guarantee by Wooderd. Clsrka A Co. to, strengthen the diges tive system and restore health, or they will refund tha money, prove moat clearly end strongly the greet merit of thle remedy. Ask them to ahow you the guarantee) they give with every (0-cent bos of Ml-o-na Thla -will ahoV their faith In the remedy and Ml-o-na itself will aoon ejemonatrat lie health-giving qualltlee. "5-DROPS 99 If fob are suffering with Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Kidney Trouble or say kin dred disease, write to us for a trial bottle of o-DROPS. " sad teat, it yourself. CO., (Dept. 43) 160 Lake St., Chicago the Hunt," on Hempstesd Plains. .uuuuuW Haaaal bIBBBjXA . nraT " vfl .ma In old Virginia, riding for gana rations Was considered indispensable la ' a eo clety girl's education, and Mrs. Brooks has the inherent at-homenee tn th saddle that te Impoaeibl to acquire through mere teaching. It cornea from a thorough acquaintance with horeee, a sympathy between rldar and mount Mrs. Brooks showed her perfect con fidence in the matter of thoroughbreds tha other day at the Belmont Park pad docks, where ehe went to purchaa a couple of fllllea for croaa-country rid ing. With all the emrewdnee ef busi ness woman, she picked out the ponies she wanted, bade her time, and auc eeeded In purchasing two racer from Harry Payne Whitney for (100 each. mean eacaped unhurt, except for a few ellght brulae. The bridge waa an old one end the weight of the four horeee end th heavy wood proved too much for it. and the breakdown resulted. Pumpkin INIgrht KAIXOWXXB PABTT. OAKS RIINK Mssqnerade Carnival WXDKESDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER tl. Mask every afternoon and evening. i $20 Made in Oregon From Oregon Wool Pinest cashmere suitings, msde to your measure in the finest manner. The stylish grays, browns and greens which are no popular. Best of linings of imported Vehetian cloth or fine worsted serge. Specisl limited time offer. ELKS BUILDING SEVENTH and STARK 8T8. 3t .A